Marketing research of the market: methods and analysis. Marketing analysis methods - what are they, advantages and disadvantages of application Types of market research in marketing

The world's leading brands invest large sums in marketing research, the results of which largely influence the adoption of key management decisions. The cost of such research starts from 60,000 rubles and more - cosmic sums, especially for small businesses. However, knowing how to analyze the market, you can get the key information yourself.


First of all, you need to clearly define goals. The subject of your research depends on what kind of information you want to get. The main structural components of the market analyzed by the entrepreneur are:

  • market condition (capacity, market conditions, trends, reaction to new products);
  • the share of different companies in the market, their opportunities and prospects;
  • target segments, their behavioral features and requirements for the product, the level of demand;
  • the price level and rate of return in the industry;
  • free niches in which to do business;
  • competitors, their strengths and weaknesses.

Speaking about how to analyze the market correctly, it is worth emphasizing that a specific, understandable goal allows you to reduce costs, not waste time processing useless information and immediately choose the most effective research methods.

General outline of the market analysis

Comprehensive marketing research is usually carried out at the stage of starting or expanding a business. Its goal is to collect as detailed and comprehensive information about a specific niche as possible. How to analyze the market?

Step 1: Collect basic information

The "starting point" in conducting a comprehensive analysis is Market Research (in fact, the study of the market and its prospects). Ideally, it is necessary to analyze information from the last 3-5 years.

The key indicator here is market capacity. In simple terms, this is the amount of goods that consumers can buy in a given period of time - a month or a year. For calculations, the formula is used:

V = A × N

where: V - market size, A - target audience size (thousand people), N - product consumption rate for the period.

Based on this indicator, they calculate what the maximum level of sales a company can achieve in a given region.

The next criterion to pay attention to is the level of demand. It is important to take into account the dynamics of the market, whether it is developing or, on the contrary, shrinking. In the first case, it is necessary to determine its potential and growth boundaries, and at the stage of stagnation - to understand how long this will continue.

Additionally, they study the factors influencing the market, the share of key competitors in the total sales volume, and the ways of selling products.

Based on the data obtained, it is necessary to identify the main trends and directions of development, as well as analyze the market prospects - what consumers are choosing now and how their preferences may change in the foreseeable future.

Tip: You can find up-to-date statistics and research results of selected markets at the international and national levels in industry journals and economic reports.

Stage 2: Identifying target segments

So, we know the size of the analyzed market as a whole. Now it is necessary to determine which groups of consumers bring the company the main profit, what unites them. For audience segmentation, different criteria are used - gender, age, profession, income level, social status, interests, etc. Depending on the priorities, the importance of individual factors may differ.

To decide which segments to target in the first place, they additionally analyze:

  • the volume of each segment (the number of potential customers);
  • geographic location;
  • availability of various consumer groups;
  • estimated cost of time and finance to start activities.

A competent choice of target audience in the future will save the entrepreneur from unnecessary costs and will allow him to direct resources to attracting the most "profitable" buyers.

Stage 2: Examination of external factors

Any market is constantly exposed to outside influences. Modern marketers identify 6 types of external factors that affect organizations:

  • political (government policy in the areas of transport, employment, education, etc., taxes);
  • economic (inflation rate, loan interest rate);
  • social (population size, worldview, level of education);
  • technological;
  • legal (laws governing the creation and operation of enterprises);
  • ecological.

Some tendencies appear slowly, they are easy to predict - for example, back in the 70s, society began to discuss the problems of environmental protection, and now eco-friendly business has become a global trend. At the same time, the economic situation can change at any minute, and it is simply impossible to say with certainty what will happen in 3-5-10 years.

Stage 4: Analysis of competitors

Speaking about how to learn how to analyze the market, special attention should be paid to the study of enterprises that are already operating in the industry. First of all, you need to learn as much as possible about the companies themselves and their capabilities:

  • technologies used in the production of goods and services;
  • availability of patents and unique technological advantages;
  • the level of qualifications of the personnel;
  • access to limited, rare resources;
  • the possibility of obtaining additional investment.

The next step is to study the products and services of competitors. You need to evaluate it "through the eyes of the consumer", taking into account both rational and emotional factors.

It remains to systematize the data and objectively compare the main market players. For convenience, we suggest using a simple template.

By filling out the table, you will get a basic idea of ​​the main market players and their activities, as well as be able to compare their performance with your own.

Step 5: Price Analysis

To see the full picture, it is necessary to break down all market players into price segments - economy, premium, etc. It is also important to understand the price structure (cost price, promotion and advertising costs, margin) and approximately calculate the profit from each sale.

Marketing research is carried out by both future entrepreneurs and actual businessmen in order to collect and analyze useful information about the market of the type of activity in which they are engaged. Marketing research is used to find effective strategies, weigh the pros and cons of development paths, determine future business moves, and more. You will have a competitive edge if you have good marketing research skills. To get started, start at step number 1.


