Needed to open a bar. How to open your own bar from scratch: business plan

A serious approach to any business provides the lion's share of success, and in order for it to be such, you need to have information. If you want to open your own bar, then you should take into account not only your own wishes, but also the regulatory requirements of the current legislation in this area

Any business is a risk. But if everything is organized competently, the risk is significantly reduced. Begs to be continued catchphrase: “He who doesn’t take risks, doesn’t drink champagne” his own bar. If you know all the nuances of how to open a bar, the path from desire to its implementation will be much smoother and shorter.

What is a bar in legal terms?

By Order No. 191-st of June 27, 2013 Federal agency for technical regulation and metrology (Rosstandart) introduced GOST 31985-2013 “Public catering services. Terms and definitions", which since January 1, 2015 is national standard in the Russian Federation, it gives the following definition:

Bar- a catering establishment (facility) that is equipped with a bar counter and sells, depending on its specialization, alcoholic and (or) non-alcoholic drinks, hot and cold drinks, cold and hot snacks, limited assortment dishes, and purchased goods.

Below is a list of steps you need to take to open your own bar. Where to begin:

  1. Choose the concept of the establishment;
  2. Calculate a business plan yourself or order a specialist;
  3. Decide on the organizational and legal form: if the bar does not plan to sell alcoholic products containing ethyl alcohol more than 6%, then you can choose both an individual entrepreneur and an LLC, otherwise, having the status of an individual entrepreneur, you cannot engage in this activity;
  4. Select premises: buy or rent under a contract for a period of at least one year;
  5. Come up with a name for the establishment, order a sign;
  6. Equip the room with furniture, bar counter, inventory, equipment;
  7. Notify Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities;
  8. Obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages, if the appropriate concept is chosen;
  9. Conclude agreements with product suppliers, order;
  10. Hire employees;
  11. Organize an advertising campaign and others marketing events;
  12. Grand opening.

Let us dwell in detail on the choice of the concept of the establishment, because half the success depends on its correctness; and on general regulatory requirements for institutions of this type, since the possibility of long-term and successful operation directly depends on their compliance.

Choosing a concept:

In order to know how to open a bar from scratch step-by-step instruction begins with choosing the concept of the future establishment. All bars are divided into:

  • specialized;
  • non-specialized.

Specialized establishments are those whose concept is focused on a core product, drink, or service. Depending on the assortment, there are the following varieties:

Sushi bar- here the sushi chef prepares and serves sushi, rolls and other Japanese delicacies at the bar counter, the interior and general style are designed in oriental colors, the dishes are served with special utensils. It may offer either take-out ordering with bartender service only, counter or table consumption with waiter service, or both. These points need to be considered when choosing a concept. The photo shows design options for sushi bars.

There is often information on the Internet that you can meet all the requirements and successfully pass scheduled checks regulatory authorities is extremely difficult. However, we should not forget that the rights of entrepreneurs are protected by Federal Law No. 294-FZ “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control.”

General requirements

The table below reflects the main general regulatory requirements that will help you understand what you need to open your own bar.

Normative act

General requirements

"GOST 30389-2013. Interstate

standard. Catering services.

Catering establishments.

Classification and General requirements»

Minimum Requirements for bars:

  • signboard;
  • separate entrances for guests and staff;
  • entrance area (lobby);
  • clothes hangers in the hall or hall;
  • service hall;
  • equipped toilets (with stalls, sinks, mirror, electrical outlet, soap, paper towels or electric hand dryers, waste basket, clothes hooks);
  • emergency lighting in case of power outages (generator or lights);
  • hot and cold water;
  • heating (the air temperature in the room for visitors should be 19-23 °C);
  • in sports bars and specialized bars a ventilation system is required;
  • TV broadcasting is mandatory in sports bars;
  • security alarm;
  • for bars located in residential buildings, the noise level should not exceed more than 35 dB;
  • In video bars, variety bars, disco bars, cinema bars, dance bars, club bars, lobby bars, an air conditioning system must be installed.

