Youth Recruitment Center. Profession “Machine Operator” Profession “Machine Operator” What does a general machine operator do?

“He has no equal in skill,” the Nadym repair and mechanical section of the Nadymgazremont vocational school of the Yugorsky branch of Gazprom Centerenergogaz JSC unanimously speaks about the level of qualifications of the general machine operator, site foreman Yuri Gustov. His professionalism is equally highly appreciated by both managers and colleagues: nothing is impossible for him in terms of repair and production of components and parts for gas pumping equipment.

Northern "cradle"

Yuri Gustov is a native of the North, a true son of his small Motherland. Like his own parents, he was born in the village of Bolshaya Galka, Bakcharsky district, Tomsk region, and spent his entire childhood there.

Later, the North gave Yuri his life’s work. He acquired the profession of a wide-ranging machine operator at the radio-mechanical vocational lyceum of the city of Tomsk, and after serving in the army, Yuri cameto Nadym: the young man was then engaged in industrial mountaineering and came there to earn money. He immediately liked the city - “ small and clean, people are friendly”. At the end of the working season, Gustov decided to stay in Nadym forever. Soon he was offered a job at the Nadymgazremont vocational school as a fourth-class turner, where he has been working ever since, never regretting his choice.

Since January of this year, Yuri Alekseevich has been working as a foreman of the mechanical repair department.

Location - "Nadymgazremont"

The industrial world of the North turned out to be generous with new experiences and new impressions. At the very beginning of his “gas” career, Yuri Alekseevich worked for two years on a rotational basis in Western Siberia at the Priozernaya compressor station, working as a turner and mechanic in one person. Despite the fact that the area was remote and practically impassable, the activities were varied: they carried out routine work on gas air cooling units at minus 35 degrees, and replaced the NK-16 ST power unit at minus 40 ºС. “It’s easy for young people everywhere,” Yuri Alekseevich says with a smile. - True, sometimes we were physically very tired, and it’s difficult for families without husbands and fathers, especially in winter. But nature has always generously given us gifts. In the summer, after a shift, it happened that you had time to pick mushrooms and fry them with potatoes, and in the winter we even caught hares in a noose literally next to the CS. The meat of a wild hare is tasty, no match for a domestic rabbit.”

This is probably how life works: what more interesting profession, the more complex it is and the more it requires from a person. Yuri Alekseevich considers his profession to be exactly like this - both difficult and interesting. He has perfectly studied the design of components and parts of gas pumping units and auxiliary equipment, knows perfectly well the design and rules for checking the accuracy of RMU machine tools - lobe lathes, rotary lathes, milling machines various types and structures and a whole range of equipment.

Units repaired on site are installed on gas field equipment and on gas pumping units of compressor stations main gas pipelines, which transport gas to Russian regions and foreign countries.

Yuri Gustov: “Metal cutting is a special matter. A person, like a sculptor, can make anything from a piece of alloy - from a simple bolt to a complex shaped part. This is why I like my profession so much. I process every detail with pleasure, sometimes I don’t notice how the shift goes by. At the same time, you always need a cool head - you can’t make a mistake even by a hundredth of a millimeter, otherwise it’s a defect. The slightest mistake means not only the lost work of many people, but and equipment downtime for customers who are waiting for this part at the compressor station.”

"Northern" nature of production

In the North, people are special: the more you get to know them, the more they open up, and this does not at all mean “opening their hearts.” The main character traits of a “northern” person are resilience, composure, and a sense of comradeship.

So the team of the Nadym section of the vocational school “Nadymgazremont” is very united. Over many years of work, people have become accustomed to looking into the future with optimism; mutual support and trust are always present in the work process.

From the outside it may seem that the work of a machine operator, although important for the common cause, is boring and monotonous. Is this so, is there room for creativity in work? Yuri Alekseevich answers these questions like this: “yes, the work is important and difficult, but it definitely cannot be called boring and monotonous”. On the contrary, in his understanding, the repair process is often associated with making extraordinary decisions. “Although repair technologies have long been developed and are in use, many technical decisions are made directly during the repair process”, - Gustov is convinced. - Each unit that is repaired is, in fact, individual in its condition, types of defects and approach to its restoration.”

The site’s employees strictly observe labor safety rules, since powerful machines with rotating mechanisms are used in the daily activities of the site.

