New ideas for daily rental business. Business on daily rental of apartments

If you are young and looking for a simple and straightforward business that does not require a lot of start-up capital, in which you can try your hand at and hone your entrepreneurial skills, then the apartment sublease niche is definitely suitable for you. It looks like this: you rent an apartment from the owner for a long period of time and look for daily clients for it (for a higher price, of course).

The stratum capital here is minimal - the first month of rent, a deposit, and the same amount to put the apartment in order. Even in Moscow you can spend 100,000 rubles, what other business will you start with this money?

About pitfalls, skerets and tricks for attracting clients and how much you can really earn from daily rentals, magazine Reconomica I talked to a person who has been in this business for more than 2 years.

How I found the business niche of daily rental housing

My name is Alexander Poberezhsky , I spent 2 years renting apartmentsdaily rent in Nizhnevartovsk. I didn’t have my own apartments, I rented them and subleased them. Call me a realtor or a speculator, but you can make money from this.

I worked at a hired job merchandiser about six months, I was very tired of it, I wanted something of my own, to do something that I like and brings good income. I think that anyone would like to work for themselves, do something they like and receive an appropriate reward for it.

Every morning when I went to work, I paid attention to various types of advertising that came across my path, I was looking for business. At that time, I still had a forum on the Internet dedicated to making money, and my friends and I actively discussed different types earnings and small business.

Daily rental of apartments – profitable business!

One fine day I noticed that in our city apartments were actively advertised on fences. daily. N Our city of Nizhnevartovsk is young, it is just being built up, and in every microdistrict the construction of multi-storey buildings was actively underway. These construction sites were fenced with slabs and fences made of corrugated sheets, and on these very fences there was an advertisement for “apartment daily” . I immediately realized what it was free advertising, and the real estate business is a very profitable business, and I began to collect information about this business.

At that time, I had neither knowledge nor experience in real estate, but I had a burning desire to learn all this, because I was just placing beer in stores. In general, I’ll tell you how I started running a small business renting apartments. daily.

Short-term rental of apartments - a growing business with a low entry threshold

Currently, apartments for rent daily, are actively pushing regular hotels out of the market. Agree that it is much more convenient to rent an apartment, whether you are a visitor or just want to relax and have a good time with a person of the opposite sex. In general, the advantages of apartments daily a lot, I won’t list them all, I think you can guess about it yourself.

How to look for your first clients

By the way, today it is quite simple to advertise this service; you need to enter “apartments” in the search engine daily in Nizhnevartovsk”, and the search engine will return many sites on this topic, most of them are free bulletin boards, i.e. you add photos of apartments and a description on any of the sites (and, of course, your phone number) - and tomorrow you clients call.

After several months of work, you will definitely have repeat business if your facilities are clean and comfortable, and the price is within the market price. You need to keep an eye on the price - as competition grows, the price gradually decreases; a high price will scare off many potential customers.

Economics of subletting apartments. Calculation using the example of a provincial town

So, now let's get back to the calculations - I will give them solely on the basis of my experience in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, where I live.

Renting a 1-room apartment for a long period of time - that is, for a month - costs from 16,000 rubles, you can find it cheaper if you wish, for a day it will cost 1,500 rubles, I take into account the most ordinary economy-class apartment. That is, if the apartment is rented out every day, you will earn about 45,000 rubles, subtract 16,000 rubles of rent per month and get 29,000 rubles of net profit, I did not take into account the fee public utilities And consumables like toilet paper, soap, etc.

This is a rough initial calculation to understand the essence. In practice, achieving 100% occupancy is impossible for certain reasons. There is more demand on weekends. If you rent out apartments on weekends for 2 days, then your property will be idle on weekdays. If you only look for clients who take 5-7 days or more, you will end up with a bunch of one-time applications.

In practice, you need to focus on a occupancy rate of 60-70%; with this figure, stable profitability is achieved. In our example, if the occupancy rate is over 60%, after expenses for utilities and laundry, you will receive 8-10 thousand rubles in profit from each apartment.

