On approval of the regulations on the organization of labor regulation in the national economy. Sample standard regulation on labor standards Regulations on labor standardization at an enterprise sample

Model provision on labor standards is used as a normative and methodological document that establishes a unified procedure for the development, amendment, approval and implementation of labor standards, analysis of the implementation of standards, organization of accounting and reporting.

The task of labor standardization is to determine the measure of costs and results of labor in the form of labor standards and personnel standards. Calculation is carried out on the basis of established labor standards production capacity Factories, calculation of the planned load of equipment and the number of jobs, the need of the Factory for the number of personnel of the appropriate quantitative and qualitative composition is determined, the planned costing of a unit of production is calculated.

Objects of labor standardization for Factory workers:

  • time spent on production operations;
  • the number of pieces of products manufactured by an employee (group of employees) for a given period of time;
  • number of production facilities (equipment) serviced by one employee;
  • the number of personnel required to carry out a particular amount of work.

Responsibility for compliance with requirements standard provision on labor standards entrusted to the Technical Director of the Factory. Responsibility for organizing labor standards and monitoring the implementation of approved labor standards rests with the head of the Factory’s O&M. Responsibility for the development of new standards, revision of existing standards, and implementation of approved labor standards rests with the Factory’s OHS specialists.

Responsibility for the relevance of the description technological process in labor standards sent for approval to the Technical Director of the Factory, is assigned to the Head production department Factories.

Terms and abbreviations of the standard provision on labor standards

When calculating labor standards, the following indices of working time costs and components of the standard are used, reflecting the specifics of the Factory’s production (Table 1).

Organization of work on labor standards (sample standard regulations)

The organization of work on labor standardization consists of the following stages of work:

  • work planning;
  • development of labor standards;
  • reporting and monitoring the implementation of standards in production;

Work on standardizing workers' labor is carried out on the basis of the Factory's Business Plan for the planned year, based on a monthly analysis of the fulfillment of production standards for the main technological workers.

In accordance with the standard regulations on labor standards, Work planning and generation of reports on labor standards includes the development of the following documents:

  • Plan for the development of labor standards for the development of new products in 20__.
  • Schedule plan (report) for replacement and revision of labor standards for the quarter.
  • Report on the implementation of the plan for the development of labor standards during the development of production of new types of products.

The plan for the development of labor standards for the development of new products is drawn up by the leading engineer for labor standards based on the section “Development of new products” of the Factory Business Plan for the planned year, endorsed by the head of HSE, the head of the workshop, approved by the technical director, before January 1 of the planned year.

A report on the implementation of the standard development plan for the production of new tires is prepared by the workshop labor standards engineer quarterly. The deadline is the 25th of the month following the reporting quarter.

In accordance with the standard provision on labor standards, revision of labor standards is carried out in the following cases:

  • changes in technology and labor organization;
  • identifying outdated standards;

The Commission for the Review of Labor Standards (CLRS) is responsible for considering proposals for revising labor standards and approving the standards. CPNT is formed in the following composition:

  • Chairman: Technical Director
  • Members of the commission: director of production, director of quality, director of personnel, chief technologist, head of occupational safety and health, chairman of the trade union committee.
  • Secretary of the commission: leading engineer for labor standards.

The purpose of the CPNT is to consider proposals received to revise labor standards and make decisions on them.

CPNT meetings are held once a quarter.

At the meeting the following decisions are made:

  • labor standards are subject to revision;
  • labor standards are not subject to revision.

The decision of the CPNT is documented in a protocol and approved by the chairman of the commission. An appendix to the CPST protocol is the “Calendar Plan for the Replacement and Review of Labor Standards” for the planned quarter.

After the end of the quarter, at the next meeting of the Committee for Labor Standardization, the leading engineer for labor standards generates a report on the actual implementation of the calendar plan for the replacement and revision of standards for the reporting quarter. The results are recorded in the CPNT protocol.

An analysis of the intensity and quality of current labor standards in the Factory's divisions is carried out by a labor standards engineer, based on a certificate of compliance with production standards for the reporting month. Based on the results of the inspection, a presentation is drawn up containing analytical information for consideration of proposals for revising labor standards at a meeting of the Committee for Technical Sciences. At the end of the quarter, a report is generated on the actual implementation of the calendar plan for the replacement and revision of standards for the reporting quarter, which is considered at the next meeting of the Committee for Science and Technology.

Time standards used in calculating labor standards

Technological services of the Factory calculate machine or machine-automatic time and send information to structural divisions and to OTP for the next year - in October of the current year, and for new types of products and in an emergency - as necessary.

When developing labor standards, the following time standards developed by the technical services of the Factory are used:

  • modes of product manufacturing and processing;
  • data on the actual wear resistance of products;
  • equipment operating speed;
  • percentage of defects in the manufacture of products;
  • number of units of simultaneously produced types of products (flows);

Time standards for rest and personal needs are adopted in accordance with the recommendations of the Labor Research Institute as a percentage of the operational time for producing a unit of product in accordance with Table 2.

When calculating labor standards, the operating mode of the equipment, the duration of the work shift, the qualification and number of employees are established on the basis of the approved regulatory documents of the Factory: Staffing table and work schedules.

Development of labor standards in a sample standard provision on labor standards

Taking photographs of working hours. At this stage, the purpose of the PDF is determined (identification of lost working time, development of standards, determination of the content of work in the workplace, etc.), and the selection of the object of observation is made.

In accordance with standard sample regulations on labor standards, it is necessary:

  • study working conditions in the workplace;
  • read the technological instructions;
  • prepare forms;
  • determine labor time cost indices;
  • select an observation location;
  • check the measuring instrument for compliance with the requirements (the stopwatch must be certified);
  • inform the employee about the goals of the FRF;

Carrying out the FRF consists of sequentially recording in an observation sheet all operations and processes performed at the workplace.

Observation is carried out from the very beginning of work, so it is necessary to be present at the observation site 10 minutes before the start of work. Recording is done in text, indexes or graphically on a time scale. To measure working time costs, use the following: measuring instruments: clock - for taking photographs of the working day, stopwatch - for timing.

Mandatory details for filling in the observation sheet: name of the work, operation, surname and initials of the performer and observer, start and end time of observation, name of working hours, current time during observation, duration of observation elements.

Processing the results of the PDF consists of compiling summary tables for calculating labor standards. The goal is to analyze the content of work and analyze the loss of working time. In the PDF sheet, the duration of certain elements of working time costs is calculated, indexes of working time costs are entered, and the same working time costs are summed up and consolidated in a summary of the same working time costs.

Analysis of the results of the FRF consists of drawing up a package of documents for approval of labor standards:

  • Chronocard;
  • Working day photo sheet;
  • Normalization map;
  • Standardization and pricing sheet;

Chronocard. Mandatory details for filling in the chronocard: last name and first name of the worker, name of the operation, mechanism (for machine-manual operations), duration of observation, last names of the observer and map compiler, dates of compilation of the map, names of working hours, time periods for observation, number of measurements per unit of time.

The number of necessary measurements when conducting timing observations in tire production is determined in accordance with Table 3.

Processing and analysis of observations begins with calculating the duration of each measurement (reception or element of the operation) if timing is carried out in a continuous manner. The result is a series of numbers corresponding to the number of measurements taken, which is called a time series (or time series). Next, the stability coefficient of the time series is determined, and the resulting coefficient is compared with the permissible value of the stability coefficient of the time series. The chronological sequence stability coefficient denotes the ratio of the maximum value of the duration of a given element of the operation to the minimum value. If the coefficient of the analyzed time series does not exceed the limits of the permissible coefficient, then the time series can be considered stable. If the calculated coefficient is 25% or more higher than the permissible value, the coefficient is considered unsatisfactory and the chronosequence is considered unstable; in this case, the observation must be repeated.

The standard stability coefficient of the chronosequence is determined in accordance with Table 4.

Working day photo sheet. A workday photograph sheet is drawn up when the presence of downtime of various types is identified during the observation process by filling in the same costs of working time and downtime recorded in the workday photograph observation sheet.

Normalization map. The standardization card contains the following details:

  • indication of the name of the operation process, product, mechanism, apparatus (for machine-manual operations);
  • profession of the performer, number of people (objects of observation), tariff categories;
  • tools and devices used in work;
  • date of compilation of the map;
  • job characteristics and production conditions;
  • names of work methods, time spent in minutes;
  • calculation of the production rate per shift, per hour;
  • calculation of the standard time per unit of production in man-hours.

Standardization and pricing sheet. The standardization and pricing sheet contains the following details:

  • name of the work (operation process, product, mechanism, apparatus);
  • name of profession;
  • number of workers, job categories, working conditions,
  • detailed content of the work with a description of the reception and delivery of the shift, the performance of operations (work) in accordance with the description in technological instructions;
  • production rate per shift, per hour;
  • time standards per unit of production in man-hours.

The standardization and pricing sheet is signed by the developer - labor standardization engineer, and approved by the process engineer, head of the department, and chairman of the Factory trade union committee. The standardization and pricing sheet is approved by the technical director.

The developed package of documents (chronocard, sheet of photographs of the working day, standardization and pricing sheet, standardization card) is sent by the labor standards engineer for approval and approval along the route: process engineer, department head, Technical Director. The developed labor standard is agreed upon by the chairman of the trade union committee of the Factory.

Each visa applicant is given no more than 3 working days to review and approve or return the package of documents for revision.

The employee must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards and the revision of existing labor standards no later than two months in advance. Notification of employees is carried out by issuing an order in the order journal for the unit. The order is endorsed by the head of the unit and the labor standards engineer. One copy of the order is posted on the information board in the department, the second copy of the order is filed with the approved labor standard, and is confirmation of the date of introduction of the labor standard.

Current labor standards are posted on the information board in the department.

When revising outdated labor standards without changing the production rate, the introduction date is the date of their approval technical director, the order for the unit is not issued.

Conducting periodic checks of compliance of actual costs with technical regulations

Carrying out control checks of compliance with equipment operating modes and other technological parameters, provided for in the calculation of production (time) standards, is carried out by an HSE specialist with the involvement of specialists from the relevant departments and workshops of the Factory. Inspections are carried out in the main workshops once a quarter, randomly, or in accordance with the operational instructions of the Factory management.

Based on the results of the inspections, an inspection report is drawn up in free form. The inspection report is endorsed by the participants of the inspection, the head of the unit and the head of the safety and health department. If serious deviations from the data included in the calculation of standards from those received are identified, the HSE specialist prepares a draft order for the Factory to hold managers in the department being inspected accountable.

Appendix 1 to the sample Standard Regulations on Labor Standards

Appendix 2 to the sample Standard Regulations on Labor Standards

Appendix 3 to the sample Standard Regulations on Labor Standards



On approval of approximate regulations on the labor standardization system in regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region

In order to organize work on labor standardization in regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2012 N 2190-r “On approval of the Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions at 2012 - 2018", by order of the Government of the Chelyabinsk region dated 04/19/2013 N 84-rp "On approval of action plans ("road maps") "Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of the cultural sector of the Chelyabinsk region", "Changes in sectors social sphere, aimed at increasing the efficiency of archiving in the Chelyabinsk region"


1. Approve the attached approximate regulations on the labor standardization system in regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region.

2. Heads of regional government agencies culture, subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, on the basis of this order, ensure the development and approval of regulations on the labor standardization system in the institution by 09/01/2015.

3. Recommend to heads of cultural management bodies municipalities Chelyabinsk region to ensure the development and approval of a standard regulation on the labor standardization system in relation to subordinate municipal institutions.

4. Senior Inspector of the Department of Organizational and Legal Work of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region M.A. Ustyuzhanina. bring this order to the attention of superiors structural divisions Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, heads of regional state cultural institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, heads of cultural management bodies of municipalities of the Chelyabinsk Region.

5. To the chief specialist of the planning and financial department of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region, Tsvetkova Yu.Yu. ensure that this order is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Culture of the Chelyabinsk Region: http://www.culture-chel.ru.

6. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Minister of Culture
Chelyabinsk region

by order
Ministry of Culture
Chelyabinsk region
dated December 31, 2014 N 316


(name of representative body) (name of institution)
______________________________________ _____________________________
(full name of the manager) (full name of the manager)
"___" _________ 20___ By Order N __________________
from "___" ___________ 20___

Approximate provision on the labor standardization system

in _________________________________________________ (name of institution)
___________________________ (location of institution)


This provision has been developed in accordance with and on the basis of the following regulations:

1) Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

2) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2002 N 804 “On the rules for the development and approval of standard labor standards”;

3) Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 19, 1986 N 226/P-6 “On approval of the regulations on the organization of labor standardization in the national economy” (insofar as it does not contradict current legislation);

4) Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2012 N 2190-r “On approval of the Program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012 - 2018”;

5) order of the Government of the Chelyabinsk Region dated April 19, 2013 N 84-rp “On approval of action plans (“road maps”) “Changes in sectors of the social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of the cultural sector of the Chelyabinsk Region”;

6) Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2013 N 235 “On approval of methodological recommendations for federal executive authorities on the development of standard industry labor standards”;

7) order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2013 N 504 “On approval of methodological recommendations for state (municipal) institutions on the development of labor standardization systems.”

