Is it possible to make money on HYIPs? Earning money from HYIPs: the main thing is the right approach How we make money from HYIPs

I think many would like to earn $1000 a month on investments alone, and this is possible thanks to HYIPs! I will reveal the main secrets of success that will help you achieve this result.

But before moving on to all the secrets, I recommend reading the first part of the article in order to learn to have a good understanding of HYIPs and their types. But if you are not interested, then follow the link “No. 3”.

What is a hype project

HYIP(High Yield Investment Program) - translated as “highly profitable investment program”. This designation is suitable for any site that offers investing with a return of more than 5% per month.

HYIPs are also divided into several types:

Both types of investments have a beautiful story of how they will create profits for you. However, the difference is that a venture fund brings 5-15% per month, while pyramid schemes can offer even 200% per month.

And if a venture fund is a long-term investment of money, then a financial pyramid works in the short term. Where only the first few circles of investors make money (sometimes more circles, sometimes less).

Types of profitability of pyramids:

  • Low-income: up to 15% profit per month, project life span from 6 months to 5 years;
  • Average income: 15-30% profit per month, lifespan 2-24 months;
  • Highly profitable: more than 30% per month, projects are unpredictable and last from several days to 6 months.

When a hype is closed, it is called “Scam” (SCAM - deception). That is, this project stops paying out funds and is no longer worth investing in.

Not long ago I talked about how I visually calculated the costs of creating a simple hype - $2,000. If you do a larger-scale project, the costs will be about $10,000.

For such a hype to really work well, he must receive more than $30,000. In practice, sometimes they receive such an amount of investment in the first week of work, which leads the creators to the idea of ​​closing the project.

Therefore, you need to look towards systematically developing hypes with the right marketing plans. Which allow you to return your money with a profit in just one month.

You can often see “test plans”; they are called minimum, where you can invest $10-100 for 7, 14 or 21 days. During this time, the investor becomes imbued with confidence in the project and is ready to invest $500. — Such schemes extend the life of projects!

What strategies do the creators of hype have?

  • Pre-launch - if the hype loudly announces itself before the start, but is already accepting money, then in 90% of cases it wants to recoup the project in the first few weeks and scam all investors.
  • Balanced - after opening a hype, it works for 10-20 days on empty, draws statistics on how many investors have arrived, then goes to forums and blogs, where it begins to actively advertise itself. Such projects last up to several months.
  • Clear - declares itself in the first days of its existence, tries to keep real statistics of investors and investments, which it shows to everyone. At the same time, he is in no hurry to order advertising from bloggers; he does it in the 2nd or 3rd month of work, unless the bloggers themselves pick it up for free.
  • Partisan - has a cheap design and offers up to 30% profit per month. They also pay 1-3% of profit for the attracted partner. Usually they sit in the shadows until investors themselves begin to speak positively about the project on forums. They can live for a very long time if investors arrive systematically.

I try to avoid almost anything other than "balanced" and "clear". Where people really try to prove to us that their project is much better than others. Well, now let's move on to main topic articles.

There is a whole set of investor rules that must be followed. Are you ready to find out how professionals make money on HYIPs and how good projects differ from bad ones?

1. Hosting, domain, DDOS protection, SSL certificate
— The hosting must be non-Russian (even better if it is an American or German cdn);
— The presence of DDOS protection indicates long term plans;
— SSL certificate, must be a secure https protocol, preferably “LTD”.

2. Design
The main thing here is not beauty, but the quality of the text. I recommend checking several pages for spelling errors. Such errors indicate a poor quality approach to creating a project.

3. Legend (what they do)
The more convincing the legend, the more clients there will be. Many investors carefully read the whole story and look for the catch in everything before they give their money.

4. Tariff plans
Investment plans must be no shorter than 10 and no more than 60 days (where we will invest). If they offer more than 1% income per day, with the return of the deposit at the end of the term, then the hype is unlikely to last more than 90 days.

We also pay attention to the number of plans, ideally there should be several of them (2-4 pieces), and the more money is deposited into the account, the longer the issuance period. As a rule, the latest tariff is the minimum period for how long the hype is ready to work.

5. Seasonality
In the summer, everyone goes on vacation, so most HYIPs close. In the fall there is a sharp influx of investors, but by December it fades away, so December is also considered a dangerous time for investing. But spring is the best time to invest.

