Awards from the light industry departments of the USSR. Stalin's soldiers





In accordance with the Law of the USSR of September 5, 1991 “On bodies of state power and administration of the USSR in the transition period” and the Treaty on the Economic Community, the State Council of the USSR decides:

1. Deem it necessary to abolish ministries and other central government bodies of the USSR, formed in accordance with the Law of the USSR of April 1, 1991, as well as government bodies under the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR in accordance with the Appendix. Establish that the specified government bodies of the USSR cease to perform their managerial functions from December 1, 1991. The work on their abolition must be completed within no more than two months.

2. To carry out activities related to the abolition in the prescribed manner of ministries and departments of the USSR, create liquidation commissions headed by first deputy ministers of the USSR and first deputy heads of departments of the USSR in charge of general issues. Instruct the specified officials to approve personal composition of liquidation commissions.

Heads and other officials of the abolished ministries and departments of the USSR continue to perform their duties for the period of transfer of cases, taking into account the deadlines provided for in paragraph 1 of this Resolution.

3. The Interstate Economic Committee will consider issues related to the determination of the legal successors of the abolished ministries and departments of the USSR, primarily on functions affecting the interests of all member states of the Economic Community, as well as on obligations arising from international treaties of the USSR and civil law agreements concluded these ministries and departments of the USSR with organizations and firms of foreign countries.

On issues requiring legislative solutions, make proposals in the prescribed manner.

4. The issue of regulating the ownership rights of union property administered by the abolished ministries and departments of the USSR is resolved within the framework of the Agreement provided for in Article 50 of the Treaty on the Economic Community.

Establish a Commission for the rational use of property under the jurisdiction of abolished ministries and other government bodies of the USSR.

Instruct the Interstate Economic Committee (comrade I.S. Silaev) to prepare and submit for consideration of the State Council of the USSR proposals on the composition of the said Commission by November 25, 1991, including representatives of the Office of the President of the USSR and the Administration of the President of the RSFSR, the Interstate Economic Committee, and the Supreme Soviets of the USSR and the RSFSR, Moscow and the Moscow region.

Issues regarding the use of property of ministries and departments of the USSR located on the territories of the republics are resolved with the mandatory participation of representatives of these republics.

5. Establish that when ministries and departments of the USSR are abolished, the dismissal of employees of the central apparatus is carried out under the conditions provided for by the laws of the USSR and the RSFSR and the current decisions of the Government of the USSR on the reorganization of the apparatus of state authorities and management.

6. The abolition of government bodies under the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR is carried out in the manner established by this Resolution.

7. The Interstate Economic Committee should create a coordinating commission to consider issues arising in connection with the abolition of ministries and other government bodies of the USSR, promptly make decisions on them, ensuring the organized completion of all this work.

State Council of the USSR


to the Resolution

State Council of the USSR




Ministry of Aviation Industry

Ministry of Automotive and Agricultural Engineering

Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations

Ministry of Geology

Ministry of Health

Ministry of Information and Press

Ministry of Metallurgy

Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry

Ministry of Defense Industry

Ministry of General Engineering

Ministry of Material Resources

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection

Ministry of Radio Industry

Ministry of Fisheries

Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Ministry of Special Construction and Installation Works

Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry

Ministry of Commerce

Ministry of Transport Construction

Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs

Ministry of Coal Industry

Ministry of Electronics Industry

Ministry of Electrical Industry and Instrumentation

Ministry of Justice

Ministry of Chemical and Petroleum Refining Industry

State Security Committee (reorganized)

State Committee for the Procurement of Food Resources

State Forestry Committee

State Committee for Mechanical Engineering

State Committee on Science and Technology

State Committee on National Issues

State Committee on Statistics

State Committee for Construction and Investments

State Committee on Chemistry and Biotechnology

State Military-Industrial Commission

State Fuel and Energy Commission

State Commission for Emergency Situations

State Council for Economic Reform

Antimonopoly Committee

State Property Fund

Pension Fund (transformed)