1 area of ​​use

This regulation on the labor standardization system (hereinafter referred to as the regulation)

establishes a system of standards and norms on the basis of which it is implemented

function of labor regulation, contains the main provisions regulating

organization of labor standards, and also establishes the procedure for carrying out

normative research work for work in an institution


(name of institution)

This provision is put into effect to apply in all

departments of the institution _________________________________________________

(name of institution)

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. The following terms and definitions apply throughout this document:

1) approbation - the process of introducing for a limited (test) period the results of work performed (normative materials, labor standards) in order to analyze and study their impact on the labor process (activities) in conditions close to real (actual) and the effectiveness of the institution;

2) certified standards - technically sound standards corresponding to the achieved level of technology and technology, organization of production and labor;

3) temporary standards - standards for repeating operations established for the period of mastering certain types of work in the absence of regulatory materials for standardizing labor. Temporary norms are established for a period of up to three months and after this period they are replaced by permanent norms;

4) replacement and revision of labor standards is a necessary and natural process that requires appropriate organization of control at the level of the institution and its divisions. This is explained by the employer’s desire to increase the efficiency of use labor potential employees, find reserves, take into account any opportunities to improve efficiency;

5) intensity of labor standards - a relative value that determines the required time to perform a specific job in specific organizational and technical conditions; intensity indicator - the ratio of the required time to the established norm or actual time spent;

6) standard service time - the amount of working time established to perform a unit of work, provide services in certain organizational and technical conditions;

7) standard labor costs - the amount of labor that must be spent on high-quality provision of services in certain organizational and technical conditions;

8) standard of service - the number of objects that an employee or group of employees of appropriate qualifications service during a unit of working time in certain organizational and technical conditions. A variation of the service standard is the controllability standard, which determines the number of employees who must be managed by one manager. The standard service rate is established based on the average for homogeneous workplaces;

9) headcount norm - the established number of employees of a certain professional qualification staff necessary to perform specific functions, provide services, perform a certain amount of work in certain organizational and technical conditions;

10) standardized task - the volume of work (services) established on the basis of the above types of labor cost standards that an employee or group of employees must perform (provide) per work shift (working day), month or other unit of working time. Standardized tasks are developed on the basis of current labor cost standards and may contain individual and collective labor costs, established taking into account tasks to increase labor productivity and save material resources. These tasks are set based on the capabilities available at each workplace. Therefore, standardized tasks, in contrast to labor cost standards, can be established only for a specific workplace and taking into account only its inherent characteristics and opportunities for mobilizing reserves for increasing labor efficiency;

11) industry standards - regulatory materials on labor intended to standardize labor in work performed in institutions of one sector of the economy (culture, education);

12) erroneously established standards (erroneous) - labor standards, in the establishment of which organizational, technical and other conditions were incorrectly taken into account or inaccuracies were made in the application of labor standards and calculations;

13) one-time norms - normative materials on labor established on individual works, which are of a single nature (unscheduled, emergency, accidental and other work not provided for by the technology) and are valid for the entire duration of the work, unless temporary or permanent standards have been introduced for them;

14) technically justified labor standard - a standard established by the analytical method of standardization and providing for the most complete and effective use of working time;

15) outdated standards - labor standards for work, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in the organization of production and labor, an increase in the volume of work, an increase in professional skill and improvement in the skills of workers;

16) intersectoral labor standards - regulatory materials on labor that are used to standardize the labor of workers engaged in performing work using the same technology in similar organizational and technical conditions in various sectors of the economy;

17) local labor standards - regulatory materials on labor developed and approved in the institution.

2.2. Other concepts and terms used in this provision are applied in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

3. Main goals and objectives of labor regulation

3.1. Labor rationing is a priority and initial link in the economic mechanism, as well as integral part organization of personnel management, ensuring the establishment of scientifically based labor standards in certain organizational and technical conditions to increase labor efficiency.

The main task of labor standardization in an institution is to establish reasonable, progressive indicators of labor cost standards in order to increase total productivity and increase the efficiency of use of labor resources.

3.2. The purpose of labor standardization in an institution is to create a labor standardization system that allows:

Improve the organization of production and labor from the perspective of minimizing labor costs;

Systematically reduce the labor intensity of work and services;

Calculate and plan the number of employees by workplace and department based on planned indicators;

Calculate and adjust the dimensions of the constant and variable parts wages workers, improve the forms and systems of remuneration and bonuses.

3.3. The main tasks of labor standardization in an institution are:

Development of a labor standardization system;

Development of measures to systematically improve labor standards;

Analysis and determination of optimal labor costs for all work and services;

Development of norms and standards for labor standardization for new and not covered by standardization equipment, technologies, works and services;

Development of integrated and comprehensive standards for labor costs for the completed volume of work and services;

Improving the quality of developed regulatory materials and the level of their justification;

Organizing systematic work on the timely implementation of developed labor standards and regulations and ensuring control over their correct application;

Ensuring the determination and planning of the number of employees by number, level of their qualifications based on labor standards;

Justification and organization of rational employment of workers at individual and collective workplaces, analysis of the ratio of the duration of work of varying complexity;

Identification and reduction of irrational expenditure of working time, elimination of lost working time and downtime at workplaces;

Determining the optimal ratio of workers of the same profession (specialty) of different qualifications in the departments of the institution;

Calculation of the norm for the number of employees required to perform the planned volume of work and services;

Justification of the forms and types of bonuses for employees for quantitative and qualitative labor results.

3.4. The development of labor standardization should contribute to the improvement of labor organization, planning and analysis of the use of labor resources, the development of forms of using labor resources, reducing the labor intensity of work performed, and increasing labor productivity.

3.5. In order to rationally and effectively achieve the tasks of labor regulation, it is necessary to widely use modern economic and mathematical methods for processing initial data and electronic computer technology, microelement rationing systems, video equipment and others technical means measuring working time costs and studying work techniques and methods.

4. Regulatory materials and labor standards applied in the institution

4.1. The institution applies the following basic regulatory materials on labor standards:

Labor standards (norms, time standards, numbers, production standards, service standards), etc.

4.2. At the institution level, intersectoral and sectoral labor standards are used as basic indicators when developing local labor standards, calculating derivative indicators, and for the purposes of organizing and managing personnel. In the absence of intersectoral and sectoral labor standards, institutions develop local labor standards.

4.3. Regulatory materials for labor standards must meet the following basic requirements:

Comply with the modern level of technology and technology, labor organization;

Take into account to the maximum extent the influence of technical, technological, organizational, economic and psychophysiological factors;

Ensure high quality of established labor standards, optimal level of labor intensity;

Meet the required level of accuracy;

Be convenient for calculating labor costs in an institution and determining the labor intensity of work;

Ensure the possibility of using them in automated systems and personal electronic computers for collecting and processing information.

4.4. According to the scope of application, regulatory materials are divided into intersectoral, sectoral and local.

4.5. Establishing the amount of labor required to perform work is organically connected with establishing qualification requirements to the performers of these works.

4.6. The degree of differentiation or consolidation of standards is determined by the specific conditions of labor organization.

4.7. Along with the standards established for work that is stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions, temporary and one-time standards are applied.

4.8. Temporary standards are established for the period of mastering certain works in the absence of approved labor standards for a period of no more than 1 (one) year, which can be established by summary expert methods of labor standardization.

4.9. Permanent standards are developed and approved for a period of no more than 5 (five) years and have technical validity.

4.10. Labor standards established on the basis of analytical methods of labor standardization, indicating qualification requirements for the performance of work and focused on the fullest use of all working time reserves in terms of duration and level of labor intensity, and pace of work are considered technically sound. Tariffication of work and determination of qualification requirements for employees are carried out in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.11. Along with the standards established by the current regulatory documents For work that is stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions, temporary and one-time standards are applied.

4.12. One-time standards are established for individual work that is of an isolated nature (unscheduled, emergency, etc.); they can be calculated and experimental-statistical.

4.13. Temporary experimental and statistical standards for time, number, production or service are established in the absence of technically sound regulatory materials on labor for performing these types of work in the institution. Experimental and statistical standards are established on the basis expert assessment a labor standardization specialist, which is based on systematized data on the actual time spent on similar work for the previous period of time.

The validity period of temporary standards should not exceed three months (for frequently repeated work), and in case of a long process - for the period of execution necessary work. Persons responsible for standardization bear personal responsibility for the correct (reasonable) establishment of temporary labor standards.

4.14. Work collectives must be notified of the introduction of temporary or one-time labor standards before the start of work.

5. Organization of the development and revision of regulatory materials on labor standards

5.1. The development of regulatory materials on labor standards in an institution is based on the initiative of the employer or a representative body of workers.

5.2. The main type of regulatory materials on labor standardization in an institution are technically sound labor standards.

5.3. The norms established by the analytical method, taking into account factors influencing the standard value of labor costs, are justified.

5.4. Factors influencing the standard value of labor costs, depending on the nature and direction of the impact, are divided into technical, organizational, psychophysiological, social and economic.

5.5. Technical factors are determined by the characteristics of the material elements of labor:

Objects of labor;

Means of labor.

5.6. Organizational factors are determined by the forms of division and cooperation of labor, the organization of the workplace and its maintenance, methods and techniques for performing work, work and rest regimes.

5.7. Technical and organizational factors predetermine organizational technical specifications performance of work.

5.8. Economic factors determine the impact of the developed standards on labor productivity and the quality of services provided.

5.9. Psychophysiological factors are determined by the characteristics of the work performer: gender, age, some anthropometric data (height, leg length, strength, agility, endurance, etc.), as well as some production characteristics (parameters of the viewing area and reach area, working posture, visual load , pace of work, etc.). Taking into account psychophysiological factors is necessary to select the optimal option labor process, taking place in favorable conditions with normal labor intensity and a rational regime of work and rest in order to preserve the health of workers, their high performance and vital activity.

5.10. Social factors, like psychophysiological factors, are determined by the characteristics of the work performer, his cultural and technical level, experience, length of service, etc. Social factors also include some characteristics of the organization of production and labor - the content and attractiveness of work, etc.

5.11. Identification and consideration of all factors influencing the amount of labor costs is carried out in the process of developing standards and regulatory materials for labor standardization.

5.12. Factors are taken into account in the following sequence:

1) factors influencing the standard value of labor costs determined by a specific type of economic activity are identified;

2) possible values ​​of factors when performing this work are determined;

3) restrictions are determined that impose certain requirements on the labor process, as a result of which its acceptable options are established;

4) combinations of factors are selected that achieve effective work results in the most favorable conditions for their performers (designing a rational labor process).

These procedures are carried out at the stage of preliminary study of organizational, technical and other conditions for performing work. Some of the factors that depend on the performers of the work are taken into account at the stage of selecting personnel for observation during the analytical and research method of establishing norms and standards.

5.13. The quality of labor cost standards and their validity depend on the methods on the basis of which they are established. Labor cost standards can be established in two ways:

Based on a detailed analysis carried out in the institution and the design of an optimal work process (analytical method);

Based on statistical reports on production, time spent on work for the previous period, or expert estimates (summary method).

5.14. The analytical method makes it possible to determine reasonable standards, the implementation of which helps to increase labor productivity and, in general, the efficiency of using labor resources.

5.15. The total method records actual labor costs. This method is used in exceptional cases when rationing emergency or experimental work.

5.16. The norms developed on the basis of the analytical method are reasonable, and the norms established by the summary method are experimental and statistical.

5.17. The development of justified regulatory materials is carried out using one of the methods of the analytical method: analytical-research or analytical-calculation.

5.18. With the analytical and research method of standardization necessary costs working time for each element of a regulated operation is determined on the basis of an analysis of data obtained as a result of direct observation of the implementation of this operation at a workplace in which the organization of labor complies with accepted conditions.

5.19. With the analytical-calculation method, labor costs for standardized work are determined according to labor standards for individual elements, previously developed on the basis of research, or by calculation based on the accepted modes of optimal operation of technological equipment.

5.20. The analytical-calculation method is the most rational and preferred method for designing normative materials, since it is the most advanced and economically effective way rationing.

5.21. The improvement of the analytical and calculation method is carried out by developing systems of microelement standards, including simulation modeling.

5.22. The advantages of the analytical-calculation method of labor standardization do not exclude the use of the analytical-research method.

5.23. When developing regulatory materials on labor standards in an institution, the following requirements must be adhered to:

1) regulatory materials on labor standards should be developed on the basis methodological recommendations approved for the type of economic activity;

2) regulatory materials on labor standards must be justified based on their period of development;

3) testing of normative materials for at least 14 calendar days;

4) when forming the results of labor standardization, the opinion of the representative body of workers must be taken into account.

5.24. Labor standards developed taking into account these requirements at the level of institutions are local and approved by the head of the institution and agreed with the representative body.

