Mini gym business plan. Opening a gym in the city

Working out in the gym, as part of a healthy lifestyle, is gaining more and more popularity. And this is not surprising. To visit the gym, you don’t need to look at what the weather is like outside the window; you can just take your sports uniform and go to training.We are interested in how to open a gym from scratch. Therefore, let's consider this business in more detail.

Drawing up a business plan

Before you start your business you need to have ready business plan gym. It should include the main types of expenses. For example:

  • costs for renting premises from 20 to 50 thousand rubles/month;
  • wage personnel 80 thousand rubles/month;
  • advertising funds 10-20 thousand rubles/month;
  • capital for the purchase of simulators 200-300 thousand rubles;
  • current expenses. This may include unexpected costs, for example, repairing a broken pipe or other unforeseen expenses of 10-15 thousand rubles / month;
  • payment of utility bills 15-25 thousand rubles/month
  • payment of taxes and fees depending on the form of ownership.

Accordingly, the minimum expenses will be 135 thousand rubles/month, plus money for the purchase of exercise equipment and payment of taxes.Since in the example considered, our operating expenses are 135 thousand rubles/month, respectively, with a subscription cost of 1.5 thousand rubles, we need to attract 90 people to break even. To make a profit, naturally, there must be more clients. After all, we need to not only cover expenses, but also make a profit and recoup the money spent on equipment. Worth considering good strategy to attract more clients.

Selection of premises

When choosing a room for your future gym, you need to proceed from the correct ratio of price and location. For successful management business does not have to have premises in the city center. It is enough for it to be located in places with high traffic of people. This could be near metro stations or near a university. Opening of a gym in residential area will also be quite successful, since it is convenient for people to go to training near their home.

The size of the future hall should be at least 100 square meters. m. With a smaller area, it will be difficult to provide for the presence of all the necessary premises - locker rooms, showers, toilets and a training room of normal size. In general, when deciding on the area of ​​the future premises, it is worth proceeding from the considerations that a minimum of 2 sq.m. is required for each potential client. Actually, you should understand that with a room size of 100 sq.m, 50 people can comfortably live in it, and 100 people in a room of 200 sq.m. Therefore, when selecting premises, you need to take into account the number of desired clients.

Main training areas should have good ventilation to avoid stuffiness and high humidity. The presence of air conditioning is also very desirable, otherwise in the summer the flow of customers will be greatly reduced.

Showers are required in the gym. Actually, the lack of showers is a significant disadvantage that can play a fatal role. After all, some people attend training before work, and simply after playing sports they need to get themselves in order.

Selecting a room

Pay attention to the condition of the room. It might need some repairs. This may result in additional costs. Then this money will also need to be taken into account when calculating the starting capital.The funds invested in repairs can be quite significant. In order to renovate a room measuring 150 square meters, with a toilet and two showers, a minimum of 100-150 thousand rubles will be required. This is provided that you do not have to change wiring and communications.

Collection of necessary documentation

First you need to select and register legal form your future business in the tax office. At first it will be simpler and easier to register as an individual entrepreneur. This will help avoid additional accounting costs and make it possible to use a simplified taxation scheme.

When registering you need to provide codes all-Russian classifier species economic activity(OKVED), for the services that you will represent.

  • Here is the list of codes:
  • physical education and recreational activities 93.04;
  • other activities in the field of sports 92.62;

activities of sports facilities 92.61.Then we get permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To do this, you will need to have medical documents for employees, a contract for maintenance of the premises, a passport of a sports institution and a plan production control(PPK).

Equipment selection

To equip the gym with the necessary exercise equipment, you need to carefully consider their number so that you can work out all muscle groups. It is also worth thinking about how our estimated number of clients can be engaged at the same time. The list of equipment below is designed for a hall of 100 square meters. m.

Equipped gym space

Minimum number of simulators:

  • horizontal bench 3-4 pcs.;
  • abdominal exercise machine 2-3 pcs.;
  • bench with a leg trainer and a barbell rack 2-3 pcs.;
  • leg press machine 2-3 pcs.;
  • simulator for developing chest muscles 1-2 pcs.;
  • Smith machine 1-2 pcs.;
  • treadmill 1-2 pcs.;
  • various barbells, dumbbells, discs and many other little things.

Dumbbells and barbell plates should come in several different weights to make it easy for clients to train with the right weight.The above set is the minimum. If the space and funds allow you to purchase more equipment, then it is worth buying:

  • press support;
  • traction of the upper block;
  • hyperextension;
  • t-simulator;
  • crossover.

When purchasing exercise equipment, you should take a closer look at good manufacturers. Perhaps, to save money, it is worth purchasing not new, but already used units. This will allow you to buy high-class equipment with significant savings.

