We know a lot about birds. Open screening of OD: “We know a lot about birds

Gray sparrow
It's cold in winter
He is sitting on a bench
Next to me.
He started tweeting something
Looks me in the eye.
I poured it for him
Crumbs and millet.
He pecked so greedily
You know, I was hungry,
After all, the snow is fluffy

Covered the entire earth.
No place for the sparrow
Take food in winter
And we will help him
Just you and me!

Do you hear the nightingale trill?
He brings them out lovingly.
And sings them for people,
And for all my friends.
Sings amazingly!
Singing brings joy.
Stop, listen, don't rush,
The nightingale sings in silence!

The bullfinches have arrived
They brought winter with them.

All people know swans
They feed them and do not harm them.

Kulik walks through the swamp
He avoids someone.
Just loves to be alone
He is his own commander.

And the flamingo is so good
You won't find a more beautiful bird.

And the cuckoo in the forest
Gives us his peek-a-boo.

The rooks will fly and bring spring,
The bushes and trees will then bloom.

The blackbird sings, welcomes spring,
He captivates with his singing.

And the magpie is on his tail
The news is already coming.
Having cracked, she fell silent:
"Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired."

The bird is a wise owl,
Knows everything, always.


Pigeons, eagles, crows,
Nightingales and bullfinches.
Swan, sandpiper and flamingo
And cuckoos and rooks.

Thrush, siskin, magpie, jay,
Stork, falcon, sparrow,
Swallows, hoopoes, woodpeckers.
How many little friends!

Let them live for happiness,
Always make people happy
And flash in the blue sky
Their two wings are tender!

Important crows

The birds flew away to warmer climes,
Only important crows do not rush there.
They circle above the houses, croak, and make noise.
They probably want to show everyone
That they are the owners, everything is left for them.
Until spring, all bird power

They got it now.


A little chick is walking through the grass.
The little chick is pecking the grains.
I'll take the little chick in my arms.
I'll take the little chick to mom.


The chicken laid an egg:
"Look, here it is,
Smooth, huge,
That egg is laid.

I put him under his wing,
I love him very much.
There's a chicken there - my son,
It will hatch right on time.
The rooster will grow big,
Loud, mischievous.
My protector from enemies -
Other people's chickens and roosters!"


The goose cackles ha-ha-ha -
Hey baby, come here.
I won't pinch you
I'll just treat you to some grass.
We'll run a little
Don't be afraid of me, baby.
Do you want us to go for a swim?
We'll splash in the lake,
And then we'll come home,

We are friends now!

In the evening, in the barn, birds,
Mom closes
Well, in the morning, just before dawn,
It opens right away.
And they run in a crowd
Everyone to their troughs
There is grain poured there
And the water is poured.
And then everyone walks -
Hens and chicks,
Ducks walk in pairs
Geese and goslings.
Mother chickens looking after children
They are vigilantly watching:
“Where, where” - they shout after them
And they don't let go.
And the goslings are on the grass,
They walk carefully
Everyone asks mom:
“Mom, can I go there?”
Ducks walk in pairs
It's important to walk like that
And each other is so quiet
They explain something.
The poultry yard is always noisy,
But everyone lives together.
No one here, ever,
No need to protect.
And me too, as best I can,
I help my mother -
I will always bring water,
I sweep up the trash.
"I love my chicken yard," -
Mom told me -
It's always fun with them
No matter how tired I am."

Near the forest, on the edge,
Sitting on a branch,
The cuckoo crowed
Carrying your sadness.

Ex: Cuckoo, cuckoo,
What are you talking about?
You only eat in the summer
You are silent in the middle of winter.

Saying goodbye to the winter,
You are flying to Africa.
Having waited out the frosts there,
You're in a hurry to get back to us.

Ex: Cuckoo, cuckoo,
What are you talking about?
You only eat in the summer
You are silent in the middle of winter.

Laying eggs
Into other people's nests here,
You don’t know your children
You don't see how they grow.

Ex: Cuckoo, cuckoo,
What are you talking about?
You only eat in the summer
You are silent in the middle of winter.

You are very lonely
And your sadness is heard
In that song from the forest,
It always comes.

Ex: Cuckoo, cuckoo,
What are you talking about?
You only eat in the summer
You are silent in the middle of winter.

Wood grouse flocked to the current,
To discuss everything before dawn:
Weather, meetings, life in the forest
And tell about your life.
See all your friends
And also all relatives and children.
Hear the opinions of others
And know the truth about themselves.
Listen to advice to know
When should they all migrate to the forest?
There are a lot of pine needles there even in winter,
They all feed on it alone.
Well, when spring comes,
This is where everyone will have trouble sleeping,
Everyone will return to the deciduous forest,
In warm weather, in spring.
There is a lot of food there, enough for everyone,
They will fatten up completely.
The buds will already bloom there,
Then the leaves will appear
They are so delicious
Wood grouse love them very much.
And there are so many berries, a whole forest,
This is a miracle of miracles!
And there will be enough insects for everyone,
There will be no hunger at all!
But you have to be careful
Don't let the fox near you.
Also birds of prey, such,
Like the golden eagle, hawk and others.
When will the hunters come,
They will start shooting from guns here,
Hunt for wood grouse:
Relatives, neighbors and friends.
How scary it is! Never,
Don't come to us here!
We all want to live in peace,
To hatch babies in nests.
To joyfully greet the dawn
And listen to good advice.
Meet on the talk, be friends
And live in a safe world!

Birds are different

There are different types of birds:
Swallows and sparrows,
Storks, eagles and ducks,
Ostriches and bullfinches.
Owls, hazel grouse and woodpeckers,
Herons, waders, siskins.
Pelicans and peacocks,
Pigeons and wood grouse.

They all live freely.
Someone is making nests in the grass,
Someone in the trees, rocks,
Well, someone is in the hollow.

And they always nest in the grass:
Lapwings and wood grouse,
Larks and robins,
Hazel grouse and nightingales.
And on the tree: crows,
Wagtails and siskins,
Turtle doves, magpies, jays,
Grosbeaks and rooks.
Ready ones hide in hollows
And tits and starlings,
Nuthatches and jackdaws too,
Lazarus and owls.

There are also seabirds:
Albatrosses, waders,
Phaetons and frigates,
Water cutters and ospreys.
Petrels and gulls,
Burgomasters, fools,
Guillemots, eagles, eiders
And cormorants and terns.
And they take their children out -
On rocky shores
And in caves, crevices, holes,
And waterless islands.

Migratory birds,
Without waiting for the cold weather,
They fly away in flocks,
From frost and winds.
These are swallows, cuckoos,
Flycatchers and swifts,
Orioles, rooks and herons,
Storks and cranes.

There are wintering birds
They don't mind the cold.
Endure the evil blizzard
And cold winds.
These are mallards and nutcrackers,
Jackdaws, jays and crossbills
And crows and magpies,
And tits and bullfinches.

And everyone knows poultry -
Chickens, geese, turkeys,
Quails and guinea fowl,
They all live with people.
People are building sheds for them,
To keep everyone warm,
They feed them deliciously and look at them,
So that no one offends.

Now you're convinced
Too many birds to count
And all the birds were given wings,
So that they can fly.
Voices are given as to people
And everyone has their own
Birds immediately distinguish
They understand who is a stranger.
Wherever these birds live,
Whoever they are
We love and appreciate them so much
They should all be helped.
Never offend
Take care of the birds, friends!
Build houses for birds
And always feed them!

A sparrow tweeted on the roof
Telling everyone about
How happy he is under the roof
Have a home, albeit a poor one.
And from above watch how people
They are always in a hurry back and forth,
And cars are rushing along the roads
And they only slow down sometimes.
How cats and dogs run
Everyone walks on leashes
And the kids are stomping off to school
Carrying notebooks in backpacks.
And everyone is in a hurry, running somewhere,
And things await them ahead,
And everything is so wonderful with him,

There is no need to rush anywhere.

White snow

White snow fell on the ground
And covered the bushes and houses.
Winter has come and that means
It's time to get the sled out.
After all, the frost will soon break out,
The skating rink and the kids will flood
Will ride to the music
At the stadiums until the morning.

Winter is coming solemnly,
Feeling like a mistress.
Will cover with white-white snow
Ravines, parks and fields.
After all, all the guys were waiting for winter
And we're glad she came
And she brought a Christmas tree with lights on for everyone,
AND New Year brought it to us.

Doves fly peacefully
Peace is sent to earth.
Laughter sounds here and there,
We need peace, like the sun.

Pigeons on the roof
They sit next to each other.
Pigeons coo
It's like they're talking.
I'll bring them bread
I'll invite them to eat.
Let the doves coo
And I will listen.

Eagles fly and circle,
Everyone sees keenly from above.
Raising young eaglets,
They tell you to be careful.

Nightingales at dawn
They give us their songs.


The cricket is cricketing, the mosquito is buzzing.
The lanterns are on.
All this can only be heard at night,
After all, they are all awake.

And at night they sparkle and buzz
Under people's windows
And they wait for it to be opened to them,
All windows quickly.

Quiz "Feathered Friends"


Generalize and expand children's knowledge about birds.

Develop logical thinking, attention, creativity.

Cultivate love and respect for birds.


April 1 is celebrated as International Bird Day. Today we will conduct a quiz dedicated to Bird Day.

Students read T. Evdoshenko’s poem “Take care of the birds!”

We know a lot about birds

And at the same time it’s not enough

And everyone needs it: both you and us, -

So that there are more of them.