5.25. In order to ensure organizational and methodological unity in organizing the development, revision and improvement of regulatory materials for labor standardization, increasing their validity and quality, the following order of work is recommended:

1) revision of standard labor standards in cases provided for by law Russian Federation, is carried out in the manner established for their development and approval;

2) in cases where the organizational and technical conditions of the institution allow the establishment of standards that are more progressive than the corresponding intersectoral or sectoral ones, or in their absence, local labor standards are developed;

3) the establishment, replacement and revision of labor standards are carried out on the basis of an order (instruction) of the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers;

4) employees must be notified of the establishment, replacement and revision of labor standards no later than two months in advance. Employees must be notified of the establishment of temporary and one-time standards before the start of work;

5) the procedure for notifying employees is established by the employer independently;

6) at least once every two years, a structural unit (service) in an institution entrusted with the functions of organizing and regulating labor, or an employee (employees) entrusted with these functions, checks and analyzes the current labor standards for their compliance with the level equipment, technology, labor organization in the institution. Outdated and erroneously established standards are subject to revision. The revision of outdated standards is carried out within the time limits established by the management of the institution;

7) revision of labor standards in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner established for their development and approval. Review is carried out every 5 years from the date of approval.

6. The procedure for coordination and approval of normative materials on labor standards

6.1. The standards are unified in nature and reflect the general organizational and technical conditions of the institution and the most rational techniques and methods for performing work.

6.2. Intersectoral regulatory materials are approved by the Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation.

6.3. Industry-specific regulatory materials are approved by the Federal executive body of the relevant industry or sub-industry in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

6.4. The procedure for coordination and approval of local regulatory materials:

1) at the institutional level, regulatory materials are developed by the employer. The employer sends the developed regulatory materials to the representative body of employees to take into account their opinions;

2) the representative body of employees, if they disagree with the position of the employer, must submit a written protest justifying its position, while the employer has the right to approve regulatory materials without a positive assessment of the representative body of employees;

3) in the event of a negative assessment of normative materials on labor standards, which are approved by the employer, the representative body of workers has grounds for filing a complaint and considering it in judicial procedure.

6.5. The employer and employee representative body must:

1) explain to employees the reasons for replacing or revising labor standards and the conditions under which they should be applied;

2) constantly support and develop the initiative of workers to review existing and introduce new, more progressive labor standards.

7. The procedure for checking regulatory materials for standardizing labor for compliance with the achieved level of technology, technology, and labor organization

7.1. An assessment of the level of current labor standards is carried out by analyzing the standards calculated according to these standards, conducting sample studies and studying the dynamics of performance indicators of production standards.

7.2. When checking regulatory materials on labor standards in an institution, it is necessary to perform the following work:

1) carrying out an analysis of the fulfillment of labor standards (output) established in the institution (carried out annually), if labor standards are exceeded or not fulfilled by 15% or more, it is necessary to organize a check of indicators of labor standards and norms;

2) publication of regulations (order, instructions) on the inspection of regulatory materials indicating the period;

3) establishing a responsible unit for the process of checking regulatory materials on labor standards at the enterprise level;

4) organization of a working group with the involvement of a representative body of workers;

5) conducting sample studies and processing the results;

6) calculating norms and standards for sample studies;

7) making changes and adjustments based on the calculation results;

8) approval of regulatory materials with changes and notification of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. The detailed procedure for checking normative materials on labor standards is set out in the relevant methodological recommendations.

8. The procedure for introducing regulatory materials on labor standards in an institution

8.1. Regulatory materials for labor standardization, approved in the established manner, are introduced into the institution’s workplaces in accordance with their scope of application and scope on the basis of an order from the manager, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

8.2. To ensure the effective implementation and mastery of regulatory materials in the institution, the following activities should be carried out:

Check the organizational and technical readiness of workplaces for work according to the new standards (to what extent the organizational and technical conditions for performing work correspond to the conditions provided for by the new regulatory materials);

Develop and implement organizational and technical measures to eliminate identified deficiencies in the organization of work, as well as to improve working conditions;

Introduce new time standards to all workers who will work according to these standards, within the time limits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. Familiarization with the new standards should be accompanied by mass explanatory work, instructing workers, and, if necessary, training them to work in new organizational and technical conditions.

8.4. If, during the said preparatory work, it turns out that the existing organizational and technical conditions in the institution are more advanced than the conditions provided for in the new norms or standards, and the current local norms for the relevant work are more progressive than the new norms, then the new norms or standards will not be implemented. subject to

8.5. In those institutions where the actual organizational and technical conditions coincide with the conditions provided for in the collection, new norms or standards are introduced without any changes.

8.6. For work not covered by the new regulatory materials, local reasonable time standards are established, calculated by labor standardization methods.


<*>Clauses 6, 7, 8 of these regulations for each institution are clarified and developed taking into account the specifics of the work

Sklyarova M. E., HR Specialist
GBUK VO "Voronezh Regional Center" folk art and cinema"

The transition of budgetary institutions to an effective contract system assumes that employee salaries budgetary sphere will depend on performance indicators and the quality of government services provided. In this regard, labor standardization systems are being developed and implemented in institutions.

The main goals of the labor standardization system in institutions are:

Creation of conditions necessary for the introduction of rational organizational, technological and labor processes, improvement of labor organization;

Ensuring a normal level of labor intensity (intensity) when performing work and public services;

Increasing the efficiency of servicing consumers of public services.

The program for the gradual improvement of the remuneration system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012 No. 2190-r, provides for the change and development of standard labor standards by federal executive authorities in the period from 2013 to 2018.

Article 159 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation guarantees the use of labor standards systems determined by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees, or established by a collective agreement. According to Article 129 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is defined as remuneration for work depending on the employee’s qualifications, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the work performed, and also includes compensation and incentive payments.

Labor standards - production standards, time standards, number standards and other standards - are established in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor. For homogeneous work, standard (intersectoral, sectoral, professional, etc.) labor standards can be developed and established in accordance with the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2002 No. 804.

In addition to labor standards, there are also labor standards. If labor standards are calculated in relation to specific conditions for the implementation of the regulated process, then labor standards are established to various options typified or averaged organizational and technical conditions, they are repeatedly used to calculate labor standards.

Currently, the process of developing and implementing labor standardization systems in institutions is actively underway. The Russian Ministry of Labor has approved methodological recommendations for the development of labor standards systems in state (municipal) institutions, as well as methodological recommendations for federal executive authorities on the development of standard industry labor standards.

In accordance with the methodological recommendations for state (municipal) institutions on the development of labor standardization systems, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated September 30, 2013 No. 504, in state and municipal institutions, labor standardization systems should be established taking into account the standard standards established by federal line ministries. If there are no standard labor standards for any type of work, the institution needs to establish its own time or number standards using working hours and other methods in accordance with methodological recommendations. In the absence of standard labor standards for individual positions (professions of workers), types of work (functions), the corresponding labor standards are developed in the institution, taking into account the recommendations of a higher organization, or with the involvement of external specialists in the prescribed manner.

Standard industry labor standards are focused on a set of organizational and technical conditions that ensure the possibility of normal work in accordance with current sanitary and hygienic standards, namely:

a) the activities of employees are regulated job descriptions, internal labor regulations, labor protection and fire safety rules and other local regulations adopted in specific institutions;

b) when distributing work among workers, their qualifications, specialization and business qualities, which should contribute to high-quality and quick completion of tasks;

c) the area of ​​the premises must comply with standards that take into account the requirements of rational placement necessary equipment. In this case, rectangular rooms are recommended. The level of illumination of the workplace, the frequency of air exchange and the temperature in the working premises must be within the limits provided for by the relevant sanitary standards;

d) when arranging furniture in the workroom, one should take into account the convenience of approach to each workplace and ensuring rational flow patterns for documents, taking into account the specialization of performers;

e) the work and rest schedule of workers is established in accordance with the internal labor regulations, taking into account the regulation of all mandatory work and the performance of the most difficult of them in the first half of the day, when workers have a high stable ability to work.

The labor standardization system in a state (municipal) institution is understood as a set of decisions formalized in a local regulatory act of the institution or a collective agreement, defining:

Labor standards applied in the institution for positions of employees (professions of workers) of various categories and groups when performing certain types of work (functions) (general industry positions, main personnel, support personnel), as well as methods and methods for their establishment;

The procedure for introducing labor standards in relation to specific production conditions and the workplace;

Organizing the replacement and revision of labor standards based on assessing the level of their intensity, progressiveness and other quality indicators;

Measures aimed at compliance with established labor standards (instruction of workers, master classes, etc.).

In accordance with Article 159 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), labor standardization systems are determined by the employer taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers or are established by a collective agreement.

The labor standards established in this case must correspond to the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor.

In accordance with the methodological recommendations, the labor standardization system in the institution is recommended to be established in the Regulations on the institution’s labor standardization system (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), which is approved by the local regulatory act of the institution, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers, or is included as a separate section in the collective agreement.

Thus, the manager, after preparing the Regulations, must send it (in an official letter) for consideration to the representative body of the institution’s employees. Within 30 calendar days, the employee representative body must send an official response (letter) with an opinion.

The official response of the representative body of the institution’s employees, regardless of positive or negative content, must be attached to the Regulations.

If the representative body of employees of the institution responds positively, the employer has the right to introduce labor standards and a labor standardization system in the institution, while the representative body of employees loses the right to protest the introduced labor standards for 5 years.

In the event of a negative response from the representative body of employees of the institution, the employer has the right to introduce labor standards and a system of labor standardization in the institution, while the representative body of employees has the right to protest the introduced labor standards in court for 5 years.

The regulations must be agreed upon with all structural divisions of the institution.

The regulation should include the following sections:

1 area of ​​use.

2.Terms and definitions.

3. The main goals and objectives of labor regulation in a state (municipal) institution.

4. Regulatory materials and labor standards applied in a state (municipal) institution.

5. Organization of the development and revision of regulatory materials on labor standards.

6. The procedure for coordination and approval of regulatory materials on labor standards.

7. The procedure for checking regulatory materials for standardizing labor for compliance with the achieved level of technology, technology, and labor organization.

8. The procedure for introducing normative materials on labor standards in a state (municipal) institution.

Labor standards must be recorded in annex(s) to the Regulations. (that is, as collections of standard labor standards are published, it is necessary to make changes to the Regulations).

In a state (municipal) institution, it is necessary to introduce exactly those rules that relate to a specific institution. Local labor standards are developed by state (municipal) institutions taking into account standard, sectoral, and intersectoral labor standards. Local labor standards are established below, or in accordance with standard ones. All intersectoral and sectoral labor standards can only be recommendations and serve as guidelines in the development of local standards.

The Order for approval and enforcement of the Regulations must include (an example of the contents of the Order is attached):

1. List of persons or units with whom the order was agreed upon.

2. Date of approval and the date by which interested employees must be familiarized with the introduced rules and regulations.

3. The fact that the opinion of the representative body of workers was taken into account (number and date of the letter from the representative body of workers).

4. The date of entry into force of the norms (standards) (must be at least 60 calendar days from the date of familiarization).

5. Validity period of the introduced regulatory materials (no more than 5 years or 60 months).

6. Responsible for the supervision of regulatory materials during the period of their validity and for the organization of inspection, monitoring, revision of labor standards (it is recommended to appoint the head of the personnel department, or personnel management specialists, in the absence of compensation specialists, etc.).

Information on approved labor standards must be monitored on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation, Labor Research Institute.

Factors such as the introduction of new standards for the provision of services, new equipment, technology, and types of products (services) may serve as grounds for revising an institution’s labor standards at an earlier date. The revision of erroneous norms is carried out as they are identified, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers. Achieving a high level of production (provision of services) by individual workers through the use of new work methods and improvement of workplaces on their initiative is not a basis for revising previously established labor standards.

To comply with established labor standards in a state (municipal) institution, it is recommended to take the following measures:

Conduct internal control for compliance with established labor standards (at least once a year);

Analyze results independent assessment quality of services provided by the institution;

Provide high level staffing of the institution (at least 90%).

In accordance with Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees of a state (municipal) institution must be notified of the introduction of new labor standards no later than two months in advance. The form of notification of the introduction of new labor standards is determined by the institution independently. It is recommended to indicate previously existing labor standards, new labor standards, and the factors that served as the basis for the introduction of new labor standards.

Upon conclusion employment contract the employee must be informed about labor standards. If the institution establishes staffing standards, the employee’s employment contract specifies the standard working hours. The employee must be informed about the time standards for performing work (providing services) or service standards if they are established for him, indicating that they are performed within the working hours established for him.

It is recommended, before introducing new labor standards, to instruct and train workers in the most effective techniques and methods of performing work, and both individual and group forms of their implementation can be used.

Responsibility for the state of labor standards in a state (municipal) institution, the timely implementation of organizational and technical measures, the introduction of rational organizational, technological and labor processes, improvement of labor organization, rests with the head of the institution or, on his behalf, with one of the deputy heads in charge of organizational issues and labor rationing.