In general, exercise equipment for the gym must be reliable and durable - these are the main criteria for selection.

Attracting clients

To attract as many customers as possible, you need to conduct an advertising campaign.You can hire students to distribute flyers in crowded places (at the entrance to shopping centers, supermarkets and subways) and paste information sheets on poles and notice boards near your hall.

Distribution of leaflets

Develop loyalty programs for regular customers. Expandrange of services and training programs to attract a wider range of people. Come up with special programs for women and teenagers. This will increase the number of potential visitors.


When selecting personnel, you need to remember that good team– the key to your successful business.When choosing trainers, you can communicate with teachers physical education from nearby schools. Their workload and salary are small and they have the opportunity to hire good specialist for a reasonable fee. It is also worth considering candidates for the position who have experience in coaching sports schools and sections.

Please ensure that your employees, especially trainers, do not have bad habits. Gym employees drinking or smoking on the porch are a negative image of your business.

In principle, for a small gym it will be enough to hire two trainers who will work in shifts. It would be nice, of course, to also have a cleaner and an administrator, but, in principle, an administrator can combine these two positions. In total, the minimum number of staff is five people.

Pros of sports business

The segment of this business is still quite free and there is an opportunity to avoid high competition. Therefore, it is worth considering the gym as a business. The payback period for such a business ranges from one to one and a half years. What's enough small investments makes him very attractive.With the right customer acquisition strategy and good choice location, you can achieve high profitability and a good level of income.

In contact with

Even during a crisis, people try to look beautiful and be healthy, despite the high prices of gym memberships. We will write a business plan gym based on exactly what this business has a large number of potential clients– the middle and upper classes of the population will be happy to visit the new gym. The new entrepreneur cannot but be pleased with the fact that even despite the huge number of open halls, you can easily open your own business and quickly accumulate a sufficient number of visitors. The main thing, as always, is to properly advertise your establishment and try to reduce expenses to a minimum at the beginning, so that it would be easier to pay for yourself. We will tell you how to open a gym so that it not only pays off, but also generates income.

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First of all, it is worth assessing your capabilities - opening a huge fitness club with all the services that are available is not possible for a novice businessman, there is not enough money. We will open a gym, without unnecessary services and functions. Opening such an establishment is easier, cheaper, and you will immediately understand which audience you need to target with your advertising campaign. In the future, if you have stable income, no one forbids opening additional gyms and providing clients with more opportunities for training and wellness, but for now let’s consider the simplest business option in this area.

Where to open a gym

Owner own premises, of course, will receive more income by saving on rent. We don’t have such premises, and buying premises is a very expensive business. Our business plan for a gym will be written based on the rental of premises. Now we will describe the process of finding premises with optimal characteristics for our business.

Let's decide on the number of square meters for our business - to install everything necessary equipment we need 30-40 square meters, there will be exercise equipment, weights, and so on. In addition to the main hall, we cannot do without a locker room and a shower room. A locker room of 10 square meters would be an excellent solution, the same amount is needed for a shower room. There is one secret here - we don’t need to look for a room that already has a shower; we can buy and install several shower stalls. It is cheaper, easier to install and connect the water supply. Once you have decided on all these indicators, you can begin searching for premises.

Many businessmen go to realtors with a request to find premises for certain type business and overpay from 50 to 100% of the rental price for search. Why spend such a sum when we have in our hands the most productive tool in the world - the Internet. Enter the desired query into the search bar and you will find many sites where you can find a room based on the area, square footage and other indicators. Try it, experiment with the set of parameters. We need to keep gym costs down as much as possible, so don't target the city centre. There, rent is more expensive and all the premises have been occupied for a long time. Look for free space in sleeping areas and basements. Finding the best option may take time, but it is worth it. The average price for 50 square meters in the basement is 30 thousand rubles.

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How to open a gym: buying equipment

First of all, you need to renovate your premises so that clients can study comfortably and enjoy it. Most likely, our basement will be in poor condition, we need to do some cosmetic repairs, run water in the shower and install several light sources. Renovating the entire gym will cost us 50 thousand rubles, a big expense, but it will quickly pay for itself. Only when the hall has been renovated and lights installed can you begin to look for equipment. It is very difficult to understand here for a person who has never worked in this field. You need to take the advice of a specialist.

By using the services of a specialist in this field, we will be able to arrange his gym as optimally as possible for the client in order to maximize the income of the gym. The services of a professional will cost us 5 thousand rubles.

