Guidelines for the subjects of the Russian Federation on the organization of purchases of baby food. How to improve the efficiency of the company's purchasing function: a step-by-step guide

For more than a decade, competition has been driven by globalization. During this time, business leaders around the world have realized that competent procurement and supply management can provide a number of strategic advantages. These primarily include significant cost savings through collaboration with suppliers in low-cost countries, as well as improved supply chain competitiveness, streamlined product development and faster time-to-market for new products. At the same time, changes in the approach of managers to procurement and supply management often do not translate into real results. Some companies experience a lack of qualified personnel, which nullifies optimization efforts; others run into problems because of too low or incorrect targets or because of discrepancies between the procurement strategy and the overall corporate strategy.

In many companies, the role of the purchasing function is still limited to a narrow set of routine activities, such as the purchase of raw materials, components, and services. At the same time, in some companies, purchasing and supply management units are taking their activities to a qualitatively new level. Through closer collaboration with internal customers, some purchasing departments have achieved significant cost savings in non-traditional areas (such as marketing activities and sickness benefits) where cost optimization efforts have previously failed. Other purchasing management departments go even further, including production and administrative functions in their circle of interests. Finally, others turn purchasing into a testing ground for innovation: by attracting new suppliers of tangible and intangible goods, these divisions contribute to the expansion of activities in the field of new product development.

None of the companies whose experience we studied managed to fully realize the existing potential in the field of procurement and supply management. Nevertheless, an analysis of the experience of the most effective enterprises can shed light on how to achieve maximum results in this area. First, companies that excel at optimizing procurement pay more attention to working with people: they make efforts to develop the skills of procurement specialists and at the same time look for effective ways to unite all employees of the organization with a common goal. Secondly, these companies set themselves ambitious goals, the planning of which not only takes into account the strategic vision of the future development, but also determines specific ways to achieve the intended results. Finally, the top performers in purchasing and supply management pay special attention to ensuring that the tasks of the purchasing department are in line with corporate strategic priorities. This not only allows companies to better exploit existing cost-cutting opportunities, but also sets the stage for even greater benefits in the future as globalization intensifies. These pioneers are shaping a new approach to sourcing, an approach that less successful companies should look at.


The tactical potential of procurement and supply chain management as a cost reduction mechanism is well known. In general, the cost of purchasing goods and services is up to 70% of the total cost of the company, so leaders are well aware that the optimization of procurement can increase profits. Accordingly, the role of purchasing management is largely associated with the idea of ​​cost reduction. This is achieved, for example, by obtaining discounts from external suppliers or by implementing procedures to reduce unnecessary, unbudgeted costs. Today, such steps are mandatory in many situations related to the management of supply and demand (in the first case, it is mainly about price control, in the second - about determining the optimal range of purchased goods and services). Companies that ignore these key purchasing optimization techniques typically find it difficult to reduce costs, let alone reap additional benefits.

Many enterprises that generally perform well in the field of procurement management do not notice a serious problem, which is that the functions of their purchasing departments have not gone beyond transactional activities. This is largely due to the shortage of personnel. Most companies systematically underestimate the role of qualified personnel in procurement management, which negatively affects performance indicators. For example, in a European consumer-facing company, the marketing and purchasing departments could not agree on a new sourcing strategy because the purchasing staff had a poor understanding of the specifics of marketing activities and, therefore, were unable to establish a constructive dialogue with marketing specialists. After reviewing the situation, leaders top management came to the conclusion that fruitful interaction between the two departments would not be possible until the company had new purchasing managers who, through their experience, were able to better understand the needs of internal customers. And several such specialists were hired.

Another problem in the field of procurement is that the relevant departments are set too low goals, and the mentality of procurement specialists is limited to transactional activities. Consider the following example: in a consumer goods company, the main function of the purchasing department has traditionally been transaction ordering. In this regard, the company's management did not seek to expand the powers of the procurement department (in particular, to give it the right to centrally transfer some work to outsourcing), while under other conditions, procurement specialists could well have received these powers. As a result, decisions to outsource certain jobs were randomly made by individual business units. It was possible to solve this problem only as part of a large-scale reorganization.

There is another problem, the essence of which is that the actions of purchasing specialists can go against the corporate strategy. As a rule, this problem is directly related to the two described earlier. In low-performing companies, it arises from the fact that procurement issues are not taken into account in the early stages of strategic planning. Over time, this negatively affects the state of affairs throughout the organization. For example, due to not effective work purchasing department, one European company was more than two years behind the competition in new product development. This was largely due to the fact that when making decisions, its procurement specialists were guided solely by the prices of certain goods. As a result, the company had disagreements with suppliers of new technologies, which made cooperation in the field of innovation impossible. In another company, purchasing specialists spoke poor English - in the end, this led to the fact that the main aspect in the development of cooperation with suppliers was the geographical factor, and not the quality and range of goods offered. Because of this, the company could not optimize the supplier base in order to reduce costs (despite the fact that cost reduction became one of the corporate strategic priorities), and procurement specialists did not acquire much new knowledge and experience in the field of procurement certain categories goods and therefore could not win the trust of domestic customers. Finally, another company faced the following challenge: a major restructuring required cost reductions, and to meet this challenge, procurement professionals reduced the IT costs of one of the business units. However, the results did not live up to expectations. It turned out that due to the inconsistency between the priorities of the purchasing department and the goals of the financial block, savings from cost reduction did not affect the company's profit. As a result, the IT budget of the business unit remained the same, while it had to be reduced to reflect the resulting savings.


Some companies still manage to avoid such mistakes and improve the efficiency of their procurement departments. Most successful companies empower these units within the organization by carefully aligning them with those of internal customers, product development, and other functional units. This is done in order to find and analyze new value creation opportunities.

Coverage of non-traditional categories

The best purchasing departments succeed primarily because their cost reduction efforts cover even areas of activity that were previously uninteresting or very difficult to optimize. For example, in one public institution Purchasing professionals helped their Human Resources colleagues select the best employee benefits and compensation plan by conducting comparative analysis several alternative programs. After analyzing the costs of all existing programs for the past periods, the purchasing department, together with the human resources department, developed and evaluated several options for the new system. Then the specialists introduced these options to ordinary employees and asked them to evaluate each of the proposals. Only after that a new program of benefits and compensations was approved. Thus, the procurement specialists brought their own experience in analytical work to the project, as well as the skills in evaluating suppliers and negotiating with them. In turn, the personnel department brought the system of benefits and compensations in line with internal requirements and ensured its approval. As a result, the cost of the new system was 7% lower than the previous one; while the employee satisfaction rate increased by 25%.

Another company, through smart procurement planning, was able to stem the rise in legal costs. This was achieved by commoditizing these services and segregating them into separate segments (including related legal and due diligence services). A separate procurement strategy has been developed for each of these segments. In parallel, the company developed a system of performance indicators - for example, established an average damages guarantee - and created an independent division under the leadership of the General Counsel. The new division included lawyers specially trained in the basics of procurement management. Thanks to all these measures, the company managed to reduce the number of suppliers legal services from 900 to nine, as well as significantly reduce the cost of legal services.

Business system optimization

Some purchasing professionals not only look for hidden value creation opportunities, but also work closely with other departments to optimize the marketing of a company's products and services. For example, in one of the European conglomerates, the purchasing department insisted on increasing the number of production processes outsourced. The company conducted a comparative analysis of its capabilities and those of third-party organizations, after which the circle of outsourcing partners was determined. As a result of these measures, as well as effective management of contractors, the company reduced its in-house manufacturing operations by 30% and significantly reduced the time to market for new products. In addition, as it turned out later, working with a common supplier improved the traditionally tense relationship between the two business units.

Purchasing professionals can directly assist other departments in solving their problems. Already today, some companies are using their own supply centers located in low-cost countries as a base for increasing sales in these countries. The most effective purchasing departments develop such cooperation much more widely. Thus, the purchasing department of one of the chains of family restaurants, together with the sales department, developed a system for quickly changing the menu in case of an increase in the cost of purchasing certain products. For example, if shrimp is cheaper relative to beef this week, salespeople can quickly create a new menu that will feature shrimp more than beef, and vice versa. By doing so, the company was able to respond to ongoing changes by influencing the demand from its customers, which approach to sales management allowed the restaurant chain to increase profits and minimize the risks associated with interruptions in the supply of key ingredients.

The ability to expand the horizons of their activities, characteristic of the most effective purchasing departments, can be truly strategic. Consider the following example: when jet fuel prices went up, one airline decided to analyze its fuel consumption patterns and outsourced this task to the procurement department. Teaming up with engineers, procurement specialists formed a working group. The results of her analysis convinced the airline's senior management that a wingtip was needed to reduce fuel consumption on older aircraft. Thanks to this modernization, it was possible to reduce the annual volume of aviation fuel consumption by 3-5%. In addition, the flight range of the company's cars has increased by more than 200 km, which made it possible to open new flights.

"Fuel for Innovation"

Suppliers have always provided companies with vital "fuel for innovation" - for example, by acting as a potential source of valuable knowledge and technology needed to improve products and processes. In turn, purchasing professionals serve as the critical link between a company's suppliers and the rest of the supply chain. Some firms use this relationship model very effectively. For example, Procter & Gamble has made significant progress in implementing its ambitious plans to expand collaboration with third-party innovators. Procter & Gamble's purchasing team was instrumental in creating one of the company's highly acclaimed products, the low-cost, battery-powered SpinBrush electric toothbrush. This toothbrush is developed by a third party based on proprietary technology previously used in the spinning lollipop stick. Another large company, Apple, also uses the services of third-party developers. For example, much of the software and electronics inside the iPod media player was developed by outside contractors. Even the very idea of ​​​​creating this device came to Apple from outside - its author was the entrepreneur Tony Fadell.

It should be noted that few companies have restructured their innovation processes so radically. In many cases, such a move would be unwise, since the corporate innovation model must take into account many factors - the company's unique strategy, its position in the market, its industry specifics, etc. However, far-sighted buyers are able to establish close cooperation with service providers in the development of innovative processes and products, which will not only save money, but may also provide additional strategic benefits. For example, at a high-tech company, purchasing professionals worked hard to develop software interfaces for controlling critical manufacturing equipment with a supplier, as part of a broader lean manufacturing program. ). The advent of software interfaces saved valuable time for the operators, who subsequently took part in the modernization of the plant.


Although some companies are now actively working in these areas, no one has yet been able to fully realize the potential in at least one of the areas of procurement optimization, let alone all at once. At the same time, if you analyze the experience of companies that have achieved maximum results in this area and understand what underlies their success - exceptional compared to most other enterprises - you can determine what skills and methods of work are needed for comprehensive procurement optimization.