For this we will save

Your feathered friends,

Otherwise we will reduce it to zero

Our winged singers.

Eat trees and fruits

insect larvae,

And all the gardens will thin out

Without our familiar birds.

In winter, put out a feeder for them,

Give the tits some lard;

All sparrows eat millet,

Add more as soon as it becomes scarce.

They will reward your efforts,

And the gardens will bloom all around.

Among those green foliage

You will hear their song.

Teacher: Guess the name of the birds:

I catch bugs all day

I eat bugs and worms.

I’m not leaving for the winter,

I live under the eaves. (Sparrow)

Wears a gray vest

But the wings are black.

A person well known to everyone

She's a local screamer.(Crow)

The ambulance is flying,

Blue-feathered mail,

And brings news

A hundred, two hundred versts. (Pigeon)

On a pine tree, in a dense forest,

A carpenter sits with a chisel:

In a colorful shirt,

In a red cap. (Woodpecker)

The orderly came rushing

In your nesting corner

And he shouted: “Hurray!”

Give it spring! "It's time!" (Rook)

This is an old friend of ours:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

For frogs in the swamp. (Stork)

He looks tall and gray -

Lean surveyor:

Buckwheat field, behind the meadows

He measured everything with steps. (Crane)

Like a tiny bell

He will soar high

And he sings there on the fly. (Lark)

She killed her brothers

I didn’t love my mother

I forgot my stepmother

I didn't feed the children. (Cuckoo)

Comes to us with warmth,

It's been a long journey.

Sculpts a house under the window

Made from grass and clay. (Martin)

The back is greenish,

The belly is yellowish,

Little black hat,

And a strip of scarf. (Tit)

He comes every year

To where the house awaits.

He builds a house on a rock.

Isn't it scary to live in it?

Although there is beauty all around,

But such a height! (Eagle)

Let me be a small bird,

I have friends, a habit -

When the cold starts,

Straight from the north here. (Bullfinch)

Tuft on the head.

I'll fly to you in November,

I'll be back home in March

Guess who he is? (Waxwing)

Lives in the forest,

Hoots like a robber;

People are afraid of him

And he is afraid of people. (Owl)

The clothes are white and the legs

Wearing red boots.

They will go out of fashion - that’s the problem!

He'll never take them off. (Goose)

Teacher: And now some riddles and jokes:

Which city is named after a bird? (Eagle.)

What tree does a crow sit on during heavy rain? (On wet.)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't talk.)

What comb can you use to comb your head? (Petushin.)

The rooster laid an egg. Who will get it? (Roosters do not lay eggs.)

What will a crow do after living for three years? (The fourth one will live.)

Why does a goose swim? (From the shore.)

Why do birds fly? (By air.)

What does a duck swim on? (On water.)

How many times do you have to write the letter "a" to get a bird? (Forty “a” is forty.)

Why does the rooster close his eyes when he sings? (He wants to show that he sings by heart.)

Teacher: Let's play the game "Bird - not a bird"

Conditions of the game: birds are called, when non-birds are called, children clap their hands.
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta.
(Children clap their hands. )
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts...
Children clap their hands. )
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, martens...
Children clap their hands. )
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Lapwings, siskins,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Mosquitoes, cuckoos.
Children clap their hands .)
The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Lapwings, siskins,
Storks, cuckoos,
Even Scops Owls
Swans and ducks -
Thanks for the joke!

Teacher: Need toname the bird, the author and the title of the book in question.

    Who laid not an ordinary egg, but a golden one?(Russian folk tale"Chicken Ryaba").

    Who did Nils travel with?(With wild geese; S. Lagerlöf “Nils’s Journey with wild geese”).

    What birds did the traveling frog fly with?(With wild ducks; V. Garshin “The Frog Traveler”).

    What kind of bird did the minister of the underground kingdom turn into in the fairy tale by Anthony Pogorelsky?(Into the black chicken; A. Pogorelsky “The Black Chicken, or Underground Inhabitants”).

    What kind of bird did you become? ugly duck when did you grow up?(Swan; H.H. Andersen “The Ugly Duckling”).

    What birds did the evil queen turn the eleven brother princes into in H. H. Andersen's fairy tale?(In the wild swans; G. H. Andersen “Wild Swans”).

    Which bird did Thumbelina save?(Swallow; G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”).

    From whom did the fox steal the cheese in one of Ivan Krylov’s fables?(At the crow; I. A. Krylov “The Crow and the Fox”).

    Which bird, when they knocked on the door, asked: “Who’s there?”(Galchonok; E. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat”).

    Name the crow from the program " Good night, kids!(Karkusha).

Teacher: Guys, in order for birds to always delight us with their singing, to protect our forests from insect pests, we need to protect bird nests; Don't shoot birds with slingshots.

Students read G. Ladonshchikov’s poem “I Love Birds”:

Guys, I love birds.

I never catch them

No traps

Not in the net.

I don't keep them in a cage at home.

I will never touch a nest

Not a magpie

Not a crow

Not a starling

Not a sparrow

I have never offended anyone in my life.

The results of the quiz are summed up.

Website “Mom can do anything!” collected the most interesting poems about birds for children preschool age. Look at the pictures with your children and read the poems. Think about how the author reflects the character traits of certain birds and how he describes their appearance. Learn your favorite poems by heart.

Flew away flocks of birds,
The forest is covered in snowdrifts down to the branches.
That's when we waited
Our northern guests.

The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,
All wrapped in silver.
Without leaving this land,
Many birds remain here.

Bullfinch sitting on a branch
In a pink vest
And the woodpecker in bright red
Satin cap.
Jays flash in the distance -
Blue cowgirls.

By the side of the road
A long-legged stork walks.
The best of fathers
Looks for food for the chicks.

They came to us with the winds
Flocks of bright waxwings.
The waxwings have arrived
They sang the song of the north.

Past rock pigeons
A sparrow flies by.
Sparrow is so tiny!
Looks a little like me.
Smart little chick
Fidget and fighter.
And a fervent cry rings out:
- Chick-chirp and chick-chirp!

The bushes turned red
Not from the morning dawn.
These red lanterns
The bullfinches lit up.

I'll go to the water now.
Who's swimming in the pond?
By the bushes where the forget-me-nots are,
Ducks are guarding the fish.
Nearby is a brood of ducklings,
All the ducklings want to eat.
Telling them something
Ducks quack: - Quack-quack!

Field lark,
There is no more wonderful singer!
In an open field is your house.
There is a song in a clear sky.

The shell in the nest crunches.
A curious eye shines:
From an egg, like from a diaper,
A chicken is selected.
He stretched, shook himself,
He squeaked quietly and looked around:
- Well, I guess I'll go
And I will find my parents!

Chicken and rooster

The chicken cackles: “Kwok!
How I want peas."
And the rooster said to her: “Don’t chatter.”
Better get up and look."

What are the sparrows singing about?
On the last day of winter?
- We survived!
- We survived!
- We are alive, we are alive!

The sparrow jumped around the garden bed,
Nearby, a cat played hide and seek with him...
-Don't let the cat catch me
I'm nimble on the fly.

Jump and jump, what a bird,
Everything doesn't sit still.
In appearance there is no one braver than him,
A sparrow jumps briskly.

Along the paths, along the paths
A gray sparrow jumps.
What is he looking for? Looking for crumbs
For yourself and for the children.

The finch has warmed up
Chaffinch: - Ping! Ping! Ping!
Take off your fur coat! Throw it off! Throw it off! -
The finch began to sing -
The finch has warmed up!


The stork is long,
The stork is thin,
The house was built without a porch.
Look - a little stork
He was born just like his father.
He still looks like his mother
She works until late.
Give them, woodpecker, a telegram,
Congratulate them on their housewarming!

All around -
But on the hill - no!
The rooks saw it.
Everyone screams
Like a sailor from a ship:
- Earth!


Sparrow in a puddle
Jumps and spins.
He ruffled his feathers,
The tail fluffed up.
Good weather!

The nimble tit is jumping,
She can't sit still,
Jump-jump, jump-jump,
Spun like a top.

I sat down for a minute,
She scratched her chest with her beak,
And from the path to the fence,
Tiri-tiri, shadow-shadow-shadow.


Poor, poor sparrow,
He sits and cries
Because beat the thief
His name means.
It's not his fault at all
Which is a bit of a thief.
These janitors and cats,
Yes the boy is evil
They don't let you peck a single crumb
Someone feeds the pigeons -
Don't get lost, sparrow!
Bread crumb on the fly - grab it!
And on the branch, feast.
Author: Ekaterina Zhdanova

Come on over!
Dear little starling,
Come finally!
I built a house for you -
Not a birdhouse, but a palace!


It's raining, it's pouring everywhere.
The chicks are happy in the nest:
- Mom will sit at home,
It won't fly away anywhere!

Comes to visit us with spring,
A black line flashes in the sky.
Fast bird, tail like an arrow,
Deftly hunts for midges.

What, cuckoo, are you cuckooing?
Making everyone sad?
Maybe you miss the chicks?
You look for them - KOO-KOO, KOO-KOO.

The owl hoots and laughs,
He wants to scare everyone in the forest.
I got it from this birdie
Goosebumps run down your spine.

“Goose, but they say the truth,
Why are you pinching everyone?”
“What are you talking about,” the goose said, yawning, “
I don’t have time to pinch everyone.”

I'm a beautiful cockerel
There are spurs and a comb.
The tail is beautifully painted -
All our chickens like it.