Main Archives Department

General Directorate of Precious Metals and Diamonds

Main Directorate of Special Construction

Higher Attestation Commission

Commission for the Establishment of Personal Pensions

Council for Religious Affairs

Mineral Reserves Commission

Commission on the use of airspace and air traffic control (reformed)

Commission for State Supervision of Aircraft Flight Safety (reformed)

Arctic and Antarctic Affairs Commission

Hydrometeorology Committee

Cinematography Committee

Committee on State Supervision of Safe Work in Industry and Nuclear Energy (reformed)

Committee for Standardization and Metrology (reformed)

Committee physical culture and sports

State Patent Agency

Committee of Geodesy and Cartography

Committee on State Material Reserves

Light Industry Committee

Committee of Architecture and Urban Planning

Committee on Veterans and Disabled Affairs

Informatization Committee

Youth Affairs Committee

Committee on Family and Women's Affairs

Committee for the Protection and Restoration of Historical and Cultural Monuments

Committee for the Promotion of Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship

State Securities Inspectorate

State insurance supervision

Foreign Tourism Board

State Employment Promotion Fund

State Agency for Leadership Training

Saved as interstate

governing bodies

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (reformed)

Ministry of Defense

Ministry of Internal Affairs

Ministry of Culture

Ministry of Railways

Ministry of Atomic Energy and Industry

Ministry of Energy and Electrification

Customs Committee

State Committee for Public Education

Inter-Republican Committee on Environmental Safety

Valid for a transition period based on

additional agreements the following bodies

interstate management

Ministry of the Navy

Ministry of Communications

Ministry of Civil Aviation

Ministry of Economics and Forecasting

Ministry of Finance

Currency Committee

Interstate Pension Reserve Fund

Agency for Standardization and Metrology

Full text of the dissertation abstract on the topic "Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR in the public administration system of the USSR"

As a manuscript

Kochneva Ksenia Alexandrovna

Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR in the public administration system of the USSR (1965 -1970)

Specialty 07.00.02 - Domestic history

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The work was carried out at the Department of History of the Russian State

Faculty of Public Administration, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Scientific supervisor:

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Lyubov Ivanovna Semennikova Official opponents:

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Anatoly Ivanovich Utkin Doctor of Historical Sciences, Vadim Dmitrievich Tkachenko

Lead organization:

Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

The defense will take place on March 13, 2009 at 15:00 at a meeting of the dissertation council D 501.001.98 at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov at the address: 119991, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, building 4, room A - 619.

The dissertation can be found in the reading room of the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov at the address: 119991, Moscow, Lomonosovsky Prospekt, 27, sector A, room 114.

Scientific secretary of the dissertation council

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

N.L. Golovkina


Relevance of the research topic. Period 1965-1970 became an important stage in the development of the USSR public administration system. At this time, an attempt was made to introduce new principles of planning and economic stimulation in the work of enterprises, while simultaneously strengthening the centralized management of the national economy through ministries. The study of the work of ministries in these conditions is relevant in both socio-political and scientific aspects.

Currently, there is a noticeable increase in interest in the historical experience of the second half of the 1960s, in the activities of major leaders of that era. Traditionally, the question of the role and significance of state institutions in the socio-economic and political life of the country is important for Russian society. Interest in these problems is stimulated by the ongoing search for the most effective ways to manage the socio-economic sphere. The optimal balance in applying the principles of market freedom and government regulation is one of the most difficult questions, the answer to which is always ambiguous and is determined by the specific situation. Despite the fact that the methods and scale of government regulation in the modern world are different from those used in the USSR, public administration in Russia retains some features that appear regardless of current economic conditions.

