Medical book for food trade. List of doctors for a medical book for a seller of non-food products

When organizing a household goods store, it is important to take into account all the little things. Moreover, pay special attention to legal issues. After all, the absence of certain documents entails fines. In this regard, the question often arises of whether a seller of household goods needs a health certificate. Note that there is a generally accepted opinion that it is not necessary. But it is wrong. Therefore, we understand in what cases this document is really necessary.

Before hiring an employee, you need to remember that the health certificate is not issued in one day. And its absence is a violation of the law. Therefore, you need to take care of passing a medical examination in advance. This makes it possible to minimize the risks of receiving penalties from inspection authorities.

Moreover, the document retains its status even if you change place of work. Therefore, during employment, preference is often given to employees with a issued personal medical record.

Here you need to pay attention to the specifics of the work. The list of necessary medical studies and examinations by specialists may differ for different areas. There are no universal rules.

Cases in which a health certificate is required

Household goods include a wide range of products. Depending on it, the need for a health record is determined. Often, a store sells not only household goods, but also related accessories. These often include: household chemicals, hygiene products, construction supplies, etc. Here is a list of products for the sale of which a health certificate is required:

  • perfume and hygiene products;
  • consignment goods;
  • clothing and shoes;
  • flowers;
  • children's non-food assortment.

There are two options for selling household goods:

  1. You specialize in products that are included in the above list. In this case, you constantly issue health certificates to sellers and monitor their maintenance.
  2. Only part of the temporary or seasonal assortment is subject to the regulations. If its sales volume is insignificant, it is easier to refuse it. In case of large seasonal turnover, it is permissible to hire a temporary employee with a medical examination or draw up documents for one of the full-time sellers.

Registration of a health record

To pass the commission, you have to use the services of a regular clinic or go to private centers. You will definitely need to go through:

  • fluorography;
  • therapist;
  • dermatologist;
  • provide a vaccination certificate.

The list of additional examinations must be clarified depending on the specifics of the activity.

Note! It is not always possible to complete all studies in one day. Some specialists will require an appointment in advance. This needs to be taken care of in advance.

To clarify the details, it is not necessary to contact the health station. This issue is also dealt with by legal services. This means that information support can be obtained when completing the main package of documents.

A health book, also known as a medical book for trade in non-food products, is a document that every trade worker should receive, regardless of his position and other internal work issues.

As soon as you need a medical card to work in a store, contact our medical center. Here, passing the commission will take you much less time than in budgetary institutions.

  • Each medical worker at our center is a professional. Therefore, any medical opinion will be reliable. Similarly with analyses;
  • We save your time. The medical examination is completed in one day, without bureaucratic delays;
  • Registration of a medical book is carried out in strict accordance with current Russian legislation.

How is a medical card issued for a seller in Moscow?

Do you need an officially issued medical card for a seller of non-food products in Moscow? There is no need to stand in long lines, cursing the healthcare system, doctors and the employer who sent you to the commission. The issue is resolved faster, and a medical record for the seller can be issued in a modern clinic at an adequate price.

If you already have a medical book for non-food stores, remember that it is valid for six months. It is important to apply for renewal in time so that the next check does not reveal that the document is expired. By showing the proper level of responsibility now and resolving this issue, you will protect yourself from problems at work, fines and other completely unnecessary problems.

Apply for a medical card for non-food items in Moscow

As soon as you need a medical book for non-food items, or you need to renew an existing book, just contact a representative of our medical service to clarify the details.

  • Specify the date and time when you will come to issue a medical book;
  • Do not forget that to obtain a medical book you will need to take your passport;
  • A photograph must be pasted into the medical record. Prepare a 3x4 cm matte photograph.

Don't forget that in Moscow the rules are much stricter than in the regions. You should not hope that a medical record filled with false information/purchased will be able to pass verification. Use only an original, officially executed document.

You can find out more details and sign up for a medical examination at a convenient time. We are open until 21-00 on weekdays, until 19-00 on weekends.