Little penguin walks
All alone among the ice floes.
Mom and dad are catching fish
Dinner is being prepared for the baby.

A family of starlings is calling friends:
- We invite everyone to visit tomorrow!
Our address: singers street,
Birdhouse number eight.

What is this bird like?
He is proud of his beauty!
The tail is like a golden fan
That wonderful bird!
Author: Andrey Paroshin

Covered with snow,
The streets are snow-covered.
Passers-by in fur coats
They cower and slouch.
They hit felt boots on felt boots,
They are standing, waiting for the tram.
Suddenly a little sparrow
Right here!
And with a leap,
And sideways
Gray tail
Without a coat,
Without boots
A pair of feathers
Yes legs.
This brave sparrow
Everyone is brave and cheerful!

Below my window
Made a nest -
And sings to himself
Red spring

Little penguins

We are two brothers, two chicks.
We are fresh out of the egg.
What kind of bird is our mother?
Where can we find her?
We don't know anyone here
And we don’t even know who we are.
Geese? Ostriches? Peacocks?
You guessed it! We are penguins.


My sparrow, little sparrow!
Gray, nimble, like a mouse.
Eyes - beads, paws - apart,
Paws - sideways, paws - askew...
Jump, jump, I won’t touch you -
You see, I crumbled the bread...
Push the crow with your beak,
Who asked her here?
Jump closer, come on, come on,
So, like this, a little more...
The wind is throwing snow, you bastard,
Both on the back and on the chest.
Make friends with me, birdie,
We'll live in a house together,
Let's sit side by side under the view,
Let's learn the alphabet...
Closer, just a little more...
Furh! He ran away... What an impudence!
Ate all the grains, ate all the crumbs
And he didn't say thank you.


Only morning comes in the garden,
Before I even wake up, I hear:
On the branch it gets louder, sometimes quieter
The finch sings uncontrollably.
Bathed in the scarlet dawn,
Clicks his tongue
As if the best in the world
He had breakfast
Like a worm!

It's already warm. And sometimes
A noisy scream is heard from the garden.
There's a crowd of sparrows there
They shout on the branches: “Chick-chirp!”

The birds out of the clouds are happy
The sun will appear for them for a moment;
They meet this ray
With a cheerful cry: chik-chirk!

That ray whispers to them that the earth
Everything will soon become like a flower garden,
Drown in the green fields...
And louder you can hear: chirp-tweet!


It's quiet by the swamp at noon
The willows rustle gently.
There is a crane on the hill
Teaches cranes.
Only heard over the meadows,
Where the cranes crow:
"One two Three! Leg push!
Get off the ground!
Zhuravlikha's voice is thin,
There is joy in it, and there is sadness in it.
The youngest crane
He says: “But I’m afraid!”
The mother looked at her son:
“How timid he was!”
She pushed with her long beak -
The little crane flew...
The distances are long!
A difficult path for the cranes!
For the first time in foreign lands
The cranes will fly.
And in the spring you will find them
Where the willows rustle,
At a familiar swamp
With a new flock of cranes.


- Kra! –
The crow screams. –
The missing!
The thief sneaked in
Early in the morning!
He stole the penny
From the pocket!
Traffic jam!
And beautiful
- Stop, crow
Don't shout.
Don't shout
Shut up.
You can't live
Without deception -
You have
No pocket.
- How?! –
The crow jumped
And blinked
- Why are you earlier?
Didn't they say?!


What kind of bird
What kind of bird
To our first page
Arrived and sits;
Sharp beak
Early in the morning
It's like he's doing exercises
Is our tree being hollowed out?
then you, bird,
Crazy -
Are you still knocking and not singing?
At dawn
Every now and then
Don't you let the boys sleep?
– And I wasn’t crazy at all:
Singing songs is not our business,
I’m sitting here, knocking:
You will
Very boring,
If suddenly I become silent.
And she fell silent...
But in the morning
The bark is falling again,
The same knock is heard again:
Knock Knock!..
Knock Knock!.."
- Is it you again, buddy?
- Who else? - Woodpecker answered.

Sparrow wanted to swing
Our little sparrow swings
On a visit to a thin blade of grass
Sat on the very top -
“Rock me, little epic,
throw it up!.."
A blade of grass sways in the wind.
Oh how the sun shines brightly
in the morning!
Oh, how fun it is when in the world
You are a sparrow, a blade of grass,
shake it!


There is shaggy snow on the fence
It lies in a thick bed.
The little jackdaws flew in instantly...
Wow, what a serious look!
They walk sideways along the fence,
Heads bent,
And to each other soon, soon
They grab the beak with their beak.
Why are you quarreling, little birds?
Is there not enough room for you around?
On the top of a birch tree,
On the porch and under the porch.
Oh, if only I were a jackdaw myself -
I would wave through the window
And a fun dive
Drowned in the blue sky...

The starlings have arrived
A tall maple awaits guests -
The house on the branch is fortified.
The roof is painted,
There is a porch for singers...

You can hear the chirping in the blue sky -
A family of starlings is flying towards us.
We got up early today
We were waiting for the birds yesterday.

Security guards walk around the yard,
Chases cats out of the yard.
We wave our hands to the starlings,
Let's drum and sing:

Live in our house!
You will feel good in it!
The birds began to approach,
We flew to the yard,

We couldn't resist
They shouted in unison: - Hurray!
Amazing thing:
The whole family flew away!

Doctor woodpecker
Doctor Woodpecker sat on a branch,
Knocks on the bark: knock-knock.
- That's it, a rowan tree, -
Doctor Woodpecker says,
You are sick, you have a sore throat,
That's why he looks so gloomy.
Here's a sweet mixture for you,
So that the temperature goes away.
And for each of your branches
I'll prescribe the pills now!

White dove,
Blue skirt,
I walked on water
I got my skirt wet.
Rock Dove says:
- Oh, you harmful puddle!
And he says to the dove:
- Oh, you, my poor!

Geese and swans gathered
Fly to the warm south,
Cheerful anticipation
Suddenly filling the sky.
They hurry, they say goodbye
Until next spring...
And now they are turning
Into melted dreams.
Autumn days are getting shorter
And, in anticipation of the blizzard,
We see birds flowing,
Hastening to the south.

  • Speeches at seminars (jury)
    • The role of gaming technologiesThe role of gaming technologies
    • Forms of interaction with parents
    • Participation in the DPI jury at the Umka festival by composer E. Krylatov
    • Participation in the competition I give my heart to children
    • Participation in a seminar at the Municipal Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School Solnechnaya
    • Participation in the competition "OUR MOSCOW REGION-2014"
    • Participation in a seminar at DDT Yunost 01/21/2015
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      • Gymnastics for schoolchildren's eyes
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      • Tempering an infantTempering an infant
      • How to strengthen your child's immunity
      • Visual gymnastics - 1 method
      • Visual gymnastics - method 2
      • Self-help in stressful situations
      • How to preserve a schoolchild's vision
      • Antibiotics: benefit or harm.Antibiotics: benefit or harm.
      • What to do with your child on a walk in the spring.
    • Children's safety on the Internet
    • Spiritual foundations of educationSpiritual foundations of education
      • Spiritual foundations of education.Spiritual foundations of education.
      • How to teach children to behave in church
    • Psychological fairy tales for children
      • How a little deer became friends with his sister
      • The fawn becomes a big brother
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      • 6 years readiness for school6 years readiness for school
      • 7 years old junior schoolboy7 years old junior schoolboy
      • 8-9 years solving specific problems
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      • 12 years and older teenage crisis
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      • Rights of the child and parentsRights of the child and parents
      • Principles for choosing a professionPrinciples for choosing a profession
      • Your child has no friendsYour child has no friends
      • Frequent behavior disorders in adolescents
      • What you need to know when choosing an educational institution.
      • School maladjustment of first-graders
      • Children's perception of informationChildren's perception of information
      • Kindergarten. AdaptationKindergarten. Adaptation
      • Healthy lifestyle in the familyHealthy lifestyle in the family
      • Play therapy in working with children
      • How to behave on the roadsHow to behave on the roads
      • Mom must be like thisMom must be like this
      • Memo for parents on tuberculosis prevention
      • Rules for parents in kindergarten
      • Colds and nutrition
      • The role of the father in the life of a childThe role of the father in the life of a child
      • Fatigue and overwork in preschool children
      • Have fun or develop?
    • Consultations Consultations
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      • Such important responsibilitiesSuch important responsibilities
      • Is drawing so important in a child’s life?
      • Family influence on child development
      • The influence of parental attitudes on children's development
      • Happiness is when you are understood
      • Development of fine motor skills of the hands as a means
      • Safety rules for children
      • If a child bitesIf a child bites
      • Spiritual - Moral education is relevant in our time
      • First aid kit for a child at seaFirst aid kit for a child at sea
      • Safety at sea for children
      • How to raise a boy in a family
      • How to effectively harden a preschool child
      • Baby's first bookBaby's first book
      • When can a child go to the sea?
      • Useful summer holidaysUseful summer holidays
      • Arbitrariness of behaviorArbitrariness of behavior
      • The child goes to first gradeThe child goes to first grade
      • The child often fights with children
      • Speech therapist advice for the summerSpeech therapist advice for the summer
      • Teaching your child how to handle money
    • Typical mistakes in family education
      • Typical mistakes in family education.
      • Advice from a psychologist to parents on ensuring the mental stability of children
      • Problems faced by a teenager
      • Positive and negative attitudes for a child
      • The teenager fell into bad company
      • Aggression of a teenage childAggression of a teenage child
      • 10 rules for raising a happy child
      • “I myself”: don’t scare off independence
      • We are raising a little helper.
      • Grandfathers and grandmothers in raising grandchildren
      • Fall asleep on your own.Fall asleep on your own.
      • How to teach a child to have order.
      • How to put a child to sleep.How to put a child to sleep.
      • A juvenile negativist.A juvenile negativist.
      • Why is the child swearing?Why is the child swearing?
      • The child sleeps with his parents.The child sleeps with his parents.
  • Tips for parentsTips for parents
    • Psychological advice about children
      • Cheat sheet for adults or rules for working with anxious children
      • What to do and not to do with a preschool child
      • UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
      • Tree test. The meaning of the figures
      • We treat grandmothers, starting with ourselves
      • Beware: screaming mother!Beware: screaming mother!
      • If your child has become silent and withdrawn
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      • Psychological difficulties of a child during exams
      • Patriotic education of preschool children
      • How peasants in Rus' raised children
    • Psychological advice to parents
      • Traditional and modern functions of the family.
      • Divorce as a family crisis. Single-parent family.
      • Various categories of modern family
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      • How to choose a pet
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    Coat of arms

    Rural settlement


    K. Muhammadli


    Feathered friends fly merrily across the sky and sing, shouting: “Thank you very much!”