This topic is relevant from a scientific point of view. In recent years, such a direction of historical research as the history of public administration has been actively developing. Much attention is paid to the Soviet period. Much has been done, but the field for new research is still wide. The activities of the ministries of the USSR after their restoration in 1965 were touched upon in various aspects and to varying degrees in many historical studies. However, the mechanism of functioning of the USSR Ministry as a government body, its tasks, area of ​​competence and degree of efficiency of its work were not specifically considered. The practical side of the activities of ministries, management mechanisms and problem solving remain unexplored. Currently, access to archival materials from ministries of the USSR is open; it is possible to use a wide range of sources of a different nature, periodicals, and memoirs. Documents of the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR, one of the central governing bodies

national economy, allow us to conduct research based on specific historical material.

The object of the study is the USSR Ministry of Light Industry, its structure, functions, decision-making mechanisms in the process of industry management.

The subject of the study is the activities of the USSR Ministry of Light Industry in the public administration system during its formation; managerial, political, economic relationships of the ministry with other elements of this system.

The chronological framework of the study covers the period from 1965 to 1970. The lower chronological limit is determined by the fact that in October 1965, important changes took place in the system of public administration in the USSR, and ministries were recreated. The formation of ministries of the USSR took place during the Eighth Five-Year Plan. The results of the Eighth Five-Year Plan in the system of the USSR Ministry of Light Industry reflect the results of the formation of the sectoral management system.

The methodological basis of the study is the principles of historicism and objectivity, as well as an integrated approach to the research problem. The system of public administration of the USSR and the work of the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR in 1965 - 1970. are studied in development, in the general context of the history of the Soviet state. Conclusions and assessments were made taking into account the specifics of the historical period. In the process of analyzing documentary material, a problem-chronological method was used. When analyzing the mechanism of functioning of the ministry system and its interaction with other government bodies, the method of historical reconstruction was used. The work used quantitative methods of data processing, which made it possible to compare the results of the ministry’s activities in different years and identify some features of the economic policy of the USSR in 1965 - 1970.

The degree of knowledge of the problem. The historiographic complex on the problem is complex and heterogeneous. Most of the research carried out by historians, economists, and legal experts is devoted to the reform of 1965, the development of the USSR economy during this period, the peculiarities of the legal status of government bodies, issues of formation of personnel of Soviet government agencies. By highlighting the stages of studying the problem, we proceed from general trends in the study of issues related to the system of public

management of the USSR, changes in the theoretical

methodological basis of research.

First stage: 1965 - 1970 At this time, there is an active discussion in the press about economic reform, which is a current event for the country. Issues of public administration are addressed indirectly, as part of discussions about economic reform. In journals1, collections of articles2 and collective monographs3, mechanisms for introducing new management methods were analyzed and proposals were developed to improve the economic mechanism. The reform was viewed as a necessary stage in the development of the Soviet economy; it was emphasized that new methods, economic levers of management, should not be opposed to traditional administrative methods, but should serve as a tool for planned management. While focusing on the problems of enterprises, the authors did not touch upon the issues of their interaction with higher authorities, in particular with ministries. The structure and functions, the legal status of ministries during this period were considered in the works of legal experts4. Sources such as resolutions of CPSU congresses, legislative acts of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, and resolutions of the Council of Ministers of the USSR were introduced into circulation. Basically, the authors of articles and monographs were based on their own observations and practical experience. The emphasis is on practical solutions to current problems in the field of enterprise management; issues of improving management at the ministry level are rarely addressed. Historical research methods have not yet found application. The works of this period can be considered not only as analytical literature, but also, to a certain extent, as a historical source, since they reflect the vision of the problems of managing the national economy by contemporaries. Economic and managerial concepts common at this time played a role in the fate of economic reform.

Second stage: 1970s - mid-1980s. This stage is characterized by the emergence of interest in the organizational aspects of the activities of government institutions, including ministries. Due to

1 Economists on the new economic reform. // Science and life. \e 9. 1966.

1 Reform in action. M., 1968; Reform and life. M., 1969; Economic reform and efficiency issues social production. M., 1968.