Strengthen the link between purchasing management and core business

It is truly impossible to overestimate the role that qualified personnel play in ensuring the effectiveness of procurement. In most industries, good commercial negotiation contributes only 20-30% of the total cost savings that can be achieved through procurement optimization. The rest of the costs are reduced through tools such as demand management and product purchase requirements adjustments. To master these two methods, purchasing professionals need to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the work of various departments of the company, as well as analyze the categories of goods and services consumed by it. In addition, these professionals must come to understand the strategic goals of the enterprise and learn how to apply their experience in a variety of settings. Recognizing all these factors, leading companies start optimizing procurement by appointing those specialists who have a clear understanding of the main items of expenditure of the company to key positions in the supply departments. For example, for an aerospace company, this is the cost of purchasing composite materials, and for a telecommunications operator, this is the cost of marketing. By focusing on attracting real professionals, companies increase the level of trust in the supply department from internal business units, as well as create conditions for the development of cooperation between this department and other departments. The most effective purchasing departments actively recruit such professionals from other organizational units of the company. For example, the procurement department may bring in a talented development engineer to manage the supply of electrical parts, or they may invite a lead IT specialist to develop a strategy for finding and acquiring new technologies. In our experience, involving subject matter experts in procurement management can be very, very useful, no matter where these experts come from.

In addition, the best purchasing departments systematically implement personnel development programs aimed at helping purchasing professionals increase their knowledge of commercial activities and establish professional relationships with internal customers. Staff development activities targeting promising university graduates can take the form of “career rotation programs” that provide exposure to various types enterprise activities. In some cases, special training programs are developed for employees who have been working in the company for a long time. For example, the management of a large logistics conglomerate suggested that the interaction between the central purchasing unit and one of the most important business units of the conglomerate was difficult due to the lack or lack of necessary skills among procurement specialists. To address this issue, the company has developed a two-year training program targeted at high potential candidates. The program included theoretical training, category-specific procurement workshops, and skills development activities tailored to the individual abilities of employees.

In addition, for procurement professionals, project managers in the procurement sector, strict evaluation criteria have been established. To meet them, these specialists had to have a good knowledge of the specifics of the work of functional units, as well as skills in project management, communication and leadership.

As a result, the relationship between the purchasing department and the specified business unit was improved: now its employees perceive procurement specialists as equals (in fact, some of them were offered to take leadership positions in this business unit). Collaboration between the purchasing department and the conglomerate's internal customers has become much more efficient.

Leading companies actively involve procurement specialists in the work of other departments. Some organizations send key purchasing professionals to work in areas such as design, manufacturing, marketing, and quality management. At the same time, all companies strive to ensure that partnerships develop between the purchasing department and the services responsible for the above areas. For this, special cross-functional groups are created, headed by procurement specialists. Each of these groups specializes in a certain category of goods and services, and together they form the basis of the company's purchasing activities. Cross-functional groups can determine the requirements for the necessary goods and services, develop a supply strategy, and analyze the market and supply structure. Consider specific example. Following this approach, a major European manufacturer created more than 50 cross-functional teams tasked with identifying hidden savings opportunities and developing new sourcing strategies. Thanks to cross-functional research and business thinking efforts, the company was able to save around 100 million euros in nine months, and this result is by no means exceptional. We estimate that the creation of cross-functional teams can nearly double the effectiveness of cost-cutting programs (see chart).

Set big goals, but start small

The best purchasing departments tend to change their role within the organization. The solution to this problem begins with setting ambitious goals. For example, employees in high-performing purchasing departments are much more likely than their counterparts in less successful departments to perceive cost reduction as a very important (though not the only) step towards company success. The best purchasing specialists consider their direction not only the basis of the enterprise's commercial activity, but also the most important source of information about the situation on the market.

Despite the presence of such grandiose goals, the leading supply units in their actions are very pragmatic. Typically, purchasing professionals begin to realize the feasibility of this approach when the purchasing director, together with the head of the company and other senior managers, sets ambitious goals for reducing costs throughout the organization and subsequently ensures that these goals are achieved. The actions of managers may seem illogical: in an effort to reduce costs, they are also ready to carry out expensive activities. However, it is important to remember that many low- and even medium-performing purchasing departments do not set such goals at all, or go about achieving them in a very inconsistent way - for example, without bothering to carefully analyze the main items of expenditure or the features of the work of specific business units. As a result, the boundaries of responsibility become blurred, and the sense of significance of the activities being carried out weakens. Ultimately, the work of the purchasing department does not provide sustainable improvements or does not bring any results at all.

Everything can be different. When the purchasing director, together with other senior executives, sets optimization goals that spread across the company and cover several product lines, this not only increases the potential for cost savings, but also improves the image of the purchasing department within the organization. Through successful cost reduction activities, the purchasing department can gain the trust of other business units. This is the path followed by a major European manufacturer, which we have already mentioned above. The management of this company has set a goal to reduce the cost of purchasing goods by 13%. To solve it, a well-elaborated action plan was proposed, which involved the joint work of various departments of the company. After a while, the purchasing director found that the relationship between the purchasing department and other business units had improved; in addition, the initiative of the procurement specialists found a response in the enterprise team as a whole. As the cost reduction plan progressed, the benefits of closer collaboration with suppliers early in product development and production also became apparent. The chief engineers of the company, who previously resisted the introduction of such a practice, gradually began to apply it. As a result, less than a year after the launch of the cost-cutting program, the purchasing director learned that several senior engineers from key business units had expressed interest in joining the new purchasing team.

In one company mobile communications The new Purchasing Director has set ambitious cost optimization goals. At the same time, he publicly took responsibility for reducing the lion's share of costs, the optimization of which was recognized as possible within the framework of new program restructuring. Once the goals were achieved, the Purchasing Division turned its attention to expanding its role within the company, seeking to transform itself from a simple buyer into a full partner of other business units. Over time, this division has acquired powers that just four years ago could not have dreamed of, such as the ability to participate in decisions about the range of mobile phones manufactured by the company.

Adjust the work of the purchasing department in accordance with the strategic goals of the company

The experience of the telecommunications company mentioned above suggests that once the purchasing department is able to create new value and establish equal partnerships with other departments of the enterprise, it can move on to solving larger tasks at a strategic level. The Purchasing Director and other senior executives should formalize the new, increased role of Purchasing and communicate this to all departments in the company. This is to ensure that business unit managers and employees understand and respect the responsibilities of purchasing professionals as well as their decision-making rights. Of course, in different companies, the scope of responsibility of supply units will be different - this will depend on the strategic goals of this particular enterprise. Is the company focused on driving growth through innovation? Does management outsource a number of manufacturing processes to compete with low-cost competitors? The answers to questions like these will determine the priorities in which purchasing professionals will search for suppliers and manage relationships with them.

When the purchasing department's competencies are clearly defined, the purchasing director can join the strategic planning effort early on to work with other senior executives to align the purchasing unit's priorities with the company's strategic goals. In addition, the accumulated experience in the field of procurement management can be very useful in various situations. For example, thanks to a massive procurement optimization program, a U.S. retail, was able to secure funding for the implementation of a comprehensive restructuring plan that included a change appearance stores of the company and improvement of its marketing policy. As another example, the purchasing division of an aerospace company played an important role in the exit process of one of the divisions from the company. In doing so, the purchasing department was able to resolve a number of complex issues relating to the legalization of exit conditions and ensure that synergies were realized through cooperation with the newly formed organization as a supplier.

Finally, a highly effective purchasing unit, endowed with the role of "link" between various departments of the company, can even influence changes in its organizational structure. For example, one European manufacturer suffered serious losses in its industry due to the crisis of Internet companies. To reduce costs, management needed to develop a new, more profit-oriented way of thinking among technical people. Subsequently, the company's CEO noted that cross-functional working groups, led by procurement specialists, were able not only to successfully convey the new management position to employees of all departments, but also to prepare the enterprise for competition in the new conditions.


The potential for cost reduction through PSM optimization is so great that it could be one of the decisive arguments in favor of the merger. For example, in a recent merger between two U.S. energy companies, state and federal regulatory approval of the deal was greatly facilitated by the fact that the amount of money planned to be saved during the first ten years after the merger was about $ 1 billion. , with nearly half of this amount expected to be freed up through improvements in PSM. As another example, the executives of an electronics company were only fully convinced of the feasibility of the upcoming merger when they assessed the amount of money that was planned to be saved by optimizing the PSM. As a result, the company's real savings from the merger amounted to about two-thirds of the premium paid to the acquiree.

It should be noted that exploiting the hidden shareholder value opportunities available through PSM optimization is indeed a difficult task. In fact, these opportunities are often underestimated, because in order to use them effectively, you need to make significant efforts and carefully consider all actions. However, the result will definitely be worth the effort. For most companies, outsourcing and purchasing from suppliers for everything from office furniture to raw materials can be as high as 75% of total costs. In fact, this figure may well exceed this level as companies increasingly outsource ancillary activities such as payroll, call center management, debt collection, inventory management, and even product assembly and delivery.

In this way, PSM can be a source of significant cost savings for any company, whether it was created through a merger or not. At the same time, it should be noted that PSM optimization as a cost reduction tool is especially effective during the first weeks and months. joint work combined companies. This is due to the fact that the process of merger or acquisition creates an atmosphere of time pressure and uncertainty in companies. At the initial stage of mergers and acquisitions, the potential for cost reduction is greater, and it is easier to realize it than in subsequent stages. All divisions and departments face the same tasks: to integrate the personnel and processes of several companies within one unified one and achieve ambitious goals for improving efficiency in the shortest possible time.

As a result, proposals to optimize PSM, which were previously planned only in a very uncertain future, are among the most significant priorities. Faced with a multitude of issues to address urgently, departments not previously involved in PSM can focus on optimizing the process to find ways to reduce costs that do not require staff cuts. Thus, PSM, traditionally playing only a minor role, can become a priority for a new company created during a merger.

During the merger of two financial institutions Retail and corporate banking professionals have collaborated with the PSM working group to identify opportunities for cost reduction in a variety of areas such as credit report writing, check printing, ATM maintenance and brochure production. Moreover, earlier these types of activities did not fall within the competence of the UZS units. To reduce costs, the working group took the following measures: consolidation of “disparate purchases” (under “disparate purchases” is understood as a situation where the purchase of goods and the order of services are carried out with the participation of too many suppliers and customers), the development of original strategies for concluding contracts with suppliers, the search for new suppliers, changes in the structure of demand (for example, adjusting the volume of materials and services that are ordered and used in each period of time). Thanks to these measures, during the first year after the merger, the working group was able to reduce costs in the above areas by 8-20% (minimum savings of 8% were noted in the field of ATM services, and a maximum of 20% in the field of credit reporting and advertising printing). ).

