Equipment adjuster in food production. Job description of a mechanic-adjuster Technological equipment adjuster: instructions, responsibilities, education

Test equipment installer

§ 48. Installer of test equipment of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Adjustment and regulation of simple radio-electronic units of testing equipment. Installation of individual components, connections, devices and blocks of medium complexity according to the wiring diagram with complete sealing of conductors and connections. Cutting multi-wire armored cables in a rubber braid with sealing the ends into blocks. Production of all kinds of harnesses from wires of various brands according to templates. Wiring of simple circuits of repaired devices with installation and soldering of replaceable parts and assemblies. Electrical and mechanical adjustment and adjustment, checking and testing of electrical measuring equipment of medium complexity, as well as balancing of a moving system of instruments. Regulation of main power sources. Identifying and eliminating mechanical and electrical faults during adjustment and testing. Identification of defects in mounted circuits and their elimination. Testing and testing mounted circuits with electrical measuring instruments, finding defects and eliminating them. Testing resistance and insulation of conductors. Establishing the sequence of installation of circuits.

Must know: methods for identifying faults; installation of simple radio-electronic units and operational installation of complex products with conductors of various sections; operating principle of mounted mechanisms and devices; symbols of devices and components in the wiring diagram in general form; installation and circuit diagrams of medium complexity; basic information on electrical engineering of alternating and direct currents within the scope of the work performed; mechanical and electrical properties of conductors and insulating materials used during installation; the purpose and design of measuring and electrical instruments used to check polarity, breaks and short circuits in the mounted circuit; methods for including mounted elements in the control and test network; methods for setting up the measuring equipment used; methods of mechanical and electrical adjustment of electrical measuring equipment of medium complexity; rules for using and connecting them to regulated devices and devices; requirements for installation and soldering.

Work examples

1. Power supplies for klystrons, pumping stations, a stand for measuring electrical parameters of the TWT, pulse shaping amplifiers, etc. - installation, repair, adjustment.

2. Magnetic induction meter amplification unit - installation.

3. Capacitor units - setting and electrical regulation.

4. Full-wave rectifiers - installation and testing.

5. Low-frequency generators GZ-3b, GZ-33, GC-31 - replacement of lamps and semiconductor devices; Finding and eliminating faults in the generator block.

6. Sound generators - operational electrical testing and regulation.

7. Resistive-capacitive voltage divider for pulse signals of microsecond and millisecond duration - installation and configuration.

8. Computer-based measuring systems - daily maintenance.

9. Electromechanical meters - operational regulation.

10. Power supplies of all types, sound generators, thermal ionization vacuum gauges, tube voltmeters - repair and regulation.

11. Heat chambers DR-164 - setting the thermal mode; regulation of the fan drive unit; heater replacement.

12. Electrical measuring mechanisms of classes 1 - 2, 5 - balancing.

13. Non-standardized devices for measuring R, L, C - setting.

14. Oscilloscopes - simple repairs, setup.

15. Testing equipment for operating systems, fuel assemblies, power transformers and chokes - maintenance; eliminating minor faults and monitoring parameters.

16. Test equipment - checking electrical circuits, test connectors; repair of RSh type connectors.

17. Printed circuit boards (modules) - wiring of microcircuits, checking their functioning; identification of faulty elements and their replacement.

18. Electrical measuring instruments - testing with connection of a reference stand; change of electrical measuring instruments; magnetization and remagnetization of magnets.

19. Thermoelectric system devices, power supplies of all types, sound generators, thermal ionization vacuum gauges, lamp voltmeters - repair and regulation.

20. Attachments to the curve graph - installation and adjustment.

21. Potentialometer - installation.

22. Relay of circuits of high-frequency transmitting devices - electrical regulation.

23. Special equipment - regulation of units and blocks.

24. Measuring stand locking system - testing and installation.

25. Bridge circuits for measuring R, L, C - setting.

26. Test stands - assembly of individual units and blocks, testing, adjustment.

27. Installation of pollution control UZK-1 - setting up control and repairing electronic accounts.

28. Installation for measuring the volt-capacitive characteristics of ZhKM 346.001 - adjustment and regulation of the comparing device and threshold discriminator.

29. Installation of burning with periodic impulses - repair, adjustment.

30. Installation for testing static parameters - repair of cathode, grid and anode circuits.

31. Pulse magnetizing installation - adjustment.

32. Switching circuits - repair, prevention, replacement of relays, keys, toggle switches, installation equipment.

33. Electric motors - cleaning collectors, lubrication, changing engines; connection to the installation and running.

§ 49. Installer of test equipment of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of testing equipment of medium complexity. Establishing optimally acceptable operating modes of equipment and monitoring their stability. Finding damage in inter-unit connections and elements of the microwave path of measuring stands. Installation of equipment of medium complexity according to the wiring diagram and simple experimental devices according to the schematic diagram with the performance of various assembly, termination and cable works. Manufacturing circuits from various conductors, cables, buses for experimental instruments and devices and testing them with various electrical measuring instruments. Unsoldering and sealing of devices, blocks, assemblies, circuits and production of templates for wiring circuits according to circuit diagrams and wiring diagrams. Drawing up wiring diagrams and artificial lines. Cutting and soldering of all kinds of conductors, cables and busbars. Simple calculations of resistance in various circuit links, testing resistance and insulation of conductors. Electrical and mechanical regulation, testing, inspection of complex electrical measuring equipment. Identifying various problems during installation, locating places of damage and eliminating them by replacing components and parts of the circuit, followed by testing under current. Measurement of electrical characteristics in accordance with the control and measuring instructions.

Must know: methods for identifying typical malfunctions of test equipment and installation of electronic equipment; installation and schematic diagrams of group connections of devices and devices included in the wiring diagram; rules for wiring diagrams, installing parts and devices, the sequence of their inclusion in the overall diagram; technological and electrical properties of various conductive and insulating materials used during installation; principle of operation and purpose of control, measuring and auxiliary equipment (avometer, generators, voltmeters, oscilloscope, etc.); purpose and use of installation tools; diagram for connecting power supplies when assembling circuits; fundamentals of electrical engineering, radio engineering, pulse technology; design and operating principle of the circuit being tested; methods for checking micromodules using resistance, voltage, and electrical parameters maps.

Work examples

1. Automatic machines (type U-701, U-705, U-706, UPS, PRS, GP-5) - regulation according to electrical parameters.

2. Automatic measurement of statistical parameters 261.0061 - regulation of the unit for supplying diodes to the contact pads; repair of threshold devices.

3. Automatic packaging of microcircuits into loading boards - repair and adjustment.

4. Automatic classification 2.650.050/09 - regulation of the mechanism for feeding devices to contacting devices; repair and adjustment of the measuring channel.

5. Ammeters, voltmeters - regulation and testing.

6. Filament power supply with voltage stabilization - assembly and testing.

7. Relay and control units - installation.

8. Control relay units for high-voltage rectifiers with power up to 50 W - installation and commissioning.

9. Scanning units for testing cathode ray tubes - medium repair.

10. Tube microammeter unit - installation, configuration.

11. Stationary dual-band quartz generators powered by rectifiers - electrical regulation.

12. Ramp voltage generator - setting.

13. Mode controllers for integrated circuits and micromodules - installation, adjustment.

14. Pulse sensors, indicators and course charts - regulation.

15. Frequency divider on logic elements or triggers of integral design - installation and configuration.

16. Power supplies built on the principle of using chokes with saturation - installation and commissioning.

17. High-voltage stabilized power supplies - repair.

18. Non-contact climatic control chamber - adjustment and repair.

19. Heat chambers 12 KTS, KTS-M - repair and adjustment.

20. Calibrators of lamp voltmeters V6-1, V1-4 and lamp voltmeters of type B3-24 - repair and adjustment of the alternating voltage generator unit.