A good gym with a sufficient number of treadmills, bicycles, barbells and other exercise equipment brings a lot of profit, but not everyone can afford to buy everything at once. It will cost you from 150 thousand rubles to equip the hall. You can, of course, save money on some exercise equipment, but people who do this will immediately notice cheap exercise equipment and go to another gym where they don’t save on them. Let's write this figure into the gym's expenses and move on to the next point of our business plan.

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Gym business plan: personnel search

A small gym needs a person who will accept payments, subscriptions and show the price list to new visitors, as well as a trainer whose services visitors can use. We will tell you in detail how it is easier to find the right person for these activities and how you can save a little on employee salaries. Let's not forget that we also need to clean the gym after training - this also requires a person.

The cleaning of the hall can be done by a hired cleaner, who will wash the hall once a day - after classes. A full-time cleaner earns 15 thousand rubles a month; we will find a person willing to clean the hall once a day for 5 thousand rubles. Don't think that this is too little - you need to save on everything to reduce the cost of the gym.

Any gym needs to have a trainer who can help clients with advice. Professionals in this field will demand wages that are too high for us to afford. We will find a specialist in universities, training trainers for gyms. Young students with sparkling eyes and a lot of energy will work tirelessly even for a small amount. By the way, it’s best to suggest to the coach piecework payment labor. When thinking over a business plan for a gym, add the price for a personal trainer to the price list. The average price for a personal trainer per month is 1,500 rubles. For each client that the trainer attracts to personal training, the trainer himself will receive the entire amount - 1,500 rubles. This incentivizes the person to work, and if he fails, you will not pay the person for something he does not do.

You can put anyone in the position of accepting payment, including yourself - you can tell better than any employee about the advantages of your gym, how you can have a great time there and what promotions, trainers, and services there are. Considering that the salary for this type of activity reaches 15 thousand rubles, it is better to work yourself - you save money and work with clients.

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Our potential clients are office workers, wealthy students, and entrepreneurs. Almost any person who can afford a gym membership is our client, and we need to find as many as possible willing to give us their money, increasing the income of the gym. We will use two types of advertising – leaflet distribution and online advertising.

We will distribute leaflets during lunch breaks near large office buildings, near educational institutions, shopping centers. There will always be large crowds of people who have enough income to pay for classes in the gym. Make your flyers colorful, interesting and with clear pricing for a one-time class and monthly membership. Clients don't like it when there are no specifics.

Very cheap and effective way advertising is advertising on the Internet. Find the city’s website and add information about your hall there, find VKontakte groups associated with your city, and write advertising posts there. Together with the distribution of leaflets, advertising will cost you 5 thousand rubles, but the income of the gym will increase significantly.

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* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to organize a gym in the low-cost price segment in Moscow, Yuzhnoye Chertanovo metro station. The project has both a commercial and social component, providing affordable healthy leisure for young people. The gym is located on rented space in the basement of a residential building. The target audience is young people (men) aged 15-35 with low and middle income, interested in sports.

The main prerequisites for the successful implementation of the project are: the growth of the market for sports and recreational services even in times of crisis and the absence of sports facilities in the area under consideration with an extremely high population density.

Investment costs are aimed at purchasing simulators, furnishing the premises, as well as creating a working capital fund, from which losses are covered until the project reaches payback. The main performance indicators are given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Key project performance indicators


Gym services are part of the market for sports and health services, which, in turn, is part of the market for paid services. Paid services are an important part of the population's expenditure structure. However, in terms of the share of paid services in the structure of gross expenditures per capita, Russia lags significantly behind developed countries. First of all, this is due to the relatively low level of income and the large share of food costs in it. With an increase in income, the share of expenses on food will decrease, and the share of expenses on paid services will increase.

Experts have noted a steady decline in real disposable income since 2014; in the first quarter of 2016 alone they fell by 3.7%. This fall caused a reduction in household spending by 4.3%, which, in turn, had a negative impact on GDP dynamics - it led to a fall in gross domestic product by 1.2% in annual terms.

At the same time, according to analysts (Rosstat and the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation), the consumption of paid services is highly stable against the backdrop of falling demand for goods (primarily durable goods) - in 2015, demand for services fell by only 2%, in while compression retail amounted to 10%. The volume of the paid services market in 2015 (the results of 2016 are still being summed up) amounted to 7.9 trillion rubles, which corresponds to 17.3% of the added value of the country’s entire services market.

In the first half of 2016, the rate of decline in demand for paid services slowed down – the decline in demand amounted to 0.9% in annual terms. During certain months (February and May) positive growth rates were observed.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the real volume of paid services to the population in annual terms and the share of costs for services in consumer spending, %, 2013 – 2016.