Resolution of the Chief State

sanitary doctor RF dated 08.11.2001 N 31

(as amended on June 10, 2016) “On the implementation of sanitary rules” (together with “SP 2.3.6. Organizations

Catering. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for

catering organizations,

production and turnover in them

food products and food raw materials. Sanitary and epidemiological rules."

Accommodation requirements:

  • placement is possible in a separate building, in extensions to residential buildings, in their non-residential floors, public buildings, extensions to them. In this case, established standards for levels of noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, etc. must be observed.
  • reception food product it is prohibited to carry out from the side of the building where the windows and entrances to the residents’ apartments are located;
  • The area must be landscaped and kept clean.

In this regulatory document It also contains requirements for water supply, working conditions, arrangement and maintenance of premises, equipment and utensils, and others.

Federal Law of November 22, 1995 N 171-FZ (as amended on July 3, 2016) “On government regulation production and circulation of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products and restrictions on consumption (drinking) alcoholic products"

Premises requirements:

  • the total area of ​​the premises (including warehouse departments) for the sale of alcoholic products must be at least 50 square meters. m for cities and at least 25 sq. m for rural settlements;
  • For individual entrepreneurs selling beer and beer drinks when providing catering services, requirements for the minimum area of ​​premises are not established.

How much does it cost to open a bar?

The amount of initial investment in opening your own bar can vary from several hundred thousand rubles to millions of dollars. It all depends on the concept of the establishment, its format, category (luxury, first, highest), room size, location and other factors.

This 13-point checklist will give you the opportunity to learn the entire process of creating and opening your own bar. This article will be the first in the series “How to open your own bar?” Over the next 2 months, I will tell you about each stage in more detail, but for now, a summary of what awaits you and some nice bonuses for those who are really interested in opening their own bar.

THE FITZ BAr, Odessa (design Denis belenko)

In general, the opening algorithm for a bar is not much different from opening a cafe or restaurant. The steps to be taken are essentially the same. However, any business format has its own subtleties. It is these subtleties that will be emphasized for each of the points of the step-by-step plan. Before we move on to listing the steps, I want to draw your attention to 3 important conditions, without which the application of this plan may not bring a positive result.

  1. The devil is in the details. In this type of business, it’s the little things that make the difference.
  2. Build a bar ( implement an idea) possible for 2-4 months. But, in order to find a worthwhile idea and formulate the concept of a future establishment, much is required more time.
  3. If you have no experience at all in this business, then simple understanding not enough. Find time and money, undergo training, engage consulting that will help you understand complex and non-obvious issues. I don’t want to say at all that you are not capable of something, I’m just making it clear that experience in matters of construction similar business, greatly increases your chances of a return on investment and reduces risks.

1. Idea.

“When I didn’t have enough money, I sat down to think, and didn’t run to earn money. An idea is the most expensive commodity in the world!”

Steve Jobs

Find a bright idea. Everything was invented before us, don’t reinvent the wheel. But! Remember! Simply copying other people's ideas will not lead you to success. You need to thoughtfully approach this issue and figure out how to adapt the idea you found to the realities of your market and the needs of your future guest. It is important that the idea you decide to implement is simple and understandable. Ideally, this is when the idea that will form the basis of the future concept of your bar will be relevant to your target audience. Implementation period: individually.

2. Concept.

“The concept determines the strategy of action.”

Based on the idea, develop a concept for the future bar. The concept is what How your bar will be perceived by your guest, what he will see him and Why he will choose it from the many options available on the market. The concept determines the format of your future bar, target audience, average check size, location, interior and exterior, atmosphere and key product that will attract the guest. Remember, the concept is the most important part, it is the “skeleton” of your future business. At this stage, it is very important to focus on the current needs of your future guest. Open a bar from the position of “I want exactly this” This is possible only if you are clearly sure that your desires coincide with market trends and consumer demand. Otherwise, you will create a project that no one needs. Implementation period: from 7 to 15 days.