21. Thermal cycling chambers KTC-0.025 - setting temperature conditions and repairing electrical circuits.

22. Semi-automatic coercimeter - setting.

23. Ruler for assembly and adjustment of reversible periodic systems - adjustment.

24. Time mechanisms, software, locking - regulation.

25. Equipment for tuning semiconductor devices - adjustment and regulation.

26. Installation and welding equipment (relay units, resistance stores, current regulators and starting devices) - adjustment.

27. Equipment for carrying out ETT, including USTT - 0.25 s. thermal satellites 1609 - repair, adjustment.

28. Printed circuit boards of the "Electronics-100" computer, alarm register, analog signal converter, switching register, display units, fixation of switching levels, logarithmic current converter, scan generator - simple repair, regulation, adjustment, installation.

29. Magnetoelectric system devices of class 0.2 - 1.5, combined devices of the “C” and “TT” types, bridges and resistance stores, general purpose amplifiers - repair, tuning, adjustment.

30. High-frequency switches of various types, waveguide and coaxial couplers, thermistor heads and balloon meters - testing and regulation.

31. Measuring receiver - repair.

32. Devices with a Hall sensor - installation and commissioning.

33. Measuring systems such as digital voltmeter, digital printing device, hammer drill, comparator and code converter - installation and configuration.

34. Automatic furnace temperature support systems - repair and adjustment.

35. Electronic stabilizers for direct and alternating current with a power of up to 300 W - installation, adjustment, repair.

36. Stand for climatic and mechanical tests, current training stands - repair and adjustment.

37. Stand for setting the UNTM/D modes - checking the sources of right current and reverse voltage; setting the temperature setting block; bringing the stand to thermal and electrical modes.

38. Stand for panoramic measurement of TWT parameters - repair.

39. Test benches for group testing of operating systems, fuel assemblies, horizontal scanning tube circuits - adjustment, troubleshooting, parameter monitoring.

40. Schemes of simple stabilized power supplies - manufacturing, regulation.

41. Circuits for measuring static parameters, reverse currents - adjustment, repair.

42. Circuits for testing micromodules at extreme temperatures (+70 degrees C and -40 degrees C) - assembly, repair, adjustment.

43. Trigger circuits - setup.

44. Thyristor voltage regulators - repair.

45. Installations for measuring reverse currents - repair, adjustment.

46. ​​Installations for measuring parameters of semiconductor devices, testing transistors for heat and cold resistance, thermal cycling installations - adjustment, repair.

47. Installation for testing semiconductor devices at high and low pressure - preventive maintenance, adjustment.

48. Installation for testing the wettability of terminals of semiconductor devices with solder POS-40, POS-60 - adjustment, preventive repair.

49. “Dry method” leak testing installations UKGE - repair, adjustment.

50. Vibration, shock, installation installations - repair, adjustment.

51. Settings for measuring the switching charge TTL-490 - setting up calibration based on standard capacitances and regulating the long pulse edge.

52. Installations for measuring detector resistance at the zero point, capacitance, quality factor - repair, adjustment.

53. Characterograph - adjustment.

54. Digital measuring instruments such as Shch4312, ChZ-30, "I2-19, ChZ-24 - identification and elimination of faults in one of the counting decade blocks; checking the logical operations circuit.

55. Electric generator type ZGDA - installation and commissioning.

§ 50. Installer of test equipment of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of testing equipment and computer equipment of increased complexity. Setting up equipment for partial testing of color picture tubes. Installation of large groups of varying complexity of radio-electronic devices, instruments and apparatus included in the general wiring diagram. Installation of experimental samples according to sketches and schematic diagrams. Manufacturing without samples of circuits from various conductors, cables, buses and radio components. Testing circuits with various electrical measuring instruments. Production of templates for wiring circuits according to schematic and installation diagrams, ensuring compact placement of conductors and in compliance with technical requirements for their installation. Drawing up sketches of schematic diagrams based on product samples. Drawing up wiring diagrams and artificial lines. Calculations of resistance in various links of the circuit, testing of resistance and insulation of conductors. Electrical and mechanical regulation, inspection, testing of complex electrical equipment. Regulation of pointer instruments and devices of various systems and degrees of accuracy. Software troubleshooting of test and measurement equipment. Manufacturing and adjustment of individual boards for radio-electronic devices to replace those that have become unusable. Running control programs during commissioning of measuring equipment. Control tests and delivery of radio-electronic units with demonstration of the operation of devices and entire installations according to the general scheme during commissioning. Preventative work on testing and measuring equipment.

Must know: methods for identifying various faults and methods for installing complex radio-electronic installations, measuring equipment and objects with a large number of incoming devices and devices with independent circuits; all kinds of installation and schematic diagrams of group connections of devices and devices; the purpose of individual devices and units included in the mounted circuit; the principle of operation of various devices and radio tubes included in the mounted circuit; methods for testing group connections of devices and instruments mounted in a common circuit; rules for setting up and adjusting various radio measuring devices, testing and measuring equipment, the order and sequence of installation; purpose and rules for shielding conductors and individual links; fundamentals of electrical engineering, radio engineering and pulse technology; rules for setting and regulating various electrical measuring instruments.

Work examples

1. Units for measuring electrical parameters of devices - repair, adjustment, performance testing.

2. Akulov anisometer - setting.

3. Automatic machines with complex kinematic and electrical circuits - adjustment and repair.

4. Computer and stationary equipment - regulation of units and units.

5. Blocks with electromagnetic, eccentric mechanisms - regulation.

6. Non-contact control units based on thyristor circuits, control and power units for reliability testing, logical units - adjustment, repair, installation.

7. Blocks of high-voltage stabilized power supplies - adjustment.

8. Stabilized rectifiers - setting and testing.

9. Vibration stand VU 10/3000 - setting up the generator, balancing the dynamic coil of the vibrating table; calibration of the stand with checking frequency and acceleration.

10. Frequency dividers - regulation.

11. Dynamic parameters meter - repair and adjustment of the high-frequency unit.

12. Measuring systems such as "Viaduct", "Integral" - setup.

13. Walk-through chambers of the “PK-5003”, “PK-5005” type, control units - temperature control, adjustment, regulation, repair.

14. Semi-automatic classifier - adjustment, repair.

15. Ruler for assembly and adjustment of periodic focusing systems, slope meters - adjustment.

16. Measuring lines - adjustment, testing, repair.

17. Probe manipulators "Zond-A4", "Zond-A5", "EM-680", "EM-6010", "EM-6020" - testing, adjustment, repair.

18. Mechanisms with synchronous and monitoring devices - regulation.

19. Electronic microscope, mass spectrometers, thermal cycling units, plasma photometers PFM adjustment.

20. Separate blocks and assemblies included in installations or conveyor lines for training and testing the parameters of electrovacuum devices (simulators, scanners, electronic galvanometers, measuring amplifiers, low-frequency and high-frequency low-power generators, comparators, instruments and automation equipment, etc. ) - installation and commissioning.

21. Measuring instruments - adjustment of optics, replacement of thread, balancing.

22. Corrective devices and software devices - regulation; electrolytic bath pantograph - adjustment.

23. Semi-automatic contacting and sorting machine PCRM-2 - setting up the kinematic and electronic circuit; regulation of coordination nodes.

24. Devices containing radiation-to-voltage converters, a digital register, an analog-to-digital converter, a unit for automatically changing conversion limits - installation and configuration.

25. Devices containing scale converters, multipliers, amplitude detectors and analog signal recorders - installation and configuration.