The development of a labor standardization system in an institution should be carried out by specialists with necessary knowledge and skills in the field of organization and regulation of labor. It is advisable that work related to labor standardization be carried out by a specialized unit (service) of a labor standardization institution. It is created taking into account the number of employees and the specifics of the institution’s activities. If there is no such unit, the work can be entrusted to a structural unit or employee who is responsible for the issues of staffing the institution’s activities, labor organization and wages. The development of a labor standardization system in an institution must be carried out by specialists who have the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of organization and labor standardization.

According to Article 5.27. The Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for violation of labor legislation (including the absence of local acts) provides for administrative fines in the amount of:

For officials - from one thousand to five thousand rubles;

For legal entities- from thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

The population norm based on standard time norms is determined by the following formula:

Nch = (To / Fp) x Kn,

where Nch is the norm for the number of workers of a certain qualification required to perform work for which time standards are determined;

That is the total time spent per year on the volume of work performed by employees (hours);

Fp is the planned standard working time fund for one employee per year. It is determined by production calendar for the current year. At the same time, the working time fund according to the production calendar is reduced taking into account the established duration of the employee’s paid vacations (both main and additional) and the reduced working time for certain employee positions (worker professions), as well as depending on working conditions;

Kn is a coefficient that takes into account the planned absences of employees during unpaid leave, illness, etc.

In turn, the Kn coefficient is determined by the formula:

Kn = 1 + Vr / (Fsum x Chsr),

where Vr - total time, not worked due to absenteeism of the institution’s employees during the billing period;

Fsum - the standard working time fund of one employee for the billing period;

Czech Republic - average number all employees of the institution (including employees holding office positions, for whom headcount standards are updated during this calculation) for the billing period (the recommended billing period is at least two years preceding the month of the calculation).

The total time spent per year on the volume of work performed by employees (hours) (To) is determined by the formula:

To = ∑Tp x Kp,

where Tr is the time spent on the corresponding type of work, for which time standards are determined (the values ​​for all types of work performed are summed up);

Kr is a coefficient that takes into account labor costs for work that is one-time in nature, for which time standards have not been determined:

Kr = 1+% of irregular work / 100.

The time spent on the corresponding type of regulated work (Tr) is calculated using the formula:

Tp = ∑Hв x Oi,

where Нв is the standard time norm for work of the i-th type (hours);

Оi is the amount of work of the i-th type performed during the year.

Sample documents:



G. ______________

On the development of a standardization system in an institution

P r i kaz v a u:

    To develop a labor standardization system in the institution by May 1, 2016.

    Appoint a human resources specialist responsible for developing labor standards in the institution. Last name I.O.

    Prepare the Regulations on the labor standardization system in the State Budgetary Institution _________________ by 02/20/2016 to the HR specialist Last name I.O.

    Create a working group to prepare labor standards in the institution with the following composition:

Last name I.O. - Deputy Director;

Last name I.O. - HR Specialist;

Last name I.O. - chief accountant's assistant;

Last name I.O. - Chairman of the trade union committee of the institution.

5. The working group should check the organizational and technical readiness of workplaces for work according to the new standards (the extent to which the organizational and technical conditions for performing work correspond to the conditions provided for by regulatory materials). If deficiencies are identified, propose organizational and technical measures to eliminate them. Based on the results of the inspection, draw up an examination protocol by March 20, 2016.

6. Head of department Last name I.O. provide, by March 20, 2016, summary information on department positions indicating the list of types of activities of department positions (employees) and the frequency of work, including taking into account work that is one-time in nature, for which time standards have not been determined (Appendix 1).

7. Before May 1, 2016, the HR specialist (Last name) will prepare Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations on the labor standardization system in the institution “Labor standards for _______________________________ in the institution.”

8. The HR specialist (Last name) and the deputy chief accountant (Last name) should calculate the headcount rate based on time standards until 05/01/2016.

9. Entrust control over the execution of this order to Surname I.O.

Appendix 1 to the order

No. ______ dated “___”________ 2015

Summary information by type of activity

position___________ department___________

State budgetary institution



G. _______________

On approval of the Regulations on the system

standardization of labor in the institution

Pr and kaz v a u:

1. Approve the Regulations on the labor standardization system in the State Budgetary Institution “______________”.

2. The HR specialist (Last name) familiarizes all employees with the Regulations and conducts explanatory work among employees.

3. The HR specialist (Last name) should send the Regulations on the labor standardization system in the institution to the chairman of the trade union committee. Last name I.O. to take into account the opinion of the trade union committee.

4. Entrust control over the execution of this order to Surname I.O.

State budgetary institution



G. _________________

On approval of labor standards for ________________ in the institution

Pr and kaz v a u:

1. Approve Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations on the labor standardization system in the institution “Labor standards for _________________________ in the institution.”

2. Recognize the organizational and technical conditions for performing the work as corresponding to the conditions provided for by the regulatory materials.

3. Introduce labor standards for __________________________ in the institution from July 4, 2016.

4. The HR specialist (Last name) prepare notifications to employees about the introduction of labor standards for ___________________ in the institution by May 4, 2016.

5. The HR specialist (Last name) should send Appendix No. 1 to the Regulations on the labor standardization system in the institution “Labor standards for ______________________________ in the institution” to the chairman of the trade union committee Last name I.O. to take into account the opinion of the trade union committee.

6. Entrust control over the execution of this order to Surname I.O.

Model regulations on the labor standardization system of an institution


    DEVELOPED (name of division

or developer organization)

    APPROVED…………………………….. …. (executive body of the establishment

Deniya) Order No. _____ dated "__"

20 ____g.

    CONSIDERATION OF OPINION……………………...…………..name of representative-

of the workers' body whose opinion was taken into account)

    EXECUTORS (full names of persons responsible for

development in the institution)

    INSTEAD (Order No. dated “__”______

20___ on the approval of the old provision, if absent, it is indicated that it is being introduced for the first time).


This Regulation has been developed in accordance with and on the basis of the following regulations:

    Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2002 No. 804 “On the rules for the development and approval of standard labor standards”;

    Resolution of the State Committee for Labor and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of June 19, 1986 No. 226/P-6 “Regulations on the organization of labor standardization in the national economy” (insofar as it does not contradict current legislation); Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012 No. 2190-r; Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2013 No. 235 “On approval of methodological recommendations for federal executive authorities on the development of standard industry labor standards”;

    Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2013 No. 504 “On approval of methodological recommendations for state (municipal) institutions on the development of labor standardization systems.”

1. Scope of application…………………………………………………………….4

2. Terms and definitions…………………………………...…………4

3. The main goals and objectives of labor standardization in a state (municipal) institution……………………………………………..... 5

4. Regulatory materials and labor standards applied in state (municipal) institutions………………….……….6

5. Organization of the development and revision of normative materials on labor standards…………………………………………………………7

6. The procedure for coordinating and approving normative materials on labor standards…………………………………………………………………………………9

7. The procedure for checking normative materials for standardizing labor for compliance with the achieved level of technology, technology, labor organization ……………………………………………………….………………………….9

8. The procedure for introducing normative materials on labor standards in an institution………………………………………………………..………………….9

1 area of ​​use

This provision establishes a system of standards and norms on the basis of which the function of labor standardization is implemented, contains the main provisions regulating the organization of labor standardization, and also establishes the procedure for conducting regulatory and research work on labor in a state (municipal) institution………………… …....

(name of institution)

This Regulation is put into effect for use in all divisions of a state (municipal) institution……………


(name of institution)

2. Terms and definitions

The following terms and definitions apply throughout this document:

    approbation: The process of introducing, for a limited (test) period, the results of work performed (regulatory materials, labor standards) in order to analyze and study their impact on the labor process (activities) in conditions close to real (actual) and the effectiveness of the institution.

    certified standards: Technically sound standards corresponding to the achieved level of technology and technology, organization of production and labor.

    temporary standards: Standards for repetitive operations established for the period of mastering certain types of work in the absence of regulatory materials for labor standardization. Temporary norms are established for a period of up to three months and after this period they are replaced by permanent norms.

    replacement and revision of labor standards: A necessary and natural process that requires appropriate organization of control at the level of the institution and its divisions. This is explained by the employer’s desire to increase the efficiency of using the labor potential of employees, to find reserves, and to take into account any opportunities to increase efficiency.

    intensity of labor standards: Relative value, which determines the required time to perform a specific job in specific organizational and technical conditions; intensity indicator - the ratio of the required time to the established norm or actual time spent.

    standard service time: The amount of working time required to complete a unit of work or provide services under certain organizational and technical conditions.

    labor cost rate: The amount of labor that must be spent on high-quality provision of services in certain organizational and technical conditions.

    service standard: The number of objects that an employee or group of appropriately qualified employees service during a unit of working time under certain organizational and technical conditions. A variation of the service standard is the controllability standard, which determines the number of employees who must be managed by one manager. The standard service rate is established based on the average for homogeneous workplaces.

    population norm: The established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform specific functions, provide services, perform a certain amount of work in certain organizational and technical conditions.

    normalized given ie: The volume of work/services established on the basis of the above types of labor cost standards that an employee or group of employees must perform/provide per work shift (working day), month or other unit of working time. Standardized tasks are developed on the basis of current labor cost standards and may contain individual and collective labor costs, established taking into account tasks to increase labor productivity and save material resources. These tasks are set based on the capabilities available at each workplace. Therefore, standardized tasks, in contrast to norms for labor costs, can be established only for a specific workplace and taking into account only its inherent characteristics and opportunities for mobilizing reserves for increasing labor efficiency.

    industry standards: Normative materials on labor, intended to standardize labor for work performed in institutions of one sector of the economy (health care, education, etc.).

    erroneously established standards(erroneous): Labor standards, in the establishment of which organizational, technical and other conditions were incorrectly taken into account or inaccuracies were made in the application of labor standards and calculations.

    one-time rates: Labor standards are established for individual work that is of a one-time nature (unscheduled, emergency, random and other work not provided for by technology), and are valid while these works are being performed, unless temporary or permanent standards are introduced for them.

    technically justified labor standard: A standard established by the analytical method of standardization and providing for the most complete and effective use of working time.

    outdated standards: Labor standards for work, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in the organization of production and labor, an increase in the volume of work, an increase in professional skill and improvement in the skills of workers.

    intersectoral labor standards: Normative materials on labor, which are used to standardize the labor of workers engaged in performing work using the same technology in similar organizational and technical conditions in various sectors of the economy.

    local labor standards: Regulatory materials on labor developed and approved by the institution.

Note: Other concepts and terms used in these Regulations are applied in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The main goals and objectives of labor standardization in a state (municipal) institution.

3.1. Labor standardization is a priority and the initial link of the economic mechanism, as well as an integral part of the organization of personnel management, ensuring the establishment of scientifically based labor standards in certain organizational and technical conditions to increase labor efficiency. The main task of labor standardization in an institution is to establish reasonable, progressive indicators of labor cost standards in order to increase total productivity and increase the efficiency of use of labor resources.

3.2. The purpose of labor standardization in an institution is to create a labor standardization system that allows:

    improve the organization of production and labor from the perspective of minimizing labor costs;

    systematically reduce the labor intensity of work and services;

    calculate and plan the number of employees by workplace and department based on planned indicators;

    calculate and regulate the size of the fixed and variable part of workers’ wages, improve the forms and systems of remuneration and bonuses.

3.3. The main tasks of labor standardization in an institution are:

    development of a labor standardization system;

    development of measures to systematically improve labor standards;

    analysis and determination of optimal labor costs for all work and services;

    development of norms and standards for labor standardization for new and not covered by standardization equipment, technologies, works and services;

    development of enlarged and comprehensive standards for labor costs for the completed volume of work and services;

    improving the quality of developed regulatory materials and the level of their justification;

    organizing systematic work on the timely implementation of developed labor standards and regulations and ensuring control over their correct application;

    ensuring the determination and planning of the number of employees by quantity, level of their qualifications based on labor standards;

    justification and organization of rational employment of workers at individual and collective workplaces, analysis of the ratio of the duration of work of varying complexity;

    identifying and reducing waste of working time, eliminating lost working time and downtime at work sites;

    determining the optimal ratio of workers of the same profession (specialty) of different qualifications in the departments of the institution;

    calculation of the standard number of employees required to perform the planned volume of work and services;

    justification of forms and types of bonuses for employees for quantitative and qualitative labor results.

3.4. The development of labor standards should contribute to the improvement of labor organization, planning and analysis of the use of labor resources, the development of forms of use of labor resources, reducing the labor intensity of work performed, and increasing labor productivity

3.5. In order to rationally and effectively achieve the tasks of labor standardization, it is necessary to widely use modern economic and mathematical methods for processing source data and electronic computer technology, microelement standardization systems, video equipment and other technical means of measuring working time costs and studying labor techniques and methods.

4. Regulatory materials and labor standards applied in state (municipal) institutions

4.1. The institution applies the following basic regulatory materials on labor standards:

    regulations on the organization of labor standards at shipbuilding industry enterprises;

    labor standards (norms, time standards, numbers, production standards, service standards).

4.2. At the institution level, intersectoral and sectoral labor standards are used as basic indicators when developing local labor standards, calculating derivative indicators, and for the purposes of organizing and managing personnel. In the absence of intersectoral and sectoral labor standards, enterprises develop local labor standards.