The merger and its consequences are relevant not only for the new combined company. The merger becomes a source of uncertainty for the suppliers of both companies involved in the merger - especially if the merger forces the suppliers to compete with each other. While some suppliers can confidently look forward to new deals, others risk losing a customer. That is why many suppliers offer new companies more favorable prices and new terms of cooperation, thus giving them more room to make necessary changes to contracts. Even the smallest cost reduction on all goods or services purchased by a company can free up a significant amount of Money. At the same time, the offers of suppliers who want to keep their customers often significantly exceed all their expectations.

For example, one electronics company that was created through a recent merger asked a supplier for a 10 percent discount on PCB assembly. The supplier put forward a response offer, under which the client could double his savings. This was made possible by the fact that cooperation with the new company opened up wide prospects for the supplier: he could reduce his costs by increasing the volume of production, as well as establish closer cooperation with the new company in areas such as optimizing production and compiling technical specifications for individual details.

In the first weeks after a merger, CEOs and senior management of new companies are faced with the question of where to start optimizing purchasing activities. A truly effective optimization strategy should cover both the short and long term. Successful implementation of the strategy requires first identifying cost-cutting opportunities currently available and then assessing the benefits that can be achieved in the long term. In order to make the most of the atmosphere of time pressure and uncertainty that develops at the initial stage of existence new organization, senior management should take the six actions listed below - preferably within the first month after the merger.

1. Restore stability. The post-merger uncertainty encourages suppliers to set and achieve new goals, but it can also paralyze a new organization if employees are deeply concerned about their future. Senior management needs to reassure employees as soon as possible who are concerned about three questions: why the merger is being done (goal), who is responsible for carrying it out (responsibility), and what will happen to employees (outlook). Restoring stability is essential - only after questions about the future fate of the company are resolved, the new organization will be able to direct all efforts towards carrying out activities to improve efficiency. Within the framework of PSM, the main optimization tool is a significant cost reduction to avoid staff reductions.

The news that the situation inside the new company has stabilized, and its management is focusing on creating value, must be communicated to suppliers. Suppliers should also be aware that new company is likely to change the existing vendor base. All this will prepare suppliers for the next work and encourage them to take action.

2. Educate employees that PSM optimization is the most cost-effective way to offset the premium paid to the acquired company. In many corporations, purchasing departments suffer from a lack of discipline due to the unattractive image of this functional area, as well as the low level of demands from management. Traditionally, purchasing management is not considered the "cradle" of talented leaders. Purchasing is more often viewed as just one of the areas of administrative activity, and not at all as a “training ground for skills development”, by actively working on which the company can achieve continuous improvement in efficiency.

To break down stereotypes about the procurement system, companies must make it clear to their employees that PSM is critical to post-merger success. It is necessary to draw the attention of employees to how exactly the costs of purchasing goods and paying for services affect all the overall financial performance of the company, as well as the total amount of value created for shareholders. Finally, employees should be made aware of the upcoming work to optimize the PSM, during which all company costs will be subjected to a thorough analysis.

3. Set elusive targets to reduce procurement and supply costs. CEOs who have to deal with post-merger challenges can succeed if they set hard-to-reach goals for all functional areas of the company. For the PSM division, a major but still achievable goal would be to reduce costs by at least 10-15% during the first year after the merger. Let's take an example. The CEO of a diversified energy company, created from the merger of two midsize companies, set a goal of $100 million in cost savings without layoffs, with $20 million in savings within the first six months after the merger. The company achieved its target, with cost savings accounting for more than a third of the total cost savings expected from the merger. In addition, savings amounted to nearly 75% of the total shareholder payouts planned for the first year.

The best solution is to set cost reduction targets within the PSM before the completion of the merger, in order to start working in this direction immediately after the creation of the new organization.

4. Appoint an experienced authoritative leader to manage procurement and supply. On the one hand, PSM plays a very important role in achieving the right level of cost savings; on the other hand, when optimizing the procurement system, it is necessary to overcome organizational barriers, such as the low status of PSM departments within the company and the need to establish interaction with other departments. That is why procurement and supply management should be entrusted to authoritative senior executives. The most successful companies most often appoint a top manager from another department as the head of the purchasing department. Upon taking office, he promptly develops an active PSM action plan, identifies priority areas for work and, if necessary, recruits new employees to work in areas such as purchasing portfolio management, inventory management, the financial analysis and purchase of certain categories of goods. At the same time, activities carried out in the field of PSM should cover the entire range of goods and services consumed by the new company.

Some companies are looking for experienced, established PSM professionals outside of the organization, but our research suggests that this approach may be misguided. When the efficiency of work comes first, it is best to involve a competent specialist from the company's staff. A full-time specialist is well acquainted with the activities of at least one of the merging companies, can immediately enter into new position and immediately start working to reduce costs. In addition, there are not many competent PSM specialists in the world, and the search for such workers outside the organization is very difficult.

Sometimes acquiring companies are lucky enough to get not only another company but also an experienced purchasing director through a merger. In general, evaluation of third-party candidates should be conducted as part of the acquisition's pre-merger due diligence.

5. Encourage employees to implement and use the new PSM model. The new organizational model for PSM has two distinctive features which are extremely important for the full realization of the potential of the PSM, but at the same time may be unusual for the company's employees.

Firstly, the new PSM model extends the competence of the purchasing department to all costs of the company. It is surprisingly common for companies to find themselves in a situation where the PSM unit controls only half of the company's costs of purchasing goods and paying for services. In a large insurance company, the purchasing department controlled only 30% of these costs, while the acquisition of all new technologies and the payment of most contractors was handled by other departments. When purchases are carried out by several departments at once, the company cannot conclude contracts with suppliers on the most favorable terms for itself. In addition, this situation makes it difficult to find and evaluate new suppliers, and makes it impossible to strictly control all external costs.

Secondly, the new PSM model suggests that decision-making must take into account not only the cost of individual positions, but also the total cost of ownership within the new company. The total cost of ownership includes internal operating costs and losses (including the cost of moving inventory, loss of output and losses due to declining productivity, inventory consumption rates), as well as the unshared costs of doing business and working with contractors (including including order processing and fulfillment costs, forwarding costs, shipping costs, and specification and standardization costs).

In some companies, measures to reduce procurement costs are limited to negotiations with suppliers, during which companies achieve price reductions by increasing the volume of purchases. However, up to two-thirds of the potential savings can be missed with this approach, since in general only a slight cost reduction can be achieved - no more than 2-3%. To give another example, in one of the mergers, the PSM division identified an opportunity to receive a five percent volume discount on the purchase of new personal computers. However, working with the IT department, the following additional savings opportunities were identified: reduce the number of programs used and reduce hardware requirements; outsource computer maintenance and repair; find out which users can fully work on supposedly outdated computers. The use of these opportunities allowed us to triple the savings on the purchase of new computers.

Analysis of the total cost of ownership opens up new prospects for cost reduction: choosing the best bids is no longer the only source of savings. Taking into account the total cost of ownership, you can not only determine desired level prices, but also to formulate requirements that are far from always included in standard contracts, in particular requirements regarding such parameters as the weight, volume and quality of goods, as well as the amount of costs associated with its life cycle.

As part of the merger of two banks, one of the leading print media companies decided to win letterhead printing contracts from suppliers who had served the banks for a long time. The company not only offered lower prices for printing forms than competitors, but also expressed its willingness to provide four opportunities to reduce the total cost of ownership: buying back old forms from both merging banks; assistance in creating electronic versions of the most frequently used forms; storage of the least demanded forms in its warehouse, and not with the client; assistance in the development of an automated mini-printing house for printing forms (the following system was proposed: a computer automatically sends data to a high-speed printer, then a special machine packs the forms into envelopes, and a franking machine puts stamps on the envelopes).

This example shows that PSM can be not only a tool to reduce costs, but also a competitive advantage, especially for those companies that are able to constantly optimize work with suppliers, and not just receive a one-time benefit from transactions with them. Reducing costs simply by lowering purchase prices and foregoing other cost savings deprives companies of the benefits of the new customer-supplier relationship model. And suppliers, in turn, are deprived of incentives to improve performance.

6. Develop and implement activities that give an immediate effect. As a rule, high-performing organizations created as a result of a merger quickly compile a special database of their costs in order to identify the 20 most expensive goods and services. The companies then compile a list of suppliers of these goods and services, clarify current prices, current inventory levels, terms of delivery and distribution, information about the automatic system for registering orders, as well as the dates of the conclusion of the last supply contracts. Having obtained all the necessary information about critical goods and services, the PSM unit within the new organization can form cross-functional procurement working groups. The main task of these groups, which almost always include representatives of suppliers, is to find opportunities for cost reduction and effectively use them. UZS optimization should be aimed at achieving the following goal: in two years to reduce all company costs, and not just the cost of purchasing goods and services, by 10-15%, with half of the planned savings to be achieved within the first six months or the first year.

The most significant savings can often be made in the procurement of those goods and services whose suppliers (or even entire markets) are struggling due to overcapacity, globalization and the emergence of new technologies. The costs of purchasing such inputs - which include but are not limited to office supplies, communications services, temporary labor, computer equipment maintenance, IT services, travel and leisure arrangements for employees - are usually charged to indirect costs. Let's take an example. The annual volume of indirect costs of one of the companies we have already mentioned was about 100 million US dollars. To reduce these costs, competent procurement working groups carried out a number of activities: determined the total volume of consumption, found new suppliers, standardized specifications and reduced their number, switched to cheaper analogues for some positions, optimized demand, appointed a responsible manager to monitor compliance new supply policy. As a result, more than $20 million in cost savings was identified and exploited within six months.

Experience shows that it takes only eight weeks after the merger for a full evaluation of one of the major cost items for the PSM working group. Therefore, it is possible to start a cost reduction program within the first three months of a new company's existence. One electronics company formed several working groups to evaluate 12 major cost items. It took only 180 days for the specialists to complete this task. Thanks to this, the company was able to accelerate the implementation of cost reduction measures (the planned savings were 10-15%).

Procurement optimization should not be limited to finding opportunities to reduce costs as soon as possible. The top management of the new company should make every effort to ensure that the purchasing system does not lose its effectiveness in the long run. This can be achieved through the following measures.