Rostruda on this issue? On this issue, we adhere to the following position: The workers indicated in the question (including sellers of non-food products), as employees of trade organizations, are required to undergo medical examinations. The explanations of Rostrud specialists on this issue are contradictory. Justification for the position: Clause 1 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (hereinafter referred to as Law N 52-FZ) provides that in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases, mass non-infectious diseases (poisonings) and occupational diseases, workers Individual professions, industries and organizations, when performing their job duties, are required to undergo preliminary upon entry to work and periodic preventive medical examinations.

Does a seller of non-food products need a health certificate?

According to part two of Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, trade workers are required to undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases. Clause 15 of the List of works, during the performance of which mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers are carried out, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 04/12/2011 N 302n, also classifies work in trade organizations (without specifying the products sold) among the number of works during which preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

Do you need a medical book for non-food products?

The facility must be the one where you were vaccinated. If you recently graduated from school, the certificate can be found at the children's clinic. Important: Women also need to be examined by a gynecologist and have a smear test.
If a woman is over forty years old, then an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands is added to this, which must be done at least once every two years. In addition to undergoing examinations by doctors, you need to pass the following tests for your medical record to the seller:

  1. Blood (for syphilis, typhoid fever, RNGA; clinical analysis, biochemical - for glucose and cholesterol).
  2. Feces (for the disinfectant group, worm eggs, enterobiasis).
  3. Smear (for the presence of staphylococcus).
  4. Urine (general).

So, this is the main thing that should be in the health book of a grocery store seller.

Do you need a medical record for a seller of industrial goods?


Rostruda conclude that only sellers working in the food trade should undergo a medical examination (see answer 2). On the question of whether medical examinations for workers working with a computer at least 50% of the working time are mandatory, regardless of the results of a special assessment of jobs, there is no uniformity in the explanations of government agencies and in the approaches of judicial practice * (1). We take the position that the employer is obliged to conduct medical examinations of the workers specified in the question due to the fact that they perform work in a trade organization, and not due to the fact that there are harmful or dangerous production factors at their workplaces.

In conclusion, please note that this position is our expert opinion. Controlling and judicial authorities may take a different point of view on a given issue.

Do non-food trade workers need to undergo medical examinations?

How and where to get it? According to the law, the employer must take care of the registration of the employee’s medical record, that is, pay for its registration and send you to a certain medical institution serving the organization. In practice, when a person gets a job, he or she usually fills out a medical card. It can be done at a clinic at your place of residence, but not all services will be free.


Here you can find out what the costs of a medical book are. You usually don’t save much, but it will take a lot of time to get a medical book at a free medical institution. Most often, people turn to paid accredited medical institutions.

There is such a service - a medical book. Typically, you pay for a whole package of services and complete the examination in a matter of days. This is very convenient, especially when you need to make a medical record quickly.

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Are sanitary certificates needed for non-food warehouse workers and shoe production workers (Moscow)? Having considered the issue, we came to the following conclusion: The presence of medical books is mandatory for employees of organizations carrying out work included in the lists of work, during which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, education and training of children, public utilities and consumer services. In the city of Moscow, workers in the trade of industrial goods must also have medical books. Rationale for the conclusion: Clause 1 of Art.
Law N 52-FZ) established that in order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases, mass non-infectious diseases (poisonings) and occupational diseases, employees of certain professions, industries and organizations, when performing their job duties, are required to undergo preliminary (upon entering work) and periodic preventive medical examinations. According to part two of Art. 213 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in order to protect public health, prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, employees of food industry organizations, public catering and trade, water supply facilities, medical and preventive and child care institutions are required to undergo mandatory preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations (examinations). , as well as some other employers.
This article describes in detail whether a seller of non-food products needs a health certificate, and everything you need to know about it. A health or medical record is an important document when applying for employment in some professions. This is a strictly reporting document that includes detailed information about the employee’s health status.

It indicates all the personal data of its owner, as well as information about the organization that issued it. Since this is a labor document, it must contain:

  • information on transition from one place of work to another;
  • information about the presence or past serious diseases;
  • all vaccinations given are listed;
  • validity period of the medical examination.

Areas where medical records are required The document must be signed by its owner.