4.3. Regulatory materials for labor standards must meet the following basic requirements:

    comply with the modern level of technology and technology, labor organization;

    take into account to the maximum extent the influence of technical, technological, organizational, economic and psychophysiological factors;

    ensure high quality of established labor standards, optimal level of labor intensity;

    meet the required level of accuracy;

    be convenient for calculating labor costs in an institution and determining the labor intensity of work;

    provide the possibility of using them in automated systems and personal electronic computers for collecting and processing information.

4.4. According to the scope of application, regulatory materials are divided into intersectoral, sectoral and local.

4.5. Establishing the amount of labor required to perform the work is organically connected with the establishment of qualification requirements for the performers of these works.

4.6. The degree of differentiation or consolidation of standards is determined by the specific conditions of labor organization.

4.7. Along with the standards established for work that is stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions, temporary and one-time standards are applied.

4.8. Temporary standards are established for the period of mastering certain works in the absence of approved labor standards for a period of no more than 1 (one) year, which can be established by summary expert methods of labor standardization.

4.9. Permanent standards are developed and approved for a period of no more than 5 (five) years and have technical validity.

4.10. Technically sound labor standards are those established on the basis of analytical methods of labor standardization, indicating qualification requirements for the performance of work and focused on the fullest use of all working time reserves in terms of duration and level of labor intensity, and the pace of work. Tariffication of work and determination of qualification requirements for employees are carried out in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.11. Along with the standards established by current regulatory documents for work that is stable in terms of organizational and technical conditions, temporary and one-time standards will be applied.

4.12. One-time standards are established for individual work that is of an isolated nature (unscheduled, emergency, etc.). They can be calculated and experimentally statistical.

4.13. Temporary experimental and statistical standards for time, number, production or service are established in the absence of technically sound regulatory materials on labor for performing these types of work in the institution. Experimental statistical standards are established on the basis of an expert assessment of a labor standardization specialist, which is based on systematized data on the actual time spent on similar work for the previous period of time. The validity period of temporary standards should not exceed three months (for frequently repeated work), and in case of a long process - for the period of performance of the necessary work. Persons responsible for standardization bear personal responsibility for the correct (reasonable) establishment of temporary labor standards.

4.14 Work collectives must be notified of the introduction of temporary or one-time labor standards before the start of work.

5. Organization of the development and revision of regulatory materials on labor standards

    The development of regulatory materials on labor standards in an institution is based on the initiative of the employer or a representative body of workers.

    The main type of regulatory materials on labor standardization in an institution are technically sound labor standards.

    The standards established by the analytical method, taking into account factors influencing the standard value of labor costs, are justified.

    Factors influencing the standard value of labor costs, depending on the nature and direction of the impact, are divided into technical, organizational, psychophysiological, social and economic.

    Technical factors are determined by the characteristics of the material elements of labor:

    objects of labor;

    means of labor.

    Organizational factors are determined by the forms of division and cooperation of labor, the organization of the workplace and its maintenance, methods and techniques for performing work, work and rest regimes.

    Technical and organizational factors predetermine the organizational and technical conditions for performing work.

    Economic factors determine the impact of the developed standards on labor productivity and the quality of services provided.

    Psychophysiological factors are determined by the characteristics of the work performer: gender, age, some anthropometric data (height, leg length, strength, agility, endurance, etc.), as well as some production characteristics (parameters of the viewing area and reach area, working posture, visual load , pace of work, etc.). Taking into account psychophysiological factors is necessary to select the optimal variant of the labor process, which takes place in favorable conditions with normal labor intensity and a rational mode of work and rest in order to preserve the health of workers, their high performance and vital activity.

    Social factors, like psychophysiological factors, are determined by the characteristics of the work performer, his cultural and technical level, experience, length of service, etc. Social factors also include some characteristics of the organization of production and labor - the content and attractiveness of work, etc.

    Identification and consideration of all factors influencing the amount of labor costs is carried out in the process of developing standards and regulatory materials for labor standardization.

    Factors are taken into account in the following sequence:

    factors influencing the standard value of labor costs determined by a specific type of economic activity are identified;

    the possible values ​​of factors when performing this work are determined;

    restrictions are determined that impose certain requirements on the labor process, as a result of which its acceptable options are established;

    combinations of factors are selected that achieve effective work results in the most favorable conditions for their performers (designing a rational labor process).

These procedures are carried out at the stage of preliminary study of organizational, technical and other conditions for performing work. Some of the factors that depend on the performers of the work are taken into account at the stage of selecting personnel for observation during the analytical and research method of establishing norms and standards.

    The quality of labor cost standards and their validity depend on the methods on the basis of which they are established. Labor cost standards can be established by two methods: on the basis of a detailed analysis carried out in the institution and the design of an optimal labor process (analytical method); or based on statistical reports on production, time spent on work for the previous period, or expert estimates (summary method).

    The analytical method makes it possible to determine reasonable standards, the implementation of which helps to increase labor productivity and, in general, the efficiency of using labor resources.

    The total method only records actual labor costs. This method is used in exceptional cases when rationing emergency or experimental work.

    The norms developed on the basis of the analytical method are reasonable, and the norms established by the summary method are experimental and statistical.

    The development of justified regulatory materials is carried out using one of the methods of the analytical method: analytical-research or analytical-computational.

    With the analytical-research method of standardization, the necessary expenditure of working time for each element of the regulated operation is determined based on the analysis of data obtained as a result of direct observation of the implementation of this operation at the workplace, where the organization of work complies with the accepted conditions.

    With the analytical-calculation method, labor costs for standardized work are determined according to labor standards for individual elements, previously developed on the basis of research, or by calculation based on the accepted modes of optimal operation of technological equipment.

    The analytical-calculation method is the most rational and preferred way of designing regulatory materials, since it is the most advanced and cost-effective method of standardization.

    The improvement of the analytical and calculation method is carried out by developing systems of microelement standards, including carrying out simulation modeling.

    The advantages of the analytical and calculation method of labor standardization do not exclude the use of the analytical and research method.

    When developing regulatory materials on labor standards at enterprises, it is necessary to adhere to the following requirements:

    regulatory materials on labor standards should be developed on the basis of methodological recommendations approved for the type of economic activity;

    regulatory materials on labor standards must be justified based on their period of development;

    testing of regulatory materials for at least 14 calendar days;

    When forming results on labor standardization, the opinion of the representative body of workers must be taken into account.

    Labor standards developed taking into account these requirements at the institutional level are local and approved executive body institutions.

    In order to ensure organizational and methodological unity in organizing the development, revision and improvement of regulatory materials for labor standardization, increasing their validity and quality, the following order of work is recommended.

    The revision of standard labor standards in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner established for their development and approval.

    In cases where the organizational and technical conditions of an institution allow the establishment of standards that are more progressive than the corresponding intersectoral or sectoral ones, or in their absence, local labor standards are developed.

    The establishment, replacement and revision of labor standards are carried out on the basis of an order (instruction) of the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

    Employees must be notified of the establishment, replacement and revision of labor standards no later than two months in advance. Employees must be notified of the establishment of temporary and one-time standards before the start of work.

    The procedure for notifying employees is established by the employer independently.

    At least once every two years, the structural unit (service) in the organization entrusted with the functions of organizing and regulating labor, or the employee (employees) entrusted with these functions, checks and analyzes the current labor standards for their compliance with the level of technology, technology, labor organization in the institution. Outdated and erroneously established standards are subject to revision. The revision of outdated standards is carried out within the time frame established by the management of the institution.

    The revision of labor standards in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in the manner established for their development and approval. Review is carried out every 5 years from the date of approval.

6. The procedure for coordination and approval of normative materials on labor standards

6.1 The standards are unified in nature and reflect the generalized organizational and technical conditions of the institution and the most rational techniques and methods for performing work.

6.2 Intersectoral regulatory materials are approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia.

6.3 Industry-specific regulatory materials are approved by the Federal executive body of the relevant industry or sub-industry in coordination with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation.

6.4 The procedure for coordination and approval of local regulatory materials at the institutional level:

    at the institutional level, regulatory materials are developed by the employer. The employer sends the developed regulatory materials to the representative body of employees to take into account their opinions;

    If the representative body of employees disagrees with the position of the employer, it must submit a written protest justifying its position, while the employer has the right to approve regulatory materials without a positive assessment of the representative body of employees;

    in the event of a negative assessment of the regulatory materials on labor standards, which are approved by the employer, the representative body of workers has grounds to file a complaint and consider it in court.

6.5 The employer and the employee representative body must:

    explain to employees the reasons for replacing or revising labor standards and the conditions under which they should be applied;

    constantly support and develop the initiative of workers to review existing and introduce new, more progressive labor standards.

7. The procedure for checking regulatory materials for standardizing labor for compliance with the achieved level of technology, technology, and labor organization

7.1. An assessment of the level of current labor standards is carried out by analyzing the standards calculated according to these standards, conducting sample studies and studying the dynamics of performance indicators of production standards.

7.2. When checking regulatory materials on labor standards in an institution, it is necessary to perform the following work:

    conduct an analysis of the fulfillment of labor standards (production) established in the institution (carried out annually); if labor standards are exceeded or not fulfilled by 15% or more, it is necessary to organize a check of indicators of labor standards and norms;

    issue a regulation (order, instruction) on conducting an inspection of regulatory materials indicating the period;

    establish a responsible unit for the process of checking regulatory materials on labor standards at the enterprise level;

    organizing a working group with the involvement of a representative body of workers;

    conducting sample studies, processing results;

    calculating norms and standards for sample studies;

    making changes and adjustments based on the calculation results;

    approval of regulatory materials with changes and notification of employees in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.3. The detailed procedure for checking normative materials on labor standards is set out in the relevant methodological recommendations.

8. The procedure for introducing regulatory materials on labor standards in an institution

8.1. Regulatory materials for labor standardization, approved in the established manner, are introduced into the institution’s workplaces in accordance with their scope and scope on the basis of an order from the manager, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

8.2. To ensure the effective implementation and mastery of regulatory materials in the institution, the following activities should be carried out:

Check the organizational and technical readiness of workplaces to work according to the new standards (to what extent the organizational and technical conditions for performing work correspond to the conditions provided for by the new regulatory materials);

Develop and implement organizational and technical measures to eliminate identified deficiencies in the organization of work, as well as to improve working conditions;

Introduce new time standards to all employees who will work according to them, within the time limits in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.3. Familiarization with the new standards should be accompanied by mass explanatory work, instructing workers, and, if necessary, training them to work in new organizational and technical conditions.

8.4. If, during the specified preparatory work, it turns out that the existing organizational and technical conditions in the institution are more advanced than the conditions provided for in the new norms or regulations, and the current local norms for the relevant work are more progressive than the new norms, then the new norms or regulations are not implemented .

8.5. In those institutions where the actual organizational and technical conditions coincide with the conditions provided for in the collection, new norms or standards are introduced without any changes.

8.6. For work not covered by the new regulatory materials, local reasonable time standards are established, calculated by labor standardization methods.


Chairman of the trade union committee Managing director

________________ _______________


on the procedure for establishing and revising labor standards in the “ENTERPRISE”.

1 area of ​​use.

1.1. This provision determines the procedure for the development and application of labor standards, the organization of remuneration, the tariffication of work and workers and other issues resolved by the labor standardization service (division).

1.2. The position corresponds to:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Regulations on the organization of labor standardization in the national economy, State Committee for Labor of the USSR, 1986. (The only surviving and not canceled document concerning the organization of labor standards).

2. Structure of the labor regulation service.

2.1. The enterprise's labor regulation and remuneration service consists of the following divisions:

  • labor and wages department;
  • bureau of labor and wages of workshops.

In departments, by order of the head of the department, a specialist is appointed to prepare documentation on labor and salary issues, which must be reflected in his job description.

2.2. The Labor and Wages Department of the "Enterprise" organizes its work in accordance with the "Regulations on the Labor and Wages Department."

2.3. The labor and wage bureaus of workshops organize their work in accordance with the “Regulations on the labor and wage bureaus of the workshop.”

2.4. Managers and specialists of the labor and wages department and safety equipment departments perform their duties in accordance with job descriptions.

3. Establishment of labor standards.

3.1. Types of labor standards applied at the enterprise:

3.1.1. Time standard is the amount of working time in minutes (hours) established to perform a unit of work (production operation, set of operations, one product, etc.) by one employee or group of employees (team) of a certain qualification in the organizational and technical existing at the enterprise conditions.

3.1.2. A service standard is an established amount of work to maintain an employee or group of employees (team) of a certain number of objects (equipment units, production areas, workplaces, etc.) during a work shift or work month. In addition, service standards are developed to establish time standards for multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance.

3.1.3. The norm (standard) for the number of workers and employees is the established number of employees of the corresponding professional qualifications to perform certain production, management functions or volumes of work. They are used in the form of staffing schedules for auxiliary workers and employees.

3.2. Depending on the standardization method, labor standards are divided into technically justified and experimentally statistical.