Appreciation of good work

Work Yuri Alekseevichis highly valued by the management of the enterprise. One of the confirmations of professional recognition is the nomination of Yuri Gustov for the award of Gratitude JSC Gazprom Centerenergogaz in honor of Oil and Gas Industry Workers Day.

When asked what principles he is guided by in his daily work, Yuri Alekseevich answers briefly: “Do as you would like to be done to you, that’s the main thing. The rest - skill, experience, qualifications, responsibility, creative attitude to work - is inherent in all good production workers. We have a lot of such people.” According to him, in an educational institution a person receives only basic theoretical education; practical experience is acquired directly at the workplace. Today, in order to become a highly qualified specialist who will be respected, you need to work for at least five to six years. In the future, such a specialist will be able to independently make production decisions and be responsible for his work, so that the customer is satisfied with its quality, so that there are no complaints either about the quality of the repair or about the further operation of the repaired equipment.

This is how it is at Nadymgazremont: young specialists initially work under the guidance of experienced mentors - foremen, highly qualified workers. Yuri Alekseevich himself combines independent self-improvement of his qualifications with support for less experienced workers, helping them master complex machinery, equipment and repair technology. “A person well trained in his specialty is always valued, and finding such people is not easy. During almost twelve years of my work at Nadymgazremont, many young specialists came to our site, but only a few of them remained to work. Over time, they became real professionals. You can’t do everything at once, you need to gradually immerse yourself in work with your head.”

Since the work takes a lot important place in the life of Yuri Gustov, he practically never has free time. However, when he does get it, a walk for mushrooms, as well as hunting and fishing, is the greatest pleasure for him, as for a true Siberian.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Part No. 2 of Issue No. 2 of ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999 N 45
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645)

General machine operator

§ 98. Wide-profile machine operator 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Processing of parts on drilling, turning and milling machines of 12 - 14 quality, on grinding machines using coolant of 11 quality, using cutting tools and universal devices and following the processing sequence and cutting modes in accordance with the technological map or the instructions of the foreman. Drilling, reaming, countersinking of through and smooth holes in parts located in the same plane, using jigs, templates, stops and markings on drilling machines. Cutting threads with a diameter of over 2 mm and up to 24 mm per pass and point-blank on drilling machines. Cutting external and internal triangular threads with a tap or die on lathes. Milling flat surfaces, grooves, tenon slots, cylindrical surfaces with cutters. Installation and alignment of parts on the machine table and in fixtures.

Must know: operating principle of similar drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines; purpose and conditions of use of the most common devices, control and measuring instruments, special cutting tools; marking and basic mechanical properties of processed materials; rules for sharpening and installing cutters and drills; types of cutters, cutters and their main angles; types of grinding wheels and segments; methods of dressing grinding wheels and conditions for their use; purpose and properties of coolants and oils; system of admissions and landings; qualities and roughness parameters.

Examples of work

1. Fastening autonormals - centerless grinding.

2. Cylinders and fittings - turning.

3. Bolts, nuts, plugs, fittings, taps - milling of turnkey edges.

4. Shafts up to 1500 mm long - peeling.

5. Inserts - drilling holes for lubrication.

6. Drivers and dies - turning.

7. Bushings for jigs - turning with allowance for grinding.

8. Normal nuts - countersinking of holes.

9. Small-sized parts of metal structures - milling.

10. External and internal socket wrenches - turning.

11. Rings assembled with the shaft - drilling holes for cotter pins.

12. Hand and machine taps - milling of chip flutes.

13. Axes, mandrels - centerless grinding.

14. Hinges - milling hinges.

15. Plugs, studs - turning.

16. Gaskets - milling of ends and bevels.

17. Bearing rollers of all types and sizes - preliminary grinding of the ends.

18. Side sliders of rolling stock bogies - milling.

19. Crankshaft hubs - pulling the keyway.

20. Installation angles - grinding.

21. Mills and drills with a conical tail - milling blades.

22. Air brake hoses and sleeves - peeling of the top layer of rubber.

23. Cylindrical pins - centerless grinding.

§ 99. Wide-profile machine operator, 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Processing of parts on drilling, turning, milling, copying and keying machines of 8 - 11 quality and on grinding machines using coolant of 8 - 10 quality. Cutting threads with a diameter of up to 2 mm and over 24 to 42 mm per pass and point-blank on drilling machines. Cutting external and internal single-start triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal threads with a cutter and multi-cut heads. Milling of rectangular and radius external and internal surfaces, shoulders, grooves, grooves, single threads, spirals, gear teeth and racks. Installation of complex parts on squares, prisms, jacks, gaskets, vices of various designs, on round rotary tables, universal dividing heads with alignment using an indicator. Adjustment of drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines. Control of lifting and transport equipment from the floor. Slinging and lashing of loads for lifting, moving, installation and storage.