The largest volume of consumption of paid services falls in three areas: housing and communal services (27.5%), transport services(19%), communication services (16.1%). About 11% comes from household services (maintenance and repair Vehicle, repair and construction of housing and others). Share medical services(including health resorts) amounted to about 8%, educational services– 6.8%. There is a decrease in the share of three key types of paid services from 65.3% in 2013 to 62.6% in 2015, while in the same period the shares of medical (from 6.9% to 8%) and educational (from 6.9%) increased. 2% to 6.8%) services.

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Figure 2. Structure of paid services to the population, quarterly, %, 2013 – 2016

Market sports services in general, is experiencing certain difficulties leading to a decline in its volumes. The decline that began in 2014 continues to this day. This is caused by the general deterioration of the economic situation in the country. The annual growth until 2014 was more than 25%, and the potential market capacity was estimated at $2 billion, despite the fact that the market is very far from saturation.

A significant part of the system physical culture and sports are traditionally financed by the state. Until 2014 budget allocations grew steadily, although they were significantly lower than the level of developed countries, where about 2% of GDP is allocated to the industry. In Russia this figure is almost ten times lower. Private investors are showing interest in the market, however, it was not very large even in the pre-crisis period. For the most part, the interest of private investors is more related to personal interests and hobbies than to the formation of a profitable business.

All organizations operating in the sports and health services industry can be divided into two categories: commercial and non-profit. The former are created for the purpose of making a profit, the latter are aimed at making sports services accessible to the poor. There is currently an imbalance in the market. State funding is aimed primarily at the implementation of large-scale projects (construction of infrastructure for the 2018 FIFA World Cup), as well as small sports structures and institutions (usually financed from the regional budget). Private investors invest money in fitness clubs, the share of which reaches 75% of total investments.

Financial crisis and fall real income population in 2016 also had an impact on the fitness services sector. However, despite this negative impact, the market continued to grow. At the same time, its growth rate, according to some estimates, is very significant for the Russian economy. According to RBC Market Research, in 2015 the fitness services market grew by 14.1% in in monetary terms and by 3.6% in real (natural). The total market volume, including related areas (crossfit, individual training) amounted to about 101.5 billion rubles at the end of the year.

Ready ideas for your business

The sports services market in Russia has pronounced geographic diversification. There are four main areas: the capital region, where the market is most developed, St. Petersburg with high level development, million-plus cities with a young and relatively underdeveloped market and other Russian cities. As for highly competitive metropolitan markets, research has shown that even when highly saturated, they still have growth opportunities. First of all, this applies to sports institutions with a subscription cost of up to 50,000 rubles, that is, representatives of the Comfort, Economy and Low-cost segments. Speaking about Moscow, we should also note the high saturation within the Central Administrative District, while the outlying residential areas are practically not covered.

Figure 4. Structure of the sports services market in Moscow and the Moscow region, % of total revenue

The project involves the creation of a new business entity and the organization of a gym in the Yuzhnoye Chertanovo district of Moscow. The population of the district is 147,907 people with a high density of 15,147 people/km2. At the same time, there are no establishments of a similar nature in this price category in the immediate vicinity.

Ready ideas for your business

The demand for the project’s services is due to the sedentary lifestyle of a modern city dweller and the need for physical activity. Considering social status for the majority of the region's population, choosing the low-cost price segment seems to be the most appropriate.

The gym is focused only on strength training (no cardio equipment), which makes it as compact as possible. In addition to its own training room, there is also a locker room and shower.


The project provides sports and fitness services - classes on strength training equipment and free weights (barbells, weights, dumbbells). To save money Money When purchasing equipment, as well as to reduce the required area of ​​the hall, the emphasis is primarily on working with free weights. The set of simulators is minimal. A list of exercise equipment and free weights is given in Table. 2.

Table 2. List of equipment for classes



Exercise bench with barbell and dumbbells

Versatile bench with adjustable backrest for a wide range of free weight exercises

Abdominal and back training bench

Bench for exercises for training the abdominal and back muscles

Bench for bench press

The athletic bench for bench press is designed for performing exercises with an Olympic weightlifting barbell. The powerful welded structure is designed for loads up to 600 kg. The barbell bench is equipped with retractable telescopic elements.

Butterfly chest machine

Block exercise machine for the development of pectoral muscles

Vertical Pull Trainer

Block exercise machine for the development of the latissimus muscles

Horizontal bar and parallel bars

No-load equipment for a wide range of exercises

Barbells, dumbbells, weights

Free weights of various weights for a wide range of exercises

There is always a trainer in the gym who can help you create an individual training program (the service is included in the price of the subscription). Individual training is not provided.

The cost of a monthly subscription is 1,000 rubles per person with the possibility of unlimited access to the gym. It is possible to purchase an annual subscription, but there are no discounts on it - the cost is 12,000 rubles.