26. Devices of any complexity, stands for IVIS parameters and durability, IVIS power and ignition devices, devices for high-speed photography - repair, installation, adjustment.

27. Control panels and devices - installation, adjustment, repair.

28. Tracking systems, special equipment - regulation.

29. Static installations - installation, configuration.

30. Stand for panoramic measurement of TWT parameters, functional control stands, functioning units - adjustment, repair, installation, commissioning.

31. Service life stand UNTIS-1 - setting up power supplies and temperature setting unit; regulation of pulse duration and generators.

32. Assembly and welding tables type SSP-2 - repair, installation and adjustment.

33. Line scan circuits (tube and semiconductor) for testing OS and fuel assemblies - installation and configuration, troubleshooting.

34. Complex circuits and stands for group testing and measurements of parameters of power transformers and chokes, including those for special purposes - manufacturing, tuning and troubleshooting.

35. Schemes and stands for measuring the electrical characteristics of VIS sources - installation and configuration.

36. Automatic control circuit for a heat chamber, circuits for testing special-purpose micromodules - installation, adjustment, repair.

37. Thermal pressure chambers KHTB-0.16 - setting the chamber to high temperature (+125 degrees C) and negative temperature (-60 degrees C), to work at a tempo with reduced pressure.

38. Installation for testing semiconductor devices, microcircuits, installations "Zond-1A" and "Zond-A4" - testing, adjustment, repair.

39. Installations for measuring high-frequency parameters of semiconductor devices and microcircuits - checking, adjustment, repair.

40. Capacitor welding installations "Wakwell", "Fesd", "MTK-8002", installation for monitoring test parameters of microcircuits based on the meter "EM-640" - repair and adjustment.

41. Installations, vibration electrodynamic test stands - repair and adjustment.

42. Mechanical shock test installations - adjustment.

43. Functional units on integrated circuits such as differential amplifier, analog adder, integrator, voltage-to-frequency converter, register, analog signal comparator - installation and configuration.

44. Installations for measuring conversion losses, triode parameters, installation of pulse training - repair, adjustment.

45. Installations (stands) for testing electric vacuum devices for durability - comprehensive adjustment.

46. ​​Voltage and power amplifiers for various purposes, oscillographic amplifiers - installation and commissioning.

47. Durability test installation - complex adjustment.

§ 51. Installer of test equipment of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of testing equipment, computer equipment, testing equipment for color picture tubes. Installation, adjustment and operation of test signal sensors (monoscope installations, overhead projectors, film projectors, mono projectors, color strip generators). Identification and elimination of faults using control tests in programmable pulse generators and voltage sources, counters, registers on a discrete element base and using integrated circuits. Complex setup and launch of individual complex units in measuring systems. Full inspection and delivery of electrical measuring equipment of any complexity to the receiver. Calculation of electrical circuits to determine the parameters of radio components of mounted circuits. Control tests of mounted units and radio installations during commissioning.

Must know: methods for identifying faults in radio-electronic units of complex test equipment and computer technology; methods of installation of electronic components, samples of devices and devices according to sketches and schematic diagrams; calculation of circuits and power supplies; laws for constructing all kinds of wiring and circuit diagrams; purpose and practical application of measuring instruments and instruments; principle of detecting faults in electrical parameters and waveforms; forms and parameters of signals in radio-electronic equipment; the impact of interference on the shape and parameters of signals; technical conditions and requirements for the installation of equipment and devices.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Analyzers, information-measuring systems, installation, configuration.

2. Power measurement units in the VHF range, functional units of computer technology - repair, adjustment.

3. Blocks of breakdown counters - installation, configuration.

4. High-frequency, high-voltage stabilized rectifiers with a voltage of 60,000 V - adjustment.

5. Quantum optical generators of microwave type - adjustment and repair.

6. Measuring complexes and lines (such as “Integral”, Elikon”, “Viaduct”, etc.) - adjustment, calibration, testing, repair.

7. Modulators of all types - repair and adjustment.

8. Electric mesh model MSM type - setting.

9. Pumping stations with program control - adjustment.

10. Instruments for measuring the electrical characteristics of gas-discharge laser pump lamps - installation and configuration.

11. Instruments of the electrostatic system (S), digital type Shch-1413, candle meters, photometers - repair, calibration, regulation.

12. Dynamic testing stand for high-power pulsed TWTs - installation, adjustment, repair.

13. Circuits for measuring pulse parameters, for checking the operation of installations - adjustment.

14. Complex circuits and stands for measuring electrical and light characteristics of VIS sources - installation, adjustment.

15. Complex circuits and stands for group testing and measurements of electrical parameters of operating systems, fuel assemblies and micromodules of all types, including special-purpose ones - setting up, monitoring their operation, repairing.

16. Schemes for checking electrical parameters and testing under various environmental conditions - installation, regulation, configuration.

17. High and low frequency amplifiers, intermediate frequency (multistage), DC amplifiers (multistage) - installation, adjustment and regulation.

18. Installations for measuring noise of high-frequency diodes - installation and adjustment.

19. Amplifiers, generators, highly stable power supplies, automatic circuits - installation, regulation, configuration.

20. Amplification devices with an output power of 3 kW or more - adjustment, repair.

21. Installations for automatic recording of hysteresis loops, magnetic field topography of complex magnetic systems - installation and commissioning.

22. Installations for dynamic and climatic testing of generator pulse and stroboscopic lamps - repair and adjustment.

23. Installations for measuring static and dynamic parameters of electrovacuum devices, for measuring pulse parameters of semiconductor devices and microcircuits - setting, calibration, testing, repair.

24. Installations for thermocompression welding EM-424A., MS-41P2, argon-arc welding type URS-3 - repair and adjustment.

25. Potentiometric installations type U-302, U-309, potentiometers R-307, R2/1; galvanometers; pulse multichannel generators; high-speed oscilloscopes with a bandwidth above 25 MHz; storage oscilloscopes; instruments for measuring time and frequency - repair, adjustment, tuning, installation.

26. Automatic and semi-automatic installations for measuring static and dynamic parameters of reed switches, integrated circuits, semiconductor hybrid microwave circuits - repair and adjustment.

27. Installations for dynamic and climatic testing of reed switches - repair and adjustment.

28. Reed switch noise measurement installations - installation and adjustment.

29. Electron beam argon purification installations - adjustment.

30. Digital photometers, radiometers, spectroradiometers - installation and configuration.

31. Centrifuge - repair and adjustment of control circuits.

32. Electric hydrogen furnaces type IO570020, AZ6023 - adjustment.

§ 52. Installer of test equipment of the 7th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of testing equipment and computer equipment of increased complexity and automation devices on a radio-electronic base, with subsequent repair and adjustment. Installation, adjustment, testing, repair and commissioning of industrial automation, telemechanics, communications circuits, contact, relay, electromagnetic, ion and semiconductor electric drive control circuits. Diagnosis of equipment control systems using special test programs and stands using computer technology. Drawing up test and adjustment of technological programs for control, measuring and special technological equipment. Analysis and systematization of failures in the operation of technological equipment.

Must know: methods for identifying faults in radio-electronic units of complex test equipment and computer technology; methods of installation of experimental samples of apparatus and instruments according to sketches and schematic diagrams; laws of construction and calculation of installation and circuit diagrams; calculation of electrical circuits to determine the parameters of radio components of mounted circuits; methods for compiling and adjusting technological and test programs; organizing a set of works on setting up and troubleshooting devices and computer systems; design and diagnostics of unique measuring and control systems and complexes.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Units of equipment for measuring non-electrical quantities using electrical methods (pressure, acceleration, temperature, geometric dimensions meters; flaw detectors, etc.) - installation, adjustment, repair.