Must know: device, rules for adjustment and accuracy testing of drilling, turning, milling, copy-key-milling and grinding machines of various types; device and rules for using universal and special devices; geometry, rules for sharpening and installing special cutting tools; elements and types of threads; characteristics of grinding wheels and segments; the influence of temperature on the dimensions of parts; shape and arrangement of surfaces; system of tolerances and landings, qualities and roughness parameters; basic properties of processed materials.

Examples of work

1. Brake shoes, beams, traction motor suspensions, axle boxes - milling.

2. Shafts longer than 1500 mm - roughing.

3. Shafts, axles - drilling oblique lubrication holes.

4. Inserts - external round grinding on a mandrel.

5. Adapter bushings with Morse taper - turning.

6. Sprockets, gear racks - milling for grinding.

7. Countersinks and cutters with inserted cutting elements - turning.

8. Cone countersinks - grinding the cone and cutting part.

9. Flat gauges - milling of the working measuring part.

10. Piston rings - cutting, milling of the lock.

11. Filter housings - drilling holes in the flanges.

12. Knives for guillotine shears - grinding flat surfaces.

13. Drill chucks - turning.

14. Punches and dies - turning and grinding of plane and contour.

15. Cylindrical and conical reamers - grinding the tail section.

16. Cutters - milling the surfaces of the front and rear faces.

17. Curly handles - turning.

18. Rods - turning with thread cutting.

19. Turning centers - turning for grinding.

20. Spherical and angular cutters - milling.

21. Engine connecting rods - milling oil slots.

22. Gears - drilling and reaming holes.

23. Stamps - drilling holes for guide columns.

§ 100. Wide-profile machine operator of the 4th category

Characteristics of work. Processing of parts on turning and milling machines of 7-10 grades, on drilling machines of 6-9 grades and on grinding machines using coolant of 7-8 grades, using various cutting tools and universal devices. Cutting threads with a diameter of over 42 mm on drilling machines; cutting double-start external and internal threads, triangular, rectangular, semicircular profile threads, thrust and trapezoidal threads on lathes. Milling of open and semi-open surfaces of various configurations and interfaces, threads, spirals, teeth, gears and racks. Grinding and cutting corrugations on the surface of the roll barrel on grinding and corrugation machines. Installation of large parts with complex configurations that require combined fastening and precise alignment in various planes. Setting up serviced machines.

Must know: device, kinematic diagrams, rules for checking the accuracy and setting up of serviced machines; design features and rules for using universal and special devices; arrangement of control and measuring instruments and instruments; geometry, rules of heat treatment, sharpening, finishing, installation; marking and basic properties of materials of special cutting tools; types of abrasive tools; electrical requirements; rules for testing grinding wheels for strength; qualities and roughness parameters.

Examples of work

1. Rear headstocks - final boring of holes.

2. Spring balancers - milling.

3. Cylinders - turning.

4. Rolling - grinding the cone and neck.

5. Shafts steam turbines- pre-processing.

6. Cold rolling rolls - milling cone-shaped splines according to a template.

7. Multi-start worm gears - milling.

8. Lead screws - turning with cut threads.

9. Machine parts - keyway milling.

10. Discs for universal chucks of metalworking machines - turning with spiral cutting.

11. Carriages, beds, bridges, machine supports - preliminary grinding.

12. Headstock housings of machine tools and gearboxes - drilling, countersinking and reaming of holes.

13. Steam and gas turbine blades - final milling of mushroom tails, T-shaped and toothed profiles.

14. Power couplings for powerful diesel engines - cutting intersecting grooves.

15. Plastic fairings and propeller brackets - milling.

16. Mandrels of pipe rolling mills - grinding.

17. Test prisms - grinding.

18. Round broaches - turning.

19. Rotors and armatures of electric motors - turning.

20. Aprons of lathes and other machines - drilling and reaming holes.

21. Necks and barrels of rolls of all mills - peeling and finishing.

§ 101. Wide-profile machine operator of the 5th category

Characteristics of work. Processing of parts on turning and milling machines of 6 - 7 quality, on drilling machines of 6 quality and on grinding machines using coolant of 6 quality using various devices and precise alignment in several planes. Drilling, reaming, boring holes in parts made of alloy steels, special and hard alloys. Cutting all kinds of threads and spirals on universal and optical dividing heads with performing all the necessary calculations. Milling of complex large-sized parts and assemblies using unique equipment. Grinding and finishing of external and internal shaped surfaces and cylindrical surfaces adjacent to curved ones in places that are difficult to reach for processing and measuring. Grinding of electrocorundum.