1 Economic reform. Experience, prospects. M, 1968.

4 Ershov V.N. On the issue of legal regulation of the activities of ministries. // Soviet state and law. 1967. No. 3; Kolibab K E. On the legal status of the ministries of the USSR. // Soviet state and law. 1968. No. 1; Laptev V.V. Legal status of economic bodies in new conditions // Soviet State and Law. 1968. No. 12.

With the growth of crisis phenomena, specialists in various fields of science and management are developing ways to overcome negative trends, historical works appear devoted to the reform of 1965. The question of a deeper understanding of the national economic management system is being raised. In the work of E.G. Liberman provides a critical analysis of the transformations, considering both the successes achieved and serious shortcomings in the course of their implementation5. The periodical press continued to discuss the improvement of methods of managing the national economy between economists, employees of the USSR State Planning Committee and ministries6. Along with publications devoted mainly to the economic aspects of the reform,7 more and more articles and monographs appeared in which attention was paid to organizational factors and issues of the work of government institutions. A number of works in this area belonged to G.Kh. Popov8, who proposed freeing ministries from operational work and expanding their independence. During this period, legal experts began to pay special attention to the organizational aspects of the state management system9. Important aspects of the activities of ministries were revealed in a collection of articles published in 1972.10 The authors noted the contradictions between the traditional administrative concept of management and the new concept of economic management, considered the problems of distributing control and economic management functions, issues of the competence of ministerial boards and many other topical issues. The topics raised were developed in the works of subsequent years." Y. M. Aristakov, N. F. Vorobyov, A. M. Rubin, Y. S. Zimmerman analyzed the structure and functions of the ministries, put forward proposals for improving some processes and the entire management system of sectors of the national economy. A number of legal studies were devoted to personnel issues in the public administration system12. The main criteria for the selection and placement of personnel were determined, and characteristics of the modern one were given.

5 Libermai E.G. Economic methods for increasing the efficiency of social production. M., 1970.

6 Communist. No. 3. 1971; Communist. No. 12. 1971; Planned economy. No. 5. 1971.

7 Baranov A.A. Economic growth of the USSR. M., 1971; Baranovskaya V. Development of the national economy of the USSR (1946 - 1970). L, 1971; Kurskhiy AD Soviet economy in 1946 - 1970. M, 1975; Soviet economy today. M., 1976, etc.

I Popov G.Kh. Selected works in 8 volumes. T. 3. M., 1996.

* Legal status of the ministries of the USSR. M., 1971; Kozlov Yu.M. Economic reform and management apparatus. M., 1971; Lunev A.E. Soviet state apparatus. M, 1972.

10 Organization of the work of ministries in the conditions of economic reform. M., 1971

" Aristakov Yu. M. Structures and connections in the socialist economy. M., 1984; Afanasyev V. Ways to improve management. // Questions of theory and life. M., 1976; Vorobyov N. F. Administrative and legal problems of preparing management decisions in ministries . M., 1980; Rubin A.M. Organizational and legal problems of state management of industry in the USSR, M., 1984; Tsimermai Y.S. Management of the industry.

II Lebin B. D., Perfilyev M.N. Personnel of the administrative apparatus in the USSR. L., 1970; Ozira V. Management personnel, their selection and preparation.

// Economic Issues. No. 9. 1973; Roesnbaum Yu.A. Training of management personnel: Organizational and legal issues. M., 1981; An employee of the Soviet state apparatus. M, 1970.

state of work to improve personnel

composition. The works of economists and legal experts are of interest from the point of view of the factual material they contain, which allows us to better understand the essence of the discussions of this time and the basic principles of the activities of ministries.