1. Develop performance evaluation criteria to track exactly how the savings provided by PSM are reflected in the company's profits. Half of the potential savings from PSM may go unrealized if the company does not have a specific valuation system to help track the conversion of savings into profits. For example, the savings generated by substituting one product for another - for example, replacing an expensive pump with many unnecessary features with a cheap low-power pump - can turn into additional profit for a particular business unit. However, the reality is that business unit leaders typically don't generate higher profits by simply wasting their savings.

It is necessary to point out a number of factors that make it difficult to assess the effectiveness of PAS. Firstly, corporate systems financial statements are often poorly aligned with the main items of expenditure. Secondly, when two companies merge, the formation of a common accounting system is most often a difficult task, since the numbers of cost centers and product codes adopted in each of the organizations do not match. In addition, companies may reflect the cost of specific goods and services, as well as different ways of deciding which costs should be treated as investments and which should be treated as recurrent costs. Finally, the most serious problem is that most financial reporting systems are based on cost of goods sold (including, in particular, the cost of raw materials), while the cost of purchasing individual goods and services (for example, the cost of acquiring computers or paying for services contractors, the cost of operating, maintaining and repairing equipment, etc.) do not receive due attention. Therefore, companies need systems that can track and evaluate cost savings through PSM optimization, as well as identify sources of savings (it is important that savings are achieved by optimizing the combined company's budget).

At the same time, companies should not stop or slow down the implementation of cost reduction measures due to the absence or imperfection of information systems. Important, time-consuming IT issues can be deferred until the merger process is complete. In the short term, all the information you need can be obtained using a simple and practical computer database that records all of a company's costs.

A creative approach to the use of IT systems can reduce transaction costs; in addition, IT systems can monitor and control post-merger costs. Recently, a merged company partnered with one of its suppliers to develop and deploy a dedicated e-page on the intranet that allowed employees to order their stationery on their own. This freed up the purchasing department from a number of routine tasks, allowing procurement professionals to devote more time to value-creating activities such as supplier relationship management. The company has vertically integrated with a single partner and now buys the bulk of stationery from them, while enjoying a significant volume discount. In this way, she managed to get rid of the need to cooperate with hundreds of small suppliers. In addition, today the company can track the dynamics of the consumption of office supplies with an accuracy that was previously unimaginable.

2. Concentrate efforts on creating a PZS unit that meets the level of world standards. After the merger, the purchasing department will most likely need to attract new specialists from other, non-PSM departments. This is necessary in order to meet the sharply increased requirements of management and to increase the level of competence of employees who will have to manage all the company's costs. To meet these challenges, at least half of the procurement staff may need to be replaced. However, the implementation of such a decision can take too long, which is hardly acceptable in the course of a merger - at a time when cost reduction is of paramount importance. Finding and hiring qualified procurement professionals can be challenging and possibly more time-consuming and costly than CEOs anticipate.

3. Assign the status of an independent line of activity to UZS. In the world's leading companies, PSM units, together with key internal clients (which include business units responsible for core activities, as well as individual units such as Production Department and New Product Development) develop and implement proposals for continuous cost reduction that do not involve staff reductions. The effective work of the PSM department can significantly improve all financial performance of the company. The CEO of an electric power services company said that his purchasing activity is "the area with the highest return on investment."

Already, many of the world's leading companies perceive PZS in this way, assigning it the status of an independent line of business with its own virtual income statement and its own balance sheet. At the same time, income reflected in the income statement should be made up of funds saved by the PZS unit, and expenses - from direct costs of PZS, such as labor costs. The balance sheet must take into account the value of inventories and accounts payable - this is necessary in order to reflect the impact of PSM on these indicators within the framework of the entire company (see diagram). Thus, making PSM a stand-alone line of business allows you to focus on the savings that this unit can generate.


Representatives of such companies as SIBUR, TNK-BP, Rosatom, Atomkomplekt, Silvinit, Mosenergo, TGC-1, IDGC Holding, Severstal-Resource, Metinvest, IES-Holding, Fortum and Gazprom Neft exchange their experience in procurement management and talk about interesting solutions found by their companies.


Sergei Archipenko - Procurement Director of the Steel and Rolled Products Division of Metinvest Holding LLC
Vladimir Bezzubov - Deputy General Director for Procurement of OAO Silvinit
Natalya Grigorovich - Deputy Director of the Department, Head of the Department of Methodology and Pricing, Rosatom State Corporation
Konstantin Gusev - Head of Investment Procurement Department, Fortum JSC
Felix Itskov - Director of the Procurement Department, MTR and Inventory Management, BN Refining and Trade, OAO TNK-BP Management
Fedor Kirsanov - Director of the Production Assurance Department of OAO SIBUR Holding
Igor Lastovka - General Director of OJSC Atomkomplekt
Pavel Lezhnev - Purchasing Director of CJSC Severstal-Resource
Sergei Mikhailov - Vice President of Supply Chain Management, TNK-BP Management
Andrey Sokolov - Logistics Director of TGC-1 OJSC
Maxim Stepanov - Head of the Directorate of the MTO and CS Directorate of JSC Gazprom Neft
Marina Ustinova - Head of Supply and Logistics Department, Mosenergo
Ruslan Khalfin - Vice President, Head of the Department of Methodology and Organization of Procurement Activities of CJSC IES
Taras Shevchenko - Head of the Procurement Department, JSC IDGC Holding

How many KPIs do purchasing managers have in your company? How regularly are KPI targets set and actual performance evaluated? To what level do KPIs cascade in the company?

What place in the organizational structure of the company is occupied by purchasing departments?

Andrey Sokolov: We had a long and heated discussion about which block - production or financial - should include the procurement function. In the end, she was directly subordinated to CEO. We have been living this way for two years now. It has now become much easier to work and solve the tasks assigned to us.

Igor Lastovka: At ROSATOM, the procurement function also reports directly to the CEO. And taking into account the importance of this area of ​​activity, recognized even by the state, we consider such subordination to be the most correct. In the field, in managed organizations, this function is most often subordinated to the deputy head of the organization.

What functions do purchasing departments perform in your companies and how is their activity controlled?

Ruslan Khalfin: Our purchases are built as a business process that starts from the moment the need arises for the purchase, and ends with the counterparty fulfilling its obligations to the customer. The procurement business process is institutionally divided into three areas: the procurement methodology and control block sets the rules and controls their implementation; the commercial block directly conducts negotiations with the participants and heads the tender commissions; the customer block generates purchase requisitions. Thus, the company removes the conflict of interest in the procurement process.

Taras Shevchenko: In IDGCs, buyers simultaneously build a methodology for the entire procurement process and implement it. It begins with the planning of the purchase and ends with the issuance of a protocol with the decision of the procurement commission. Our auditors control this process.

Konstantin Gusev: At Fortum, the procurement department develops the methodology and carries out procurement, while the internal audit department monitors the implementation of the methodology. Buyers participate in the formation of plans for the purchase of equipment, materials and services in terms of planning the timing and budget for investment projects and current purchases.

Natalya Grigorovich: At Rosatom State Corporation, the Department of Methodology and Organization of Procurement determines the sectoral methodology for the implementation of procurement activities, ensures the organization and controls the processes of planning procurement activities, conducting procurement procedures. For an objective selection of the winners of the procurement procedures, mixed commissions are necessarily created, which include representatives of the customer, consumer and procurement organizer. Compliance with the methodology in the implementation of procurement activities is controlled by the division internal control and audit, also directly reporting to the CEO.

What tasks do the procurement and purchasing departments solve in your companies?

Pavel Lezhnev: The main task of buyers is to minimize production costs, total cost of ownership. This task is primarily operational - to provide production with resources at the right time, since a stop in production leads to large losses.

Fedor Kirsanov: Buyers determine an effective procurement strategy for items and carry out a direct selection of a supplier for a specific application; all the way they are accompanied by a dedicated back office, which performs all documentary operations that are unusual for buyers, but necessary for the purchase. However, the purchaser is responsible for the delivery of material and technical resources to the customer's warehouse.

Maxim Stepanov: In our company, purchases begin with the collection and processing of applications and end with the transfer of materials and equipment to production. Purchasing departments develop methodology. The Service Procurement and MTP Department controls purchases in subsidiaries, and the entire process is controlled by internal audit.

Sergei Archipenko: Procurement departments help build a procurement methodology, which is a "set of laws and regulations", and carry out procurement. Internal audit once a year conducts a comprehensive review of procurement activities.

Many people believe that the best way to optimize purchasing activities in industrial holdings is with a centralized supply system. What principle do your companies follow?

Fedor Kirsanov: We have a clear separation list for items purchased centrally and at enterprises, which, on average, gives about 60% of centralization in terms of materials and equipment and 95% in chemical raw materials. In the near future - to bring the level of centralization of materials and equipment to 90-95%.

Sergei Archipenko: Purchasing in our company is characterized by a high degree of centralization: 80% of purchases are controlled by a central unit.

Marina Ustinova: The procurement process at Mosenergo is maximally centralized. The stations themselves do not buy anything, they only determine the need for resources and deadlines, that is, they are “internal customers”. Procurers of the General Directorate are directly involved in ensuring the supply of material and technical assets, works and services. They also develop the procurement methodology. Approved by its board of directors.

Sergei Mikhailov: The main purchases at TNK-BP are carried out by two business areas: Exploration and Production and Refining and Trade. Purchases of materials and equipment and services for the Exploration and Production business area are mainly consolidated: the most costly and critical items (about 55% of costs in monetary terms) are purchased in Moscow, the average cost items are purchased in the regional center (about 30% of costs). About 10% of materials and equipment and 20% of services are purchased locally (about 15% of costs).

Felix Itskov: We are gradually starting to delegate authority to specific employees. The purchasing commission may recommend something, but the final decision is made by a specific person. He bears all the responsibility for the decision.

McKinsey: One of the priorities of the procurement function is to reduce the cost of production. How to calculate savings and what KPIs should purchasing departments have?

Vladimir Bezzubov: Savings on the purchase of inventory items, we determine quite simply - from past results. The data of the past period on the purchased item are indexed according to the item reference books of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade. If we beat growth indices, then we are efficient. Thus, one can evaluate one's efficiency by the nomenclature that intersects between years, and in our country its share is about 80% of the total volume of purchased goods and materials.

For some of the most important positions, we adjust prices using special coefficients. For example, we have incorporated the London Metal Exchange copper price change index into the contract with monthly revision.