The area and layout of the hall provide the possibility of comfortable training for 25 people at the same time. In addition to the training room itself, there is also a locker room and a shower room with three stalls.


The target audience of the project is young people (men) aged 15-35 years old who are interested in sports. various types, primarily strength and combat sports (weightlifting, powerlifting, with low and middle income levels. The price segment of the project is “low-cost” (this includes sports clubs with an annual subscription cost of less than 15,000 rubles).

The promotion policy is based on the transfer of information about the hall from one visitor to another, which does not require financial costs. To initially attract customers, a bright sign above the entrance is used, distribution advertising leaflets at the entrances of adjacent residential buildings, as well as advertising in in social networks.

Promotion on social networks involves creating a public advertising page on, as well as a channel on Instagram. The pages are filled with useful content, as well as information about the hall. Targeted advertising is used. It is also used in the future, after reaching planned sales volumes.

The demand for project services does not have a pronounced seasonality; in financial terms, seasonality is not taken into account; the load is uniform.

Table 3. Planned sales volumes






Monthly subscription


250 000

There is no competition in the selected territory. There is a network sports club located at the nearest neighboring metro station. However, it has a radically different format and a higher price category - the cost of an annual subscription is 35,000 rubles.


The gym is located in a rented space that was previously used as a store. The total area of ​​the premises is 75 m2, of which 40 m2 is allocated directly for the training room. The premises have all connected communications and meet the requirements of supervisory authorities. A minor redevelopment of the premises and shower equipment is required. Most of the renovations are carried out by the project team.

Exercise machines and other equipment for the gym are purchased from one of the large Moscow sports clubs that are modernizing their fixed assets; Thus, all equipment is used, but in very good condition. Delivery and installation of equipment is carried out by the project team.


Individual entrepreneur was chosen as the legal form of the project. The form of taxation is the simplified tax system with the object of taxation “income minus expenses”, rate 15%. An individual entrepreneur is registered with the Federal Tax Service of Russia in accordance with legal requirements.

All management and administrative functions are performed by the project initiator. For this he has necessary knowledge and skills; The initiator of the project was trained at a school for young businessmen. At the same time, he is a professional athlete, which allows him to work as a shift coach-instructor. Also, in his free time, he promotes the project on social networks. Accounting has been outsourced. Thus, organizational structure enterprise is extremely simple (Table 4).

Table 4. Staffing table and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.






RUB 32,500.00

Social Security contributions:

RUB 9,750.00

Total with deductions:

RUB 42,250.00


The financial plan is drawn up for a five-year period and takes into account all income and expenses of the project. Revenue refers to revenue from operating activities; income from other activities is not provided for by the project. Revenue from the first year of project implementation is 2.2 million rubles; net profit after taxes – 586.5 thousand rubles. Revenue of the second year and subsequent years – 3.0 million rubles; net profit – 1.25 million rubles.

Investment costs are aimed at preparing the premises, purchasing fixed assets, as well as forming a working capital fund, from which the losses of the project are covered until it reaches payback. The required amount of investment funds is 493,177 rubles. The project initiator’s own funds are 150,000 rubles. The lack of funds is covered by attracting a bank loan for a period of 24 months at 18% per annum. Loan repayment is carried out in annuity payments, loan holidays are three months.

Table 5. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Room renovation

Signboard (light box)


Exercise machines and other equipment

Intangible assets

Working capital

Working capital


RUB 493,177

Own funds:

RUB 150,000.00

Required borrowings:

RUB 343,177



Duration, months:

It seems extremely difficult to determine the variable costs for one monthly subscription; for this reason, all project costs are classified as fixed (Table 6). In addition to other expenses, fixed costs also include depreciation. The amount of deductions is determined linear method based on the useful life of fixed assets of five years.

Table 6. Fixed costs

A detailed financial plan is given in Appendix. 1.


Assessment of the effectiveness and investment attractiveness of the project is carried out on the basis of a detailed analysis financial plan and cash flows, simple and integral indicators of project efficiency are calculated (Table 1). To account for changes in the value of money over time, the discounted cash flow method is used; The discount rate is equal to the risk-free rate (yield on long-term government bonds) – 7%. The low level of the discount rate is justified by the presence of not only commercial but also social goals for the project.

The simple (PP) and discounted (DPP) payback period for the project is 10 months. Net present value (NPV) – 553,074 rubles. Internal rate of return (IRR) – 12%. Profitability index (PI) – 1.12. All these indicators indicate the effectiveness and satisfactory investment attractiveness of the project.