Must know: design features and rules for checking the accuracy of serviced machines of various designs, universal and special devices; methods of installation and alignment of parts; geometry, rules of sharpening, finishing of all types of cutting tools; design features and rules for using various universal and special devices; arrangement of control and measuring instruments and instruments; fundamentals of the theory of metal cutting within the scope of the work performed; basic principles of calibration of complex profiles; rules for determining the most advantageous grinding mode depending on the material, product shape and brand of grinding machines.

Examples of work

1. Shafts of high-power steam and water turbines - grinding and finishing.

2. Diesel camshafts with a length of over 1000 to 6000 mm - final processing.

3. Screws and nuts with multi-start trapezoidal threads - turning and threading.

4. Water and steam injectors - turning.

5. Carriages of lathes - final milling along the profile.

6. Clutch housing - milling planes, drilling and boring holes.

7. Backstage forging and pressing equipment- turning.

8. Cylindrical and conical limbs - milling.

9. Multi-jaw couplings with spiral jaws - milling of depressions and bevels.

10. Steam turbine pipes - drilling and reaming the holes of the two halves assemblies.

11. Sliders - milling planes and dovetails.

12. Multi-place molds - grinding.

13. One-piece steam turbine rotors - pre-treatment.

14. Rotors of turbogenerators with a power of up to 30,000 kW - milling grooves for windings on rotary milling machines.

15. Sectors of compound dies - contour milling.

16. Beds of various complex machines of large dimensions - drilling, countersinking, reaming holes.

17. Stators of turbogenerators with hydrogen and forced cooling with a power of up to 30,000 kW - milling of grooves, boring of holes and grinding of journals.

18. Spline worm cutters with a curved profile - profile grinding of teeth.

19. Compressor cylinders - turning.

20. Steam turbine cylinders - drilling and reaming holes for horizontal and vertical connectors.

21. Multi-start worms - final thread cutting.

22. Connecting rods - turning.

23. Eccentrics with complex pattern curves - milling along the contour according to the markings.

24. Standards for the tail of steam turbine blades - grinding of the tail and slopes.

§ 102. Wide-profile machine operator of the 6th category

Characteristics of work. Processing of parts on lathes and milling machines of complex, experimental and expensive parts and tools at 6 - 7 qualifications and on grinding machines using coolant at 1 - 5 qualifications. Cutting multi-start threads of complex profiles of any module and pitch. Milling of complex large-sized parts, assemblies, thin-walled long parts subject to warping and deformation, using unique milling machines. Grinding and finishing of external and internal mating surfaces of complex configuration with places difficult to reach for processing and measurements, requiring several rearrangements and precise alignment using optical instruments.

Must know: design and rules for checking the accuracy of serviced machines; methods of installation, fastening and alignment of complex parts and tools and methods for determining the processing sequence; device, geometry and rules of heat treatment, sharpening and finishing of all types of cutting tools; rules for determining the most advantageous cutting modes using reference books and the machine passport; basic principles of calibration of complex profiles; rules and methods for dressing grinding wheels for processing complex profiles; ways to achieve established quality and roughness parameters.

Examples of work

1. Sizing mill rolls - full turning.

2. Rolls of universal stands for rolling lightweight profiles - full turning.

3. Diesel camshafts longer than 6000 mm - final processing.

4. Accelerating shafts - cutting eight-start threads with increasing pitch.

5. Shafts of high and low pressure steam turbines - finishing for grinding and threading or turning cones on couplings.

6. Measuring gear wheels for gears - tooth profile grinding.

7. Copiers of complex configuration, copy drums - contour milling.

8. Housings, frames, bases of highly sensitive navigation devices - milling.

9. Matrices, inserts and punches of complex configuration with recessed radii and multi-cavity - milling.

10. Knurling for profile grinding - profile grinding.

11. Involute, sharply splined and direct-flow spline broaches - profile grinding.

12. Shaped cutters with a profile of complex configuration - manufacturing.

13. Rotors of turbogenerators with a power of 30,000 kW and above - milling grooves for windings on rotary milling machines.