3.2.1. Technically sound standards are considered to be labor standards calculated:

  • using computer technology using programs developed according to the technical specifications of the department of labor and wages, or purchased at the Kazan NIAT;
  • according to labor cost standards allowed for use at the enterprise in accordance with the RTMP (Guiding Technical Material of the Enterprise - a separate document that lists the applicable sources of standards or automated programs for calculating labor intensity standards acquired or developed at the enterprise itself).
  • based on time observations;

The basis for establishing a technically justified standard for operations performed on computer-controlled machines is an act (f. OPU), submitted by the department of computer-controlled machines (OPU) of the OGT (department of the chief technologist).

3.2.2. Experienced-statistical standards are considered to be standards established based on statistical data on similar parts, or on the basis of the experience of a foreman or labor standards engineer.

3.3. Depending on the period of validity, labor standards are divided into permanent (conditionally permanent), temporary and one-time.

3.3.1. Permanent (conditionally constant) time standards are established for an indefinite period. Permanent norms should only indicate the date of their entry into force. The expiration date of the permanent norm is not specified. The start date for the norms is written down either on the cover of the folder, or on each sheet of time norms and prices.

3.3.2. Temporary standards may be established for the period of development of products, equipment, and technology for a period of no more than 3 months. After this period, the temporary norms are replaced by permanent ones. The status of the norms “Temporary” is recorded in the top field of the sheet of time norms and prices. In addition, the start and end dates of their validity must also be indicated there. For example: "Temporary, for the period from April 1 to June 30 200__year". If some of the operations are temporary (for example, when new operations are introduced into a permanent technological process), all temporary operations should be drawn up on a separate VNiR sheet (Statement of Standards and Prices) and agreed upon in the established manner.

The validity period of the temporary norm can be extended by a joint decision of the workshop and the HTA for a period of no more than three months, if by the time the initial three-month period expires there is no permanent technology.

3.3.3. One-time norms are assigned for casual work (emergency, household, etc.) for the period of performance of this work. After completing this work, the one-time time norm loses its meaning.

The status of the norms "One-time" is indicated on the top field of the sheet of time norms and prices.

3.3.4. The status of the norm, like the norm itself, is considered valid only if there are signatures provided for in the list of time and price standards (VNiR).

3.4. The company applies piece time standards. Preparatory and final time for machine tools (stamping, welding, etc.) is not included in the piece time and is paid separately. Preparatory - final time for handmade, as a rule, is included in the piece time. An indication of this is contained in the annotation to specific time standards.

3.5. The calculation of preparatory and final time standards and their application do not differ from the calculation and application of piece time standards.

3.6. Labor standards must be recorded in the appropriate document form:

  • time standards - in the list of time standards and prices (VNiR);
  • norms for the number of auxiliary workers and employees - in staffing tables.

4. Calculation of technically sound time standards (TON).

4.1. The calculation of TON is carried out by specialized units of the Chief Specialists (OGT, OGS, OGMet) according to programs purchased at the Kazan NIAT (in this case, specific software products developed specifically for the enterprise in accordance with the industry) or developed at the “ENTERPRISE” on the basis technical assignments regulatory and research sector of occupational health and safety.

4.2. In the absence of software, the calculation of TOE is carried out manually by BTZ shops on the basis of time standards and cutting modes permitted for use at the enterprise in accordance with the RTMP (Guiding Technical Material of the Enterprise - a separate document that lists the applied sources of standards or automated programs for calculating labor intensity standards). List of standards.

4.3. Cutting modes established and entered into technological maps by workshop technologists must be accepted by workshop labor standardization engineers as guidelines that must be followed.

4.4. Labor standards for operations with an indefinite amount of work (performed as needed, taking into account selectivity of control, etc.) are established only on the basis of photo-chronometric observations. To determine the time standard, the total time to complete the work for the entire batch of parts is divided by the size of the batch. The time of regulated breaks is added to the received time.

5. Labor rationing during the implementation of multi-machine (multi-unit) service.

5.1. When transferring to multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance of all types of equipment (universal metal-cutting equipment, automatic and semi-automatic machines, including CNC machines; units, devices, installations, etc.), the new time standard is calculated using the formula:

Tms = Tsht * K, where:

Tms is the projected norm of piece time for multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance.

Tsht - the current payment or technically justified time standard;

K = coefficient to the current time standard (see table).

These coefficients correspond to Table 1 of the instructions - “Calculation of standards for multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance and the procedure for their implementation.”

5.2 Calculation of multi-machine maintenance standards and the procedure for their implementation in production are carried out in strict accordance with the “INSTRUCTIONS”.

5.3. The maintenance standards for machines (units) should be taken from technological map. If controversial situations arise, monitor the employment of workers using photographs of the working day, in which the availability of machine-free time and equipment downtime due to the worker’s employment at other jobs is analyzed.

5.4. The status of the new norm (TON or experimental-statistical) depends on the status of the original norm, that is, if the original norm is technically justified, then the norm for multi-machine (multi-unit) maintenance will also be technically justified. The maintenance rate indicated in the flow chart, but not confirmed by calculation, should not be considered technically justified.

6. Standards for rationing labor.

6.1. The "ENTERPRISE" applies standards for rationing labor (standards for time, cutting modes, number, as well as software for personal computers) approved for use in accordance with the RTMP (a separate document that lists the applicable sources of standards or automated programs for calculating labor intensity standards). The list of standards has been agreed upon with the ENTERPRISE trade union committee.

6.2. A change in cutting modes established by standards or the Norma program can be made by order of the chief engineer, and in the event of an expected increase in labor intensity, the author of the change must justify its reasons.

7. Determination of the number of simultaneously processed parts.

7.1. As a general rule, the number of simultaneously processed parts is taken from the technological map (TC) or determined by calculation based on the information contained in the TC (for example, calculation based on the consumption rate).

7.2. If there is no information in the technical specifications, the number of simultaneously processed parts should be calculated using the formula (except for parts made from bulk and liquid components):

n = 1500 / M ^ 0.4 / B ^ 0.7 / L ^ 0.7, but not less than one part; Where:

n - number of simultaneously processed parts;

M - mass of the part, kg.

B - part width, mm.

L - part length, mm.

7.3. The number of simultaneously processed parts made from bulk and liquid components is determined by calculation based on the loading rate and consumption rate.

8. Composition of the norm for piece time.

8.1. Formula for calculating the rate of piece time: Tsht = Tosn + Tvsp + Tobs + Tol.

8.2. Basic time (Tosn) is the time spent by the worker on actions to qualitatively and quantitatively change the subject of labor (its shape, size, appearance, mechanical properties, etc.).

8.3. Auxiliary time (Tvsp) is the time spent by a worker on actions that ensure the completion of the main work (installation and removal of parts, moving parts within the work area, operating equipment, reinstalling tools, control measurements, worker movements necessary to perform the operation, and others similar work. Main and auxiliary time form operational time.

8.4. Workplace maintenance time (Tobs) is the time spent by a worker on maintaining the workplace (replacing tools, fixtures, moving workpieces (parts) within the workplace, lubricating equipment, removing waste and chips, etc.)

8.5. Time for rest and personal needs (Toln) is the time provided for rest in order to prevent overwork, as well as for personal hygiene and natural needs.

8.6. Calculation of the standard piece time is made on the basis of current time standards and cutting modes, or using timing observations and photographs of the working day.

8.7. In mechanized and automated production, a significant share is occupied by the time spent by workers monitoring the operation of equipment (technological time), which can be active or passive.

8.8. The time of active monitoring of equipment operation is the time during which the worker closely monitors the operation of the equipment, the progress of the technological process, and compliance with the specified parameters (cutting conditions, temperature, pressure, etc.). In each specific case, the time of active observation is determined using timing data or EDF. In the absence of this information, the active observation time is taken to be 5% of the main one, but not less than 2 minutes. If the technological time is less than 2 minutes, then it should be included in the time standard entirely at actual costs.

8.9. Passive observation time (non-overlapping time) is the time when there is no need for constant monitoring of the operation of equipment or a technological process, but the worker carries it out due to the lack of other work. With good organization of work, the time of passive observation should be overlapped by other work; in this case, the overlapped part of the passive time is not included in the piece time.

8.10. Time standards with completely unused technological time are not considered technically sound.

9. Revision of existing and introduction of new labor standards.

9.1. In order to reduce labor costs and ensure the progressiveness of current standards at the enterprise, before the onset of the new year, a calendar plan is being developed for the replacement and revision of conditionally permanent labor standards.

When developing a plan, the following are taken into account:

  • level of fulfillment of time standards for the last three months before the development of the plan;
  • level of technically sound labor standards;
  • presence of lost working time according to photographs of the working day;

9.2. A massive revision of conditionally permanent and temporary labor standards is carried out simultaneously in all workshops in accordance with the order of the managing director, agreed with the trade union committee of the "ENTERPRISE".

9.3. The shop manager has the right to revise conditionally permanent and temporary labor standards (tightening or redistributing labor intensity within products) in the areas and services of the shop by order of the shop, agreed upon with the HSE "ENTERPRISE" and the shop committee of the trade union.

9.4. A massive revision of conditionally permanent and temporary labor standards is carried out in the presence of the following factors:

  • the presence of outdated and erroneously established labor standards;
  • improvement of organizational, technical, sanitary, hygienic and other production conditions;
  • training of workers at the expense of the enterprise in colleges, advanced training courses, etc., and the subsequent increase in the qualifications and professional skills of workers;
  • increase in batches of manufactured parts.

9.5. Outdated standards are standards of time, service, number, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in the organization of production and labor, an increase in production volumes, an increase in professional skills by training workers at the expense of the enterprise and improving the production skills of workers.

9.6. Erroneously established standards are labor standards in which organizational, technical and other conditions are incorrectly taken into account or errors were made when applying labor standards or when making calculations.

Revision of erroneously established standards is carried out as they are identified.

9.7. A sign of an erroneous or outdated time norm is a high percentage of norm revisions. A high percentage of norms being processed at a technically justified norm indicates either the exceptional abilities of the worker or poor quality calculations. For such operations, it is necessary to either re-calculate the OET or conduct time-keeping observations.

9.8. Conditionally - permanent and temporary labor standards are subject to mandatory and immediate replacement with new ones when the technological process changes as organizational, technical and other measures are introduced into production, carried out on the initiative of the engineering services of the enterprise and workshops and ensuring an increase in labor productivity.. Such measures include : introduction of new and modernization of existing equipment or tools, introduction of more advanced technology or workpieces, improvement of equipment and tools, mechanization and automation production processes, improving the organization of jobs and their rationalization, etc. In this case, both permanent and temporary time standards can be established.

9.9. After their revision, permanent labor standards must be introduced taking into account the opinion of the shop committee of the trade union. Temporary and one-time labor standards are introduced without taking into account the opinion of the shop committee of the trade union. Reducing labor intensity when converting temporary norms into permanent ones is also carried out without taking into account the opinion of the shop committee of the trade union.

9.10. To obtain the “opinion” of the trade union organization of the shop (see Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the head of the BTZ shop, before approving new labor standards after the completion of the revision, submits the following documents to the shop committee of the trade union:

  • the results of the revision of standards for sections and the workshop as a whole (percentage of reduction in labor intensity, residual percentage of reworking of standards, level of technical requirements before and after the revision, planned level of wages for workers at basic output and taking into account the planned increase in labor productivity);
  • statements by workers who do not agree with the planned standards, and a proposed decision with a reasoned justification.

Within five days, the workshop committee must issue a protocol to the workshop administration indicating agreement or disagreement with the proposed labor standards. If you disagree, indicate the reasons. The reasons for disagreement must be properly reasoned and presented in the form of a calculation.

A meeting of the shop committee to approve new time standards should be held at the end of the two-month period provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation to familiarize themselves with the new labor standards.

9.11. Employees must be notified of the introduction of new standards after revision no later than two months in advance. Employees may be notified of the introduction of temporary and one-time labor standards in less than two months, but in all cases before the start of work.

9.12. Workers are notified of the existence of new standards after their revision at a site meeting. The labor standards engineer of the BTZ workshop must issue new (revised) time standards and prices to the site and bring to the attention of the workers the following information:

  • number of the order for the enterprise (for the workshop), on the basis of which the revision of time standards was carried out;
  • results of the revision of standards by section (percentage of reduction in labor intensity, residual percentage of revision of standards by section and individual workers, level of labor requirements before and after the revision, expected level of wages at basic output and taking into account the increase tariff rates and planned growth of labor productivity);

Two months after the issuance of standards for a site, it is assumed that all workers in the site are familiar with the labor standards. The review period begins on the day following the day the standards are issued for the site.

The familiarization procedure outlined above must be reflected in the protocol general meeting plot. A copy of the protocol must be kept in the workshop's BTZ.

9.13. Notification of workers about the presence of permanent standards when introducing new parts (operations) is carried out by the labor standardization engineer of the BTZ workshop by issuing to the site statements of standards and prices with a message about this to the senior (shift) foreman. The time standard begins to apply immediately after its development, without observing a two-month review period.