6. Attitude of investors towards the project
Be sure to read reviews on forums, preferably on mmgp, where there are many experienced critics. This way we will find out whether the project pays and what others think about it. Positive opinion? — It’s worth taking a closer look at the hype.

7. Attendance schedule
If it is smooth and growing upward, then this is the ideal time to invest. And you can watch it using Alexa Rank.

8. Payments
It is important that as many electronic wallets as possible are connected. True, if the lists include webmoney, then this is a minus (it is closed after several complaints).

Payments must be made daily and preferably manually, this way we understand that admins control the flow of money, which means they will not be robbed or hacked.

9. Communication methods
The more ways to contact hype support, the more likely it is that the project wants to work in long term. If there is a telephone, then we check that they will answer the call.

Well, if you don’t want to understand all this, then the best option would be to follow, where I constantly add promising projects and show how much I managed to earn from each of them.

This question, unfortunately, is asked after the first (sometimes second and even third) loss of money. Beginners looking for the first time investment projects they know little about them, and therefore a pleasant and well-developed project design, a well-written legend, an offer with a bunch of incomprehensible words and the company’s offshore accounts have a hypnotic effect on users.

Without knowing the basics of working with HYIPs and investing money that you have something to spend on and would be very sorry to lose a beginner in such investments is simply doomed to failure. In this material Let's look at the practical methods real earnings on HYIPs.

Remember - all HYIPs are fraudulent schemes that do not intend to fully and completely pay out funds to all investors. There are no economic models in the world that guarantee 100% per annum or more without the risk of losing everything. They will close when they reach the planned amount or when the main payment deadlines come up.

It’s not difficult to determine that it’s a pyramid in front of you, just look with which payment systems the project is working and everything will fall into place. If not on the listsWebMoney and bank cards with the usual transfer methods are a 99% HYIP project, since they did not pass the filters of security systems. In addition, it should be understood that profit of 1% +/- per DAY - this is clearly not Forex, not PAMM or anything else, this is exactly a pyramid!

Two types of projects and earnings on HYIPs

With the fact that in every pyramid It's only worth investing once we figured it out. Now let's look at the moments of decision making. There are two types of HYIPs– professional, that is, designed for the administration to receive a profit of more than $100,000, and “amateur,” which is developed by one or a couple of participants in the hope of making some money.

  • Professional HYIP. Most often it is installed on an expensive, secure and anonymous hosting, the domain name was purchased in the name of the wrong person, but everything is confirmed and registered. The legend was made to collect investments for mass projects, for example, building a network of payment terminals or participating in the purchase of luxury cars at a price 30% cheaper than the market price and their subsequent sale, or another “plausible” excuse of a similar kind.

Last time part of the pyramids is hidden under investing in startups, which, by the way, can compete with HYIPs in terms of benefits, but such projects do not reach implementation and are closed. Such projects are more long-lasting, since the creators invest significant amounts of money on their creation and advertising, therefore more substantial profits are expected. It is worth noting that many legends of such projects are real operating business strategies that, with lower interest payments and greater administrative flexibility, could work successfully for a long time. But modern investors are not interested in “modest” interest rates of up to 100% per annum, and most pyramid schemes offer at least 300% per annum.

  • Amateur HYIP. Made with a more modest budget, on cheap hosting, for left-handed owners. Low costs, ill-conceived strategy and expectation of quick profits make them not at all interesting for making money, since even a couple or three investments of $1000 can turn the owners’ heads and they will close it.

Before investing in HYIP you need to make sure it's new, and is not on its last legs, and also in the fact that he's professional. To do this, register accounts on all well-known and visited forums that have threads on this topic and study all the information about this area. Or if you have there is no time or desire to bother, just subscribe to my blog!

It is worth noting that it is from such forums that the hidden advertising projects, and users with authoritative accounts are offered to write posts on their behalf advertising new projects - this way you will become the first HYIP participant, receive profit from investing, since after payments to the first investors additional deposits grow like an avalanche, and also receive a percentage for attracted users.

It is not worth investing a second time in an already “used” HYIP, only if its owners guarantee you payment in one way or another, for example, for continuing advertising or other activities to maintain interest in the project.