Sergei Mikhailov: TNK-BP uses the same approach - reducing the effect of inflation. Inflation targets are set for the planning year, within which prices must be kept. Inflation is determined by comparable items. From year to year, at least 70% of the nomenclature is crossed (all operational needs and part of the investment). At the same time, in capital costs, a significant part of the need is unique. In this case, to calculate the investment project, we expertly determine the planned price level. After the approval of the project, the implementation of the budget of the investment project is monitored. At the same time, we are actively working on the standardization of the equipment used, the unification of design solutions and, consequently, prices in capital construction, which in the future will allow us to ensure almost complete comparability of needs.

Formation of a regulatory framework for organizing the procurement process under 223-FZ

It is very important to familiarize customers with regulatory framework for purchases under 223-FZ and the experience of the procurement process on the example of Bank of Moscow OJSC, to highlight the difficulties, problem areas and stages. The main task is to find the optimal and successful solution to all issues, identifying the "pluses" and "minuses" of this model. Working with this process is successful, but it can also be called creative. Changes are constantly made to 223-FZ, and new solutions are also used.

If a company is just embarking on the path of 223-FZ, then it needs to register at such sites as State Services, State Procurement, as well as at accredited trading floors. Without this, it is impossible to start your activities under 223-FZ. It is there that all regulatory documents that must be published by law are placed. All trading activities are carried out only there and nowhere else.

With platforms, the process is quite simple, because they have been giving advice to users for a long time, explaining in detail and popularly all the subtleties of the system.

The registration process itself is not complicated. As you know, the preparatory stage always needs to lay extra time. This is necessary in order to approve the provisions and prepare documents on the standards of trading platforms.

After accreditation on the trading platform, it is immediately necessary to place a provision on the company's purchases. This document is subject to mandatory publication in the public domain.

This is the fundamental (conditionally external) document of each organization, pursuant to 223-FZ, which regulates procurement activities and contains:

  • terms, definitions, general provisions;
  • requirements for information support of procurement (including the list and timing of posting information in the Unified information system(EIS));
  • requirements for participants in procurement procedures and documentation provided by them;
  • procurement requirements, methods and forms of procurement procedures (including a description of the procedure for conducting and conditions for the application of procurement methods - carried out by holding a tender, auction, request for quotations, request for proposals, procurement from a single supplier and other methods (prior to the approval of changes to 223-FZ restricting diversity ways);
  • the procedure for concluding and executing contracts, as well as other provisions related to the provision of the Procurement;
  • the law determines who is approved ("Bank of Moscow" - Board of Directors).

It is also important to post a procurement plan. As long as the company does not post these documents, it is not considered to be operating under 223-FZ. Everything included in these documents is always reviewed by regulatory authorities. The procurement plan and procurement regulations need to be given special attention. Experts advise to take the provision on procurement of some large company, similar in specifics. It will be complete and exhaustive - it can be safely taken as a basis, because the company's experience here can hardly be overestimated: all stages of the procedures, conditions for participants' access and many other points are spelled out there.

Regulations on the Tender Commission (Procurement Commission). Composition of the Tender Commission.

This is a document that defines the goals, objectives, functions, powers, duties and responsibilities of the members of the commission, the procedure for organizing and conducting.

  • The law does not define who approves (the "Bank of Moscow" - the Board of the Bank)

The order of interaction between departments in the implementation of procurement activities.

This is a document that defines the entire internal procurement process from the initiation of requirements to reporting on the execution of contracts.

  • The law does not define who approves ("Bank of Moscow" - by Order of the President of the bank)

There are also documents that will help to correctly form the procurement process:

  • Rules for the formation of the initial (maximum) price. This document is useful in terms of contract pricing methodology. It will be useful for performers.
  • Regulations on planning and organizing control over the execution of the budget and the Procurement Plan.
  • Methodology for evaluating and comparing applications. It is used at a certain stage when there is an assessment of the results.
  • Regulations on the conclusion of business contracts. Regulates the preparation process standard contracts companies. Determines the specifics of the formation of contracts.
  • Procurement performance measurement standard. An indicator of short-term and long-term prospects for procurement.

The more purchases are regulated, the easier it will be for all employees of the company to work.

Internal systems and tools for optimizing procurement activities

  • Development of standard forms of documents with instructions for filling them out. This will help to provide for the most typical forms of documents and the most typical items of procurement. Standard forms were taken from the Word version, certain fields were protected with a password, the process of working with performers and the process of checking departments was regulated. This minimizes the possibility of errors and simplifies the process of preparing documents by employees.
  • Maximum detail and regulation of the procurement process.
  • Implementation of special platforms for procurement / improvement of existing ones (SAS, 1C, Cognitive, LanDocs, SDO-Procurement, etc., etc.).
  • Automation of approval routes, sequence, version control, fixing conclusions and possible risks.
  • Corporate Portal/Network Share.

Not all companies can afford to automate systems. You can always simplify the procurement processes, as well as refine the existing base. The Bank of Moscow did not purchase programs; the work began with a traditional paper workflow, which then became electronic in the LanDocs system. It is important to get away from paperwork as much as possible by optimizing the process, because the procurement cycle is large-scale, and regulatory authorities can make checks in which the provision electronic documents will be the most efficient.

The effectiveness of the introduction of special electronic systems:

  • A complete database of information on procurement, including for the generation of statistical data for a prospective analysis of factors affecting the efficiency of procurement, depending on their specifics, the timing / execution of the contract, seasonality, evaluation criteria and other parameters.
  • Full cycle control for a deeper analysis of procurement activities. Definition maximum efficiency not only at the time of the purchase, obtaining the best offer on the market, but also during the execution of the contract, incl. compliance with deadlines, possibly taking into account fines/penalties and other guarantee obligations that affect the overall efficiency of procurement activities, as well as the quality of fulfillment of obligations and decision-making on cost optimization at a different level.
  • Minimization of labor costs for the mechanical activities of departments responsible for procurement, release of resources for strategic tasks to maximize procurement optimization.
  • The ability to generate reports on concluded contracts and their execution, monthly, reporting on SMPS, which also minimizes labor costs and the likelihood of technical errors when generating reports in manual mode.
  • The possibility of concluding contracts in electronic form through the EETP, to optimize the collection and placement of information in the register of contracts, as well as on execution.

Participants, their powers and responsibilities in the overall procurement process.

Features of purchases in the regional network.

In any organization, when conducting procurement procedures, 3 main groups are distinguished. These are independent units that form the need for goods/works/services in order to ensure the activities of the organization.

Initiating/executing units. These are those who have a need for purchases and those who have a budget, that is, budget holders. They form the need for goods, works, services in order to ensure the activities of the organization and are responsible for procurement in areas related to the competence of such units within the approved budget, and support procurement contracts. Most often, these units send the rest of the terms of reference. The entire procurement documentation process lies with the persons responsible for compliance with 223-FZ.

Coordinating divisions. This is any financial service. Carry out coordination of documentation of the procurement procedure within their competence.

Authorized bodies/persons. Collective body (including the Tender Commission/official (head of an independent structural subdivision), the Procurer, who is empowered to make decisions on procurement procedures within its competence in accordance with regulations and administrative documents.

To summarize, these are 3 main subjects: the first initiates purchases and plans them, the second coordinates, the third is responsible for the decisions made.

Department for work with suppliers

He is engaged in procurement under 223-FZ and combines economic and legal functions. He has existed in the Bank of Moscow since 2013 and initially worked as part of 1 specialist. The process of creating such a department is always difficult, because it seems to many organizations that nothing significant should happen in terms of documents, which is only important to comply with 223-FZ. But it is important to know the specifics of the work and constantly expand the staff for effective work. It is important to share the specifics within the department, as well as to have special purchasing managers (category managers) on the staff. Apart from general requirements 223-FZ and economic knowledge, they own the specifics of the subject itself. They can give recommendations, negotiate with other structures. There is also an important position of a procurement support specialist. These are the people who know in detail all the nuances of trading platforms, publish information and reports, understand the EIS, deal with the procurement plan and perform other functions.

Activities of the Supplier Relations Department:

  • checks the correctness of filling out the Procurement Plan / making changes to the Procurement Plan, consolidates, submits for approval by the TC and places it in the EIS;
  • monitors, manages and controls the procurement process, including the coordination of forms and methods of procurement and procurement documentation in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulatory administrative documents;
  • checks the documentation of the procurement procedure / PQS for correctness of filling in accordance with the approved standard forms, including agreeing on the methodology and evaluation of applications, requirements for applicants / participants in the procurement procedure / PQS;
  • conducts the opening of envelopes with applications for participation, the correctness of the assessment and comparison of applications and summing up; makes decisions and approves documents in accordance with the delegated powers of the TC;
  • provides information support for procurement activities in accordance with the Procurement Regulations and the legislation of the Russian Federation. Participates in negotiations with suppliers;
  • consolidates and places in the EIS / provides in Federal Service state statistics, the Federal Agency for State Property Management reporting on contracts concluded as a result of procurement procedures, and reporting on procurement activities;
  • generates internal reporting for management on the effectiveness of procurement activities;
  • draws conclusions when asking questions collegiate bodies on approval of the purchase from a single supplier;
  • forms and initiates the approval of the regulatory and methodological framework governing the issues of procurement procedures;
  • is responsible for timely updating of information on the corporate portal.

Participants, their powers and responsibilities in the overall procurement process. Features of procurement in the regional network

The coordination of purchases in each organization takes place in its own way: it all depends on how the company writes down its processes on paper. 223-FZ does not give strict restrictions on how to organize purchases within the company. But there should be regulations on this activity - this is important, first of all, for the company's employees and the efficiency of their work.

For example, in the "Bank of Moscow" there were thresholds at which contracts should be drawn up. Up to the specified amount, payment on invoices is allowed without drawing up an agreement. This can be a threshold of up to 100,000 rubles or 500,000 rubles.

There is also a practice of delegation to branches. For example, this is the establishment of different threshold amounts at which branches can make purchases on their own.

Purchasing activity. Stages.

Planning and initiating procurement procedures. This is the formation of the budget, and the procurement plan. As you know, since 2016 it is impossible to make a purchase without publishing a structured procurement plan for the year ahead. Each purchase is attached to a plan line. Prospective planning of procurement procedures in the Bank is carried out by forming a Procurement Plan, the planning period of which is a calendar year or another period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in cases of purchasing innovative products. During the validity period of the Procurement Plan, due to production needs, in cases provided by law RF, it is allowed to make changes to the Procurement Plan.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 932, there are times when changes can not be made. This is the case when the amount changes by only 10% of the previously declared one, if the form of purchase and other points change. The procurement plan is published until December 31 and is valid for the entire next calendar year.

Procurement planning is carried out in accordance with the budget, but the procurement plan is not the budget. The Plan includes purchases that are of a long-term nature. The amount in the Plan may be more than planned for the year. But the Procurement Plan is based on the budget.