3. Product.

"Do a good product and the money will come."

John Ive

There is a belief and even confidence that a good and high-quality product is an important competitive advantage. I hasten to dispel this myth. The quality of your product is a necessary but not sufficient element for success. The time when product quality alone could differentiate oneself from competitors is inevitably a thing of the past. Today, the key advantage of any product for the consumer is the ability of this very product to solve consumer problems, satisfy the most important needs, and meet expectations. The consumer usually strives to satisfy two key needs - rational and emotional. Rational need is associated, first of all, with the need to satisfy hunger and quench thirst. Emotional, these are not dishes or cocktails - these are the sensations that a guest experiences when he gets to your bar. The main thing you must remember is that the guest comes to the bar not so much to drink, but to socialize and enjoy the atmosphere and service, to attend an event that will leave him with warm memories. When creating your bar's core product, you must combine high quality, relevance, presentation (with an emphasis on concept) and optimal price. This will allow your target audience to notice you and identify you among others. But remember, doing exactly the same thing as your competitor is doing and saying “we are better” is not worth it, just like doing something that no one needs. Implementation period: from a week to a month

4. Competitor analysis.

“Learn from your competitor because he will learn from you.”

Jeff O'Leary.

Perhaps the most significant stage of your work. If the market is empty and you have no direct competitors who own bars, don’t flatter yourself. You will be competing for the target audience with those players who are already present on the market. If you have no competitors, it’s too early to rejoice. Don’t forget, the consumer is not ready for experiments, this takes time, which means you need to find the shortest path to the heart of your guest. Otherwise, the risks increase many times over. Why do you need this analysis? Most of those who do not understand the answer to this question have remained far in history. You must do an analysis in order to understand how you can differentiate yourself from your competitors, in what ways you can surpass them, what weak sides you can use which strategy to attract a client can be effective. What should you pay attention to?! In more detail about this, in my opinion, the most important stage building a business, I will tell you in separate article. Implementation period: 7-14 days.

Artesian Bar, London

5. Business model.

“A business model serves to describe the basic principles for the creation, development and successful operation of an organization.”

Yves Penier

It is the business model that will give you an idea of ​​the main aspects of your future business and give you an understanding of how your business will function. Describe key activities, sales channels, all possible expenses and consumer segments, understand what you own, how important it is for your consumer and how you can present it to him. Issues related to building a business model are most often missed not only by newcomers coming to catering business, but also often ignored by professionals. You can learn how to fill out the table in the full training course, which will appear closer to the beginning of December. In the meantime, carefully study the template located in this section of the article.

6. Financial model.

“It costs more work to save your money than to get it.

M. Montaigne

The financial model is completely based on the concept of your future bar. Pay special attention to the word model. In this case, everything you do when calculating the model is a hypothesis that you have to test. It is very important to clearly understand and know what cost items you need to take into account in order to correctly draw up investment plan (click here, useful table), which is part of the financial model. The financial model consists of the following important components:

  1. Break-even or zero profit point - the point at which the markup on the cost covers all expenses (salaries, rent, utilities, taxes, general business calculations, food cost, marketing)
  2. Planned revenue. You need the planned number of your seats, multiply by the rotation coefficient for your format, and then multiply again by the amount of the average check ( key indicators for calculation). The resulting figure will be the estimated average daily revenue of your bar. Now we multiply by the number of working days and get the probable gross revenue per month. Let's see if there is enough revenue to cover the zero profit point. If not, look for an error in the model; if yes, the model has a right to life; now it has to be tested on a real premises that you will rent or buy for a future bar. Implementation period: from 7 to 14 days.

Everything that I wrote above is preliminary, painstaking and important work, which is the basic foundation of the future business. Let's move on to implementation.