To assess all possible risks associated with the implementation of the project, an assessment of all external and internal factors is carried out. Taking into account the extremely small size of the business, its autonomy, small volume fixed costs, as well as belonging to the service sector (lack of production, goods in stock, etc.), two main risk factors can be identified:

    Injuries to visitors during training, accidents - to neutralize this threat, everyone new client undergoes mandatory safety training; the trainer-instructor is constantly in the hall and monitors compliance with safety rules

    Entry into the market of a competitor in the same price segment, geographically close - this option seems unlikely; it is more likely to open a gym or sports club of a higher price category; At the same time, the loyalty of the project’s regular customers is beyond doubt.


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    Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

Dear visitors, below is an example of a business plan for a gym with economic calculations. The calculations are made by specialists with extensive experience working in an Excel file, so the calculations can be adapted to any business plan of another gym or fitness club. After reading the document, you can download the file with calculations below. If you have any questions, ask them directly in the comments, in the VKontakte group, or by writing to us by email.


Goal: “Opening a gym in a residential area of ​​the city of Perm”

Objectives: “Providing a newly built area of ​​the city with high-quality fitness services.”

Initiator of the project

The initiator of the project is a former trainer of one of the large fitness clubs in the city, who has both great experience work in this business, as well as experience of performing at bodybuilding competitions, including successful ones (with winning prizes).

Investment costs

To reduce opening costs, premises for a gym are rented with a long-term lease agreement. All other expenses amount to 4,500 thousand rubles, we will conditionally divide them into 3 parts:

  • Decor legal entity- 10 thousand rubles;
  • Renovation of the premises - 2,000 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of simulators - 2,000 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of other equipment and furniture - 500 thousand rubles.

Project financing

Project expenses will be 70% financed by obtaining a bank loan for up to 5 years at 15% per annum with an annuity repayment period, the remainder will be financed from the project initiator’s own funds.

The apartment of the project initiator will be provided as collateral for the loan.

Payback indicators

According to the gym payback model, performance indicators investment project are:

  • Simple payback period - 5.7 years;
  • Discounted payback period - 7 years;
  • NPV - 1,632 thousand rubles;

When constructing the model, a forecast period of 10 years with inflation of 11% was taken, and a discount rate of 13.5% was used for calculations.

Equipment suppliers

A large Moscow company with more than 20 years of experience in this business and experience in interacting with other Perm gym clubs was selected as equipment suppliers.


The gym will provide the most common types of services in this business; all services can be divided into the following groups:

  • Gym services - individual classes;
  • gym services - classes with a trainer;
  • group fitness classes.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

According to the cost estimate, the total investment for opening a gym is 4,510 thousand rubles. The bulk of the expenses goes towards renovating the premises and purchasing exercise equipment.

Thanks to an agreement with the landlord of the premises, the hall is provided with rental holidays for the amount of repairs carried out.

Decoding investment costs presented in the table below:

expenditures Qty price Sum
Registration of a legal entity 10 000
Room renovation 333 sq.m. 6,000 rub./sq.m. 1 600 000
Fire extinguishing system 200 000
Video surveillance system 100 000
Security and fire alarm 100 000
Exercise equipment
Treadmill 4 150 000 600 000
Ellipsoid 2 50 000 100 000
exercise bike 2 50 000 100 000
Dumbbell set 2 100 000 200 000
Abdominal bench 1 10 000 10 000
Bench for working with dumbbells 1 10 000 10 000
Other simulators 1 980 000 980 000
Other equipment
Cash machine 15 000
Manager desk 50 000
Sofas for clients' relaxation 150 000
Lockers for changing clothes 285 000
TOTAL 4 510 000

Investment payment and work plan

Below is a schedule of work to open the gym:

Below is a payment schedule for investment expenses:

Name of works 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months 12 months
Registration of a legal entity 10
Room renovation 400 400 400 400 400
Purchasing training equipment 1000 1000
Purchasing furniture 250 250

Production plan


To open a gym, it is planned to conclude a long-term lease agreement for premises in a residential area of ​​the city of Perm. Within the framework of this agreement, rental holidays are provided for the amount of funds invested in repairs, which provides additional benefits to the project.

The plan diagram is shown in the figure below:

The room consists of:

  • hall - where the manager and reception will be located;
  • 2 changing rooms, showers and toilets - men's and women's;
  • Gym;
  • Hall for group classes;
  • Room for cleaning equipment - utility room;
  • Office space - for the director and accountant when they arrive, as well as for the locker room, meals and other needs of managers.

Working hours

The gym will be open from 8-00 to 20-00, which will allow early morning exercise for those who would like to have time before work, and in the evening for those who can only do it after work.