14. Stators of turbogenerators with hydrogen and forced cooling with a power of 30,000 kW and above - milling grooves, boring holes and grinding journals.

15. Multi-start worms - grinding.

Machine operators work with different materials, so they can specialize in metal or wood processing.

Average wages: 30,000 rubles per month




Entry barrier


A machine operator is a generalist who produces various products and parts from metal or other materials using special equipment.

History of the profession

Even in ancient times, people noticed that through mechanical action on stone, wood, bone and others natural materials you can give them the necessary, more convenient form for use. To improve processing, special devices (machines) were invented. About 6 thousand years ago, a bow drive was used in Ancient Egypt. The ancient Hellenes developed a lathe with a foot drive and a moving bed.

In Russia, at the beginning of the 18th century, mechanic Andrei Nartov created a turning-copying device using a support, that is, the cutting tool was not in a person’s hand, but in a special holder. Tula craftsmen used this invention to make gun barrels. During World War II in the USSR, instead of men being drafted into the army, women were forced to mass produce products for the army on machines.

With the development of scientific thought, more and more progressive methods of energy transmission were used to create torque: the impact of water and steam falling from a height. Over the last century, reliable and efficient electric drives have played a leading role.

Description of the profession

The profession of a machine operator is one of the main ones in mechanical engineering; its representatives process workpieces in strict accordance with the given drawings. As a result, the output is a part that can be combined into a complex structure with other elements. The quality of the product the consumer will receive in the end will depend on the skill of the work.

It is not easy to answer unequivocally who a machine operator is. This working specialty in the 20th century was divided into several areas:

  • Woodworking machine operator Most often works in the furniture industry. He makes solid panels from individual boards, grinds parts, drills holes for installing fasteners, and makes blanks for veneer. The sawmill operator is engaged in the production and cutting of boards and beams, as well as facing slab materials.
  • Machine operator (metalworking). There are four specializations in this profession: driller, miller, grinder and turner. Some craftsmen turn parts, others process them, creating grooves, recesses and internal cavities, others cut threads and drill holes of the required diameter, and still others, using abrasive materials, bring the workpiece to its final form.
  • General machine operator works with metal and wood using a variety of technological equipment. He has the skills to manufacture a wide variety of parts.

Nowadays, an increasing number of numerically controlled machines are being introduced. The job responsibilities of the specialists serving them include the function of an operator using a CNC console.

What specialties are best to study in?

Colleges offer several areas of training for machine operators working on various technological equipment:

  • general machine operator;
  • machine saw operator;
  • woodworking machine operator.

There are also specialists in servicing miter, ridge gluing, and edge jointing units.

It is not difficult to enter a secondary specialized educational institution. It is enough to write an application and provide a certificate for grade 9 or 11. Students are selected based on their average score.

The best colleges and courses for study

Among the secondary professional institutions, of which there are many in our country, the most famous are:

  • The Industrial and Technological College (St. Petersburg) trains machine tool and equipment adjusters in machining. Students gain skills in working with turning, grinding, milling, keying and copying equipment, including program-controlled ones. At the establishment large number partners who then hire graduates: Kirov Plant LLC, Nevsky Instrumental Plant LLC, St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise Gorelektrotrans, etc.
  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering No. 26. This is one of the leading educational institutions in Moscow, offering education in a number of areas. One of them is a woodworking machine operator. The college is a member of the Association of Wooden House Construction and has modern equipment for classes: thickness planers, format-cutting machines, jointers, tenoning machines and other machines. They also teach you how to use the latest computer programs: AutoCAD, CorelDRAW, ArchiCAD.
  • The Nizhny Novgorod Radio Engineering College trains masters in the specialty “machine operator (metalworking)”, who can work on manual units of a wide range and on CNC machines. Students undergo practical training at leading enterprises in the region: OJSC “Plant named after. G.I. Petrovsky”, JSC “Nizhny Novgorod Scientific and Production Association named after. M. V. Frunze, OJSC Gidromash, NPP Polet. There are two equipped resource centers in the college.
  • Ural Polytechnic College - Interregional Competence Center (Ekaterinburg) provides the industry of the region with operators of computer-controlled machine tools. After grade 11, the course lasts only 10 months. Employment is provided by Ural Instrument-Making Plant OJSC, Uraltransmash OJSC, Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant named after. E. S. Yalamova" and other enterprises.
  • Restoration College "Kirovsky" (St. Petersburg) focuses on training specialists in the restoration of historical buildings and artistic wooden products. Among the profiles offered are a number of rare specialties, as well as a woodworking machine operator. Graduates work in restoration workshops in the Northern capital and throughout the country, as well as in wood processing enterprises.