By the way, just recently I tried to do this again myself - I advertised my room on daily rental websites, I consistently receive 1-2 calls a day, so I think that the apartment will not be idle.

If you wish, you can expand the number of apartments to 2-3, or an apartment-type mini-hotel, well, it depends only on your efforts, and accordingly the profit will be much greater, I think you can calculate it yourself, I’ll just say that a 2-room apartment is a long stay for 1 month costs from 18,000-20,000 (also economy class). And renting this apartment for a day costs from 2000-2,200 rubles. Accordingly, if you rent a two-room apartment for 20,000 per month, and rent it out for 2,000 rubles, then you can earn a maximum of 60,000 rubles, in reality 40,000. We subtract the monthly rent (20,000 rubles), and we get about 20 thousand in profit from one apartment.

A two-room apartment is more profitable, although one-room apartments are in great demand. By the way, people who need an apartment for a day are most often interested in one-room apartments. In resort towns it’s easier to find a family with children who just need a two-room apartment, but couples and singles will only rent a two-room apartment from you if the city has run out of available one-room apartments and a hotel room is still more expensive.

Since one-room apartments are most often in demand, it would be nice to have two one-room apartments and one two-room apartment. For me it was the other way around: one one-room apartment and two two-room apartments, my apartments brought in revenue of 5,500 rubles per day, not counting the rent that I paid to the owners.

How to negotiate with the owner that you will rent out his apartment daily

Approximately such objects are in good demand

There is no need to deceive the owners by saying, for example, that you or some specific people will live in the apartment - for example, employees from the company oriflame. Remember that tomorrow you will begin advertising this apartment on the website Avito in the daily rent section. Naturally, either the owners themselves, or perhaps realtor, who will help you rent an apartment will see your ad and inform the owners about it. Of course, you will be immediately evicted without returning your deposit for violating the lease agreement.

Never trust people, there are many scammers in the world who are ready to deceive you, always be on alert, check the apartment carefully and do not allow people to live in debt, check the documents carefully. After each tenant, check all household appliances, be sure to check the stove to see if you forgot to turn it off. Also check your water meters to see if extra money is running away.

From theory to practice. How I started my rental business

Quite by accident, through a friend, I met a guy who dealt with apartments for daily rent, that day we drove up to a pizzeria, and he collected money for the week from the tenant, I immediately calculated it, and it turned out to be about 10,000 rubles. In fact, he did nothing and received such money, and I worked like hell and earned 16,900 per month as a merchandiser. That's when I started seriously thinking about starting this business.

Look for clients first, and then an apartment!

Naturally, we began to see each other more often with this guy, we just played billiards in the evenings, and sometimes I asked about the secrets of this matter. In general, in July I just started bombing fences every evening, drawing advertisements like “ap. day + short, quickly remembered phone number.”

After a couple of weeks, people started calling my number, sometimes there were 20-30 missed calls a day. Naturally, I tried very hard, my advertising was very different and stood out from the rest, I did 3D graffiti with black and colored spray cans, in short, by the fall I painted the whole city and began looking for an apartment.

This was back in 2010, now there is the Internet and many different daily sites on which you can advertise both for a fee and for free.

The search for an apartment was long, in the evenings I posted notices on boards near the entrances, and in the morning the cleaners tore them down, but I didn’t know about it, and therefore there were few calls from homeowners. Also at that time there was a newspaper free ads"Fair". I placed my advertisement for renting an apartment in the demand section. In general, after almost a month I managed to find an apartment, naturally, I was scared, I didn’t know what to talk about with the owners and how to persuade the owner of the apartment that I would rent it out daily . This is where my friend helped me, he explained everything.

Business tricks and secrets

When the owners called, I said that I was renting an apartment for an organization, people would change, construction engineers would live, well, in general, I cheated a little. And one fine day I received a call from a man who didn’t care who lived, what was important to him was the money that I gave him at the beginning of each month for renting a one-room apartment.

The apartment was not very good, five floor , economy class. Having tidied up a little, I did everything the way it should have been: I bought bed linen, pillows and blankets, repaired the outlet in the kitchen and started renting it out daily.