2. Industrial automation, telemechanics and communications units (on a radio-electronic basis) - repair, adjustment.

3. Units of deploying devices (non-standard) - repair, adjustment.

4. High frequency generators (sinusoidal, pulsed), quantum optical with automatic mode control units - repair, adjustment, frequency adjustment.

5. Complexes of complex automatic and semi-automatic equipment of various systems - fault detection, repair, adjustment.

6. Subblocks of algorithms for automatic thermal protection of the X-ray tube, subblocks of television signal processing (SOTS) - repair and adjustment.

7. Schemes for testing electric vacuum products and monitoring electrical parameters, including those with climatic chambers - installation, repair, adjustment.

8. Schemes and stands for measuring electrical parameters and characteristics of electro-optical devices - setting up and monitoring their operation, repairs.

9. Installations for automated application of phosphor to image intensifier screens - adjustment, repair.

§ 53. Installer of test equipment of the 8th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, adjustment, regulation and commissioning of complex control systems, equipment based on microprocessor technology, performing all types of restoration and repair work on elements of these systems, programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers and other computer equipment. Installation and adjustment of equipment for testing color picture tubes using pulse stabilizers and special scanning devices. Installation, adjustment and operation of samples of unique domestic and foreign equipment with automatic control of technological processes, with radio-electronic circuits. Participation in the development of non-standard testing equipment, installation of units and testing of their functionality.

Must know: methods for identifying faults in unique radio-electronic domestic and foreign equipment; methods for constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology, functional and structural diagrams of micro- and mini-computers; methodology for setting up control systems in order to obtain the specified characteristics of devices and devices of converter technology; programming and repair methods for computer-based equipment.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Scanning units for information display devices, mini- and micro-computer monitors and other control systems - adjustment, installation, regulation.

2. Complex blocks based on LSI - repair and adjustment.

3. Measuring complexes with control computers (such as “Ikomat-110”, “Ikomat-115”, “Viking”, etc.) - setup, repair, diagnostics.

4. Control and measuring systems and devices with microprocessor control - installation, configuration, regulation, diagnostics.

5. Conveyor lines and installations for the manufacture of products of electrovacuum and semiconductor production, equipped with program control and automatic systems for maintaining specified parameters - repair, adjustment.

6. Experimental diagrams of measuring devices and complexes - installation, adjustment, repair.

7. Installations for applying thin films of the "Leibold" type, vacuum processing and production of photocathode of the image intensifier tube, magnetic deposition of contact layers - repair, adjustment.

\Standard job description for equipment adjuster in food production, 5th category

Job description of equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 5th category

Job title: Equipment adjuster in the production of food products, 5th category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • Equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 5th category is directly subordinate to...................
  • Equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 5th category follows the instructions.................................................... ..............

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 5th category replaces....................................... ...........................................
  • Replaces an equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 5th category....................................... ........................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    An equipment adjuster in the production of food products is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • device and design features of mechanized and automated lines, multi-node machines and automatic machines, centrifugal high-speed separators and batch and continuous centrifuges
  • rules for setting up, interaction and synchronicity of operation of their units and mechanisms
  • reasons causing malfunctions in the operation of the equipment being serviced, methods for identifying and eliminating them, procedures for disassembling, assembling and adjusting
  • rules for operation and repair of serviced equipment
  • device and rules for using the control and measuring instruments and tools used
  • rules for drawing up sketches of simple parts.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Adjustment, regulation and repair of mechanized and automated lines, multi-node machines and automatic machines, centrifugal high-speed separators and batch and continuous centrifuges, adjustment and regulation of their components and mechanisms during operation.
  • Participation in various types of repairs of serviced equipment, including major repairs, testing under operating load and commissioning.
page 1 Job description Equipment adjuster in food production
page 2 Job description Equipment adjuster in food production

4. Rights

  • An equipment adjuster in the production of food products has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • An equipment adjuster in the production of food products has the right to monitor the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • An equipment adjuster in food production has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • An equipment adjuster in food production has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • An equipment adjuster in the production of food products has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • An equipment adjuster in the production of food products has the right to submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description to the manager for consideration.
  • An equipment adjuster in the production of food products has the right to submit proposals for the consideration of the manager on encouraging distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • An equipment adjuster in the production of food products has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The equipment adjuster in the production of food products is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The equipment operator in food production is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Equipment Adjuster in food production is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the current position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • The equipment adjuster in the production of food products is responsible for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The equipment adjuster in the production of food products is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The equipment operator in food production is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for maintaining trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The equipment adjuster in food production is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety regulations and fire safety.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Issue No. 20 ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated January 21, 2000 N 5
(as amended by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2001 N 67)

Test equipment installer

§ 48. Installer of test equipment of the 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Adjustment and regulation of simple radio-electronic units of testing equipment. Installation of individual components, connections, devices and blocks of medium complexity according to the wiring diagram with complete sealing of conductors and connections. Cutting multi-wire armored cables in a rubber braid with sealing the ends into blocks. Production of all kinds of harnesses from wires of various brands according to templates. Wiring of simple circuits of repaired devices with installation and soldering of replaceable parts and assemblies. Electrical and mechanical adjustment and adjustment, checking and testing of electrical measuring equipment of medium complexity, as well as balancing of a moving system of instruments. Regulation of main power sources. Identifying and eliminating mechanical and electrical faults during adjustment and testing. Identification of defects in mounted circuits and their elimination. Testing and testing mounted circuits with electrical measuring instruments, finding defects and eliminating them. Testing resistance and insulation of conductors. Establishing the sequence of installation of circuits.

Must know: methods for identifying faults; installation of simple radio-electronic units and operational installation of complex products with conductors of various sections; operating principle of mounted mechanisms and devices; symbols of devices and components in the wiring diagram in general form; installation and circuit diagrams of medium complexity; basic information on electrical engineering of alternating and direct currents within the scope of the work performed; mechanical and electrical properties of conductors and insulating materials used during installation; the purpose and design of measuring and electrical instruments used to check polarity, breaks and short circuits in the mounted circuit; methods for including mounted elements in the control and test network; methods for setting up the measuring equipment used; methods of mechanical and electrical adjustment of electrical measuring equipment of medium complexity; rules for using and connecting them to regulated devices and devices; requirements for installation and soldering.

Work examples

1. Power supplies for klystrons, pumping stations, a stand for measuring electrical parameters of the TWT, pulse shaping amplifiers, etc. - installation, repair, adjustment.

2. Magnetic induction meter amplification unit - installation.

3. Capacitor units - setting and electrical regulation.

4. Full-wave rectifiers - installation and testing.

5. Low-frequency generators GZ-3b, GZ-33, GC-31 - replacement of lamps and semiconductor devices; Finding and eliminating faults in the generator block.

6. Sound generators - operational electrical testing and regulation.

7. Resistive-capacitive voltage divider for pulse signals of microsecond and millisecond duration - installation and configuration.

8. Computer-based measuring systems - daily maintenance.

9. Electromechanical meters - operational regulation.

10. Power supplies of all types, sound generators, thermal ionization vacuum gauges, tube voltmeters - repair and regulation.

11. Heat chambers DR-164 - setting the thermal mode; regulation of the fan drive unit; heater replacement.

12. Electrical measuring mechanisms of classes 1 - 2, 5 - balancing.

13. Non-standardized devices for measuring R, L, C - setting.

14. Oscilloscopes - simple repairs, setup.

15. Testing equipment for operating systems, fuel assemblies, power transformers and chokes - maintenance; eliminating minor faults and monitoring parameters.

16. Test equipment - checking electrical circuits, test connectors; repair of RSh type connectors.

17. Printed circuit boards (modules) - wiring of microcircuits, checking their functioning; identification of faulty elements and their replacement.