Earlier in the materials I described various issues that you should pay attention to when working with HYIPs. This material should become a kind of guide for a potential participant in the pyramid. I will immediately emphasize that this analysis is carried out for projects on which we will earn money, and not just give them funds. That is, when evaluating it, we will rely on the fact that the project will pay the first installment.

List of questions to which we look for answers when searching for a project to invest in:

  • Start date. This question is the most important, since investing with a chance of making a profit can only be done in projects that have been launched recently and will not have time to accumulate a critical mass of investments before the expiration of the investment plan.

Announcements of HYIP launches can be found on specialized forums, as well as by positioning yourself as the author of content for such projects. You will not only be as fully informed as possible about the project, but you will also begin to earn money from it even before it starts working.

  • Country of operation. Most often this is Europe, the USA or the UAE. In recent years, this is where similar activities allegedly take place. If a project plans to use borrowed funds in the Russian Federation, Ukraine or Belarus, there are many ways to check. Many registers are open for electronic access, and if we are talking about substantial amounts of investment, you can find a person who will answer questions about registering companies or legal entities. persons, type of activity, and so on.
  • Scope of activity. IN recent years– these are investments in the gambling business (as if casino owners need money), development of applications and solutions for the Internet (similar to startups), rental/sale/search and delivery of luxury cars from Britain and the UAE to the Russian Federation. We are talking only about premium cars, since it is unprofitable to drive average prices due to overhead costs, and the competition for purchases is much higher. With premium cars it becomes a question of implementation. If the project can be more or less calculated with your own hands and its profitability is at least on paper close to the declared one, taking into account commissions and overhead costs, you can think about investing.
  • Interest rates. They should be different and increase depending on the duration of the investment. The average lifespan of a HYIP is 6 months, so it’s worth investing for 3 – 4 months and no more. And after withdrawing the body of the deposit, enjoy the net profit on a full liability.
  • Minimum input – output. They must at least match. Average amount the minimum for pyramids is $50.
  • Payment systems. The more there are, the higher the potential reliability of the project. Each travel system has minimum requirements to the project to which it is connected. Some requirements overlap, others do not, the more payments, the more requirements the project satisfies, which means a more thoughtful and balanced system lies at its core, and this is more high chance first payment.
  • Dispute resolution country. According to the offer, the company's activities fall under the jurisdiction of one of the offshore countries and its activities fall under the legislation of that country. In general, in judicial procedure no one will prove anything, but the more unknown the country in the offer, the more suspicious the project should look.

Technical details

  • Domain. A normal project is registered in, all others are parodies of HYIPs that will close at any moment.
  • Hosting. Anonymous with data encryption and protection against attacks and tracking.
  • Unique design and content– shows the minimum amount of investment in the project, which means you need to first recoup the investment, and only then make a profit.
  • Working caliper, ticket system and online chat. Competent employees cost money, and studying the offer (the support, motivating certain statements, should be sent to the points of the project rules) takes time.

An inexperienced person will say: Holy shit... you can break your head... If this is exactly what you thought, then I have good news for you - everything has already been done for you. Fortunately, there are investor bloggers who do all this routine work for you! Including me. So let me remind you that in the column on the right there is always a fresh portfolio of HYIP projects, relevant for the current day, taking into account all the above factors.

Every HYIP, no matter how well thought out its legends and operating algorithms are, will not work for long. It is extremely rare for such projects to exceed the age of six months, and only a few survive up to a year. The average investor receives information that a particular project offers interesting conditions for investment at the peak of the advertising campaign, when most of the project's profits are accumulated. This means that there will be no more payments (there are exceptions, but extremely rarely, most often if after the first payments there was no adequate influx of new clients).

The project will definitely be closed – it’s a matter of time. Above, I described in detail the types of HYIPs and the reasons for their closure. Let us briefly recall the main idea here.

As soon as the project reaches the planned amount of investment, a meticulous calculation of potential investments and payments necessary to continue the work will begin. The first refusal to pay causes panic, and users no longer contribute money to the project, so the decision is made carefully.

Pay attention to:

  • project deadlines,
  • the massiveness of its advertising,

HYIPs provide a great opportunity to make money, but the unprecedented risk scares away those looking for big profits. Every year, administrators become more and more agile in their desire to steal the desired profit from us, but it should be noted that investors are also not immune. Among the hypers there are real virtuosos who have their own strategies and tactics of combat - I will tell you about these very super profit-making schemes in this article.