7. Design legal entity and other formalities.

  • Create a legal entity
  • Sign an agreement governing the relationship between business partners, or between the investor and the contractor. This agreement should regulate your mutual financial obligations and relationships, clearly describe the sequence of your actions if you decide to break off the partnership, close at a loss, etc.
  • In the future, after signing the lease agreement, you will need to prepare project documentation for architecture, technology project, package of documents for outdoor advertising placement and registration trademark, a package of documents for obtaining a license, a project for equipping a fire alarm room, a package of documents for Rospotrebnadzor notifying the start of your activity. Get a liquor license. Buy and register with the Federal Tax Service cash machine. Prepare a package of documents for inspections by Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate (medical books, technical specifications, declarations...) Specify necessary list documents for launching a public catering enterprise on the website of Rospotrebnadzor and other control authorities in your region, since the requirements in general may differ. Implementation period: from one month to three.

8. Search and rental/purchase of premises.

Decide on the location and characteristics of the premises to rent. Based on your concept and financial model. Look for a room that will allow you to effectively accommodate the number of seats you need, will allow you to implement your format and will fit into those permanent and variable expenses, which you indicated in the financial model. Based on the product and menu, you will understand what equipment you will need. Based on the condition of the premises, the tenant's requirements and the area, you can estimate the size of the future investment. When concluding a rental agreement, remember! lease contract must be concluded for a period of at least 5 years, registered in Justice, must protect your interests And don't have clause according to which the landlord can evict you unilaterally, indexing annual rental amount should not exceed 10%, the contract must be signed in rubles (this is not possible for all regions, so act according to the circumstances), the area of ​​​​the premises must be at least 60 m2 in order for you to obtain a license to sell alcohol. Remember, the future of your business, and therefore the future of your money, depends on how well your rights are protected by a lease agreement. We will talk more about this in a separate article. Implementation period: from a week to several months.

9. Design and renovation

“Design cannot dominate people and things. Design should help people, that’s its role.”

Dizer Rams, world design guru.

This is perhaps one of the most important points implementation of the future project. The time when design played a key role in the perception of a catering establishment is irrevocably gone. But the importance of design today is no less important in your guest’s perception of you. Don’t make rash mistakes, don’t hire a designer who doesn’t have experience implementing projects in the restaurant industry, and even more so, don’t take on the design yourself, unless, of course, you are an experienced designer. Remember, the design of the bar space should be based on the concept, not dominate and create an atmosphere so that the guest feels comfortable. Design is like a good thing; if it is dressed appropriately, it decorates, if not, it repels. Renovation is another significant event in the future life of the restaurant. Construction and repair must be done by people who can work quickly and efficiently. For everything about everything, you have 2-3 months.

10. Equipment.

Typically, the equipment inventory is based on the concept and product you plan to produce. When ordering, keep a few main points in mind:

  • You can’t skimp on quality, you’ll lose more.
  • It is necessary to take into account the delivery time of some rare pieces of equipment, they can be up to 3 months.
  • It is impossible to save money on heating and refrigeration equipment; there are constant high risks in case of failure. Your entire business may stop and you will lose money.
  • Ice and its quality - main factor success of your product.
  • Bar ergonomics key factor speed of work, and therefore the size of your revenue.

Mootee bar, Johannesburg

11. Marketing.

“People don’t buy what you create, they buy why you create it.”

Simon Sainek

Marketing is responsible for communication between your bar and guest. With the help of effective marketing, you can convey your idea in an accessible form to your target audience. Marketing is effective tool in capable hands, this is not “uselessly wasted money”, as is commonly believed. Although, if money falls into the hands of a fool, it ceases to have any value and be useful. Effective marketing is the most important investment in your future. You can assemble the best team, come up with the coolest product, but if no one knows about it, all your efforts will be in vain. Use different local marketing tools, experiment with digital, invest wisely in SMM, but remember, if you don’t have a strategy for promoting your bar, no tools will help you. Think about through what channels you will convey information to guests and who will do it? Implementation period: from a month to two.