Hourly rental gives maximum profitability

There were a lot of clients, a woman immediately moved in on the first day and off we went, when the apartment was vacated in the morning, I managed to rent it out by the hour, for 3 hours for 750 rubles, by the hour, by the way, they asked often, and always when the apartment was even occupied, I was on the phone, making arrangements with the next clients - so the apartment was occupied to the maximum. Sometimes I even managed to submit 2-3 times a day by the hour, so at the end of the month I ended up with much more than the amount that was planned. By the way, I had the most low price by the hour, which is why it was so often possible to rent out an apartment to those who liked privacy.

There is no problem with laundry. There is only laziness

The linen must be clean, otherwise you won’t see clients.

A month later I began to expand and rented a second apartment, a two-room apartment. The only disadvantage of this business is that every new client needs clean, fresh, ironed linen. I prepared the laundry at home, washed it in the machine and dried it on radiators, and of course ironed it, I didn’t have a car then, and I went to apartments by minibus with a backpack, the apartments were in different parts of the city.

However, the most pleasant moment of this business is the money that people pay when they rent an apartment. You take cash and a passport as collateral, now of course people already work with contracts and take money as collateral in the amount of 1,500 rubles, but I only took a passport as collateral.

Another month later, I rented another two-room apartment, and in total I had 3 of them. To be honest, it was very tense prepare linen every day, for every apartment and move people in every evening. However, I really enjoyed transferring money from my everyday wallet to the one I kept at home. Every morning I deposited 5,500 rubles, and at the beginning of each week I deposited money into a bank account of about 30,000 rubles.

How to make money on daily apartment rentals today. Step by step instructions

I repeat, I did this for a long time, then my life circumstances changed. But this business lives and develops. Despite the fact that the market is slowly being captured by the most advanced players with their own staff of maids, laundries, accounting systems and occupancy forecasting, it is still possible to make money by renting out apartments for the day.

An example of the daily rental market in a large city

Currently, to repeat all the success steps you need to:

  1. Rent an apartment for a long term. You can rent an apartment partially furnished and without household appliances, for the first time, put your own from home, or buy for pennies for avito Post it on Avito an advertisement in the “demand” section that you want to rent an apartment, also post advertisements near entrances, at bus stops with the text “I will rent an apartment,” and sooner or later you will find an apartment from the owner (no need to pay a commission to the realtor).
  2. You tell the owner that visiting employees of the organization would live in the apartment (make up your own story), my brother was the owner of a road construction company. You need to get a receipt from the owner stating that you have paid the month's rent and deposit; also find the required agreement on the Internet. It’s not bad if you immediately inform the owner of the apartment and directly say that you will rent out the apartment by the day.
  3. Next, you need to place advertisements with photographs and a full description of the apartment on all daily rent websites, just type “apartments for daily rent” in any search engine. and your city, register on each of the sites and place your advertisements. The 2 main sites are Avito and Airbnb. By the way, I have a list of more than 40 sites on which you can advertise both paid and free, add me to contact, and I will gladly share it with you.
  4. Create a VKontakte group, do business cards and place them in the apartment, or give them to the tenants. By the way, I handed out my business cards to taxi drivers when I was driving to the apartment, I simply said: “Do you mind if I leave an advertisement with you?” - and gave several business cards.
  5. You also need to partnerwith people who are already doing this business. Just find apartments daily in your city, call, introduce yourself, tell him that you will refer him clients when the apartment is occupied and would like to receive the same in return. You need 1-2 partners, also communicate with partners about pressing issues and learn from other people’s mistakes.
  6. Complete the apartment with everything necessary for living: furniture, household appliances, bedding and other small items.
  7. Now you need to rent out your apartment. It is best to rent it not to children for parties, but to adult business travelers and shift workers - serious people, immediately filter such people over the phone. You take the rent per day, fill out the contract plus a deposit (1500 rubles, or a passport).
  8. Then you take the keys back and inspect the apartment, if everything is in order and in place, return the deposit and leave. Naturally, you put things in order in your apartment and look for new clients. Also work on marketing, advertise on radio, television , delegate posting of advertisements and expand to an apartment-type mini-hotel.