The Plan does not include non-public purchases (up to 500/100 thousand rubles). At the same time, verification and control are carried out for artificial crushing (in order to avoid 223-FZ), and proposals are made for combining purchases to obtain the most optimal proposals. It is not allowed to initiate and conduct a procurement without including it in the Procurement Plan.

If there are purchases for different periods in the Plan, for example, the purchase of monitors in the 1st quarter and the purchase of monitors in the 4th quarter, then it should be possible to combine these purchases for a larger one. Such a purchase can be multi-lot, if there is such a specificity. Many customers are aware that the larger the volume of purchased goods, the more significant discount can be obtained from the supplier.

  • scheduled adjustments on an ongoing basis (monthly/quarterly)
  • urgent/unforeseen adjustments (delegated authority)

At the stage of agreement / endorsement of the contract following the results of the procurement procedure, in the absence / insufficiency of funds in the budget, the signing procedure is suspended until the source of funding is determined.

Formation, coordination and approval of procurement documentation; placement of procurement in the EIS, preparation of responses to requests from Bidders (if necessary), making changes to the procurement documentation (if necessary). At this stage, it is possible to cancel the procurement procedure.

The process of approval of procurement documentation in the Bank of Moscow is carried out using the SDO Media system. It allows you to automatically build a route, starting from initiation (the contractor sends his request to the desired procurement unit). The contractor creates an application and sends it to the administrative department. This department generates the procurement documentation. There are systems that allow you to do this in exactly the same way as on trading floors and in the Unified Information System according to a template. That is, these are fields that are filled in and published. This documentation is approved by the manager and goes to the relevant departments for approval along the automatic route. It is important to use the ideas of IT specialists to refine the company's processes if it is not possible to buy expensive software.

The document generated in this system, after approval by the head, goes to the financial service and accounting department. If there are comments on the document, then it goes back to the executor. The executor, in turn, finalizes the document and comes back to these two divisions along the same route: the financial service must see the final version of the document. Then the document goes to the legal department. There is a practice when the legal department looks at the document at the very beginning, but this is optional.

After the tender commission has taken place, the document may or may not be approved. If revision is required, the document is again sent to the contractor, and then to the secretary of the tender commission.

Further, the protocol is placed and redirected to the department for work with suppliers. The department publishes. Depending on the method of procurement, information about the nuances is filled in before summing up the results of the procurement. After the publication of the purchase on the website, the contractor begins to control the purchase in the EIS. After the opening of the envelopes, you can clearly see the calendar with reminders of the stages of the process and the work of the department for work with suppliers begins in the area of ​​initiating the summing up. But the summing up itself remains with the performer. The next stage is the verification of the counterparty by the security service. Depending on the amount of the purchase, the document is sent either to the head of the BSC, or to the tender commission, if the purchase amount is more than 5 million rubles. The secretary of the tender commission forms a package of documents and puts it on the agenda of the meeting.

If the results are approved and no additional operations are required, then an approval protocol is generated and it is sent to the supplier relationship department for placement. This is the final stage of the purchase - summing up the results on the site. Next, the process of negotiating the contract and generating reports is started.

This process may include other steps, but here is a basic list of steps.

Additionally, we can say about purchases that are not published on the EIS website and are not included in the procurement plan. These are purchases up to 100/500 thousand rubles. They provide a simplified coordination scheme. No procurement documentation is generated in such cases. Coordination takes place only at the initial stage (executor-profile service-accounting-financial service-legal department). But here it is important to avoid fragmentation of purchases. The verification phase by the finance department is carried out carefully, so that purchases are identified that can be combined.

Controlling units check for the presence of artificial "crushing". If a deliberately special breakdown of purchases into small ones, even with different counterparties, is discovered, if more than 500 (100) thousand rubles is exceeded, the next purchase is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents applicable to purchases over 500 (100) thousand rubles.

Initiation of purchases included in the Procurement Plan is carried out 30 calendar days before the beginning of the month in which the purchase is scheduled, and / or 60 calendar days before the expiration date of the contract for a similar item.

In order not to slow down the procurement process, which has many nuances, the Bank of Moscow has developed a protocol of disagreements, which can be drawn up at any stage of approval. These disagreements may arise between the executing and coordinating departments. This protocol is submitted for consideration by the commission or other body. It is the higher authorities who decide on the chosen option and either accept the risks or not. During checks, the protocol of disagreements shows exactly how the decision-making process took place.

The structure of the Regulations of the tender commission in the Bank of Moscow was created on the basis of the powers of the members of this commission. In order to optimize the work of the Tender Commission and reduce the time for conducting purchases, the authority to approve purchases to 5 million rubles. delegated to department heads.

On certain issues, the possibility of decision-making by higher bodies (Board/President) is provided. These possibilities need to be foreseen, as there are different situations. Often the decisions taken by the Board of the bank helped to defend a position in the FAS.

Execution and conclusion of contracts. As a result of the procedure, the completed draft agreement is agreed with the DBU, SED, YUD (see slide 15). It is possible to change the conditions for the execution of the contract before signing in the direction of improvement. This step must be enabled to avoid problems during conclusion of the contract. It is allowed to make changes during the execution of the contract in terms of: Volume/Price/Terms. If the counterparty agrees to this, then changes are allowed. The contract should not differ from the final protocol. For example, you can prescribe the possibility of changing prices for purchases from a single supplier by no more than 15%. Changes are agreed and approved by the authorized bodies/persons who previously decided to conclude the contract.

Opening envelopes (except for purchases from a single supplier), rebidding and post-qualification (if necessary), requests to Participants (if necessary). Procurement participants may also be present at this stage. Rebidding is necessary to obtain the most optimal offers from the participants' applications.

Summing up and evaluating the effectiveness of the purchase (except for the purchase from a single supplier) and approval of the Winner of the purchase (except for the purchase from a single supplier).

Coordination and conclusion of contracts based on the results of procurement procedures and amendments to such contracts.

Formation, provision and placement of reports on the results of procurement activities. In accordance with the requirements of 223-FZ and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the customer generates reports on procurement activities. It must also be placed in the EIS. What is reporting?

  1. Information for the register of concluded contracts. The subdivision that concluded the contract sends / enters into a certain system:
  • information about the concluded agreement for placement in the EIS (placement within three days from the date of conclusion of the agreement),
  • information on making changes in terms of volume, price and terms (placement within 10 days from the date of making these changes),
  • information on the results of the execution of contracts concluded as a result of the procurement, including payment for the contract (placed within 10 days from the date of execution of the contract),
  • information about the termination of the contract concluded as a result of the procurement.
  • Monthly reporting. It is formed and placed in the EIS before the 10th day of the month following the reporting one and includes both published purchases and non-published purchases. Approved by an authorized person of the organization.
  • Annual reporting on purchases from SMEs. It is formed and placed in the UIS until February 1 of the year following the reporting one. Approved by an authorized person of the organization.
  • The process of execution of reporting and its publication must be strictly observed in order to avoid fines from regulatory authorities. There is a table of fines (slide number 20). It is necessary to know it and try to optimize the procurement process in order to avoid financial costs.

    Monitoring the execution of contracts + posting reports on contracts.

    The presented model of organizing procurement activities under 223-FZ for 3.5 years allowed:

    • conduct 2000 published purchases,
    • improve procurement efficiency, incl. by obtaining the maximum reduction from the initial (maximum) prices as a result of competitive procedures,
    • automate workflow routes without additional costs for expensive systems,
    • to exclude fines and orders from regulatory authorities in the field of procurement: 10 complaints were filed against the actions of the Bank of Moscow, 0 were found to be justified. There were no additional instructions from the regulatory authorities. From this it follows that the model of the "Bank of Moscow" can be recognized as working and efficient.

    Also, each company can create its own corporate resource for the exchange of up-to-date information and procurement documentation.

    Questions from participants

    Is it possible to conduct joint bidding under 223-FZ? For example, 2 unitary enterprises carry out purchases for road repairs.

    Yes, it's possible. Only the possibility and procedure for joint procurement should be specified in the Procurement Regulations of both one and the other organization.

    Is there a limit on the number of purchases from a single supplier under 223-FZ?

    There are no such restrictions, but companies should be guided by common sense, as well as other normative documents(135-FZ) and exclude restrictions on competition. Also, the conditions for procurement from a single supplier should be spelled out in the Procurement Regulations and regulatory documents.

    New approved procurement plan. The institution is not required to support the SMP. Should I complete this section, leave it blank, or delete it?

    You do not need to delete it: the form is approved by the Government Decree. The section can be left blank by putting zeros in it.

    When forming a procurement plan, notification and information, the wording of the procurement may change. How critical are these changes?

    Such changes are critical, since there is a link to the procurement plan for the publication of the purchase. The subject of the purchase is taken from there. This is best avoided, there should be uniformity.

    How does the Bank of Moscow recalculate the cost of foreign currency purchases in the column "Total volume"? Does it happen automatically or manually?

    When there was no system and the procurement plan was formed in an Excel spreadsheet, when the plan for the year was formed, the currency was transferred at the rate approved by the Bank. For budget planning, rates descend "from the top" to the date of approval. The budget is formed in accordance with these indicators.

    The term for concluding a contract with the EP after the expiration of 10 days, as well as after the procurement procedures?

    This is a controversial point, since there is no direct ban. For competitive purchases, it is better to withstand this period as much as possible. But if you need to spend faster, then there is no problem.

    If the provision does not specify the rationale for the initial (maximum) price of the contract and the rationale for choosing a supplier when purchasing from a single supplier. Do I need to justify the choice of a single supplier?

    There is no need to publish the rationale on the site. But you need to understand that this should be spelled out within the organization, that is, in the procurement regulation. When checking by regulatory authorities, such justifications must be provided.

    If all purchases under 223-FZ are up to 100 thousand rubles from a single supplier. Is it necessary to create a tender commission?

    It may not be necessary, but it should be authorized persons who are responsible for approving purchases. There should also be a zero procurement plan that is posted on the site.

    Treaty paid provision services. Treat it like a purchase?

    Yes, if it does not exceed the threshold for published purchases. Such a purchase should simply be included in the monthly reporting.

    Is it possible to make changes to the Procurement Regulations? If yes, then there are terms for placing purchases after making changes.

    You can make changes, there are no restrictions, but there is an obligation to publish these changes in the manner prescribed by law (15 days from the date of approval).

    According to 44-FZ, it is impossible to change the draft agreement. Is it possible to amend the contract at the stage of its signing?

    You can make changes. But there should be no actions that can improve the position of the winner.