    The cry is rushing from all over, the cry is rushing to all ends: - Spring has come! Give me starlings. Welcome, starlings! –

    In the very best place the best grove on a branch
    The living space is ready to hang. And a little bird with a big appetite.

    Ready to feed both grain and midges. Starlings do not fly from across the sea, from behind the forest, while the pioneers themselves climb onto the sides of the birch trees.

    One with a pipe on his nose sat down right on the very branch. - I would like to fly up and meet
    with a welcoming speech. -One hitch: the back is without wings.

    Thunder rumbles from the guys' trumpets, from the crazy drum.

    They roar, scream, squeak, trumpet. - Starlings, welcome! –

    The drums are beating furiously. The starlings waited for the spring weather behind the forests, and in inconsolable waiting the children settled down in the birdhouses themselves.

    If a starling flies under the canopy of leaves, you will have to say: “There is no room!” -
    I want this cry to buzz above other cries:
    - Comrade, don’t forget your pioneer work after your bird work.

    Vladimir Mayakovsky (1927)

    Have pity on the birds, they will not be offended by pity.

    Understand the birds, please.

    How to live in winter without worms and midges?

    Throw crumbs to the birds. Help the singers

    Until the blizzards melt! After all, songs die in flocks...

    Zinaida Mostovaya

    “Sing me a song, nightingale.”

    Sing me a song, nightingale, I will listen...
    Maybe somehow you can touch my soul...
    Sing a song about sunsets and sunrises, about how you and I celebrated the summer together.
    About the beauty of native forests and lush grasses, about the spring that flows into the distance in dense oak groves...
    About Mother Earth, dear, about a better life, sing a song without getting tired, I will listen...

    Olga Bogdan

    "Poor herons."

    The herons didn't find their dinner
    They drink stress drops.
    standing on one leg
    and they are sad about dinner.

    All the frogs ran away
    The poor herons didn't get it.
    How can they sleep hungry?
    Maybe read fairy tales?

    Don't be very sad herons
    And don’t drink your own drops
    We'll give you porridge
    Eat our herons.

    A. M. Zhemchuzhnikov

    Freed starling.

    Skvorushka, skvorushka! Look, how magnificent

    The tree has hung its flexible branches!

    The sun sparkles on the leaves and you can hear

    How they whisper cheerfully to each other.

    Why are you sitting there so prim and proper?

    Why aren’t you flying, why aren’t you frolicking, little bird?

    The tail is short, the nose is long,

    The legs are tall and have motley feathers.

    You jump onto a branch and jump back;

    You look lazily at the green leaves;

    You don’t sing, but mumble inaudibly,

    As if half asleep, the words were memorized.

    You are worthy of surprise, bird;

    These birds have never been seen in the wild;

    Something very meek and decent -

    In a cage, to know, fed, raised in a cage.

    Skvorushka, skvorushka, you're out of habit

    You feel melancholy and deprivation in freedom;

    You're not like all the other birds,

    Strong-willed right from birth.

    Look how they play! High, high!

    A discordant flock of them flutters in the sky;

    In the field, in the forest, far beyond the river

    How to draw a bird.

    First draw a cage with the door wide open,
    then draw something nice and simple,
    something very pleasant and very necessary for the bird;
    then lean the canvas against a tree in the garden or grove,
    Hide behind this tree, don’t move and be silent.
    Sometimes she flies quickly and sits on a perch in the cage.
    sometimes years pass and there is no bird.
    Don't lose heart, wait
    wait, if necessary, for years, because the waiting period, whether it is short or long,
    has no bearing on the success of your painting.
    When will the bird fly to you (if only it will fly),
    remain silent, wait for the bird to fly into the cage;
    and when she flies into the cage, quietly close the door with your brush,
    and, without touching the feather, carefully erase the cage.
    Then draw a tree, choosing the best branch for the bird,
    draw green foliage, the freshness of the wind and the caress of the sun,
    draw the sound of midges frolicking in the hot rays,
    and wait, wait then for the bird to sing.
    If she doesn't sing, it's a bad omen
    this means that your painting is no good at all;
    but if a bird sings, it's a good sign,
    a sign that you can be proud of your painting
    and you can put your signature in the corner of the picture
    asking for a feather from a singing bird for this purpose.

    I.S. Turgenev


    I hear a titmouse ringing
    among the yellowing branches; Hello little bird,

    Herald of autumn days! Even though he threatens us with bad weather,

    even in winter he is our prophet - Breathes blessed happiness
    Your cheerful voice. In your greeting song
    Is my hearing captivated only by the unrequited nature?
    An indifferent game?
    Or he sings carelessly and you want to live -
    The one that helps people endure Death and life? (September 1863)

    Tatiana Denisova

    On the edge, on the shed, Two crows are sitting, both looking apart: They quarreled over a dead beetle!

    Heavenly creatures carried my bed - Raven, Sirin bird and corncrake.

    Vl. Levi

    Being a bird requires rehearsal.
    Start every day with effort, don’t be lazy to wave
    Wings carefully, and not, that is, there is a risk of turning into a penitent
    Reptile. Unpleasant.

    Mikhail Uspensky

    Man, man, you have two legs,
    Even though you are very big, midges eat you!
    And I'm very small
    But I myself eat midges.

    The white-sided magpie was cooking porridge, jumping on the threshold, calling guests! The guests arrived and the porridge was snapped up! This one in a spoon, this one in a ladle, this one in a pot, this one in a pancake... and you, fat, short! Shake your beard! I didn’t praise the porridge, I didn’t chop the wood, I didn’t bring water, now bring some water! (syllable by syllable) I took the basket through my palm, and through my little hand, and to the river... I scooped it up, I scooped it up, I scooped it up... (show all actions)

    I’ll give the little sparrow a feeder,
    I'll build a nest for greenfinches,
    I'll hang a birdhouse for the starlings,
    I will give gifts to all the birds!

    Paws get cold in the cold
    At the pine and spruce.
    What is this miracle on the birch tree?
    The apples are ripe!
    I'll come closer to her -
    And I can’t believe my eyes:
    A flock of scarlet bullfinches
    stuck to the tree

    Forty-four, forty-four cheerful siskins lived in an apartment:
    Siskin dishwasher, Siskin scrubber, Siskin gardener, Siskin water carrier,
    Siskin for the cook, Siskin for the housewife, Siskin for the errands, Siskin the chimney sweep.
    The stove was lit, Porridge was cooked, Forty-four Merry Siskins:
    Chizh - with a ladle, Chizh - with a poker, Chizh - with a rocker, Chizh - with a sieve,
    Chizh covers, Chizh convenes, Chizh pours, Chizh distributes.
    Having finished their work, Forty-four cheerful siskins went hunting:
    Chizh - like a bear, Chizh - like a fox,
    Chizh - like a grouse, Chizh - like a hedgehog,
    Siskin - for a turkey, Siskin - for a cuckoo,
    Chizh - like a frog, Chizh - like a snake.
    After the hunt, forty-four cheerful siskins took up notes:
    They played together: Chizh on the piano,

    Chizh - on the dulcimer, Chizh - on the trumpet,
    Chizh - on the trombone, Chizh - on the accordion, Chizh - on the comb, Chizh - on the lip!
    The whole house went to the familiar finches Forty-four Happy Siskins:
    Chizh - on a tram, Chizh - on a motor, Chizh - on a cart, Chizh - on a cart,
    Chizh - in a tarataika, Chizh - on the heels, Chizh - on a shaft, Chizh - on an arc!
    They wanted to sleep, they were making their beds, forty-four cheerful siskins:
    Siskin - on the bed, Siskin - on the sofa, Siskin - on the basket, Siskin - on the bench,
    Siskin - on the box, Siskin - on the reel, Siskin - on a piece of paper, Siskin - on the floor.
    Lying in bed, Forty-four Happy Siskins whistled in unison:
    Siskin -- -- triti-titi, Siskin -- -- tiri-tirli, Siskin -- -- dili-dili, Siskin -- -- ti-ti-ti,
    Chizh - - tiki-tiki, Chizh - - tiki-riki, Chizh - - tyuti-lyuti, Chizh - - bye-bye-bye.

    I’ll put a little sparrow in my palm, he’ll sit in it without moving,
    He found shelter with me for five minutes, then flapped his wings and was off again!