9.14. Notification of workers about the implementation of technically sound standards is carried out in the same way (see clause 2.12). The time limit begins to apply two months after familiarization.

9.15. Notification of workers about the availability of temporary time standards is carried out either by issuing a sheet of time standards and prices to the site, or by recording the time standard in the work order.

9.16. Statements from workers about their disagreement with the proposed time standards within two months after their revision, as well as in other cases, are submitted to the head of the workshop and are subject to mandatory registration. Consideration of applications is carried out by a commission consisting of the head of the workshop or someone appointed by him official, the head of the BTZ, the senior (shift) foreman of the corresponding site, the site technologist, the chairman of the shop committee of the trade union, the author of the application. A reasoned decision is made on each application.

9.17. The approval of new standards after their revision is carried out by order of the workshop; in all other cases, time standards are considered approved if the list of time standards and prices is signed by the head of the workshop. The order is issued after the workshop committee has held to agree on the standards, but no later than the end of the two-month review period.

9.18. The managing director of the "ENTERPRISE" delegates to superiors in accordance with the established procedure production workshops and the head of OTiZ the joint right to approve all time standards for the main workers (conditionally - permanent, temporary, one-time). In other words, the time standard is considered approved if there are two signatures - the workshop manager and the HSE manager.

9.19. The presence of signatures required by the form of the statement of time standards and prices (V&R) for newly introduced parts (operations) is mandatory. In order to simplify the procedure for collecting signatures (only after revision of the standards), it is allowed to place all signatures on the first page of the bound VNiR book. On behalf of the labor and wages department, the V&R books are signed by the leading engineer of the relevant workshop.

Correction of any details of the statement of time standards and prices after its approval by the OTiZ is allowed only on the basis of notices of changes in V&R, issued accordingly.

9.20. If the above conditions are met, a two-month period of familiarization with time standards is not required in the following cases:

  • when transferring an operation to another worker in the same area;
  • when transferring operations from site to site or from workshop to workshop;
  • when new workers enter the workshop.

9.21. The norms for the number of auxiliary work shops and departments (staffing schedules) are signed by the head of the shop (department), agreed upon with the head of safety and health protection and approved financial director- Deputy head of the enterprise.

9.22. The norms for the number of employees in workshops and departments (staffing schedules) are signed by the head of the workshop (department), agreed upon with the head of the safety and health department and approved by the managing director of the ENTERPRISE.

9.23. The use in a workshop (department) of unapproved and unagreed labor standards in accordance with the requirements of this provision entails administrative liability, to which the following may be brought:

  • head of the workshop (department);
  • the head of the BTZ workshop or the person performing these functions;
  • senior (shift) foreman of the corresponding section.

9.24. Statements of time standards and prices with permanent, temporary and one-time time standards are sent to the central regulatory framework enterprises immediately after their approval.

10. Establishment of increased time standards.

10.1. Increased time standards (reduced production standards) in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation can be established for the following categories of workers - piece workers:

  • students secondary schools for the period of their work on vacation days;
  • teenagers under 18 years of age;
  • young workers in certain leading professions during the first four months of their independent work;
  • pregnant women in accordance with a medical report;
  • workers of pre-retirement age.

10.2. When implementing this provision labor code and CD do not change the value of the standard time, but make an additional payment to the normalized salary with an additional pay slip.

The amount of additional payments and the period for which additional payments are established are formalized by a special regulation developed by the BTZ workshop. The regulations are signed by the head of the BTZ, agreed with the shop committee and approved by the head of the shop. Payment of additional payments is made on a work basis from the total piece-rate earnings for the month and is carried out according to item number 004 “Piecework - bonus”. Standardized time is not calculated and is not recorded in the work order. The regulations may stipulate a minimum percentage of time standards fulfilled, upon reaching which a bonus may be paid. The bonus is also calculated for the amount of the above additional payments.

10.3. To stimulate the reduction of labor intensity and the introduction of technically sound time standards (TON), correction factors can be established for the price (but not for the time standard!). The maximum sizes of coefficients and the procedure for their application are established by order of the head of the enterprise. As a rule, for each percentage reduction in labor intensity, the size of the coefficients can range from 0.3 to 0.9%%, depending on the complexity of processing, observing the rule “The growth of labor productivity must outpace the growth of wages.”

10.4. When used in workshops physically worn-out equipment the workshop submits to OTIZ a certificate signed by the chief mechanic of the "ENTERPRISE" stating what values ​​of machine spindle revolutions and feed values ​​this machine cannot provide due to its wear. If such a certificate is available, OTiZ will organize adjustments to the passport data of the machines entered into the programs for calculating TON, which will affect the value of the time standard.

11. Formulas for calculating the growth of labor productivity from reducing labor intensity and reducing the loss of working time.

11.1. Increase in labor productivity, which should be obtained by reducing labor intensity:

Pts = Po / Pp * 100 - 100, where:

By - percentage of compliance with standards in the reporting period;

Pp is the planned percentage of compliance with standards.

11.2. Calculation of the percentage reduction in labor intensity depending on the given percentage increase in labor productivity.

St = Pts / (100 + Pts) * 100

12. Determination of the type of production for the purposes of labor regulation.

12.1. In the conditions of an "ENTERPRISE", depending on the size of the series of production of products, small-scale and serial (medium-scale) type of production can take place...

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Regulations on the labor standardization system budgetary institution Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Psycho-neurological boarding school"


This Regulation has been developed in accordance with and on the basis of the following regulations:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2002 No. 804 “On the rules for the development and approval of standard labor standards”;

Resolution of the State Committee for Labor and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated June 19, 1986 No. 226/P-6 “Regulations on the organization of labor standardization in the national economy” (to the extent that does not contradict current legislation);

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2012 No. 2190-r “On the program for the gradual improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012-2018”;

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2013 No. 235 “On approval of methodological recommendations for federal executive authorities on the development of standard industry labor standards”;

Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2013 No. 504 “On approval of methodological recommendations for state (municipal) institutions on the development of labor standardization systems.”

Section 1. General provisions

1.1. This Regulation establishes a system of standards and norms on the basis of which the function of labor standardization is implemented, contains the main provisions regulating the organization of labor standardization, and also establishes the procedure for conducting regulatory and research work on labor in the BU “Psycho-neurological boarding school” (hereinafter referred to as the Institution).

1.2. Responsibility for the state of labor standards in the Institution lies with the Director of the Institution.

1.3. The organization of work related to labor standardization, including carrying out organizational and technical measures, improving the organization of work is carried out directly by the Deputy Director of the Institution. The execution of work related to labor standardization is entrusted to the financial and economic department.

1.4. The labor standardization system in the Institution is considered as component HR management system is a set of measures for organizing and managing the labor standardization process, including:

Methods and means of establishing labor standards for performing administrative procedures and actions within the framework of the provided public services;

The procedure for the development, testing, application, replacement and revision of labor standards;

Creation of a system of labor indicators that ensure the most efficient use of labor resources, increasing labor productivity and the quality of provision of public services in the Institution.

Section 2.Terms and Definitions

2.1. The Regulations use the following terms with corresponding definitions:

Labor standards are production standards, time standards, number standards and other standards - established in accordance with the achieved level of technology, technology, organization of production and labor.

Approbation is the process of introducing for a limited (test) period the results of work performed (regulatory materials, labor standards) in order to analyze and study their impact on the labor process (activities) in real conditions.

Certified standards are technically sound standards that correspond to the achieved level of technology and technology, organization of production and labor.

Permanent standards - established for stable work for an indefinite period.

Temporary norms are norms for repeating operations established for the period of mastering certain types of work in the absence of normative materials for rationing labor.

One-time norms are normative materials on labor established for individual works of a one-time nature (unscheduled, emergency, accidental and other work not provided for by the technology), and are valid while these works are being performed, unless temporary or permanent norms are introduced for them.

Intersectoral labor standards are regulatory materials on labor that are used to standardize the labor of workers engaged in performing work using the same technology in similar organizational and technical conditions in various sectors of the economy.

Industry norms are normative materials on labor intended to standardize labor for work performed in organizations of the same industry.

Local (local) labor standards - regulatory materials on labor developed and approved by the Institution. Local norms and standards are independently developed and approved by the Institution.

Standard time is the amount of working time established to complete a unit of work or provide services under certain organizational and technical conditions.

Standard output (load) - a set amount of work that an employee or group of workers of appropriate qualifications is required to perform per unit of working time (hour, working day, etc.) under certain organizational and technical conditions.

The standard number is the established number of employees of a certain professional and qualification composition, necessary to perform specific functions, provide services, perform a certain amount of work in certain organizational and technical conditions.

Replacement and revision of labor standards is a necessary and natural process that requires appropriate organization of control at the level of the Institution.

Standardized task - the volume of work/services established on the basis of the above types of labor cost standards that an employee or group of employees must perform/provide per work shift (working day), month or other unit of working time. Standardized tasks are developed on the basis of current labor cost standards and may contain individual and collective labor costs, established taking into account tasks to increase labor productivity and save material resources. These tasks are set based on the capabilities available at each workplace. Therefore, standardized tasks, in contrast to norms for labor costs, can be established only for a specific workplace and taking into account only its inherent characteristics and possibilities for mobilizing reserves for increasing labor efficiency. A technically justified labor standard is a standard established by one of the existing and approved standardization methods and providing for the most complete and effective use of working time.

Outdated standards are labor standards for work, the labor intensity of which has decreased as a result of a general improvement in the organization of work, the introduction of new technologies, an increase in the volume of work, an increase in professional skill and improvement in the skills of workers.

Erroneously established standards (erroneous) - labor standards, in the establishment of which organizational, technical and other conditions were incorrectly taken into account or inaccuracies were made in the application of labor standards and calculations.

2.2. Other concepts and terms , used in this Regulation , are applied in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation .

Section 3. The main goals and objectives of labor standardization in an institution

3.1. Labor standards for the employees of the Institution are carried out with the aim of increasing labor productivity and optimizing labor resource management through the effective construction of the labor process.

3.2. The main goals of labor standardization are to create a labor standardization system that allows:

Create the conditions necessary for the introduction of rational organizational, technological and labor processes, improve the organization of work;

Ensure a normal level of labor intensity (intensity) when performing work and providing public services;

Increase the efficiency of servicing consumers of state (municipal) services;

Systematically reduce the labor intensity of work and services;

Calculate and plan the number of employees by workplace and department, based on planned indicators;

Calculate and regulate the size of the fixed and variable part of workers’ wages, improve the forms and systems of remuneration and bonuses.

3.3. The main tasks of labor standardization in the Institution are:

Development of a labor standardization system;

Analysis and determination of optimal labor costs for all work and services;

Development of norms and standards for rationing labor for new and not covered by rationing technologies, work, services, equipment;

Organizing systematic work on the timely implementation of developed labor standards and regulations and ensuring control over their correct application;

Ensuring the determination and planning of the number of employees by number, level of their qualifications based on labor standards;

Identification and reduction of irrational expenditure of working time, elimination of lost working time;

Determining the optimal ratio of workers of the same specialization with different qualifications in the departments of the Institution;

Calculation of the standard number of employees required to perform the planned volume of work and services;

Justification of the forms and types of bonuses for employees for quantitative and qualitative labor results.

Section 4. Regulatory materials and labor standards applied in the institution

4.1. The Institution uses the following basic regulatory materials on labor standards:

Regulations on the labor standardization system in the Institution;

Labor standards (standards, time standards, numbers, production standards).

4.2. The Institution uses the following types of standards: - time; - production; - numbers.

4.3. According to the scope of application, regulatory materials are divided into intersectoral, sectoral and local.

4.4. The Institution uses intersectoral and sectoral labor standards as basic indicators when developing local labor standards, calculating derivative indicators, and for the purposes of organizing and managing personnel (Appendix 1).

4.5. In the absence of intersectoral and sectoral labor standards, the Institution independently develops local labor standards, in this case the recommendations of the organization exercising the functions and powers of the founder are taken into account, or with the involvement of relevant specialists.

4.6. Regulatory materials for labor standards must meet the following basic requirements:

Comply with the modern level of technology and technology, labor organization;

Take into account to the maximum extent the influence of technical, technological, organizational, economic and psychophysiological factors;

Ensure high quality of established labor standards, optimal level of labor intensity;

Meet the required level of accuracy;

Be convenient for calculating labor costs in an institution and determining the labor intensity of work;

Ensure the possibility of using them in automated systems and personal electronic computers for collecting and processing information.

4.7. The Institution applies permanent, temporary and one-time labor standards.

4.8. Permanent standards are developed and approved for a period of no more than 5 (five) years, after which an analysis is carried out to determine the feasibility of revising the applicable labor standards.

4.9. Based on the results of the analysis, a local act of the head of the Institution approves the decision on the preservation of established labor standards or on the development of new labor standards.

4.10. Temporary norms are established for the period of mastering certain types of work in the absence of technically sound regulatory materials approved by the Institution on labor for performing these types of work. The validity period of temporary standards should not exceed three months (for frequently repeated work), and in case of a long process - for the period of performance of the necessary work, after which they must be replaced by permanent standards.