Quickly get a specialty or master new profession in addition to what you already have, you can take courses in professional training centers, For example:

Based on the results of the classes, students take exams and receive a state-issued certificate, which is accepted throughout the country. If the courses were completed in a distance format, then a confirming document is sent by mail.

Responsibilities at work

The functions of a machine operator depend on the type of production (wood or metalworking) and the list technological equipment available at the factory. For example, the job responsibilities of a woodworking machine operator include:

  • selection of raw materials for processing;
  • securing the workpiece on the work table;
  • installation and adjustment of cutting tools;
  • execution of turning works according to the provided sketches, samples or drawings;
  • planing of parts, edges, bars, shavings, veneer on special machines (edging, molding, thicknessing);
  • set of shields and stitching of parts;
  • perforating slabs and removing rust in them;
  • drilling holes and sockets;
  • milling of recesses and cavities;
  • product quality control and rejection of substandard elements;
  • maintenance and participation in equipment repair.

A metalworking machine operator has his own set of functions, including cutting threads of various types, milling internal and external surfaces, grinding parts using coolant, boring and drilling holes in hard alloys. Such craftsmen can make small-scale production objects made of stone and ceramics.

In general, employers require the following professional skills:

  • knowledge of the basics of materials science and mechanics;
  • good level of knowledge of drawing, trigonometry, geometry;
  • understanding internal structure different machines, the ability to set them up, sharpen and maintain them, perform minor repairs;
  • ability to use measuring instruments;
  • skill in reading drawings and reference materials;
  • performing work efficiently and in accordance with the specified parameters.

All these skills can be acquired in specialized colleges.

Who is it suitable for?

Important personal qualities of a machine operator are:

  • physical strength and endurance;
  • good color discrimination, acute hearing and vision;
  • tactile sensitivity and excellent eye;
  • imaginative thinking and spatial imagination;
  • precise coordination of movements; . patience and accuracy.

Positive aspects of the profession: demand in the labor market, good earnings from experienced specialists, ability to perform various types works Cons: high level responsibility, constant physical and psychological stress, often harmful production, risk of injury or occupational disease.

How much do they get

On average across the country, a machine operator earns 25-35 thousand rubles. A generalist with a rank higher than fourth can count on 40-55 thousand rubles. The salary of a highly qualified specialist who can be entrusted with a responsible unique product is even higher. In some regions (Republics of Tyva and Altai, Nenets and Chukotka autonomous okrugs) pay more due to northern allowances.

How to build a career

The profession of a machine operator is considered to be a blue-collar job, so there are no great career prospects; growth mainly occurs due to increased qualifications.

Prospects for the profession

Modern production is constantly being modernized, more and more products are produced on automatic equipment, so employees capable of working on machines and servicing them will always be needed.

Profession "Machine operator"

Turner is one of the oldest professions on earth, because... turning is at least 6 thousand years old, so this profession, as we see, is very, very respectable.

The first products of the ancient turner were recesses and holes in stones. The stick, which pressed the abrasive (sand) onto the stone being processed, was rotated between the palms, and gradually a hole or hole was formed in the stone.

But this is what the oldest machine looked like, of course, this is said loudly, but all the elements of the machine are present. Two trees are grandmas; arched drive; There are also centers - points attached to tree trunks. The stand for the cutter was a board tightly nailed to the trunks.

The bow drive lasted for many centuries in turning technology; It was also present in the machines of the ancient Egyptians, and they are about 4800 years old!

A further improvement was the Hellenic (ancient Greek) lathe. Ancient books have preserved information about the talented Greek master Fyodor, who became famous for his turning products. The ancient Greek machine was already more advanced. It had a strong frame, a movable rear center, a foot drive with a crankshaft, a chuck for securing the workpiece, and a board for resting the cutting tool against it.