    A sharp wind rose
    I tore leaves from birch trees.
    Suddenly a scream was heard above me,
    The cry of a bird, full of tears.
    Swan straying from the flock
    Hovered above my head,
    He lost his family
    And the meaning of the world was lost to him.
    There was no one to talk to
    There was no one to love...
    He thought:
    “Why, then, should I sail across the sky?”
    The bird folded its wings,
    The flight was cut short...
    The persistent wind has subsided,
    Only the sky sheds tears...

    Oh lyuli-lyuli-lyuli! Ghouls have arrived to us. The little ones have arrived,
    They sat down on our cradle. The ghouls began to coo,
    Seryozha began to fall asleep. And swing-roll-roll!
    The rooks have arrived to us! They sat on the gates.
    And the collars squeak and squeak! Vanya and Lenochka are sleeping, sleeping!

    What an ignorant little boy, he doesn’t read wonderful books! I want to teach him, but I can’t teach him! He gallops both day and night, sharpening his beak on the cup.
    What a sissy! Such an eccentric! I read - he doesn’t do anything!

    N. Zabolotsky

    Start the serenade, starling!
    Through the timpani and tambourines of history
    You are our first spring singer
    From the Birch Conservatory.
    Open the show, whistler!
    Throw back your pink head,
    Breaking the shine of the strings
    In the very throat of a birch grove.


    Dad and I made a house for titmice and sparrows, and every day we feed their sisters and brothers with bread.

    The sun has barely risen, and they are already right there
    and everyone chirps together - they are waiting for breakfast at the feeder.

    The birds are happy with the liver, grains, millet, pancakes,

    They wake me up early with a song in the morning,

    And they are a little different, some are more modest, some are bolder, some are bigger, some are smaller - I love all of my friends.

    And I’ll also advise you guys as a friend: - Make a feeding trough with dad, it will be more joyful around!

    It was crowded at the feeding trough under the window on a winter day.
    A cat ran past - The feeding trough became empty...
    Where are you, titmouses, lively sisters?

    In winter, birds freeze in severe frosts, and their wings do not survive such weather.

    And for this in winter, they need “feeders” to fill themselves with food. These are not “toys”.

    When the birds at the feeder are fed with food,
    They immediately “light up” with such joy.

    Some will sing songs to you about their confession,
    Sparrows chirp in this state.

    If they get together, “Dialogues” will start -
    And this song will fill with a “symphony” in reality.

    The snow is falling slowly, slowly.

    The snow is falling slowly, slowly.
    A man walks quietly through the snow.
    In a hat and fur coat
    He carries a red sled behind him.

    The bird feeder in the sled turns yellow,
    For kinglets, bullfinches and tits.

    The snow is falling, falling, falling...
    Good journey to you, man!

    This incident took place in April.
    Birds have arrived from the south.
    The snow is melting, and the sparrow
    They are thrown out of their homes.
    Get out, you bully!
    A starling whistled to him.
    Never! My apartment!
    I'm not a temporary resident!
    I'm here with blizzards and frost
    He endured it patiently.
    And now under this roof
    I'm preparing a nest for the family
    And I won't touch
    At least kill it!
    The sparrow chirped.
    Don't be stubborn!
    My inheritance
    This house remains from childhood,
    Fly out! My beak is sharp.
    But here in the yard
    Misha came out with the birdhouse,
    He quickly climbed onto the roof with her,
    Tied tightly
    And he said affably:
    I, friends, am heartily glad.
    Protect the garden together.
    Only Misha got down,
    Sparrow is daring
    Moved to a new house
    And he made peace with his neighbor.


    Take a look at the crossbills -
    The beaks are folded into crosses.
    Dappers - a feast for the eyes:
    In bright red plumage!
    In a warm cozy nest
    The chicks hatched in winter,
    They are not afraid of severe frost,
    Well done!
    Hoodie with a black head
    Nature couldn't find any other color for her.
    The voice is hoarse, sharp, only “car” and “car”,
    But she is the best nurse in the area.
    We have friends in the yard,
    They get up at first light
    And to foreign lands
    They don't fly away - no!
    The wind will blow from the dark fields,
    The willow branches will droop,
    One will ask the other: “Are you alive?”
    The other will answer: “Alive.”
    The starlings have arrived -
    Young spring messengers,
    They peck at worms
    And they sing, they sing, they sing!


    The frost is light, frost is everywhere.
    Against the background of snowy purity,
    On branches in blue azure
    Extraordinary beauty
    There are burning lanterns hanging,
    Look, these are real -
    Not light bulbs, not lanterns -
    Live birds - bullfinches!


    Sviri-ri, sviri-ri - what kind of miracles?
    Bird voices flow softly and silvery.
    In a red beret, with a red tuft,
    In festive plumage following the breeze
    Birds have flown from the distant north,
    They sat down on a rowan tree to feast on berries.
    Magic songs ring in the air,
    The birds sing as if they are talking
    That the frosts will pass, the snowstorms will stop making noise.
    Waxwings are whistling about spring that is already close.


    A bird flew timidly -
    Yellow-breasted Titmouse,
    She took a seed in her beak
    And she quickly took it away.


    Longtail, white-sided
    Talkative magpie.
    Sits high on the top of a tree,
    He will warn everyone about the danger in the forest!


    I made a hollow hole for myself,
    It is both dry and warm.
    Built a house for the family,
    The children will be in the house.
    And the owner is a spotted woodpecker:
    The beak is reliable, strong, sharp, -
    All the boogers under the bark
    He will find it in the summer.


    Owls live in the forests -
    Big-eyed, big-headed,
    Sharp claws, crocheted beak,
    They see at night as well as during the day.
    Owls hear every rustle
    And they hunt mice.
    There is no vole -
    So the frog will be grabbed deftly.


    The stupid little haircut fell out of the nest -
    Then something bad happened to him.
    But my mother walked along the road,
    She saw a swift in the grass.
    The chick was hungry, frozen in the dew,
    He rushed to his mother with all his strength.
    Completely despairing of my misfortune,
    He pressed his wings to her leg.
    Mom raised her haircut. And so
    This little haircut lives with me.
    I'll catch flies for his lunch
    And I will protect him from evil and troubles.
    I'll drink it from my palm,
    I'll sing a lullaby quietly.
    But my little haircut looks sadly at the clouds,
    There, where there is a flock of birds' voices.
    I whispered to him: - Don’t be sad,
    You'll only learn to fly as you grow up.
    The days flew by quickly, and the swift grew up.
    Now I have one question.
    The haircut needs to be taught to fly,
    After all, autumn is coming soon, and we won’t have to wait long.
    I threw it - fly, baby!
    Soar freely above the clouds and rooftops!
    And fly to your nest, there
    Where did you accidentally fall from then?
    But where are you now, my little haircut?
    Perhaps you have started a family?
    And maybe in a faraway place
    Do you remember me too?
    Well, when spring comes again,
    He'll chirp at the window again,
    He will sing us a song and tell us in it,
    How he flew to distant lands.

    Agniya Barto.


    On Arbat, in a store,
    There is a garden outside the window.
    There's a blue dove flying there,
    Bullfinches whistle in the garden.
    I am one such bird
    Behind the glass I saw in the window,
    I saw such a bird
    That now I can’t sleep.
    Bright pink breast
    Two shiny wings...
    I couldn't for a minute
    Break away from the glass.
    Because of this very bird
    I cried for four days.
    I thought my mother would agree -
    I will have a bird.
    But mom has a habit
    The answer is always wrong:
    I tell her about the bird,
    And she told me about the coat.
    There's a hole in your pockets,
    Why am I fighting in the yard?
    That's why I should
    Forget about the bullfinch.
    I followed my mother
    He was waiting for her at the door,
    I'm on purpose at lunch
    He talked about bullfinches.
    It was dry, but the galoshes
    I obediently put it on
    Before that I was good -
    I didn’t recognize myself.
    I almost didn’t argue with my grandfather,
    Didn't move around at lunch
    I said "thank you"
    I thanked everyone for everything.
    It was difficult to live in the world,
    And to tell the truth,
    I endured this torment
    Only for the sake of the bullfinch.
    How hard I tried!
    I didn't fight with girls.
    When will I see the girl?
    I'll shake my fist at her
    And I quickly go to the side,
    It's like I don't know her.
    Mom was very surprised:
    - What's wrong with you, pray tell?
    Maybe you're sick with us -
    You didn't fight on your day off!
    And I answered sadly:
    - I’m always like this now.
    I stubbornly achieved
    I didn't bother in vain.
    “Miracles,” said mom.
    And I bought a bullfinch.
    I brought it home.
    Finally, now he is mine!
    I shouted to the whole apartment:
    - My bullfinch is alive!
    I will admire them
    He will sing at dawn...
    Maybe we can fight again
    Tomorrow morning in the yard?


    blue back,
    Red-haired barrel.
    Along the aspen trunk,
    After a leap, a leap,
    Jumps up and down;
    A holey one climbed into the trunk,
    Hanged beak down.
    He turns his head
    I looked at the woodpeckers
    From under the black eyebrow
    Sparkled with a sparkle
    He whistled: “Hey you woodpeckers!
    I'm jumping down with my beak...
    This is unlikely for you
    Woodpeckers can handle it!”

    How can a bird survive the winter?