12. Team.

“Gather talented people and let them do their job”

Recruit staff in accordance with the format, concept and planned sales volumes, use a financial model. Recruit people whose eyes sparkle, people in whose hearts, the idea of ​​your bar is on fire, the rest can be taught. Recruit and train your employees, establish a dialogue with them. Remember, today line staff (bartenders, waiters, cooks) rely not only on financial motivation, but also on other values ​​- a friendly team, the opportunity to gain experience, pleasure and satisfaction from what they do. Develop a system of financial and non-financial motivation, let them realize themselves in those issues in which they are interested. Conduct tastings of all your products for employees - they must not only know the composition, but also imagine the taste, otherwise they will not be able to tell the guest about the product.

13. Opening.

Opening a bar is always an event for the team and your guests, but before making it official, give the team the opportunity to work together and find the best ways to interact with the guest. Open doors to friends and close acquaintances, listen to criticism and comments with respect, hold daily meetings and adjust the work of the team. After a while, you won't recognize them. And the guests who come to the official opening will be very pleased. Yes, and also, my experience shows that a good team is the most effective word of mouth. When they like their place of work, they are helpful and fairly valued, they are a magnet for everyone they know to come and buy what you offer.

That's all for today. Did you have to read it? Well, as you wanted. If you need to figure something out, you will have to spend time. I wish you good luck. Expect a series of articles on each of the 13 points. It will be interesting and, as always, useful! If you have questions, ask them

If you plan to open a pub from scratch, then first you need to register. Individual entrepreneur has the right to sell only beer and beer drinks.

If In alcohol, the proportion of ethyl alcohol exceeds 9%, then it is necessary to register an LLC to obtain a license to sell strong alcohol.

You can open a beer pub by registering an LLC indicating the code OKVED 55.40 “Activities of bars”, as well as code 56.30 “Serving drinks” (in this case, the sale of packaged alcohol is not allowed).

What documents are needed to open a pub?

It is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  1. Premises rental agreement.
  2. License to sell alcohol (license price starts from $900 and depends on the region).
  3. Sanitary and epidemiological report on alcohol consumption at the place of its sale;
  4. Conclusion from the fire service.
  5. Agreement for waste disposal and removal.
  6. Cash register registration document (costs about $80, registration must be completed at the Tax Office).
  7. Ventilation systems maintenance agreement.
  8. Sanitary control program.
  9. SES permission.
  10. Permission from Rospotrebnadzor for placement.

SES requirements for a beer bar

Business requirements are presented in GOST R 50762-92 " Catering. Classification of enterprises".

Notification from the SES - a document confirming that the premises for the bar correspond to the existing ones sanitary requirements. The examination is carried out by Rospotrebnadzor. This document states that the premises and Technical equipment establishments comply with GOST.

Sanitary standards are set out in SanPiN 42-123-5777-91 and SanPiN 2.3.6 107901.


It is better to give preference to a room of at least 100 m2. Good places to open a bar:

  • central part of the city;
  • dormitory area;
  • places near large crowds of people (train stations, ports, production centers, etc.).

Premises requirements for opening a pub

You can open a pub from scratch in a room that meets the following requirements:

  1. Compliance with SES requirements.
  2. Availability of necessary communications, availability is good current system ventilation.
  3. Area of ​​at least 100 m2.


What do you need to buy to start a pub? To open your pub you need the following equipment:

  • Refrigeration unit – $1000
  • Bar counter - about $400.
  • Cabinets - about $400.
  • Furniture (tables, chairs or sofas for visitors) – $3,000.
  • Sinks – $100.
  • Industrial cabinets - about $300.
  • Coffee - machine - from $1000.
  • Module for beer taps – about $100.
  • Dishes – about $400.
  • Cash desk – about $200.
  • Slabs – $1000

You can purchase used equipment, which is much cheaper. The total cost is about $7900. When purchasing used equipment, you can save a lot by spending about $4,000.