Is it possible to make money on HYIPs?

Before I delve into the very essence of the story about the great and ingenious tactics of working with projects, let’s immediately outline the answer to the main question - is it even possible to get rich in this way and are there HYIPs that pay? If you are one of those who think this is all nonsense, then you have come to the right place and on my blog there is a lot of evidence that HYIPs do pay, and investors earn even more than many of those who have their own business in real life.

And without any effort. No, well, you will have to make some efforts - analyze the project, make a deposit, withdraw profits - but these are mere trifles compared to the kind of life that highly profitable investments can open up for you.

So, you have given up on hard daily work and are ready to rush into battle with the hype admins, tearing out the path to another life with your teeth, hands and feet. Don’t rush - not everything is as simple as it may seem to you at first glance: working with HYIPs and making money are two big differences. I will not overshadow my super-positive article with stories about how many of the incompetent investors poured all their capital down the drain and were left with empty pockets - such stories are everywhere.

I will only note that in this environment you need to be an analyst, take into account all the factors, be aware of the risks - if you, with your eyes burning with greed, rush into all the troubles and start wantonly investing in everything, then, most likely, this will not lead you to anything good . Therefore, the answer to the question posed above sounds like this: making money on HYIPs is possible, but only with smart investments. Well, how much you can earn from HYIPs depends on the tactics and investment methods that you adopt.

Strategies for investing in HYIPs

Over the entire history of the existence of highly profitable investments, since the times of the first pyramid builders, a whole lot of in various ways making a profit. As it turns out, not only admins are enterprising and not only they can be crazy inventive. In a word, investors have long learned to come out unscathed in confrontations with hype creators, and even with full wallets. So, I propose to go over the main strategies in HYIPs.

His Majesty is a sly

Hit and run translated from overseas means “grab and run”, which, in fact, reflects the essence of the strategy, which is simple to the point of genius. Many investors cheat in a dark way, but they themselves do not realize that they are using some kind of tactics - nature itself tells them how to quickly make a profit.

The essence of the trick is elementary: we enter the minimum circle, grab everything we have earned and put our feet in our hands... we forget about the project and invest it in other hype products - and so on ad infinitum. The ideal option for hitrunners is fast, having run for minimal laps, in a day or a couple of days you can skim off the cream and rush off in search of a new project.

Features of the hitran can be highlighted in a separate list:

  • It is a tactic with the least risk - run in, run out, and it's done.
  • HYIPs suitable for cheating are not very common - if you choose only decent sites, and not just any slag, then you can sit for a long time and wipe your pants while your associates earn money in other ways.
  • Admins don’t like hit-runners and put a spoke in their wheels - either limits on minimum circles, or in general plans with the shortest period make them the most expensive.
  • For middle-market players, chitran is not an option - in order to earn something significant, you need to invest a large amount, which means that the risk increases.
  • When using tricks, it is important to enter the project as early as possible, and preferably right at the start.

In general, the attitude towards both the sly tactics and the sly runners themselves is quite negative, not only among administrators, but also among all honest people - such actions wash money out of the projects’ cash register, and therefore shorten their lives. But, as they say, a bad dancer is hindered by hit-runners - those who want to work lead the project without a hitch, even if all the depots come from the hit-runs.

Tactics for Observers

If you prefer quieter earnings on HYIPs, the observer strategy is your option. On the Internet, it is also called wait-and-see tactics and its essence boils down to long-term monitoring of the project before making a deposit. If with a trick you need to fly into a project at the speed of light, then with a wait-and-see method you should look at how the project works, in which direction it is developing, and in general, figure out what is on the admin’s mind.

So, after following the project for a month or two, you can say with all confidence that the project is paying, investors are happy, development is proceeding at full speed - that is, you can state that the admin did not come to quickly collect cash, he has far-reaching plans.

The wait-and-see method works mainly for low-income earners, when the project is expected to last for a long time - fast and even medium-sized ones can disappear even before you finish observing.

Deposit acceleration

If the previous tactics seem like jokes from a bear, then there is a more interesting option. If this tactic works, then prepare your wallets for profit - it will be very significant. I don’t know who came up with the idea of ​​​​spreading the deposit and launched this idea to the masses, but he was clearly a very gambling person who loved to walk on the edge of a knife but also had excellent earnings. If you also like such risky, but wildly profitable equipment, then you will like the tactics that I will tell you about next.