Does a seller of non-food products need a medical book 2018

Dimitrovgrad City Court of the Ulyanovsk Region dated October 20, 2010 in case No. 2-1916/2010). Consequently, we believe that employees of organizations engaged in trade (including sellers of non-food products) are subject to mandatory medical examinations. The explanations of Rostrud specialists on this issue are contradictory. If in September 2015, on the information portal of Rostrud “Onlineinspektsiya.RF”, representatives of Rostrud explained that all employees of trade organizations (including sellers of non-food products) are required to undergo medical examinations in order to protect public health, prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases, and not due to the fact that their workplaces contain harmful or dangerous production factors (see answer 1), then in August 2016

Does a seller of non-food products need a medical book 2017

Clause 4.4 of this resolution instructs the heads of institutions, enterprises and organizations in Moscow, regardless of their organizational and legal form, not to allow persons to work who have not undergone a full medical examination and hygienic certification and who do not have a uniform personal medical book registered with state sanitary and epidemiological supervision institutions. Thus Thus, the presence of medical books is mandatory for employees of the organization carrying out work included in the lists of work, during which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out, and related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, education and training children, public utilities and consumer services for the population. In addition, in the city of Moscow, workers in the trade of industrial goods must have medical books.
Appendix No. 2). Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 28, 1999 N 1228 “On mandatory preventive medical examinations and hygienic certification” (hereinafter referred to as Decree N 1228) also approved the List of employees who are required to undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations (Appendix 1). Thus, in accordance with with Appendix No. 2 to Order No. 83, work in food industry organizations, at dairy and distribution points, bases and warehouses of food products, where there is contact with food products during their production, storage, sale, as well as work where there is contact with food products when transporting them on all types of transport are classified as work during which preliminary and periodic medical examinations (examinations) are carried out. According to clause 2 and clause.
Also, in any case, you will have to pay for the book form and the mandatory sanitary minimum. A little faster, issuing a health certificate for sellers of non-food products is considered to be passing a commission in medical centers accredited for this. As a rule, they are all well equipped. Visitors feel comfortable.

Polite administrators will tell you where the offices of the necessary specialists are located. In this case, all tests will be ready in a few hours and you can get to work. After all, this happens. That the employer is not ready to wait, and because of the wait for a medical book, another employee may take the job.

The employer is not interested in an employee who does not have or delays obtaining a medical record. Since there is a fine for its absence. For the employee himself, it is not large, from 100 to 500 rubles. But for legal entities it is 20,000 thousand rubles.

Good afternoon

In response to your question, I would like to say the following.

According to the requirements of Article 213 of the Labor Code, employees of trade organizations undergo medical examinations (examinations) in order to protect public health and prevent the occurrence and spread of diseases.

The medical examinations (examinations) provided for in this article are carried out at the expense of the employer.

According to the requirements of Article 34 of the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population":

1. In order to prevent the occurrence and spread of infectious diseases, mass non-infectious diseases (poisonings) and occupational diseases, employees of certain professions, industries and organizations, when performing their work duties, are required to undergo preliminary upon entry to work and periodic preventive medical examinations (hereinafter referred to as medical examinations) .

3. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are obliged to provide the conditions necessary for timely medical examinations by employees.

4. Employees who refuse to undergo medical examinations are not allowed to work.

5. Data on medical examinations must be entered into personal medical records and recorded by treatment and preventive organizations of the state and municipal health care systems, as well as by bodies exercising federal state sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

From the stated provisions of the law it follows that:

1) You are required to have a medical book, since you are directly engaged in trading activities, and it does not matter what product you are selling.

2) The employer is obliged to provide you with conditions for undergoing a medical examination. The inspection is carried out at the expense of the employer.

3) If you do not undergo a medical examination, the employer cannot allow you to work.

Responsibility for trading without a medical record is provided for both you and the employer.

Violation of legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, expressed in violation of existing sanitary rules

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one hundred to five hundred rubles;

for officials - from five hundred to one thousand rubles;

for persons carrying out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five hundred to one thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days;

for legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

At the same time, the responsibility indicated above by the colleague under Part 2 of Article 14.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia has now been canceled in accordance with Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 237-FZ.

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