18. Electrical measuring instruments - testing with connection of a reference stand; change of electrical measuring instruments; magnetization and remagnetization of magnets.

19. Thermoelectric system devices, power supplies of all types, sound generators, thermal ionization vacuum gauges, lamp voltmeters - repair and regulation.

20. Attachments to the curve graph - installation and adjustment.

21. Potentialometer - installation.

22. Relay of circuits of high-frequency transmitting devices - electrical regulation.

23. Special equipment - regulation of units and blocks.

24. Measuring stand locking system - testing and installation.

25. Bridge circuits for measuring R, L, C - setting.

26. Test stands - assembly of individual units and blocks, testing, adjustment.

27. Installation of pollution control UZK-1 - setting up control and repairing electronic accounts.

28. Installation for measuring the volt-capacitive characteristics of ZhKM 346.001 - adjustment and regulation of the comparing device and threshold discriminator.

29. Installation of burning with periodic impulses - repair, adjustment.

30. Installation for testing static parameters - repair of cathode, grid and anode circuits.

31. Pulse magnetizing installation - adjustment.

32. Switching circuits - repair, prevention, replacement of relays, keys, toggle switches, installation equipment.

33. Electric motors - cleaning collectors, lubrication, changing engines; connection to the installation and running.

§ 49. Installer of test equipment of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of testing equipment of medium complexity. Establishing optimally acceptable operating modes of equipment and monitoring their stability. Finding damage in inter-unit connections and elements of the microwave path of measuring stands. Installation of equipment of medium complexity according to the wiring diagram and simple experimental devices according to the schematic diagram with the performance of various assembly, termination and cable works. Manufacturing circuits from various conductors, cables, buses for experimental instruments and devices and testing them with various electrical measuring instruments. Unsoldering and sealing of devices, blocks, assemblies, circuits and production of templates for wiring circuits according to circuit diagrams and wiring diagrams. Drawing up wiring diagrams and artificial lines. Cutting and soldering of all kinds of conductors, cables and busbars. Simple calculations of resistance in various circuit links, testing resistance and insulation of conductors. Electrical and mechanical regulation, testing, inspection of complex electrical measuring equipment. Identifying various problems during installation, locating places of damage and eliminating them by replacing components and parts of the circuit, followed by testing under current. Measurement of electrical characteristics in accordance with the control and measuring instructions.

Must know: methods for identifying typical malfunctions of test equipment and installation of electronic equipment; installation and schematic diagrams of group connections of devices and devices included in the wiring diagram; rules for wiring diagrams, installing parts and devices, the sequence of their inclusion in the overall diagram; technological and electrical properties of various conductive and insulating materials used during installation; principle of operation and purpose of control, measuring and auxiliary equipment (avometer, generators, voltmeters, oscilloscope, etc.); purpose and use of installation tools; diagram for connecting power supplies when assembling circuits; fundamentals of electrical engineering, radio engineering, pulse technology; design and operating principle of the circuit being tested; methods for checking micromodules using resistance, voltage, and electrical parameters maps.

Work examples

1. Automatic machines (type U-701, U-705, U-706, UPS, PRS, GP-5) - regulation according to electrical parameters.

2. Automatic measurement of statistical parameters 261.0061 - regulation of the unit for supplying diodes to the contact pads; repair of threshold devices.

3. Automatic packaging of microcircuits into loading boards - repair and adjustment.

4. Automatic classification 2.650.050/09 - regulation of the mechanism for feeding devices to contacting devices; repair and adjustment of the measuring channel.

5. Ammeters, voltmeters - regulation and testing.

6. Filament power supply with voltage stabilization - assembly and testing.

7. Relay and control units - installation.

8. Control relay units for high-voltage rectifiers with power up to 50 W - installation and commissioning.

9. Scanning units for testing cathode ray tubes - medium repair.

10. Tube microammeter unit - installation, configuration.

11. Stationary dual-band quartz generators powered by rectifiers - electrical regulation.

12. Ramp voltage generator - setting.

13. Mode controllers for integrated circuits and micromodules - installation, adjustment.

14. Pulse sensors, indicators and course charts - regulation.

15. Frequency divider on logic elements or triggers of integral design - installation and configuration.

16. Power supplies built on the principle of using chokes with saturation - installation and commissioning.

17. High-voltage stabilized power supplies - repair.

18. Non-contact climatic control chamber - adjustment and repair.

19. Heat chambers 12 KTS, KTS-M - repair and adjustment.

20. Calibrators of lamp voltmeters V6-1, V1-4 and lamp voltmeters of type B3-24 - repair and adjustment of the alternating voltage generator unit.

21. Thermal cycling chambers KTC-0.025 - setting temperature conditions and repairing electrical circuits.

22. Semi-automatic coercimeter - setting.

23. Ruler for assembly and adjustment of reversible periodic systems - adjustment.

24. Time mechanisms, software, locking - regulation.

25. Equipment for tuning semiconductor devices - adjustment and regulation.

26. Installation and welding equipment (relay units, resistance stores, current regulators and starting devices) - adjustment.

27. Equipment for carrying out ETT, including USTT - 0.25 s. thermal satellites 1609 - repair, adjustment.

28. Printed circuit boards of the "Electronics-100" computer, alarm register, analog signal converter, switching register, display units, fixation of switching levels, logarithmic current converter, scan generator - simple repair, regulation, adjustment, installation.

29. Magnetoelectric system devices of class 0.2 - 1.5, combined devices of the “C” and “TT” types, bridges and resistance stores, general purpose amplifiers - repair, tuning, adjustment.

30. High-frequency switches of various types, waveguide and coaxial couplers, thermistor heads and balloon meters - testing and regulation.

31. Measuring receiver - repair.

32. Devices with a Hall sensor - installation and commissioning.

33. Measuring systems such as digital voltmeter, digital printing device, hammer drill, comparator and code converter - installation and configuration.

34. Automatic furnace temperature support systems - repair and adjustment.

35. Electronic stabilizers for direct and alternating current with a power of up to 300 W - installation, adjustment, repair.

36. Stand for climatic and mechanical tests, current training stands - repair and adjustment.

37. Stand for setting the UNTM/D modes - checking the sources of right current and reverse voltage; setting the temperature setting block; bringing the stand to thermal and electrical modes.

38. Stand for panoramic measurement of TWT parameters - repair.

39. Test benches for group testing of operating systems, fuel assemblies, horizontal scanning tube circuits - adjustment, troubleshooting, parameter monitoring.

40. Schemes of simple stabilized power supplies - manufacturing, regulation.

41. Circuits for measuring static parameters, reverse currents - adjustment, repair.

42. Circuits for testing micromodules at extreme temperatures (+70 degrees C and -40 degrees C) - assembly, repair, adjustment.

43. Trigger circuits - setup.

44. Thyristor voltage regulators - repair.

45. Installations for measuring reverse currents - repair, adjustment.

46. ​​Installations for measuring parameters of semiconductor devices, testing transistors for heat and cold resistance, thermal cycling installations - adjustment, repair.

47. Installation for testing semiconductor devices at high and low pressure - preventive maintenance, adjustment.

48. Installation for testing the wettability of terminals of semiconductor devices with solder POS-40, POS-60 - adjustment, preventive repair.

49. “Dry method” leak testing installations UKGE - repair, adjustment.

50. Vibration, shock, installation installations - repair, adjustment.

51. Settings for measuring the switching charge TTL-490 - setting up calibration based on standard capacitances and regulating the long pulse edge.