    What document authorizes specialists to make minor changes to the documentation?

    In the "Bank of Moscow" such powers are assigned to the tender commission.

    Is the assessment methodology included in the procurement documentation each time for a certain 223-FZ assessment procedure?

    Not every time. The assessment methodology is an additional document and is used in tenders, requests for proposals (where there are other criteria other than price).

    Who is requesting commercial offers and forms the initial (maximum) contract price?

    In the "Bank of Moscow" performers do it. The purchasing process starts with a purchase requirement. The executing department prepares the documentation to justify the price. The prices and conditions of the current counterparty are used, and if the purchase is new, then the request is sent to the market. After receiving the proposals, an evaluation takes place. The price structure can be found at If the supplier is unique, then there is nothing to compare his offer with, but he is also checked for the adequacy of a similar cost in another company.

    Purchase of medical examination of employees up to 100 thousand rubles. What are the restrictions on the method of purchasing from a single supplier? Do I need to prepare a technical task?

    Here the purchase is direct, it is not necessary to publish it. The technical task is necessary if it is required by regulatory documents for the agreement of the contract.

    Who and how controls the execution of the contract, as well as the placement of information in the EIS?

    The execution of the contract is controlled by the initiator. He also carries out the purchase and conclusion of the contract. The purchaser places information in the EIS.

    How is the division of responsibility between category managers and the publisher organized?

    Category managers are responsible for the essence of the purchase and its content. Publishers - for the timing of placement, control of the timing and procedures for opening. Publishers do not delve into the essence of the purchase and do not conduct additional checks.

    In the process of work, contracts up to 100 thousand rubles were identified that were not included in the reporting.

    Such situations should not be, but reports can be adjusted. These adjustments are visible. It is better to post treaties than to hide them.

    Does the Bank of Moscow work with framework contracts for electricity supply?

    All organizations are sometimes forced to accept the conditions of counterparties. It is possible to conclude an agreement of disagreements in terms of amending the agreement itself. As a rule, the marginal price is not prescribed there, since the volume is added up after the fact. According to the tariff, this is fixed in the procurement plan. If there are changes in tariffs, then you can work with them without additional agreements.

    Legal regulation of competitive relations and relations related to the placement of orders implies interrelated goals and objectives. Thus, one of the principles of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on the contract system) is to ensure competition. Pursuant to Part 2 of Article 8 of the Law on the Contract System, it is prohibited for customers, specialized organizations, their officials, procurement commissions, members of such commissions, procurement participants to take any actions that are contrary to the requirements of the Law on the Contract System, including those that lead to restriction of competition, in particular, to unreasonable limitation of the number of procurement participants. In accordance with part 1 of article 2 of the Law on the contract system, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs is based on the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Civil Code Russian Federation, Budget Code Russian Federation and consists of the Law on the contract system and other federal laws regulating relations aimed at ensuring state and municipal needs.
    One of these laws is Federal Law No. 135-FZ of July 26, 2006 “On Protection of Competition” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Protection of Competition), the purpose of which is to ensure the unity of the economic space in the Russian Federation, protect competition and create conditions for the effective functioning of commodity markets (Part 2 of Article 1).
    Prohibitions on competition-restricting actions of organizers or customers of tenders during procurement for the supply of goods for state needs, established by law, are also interconnected.
    In accordance with part 1 of article 24 of the Law on the contract system, when making purchases, customers use competitive methods to determine suppliers (contractors, performers) or purchase from a single supplier (contractor, performer). According to part 1 of article 25 of the Law on the contract system, when two or more customers purchase the same goods, works, services, such customers have the right to hold joint tenders or auctions.
    At the same time, the customer must be guided by the rules for describing the procurement object, which are established by Article 33 of the Law on the contract system.
    In accordance with paragraph 1 of part 1 of article 33 of the Law on the contract system, the description of the procurement object should not include requirements for goods, information, works, services, provided that such requirements entail a limitation on the number of procurement participants.
    In addition, part 3 of article 33 of the Law on the contract system establishes that it is not allowed to include in the procurement documentation (including in the form of quality requirements, technical specifications goods, works or services, requirements for the functional characteristics (consumer properties) of the goods) requirements for the manufacturer of the goods, for the procurement participant (including the requirements for the qualification of the procurement participant, including the availability of work experience), as well as the requirements for business reputation procurement participant, requirements for the availability of production capacities, technological equipment, labor, financial and other resources necessary for the production of goods, the supply of which is the subject of the contract, for the performance of work or the provision of services that are the subject of the contract, unless the possibility of establishing such requirements for the procurement participant is provided for by the Law on the contract system.
    In accordance with part 1 of Article 17 of the Law on Protection of Competition, when conducting tenders, actions that lead or may lead to the prevention, restriction or elimination of competition are prohibited. By virtue of Part 2 of Article 17 of the Law on Protection of Competition, along with the prohibitions established by Part 1 of Article 17, when conducting auctions, if the organizers or customers of the auction are federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, state non-budgetary funds, as well as when conducting tenders for placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state or municipal needs, it is prohibited to federal laws or other regulatory legal acts restricting access to participation in the auction.
    Based on the literal and semantic interpretation of the regulatory provisions of Article 17 of the Law on Protection of Competition, any actions that lead or may lead to the prevention, restriction or elimination of competition in the conduct of tenders are prohibited, since the list of prohibitions listed in Article 17 of the Law on Protection of Competition is not exhaustive.
    As a rule, when forming auction documentation, customers form large lots, both in terms of the range and the quantity of supplied products.
    At the same time, when considering similar issues, the FAS Russia found that many baby food suppliers cannot supply the entire assortment required according to the terms of reference. At the same time, many suppliers have the opportunity to supply part of the required range.
    Thus, if a large lot is divided into several, the number of potential bidders will increase. The division of baby food products into lots during such auctions contributes to the development of competition, including making it possible for manufacturers to directly participate in auctions.
    When placing an order, the customer has the right to independently allocate lots, however, such an association should not be in conflict with the general principles of the Law on the contract system in terms of providing guarantees to potential bidders for the exercise of their right to participate in the auction, the efficient use of budgetary funds and the development of fair competition, and also comply with the requirements of Article 17 of the Law on Protection of Competition, which prohibits the commission of any actions that lead or may lead to the prevention, restriction or elimination of competition in bidding.
    Thus, the enlargement of the lot entails a restriction of competition during bidding due to a reduction in the number of economic entities that could take part in the auction, and leads to inefficient spending of budget funds.

    About what prevents the purchasing department from becoming a full-fledged tool for increasing the company's profits.

    Each of the factors mentioned in the last article reduces the effectiveness of the purchasing department. If you find similarities in several positions at once in relation to your company, the position can be considered critical.

    The question arises →

    What should the head of the company and the CFO do in such a situation?

    Practice shows that it is possible to get out of the crisis only through thoughtful step-by-step transformations.

    So, let's begin.

    Step one. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the procurement department

    Conduct an audit and get an objective picture of what is happening in Procurement:

    • study the current workflow;
    • highlight the TOP-20 categories and the amount of costs for them;
    • designate the persons responsible for the purchase of these categories;
    • specify the number and functionality of employees involved in the procurement process;
    • evaluate the level of expertise in procurement by category.

    Step two. Purchasing focus on strategic issues

    Release Purchasing from non-core work by focusing employees on strategic issues:

    1. Sourcing:

    • market analysis;
    • preparation terms of reference;
    • tender/negotiations;
    • preparation and implementation of the contract.

    2. Management of interaction with suppliers:

    • performance evaluation of suppliers by interviewing internal customers and market analysis;
    • establishing feedback;
    • recommendations to suppliers on how to make their service more efficient;
    • introduction of innovations.
    • procurement and consumption process;
    • commercial terms;
    • specifications.

    2) Creation of a long-term category strategy and new procurement schemes. For example, switching to operating leasing or car rental instead of buying vehicles in the property.

    Ensure full procurement coverage of strategic cost categories

    Strategic Categories- categories that critically affect your business. Such categories (packaging, raw materials, transport, goods and services for marketing) usually make up the majority of budget expenditures.

    Spot(one-time purchases with a low cost - purchase of 10 laptops, search for an office for rent, purchase of office furniture, etc.) and operational purchases(processing applications for office supplies, supplies for shops, placing and tracking orders with suppliers) allocate to a separate operational function. To do this, establish a service center in a region with low labor costs or outsource operational functions.

    If these processes are left to the initiators, there is a high probability of nullifying the savings achieved during sourcing

    Reasons for these losses:

    Move the table

    Procurement is a non-core activity for initiators Conflict of interests The principle of separation of responsibility does not work
    • lack of motivation to improve process efficiency and achieve savings
    • initiators have the opportunity to independently determine the supplier and the conditions for placing an order
    • Purchasing controls contractual terms;
    • the initiator determines the need and places requests;
    • the service center processes applications and tracks orders, arranges payment of invoices

    Step three. Strong expertise

    Focus your purchasing expertise on strategic cost categories.


    • hire specialized specialists for each specific categories;
    • fire the "tired" - those who cannot be motivated;
    • train employees (trainings, reference visits, etc.);
    • accumulate knowledge gained from suppliers and companies from the same industry.

    Step four. clear goals

    Set a clear goal for Purchasing: optimize costs for specific purchasing categories. Entrust the achievement of economic indicators to Finance. And to effectively spend the savings from sourcing events, adjust the budget quarterly.


    Finance does not take into account calculated, but actually received savings

    Step five. Sourcing Action Plan

    Agree with the purchasing department on a plan of sourcing activities designed for a year, and preferably for the next two years. This will allow you to assess the scale of savings and use the necessary labor resources.

    Step six. Signing and tracking SLAs (Service Level Agreements)

    Be sure to develop and sign an SLA between Purchasing and other departments of the company.

    Quarterly measure the performance of the purchasing department.

    Feedback can be obtained through surveys to help find out →

    • Are the initiators satisfied with the service providers?
    • To what extent are heads of departments satisfied with the service of the purchasing department?
    • What are the pros and cons of running a procurement service?

    We use the resource in our work.

    Regularly discuss emerging problems between the initiators and Procurement, monitor the implementation of the planned activities. This will reduce the time for agreeing on tender decisions and procurement, as well as help achieve savings according to the sourcing plan.

    Step seven. Getting shopping out of your comfort zone

    Take shopping out of your comfort zone!

    Try to find new opportunities for cost reduction.

    One such possibility is the creation of procurement consortiums with other companies. Unfortunately, today many companies do not consolidate purchases even within their own organization / group of companies or even one division, which affects their results.