Is subletting an easy business?

A friend of mine, when he heard how many clients called me, and I simply turned them down because the apartments were occupied, always said: expand , you're just missing out on clients. Another friend of mine said that I get money for free. And the friend who told all the secrets of this business said that this is not a very good troublesome business and requires a lot of responsibility and attention.

Advice: The daily rental scheme can be greatly improved by not giving money to the owner, but by taking out a mortgage on the apartment. In this case, you will get the apartment as a bonus. .

In general, everyone has their own opinion on this matter, I personally really liked this job, compared to what I did before - just arranging bottles of beer in the store, and here you communicate with people all the time, learn something new etc.

One of my friends from the city of Barnaul took out a loan of 50,000 rubles from a bank, rented 2 apartments and at the moment actively engaged in subleasing.

Interesting to try, but afraid of losing money? Try it!

Who is this business suitable for?

This business is great for people who work in hired jobs with a small salary, you just need to save a small amount of money - the minimum starting capital- and begin to act according to the scheme. When I started, I only had 30,000 rubles, which I saved up in six months while working as a merchandiser.

Also in this business you get quick, “free” money that you can add or save in a bank account; I managed to accumulate more than 300,000 rubles in 7 months. Well, then do what your heart desires, start next business, either, buy a car or just go on a big vacation. After all, you can

The work of an apartment rentier is perhaps the most profitable type entrepreneurial activity. It consists of renting out housing, and if desired, the owner of the living space can do nothing at all and not invest any money in it. But the apartment rental business will still flourish!

How to become a successful rentier?

This type of activity is beneficial both for those who already have “extra” housing, which they can start renting out immediately, and for those who intend to buy it specifically. Investments are minimal - buying a home and renovating it pays off very quickly, and profits increase at a record pace.

All you need to obtain it is to officially register your business: renting out apartments requires mandatory payment of taxes (13% of rental income), and it is better to notify the tax authorities yourself than to pay fines later. In this case, you can either register as an individual entrepreneur (for example, if several apartments will be rented) or work as a private person, simply declaring income and paying tax on it.

The second step is to legally formalize the transaction itself with the client. Even if the landlord trusts him completely, the contract is binding and it is best to draw it up with a qualified lawyer. This will protect you from any fraud and avoid material and moral losses. As for clients, it is preferable to start a business by renting apartments, renting them out to married couples (preferably without children), business travelers and visitors from distant countries (especially if they came for a long time), and entrepreneurs who moved to the landlord’s city for work. All these categories usually treat other people's property with care and are willing to pay for its damage.

In addition, daily rent of apartments for parties, receiving business guests, and holding various events (many companies hold informal business negotiations in such apartments) will be very profitable. As for the terms and payment of rent, they are specified in the contract with the client, and the price is set based on the average figures for the selected locality. It is not advisable to overestimate it, unless the apartment has some unique features, which is extremely rare.

Apartment rental business: income and expenses

The most profitable option for an entrepreneur, it is renting out an apartment that is already available (for example, housing inherited from relatives or vacated as a result of the departure of one of the family members). In this case, you will only need to invest in repairs, but this is not necessary.

In addition, you can purchase real estate specifically, and in this case, renting business class apartments is most profitable. They are in great demand, and by renting them out on a daily basis, you can have an excellent income. If there is not enough money for such housing, it is better to aim at ordinary “family” real estate in residential area– it is also popular, as well as apartments located close to key places in a given locality (historical attractions, business centers, entertainment centers). In any case, the entrepreneur will have to invest certain funds in his business:

  • from 2 million (for a one-room apartment) to 3-4 million rubles (for a three-room apartment)
  • from 20 thousand rubles for repairs (you don’t have to do it, inviting the client to invest in repairs themselves, subject to a reduced rent for a certain time)
  • 3-5 thousand – for monthly utility bills
  • 1.7-3.8 thousand rubles (on average) – to pay taxes
  • 8-15 thousand rubles annually - for apartment insurance (necessary, because rented housing is exposed to many risks)

As for income, in general, this is a very profitable business: renting out apartments can bring in from 14-15 thousand rubles per month if a one-room apartment is rented, up to 25 thousand if the property is a three-room one. Per year, accordingly, you can earn from 170 to 270 thousand. And this is if minimum prices are set! As a rule, they grow over time as market conditions change quickly, so profits will increase without additional investment. If you choose to rent business-class apartments, your earnings will be much higher, because such real estate is more expensive and is most often rented out on a daily basis - income can be at least 3-5 thousand rubles per day, that is, 90-150 thousand per month.