You don't need to hire a lot of employees to open a pub. For the full functioning of the institution, it is enough to hire the following specialists:

  • 1 bartender;
  • 2 waiters;
  • administrator;
  • cleaning woman.

All employees must have experience in this field. The total amount for employee salaries is about $3,000.

How to open your own pub?

Opening a pub is not limited to choosing premises, purchasing equipment and hiring staff. There are several necessary operations on which the success of opening a pub as a business depends.


It is necessary to think about what the specifics of the establishment will be, come up with a name, and create a general concept. For example, you can open a pub that specializes only in selling beer and beer drinks, where you can order any alcoholic drink.


To begin with, buy a sign that attracts attention. An advertising campaign to promote a project may consist of:

  • Radio advertising;
  • Conducting promotions and competitions;
  • Creating your own website;
  • Banners and pillars with signs, etc.

How to open a pub in a small town?

Pub in small town first you need to study the need potential clients in such an establishment. If there are competitive establishments, it is necessary to open a pub that will either provide better services or will differ in specifics from competitors. It is advisable that the pub be located away from competing establishments.

Business plan

When implementing any business project, a detailed business plan, providing for expenses, organizational issues, as well as possible income.

Expenses and income

A pub - profitable business, requiring considerable financial expenditure. You need to have about 20,000 - 30,000 dollars to start your own business. Here is an approximate list of expenses:

  1. Room rental – $1,500 (room from 100 m2 at a cost of $12-15 per 1m2).
  2. Decoration of the premises (repair, decoration) – $5,000.
  3. Registration of all necessary documents– about 2000 dollars
  4. Purchase of equipment - about 8,000 thousand dollars.
  5. Advertising campaign – from $1000.
  6. Wage employees – $3,000
  7. Utilities – about $500.

How much does it cost to open a pub from scratch?

Will be about 21 thousand dollars (small pub). The pub will bring in about $6,000 per month; after deducting all expenses, the net profit will be about $2,500 - $3,500.

  • (185)
  • (102)

Want to know how to open a bar in your city from scratch? Then you have come to the right place! We know where to start and how to make the business as profitable as possible. Are you ready to become successful?

What documents and permits are needed?

First, you need to decide on the concept of the bar. It can be a democratic establishment with a dozen dishes (no more) and reasonable prices. The second option is higher prices and a variety of drinks and food for the middle class. And, of course, an upscale bar with high prices and a real variety of dishes.

As soon as you decide on the concept, you need to decide for yourself which type of organizational and legal registration is suitable for you - individual entrepreneur, LLC, CJSC, OJSC. The tax payment system – simplified or general – will also largely depend on your decision. We advise you to simplify taxation several times for yourself and conduct business yourself.

If you choose an LLC, your personal property does not count toward the debt. But this is an option when you have to work quite hard with the tax service and select employees for equally difficult accounting work.

The package of necessary documents includes:

  • Special permission to open a bar. To obtain this from Rospotrebnadzor, you must submit a conclusion on the supply of raw materials and finished products, a certificate of state registration of the establishment, an agreement for the purchase of premises or for its rental, as well as the results of a survey from medical workers;
  • license to sell alcoholic beverages;
  • sales license tobacco products;
  • free license retail trade;
  • patent for conducting trading activities from local governments.

This list of required documents is all that is needed in most cases. But, you may also be additionally required to provide information about the presence of a safe at the company, for example.

If you know in advance that you will not be able to cope with the design of the entire package, it is better to turn to specialists who know first-hand how to open a bar from scratch. This service will cost from $500.

How much money do you need to open a bar?

In principle, all costs can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Basic;
  2. permanent;
  3. variables.

You will need money to buy or rent the premises, repairs and decoration, supply of all necessary and missing communications, purchase of furniture, utensils and equipment, and preparation of all necessary documents.