Manufacturing process

  1. To start going to the gym, the client needs to purchase a membership subscription (this can be a subscription for a year, a month, or a one-time subscription for one lesson).
  2. To visit a gym or group exercise room, the client checks the opening hours of the gym, takes sportswear with him, approaches the manager, who checks his membership and lets him in.
  3. The client goes to the locker room, where he changes into sportswear.
  4. Then the client goes to the training room (if necessary, a trainer is invited for individual training).
  5. After class, the client goes to the locker room, washes, changes clothes and goes home.

Cost of services

Taking into account the specifics of the gym, only the group of services, including the services of trainers, has direct costs for services:

  • Gym services (individual classes) - no direct costs;
  • gym services (lessons with a trainer) - 500 rubles/lesson;
  • group fitness classes - 700 rub./class.

Marketing plan


Despite the fairly significant amount of investment to open a gym, their number in the city is quite large. In the city, according to the 2GIS database, there are about 300 such establishments (fitness clubs, gyms, etc.). There are both small players on the market and quite a few large networks fitness clubs (Colosseum, Alex-Fitness, Gold's GYM and others).


Most interesting places the halls for such halls are already occupied; all that remains is expansion into new areas of the city, which is what has been done. The proximity of the hall to the places of residence of potential clients allows them to go specifically to these establishments.

Assortment and prices

In order to establish pricing policy A study of the fitness services market was conducted and the most frequently requested services in similar gyms were selected, as well as their prices. The result of the study is presented in the table below:

According to the project, our gym will operate in the middle price segment. This is due to the presence of a fairly small hall, as well as inexpensive finishing materials inside and inexpensive (but professional) exercise equipment.

The table below presents revenue by type of service, as well as information on the variable cost of services and the share in the revenue structure:

Services list Price per lesson cost price Profit from the service Share in revenue
Gym services - individual classes 300 0 300 52%
Gym services - classes with a trainer 1 200 500 700 14%
Group classes* 3 000 700 2 300 34%

* - the average group size will be 10 people

Volume of sales

The fitness services business is highly seasonal. The greatest peak in sales of services occurs precisely in the months of late winter and early spring, when people begin to prepare for the beach season - they go on a diet and begin training. Summer is the lowest point in sales, when all clients go on vacation, to the country, or just spend warm summer days on the beach.

The graph below shows seasonality indices for the fitness services market:

As we can see from the graph, the greatest peaks of active demand for fitness services (including gym services) occur in the months after the new year, when people begin to actively prepare for summer. When planning our sales and staff work, we will definitely take this factor into account and will not send people on vacation at this time.

In addition, below is a schedule for the project to reach its optimal sales volume:

Thus, we see that the time to open the gym will be about 1 year and the time for the gym to reach its projected optimal sales volumes is 1 year. Based on this, we must understand that only two years after the start of investment, the hall will operate at full capacity.

Advertising strategy

The previously indicated schedule for reaching the optimal sales volume cannot be achieved without appropriate advertising support. For this purpose it was developed marketing plan which we present below:

  • production and placement of a bright sign that will glow at night;
  • design of the façade of the premises and the entrance area in the colors of the brand;
  • decoration with balloons in the first month of opening the gym;
  • distribution of leaflets and business cards in the first 2 months of the hall’s operation;
  • advertising in elevators of nearby buildings during the first year of the hall’s operation.

Organizational plan


To simplify accounting, organizing a business and making a profit, the gym will be designed for individual entrepreneur- the initiator of the project. In order to minimize taxes, it is planned that the base for income tax will be 15% of the income minus the expenses of the enterprise.

Personnel and staffing structure

The staff and their remuneration are presented in the table below:

Job title Qty salary Sum Prize
Director 1 20 000 20 000 10% of profits
Manager 2 15 000 30 000 3% of sales
Trainer 5 2 000 10 000 70% of the cost of classes
Cleaning woman 1 15 000 15 000
TOTAL 75 000

The position of director will be performed by the project initiator and individual entrepreneur.

The reporting structure is presented below:

Financial plan


To build a payback model for opening a gym, we will assume that the annual inflation rate will be 11% per annum.

In this case, the discount rate will be 10%.

Taking into account the fact that the enterprise will be on a simplified taxation system and the basis for collecting income tax will be “income minus expenses”, the tax collection indicators will be as follows:

  • income tax - 15% of income minus expenses;
  • Personal income tax - 13%;
  • There is no VAT;
  • Deductions to social funds - 34,2%.

Project payback indicators

, from which the company will begin to make a profit. This volume is 324 thousand rubles. per month.

Project sustainability analysis

Based on the same data and model, an analysis of business sustainability was carried out when impacted by various factors(change in prices, change in expenses, change in wages).