If all investment strategies in hyip can be called dangerous, then overclocking the deposit is the riskiest of them. Did you get scared? Now I’ll tell you the essence: acceleration begins with an investment - the amount can be any, depending on the degree of confidence in the project. Further, when the accruals arrive, we make a knight’s move and do not withdraw anything from the project - not a penny. We carefully save all the interest and get increased profits, after which we accelerate the deposit until it smells like something is fried and the moment comes to stop and withdraw everything.

But! This type of acceleration is valid only for those projects in which compounding is in effect - that is, profit is accrued both on the deposit and on profit if it is not withdrawn. If this is not the case in the project, then the profit is generated in the form of new deposits.

When can you fool around and disperse your deposit? In the event that the project is of high quality, and not some school-hype slag. You need a platform that pays out profits every day, and the volume of investments is stable and solid - you don’t want your inflated deposit to shake the admin’s boat of peace? In primitive hype, the amount you accumulate can become a reason for scam.

Reinvestment tactics

If your mind cannot leave the thought of how to make money on HYIPs, but at the same time you want not only to get good earnings, but also not to put your hard-earned money at great risk, that is, I have an option for you too. All that is required to implement the reinvestment strategy is to enter the project, receive a profit and a deposit, withdraw the deposit, invest the profit received and spin it all the way to the scam. This way, your money remains in your hands, and after the first round you no longer risk anything.

You will find out how much HYIP administrators earn and whether ordinary investors of such projects can make a profit, as well as what earning strategies will bring the maximum income.

HYIP is an investment project with a limited lifespan. The closest analogue of hype is a financial pyramid. Those at the top have the real profit; the rest are at great risk with their money.

And yet, making money from HYIPs is real. And not only for the authors of the project and people close to them. Ordinary users will also make a profit if they act wisely and apply professional strategies.

Denis Kuderin is with you, a staff expert on HeaterBober magazine. financial matters. I will tell you how to properly work with high-risk financial projects, who earns from HYIPs and how much, and how some HYIPs differ from others.

1. What are HYIPs and is it possible to make money from them?

The English abbreviation HYIP (High Yield Investment Program) literally translates as “high-yield investment program.”

In other words, this financial project, which promises investors quick and high profits - from 15 to 100%.

HYIP is in many ways similar to a financial pyramid. People who lived in the 1990s remember very well MMM, Khoper-Invest and other large-scale PR pyramids that brought their creators millions and ruined many ordinary investors.

The current authors of hype projects do not act so straightforwardly and disguise their pyramids as completely loyal programs, in which the mechanism for making a profit looks quite logical, legal and understandable to the average user.

But the trouble is that investment programs of this kind have a limited lifespan. This is the basic rule of a pyramid: in order for it to bring profit to its creators, it must be closed on time. The principle “whoever has time, eats” applies here. Sometimes only a few manage to “eat”, and some HYIPs do not involve withdrawing money at all.


Anton works as a manager, does not yet have a family, lives with his parents, and saves part of the money from his salary. On the Internet I came across a description of one project - an investment fund “with serious intentions” and a promise of profit for investors in the first 3 months - 20%, after six months - 50%, and after a year - 80%.

The organizers assured that they were investing investors’ funds not just anywhere, but in real business– to pawn shops for purchase precious metals And jewelry. For some reason, Anton was convinced by the text on the site, and he decided to invest 10,000 rubles.

In the first months, he watched with pleasure how the amount in his account grew personal account and counted the profits. The profit was really great... but when he tried to withdraw it to his bank account, nothing worked.

At first, the transaction hung for three days in standby mode and “data verification”. When the money did not appear in the account, Anton entered into correspondence with the administration. At first they calmed him down and fed him breakfast, then they stopped responding altogether.

Neither threats nor requests worked. And after a couple of weeks, the site was completely lost in the digital ocean, as if it never existed. Anton had to forget about his savings.

This case is quite typical for purely fraudulent sites designed to take money from workers.

Not all hype is so straightforward. Some even withdraw money from users if they invested in the program at the launch stage. But you understand that the creators will not be able to pay everyone. Some users must lose their funds in order for the other part to receive them.