4.11. Temporary standards for time, number, and output are established on the basis of an expert assessment of the labor standardization commission, which is based on systematized data on the actual time spent on similar work for the previous period of time. Persons responsible for standardization bear personal responsibility for the correct (reasonable) establishment of temporary labor standards.

4.12. One-time standards are established for individual work that is of an isolated nature (unscheduled, emergency, etc.).

4.13. The employee of the Institution is notified of the introduction of temporary or one-time labor standards before they are introduced.

Section 5.Methods of standardizing labor in an institution

5.1. Standards for labor costs in the Institution can be established by the following methods:



Timing observations;

Photos of working hours.

5.2. With the analytical method, a detailed analysis and design of the optimal labor process is carried out, which makes it possible to determine reasonable standards, the implementation of which helps to increase labor productivity and the efficiency of use of labor resources.

5.3. With the summary method, actual labor costs are recorded, based on statistical reports on production and time spent on work for the previous period. Used when rationing emergency or experimental work.

5.4. With the method of time-based observations, time expenditure is studied by measuring and recording the duration of administrative procedures and actions to be performed within the framework of the public services provided.

5.5. With the method of photographs of working time, the cost of working time is studied by observing and measuring all labor costs without exception during a full working day or a certain part of it.

5.6. Along with the methods of time-keeping observations and photographs of working time, to determine the cost of working time based on existing reporting forms, an analysis of statistical (quantitative) data is carried out characterizing the results of the activities of specific employees of the Institution for their execution in accordance with job responsibilities administrative procedures and actions.

5.7. The determination of production standards for individual administrative procedures and actions in the provision of mass public services is carried out using an analytical method. There is an inversely proportional relationship between the time norm and the production norm.

5.8. The determination of the norms for the number of employees of the Institution is carried out by an analytical method based on the established production norms.

5.9. The norms developed on the basis of the analytical method are reasonable, and the norms established by the summary method are experimentally statistical.

5.10. The development of justified regulatory materials is carried out using one of the methods of the analytical method: analytical-research or analytical-computational.

5.11. With the analytical-research method of standardization, the necessary expenditure of working time for each element of the regulated operation is determined based on the analysis of data obtained as a result of direct observation of the implementation of this operation at the workplace, where the organization of work complies with the accepted conditions.

5.12. With the analytical-calculation method, labor costs for standardized work are determined according to labor standards for individual elements, previously developed on the basis of research, or by calculation based on the accepted modes of optimal operation of technological equipment.

Section 6. The procedure for developing normative materials on labor standards

6.1. The development of regulatory materials on labor standards in the Institution is based on the initiative of the employer or a representative body of the institution’s employees.

6.2. When developing regulatory materials on labor standards, the Institution takes into account the following requirements:

Regulatory materials on labor standards should be developed on the basis of methodological recommendations;

Regulatory materials on labor standards must be justified based on their period of development;

Conducting testing of regulatory materials for at least 14 calendar days;

When forming the results of labor standardization, the opinion of the representative body of workers must be taken into account.

6.3. Labor standards developed taking into account the specified requirements at the Institution level are local and approved by the employer.

6.4. In cases where the organizational and technical conditions of the Institution make it possible to establish standards that are more progressive than the corresponding intersectoral or industry standards, or in their absence, local labor standards are developed.

6.5. Local labor standards are developed on the basis of time-keeping observations, photographs of the working day, and analysis of statistical (quantitative) data characterizing the results of the activities of specific employees of the Institution.

The study of working time costs at workplaces includes:

Preparation for observations;

Selecting performers whose work will be monitored;

Carrying out direct measurements of working time;

Clarification of the main factors influencing the amount of working time spent;

Carrying out technical calculations, processing collected materials;

Development of labor standards.

6.6. The main type of regulatory materials on labor standardization in the Institution are technically sound labor standards.

Section 7.Replacement and revision of labor standards

7.1. Replacement and revision of labor standards is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of using the labor potential of workers, as well as in the case of the application of outdated standards and erroneously established standards.

7.2. Replacement and revision of labor standards are formalized by local regulations of the Institution (order, regulation, regulations on standardization, etc.), approved by the head of the Institution, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers.

7.3. The revision of standard labor standards in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation is established in the manner established for their development and approval.

7.4. Certified standards are recognized as technically sound standards that correspond to the achieved level of technology and technology, organization of production and labor. Outdated and erroneously established standards are considered not certified. The verification and analysis of current labor standards for their compliance with the level of technology, technology, and labor organization in the Institution (certification of labor standards) is carried out by the heads of structural divisions at least once every two years. Based on the results of the inspection, the head of the Institution makes a decision on the safety of established labor standards or on the development of new labor standards. The revision of outdated standards is carried out within the time frame established by the management of the Institution in agreement with the representative body of employees.

Section 8.The procedure for coordination and approval of normative materials on labor standards

8.1. The standards are unified in nature and reflect the general organizational and technical conditions of the Institution and the most rational techniques and methods for performing work.

8.2. The procedure for coordination and approval of local regulatory materials at the Institution level:

The developed regulatory materials are sent by the employer to the representative body of employees to take into account opinions and approval;

If the representative body of employees disagrees with the position of the employer, it must submit a written protest justifying its position, while the employer has the right to approve regulatory materials without a positive assessment of the representative body of employees;

In the event of a negative assessment of the regulatory materials on labor standards, which are approved by the head of the Institution, the representative body of workers has grounds to file a complaint and consider it in court.

8.3. The employer and the representative body of the employees of the Institution must:

Explain to employees the reasons for replacing or revising labor standards and the conditions under which they should be applied;

Constantly support and develop the initiative of employees to review existing and introduce new, more progressive labor standards.

Section 9. The procedure for checking regulatory materials for labor standardization for compliance with the achieved level of technology, technology, and labor organization

9.1. The main task of checking labor standards is to check their progressiveness and validity.

9.2. An assessment of the level of current labor standards is carried out by analyzing the standards calculated according to these standards, conducting sample studies and studying the dynamics of performance indicators of production standards.

9.3. To ensure the productivity of the current standards in the Institution, before calendar year, a calendar plan for their replacement and revision is developed, which should provide for:

Development of standards for new work, services and work, services not previously covered by labor standards;

Revision of standards recognized as obsolete as a result of their verification.

9.4. The draft calendar plan for the replacement and revision of standards is submitted for discussion to the workforce of the Institution and, taking into account its recommendations, as well as in agreement with the representative body of workers, is approved by the head of the Institution.

9.5. Unscheduled inspection established labor standards is carried out in the event of a significant change in organizational and technical conditions affecting the performance of administrative procedures and actions by employees.

9.6. When checking regulatory materials on labor standards in the Institution, it is necessary to perform the following work:

Conduct an analysis of the implementation of labor standards established in the Institution; if labor standards are exceeded or not fulfilled by 15% or more, it is necessary to organize a check of indicators of labor standards and norms;

Issue an order to conduct an inspection of regulatory materials indicating the inspection period;

Establish a unit responsible for the process of checking regulatory materials on labor standards;

Create a working group with the involvement of a representative body of employees of the institution;

Conduct sample research and process results;

Make changes and adjustments based on the calculation results;

Approve regulatory materials and notify employees.

Section 10.The procedure for introducing regulatory materials on labor standards in an institution

10.1. Regulatory materials for labor standardization approved in the established manner are introduced into the workplaces of the Institution in accordance with their scope and scope on the basis local act the head of the Institution, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees.

10.2. To ensure the effective implementation and mastery of regulatory materials, the Institution carries out the following activities: - checking the organizational and technical readiness of workplaces to work according to new standards (to what extent the organizational and technical conditions for performing work correspond to the conditions provided for by the new regulatory materials); - development and implementation of organizational and technical measures to eliminate identified shortcomings in the organization of work, as well as to improve working conditions; - familiarization with the new time standards for all employees who will work according to them, within the time limits established by these Regulations.

10.3. Employees must be notified of the establishment of labor standards no later than two months in advance. Employees must be notified of the establishment of temporary and one-time standards before the introduction of these standards. Within the same period of time, employees are notified of the correction of erroneous labor standards. Taking into account the opinion of the representative body of the institution’s employees about the reduction of erroneous labor standards, employees may be notified in a shorter period of time.

10.4. When concluding an employment agreement (contract), the employee must be familiarized with labor standards against signature.

10.5. Familiarization with the new standards should be accompanied by mass explanatory work, instructing workers, and, if necessary, training them to work in new organizational and technical conditions.

10.6. If, during the specified preparatory work, it turns out that the existing organizational and technical conditions in the Institution are more advanced than the conditions provided for in the new norms or regulations, and the current local norms for the relevant work are more progressive than the new norms, then the new norms or regulations are not implemented .

10.7. For work not covered by the new regulatory materials, local reasonable time standards are established, calculated by labor standardization methods.

Section 11.Measures aimed at compliance with established labor standards

11.1. The employer takes measures aimed at compliance with established labor standards, including ensuring normal conditions for employees to comply with labor standards. Such conditions include, in particular:

Good condition of premises, structures, machines, technological equipment and equipment;

Timely provision of technical and other documentation necessary for work;

Proper quality of materials, tools, other means and items necessary to perform the work, their timely provision to the employee;

Working conditions that meet labor protection and production safety requirements;

Periodic training of employees in order to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of labor regulation;

Development and implementation of a system for stimulating the performance of workers performing administrative procedures and actions within the framework of provided public services based on production standards;

Timely assessment of the compliance of labor standards with the level of labor organization achieved in the Institution, the state of technical and technological support;

Periodic inspections of current labor standards to confirm their progressiveness and validity;

Implementation of timely replacement and revision of labor standards, if labor standards are erroneously established or outdated.

Appendix to the Regulations on the labor standardization system of the BU “Psycho-neurological boarding school”

When developing labor standards for employees of the institution, we used regulations by groups of workers in general industry positions of managers, specialists and employees:

Groups Regulatory acts
Director, Deputy Director, Chief Accountant, deputy chief accountant, head of department, main nurse, department head, laundry manager Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated March 26, 2002 No. 23 “On approval of time standards for work on documentation support of management structures of federal executive bodies”, order of the Department of Social Development of Ugra dated November 28, 2014 No. 26-np “On approval of organization staffing standards social services Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, subordinate to the Department of Social Development of Ugra."
2.Health workers
Physical therapy instructor, senior nurse, dietary nurse, guard nurse, junior nursing nurse, orderly, orderly, hostess sister, medical nurse, physiotherapy nurse, massage nurse, treatment nurse, medical sterilization nurse, medical psychologist, dental nurse, medical disinfector, medical specialist Order of the Ministry of Health of December 21, 1984 No. 1440 “On approval of conventional units for performing physiotherapeutic procedures, time standards for massage, regulations on physiotherapeutic units and their personnel.” - Order of June 18, 1987 No. 817 “On workload standards for massage nurses” .- Appendix No. 17 to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 08.20.2001 No. 337 “Calculation standards for the workload of specialists in physical therapy and sports medicine”, order of the Department of Social Development of Yugra dated 28.11.2014 No. 26-np “On approval of staffing standards for the Khanty social service organization - Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, subordinate to the Department of Social Development of Ugra."
3. Teaching staff
Educator, methodologist, labor instructor Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2010 No. 2075 “On the duration of working hours (standard hours of teaching work for the wage rate) teaching staff)", order of the Department of Social Development of Yugra dated November 28, 2014 No. 26-np "On approval of staffing standards for the social service organization of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, subordinate to the Department of Social Development of Yugra."
4. Social service workers
Specialist in social work, physical therapy instructor
5. Culture and art workers
Cultural organizer, librarian Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 22, 2003 No. 86 “On approval of standards for the number of employees of state and municipal psychoneurological boarding schools”, order of the Department of Social Development of Ugra dated November 28, 2014 No. 26-np “On approval of standards for staffing of social service organizations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, subordinate to the Department of Social Development of Ugra."
6.General industry positions
Accountant, psychologist, human resources specialist, legal consultant, economist, labor protection specialist, software engineer automated systems production management, civil defense specialist, document specialist, clerk, information security engineer, engineer, warehouse manager, storekeeper, kitchen worker, chef, cook, baker, seamstress, car driver, tractor driver, hairdresser, production worker comprehensive services and repair of buildings, plumber, loader, territory cleaner, elevator operator, industrial and industrial cleaner office premises, washing machine operator, kitchen worker, dishwasher, housekeeper Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated June 24, 1996 No. 38 “On approval of service standards for workers engaged in work on the sanitary maintenance of households.” - Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 1995 No. 56 “On approval of inter-industry integrated time standards for work on accounting And financial activities in budgetary organizations." - Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated 03.26.2002 No. 23 “On approval of time standards for work on documentation support of management structures of federal executive authorities” - Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 01.22.2001 No. 10 “On approval of inter-industry standards for the number of security service workers labor in organizations", order of the Department of Social Development of Ugra dated November 28, 2014 No. 26-np "On approval of staffing standards for social service organizations of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, subordinate to the Department of Social Development of Ugra."
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