From the table we see that the most influential factor on the project’s payback indicators are prices for services. Thus, if prices decrease by more than 20%, the project becomes unprofitable within the period under review.

Risk analysis

All possible risks We will divide them into 4 groups - social, technological, economic, political.


One of the important social factors is the birth rate. Thus, with a decrease in the birth rate, the settlement of a new area will occur at a lower rate and, accordingly, we may not receive the amount of revenue that we had planned.


Here we do not see a single risk that could significantly reduce the revenue of our company.


One of the economic risks is placing another fitness center in close proximity to our gym, especially one owned by a major federal player. This will reduce the price level to such a limit that it will be more profitable for us to close. However, most likely this will not happen, since for this it will be necessary to select large areas and, most likely, drive other tenants out of their already established places.

Another strong risk leading to a decrease in enterprise prices is the emergence of an economic crisis in the country, which will lead to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population.


We will include an increase in the tax burden on enterprises as a political risk. However, as we have already seen in the analysis of the sustainability of the enterprise, they will not be able to radically affect the return on investment of the project, but will only slightly reduce its profitability.


Calculations for an example business plan show that the project is profitable and will be of interest to private investors and credit institutions for investment. The initiator of the opening of the hall has extensive experience in this business, the location and staff have been successfully selected, the payback indicators have a large margin of safety. The opening risks are minimal or have little impact.

Investing free funds in opening gym club is a good opportunity to receive consistently high profits. There are a number of reasons/prerequisites for this. Firstly, every year the population’s interest in an active lifestyle increases. Secondly, for many people this is the only way to achieve a beautiful figure. Thirdly, the state has recently been actively calling for healthy and active life, which increases the demand for these services. Also, the sports/gym club market has been on the rise lately. Thus, opening a gym club is promising investment funds, the payback period of which is 15 months.

To open a club, 17 employees are needed, as well as a premises with an area of ​​1,500 m2. You can rent premises in shopping centers, business centers and in free-standing buildings with high traffic.

The average number of season ticket buyers per month is 160 people. The club's opening hours are from 6:00 to 22:00. Currently, due to changes in the culture and perception of fitness clubs, this business has ceased to have a sharp seasonality. A slight decline is observed in summer period. The cost of 1 subscription per year is 19,000 rubles. Considering the high and constantly increasing demand, the project has positive financial indicators:

Initial investment amount 4 146 000 rub.

Average monthly profit 339 000 rub.

Payback period 15 months

The break-even point is reached at 7 month

Return on sales - 22%

2. Description of the business, product or service

Today, an increasing number of both young and more mature men and women want to engage in sports clubs, because they want to be healthy and happy. For some, the main goal is the desire to gain a beautiful figure, for others to bring their physical condition back to normal. It should be noted that the demand for these services is constantly growing.

It is necessary to open a gym in a city with a population of 200 thousand people. The total area is 1,500 m2.

The main service is the provision of sports and fitness services, as well as individual lessons with a trainer.

To open, you will need specialized training equipment:

From the training equipment for the club you will need:

  • Treadmills
  • Exercise bikes
  • Rowing machine
  • Strength trainer
  • Benches
  • Group simulator
  • Dumbbell set
  • Rugs

From household equipment you will need:

  • Cooler
  • Acoustic system
  • Sports bar equipment
  • Electric kettle
  • TV
  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Cash machine

Also be sure to take care of installing a ventilation and air conditioning system. Don't forget to purchase fire extinguishers as well. To prevent theft, install an alarm.

If possible, purchase new equipment to reduce the number of sudden breakdowns.

For the bar you need to purchase:

  • Juicer
  • Coffee machine
  • Bar utensils (plates, glasses, etc.)
  • Sports nutrition (snacks, bars, nuts, etc.)
  • Tables and chairs

Thus, this equipment will allow you to receive high profits and delight customers with quality service and products.

3. Description of the sales market

The most important factor in the success of a gym is its proper location. Therefore, it is necessary to locate the club near or inside large business centers, shopping centers, and streets with high traffic. This will help you reach the payback period faster and get constant profits faster.

Basic target audience are:

  • Young people (women and men) aged 16 to 35 years
  • People aged 35 to 60 years

The price segment of the gym is average and is accessible to most citizens. As the gym club develops, you can add children's clubs and sections to attract families to your club, women's programs, a bath complex, and beauty services.

Elderly people may also use the services of your club, but their share will be small.

Currently, the demand for gyms is constantly increasing, but often many clubs cannot provide quality service. Therefore, a free market share is formed in the market, which can be taken.

To increase interest in your club, develop a loyalty system for customers, including corporate programs.

When sales decline in the summer and pre-New Year period, hold promotions and organize internal competitions among club members.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

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