Resources masquerading as online economic games, Bitcoin faucets, and cloud mining sites work in a similar way. In fact, such platforms have nothing to do with cryptocurrency and its mining - they are just ways to make money on fashionable trends.

Don't confuse hype with real things investment companies involved in trust management. These mutual funds, PAMM accounts and other investment funds have legal status, address and license for such activities.

However, you shouldn’t equate HYIPs with scams. High-risk investment programs are not always a scam. Moreover, there are people who regularly skim the cream off popular HYIPs and have a stable business from this.

What are the types of HYIPs?

Programs vary by income level: low-income (up to 15%), medium-income (15-50%), high-income (from 50%).

Another classification criterion is lifespan. Some programs are designed for a couple of months, others last up to 1-2 years. However, the average duration is 6-9 months.

1) Short term

HYIPs with a lifespan of a month or two are also called “scams” ​​or “fasts”. Fast – from English “fast”, and scam – is the speed at which a website is closed. When experts say “hype has failed,” this means that the program is no longer paying investors and is close to closing, or has already closed.

These pyramids are the most dangerous. If they are going to pay users, then literally only a few, so as not to immediately cause a flurry of negativity on the forums.

Short-term HYIPs do not skimp on their promises: 50, 75 and 100% profitability is not the limit. “Jumping off” from such a project on time is a kind of art.

2) Medium term

More reliable, but also risky programs. Typical example financial pyramids. In the first few months, investors are paid money, but after about 6-9 months the shop is closed without any announcements.

Income here is average - 15-30%. Experts believe that these are the resources that are most preferable for stable income. However, the risks of losing money are high here too.

3) Long term

A rare type of hype, a kind of venture fund. The risk is minimal, as is the profitability (up to 15%). Such companies sometimes even have an official legal address, however, located somewhere offshore.

Such funds cannot be trusted unconditionally. Sooner or later, the program will close anyway, and if for some reason you do not have time to withdraw the money, you will have to say goodbye to it.

HYIP comparison table:

2. Who makes money on such projects

Since hype exists, it means it’s beneficial to someone.

Let's consider who makes money on investment programs and what is the amount of income.

1) Project administration

The administration (creators) is the top of the food chain. It is clear that these are the people who have the main income. The amount of profit is limited only by the effectiveness of promotion and advertising campaign.

If the management manages to attract 10 million rubles, the organizers’ earnings will be appropriate. But as a rule, owners need more modest amounts.

There is no need to recruit a whole staff of employees to create hype. 1-2 people are enough. You just need to come up with a plausible idea and launch a convincing website in which users themselves will invest money.

And although Internet fraud is prohibited in Russia (and in other countries), it is not always possible to prove the fact of it. People donate money voluntarily, and there is almost no documentary evidence of the existence of the pyramid after its closure.

2) Participants of affiliate programs

Administrators are willing to pay real money for these “rich Pinocchios.” If you have a well-promoted group on social networks, a YouTube channel, your own blog or website, it would be a sin not to make money by distributing affiliate links.

I know people who have a monthly income on affiliate programs comparable to the average office salary in Russia. Surely there are those who receive more.

3) Investors

But investing money on time is not a guarantee of success. If the investment project turns out to be “black”, no one except the organizers will receive money.

3. How to make money on HYIPs - popular earning strategies

We have reached the most interesting part of the article. Let's study the most reliable and profitable strategies for making money on HYIPs.

I would like to warn you right away that these methods only work if the project is generally designed to pay users. If you are faced with a typical scam, no strategy will force the scammers to fork out money.

Strategy 1. Heatran (Grab and Run)

The name comes from the English phrase "hit and run". IN literal translation"hit and run." The essence is clear from the name - you invest, wait for a while, then withdraw your money with minimal interest, without waiting for exorbitant charges. And you don’t deal with this resource anymore, even if you really want to.

HYIP owners do not like “hitrunners” and try in every way to hinder their activities: they set limits on withdrawal periods and amounts, require personal identification, etc.

Strategy 2: Observation

If your goal is to find a stable and reliable investment fund, then a wait-and-see strategy is best suited.

The point is simple:

  • for several months you observe the work of the fund, study reviews, communicate, if possible, with real investors;
  • if the proof of loyalty of the HYIP project satisfies you, invest the funds;
  • Having reached the average or maximum profit level, withdraw money.