Thus, the purchase of the most inexpensive one-room apartment can pay off in just 10 months of rent (business class housing often pays off faster), and the remaining costs in 5-6 months. Already 1.5-2 years after the start of work, the apartment rental business begins to generate net income, and if you meet customers halfway and improve their living conditions, profits will increase very quickly.

Daily renting of an apartment can bring good and stable income, if everything is organized correctly. This service is very popular due to the fact that it is much cheaper for visiting tourists to rent an apartment than a hotel room.

Since this area of ​​earning money is not new, it has already been well studied. One-room apartments or four-room apartments are especially popular. Of course, from a rational point of view, one-room apartments are considered the ideal option - the owner of the space not only saves on electricity and heating, but can also afford to make luxurious renovations.

The owner of a one-room apartment will not lose money, since the price of housing is calculated not for one tenant, but for the entire area.

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Apartments located near the train station, schools and hospitals are extremely popular. Since it often happens that such housing is empty, it is better to buy an apartment on the third and fifth floor, this will significantly reduce the risk of criminal activity.

Daily rent of space - business features

From time immemorial, real estate was considered the most profitable investment, because many citizens, having free money, buy real estate. With proper and clear business management, you can significantly improve your financial situation without risks.

The most the best option It is considered to be renting out your own living space, of course, there are businessmen who start their business in rented space, but this is not the same.

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Some citizens even take out a mortgage on an apartment, and then successfully rent it out to tenants, thereby not only covering the monthly mortgage loan, but also managing to earn a little money from it.

Pros and cons of such earnings

For owners of rented apartments, the advantages are as follows:

  • good income without risks and investments;
  • if necessary, you can use the accommodation yourself;
  • when selling an apartment while the search is underway potential client, you can rent out an apartment to visiting people;
  • if the owner of the area cooperates with realtors, he will be provided with a flow of clients;
  • there is no need to register an individual entrepreneur, which significantly reduces financial expenses for paying taxes.

How to make money from daily apartment rentals?

Disadvantages of such a business:

  • if the apartment is mortgaged, then the bank can prohibit renting it to other people, it can not only fine the owner of the property, but also take away the apartment altogether;
  • conflicts arise with neighbors, since a constant flow of clients can disrupt the usual life of the residents of the house;
  • There are unscrupulous clients who can simply damage property - break a window, tear wallpaper, break equipment, and so on.


Often there are unscrupulous clients who damage property and do not want to pay for it later. To prevent such unpleasant situations from arising, you need to register an individual entrepreneur and draw up a lease agreement with each client. Also, when checking into an apartment, you should always take the guest’s passport and make a copy of it with the registration address.

It is a very profitable business in our time, but you will think that this is impossible and you will be wrong. By following the link you will find detailed instructions about how to start this business and make it profitable.

At the same time, we would like to emphasize that even if you have a photocopy of the client’s passport on hand, if the property was damaged, the owner of the premises will not be able to make a claim unless he has drawn up an agreement. Therefore, here you need to choose - saving money or safety and security of property.

Rental business: how and where to start

The first thing you need to do is to carefully study all legal regulations. First, of course, you need to go through the banal registration of a legal entity; in other words, you need to open an individual entrepreneur if you plan to do this business for a long time. Thus, you can significantly reduce the costs of maintaining accounting, today it costs about 5,000 thousand rubles to open an individual entrepreneur.