    With the support of management, purchasing specialists can consolidate all the volumes of the group of companies and conduct a sourcing event for more than high level

    Suppliers will meet halfway: they are interested in signing a contract for a larger volume within the framework of one event.

    Step eight. Use benchmarking

    Carry out benchmarking - comparison of the current conditions of the company with the conditions of other market participants. For example, in relation to mobile communications, you need to compare the costs per user per month.

    Benchmarking helps stimulate Procurement and allows you to assess the potential for cost reduction. In addition, it provides guidance in negotiations with suppliers: what level of value should be aimed at.

    Step nine. Involve Purchasing in covering all requests

    Require Procurement to cover all purchasing categories - direct and indirect.

    Participation of Procurement in the acceptance process strategic decisions increases their efficiency and competitive advantages, and allows initiators to formulate requests more correctly and clearly

    The purchasing service is involved from the very beginning in the company's projects, where high costs are planned.

    Step ten. Finance oversight

    Tasks of Finance:

    • involve Procurement in the budgeting process;
    • set aggressive budgetary savings targets for Procurement;
    • monitor the achievement of these goals;
    • participate in the audit of procurement activities.

    Finances should set the goal of saving for the initiators as well. This forces proponents to cooperate with Procurement in the selection of suppliers, even in categories in which Procurement has not previously participated.

    Step eleven. The head of the company is the main stakeholder

    You, like no one else, understand that the results of the procurement service directly affect the company's achievements. So it's in your best interest to be the main stakeholder, purchasing function sponsor.

    The CEO should regularly (quarterly):

    • evaluate the results of the Procurement activity together with other functional managers;
    • receive a reliable report on achievements/problems in the field of procurement;
    • receive a report on the results of Procurement in comparison with similar companies.


    Procurement concerns the activities of the entire company and all functional leaders, therefore, control and interest from the side of the CEO is necessary. For this reason, in international companies, the head of the Supply function (supply) often reports directly to the CEO.

    Summing up

    If you want to get the most out of Purchasing, create a competitive environment in which Purchasing competes within their own team, with other departments within the company, and with purchasing departments from other organizations. Otherwise, the Procurement activity will remain chaotic and will not bring tangible results.

    In international companies, CEOs and CFOs are involved in strategic purchasing management issues. This is explained by the fact that purchases increase the company's profit on a par with sales.

    In Russia, purchases have long been on the sidelines, as consumption and sales have grown over the past 15 years. Purchasing inefficiencies were ignored by management in pursuit of super profits and lack of competition.

    Procurement becomes competitive if the company's management is interested in it, sets strategic goals for Procurement and monitors their implementation

    It's time to change focus. You will certainly be able to change a lot and profitably in the purchasing function in your company! If you need practical advice, .

    Introduction general rules conducting procurement in various ways is a necessary measure to prevent errors and facilitate the procurement process. So, in particular, the correct choice of the method of procurement for certain goods, works, services is key factor affecting the overall efficiency of the procurement.

    As one of the results of this work, the development of recommendations for choosing the optimal procurement method for a particular product was announced.

    As already noted in the second chapter, the choice of the procurement method depends on many parameters and, above all, on the characteristics of the procurement object and the time and material resources available to the customer. Below are the main factors that customers should consider when deciding on the choice of procurement method.

    1. Urgency of purchase. First of all, the customer must clearly understand how much time he can spend on the purchase. If the purchase is planned, preparation for it begins at a certain time and the customer has a temporary margin for the development of documentation, the draft contract and the organization of procedures. In this case, the customer has no restrictions in choosing the method of purchase. However, it should be borne in mind that the most time-consuming is the tender (especially a two-stage tender - from 1.5 months), an electronic auction takes less time (from 20 days), and a request for quotations takes even less time (about 1 week).

    If the customer has an urgent and unforeseen need for any product, work or service, emergency where the object of procurement is required as soon as possible, then the priority methods are request for proposals and competitive negotiations. The customer, within a few days, considers the proposals of the participants, negotiates with them to clarify the conditions and concludes a contract with the most suitable conditions for themselves. You should also not forget about the request for quotations, which can be carried out in a short time, however, the limitations here are the characteristics of the procurement object (only standard products, works, services) and the price (if price limits are set in the procurement regulation). Often, under tight deadlines, a contract is concluded with sole supplier(the conditions for using this method should be regulated in the procurement regulations), however, this option is undesirable, because deliberately limits competition, which, when using other procurement methods, allows the customer to choose suitable conditions from several options.

    • 2. Characteristics of the procurement object. If standard goods are purchased that have clear and unambiguous qualitative, technical, and operational characteristics, then the customer should resort to more simple ways- electronic auction or request for quotations. In economic theory, such goods are classified as inspection goods (the quality is observable and verifiable), and they have the following features: procurement: on the way to new quality: report. State. un-ta - Higher School of Economics / otv. ed. A.A. Yakovlev. - M.: Ed. house of the State un-ta - Higher School of Economics, 2010. - P. 51.
    • characteristics and the required level of quality can be fixed in the contract in a formal way, by specifying technical requirements and specifications;
    • · the quality of the goods can be assessed at the time of delivery, so quality claims can be resolved in court;
    • the object of procurement does not require professional expertise;
    • the market for such goods is mature and competitive;
    • · the experience and reputation of the performer do not play a significant role, because the risks of non-execution of the contract are low (you can always quickly buy elsewhere);
    • · parameters and terms of delivery are standard;
    • · When determining the price/quality ratio, the main parameter is the price (significance 80-100%).

    In this case, the standard requirements for participants are set in the documentation, and the main competition occurs on a price basis. Because such object of purchase is widely represented on the market (available from many sellers who compete with each other on price) and does not have special distinctive characteristics, then achieving the lowest price for the object of purchase is the main goal of the customer. If the purchase price is relatively small, the priority is the request for quotations (electronic form is welcome). The auction allows you to achieve greater savings with a significant purchase price (calculated in millions of rubles). Spending more time and money resources on the competition is not economically feasible, because. the costs of the procedures may outweigh the benefits.

    If the object of procurement does not fall under the category of standard and simple, the customer must make a decision, also taking into account the following factor.

    3. Criteria for choosing the winner. As noted above, the use of only the price criterion in determining the winner is effective in the case of the purchase of standardized and uncomplicated products. In the event that the procurement object is technically complex, its characteristics may vary, and non-performance or improper performance of the contract may entail serious consequences (including the occurrence of losses for the customer), it is most appropriate to use a set of criteria according to which the winner is determined. This opportunity is provided by the organization of the competition. As part of the competitive procedures, the customer can establish a list of criteria by which he will evaluate applications. Price is mandatory, but not the main factor in the decision. Technical and quality characteristics, delivery times, guarantees (including warranty service), payment, delivery, installation, etc. can be much more important for the customer. A separate item in this list is the experience and reputation of the supplier. The qualification of the participant can be the most important factor that the customer pays attention to.

    If the procurement object is high-tech, specific and very expensive, it may be more effective to conduct a tender in several stages. In addition to using a set of criteria in the evaluation (including supplier qualifications), the customer can clarify the parameters of the required products from the participant, who, in turn, can correct the proposal, add the conditions necessary for the customer.

    As a result of the competition, the customer has the opportunity to choose the best characteristics and the best purchase conditions (if there is competition between the participants).

    In a situation where the procurement object is truly unique (it is produced or provided by only one supplier), the customer has no other option but to conclude a contract with such a single supplier.

    4. The ability (inability) of the customer to formulate clear requirements for the object of procurement. This factor is closely related to the previous ones; for simple and comparable products, it is not difficult for the customer to draw up a description and requirements for the procurement object. However, there are situations when the customer does not have a clear idea of ​​what he needs to get as a result of the purchase, and the criteria for choosing the winner are also not specifically and unambiguously formed. It is obvious that ensuring competition according to the price criterion here will not give the desired result, because. there are no uniform requirements for the applications of participants. Applying an agile approach is more rational and efficient. Such flexibility in determining the conditions and characteristics of the procurement object to the customer is provided by the use of a request for proposals and competitive negotiations. It is important to note that the possibility of negotiation here is key, because. in discussions with potential suppliers, the customer can clarify his requirements, describe them to the participants, receive various proposals and options for solving problems. As a result, the customer gets a clearer understanding of the capabilities of his counterparties, specifies his requirements and chooses the most suitable option. It is worth noting that discussions can take place sequentially with each participant or simultaneously, on all aspects of the proposals or only on some of them that cause difficulties for the customer.

    Based on the analysis of various procurement methods in the second chapter of this work, it was suggested that the most appropriate procurement methods for the purchase of motor gasoline are request for quotations and open auction in electronic form. This assumption was confirmed during the analysis of procurement practices. Thus, within the framework of the state order, most purchases worth up to 500 thousand rubles were carried out using a request for quotations, with a higher NMTsK, the customer used an auction as a similar procedure. To a greater extent, this choice is based on the list of goods that should be purchased through an electronic auction, but also on the nature of the relationship between the characteristics of the goods and the methods of procurement.

    Thus, motor gasoline is not a specific or unique product, it is extremely widespread and has certain standard characteristics, and the market for motor gasoline suppliers is long-established and competitive. For a product with such characteristics, the procurement documentation is relatively simple, because quality requirements do not need to be developed, they are established state standards and other regulatory documents. In this case, the customer sets all the requirements he needs for the bids of the participants, and during the purchase he focuses only on the proposed prices and chooses the lowest of them. Since the procurement object is not complex, it is advisable to choose the procedure, the organization of which will not require large expenditures of time and money, if one of the goals is to achieve certain savings as a result of the procurement.

    These statements are true, for example, also for the purchase of office supplies, org. equipment, spare parts, various inventory, building materials, food products, etc.

    It is not advisable to hold a tender due to the length and cost of the procedures, in addition, the supplier should not have any unique characteristics that are subject to careful evaluation. As for the request for proposals, its use for such purchases is possible, but it does not seem rational in cases where the customer knows exactly what he wants to receive as a result of the purchase.

    Thus, the most optimal way of purchasing for standard products is a request for quotations. Since Law No. 223-FZ does not regulate the use of a request for quotation and its price limit, it can be applied to any NMCC. However, with a significant NMTsK (for example, more than 500 thousand rubles, as in the state order), an electronic auction is more appropriate, because. more savings can be made by allowing the supplier to cut the price multiple times if the auction is competitive.

    Setting goals to be achieved in the course of procurement, and comparing the benefits and costs of using one or another method of procurement should be an indispensable component of any planning and preparation of procurement procedures. Preliminary analysis helps to make the right decision, reduce time, labor and money costs and, as a result, increase the efficiency of the purchase.

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