Suitable for patient and experienced investors. Not everyone can distinguish “lambs” from “goats,” that is, relatively honest HYIPs from scams.

Strategy 3. Overclocking

The investor invests a fairly large amount, and when the hype reaches the peak of its development, he withdraws his funds, leaving only interest on the account. Next, he risks only commissions, which are not as scary to lose as his hard-earned money.

Profit will also be accrued on the remaining deposit. If you manage to withdraw - good, if not - you will try your luck in another project.

Strategy 4. Reinvest

A risky strategy that is only suitable for honest and long-term investment platforms that withdraw profits regularly.

You invest money, after a couple of months you withdraw the entire amount along with the profit, then you invest only the profit, after a few more months you withdraw it again and again you invest only what you earned from above. If the shop is closed during one of the iterations, you will only lose part of your income.

The downside is that an honest, long-lasting HYIP is a rare beast in our latitudes.

4. Basic rules of investing

There are several universal rules for smart investments.

Every novice investor should know them.

Rule 1. Never invest your last money

Investing funds on which your well-being directly depends elsewhere is an unforgivable mistake. Even if you think it’s a sure thing, you can’t risk these funds.

I know people who lost their apartments by investing in risky startups. But these were not even investment funds, but rather well-thought-out business campaigns.

Rule 2. Know how to stop in time and withdraw your profit

Immediately turn off the option in your brain called “greed”. Won't they turn off? Then it’s too early for you to start investing.

Excitement is good when fishing or playing football. Finance is an area in which the ability to stop on time is worth its weight in gold.

Rule 3. Do not use credit funds

This is even worse than investing “family” money in HYIPs. Murphy's Law also applies to finance: for some inexplicable reason, credit money is much more likely to fall prey to scammers than personal financial surplus.

Rule 4. Invest money in different projects

This is the classic eggs and basket rule. Divide investment funds into at least 5 parts - this will level out the risks. Even if 1-2 projects fail, the rest will compensate for the losses.

5. How to choose a project to invest in so as not to go broke - useful tips and recommendations

Experienced investors choose HYIPs meticulously and carefully, as a life partner. Investing in the first project you come across is like marrying a girl of easy virtue. It’s both risky and more expensive.

How to find a decent investment fund? Where to start searching? Read expert advice.

People who expect to close the site in a month are unlikely to spend money on expensive design and thoughtful navigation. If all this is available, then you have a resource designed for at least a year.

Don’t put too much faith in scans of licenses and certificates on resource pages. It’s easy to draw such documents, but checking their authenticity is much more difficult. Sometimes even the organizations themselves that supposedly “issued” the licenses do not exist in nature.

But the presence of DDOS protection and a secure protocol is a good sign. If you don't know what this is, ask your programmer friends.

Tip 2. Analyze interest for the investor

Too high percentages (from 30-40% and above) are a reason to squint your eyes suspiciously. Newcomers are lured into scams precisely by the promise of quick and high profits. Even if the scheme seems transparent and reliable to you, 50% profit for a newly opened investment fund is an unlikely figure.

Tip 3. Pay attention to the duration of the project

The domain's lifetime will indicate the actual lifetime of the hype. Do not believe what they write on the resource - “we have been paying money for 13 months and have already paid 15 million rubles.”

Ask the admins directly: “What is your evidence?” Ask the organizers to indicate the office address and tell them that you want to talk to them personally financial director companies. If all the necessary data is provided to you upon request, such a project is worth taking a closer look at.

Tip 4. Check the work of the support service

And in general, try to communicate with the organizers more often. Write to support, ask questions in interactive chats. Honest resources have nothing to hide, and their support service is always fast and adequate.

There are even entire sites, HYIP monitors, whose task is to check such sites for the level of loyalty and performance. But you shouldn’t trust such resources 100%; they are often financed by investment projects themselves. Then they will shower some resources with slop, while unobtrusively praising others.

A few more useful tips in this video:

6. Conclusion

Let's sum it up, friends. HYIPs are risky projects that are worth investing in only if you already have basic investment skills.

Question for readers

What investment projects do you personally think are the most reliable?

We wish you successful investments! Share your experience in the comments, write reviews and suggestions. See you again!

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