If the apartment will be rented exclusively for legal entities, then in this case you will have to register as a Company with Limited Liability. In this case, such a procedure will cost a little more, about 15 thousand. In order to earn a calm and stable income in this area of ​​business, you need to pay about 15% of the profit to the tax service monthly or twice a year.

This video will tell you how to start a business in the field of daily apartment rentals:

Of course, not all apartment owners can earn good money. In order for a living space to bring a good and stable income to its owner, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Long lease term, at least one year.
  2. Good location. The apartment should be located in the city center, where there is developed infrastructure.
  3. Beautiful and modern renovation.
  4. Availability of necessary furniture in the apartment: sofa, air conditioning, refrigerator, microwave, TV, washing machine. This is only the minimum that should be in a rented apartment, otherwise there will be no people willing to move in at all.

Step-by-step instructions for renting an apartment

Previously, the requirements that the apartment must meet were announced. When the premises are completely ready to receive guests, you need to take care of the legal side of the business. It is imperative to open an individual entrepreneur so that you can draw up a lease agreement with each client; this will protect the owner of the property from unexpected troubles.

After everything legal issues will be resolved, you can start searching for a potential client. To do this, you need to use the Internet: you can place an ad on a popular website, for example, Avito. To attract as many customers as possible, you need to present the information correctly.

The advertisement must indicate the location of the apartment, its cost, availability of furniture, as well as additional services, if there are any. You can advertise your apartments via the Internet, for which you can use groups in VKontakte or Odnoklassniki.

Do you have a free space, but you don’t want to rent it out, and its maintenance is not cheap? You can and maintaining the premises will definitely pay off. All details on the link.

Local newspapers and magazines also do not need to be ignored; there you can also place a similar ad with a phone number and apartment address. There is no need to save on advertising; by spending a couple of thousand you can get many more clients.

Business plan taking into account income and expenses

At the beginning, the owner of such real estate, of course, will have to spend a little money, 30 thousand rubles will be enough, with this money you can draw up documentation, pay for advertising and buy the most necessary things for your apartment: disposable slippers, soap, shampoo, toilet paper and so on.

An example of an apartment for rent.

The average daily rent for a one-room apartment is about 1,500 rubles. We multiply this amount by 30 days and get 45 thousand rubles, now we subtract 15% of the tax and get a net profit per month of about 30 thousand.

But again, it all depends on the number of rooms, the situation in the apartment, and so on. You can rent it out much more expensively and profitably, everything is purely individual. And if a person has not one, but several apartments for rent, this increases the profit many times over.

How does IP registration occur?

As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to open an individual entrepreneur when running such a business, but in this case there are great risks, for example, the tenant will damage the furniture or break a window. If you have a rental agreement, if such a situation arises, you can get a refund for the damage caused.

Features of payment for sublease

Subleasing is a process that involves two tenants. For correct design sublease, a document must be drawn up that looks like a lease agreement and does not have a long validity period. The subtenant is fully responsible for the rented property and will be responsible for its damage to the real owner.

If a suitable apartment is subleased, you must carefully study all the terms of the contract. It often happens that the true owner of the apartment raises the price for the tenant, and the latter, naturally, in order not to go into the red, raises the price for the client’s living space.

Today, many Russian citizens consider realtors to be scammers. This perception has also been reinforced by frequent cases of fraud on the part of real estate firms. But if a person is determined to start a business in the area of ​​apartment rentals, then he definitely can’t do it without the help of realtors and a plan.

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Such companies allow the owner to find a paying client. The result is a stable income and no downtime. The most important thing is to contact a trusted company that has proven itself on the positive side.

Monthly income and expenses

Common housing expenses include the following:

  1. Tax (if an individual entrepreneur was registered).
  2. Rent an apartment (if it is not owned).
  3. Advertising (you can also find free advertising, but it will not be very effective).
  4. Cleaning the apartment and washing bed linen (to save money, you can do it yourself).
  5. Payment of utilities.

You can learn everything about daily rental apartments from this video:

The amount of potential income and the direct payback of this project depend on the following factors:

  • the original condition of the apartment;
  • quality of advertising;
  • the work of the realtors themselves;
  • apartment location.