52. Installations for measuring detector resistance at the zero point, capacitance, quality factor - repair, adjustment.

53. Characterograph - adjustment.

54. Digital measuring instruments such as Shch4312, ChZ-30, "I2-19, ChZ-24 - identification and elimination of faults in one of the counting decade blocks; checking the logical operations circuit.

55. Electric generator type ZGDA - installation and commissioning.

§ 50. Installer of test equipment of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of testing equipment and computer equipment of increased complexity. Setting up equipment for partial testing of color picture tubes. Installation of large groups of varying complexity of radio-electronic devices, instruments and apparatus included in the general wiring diagram. Installation of experimental samples according to sketches and schematic diagrams. Manufacturing without samples of circuits from various conductors, cables, buses and radio components. Testing circuits with various electrical measuring instruments. Production of templates for wiring circuits according to schematic and installation diagrams, ensuring compact placement of conductors and in compliance with technical requirements for their installation. Drawing up sketches of schematic diagrams based on product samples. Drawing up wiring diagrams and artificial lines. Calculations of resistance in various links of the circuit, testing of resistance and insulation of conductors. Electrical and mechanical regulation, inspection, testing of complex electrical equipment. Regulation of pointer instruments and devices of various systems and degrees of accuracy. Software troubleshooting of test and measurement equipment. Manufacturing and adjustment of individual boards for radio-electronic devices to replace those that have become unusable. Running control programs during commissioning of measuring equipment. Control tests and delivery of radio-electronic units with demonstration of the operation of devices and entire installations according to the general scheme during commissioning. Preventative work on testing and measuring equipment.

Must know: methods for identifying various faults and methods for installing complex radio-electronic installations, measuring equipment and objects with a large number of incoming devices and devices with independent circuits; all kinds of installation and schematic diagrams of group connections of devices and devices; the purpose of individual devices and units included in the mounted circuit; the principle of operation of various devices and radio tubes included in the mounted circuit; methods for testing group connections of devices and instruments mounted in a common circuit; rules for setting up and adjusting various radio measuring devices, testing and measuring equipment, the order and sequence of installation; purpose and rules for shielding conductors and individual links; fundamentals of electrical engineering, radio engineering and pulse technology; rules for setting and regulating various electrical measuring instruments.

Work examples

1. Units for measuring electrical parameters of devices - repair, adjustment, performance testing.

2. Akulov anisometer - setting.

3. Automatic machines with complex kinematic and electrical circuits - adjustment and repair.

4. Computer and stationary equipment - regulation of units and units.

5. Blocks with electromagnetic, eccentric mechanisms - regulation.

6. Non-contact control units based on thyristor circuits, control and power units for reliability testing, logical units - adjustment, repair, installation.

7. Blocks of high-voltage stabilized power supplies - adjustment.

8. Stabilized rectifiers - setting and testing.

9. Vibration stand VU 10/3000 - setting up the generator, balancing the dynamic coil of the vibrating table; calibration of the stand with checking frequency and acceleration.

10. Frequency dividers - regulation.

11. Dynamic parameters meter - repair and adjustment of the high-frequency unit.

12. Measuring systems such as "Viaduct", "Integral" - setup.

13. Walk-through chambers of the “PK-5003”, “PK-5005” type, control units - temperature control, adjustment, regulation, repair.

14. Semi-automatic classifier - adjustment, repair.

15. Ruler for assembly and adjustment of periodic focusing systems, slope meters - adjustment.

16. Measuring lines - adjustment, testing, repair.

17. Probe manipulators "Zond-A4", "Zond-A5", "EM-680", "EM-6010", "EM-6020" - testing, adjustment, repair.

18. Mechanisms with synchronous and monitoring devices - regulation.

19. Electronic microscope, mass spectrometers, thermal cycling units, plasma photometers PFM adjustment.

20. Separate blocks and assemblies included in installations or conveyor lines for training and testing the parameters of electrovacuum devices (simulators, scanners, electronic galvanometers, measuring amplifiers, low-frequency and high-frequency low-power generators, comparators, instruments and automation equipment, etc. ) - installation and commissioning.

21. Measuring instruments - adjustment of optics, replacement of thread, balancing.

22. Corrective devices and software devices - regulation; electrolytic bath pantograph - adjustment.

23. Semi-automatic contacting and sorting machine PCRM-2 - setting up the kinematic and electronic circuit; regulation of coordination nodes.

24. Devices containing radiation-to-voltage converters, a digital register, an analog-to-digital converter, a unit for automatically changing conversion limits - installation and configuration.

25. Devices containing scale converters, multipliers, amplitude detectors and analog signal recorders - installation and configuration.

26. Devices of any complexity, stands for IVIS parameters and durability, IVIS power and ignition devices, devices for high-speed photography - repair, installation, adjustment.

27. Control panels and devices - installation, adjustment, repair.

28. Tracking systems, special equipment - regulation.

29. Static installations - installation, configuration.

30. Stand for panoramic measurement of TWT parameters, functional control stands, functioning units - adjustment, repair, installation, commissioning.

31. Service life stand UNTIS-1 - setting up power supplies and temperature setting unit; regulation of pulse duration and generators.

32. Assembly and welding tables type SSP-2 - repair, installation and adjustment.

33. Line scan circuits (tube and semiconductor) for testing OS and fuel assemblies - installation and configuration, troubleshooting.

34. Complex circuits and stands for group testing and measurements of parameters of power transformers and chokes, including those for special purposes - manufacturing, tuning and troubleshooting.

35. Schemes and stands for measuring the electrical characteristics of VIS sources - installation and configuration.

36. Automatic control circuit for a heat chamber, circuits for testing special-purpose micromodules - installation, adjustment, repair.

37. Thermal pressure chambers KHTB-0.16 - setting the chamber to high temperature (+125 degrees C) and negative temperature (-60 degrees C), to work at a tempo with reduced pressure.

38. Installation for testing semiconductor devices, microcircuits, installations "Zond-1A" and "Zond-A4" - testing, adjustment, repair.

39. Installations for measuring high-frequency parameters of semiconductor devices and microcircuits - checking, adjustment, repair.

40. Capacitor welding installations "Wakwell", "Fesd", "MTK-8002", installation for monitoring test parameters of microcircuits based on the meter "EM-640" - repair and adjustment.

41. Installations, vibration electrodynamic test stands - repair and adjustment.

42. Mechanical shock test installations - adjustment.

43. Functional units on integrated circuits such as differential amplifier, analog adder, integrator, voltage-to-frequency converter, register, analog signal comparator - installation and configuration.

44. Installations for measuring conversion losses, triode parameters, installation of pulse training - repair, adjustment.

45. Installations (stands) for testing electric vacuum devices for durability - comprehensive adjustment.

46. ​​Voltage and power amplifiers for various purposes, oscillographic amplifiers - installation and commissioning.

47. Durability test installation - complex adjustment.

§ 51. Installer of test equipment of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of testing equipment, computer equipment, testing equipment for color picture tubes. Installation, adjustment and operation of test signal sensors (monoscope installations, overhead projectors, film projectors, mono projectors, color strip generators). Identification and elimination of faults using control tests in programmable pulse generators and voltage sources, counters, registers on a discrete element base and using integrated circuits. Complex setup and launch of individual complex units in measuring systems. Full inspection and delivery of electrical measuring equipment of any complexity to the receiver. Calculation of electrical circuits to determine the parameters of radio components of mounted circuits. Control tests of mounted units and radio installations during commissioning.

Must know: methods for identifying faults in radio-electronic units of complex test equipment and computer technology; methods of installation of electronic components, samples of devices and devices according to sketches and schematic diagrams; calculation of circuits and power supplies; laws for constructing all kinds of wiring and circuit diagrams; purpose and practical application of measuring instruments and instruments; principle of detecting faults in electrical parameters and waveforms; forms and parameters of signals in radio-electronic equipment; the impact of interference on the shape and parameters of signals; technical conditions and requirements for the installation of equipment and devices.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Analyzers, information-measuring systems, installation, configuration.