    How can a bird survive the winter?
    It is known that in birds
    There are no wadded robes,
    No flannel shirts.
    Many don't even have a nest:
    They are in thunderstorms and hail,
    And in the rain and in the cold
    They sleep sitting on the branches.
    But who gives them shelter?
    When does it snow?
    There are different types of birds:
    Some people are afraid of blizzards
    And they fly away for the winter
    To the good, warm south.
    Others are a different people:
    In the frost they circle over the forest,
    For them, separation from their homeland
    Worse than a severe cold.
    To their ruffled feathers
    Snowflakes don't stick,
    They are also under the powders
    They frolic to warm up.
    Crows sit on the pillars,
    Jackdaws are chattering on the branches,
    Sparrows can jump freely,
    As if spinning jump ropes.
    But if it snows for a long time
    And the blizzard lasts a long time,
    Then, friends, you have to
    It’s hard for our birds.
    Covered with snowdrifts
    Hillocks, courtyards, paths,
    The birds can't find it
    Not a grain, not a crumb.
    And now they fly weaker and weaker
    Crow, jackdaw, sparrow...
    Help quickly, children!
    At this most difficult hour
    The birds are waiting for you to save them.
    Feed them! Warm up!
    Hang the house on the bitch!
    Scatter the crumbs on the snow,
    Or even semolina porridge...
    And the poor things will come to life!
    Sliding merrily across the sky,
    Feathered friends will take flight
    And they will sing, tweeting:
    “Thank you very much!”

    K. Muhammadi


    Wagtail near a puddle,
    Shaking my tail on the sly,
    She said: “Why
    Rhymes for everyone - don’t have a rhyme for me?
    Am I not a fast runner?
    Am I not catching midges?
    Or do rhymes need a snail?
    That's disgusting. I can’t stand it.”
    Wagtail, wonder bird,
    You are dearer to me than the bright stars.
    You... But the spoiled girl disappeared,
    Turning his quick tail.

    Good City Sparrow
    Army of feathered privates,
    I'll sprinkle some golden grains for you,
    Please survive the winter.
    The nightingales and jays flew overseas,
    There they feel more comfortable and well fed,
    There is only you, steadfast soldier,
    You jump through the snowdrifts along the alleys.

    The frost bites, driving passers-by
    To well-fed, comfortable homes,
    Only you alone, living soul,
    In the middle of cold, anger, ice.
    Chick-chirp rams my window,
    How did you survive the night, my friend?
    To my window early in the morning
    He jumped off the icy branch.
    Here's millet for you, and hot for me
    Spring tea made from water,
    Thaw - my window is crying,
    This means that the month of May is somewhere close.
    Be patient, maybe this isn't our first time
    To survive in severe frosts,
    City Sparrow, my dear,
    I am with you even in the cold - Grace.

    Konstantin Balmont


    Early in the morning, just before sunrise,
    The Firebird flew across the sky.
    She bathed in the sun's rays,
    Sang joyful songs
    And then she shook herself, shook herself,
    She dropped her golden feathers,
    And she flew away to the eastern land,
    To the house where the sun rests at night.
    The wind caught the golden feathers
    And carried it to human settlements
    He left them there and left.
    So they went to mortal people.
    Those whose brows they crowned,
    We gained age-old wisdom,
    Endowed with a wondrous light gift
    Make smart decisions.
    Those whose lips these feathers touched,
    Glorified by prophetic speeches,
    Wrote songs and stories
    About glorious and great deeds.
    Well, in those who fell on their chests
    Golden feathers of a wonderful bird,
    A fiery heart was lit
    Proud, seeking freedom,
    Good, devoid of bad,
    Full of sublime love...

    The Wonder Bird has disappeared forever
    Never returned to earth
    But the chosen people remained
    The gift of light powers to the human race...

    Vera Kushnir

    Poem and song.

    The wild goose has mighty wings,
    In a long flight their scope is wide.
    A little effort, a little effort
    And he's high, high in the clouds...
    The swallow has wings, and the dove too,
    And I, a man, cannot fly,
    But You gave me wings of prayer, my God,
    They can lift me above the world.
    I am much richer, happier than a bird,
    I fly high on the wings of prayer.
    Those bright wings know no boundaries,
    They carry my soul silently, easily.
    When a person begins to pray,
    Migratory birds look confused,
    After all, the birds have to step aside,
    Give way to people's prayers.
    Silent wings, mighty wings
    My spirit is lifted above the sinful earth.
    A little effort, a little effort,
    During the flight of prayer there is peace for the heart.

    Boris Zakhoder


    The wisest bird in the world is the owl.
    He hears everything
    But she is very stingy with words.
    The more he hears -
    The less he talks.
    Ah, this is what many of us miss.

    Complete the word, solve anagrams and explain spelling in words.

    Jump, jump, well, what a bird,
    Everything doesn’t sit still,
    In appearance there is no one braver than him,
    Orboway jumps quickly
    High on the maple tree
    Ronavo was getting ready to sing,
    Showed her singing talent
    She shouted loudly: Kar-rr-r-r...
    No wonder you hear knocking in the forest,
    This is the voice of the orderly.
    The barrel was checked, everything was settled,
    Helps the forest
    Shining sits in the snow,
    A flock of red-breasted birds.
    Enjoy it quickly
    Here's to the handsome men!
    This bird with willpower,
    Happens to the field a hundred times a day.
    The bird has no time to be lazy,
    Carries food to the Atsnisi chicks.

    The rook says to the rook:
    "Fly with the rooks to the doctor,
    It's time for them to get vaccinated
    To strengthen the pen."

    An unknown bird appeared -
    Everyone marvels at her:
    Doesn't sing and doesn't fly,
    Everything is on fire and blazing.
    Far across the world
    Everyone knows this birdie,
    This bird is not simple,
    Painted, gold.
    Just a miracle - a trinket,
    Its name is the folk toy.

    Olesya Emelyanova


    God has no limit to perfection,
    For the Creator it contains both happiness and bliss!
    And then one day, the joy is not the same,
    God created a bird louder than a nightingale.
    And she, without hesitation, got down to business -
    In the garden she sat on a branch and began to sing.
    And that song was so good
    That all the birds froze, not breathing,
    Marveling at its freshness and strength,
    It was as if they were enchanted by her.
    And even the sophisticated nightingale
    I didn’t find the shadow of my trill in it...
    The song fell silent, but the silence lasted.
    The singer was not at all embarrassed,
    Wanting to glorify the entire bird race, -
    How it will ring, beat, sing!
    Fall on your knees in tenderness,
    After all, she has inspiration from God.
    He Himself listens to her with favor...
    But what is God there? Creatures know better.
    God's gift to them is only a reason for sadness -
    They had never seen anything like this before.
    They don’t know what to think, what to do.
    What if the song is rubbish and it’s a shame to praise it?
    To quickly understand this matter,
    They asked the nightingale specialist,
    He is a great authority in singing,
    Let him say whether to admire it or not.
    But the nightingale was quite envious,
    It’s a shame for him to admit someone else’s talent.
    He worked his way to glory day after day
    Not for anyone to surpass.
    Come on, if it were a member of their noble family,
    Otherwise, the singer is a stray and rootless.
    And the nightingale, at least discerned the truth,
    He shook his head arrogantly,
    Having said: “Behold the singing is vain and empty
    Foolish is he who calls it art!”
    The crowd cheers: “That’s right, friends!
    There is no bird more vocal than the nightingale!
    We don't need talentless upstarts here!
    Shut up, or we’ll drive you out of the garden!”
    But the miracle bird was created by God -
    She does not obey rumors,
    She doesn’t care about other people’s opinions -
    She sings even more beautifully than she sang.
    But the song is drowned out by an evil chorus:
    "Nothing! Mediocrity! Shame!"
    And everyone flying past will say:
    “He can’t sing, and what’s more!
    She spits on our society:
    They said: shut up, but no, he yells!”
    And so they treated the whole world with rage,
    That God's bird was pecked to death.
    And realizing the misfortune, in the morning
    They stole the pen as a souvenir,
    To boast before others with importance:
    "You know, I was friends with that bird,
    That many, many years ago
    She glorified the garden with her song.
    Now there are no traces of such singers.
    She was sitting here - on this branch.
    A simple branch - nothing to see,
    You can sit here too
    To become involved in the highest art..."
    Everyone sat down - the branch broke off with a crunch.
    The moral of this fable is:
    Don't become a jackal on a lion's grave.
    Don’t consider God’s gift to people an insult,
    And do not take revenge on the chosen ones and do not envy them.

    Poems by Pleshcheev A.N.

    Children and a bird.

    “Bird! We feel sorry for your sonorous songs!
    Don’t fly away from us... Wait!” -
    “Dear little ones! From your side
    The cold and rain are driving me away.

    Over there in the trees, on the roof of the gazebo
    How many friends are waiting for me!
    Tomorrow you will still sleep, children,
    And we will all rush south.
    There is neither cold nor rain there now,
    The wind does not tear leaves from the branches,
    The sun doesn’t hide in the clouds..." -
    “Will you come back to us soon, little bird?”
    "I'm stocked with new songs
    I'll come back to you when I'm out of the fields
    The snow will melt when in the ravine
    The stream will gurgle and glisten,
    And it will begin under the spring sun
    All nature comes to life...
    I'll be back when, little ones,
    You’ll be reading!”

    Samuel MARSHAK

    Where did you have lunch, sparrow?

    Where did you have lunch, sparrow?
    - In the zoo with the animals.
    I had lunch first
    Behind bars by the lion.
    Took some refreshment from the fox.
    I drank some water at the walrus's.
    I ate carrots from an elephant.
    I ate millet with the crane.
    Stayed with a rhinoceros
    I ate a little bran.
    I went to the feast
    In tailed kangaroos.
    I was at a festive dinner
    At the shaggy bear.
    A toothed crocodile
    Almost swallowed me.