In the 1970s - the first half of the 1980s. The study of changes in the system of planning and public administration of the USSR is becoming one of the priority areas in foreign Sovietology. The works of Western researchers revealed the socio-economic and political aspects of the reform of 1965.13 The causes, essence and results of the reforms were examined, their contradictions and limitations were noted. T.H. Rigby and R.F. Miller studied the process of managing the development of science and technology in the USSR, paying great attention to the work of government institutions and the role of the party apparatus14. A detailed analysis of the public administration system was made by J. Hogue and M. Fainsod15, who examined the structure, functions, mechanisms of work of central and local government institutions at all levels, and also studied the role of party bodies, based on materials from periodicals, articles by economists and lawyers, reference literature. Foreign researchers have made a great contribution to the study of the USSR public administration system. Unfortunately, very few works have been translated into Russian and are used by domestic scientists.

In the 1970s, the first historical studies appeared on economic reform and industrial management issues in the Eighth Five-Year Plan. L.N. Lisitsyna studied the process of preparing the economic reform of 196516 E.E. Beilina gave a description of the industrial development of the USSR in 1966 - 1970.17 These works do not pay much attention to the mechanisms of managing the national economy and the activities of government institutions during the Eighth Five-Year Plan.

13 Berliner J.S. Economic reform in the USSR- // The Soviel Union under Brezhnev and Kosygin. N.Y., 1971; Gregory P.R., Stuart R.C. Soviet economic structure and performance. N Y., 1974; Wright A.W. Soviet economic planning and performance. II The Soviet Union sincc Stalin. Bloomington, 1980; Nove A. An economic history of the USSR. L., 1970; Hohmann H-H. Limits of growth, limits of change: the Soviet economy in the Brezhnev era. Köln, 1981; Ryavek K. Implementation of Soviet economic reforms. N.Y., 1975; Dyker D. Halfhearted reform; the new planning decree. // Soviet annalist. Vol. 8. 1979. Ks 20 etc.

M Rigby T.N., Miller R_F. Political and administrative aspects of the scientiGcand technical revolution in the USSR Canberra, 1976.

ls Jerry F, Hough, Merle Fainsod. How the Soviet Union is governed. Cambridge, 1979.

16 Lisitsyna L.N. From the history of the preparation of the economic reform of 1965 // History of the USSR. No. 2. 1971,

p Beilina E.E. Industry of the USSR during the Eighth Five-Year Plan (1966 - 1970). And History of the USSR. No. 2. 1972; Beklina E.E. Economic policy of the party and its implementation in the industry of the USSR in the conditions of developed socialism (1961 - 1970). M., 1980.

In the 1970s a number of works were published devoted to the work of the light industry during the period of economic reform."8 When describing the state of the industry, the authors do not mention the role of the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR, while much attention is paid to the party leadership of the industry. Authors of the 1970s - the first half of 1980 ies use materials from plenums and party congresses, government resolutions and legislative acts. The periodical press is also used as a source.

Third stage: from the mid-1980s to the present. At this time, a search is being conducted for new theoretical and methodological approaches, a critical understanding of recent experience is taking place, and researchers are trying to assess the events of 1965 - 1970. from new ideological positions and learn from them. A number of studies have been published that analyze the process of implementing economic reform and the reasons for its failure19. In many ways, the conclusions of Russian authors coincided with the conclusions of Western Sovietologists in the 1970s. and later20. One of the main reasons for the failure of reforms, according to researchers, was inconsistency in their implementation and weak interest in success among both senior officials and ordinary citizens. N.F. Vorobyov, E.G. Yasin, Yu.A. Vedeneev drew attention to the special role of ministries in this process. In their opinion, employees of the apparatus of ministries and central administrations were not interested in the transition to economic methods of management. In the 1990s. A number of works appeared on general issues of the economy and public administration system of the USSR21. In them, the foundations of the planned economy of the USSR and the contradictions inherent in the system and causing disruptions in its development were examined from a critical position. Of great interest are the studies of economist Yu.V. Yaremenko, which contain an analysis of the structure of the economic policy of the USSR22. A significant contribution to the study of the economic policy of the Soviet leadership was made by G.I. Khanin23. His work covers the main aspects of the history of the USSR economy: transformations of the public administration system, personnel composition

"Bondarev IM. Development of the light industry of the USSR ()

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