But the next machine combined bow and foot drives, and in addition, had a front center and an adjustable stand for the cutter.

A real revolution in turning was made by the Russian “turning artist”, the personal master of Peter I and the head of his turning workshop, Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov (1694-1756).

A.N. Nartov, one of the most remarkable Russian technicians of the 18th century, a graduate of the Moscow School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences, for the first time in the world in 1712, invented and then built a lathe and copying machine with a support - a mechanical holder for a cutting tool that replaces a human hand .

On this machine, now stored in the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, there is an inscription: “The construction of the colossus began in 1718, it was completed in 1729. Mechanic Andrey Nartov"

At the end of the 18th century, Tver mechanic - watchmaker Lev Sobakin and Tula master Alexey Surnin developed drawings according to which screw-cutting lathes were manufactured for the manufacture of gun barrels.

For the first time on this machine, automatic shutdown of the support was used.

The production of lathes was especially widely developed at the Tula and other arms factories.

A generalist machine operator is the main working profession in mechanical engineering. He must be a highly skilled worker, because... creating high-quality products must be able to rebuild the equipment being serviced, know the structure, principle of operation and technological capabilities machine tools, technological equipment and cutting tools, read technological maps and drawings. The worker must plan all operations independently, and this can only be done with good knowledge equipment, physics, mathematics, drawing.

Our educational institution has been training specialist machine operators since 1987. For Amursky machine-building plant, which was the base plant of the educational institution, prepared:
- Controller of machine tools and plumbing works 1987;
- CNC machine operator, 1987;
- Rotary line adjuster 1987;
- Mechanic repairman 1987;
- CNC machine operator, 1987;
- Generalist machine operator.

For the Vympel plant:
- Mechanic for repair of ventilation and air conditioning systems.

The profession of a machine operator is very diverse; the worker must be a true professional in his field. Increasingly, computer-controlled machines and “machining center” type machines are appearing in enterprises, especially in serial and small-scale production. today– this is also an operator, a machine tool operator and a program-controlled manipulator.

Every day we use the products of a machine operator’s labor, but, as a rule, we do not notice them. Imagine, in the morning you turned on your computer, at work you sat comfortably in a swivel chair at your desk and picked up drawing tools or a pen. It would seem that there is no connection with the profession of a machine operator in such an ordinary day of an ordinary person. In fact, there is a connection, and it lies in the parts from which a computer or pen is made. Who makes all these parts? That's right, machine operator!

IN real life Every day we use the products of a machine operator’s labor, but, as a rule, we do not notice them. Imagine, in the morning you turned on your computer, left the house, got into the car or trolleybus, at work you sat comfortably on a swivel chair at your desk and picked up drawing tools or a pen. There would seem to be no connection with machine operator profession There is no ordinary person in such an ordinary day. But this only seems at first glance. In fact, there is a connection, and it lies in the parts from which the computer, the trolleybus, the table, and the pen are made. Who makes all these parts? That's right, machine operator!

So we can safely say that the work of a machine operator is not just necessary, but literally irreplaceable. At the same time, the work of such a specialist is hidden in a veil of secrecy, since he grinds parts, both miniature and gigantic in size, in a workshop where only a narrow circle of people have access. Yes and in periodicals, books or films, the specifics of a machine operator’s work are practically not revealed. Therefore, most of us only approximately know what machine operators do and what the features of this profession are. We decided to correct the “state of affairs” and introduce you to this mysterious, but so important for the development of society profession.

Who is a machine operator?

A specialist who, using special machines, produces parts for various mechanisms from the most different materials(most often wood or metal). Since the work of this specialist combines the activities of other working professions (for example, milling machine, turner, grinder, gear cutter, etc.), he can work on a variety of machines (milling, grinding, turning, etc.).