As a rule, daily rental of an apartment with a full occupancy pays for all expenses in less than five months, subject to repair costs.

Renting out living space purchased with a mortgage

Anyone who purchased a property with a mortgage is already a full-fledged owner, despite the fact that he has to pay monthly for the loan.

Mink coats have been very popular for many years, so the mink breeding business will always be profitable, and he will tell you how to start it

Owning an apartment in which no one lives can become a good business if you approach the organization and documentation correctly. Read the article on how to rent out an apartment daily, where to start and how to avoid problems with the law.

Short-term rental of an apartment involves the transfer of housing for use for a period of no more than 11 months. The owner can legally rent out living space for a few days or hours - these periods are not limited.

First of all, you need to take into account that the transfer of living space for a fee is an activity that is subject to taxation. Income tax will need to be paid annually.

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The owner can rent out the apartment himself or use the services of a specialized agency. The second method has many advantages, but everyone has the right to choose how to proceed.

What are the advantages of working with agencies?

  1. Specialists will take care of searching for tenants and drawing up an agreement.
  2. Residents pay a commission to the agency, which can serve as confirmation of their solvency.
  3. Agency mediation services for apartment owners are usually free.
  4. The owner does not need to spend a lot of time searching for clients and complying with formalities.

It is necessary to understand who needs an apartment in short term. As a rule, these are couples in love who have nowhere to be alone, tourists, business travelers or people who come to another city to receive medical care. To whom to rent an apartment, each owner must decide for himself. It should be taken into account that possible noise or parties may disturb the neighbors.

If you decide to rent out an apartment on your own, you can attract tenants through advertising or through friends. Place an ad in social networks and on popular message boards on the Internet. However, keep in mind that when searching on your own, there is a risk of running into scammers.

Some people rent out vacant housing, while others buy it specifically separate apartment for rent. This is a good investment, as real estate prices are rising steadily. Still others rent out housing on a daily basis as a sublease. For example, a person rents a two-room apartment, but actually uses only one room, and rents out the second by the day. In this case, he fully pays off the rental payments and earns money. However, subletting requires the owner's permission.

How to rent out an apartment daily?

Daily rental of apartments has turned into a profitable business, because many people prefer cozy housing to hotel rooms. Let's look at the nuances of this form of earnings.

Requirements for living space

The most in demand are apartments located in areas with developed infrastructure. Transport accessibility is very important, and in large cities – proximity to a metro station. Potential tenants are equally interested in the availability of shops and ATMs. A plus will also be the distance from major highways, the availability of parking and public gardens. These factors can increase rental costs.

Before moving in tenants, you should take care of a minimum set of furniture and household appliances. As a rule, this is a bed/sofa, table, chair, wardrobe, refrigerator, TV and washing machine. Another important addition is the Internet. Access to the World Wide Web has long become a necessity.

Clean and well-kept premises will attract tenants to a greater extent, and will also allow the owner to set a good price. It is recommended to update furniture, buy dishes, bedding sets, or even make cosmetic repairs.


As mentioned above, renting out housing on the basis of a rental or rental agreement is an activity that is subject to tax. How you pay tax payments depends on your status. You can pay tax on your income individual or register as individual entrepreneur.

Evasion of the obligation to pay taxes is fraught with negative consequences, including bringing the defaulter to criminal liability.

There are three methods provided by the Federal Tax Service:

  1. Registration of individual entrepreneurs.
  2. Purchasing a patent.
  3. Payment of personal income tax.

If renting out housing is a form of doing business for you, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur with the object of taxation being “income”. The tax rate in this case will be 6%. Individual entrepreneurs are also required to pay mandatory insurance premiums. Their total volume in 2017 is 27,990 rubles.

You can register in one of five ways:

  1. Visit the Federal Tax Service yourself. You only need to pay a state fee of 800 rubles.
  2. Through custom postal item with a list of attachments and notification of delivery to the addressee. This method is convenient if the actual place of residence differs from the registration address.
  3. Use the services of a lawyer.
  4. With the help of a trusted person.
  5. On the official website of the Federal Tax Service. However, this method will not eliminate the need for a personal visit to the tax office to provide original documents.