2. Power measurement units in the VHF range, functional units of computer technology - repair, adjustment.

3. Blocks of breakdown counters - installation, configuration.

4. High-frequency, high-voltage stabilized rectifiers with a voltage of 60,000 V - adjustment.

5. Quantum optical generators of microwave type - adjustment and repair.

6. Measuring complexes and lines (such as “Integral”, Elikon”, “Viaduct”, etc.) - adjustment, calibration, testing, repair.

7. Modulators of all types - repair and adjustment.

8. Electric mesh model MSM type - setting.

9. Pumping stations with program control - adjustment.

10. Instruments for measuring the electrical characteristics of gas-discharge laser pump lamps - installation and configuration.

11. Instruments of the electrostatic system (S), digital type Shch-1413, candle meters, photometers - repair, calibration, regulation.

12. Dynamic testing stand for high-power pulsed TWTs - installation, adjustment, repair.

13. Circuits for measuring pulse parameters, for checking the operation of installations - adjustment.

14. Complex circuits and stands for measuring electrical and light characteristics of VIS sources - installation, adjustment.

15. Complex circuits and stands for group testing and measurements of electrical parameters of operating systems, fuel assemblies and micromodules of all types, including special-purpose ones - setting up, monitoring their operation, repairing.

16. Schemes for checking electrical parameters and testing under various environmental conditions - installation, regulation, configuration.

17. High and low frequency amplifiers, intermediate frequency (multistage), DC amplifiers (multistage) - installation, adjustment and regulation.

18. Installations for measuring noise of high-frequency diodes - installation and adjustment.

19. Amplifiers, generators, highly stable power supplies, automatic circuits - installation, regulation, configuration.

20. Amplification devices with an output power of 3 kW or more - adjustment, repair.

21. Installations for automatic recording of hysteresis loops, magnetic field topography of complex magnetic systems - installation and commissioning.

22. Installations for dynamic and climatic testing of generator pulse and stroboscopic lamps - repair and adjustment.

23. Installations for measuring static and dynamic parameters of electrovacuum devices, for measuring pulse parameters of semiconductor devices and microcircuits - setting, calibration, testing, repair.

24. Installations for thermocompression welding EM-424A., MS-41P2, argon-arc welding type URS-3 - repair and adjustment.

25. Potentiometric installations type U-302, U-309, potentiometers R-307, R2/1; galvanometers; pulse multichannel generators; high-speed oscilloscopes with a bandwidth above 25 MHz; storage oscilloscopes; instruments for measuring time and frequency - repair, adjustment, tuning, installation.

26. Automatic and semi-automatic installations for measuring static and dynamic parameters of reed switches, integrated circuits, semiconductor hybrid microwave circuits - repair and adjustment.

27. Installations for dynamic and climatic testing of reed switches - repair and adjustment.

28. Reed switch noise measurement installations - installation and adjustment.

29. Electron beam argon purification installations - adjustment.

30. Digital photometers, radiometers, spectroradiometers - installation and configuration.

31. Centrifuge - repair and adjustment of control circuits.

32. Electric hydrogen furnaces type IO570020, AZ6023 - adjustment.

§ 52. Installer of test equipment of the 7th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, adjustment and regulation of radio-electronic units of testing equipment and computer equipment of increased complexity and automation devices on a radio-electronic base, with subsequent repair and adjustment. Installation, adjustment, testing, repair and commissioning of industrial automation, telemechanics, communications circuits, contact, relay, electromagnetic, ion and semiconductor electric drive control circuits. Diagnosis of equipment control systems using special test programs and stands using computer technology. Drawing up test and adjustment of technological programs for control, measuring and special technological equipment. Analysis and systematization of failures in the operation of technological equipment.

Must know: methods for identifying faults in radio-electronic units of complex test equipment and computer technology; methods of installation of experimental samples of apparatus and instruments according to sketches and schematic diagrams; laws of construction and calculation of installation and circuit diagrams; calculation of electrical circuits to determine the parameters of radio components of mounted circuits; methods for compiling and adjusting technological and test programs; organizing a set of works on setting up and troubleshooting devices and computer systems; design and diagnostics of unique measuring and control systems and complexes.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Units of equipment for measuring non-electrical quantities using electrical methods (pressure, acceleration, temperature, geometric dimensions meters; flaw detectors, etc.) - installation, adjustment, repair.

2. Industrial automation, telemechanics and communications units (on a radio-electronic basis) - repair, adjustment.

3. Units of deploying devices (non-standard) - repair, adjustment.

4. High frequency generators (sinusoidal, pulsed), quantum optical with automatic mode control units - repair, adjustment, frequency adjustment.

5. Complexes of complex automatic and semi-automatic equipment of various systems - fault detection, repair, adjustment.

6. Subblocks of algorithms for automatic thermal protection of the X-ray tube, subblocks of television signal processing (SOTS) - repair and adjustment.

7. Schemes for testing electric vacuum products and monitoring electrical parameters, including those with climatic chambers - installation, repair, adjustment.

8. Schemes and stands for measuring electrical parameters and characteristics of electro-optical devices - setting up and monitoring their operation, repairs.

9. Installations for automated application of phosphor to image intensifier screens - adjustment, repair.

§ 53. Installer of test equipment of the 8th category

Characteristics of work. Installation, adjustment, regulation and commissioning of complex control systems, equipment based on microprocessor technology, performing all types of restoration and repair work on elements of these systems, programmable controllers, micro- and mini-computers and other computer equipment. Installation and adjustment of equipment for testing color picture tubes using pulse stabilizers and special scanning devices. Installation, adjustment and operation of samples of unique domestic and foreign equipment with automatic control of technological processes, with radio-electronic circuits. Participation in the development of non-standard testing equipment, installation of units and testing of their functionality.

Must know: methods for identifying faults in unique radio-electronic domestic and foreign equipment; methods for constructing control systems based on microprocessor technology, functional and structural diagrams of micro- and mini-computers; methodology for setting up control systems in order to obtain the specified characteristics of devices and devices of converter technology; programming and repair methods for computer-based equipment.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

1. Scanning units for information display devices, mini- and micro-computer monitors and other control systems - adjustment, installation, regulation.

2. Complex blocks based on LSI - repair and adjustment.

3. Measuring complexes with control computers (such as “Ikomat-110”, “Ikomat-115”, “Viking”, etc.) - setup, repair, diagnostics.

4. Control and measuring systems and devices with microprocessor control - installation, configuration, regulation, diagnostics.

5. Conveyor lines and installations for the manufacture of products of electrovacuum and semiconductor production, equipped with program control and automatic systems for maintaining specified parameters - repair, adjustment.

6. Experimental diagrams of measuring devices and complexes - installation, adjustment, repair.

7. Installations for applying thin films of the "Leibold" type, vacuum processing and production of photocathode of the image intensifier tube, magnetic deposition of contact layers - repair, adjustment.

The adjuster of technological equipment for modern metal-cutting machines is a highly qualified specialist. The demand for such positions is constantly growing due to the development of product manufacturing technologies. The wishes of employers have changed in recent years, and the legislation in the industry lags behind the requirements of the real situation.

General requirements for professional knowledge

A CNC machine operator must have extensive knowledge to work effectively in production. The versatility of the profession lies in the ability to find competent solutions and take on the responsibility of initial repairs before the arrival of the appropriate services.