Step 1 - search for premises

One of the best options is the first floor of a non-residential building. Once popular establishments in the basement today frighten most customers, and also create a lot of additional problems with air conditioning and sewerage.

To immediately make sure that the premises are suitable for you, check:

  • Safety and convenience of approach/access;
  • availability of quality utilities;
  • Is it possible to conclude a long lease period to make a profit;
  • whether the new owner has any residual rights;
  • is there additional space that will be needed to implement new ideas.

Step 2 - personnel

On average, an establishment with 20-25 seats needs the following service personnel: an administrator, an accountant, a manager, an IT specialist, a cashier, a security guard, two or three waiters for the hall, two bartenders working in shifts and a cleaner.

If your menu includes hot dishes, then you can additionally add a chef and several of his assistants to this list. The selection of personnel must be done as carefully as possible, so that later you do not have to deal with dishonesty of personnel and theft.

Expect that from time to time it will be necessary to conduct certification and training of staff so that competent employees improve the reputation of the bar and attract new customers.

Step 3 - equipment

So you will need several different categories equipment:

  • Refrigeration (refrigerated cabinets, chambers, wine display cases and bar refrigerators);
  • thermal (stoves, ovens, kebabs, pancake makers, deep fryers, thermal display cases);
  • bar (coffee grinders, blenders, food processors, toasters, ice makers, mixers and juicers);
  • electromechanical (bread slicers, mixers, slicers, vegetable cutters, etc.).

In addition, do not forget about trash cans, sinks and carts, shelves and tables, cabinets, ventilation hoods and distribution lines, scales, filters, etc. In general, you will spend around 200,000 rubles to purchase such equipment for a small cafe. And this list does not yet include air conditioning, dishes and office equipment.

To purchase equipment and utensils for one point you will need approximately 300,000 rubles. If you rent a premises, the amount is from 60,000 rubles per month, but it all depends on the region and city in which you are opening. Per year it is from 720,000 rubles.

It will cost from 500,000 per year to pay employees, and you will spend from 50,000 per month on alcohol and food. Add to this utility bills, taxes and unforeseen situations, you get a tidy sum.

For the first month it is around 600,000 rubles. Here's how much it costs to open a bar. In a month, expenses will be reduced by approximately 200,000 rubles. The better you work and the better your contacts with suppliers, the lower your costs will be.

Potential Risks

This kind of business always has its pitfalls.

  • First of which there are enough high level theft. Often this reduces all the owner’s efforts to zero. You need to take care of organizing control over waiters and bartenders. Sometimes a bar goes under only because the staff takes up to 50% of all proceeds.
  • Second– competition. You need to immediately determine your competitive advantages and create a creative concept so that visitors choose you.
  • Third– business or entertainment? Your establishment is entertainment for customers, but not for you. Take it seriously, then it will bring profit.
  • Fourth– even at the renovation stage, use the services of a designer. Buy good furniture and create a cozy atmosphere, then you will want to come back. Nobody likes cold walls and poor lighting.

How much can you earn?

For the bar to pay off, the trading premium must be at least 300%. Then average bill will be equal to 600-700 rubles. If this is a juice bar, then the average revenue will be 450,000 rubles per month or more. Coffee, tea – from 600,000 rubles per month. But alcoholic drinks will bring the amount at least twice as much. Then the payback will come faster.

Choose the right concept and organize your business wisely, then your profits will be decent.

Video - how to open a bar from scratch.

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More about the current account

  • Opening an account - 0 rub.;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free “Sberbank Business Online”;
  • Lots of extra services.

More about the current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuing a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. account maintenance if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile app for free;
  • 3 months of service free of charge;
  • after 3 months from 490 rub./month.
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free.

RKO in MTS Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Account maintenance - from 0 rub./month.
  • Cash withdrawal (up to 700 thousand rubles) - free
  • Up to 5% on account balance
  • The cost of payment is from 0 rub.
RKO in Unicredit Bank.
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