Registration occurs in several stages:

  1. Preparation of documents. You will need an application in the established form for registration, an application for the transition to a simplified taxation system, a civil passport, and a receipt for payment of state duty.
  2. Registration with the Federal Tax Service.
  3. Opening a bank account.

It is not necessary to make a seal. The individual entrepreneur has the right to carry out activities without it.

After completing the above procedures, you will receive the status of an individual entrepreneur and will be able to rent out an apartment legally.

The second way to legally do business is to acquire a patent. The tax payment will consist of the cost of the patent and half of the amount of insurance premiums. This will cost less, since the cost of the patent is still the same 6% of the income received, but insurance premiums will need to be paid in half.

Without registering an individual entrepreneur or purchasing a patent, you will have to pay personal income tax in the amount of 13% of the income received. Also, do not forget about the need to submit a reporting declaration at the end of the year to the Federal Tax Service.


Of course, it is better to check in with friends or people based on recommendations. However, at first they may not be there. Then you will need advertising.

You can use the services of agencies or individual realtors, as mentioned above, or place ads yourself. Where to place it?

  1. Social media. “Odnoklassniki”, “Vkontakte”, “FaceBook” are visited by millions of people every day. This should not be ignored.
  2. Free online platforms for posting advertisements. For example, “Avito”, “Yula”.
  3. Local newspapers.

We conclude an agreement

So, we found tenants. How to formalize a rental relationship with them? You will need a contract. A well-drafted document will help to avoid possible material risks.

The agreement is drawn up in simple written form and does not require registration. The text of the document must contain the following information:

  • personal data of the parties (full name, passport data, registration);
  • information about the subject of the contract, that is, about the living space for rent (residential building, apartment, room);
  • validity period;
  • date of registration;
  • the amount of rent and the procedure for its transfer;
  • rights and obligations of the parties;
  • sanctions for violation of the terms of the contract and damage to the lessor’s property;
  • personal signatures with transcripts.

An addition to the agreement can be a transfer and acceptance certificate with an inventory of the lessor's property. When you receive money, you can make a receipt.

If you do not know how to correctly draw up a lease agreement or are unsure of the correctness of the document, consult with a lawyer. This can be done on our website.

Cleaning the premises

After each eviction of tenants, cleaning must be carried out. For these purposes, you can hire a cleaning company. An agreement is also concluded with this organization.

This concludes the process of renting out an apartment daily. Let us conclude with a few recommendations.

Be sure to stipulate in the contract the responsibility of the parties for non-compliance with the terms of the lease relationship. This will help minimize possible risks. You should also not neglect the inventory of the property located in the apartment.

Another way to reduce risks is insurance. Due to the fault of the tenant, flooding of neighbors, fire or gas leak may occur. Insurance will cover all this. Otherwise, the responsibility will fall on you as the owner.

When renting out housing for short-term, as a rule, landlords do not require a deposit. However, this amount can compensate for the losses caused. But there is also a significant drawback - the need for a deposit can alienate tenants.

At the right approach Daily rental of housing will not cause much trouble. It will be difficult only at the beginning, but then, when you sort out the organizational issues, there will be no difficulties.

What is more profitable to rent out an apartment - daily or long-term?

To understand which method is more profitable, consider the pros and cons. The advantages include the following facts:

  1. Daily rentals provide more profit than long-term rentals.
  2. Short-term rentals are in great demand.
  3. You can stop renting daily at any time if you need an apartment. For long-term rentals, this point becomes more complicated.
  4. If the apartment is for sale, it will be easier to rent it out daily.

The negative aspects include

  • seasonality if you live in a resort town;
  • the need for frequent cleaning;
  • lack of stability (especially at the beginning, when there is no constant flow);
  • repair costs.

If you encounter any difficulties related to your lease, seek legal advice. Free legal assistance is available on our website around the clock.

Now you know how to rent out an apartment by the day, where to start and how to register such a business. If you decide to start renting, do not forget about the need to pay taxes. We wish you good luck.

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