The adjuster is required to:

  • competent selection of cutting tools;
  • compliance with cutting conditions;
  • programming both technological programs and user data;
  • carry out competent and quick diagnostics of faults in mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic parts of equipment;
  • have a complete knowledge in the field of metallurgy: steel grades, manufacturing methods, processing modes;
  • be able to read diagrams fluently: electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic.

Education and other criteria

With all the requirements, the position of an adjuster belongs to the category of workers. The place is intended for persons over 18 years of age who have a secondary specialized education in the field of industrial equipment. To perform your duties, you must have an assigned medical examination category with the “Fit” column.

To gain access to the workplace, training is provided or the applicant provides a ready-made electrical safety certification. In Western companies, service technicians are trained to work with electrical equipment with voltages up to 1000 V.

The specialty “CNC machine operator” provides qualifications in the field of IT:

  • programming experience in C++ languages;
  • creation of databases;
  • knowledge of graphic editors;
  • knowledge of SCADA systems for working with graphical interfaces;
  • Fluency in PC operating systems.

If you already have electrical safety certification, you will in any case have to undergo retraining for the specifics of the enterprise. For this purpose, courses are held for adjusters in employment organizations.

What regulatory documents do you need to know?

The basis for safe work is timely informing workers about the rules of conduct with electrical installations. To systematize approaches to emergency situations, they are guided by intersectoral labor protection rules in existing electrical installations and standards for their operation.

The basic course includes training:

  • Fire safety.
  • Rules for providing first aid to victims.
  • Instructions for using protective equipment.
  • Ways to free a person if he is under voltage.
  • When using crane equipment, all workers must become familiar with the principles of slinging loads and operating mechanisms.
  • A lecture is held directly at the enterprise, including the daily routine.
  • To perform work in the order of current operation, the following are given:

Additional requirements

The process equipment operator's instructions include the responsibility of each worker on CNC machines to understand the operating principle of multi-axis systems of a particular manufacturer. The level of communication with electronic parts of a PC should be above average. Technological programs are formed directly by the employee.

He is in charge of all the time characteristics, the choice of tool mounting dimensions, the task of moving all axes, and compliance with the program processing cycle. Responsibilities include all necessary actions to reconfigure the production line for new product sizes.

At the beginning of the shift, the employee must inspect the received machine and line to ensure that all parts are in good working order. Check the levels of filled liquids: oil, coolant, serviceability of electrical systems. Conduct periodic checks of assigned equipment during long production downtimes. Follow the step-by-step instructions for resetting the machine. The employee’s responsibilities include interaction with services producing on site.

Electrical experience

The process equipment adjuster must have the knowledge of workers from parallel services involved in production maintenance. Direct participation in user work lies on the shoulders of the operator, and the service technician serves as the main regulator of the performance of all parts of the machine.

It is necessary to diagnose the serviceability of the measuring systems that the instrumentation mechanic replaces. Participate in identifying automation failures together with electrical service specialists. In case of a floating fault, a cyclic testing of mechanisms and lines is carried out, which is implemented by a process equipment adjuster using a software interface.

Diagnostics are carried out according to the error catalog included with the CNC machine. An instrumentation mechanic cannot carry out all the work alone, so the service technician provides all possible assistance: checking the indication of measuring systems, monitoring the level on the monitor screen, temperature conditions are set in the masks of the machine software interface.

It is also necessary to participate in the replacement of mechanical parts of the machine, as well as unscheduled maintenance after repairs and commissioning.

Current moments of work activity

Under the direct supervision of the adjuster are:

  • integrity and operation of all level gauges, thermocouples, speed meters;
  • methods for primary diagnostics of the performance of engines, pumps, transmission systems, hydraulic cylinders;
  • methods for diagnosing backlash on axial propeller pairs using a micrometer;
  • using a measuring tool to determine technological gaps and roughness of the surface being processed;
  • timely report to superiors about unscheduled repairs of the machine, providing information about the cause of the malfunction and the culprit of the incident;
  • introduction of new processing programs during the debugging period, making corrections to achieve the specified product dimensions.

In addition to the listed functions, the responsibilities of a process equipment adjuster include initial training for new employees to maintain documentation containing all stages of the work shift, periodic inspections of equipment and scheduled repairs. Logbooks are also maintained to record finished products, defects and accepted workpieces.

What can an employee do on his own initiative?

The process equipment adjuster, as well as every employee of the enterprise, can make proposals for improving overall production:

  • machine and line design;
  • methods and modes of processing parts;
  • optimizing the working time of shift personnel if, as a result of the measures, there is a decrease in unscheduled downtime;
  • make urgent demands to eliminate fire safety violations or threats to working personnel;
  • if there is a risk of material damage to the enterprise, report to management;
  • stop the work process if there are deviations in the quality of the finished product.

What rights does an employee have?

The adjuster may object to the work in the following cases:

  • in the absence of protective equipment;
  • if the tool is faulty;
  • in the absence of the necessary documentation;
  • exceeding working hours;
  • performing work unrelated to the employee’s position;
  • if the manager’s order leads to material damage to the enterprise or creates a threat to the health and life of others;
  • the employee has not been retrained on the new equipment.

What can be the liability for violations?

The profession of a process equipment adjuster implies not only the performance of duties at the workplace, but also responsibility for rash actions in the form of material compensation or administrative punishment.

The duties of an enterprise employee include the following:

  • minimizing labor costs in the production process;
  • compliance with established norms and regulations for the industry;
  • storage of company trade secrets;
  • responsibility for the collection of funds on site;
  • If theft is detected, notify the manager or security service;
  • appropriate permission to use information means;
  • Do not accept rewards from strangers in the workplace.

This job description has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.

Instructions for the position " Equipment adjuster in food production, 4th category", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY OF Qualification Characteristics of Workers' Professions. Issue 7. General professions of workers in the food industry", which was approved by the resolution of the State Committee of Ukraine for the Food Industry on February 19, 1997. Agreed by the Ministry of Labor of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Ukraine, the Ministry of Fisheries of Ukraine.
The document status is "valid".

Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements: vocational and technical education. Advanced training and work experience in the profession of equipment adjuster in the production of food products, category 3 - at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- structure and design features of equipment and automatic machines;
- operating mode of machines and units;
- causes of equipment malfunctions, methods for their implementation and elimination;
- order of disassembly, assembly and adjustment;
- instructions for operation and repair of equipment;
- stock standards for wear parts;
- requirements for the quality of adjustment;
- necessary control and measuring instruments;
- tolerances on the dimensions of parts, methods for checking them.

1.4. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, an equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Sets up, adjusts and repairs semi-automatic and automatic lines under the guidance of a more highly qualified adjuster and individual machines and automatic machines.

2.2. Checks the condition and correct interaction of all equipment components.

2.3. Prevents, identifies and eliminates technical malfunctions in equipment operation.

2.4. Replaces, adjusts and adjusts wear parts and gaskets.

2.5. Conducts installation, balancing and testing of equipment.

2.6. Controls the operation of semi-automatic lines and individual automatic machines.

2.7. In the process of work, he adjusts and adjusts components and mechanisms.

2.8. Participates in various types of repairs, testing and commissioning of equipment.

2.9. Prepares requests for necessary parts and materials.

2.10. Lubricates equipment, fills seals and sews passes.

2.11. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.12. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environmental protection, complies with the norms, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work.

3. Rights

3.1. An equipment operator in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his official duties and the exercise of rights.

3.4. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his job duties and management orders.

3.7. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of job duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) non-use of the granted rights.

4.2. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is responsible for non-compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is responsible for the disclosure of information about an organization (enterprise/institution) related to a trade secret.

4.4. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. An equipment adjuster in the production of food products of the 4th category is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

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