    Conversation with a magpie.

    I said to the magpie: “Magpie, stay with me for a little while!”
    I’ll put you on the stove, I’ll lay a soft rug for you,
    I’ll treat you to sweet tea, and then I’ll stay with you.

    No, no, no! Magpie said. - Stay for a while
    I have you first! I'll put you on a branch,
    I’ll put warm moss on your bed, the most delicious
    I'll treat you to a bug! And then I’ll stay with you.

    E. Uspensky

    At the poultry market.

    Bird Market! Bird Market! Pushing his hat on one side,

    A guy walks between cages and baskets all day long,
    He walks around selling a bird, but the bird doesn’t sing.
    And no one gives a penny for this bird.
    The seller thought and thought and finally decided:
    - Hit the whole market, take the bird for free! -
    The people are surprised, But they don’t take it for nothing.
    Why captivate her, If the bird does not sing?
    A guy walks around, wrinkles his forehead, and suddenly his hat hits the ground!
    He lowered the cage to the ground, took the bird and let it go.
    The captive was confused - Apparently she can’t believe it:
    She was just sitting in a cage and now she’s sitting on a branch.
    She looked at the people, and then she started singing!
    The whole bazaar listened silently to the miracle song, the miracle song.
    The seller forgot about the change, the Buyer forgot about the goods,
    The sergeant major about the riots, the Rotozei about the gloves.
    In that song the pieces of ice rang and there was a sound of triumph.
    That day I didn’t buy anything at the poultry market.

    I don't know, maybe I'm dreaming
    Just whatever you say,
    There is a pink bird in the world,
    Bird the color of dawn.
    For her - orange dawns,
    For her - green grass,
    For her - wizards over the sea
    The blue ones place the islands.
    I'm in the firebirds and in blue birds I do not believe,
    Miracles have sunk into centuries,
    I only believe in pink feathers
    In scarlet tight sails.
    If I have to remember summer,
    To protect yourself from sadness,
    Let them come to my aid then
    Slender sea pigeons.
    And it won't be strange for you,
    What I won't forget for so long -
    A soft pink seagull,
    Sailing boat of fate.

    We are all locked in apartment cages:
    TV, Internet, phones...
    And outside it’s snowing like marshmallows,
    Where crows roam.

    And above the river there is an orange ball
    Illuminates sheepskin coats and fur coats.
    And the ears are a vigorous decoction
    Burns fisherman's lips.

    And the snow creaks in the cold
    Under the feet of random passers-by.
    And your first, happy step
    Made by a boy who looks like his mother...

    I won't go on air today
    And I'll turn off my phones for the day.
    I want to go to this fairy-tale world
    Where crows walk in the snow.

    Korney Chukovsky

    I had a beautiful hen.
    Oh, what a smart chicken she was!
    She sewed caftans for me, sewed boots,
    She baked sweet, rosy pies for me.
    And when he manages, he sits at the gate -
    He will tell a fairy tale, sing a song.

    Olga Berggolts poetry

    Anthology of Russian poetry

    Blockade swallow.

    In the spring of forty-two
    many Leningraders
    wore a badge on his chest -
    swallow with a letter in
    Through the years, and joy, and adversity
    I will forever shine alone -
    that spring of forty-two,
    It's spring in the besieged city.
    A small swallow made of tin
    I carried it on my chest myself.
    It was a sign of good news
    it meant: “Waiting for a letter.”
    This sign was invented by the blockade.
    We knew that only the plane
    only a bird to us, to Leningrad,
    it will come from our dear, sweet homeland.
    ...How many letters have I received since then?
    Why does it seem like
    that I haven't received yet
    the most desired letter?!
    So that to the life that stands behind the words,
    to the truth poured into every line,
    conscience would fall like lips
    on a hot afternoon - to the spring.
    Who didn't write it? Didn't send it?
    Is it happiness? Is it a victory? Trouble?
    Or a friend who hasn't been found
    and is not recognized by me forever?
    Or is it still wandering somewhere?
    that letter, desired as light?
    Looks for my address and doesn't find it
    and, languishing, he yearns: where is the answer?
    Or the day is near, and certainly
    in an hour of great spiritual silence
    I will accept the unheard of, the imperishable
    news coming from the war...
    Oh, find me, burn with me,
    you, long promised to me
    everything that happened, even that funny
    a swallow, under siege, in war...

    Vladimir Orlov


    Among the foliage
    In a hidden place,
    On the branches of a tall trunk,
    Under the cool green canopy
    The warbler has built a nest for itself.
    Joyful trills scatter
    Voiced feathered singers,
    And in the nest, as if in a cradle,
    Yellow-throated chicks are dozing.

    Dmitry Sukharev


    The swallow was gathering
    Fly south
    And looked tenderly
    To your friends -
    To the friends with whom
    Do the collecting,
    And share with whom
    Hundreds of miles of travel
    And on the way with whom
    Conduct a conversation.
    And she came to see me
    Stretch the wing
    Chirped cheerfully
    What came to mind:
    "Nothing is known
    Nothing is guessed
    And nothing is set
    Ahead of fate
    And we need to say goodbye
    Forever with you."
    A swallow saw
    My sad face
    And she said tenderly:
    "Don't be sad, old man!
    It's not good
    Hunt for warmth
    But sometimes it comes together
    And with the mountain is the mountain.
    I'm sorry, as usual,
    And now it's time."
    I wished the swallow
    All overseas blessings.
    It's you who forgive me
    If something is wrong.
    Do not get along with the mountain of grief,
    You're spinning in someone else's heat,
    And here I am in my hole
    Winter is in captivity
    In your own backyard
    I'll wait for spring.

    How to keep your child healthy in winter? Perhaps this is the most pressing question for parents during the cold season. Several days of visiting kindergarten lead to a two-week fight against the disease, a random draft causes a cold, and a joint shopping trip to the store or visiting a nursery...

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    Does a child need a living toy?

    08-12-2015 Hits:1826 Psychological advice to parents Administrator

    Many psychologists believe that children benefit from interacting with animals because it helps them develop their personality harmoniously. But some parents avoid this, because children of preschool age and schoolchildren do not yet have the opportunity (and desire) to care for animals on their own. Because...

    Lesson objectives:

    • continue to get acquainted with birds;
    • give an idea of ​​migratory and wintering birds;
    • cultivate love and respect for nature.

    Planned results:

    • understand the reasons why migratory birds leave their native lands;
    • learn to distinguish between migratory and wintering birds.


    The teacher has: pictures of insects and a cross spider, a map of the hemispheres, 2 sets of migratory and wintering birds, a drawing on the board depicting a feeder and a tree, birds on magnets for the feeder, letters of the word “well done”, presentation for the lesson (Application).

    Students have on their desks: colored pencils (green and blue), a card with the task: complete the sentence..., signal cards, pictures of the sun and clouds.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment.

    U. Guys, look at our guests, give them a smile and smile at each other.

    U. I'm glad to meet you, friends!

    Today in class we will remember, reason, explain and complete assignments

    And so that the lesson serves you well,
    Get actively involved in the work, my friend!

    2. Checking homework.

    A game " Remove the extra picture". Among the insects is the cross spider. The student needs to remove it.

    Why do you consider it superfluous? /here all are insects, but the spider is not an insect

    What is the main and sure sign of all spiders? (8 legs) A - insects? (six legs)

    Why were insects called that?

    3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

    A spider dreams at night
    Miracle Yudo on a bitch:
    Long beak and two wings.
    Arrives - things are bad.
    Who is the spider afraid of?
    Did you guess it? This…

    D. Bird.

    U. Why are spiders and insects afraid of birds?

    D. They eat them.

    U. Have you guessed what topic we will devote our lesson to today?

    D. To the birds. /A phonogram with birdsong sounds/

    4. Reporting the topic of the lesson

    U. Today we will learn a lot of new things from the life of birds, that’s why the topic of our lesson is called “Bird Secrets” / slide number 1 /

    U. Today in class we
    Let's talk about little tits
    About migratory and wintering birds here.
    About how drops of dawn in the park
    Red-breasted bullfinches are already visible.
    That it's frosty and bright in December
    It's white from the feathery frost.

    5. Getting to know new material.

    1. Statement of the problem situation.

    U. Guys, what do you think birds might have?

    /students' answers/

    Absolutely right. And as I already said, today in class we will try to unravel the birds’ secrets.

    U. Every autumn, many birds fly away from our region, and return again in the spring.

    Such birds are called migratory.

    Consider birds in the textbook on page 94

    Which of these birds have you seen in nature?

    Take the hand of the one sitting next to you, feel the warmth of the hands of your friends, who will now be your assistants. Now we will work in pairs. What should we remember when communicating with each other?

    Address each other politely.
    Listen to your friend's opinion.
    Prove your versions without interrupting.
    Be attentive to each other.
    If you can do it yourself, teach someone else.

    Work in the workbook on page 56. Children find images of migratory birds and write the numbers of their names in the circles. They outline images of migratory birds with a green pencil and fill in the circles around the birds they saw in nature. / Work in pairs/

    U. The teacher reads the first paragraph of the text on page 94 to the end

    Children express their ideas about where birds might fly . Slide No. 2

    - teacher reads the first paragraph of the text “Bird Secrets” on “Pages of the Smart Owlet” (p.