The name of the profession goes back to the Indo-European word “stan”, which means “that which is worth”. Thus, it directly reflects the main activity of the machine operator: working with stationary devices of varying levels of complexity. In our usual form, this profession appeared relatively recently - in the 19th century, when Europe was going through the industrial revolution, and production became mechanized. However, the first machine operators can be considered primitive people, who turned tools and protection from wood or bone. And only in the twentieth century did automated machines appear, and the profession of a machine operator received official status working specialty. At the same time, it was divided into several narrow specializations, which depend on the material with which the specialist works:

  • woodworking machine operator- is mainly engaged in drilling holes for fastening furniture parts, processing parts on a lathe, making blanks for veneer and sewing planks into panels on woodworking machines. Everything that accompanies these processes is also the professional responsibility of the woodworking machine operator: selection of material, its rejection, development and reading of drawings, laying of blanks and finished products;
  • machine operator of metalworking machines - includes four specializations: lathe operator, milling operator, driller and grinder. This division is associated not only with differences in production activities, but also with the capabilities of the machines. For example, if a turner turns parts, then a milling machine processes workpieces (including cutting cavities ranging in size from microns to several meters). In turn, the driller makes through holes of different sizes and cuts threads, and the grinder carries out the final processing of the metal, working on grinding machine with abrasive materials. In addition to the main professional responsibilities when working with metal, all metalworking machine operators must develop and read drawings, select material and determine its quality, and clean up after work workplace;
  • wide profile machine operator- knows the technological chain of manufacturing parts and can work on almost all machines and other equipment. Respectively, professional activity Such a specialist includes the responsibilities of both a woodworking master and a metalworking master.

With the advent of large and complex computer-controlled machines, the machine operator has another specialization - a CNC machine operator. Job responsibilities Such a specialist includes: conducting the material processing process from the control panel, servicing multi-purpose machines and manipulators for mechanical feeding of workpieces, and adjusting mechanisms during operation.

What personal qualities should a machine operator have?

The profession of a machine operator cannot be called easy - a specialist is almost constantly on his feet, and is always under tension, since processing both wood and metal is physically difficult work. Besides, machine operator's work presupposes strict compliance and compliance of the parts produced by him with the drawings. Therefore, a specialist must have such personal qualities, How:

Let us note that a machine operator is also an intellectual profession. Therefore, a specialist must be able to read drawings, know mathematics and physics, the basics of chemistry and materials science, in particular the properties of wood or metals, in order to determine the time, method of processing, and also reject low-quality material.

Advantages of being a machine operator

IN modern world The production of various parts and machines is constantly increasing and becoming more complex, so specialists in their production are not only in demand, but vitally necessary. And that's the main thing advantage of being a machine operator. By the way, in our country the situation with machine operators has become catastrophic: the old generation, with extensive work experience, is retiring, and the new generation, not only does not yet have sufficient practical skills, is also small in number.

The result of this situation is that in the struggle for highly qualified specialists, employers are ready to offer them a decent level of pay. If just 5-10 years ago machine operators received an indecently small salary, today, if they have the appropriate qualifications, they can expect to be paid for their work in the range of 40-60 thousand rubles.

Well, the most important thing. The profession of a machine operator is clearly expressed male profession, which leaves an indelible imprint on a person. That is why experienced machine operators are convinced that this work will turn any shy young man into a strong and confident man.

Disadvantages of the machine operator profession

Disadvantages of the machine operator profession are mainly associated with the need to constantly maintain good physical shape. In this case, the ability to maintain a high degree of concentration and an accurate eye is especially important. If a specialist is not able to withstand the physical stress associated with work, then it is better for him to leave the profession, since fatigue in the workplace can lead to an increased risk of injury, and possibly chronic depression.

In addition, the machine operator’s workplace can hardly be called comfortable, since the manufacture of parts involves a large amount of production waste (chips, dust, lubricant, etc.). Safety rules require the machine operator to constantly wear special clothing and protective equipment at work. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s hot in the workshop or not.

Finally, this profession is absolutely not suitable for those who do not want or cannot constantly improve. After all, technological progress does not stand still, and in order to keep up with it, a machine operator has to grow professionally, regularly monitoring and studying the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of machine tool building.

Where can you get a job as a machine operator?

Get a job as a machine operator possible at any specialized college or technical school that provides training in such specialties as “Woodworking Technology” or “Metalworking Technology”. Well, if we take into account the high need for such specialists, then we can confidently say that such educational institutions are available in every Russian city. At the same time, the choice of a technical school or college is not particularly important, since the level of training of workers in Russia has always been, is and, we hope, will be quite high.

However, there are also educational institutions that can be called the best technical schools and colleges in Russia, specializing in the training of machine operators. These include:

  • Vologda Industrial and Technological College;
  • Krasnoyarsk Instrumental and Metallurgical College;
  • Nytvensky Industrial and Economic College;
  • Moscow Polytechnic College No. 13 named after. P.A. Ovchinnikova;
  • Sterlitamak Polytechnic College.
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