    126 textbook) slide No. 3

    Do it together with students CONCLUSION: Scientists learned with the help of rings that were put on the paws of birds that birds fly away to warmer climes. Each ring had the address where the bird was ringed. When someone in another country met a ringed bird, he reported it to this address. So we managed to find out where the birds spend the winter. Some birds winter in southern Russia, while others fly to Africa and southern Asia. / Show on map bird flight paths/.


    In the morning the bird woke up
    She stretched and smiled.
    Once she washed herself with dew,
    Two - she spun gracefully,
    Three - bent down and sat down,
    Flew to four
    And she sat down on a branch.

    Student reads the second paragraph of the text /slide No. 3/

    U.- Why do wild ducks, geese and swans fly away, but domestic ones do not? /students’ answers/

    CONCLUSION: In winter, insects disappear, rivers and lakes are covered with ice, and the ground is covered with snow. That’s why birds fly to warm regions, where there is no snow, ice, and where there is always food. Birds do not stay in the south all summer, because in the summer it will be very hot for them there. Therefore, in the spring, birds return from warm regions. And as you and I already know, such birds are called....../migratory/.

    The student reads the third paragraph of the text on page 95 of the textbook. / slide No. 4/

    Children express their guesses why birds know in advance that a difficult, hungry time is approaching.

    Help from the Smart Owl / page 126 of the textbook /

    CONCLUSION: the time of departure of a bird is judged not by the weather, which can change in one day, but by the length of daylight hours. This is the so-called biological clock.

    Teacher's message: There is another mystery about which scientists are still arguing: how do birds navigate in flight, because they have to fly vast distances. When birds fly during the day, they can navigate by the type of terrain, and at night they rest. There are birds that fly at night. They most likely navigate by the stars. But here’s another mystery: among cuckoos, young birds are the first to fly to warm regions, and after a few days, old ones. No one shows the Great Dane to young birds born in a given year. This is still an unresolved mystery. (Some scientists believe that cuckoos have their own “compass” - the Earth’s magnetic field.)

    U. Guys, have you seen birds flying? /students' answers/

    /Slide No. 5/

    U. Some birds line up in a certain order during flight, for example, cranes, ducks, geese in a school or wedge. The bird flying in front has the hardest time - it cuts through the air. The strongest adult birds always fly ahead, followed by the young and weak ones. When the bird flying in front gets tired, it gives way to another. Small birds and rooks fly in large crowded flocks.

    The student reads the last paragraph of the text on p. 95/ slide number 6/

    • the student reads paragraph 3 of the text on page 126 (advice from the Smart Owl);
    • students look at images of wintering birds in the textbook;
    • work in notebooks: circle wintering birds with a blue pencil, mark (color in a circle) the birds they saw in nature.


    A game " Find out what kind of bird it is.”

    And now, guys, we will play a game with you. It's called "Find out what bird it is." If I call migratory bird, you must raise your hands up and clap twice, if I call a hibernating bird, you must sit down.

    Rook, nuthatch, woodpecker, heron, swift, crow, sparrow.

    U.- Guys, what do you think the birds that don’t stock up eat in winter eat?

    (children's answers: seeds, insects, rowan berries, viburnum)

    U. Yes, guys, many wintering birds do not stock up, but feed on what they can find. Most likely, you have seen how in winter tits and sparrows peck various seeds, linden nuts, maple wings from branches, look for bugs and insects and take them out from under the bark of trees. Have you seen the handsome bullfinches? They do not feed on insects. What do they eat then? (Berries of rowan, viburnum). But the sparrow is omnivorous. It feeds on insects, berries, and human food waste. With the onset of winter, birds stay closer to human habitation. Why do you think?

    Guys, it’s not easy for birds to find food in winter. On cold days, birds search for food throughout the day. In winter, birds are not as afraid of the cold as they are of hunger.

    /Slide No. 7/ Read the statement: “ The bird is full and warm under its down and feathers”.

    How do you understand the expression?

    U. Birds bring many benefits to people and nature. They destroy harmful insects, carry plant seeds, and destroy weak and sick animals. Birds need to be protected and taken care of.

    Who can help the birds in the harsh winter? /yes, we are with you/Man must help the birds, but how? /Hang up the feeders/

    How many of you have feeders at home? Well done. Don’t forget to clear the snow from the feeders and add food in a timely manner. If every school in our country hangs at least one feeder, then the birds will be provided with food.

    U. And now I want us to remember a poem about birds.

    Students reading the poem “Take care of the birds” /T. Evdoshenko/

    1st student.

    We know a lot about birds
    And at the same time it is not enough
    And everyone needs it: both you and us, -
    So that there are more of them.

    2nd student.

    For this we will save
    Your feathered friends,
    Otherwise we will reduce it to zero
    Our winged singers.

    3rd student.

    Eat trees and fruits
    insect larvae,
    And all the gardens will thin out
    Without our familiar birds.

    4th student.

    In winter, put out a feeder for them,
    Give the tits some lard;
    All sparrows eat millet,
    Add more as soon as it becomes scarce.

    5th student.

    They will reward your efforts,
    And the gardens will bloom all around.
    Among those green foliage
    We will hear their song.

    6. Checking the assimilation of new knowledge.

    U. And now I suggest you complete the task: you need to complete the sentence...

    Card No. 1. Birds that fly away to warmer regions for the winter are called ____________.

    Card No. 2 Birds that stay with us for the winter are called _________________.

    (mutual check, then signal with signal cards.)

    U. Now we are working in groups. Assignment: distribute birds into two groups: “migratory” and “wintering” (we check collectively, answers to slide number 8, students signal with signal cards).

    7. Consolidation of new material.

    Many birds fly south
    Many while away the winter with us,
    Jackdaw, crow, bullfinch, sparrow.
    Come on guys, let’s remember them soon!

    I suggest you take a quiz about our feathered friends - birds.

    /If the answer is the name of a wintering bird, and it can fly to our feeder, then we will place it on this feeder, if not, then we will place it on a tree, and if we cannot see the named bird here in the winter, then we will place it nowhere We won’t./ /I give students the letters of the word “well done” for their answers/

    QUIZ “Guess who I am?”

    There is a doctor in the forest country -
    In a red painted hat,
    Under the pine tree, under the willow tree,
    He is everywhere with his humble retinue...
    He taps the patient's back,
    And then the sides, sternum,
    Look how he breathes
    And he will write a prescription. / Woodpecker /slide No. 9/

    2. “Recognize me by description”

    “I have a black cap on my head, my back, wings and tail are dark, and my chest is bright yellow, as if it’s dressed up in a yellow vest. In the summer I eat bugs and worms, and in the winter, when I have no food, I eat everything: various grains, bread crumbs, and boiled vegetables. But I especially love unsalted lard. Have you guessed who I am?” /tit/ /slide№ 10/

    3. A little gray ball is bouncing around the yard. / sparrow/ /slide№11/

    4. Leaves are falling from the aspens, a sharp wedge is rushing in the sky / cranes/ / slide No. 12/

    5. “They call me “the caretaker of the forest.” I wake up very early and start whistling as if to wake everyone up from sleep. I live on a tree, in a hollow. All my life I have been on my feet, running back and forth, up and down the tree, and I only need wings to fly from one tree to another. I love nuts, linden nuts, maple lionfish. In the fall, I hide food under the bark so that I don’t go hungry in winter. And my coloring is not very noticeable. Who am I?” (nuthatch) /slide No. 13/

    There's a palace on a pole,
    There is a singer in the palace. /starling/ /slide No. 14/

    Who is jumping and rustling there?
    Does it gut pine cones with its beak?
    In a clear, clear voice -
    Kle-kle-kle - sings with a whistle. /crossbill/ /slide No. 15/ what interesting things do you know about this bird?

    U. Since ancient times, people have treated birds with great respect, love and care. Many riddles, fairy tales, and proverbs live among the people. There are many folk signs about birds. I'll tell you a few:

    Sparrows fly in flocks from place to place - in front of a strong wind.

    Crows and jackdaws sit on the tops of trees - to frost.

    In the evening, jackdaws gather in a friendly crowd, screaming - for clear weather.

    U. How many of you know folk signs associated with birds? /students' answers/

    8. Lesson summary. / slide №16/

    Whose secrets did we unravel in class today?

    Where do birds fly away from us in the fall?

    Why do birds fly away?

    What are these birds called?

    What are the birds that spend the winter with us called?

    How should we help birds survive the winter?

    The flocks of birds have flown away
    The forest is covered in snowdrifts down to the branches.
    The difficult time has come
    For birds for friends.
    The winter forest does not sleep, but slumbers,
    All wrapped in silver.
    Without leaving this earth
    Many birds remain here.

    And by taking care of the birds in winter, I think that we will warm them up at least a little during these harsh, difficult times.

    And today we can warm them up a little too.

    Take mood cards: if you were interested and learned a lot of new things in the lesson, then attach a sun, if you were bored and didn’t like the lesson, then take a cloud.

    On the board, from the letters you received for your work, make a word / Well done!/

    I say thank you to all of you for the lesson, you did well, you did a good job./I present medals for your work in the lesson/


    • pp. 94-97 in the textbook read, rep. to questions.
    • make feeders and bring them to school /illustrations with samples of feeders are located at the book exhibition./
    • make a collective homemade book “Bird Secrets” / I propose to consider the layout of a homemade book, where each student in the class will have to design their own page about any bird./

    If you want to learn more about birds, I advise you to read the books that are posted at our book exhibition.

    Children look at an exhibition of books about birds.

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