Part 1

Plan your marketing research

    In your mind, state the purpose of your research. Marketing research is done to help you and your business become more competitive and more profitable. If your marketing research ultimately does not provide any benefits, it will simply be wasted time, and you, in that case, would be better off doing something else. Before you start marketing research, it is important to determine what you want to get out of them. Your marketing research can lead you in unexpected directions - and that's okay. However, it is best not to start marketing research without at least one or more goals in mind. Below are some questions you may want to consider when designing your marketing research:

    • Is there a market need for my product? Explore customer priorities and spending habits. This will help you assess whether placing your product in a specific market is justified.
    • Are my products and services satisfying customer requirements? Researching customer satisfaction with your products can increase your competitiveness.
    • Is my pricing for goods and services effective? Researching your competitiveness and market trends will help you determine the maximum available profit without compromising your business.
  1. Create a plan for efficient collection of information. Not only is it important what you want to end up with, but it is important to understand how you can gather the information you need. Again, planning will help you succeed in your research. Don't set goals without knowing how to get there. The following are the questions you should consider when planning your marketing research:

    • Do I need to find comprehensive market data? Analyzing existing data can help you make decisions about the future of your business, but finding meaningful and accurate information can be difficult.
    • Do I need independent research? Building your own database through surveys, target audience research, interviews and other methods can provide a lot of information for a company about the market in which you operate. To get them, you will need resources, time, which can also be used differently.
  2. Be prepared to submit your research and, with reference to it, move on to action. Marketing research ultimately influences the actual decisions in the company. When you are doing market research, unless you are a self-employed person, you usually need to share your research with colleagues and have a plan of action in your mind. If you have a boss, he may or may not agree with the course of action. As long as you do not make mistakes in the way data is collected and processed, you will most likely agree with the market trend that your data is displaying. Ask yourself the following:

    • What is my research predicted to show? Try to hypothesize before starting your research. It will be easier for you to come to a conclusion if you have already considered a similar outcome and does not come as a complete surprise.
    • What if the assumptions come true? If your market research ultimately confirms your assumptions, what implications will it have for your company?
    • What if the assumptions don't come true? If the result of the research catches you by surprise, how should the company proceed? Do you have backup paths of development in case of unforeseen results?

    Part 2

    Getting useful information
    1. Use government sources of industry information. With the advent of the information age, it has become much easier for businessmen to access a huge amount of data. Another question is how reliable these data are. To reach a conclusion based on market research, it is very important to start research from reliable sources. One of the main reliable sources is government (sources). Market research conducted by the government is usually accurate, well-proven, and available freely or at low cost, which is essential for a nascent business.

      Use data from industry publications. Many industries have one or more magazines, publications to keep industry members up to date with current news, market trends, government policy goals, and more. Many publications conduct and publish their own research, which benefits members of the industry. Raw marketing research data can often be made available to non-industry members. Nearly all trade publishers publish some articles online to learn about strategic advice and marketing trends. These articles often include the results of market research.

      Use data from educational institutions. Since the market is very important to society, it is often the subject of science and academic research. Many colleges, universities and other educational institutions (in particular, economics schools) often publish research results based on the market as a whole, or on some of its sectors. Research results are available in educational publishers or directly at the institution. It should be noted that this data is often available for a fee. Therefore, in order to access them, a one-time payment or subscription to certain publications is often required.

      Use third party resources. Since a good understanding of the market can lead to starting or closing a business, entrepreneurs and companies often rely on analysts and services from companies that do not directly work in the industry to be researched. This type of company offers its market research services to companies and business people who need an accurate, highly specialized report. However, since these companies are profitable, you need to pay for them.

      Don't fall victim to marketing services. Keep in mind that marketing research can seem complicated and confusing, which is something that companies that provide these services take advantage of, significantly inflating prices for inexperienced entrepreneurs. So, they can significantly inflate the price of information that is in the public domain or costs very little. In general, you shouldn't sacrifice large resources for information that is publicly available or inexpensive.

    Part 3

    Doing your own research
    1. Use the available data to assess the supply and demand situation in the market. In general terms, your business has a good chance of being successful if it can meet market needs that are still unmet - so you need to focus on delivering products and services that are in demand. Economic data from governments, educational institutions, and industry publishers (described above) can help you identify whether these needs exist or not. In general, you need to identify the market niche where there is a customer willing to pay for your company's products.

      • For example, we would like to engage in landscaping services. If we research the market welfare and local government data, then we can that people in a certain area of ​​the city have a fairly high income. We can dig deeper and find regions with high water consumption, which may indicate a large number of houses with lawns.
      • This information may be the main reason for opening a store in a wealthy, abundant area of ​​the city, where people's homes have large gardens, rather than in an area where the gardens are small and people do not have funds for landscaping. Using market research, we come to informed decisions about where (and where not) to start a business.
    2. Conduct a survey. One of the most basic, time-tested ways to find out how customers feel about your business is through a survey! Surveys offer market researchers the chance to reach out to a large sample of people for data that can be used to make big strategic decisions. However, since surveys are impersonal, it is important to make sure that your survey can be easily quantified.

      • For example, if a questionnaire asks how people feel about your business, it may not be effective because you need to read and analyze each answer individually to get the point. It's better to ask customers to rate certain aspects of your business in terms of points: customer service, prices, and so on. This will allow you to quickly and easily identify your strengths and weaknesses, giving you the ability to quantify and graph against the data.
      • In the case of our landscaping company, we could interview our first 20 clients, asking them to fill out a survey card at the time of payment. On this card, you can ask your customers to rate you from 1 to 5 in terms of quality, price, speed of service, and the quality of the customer service department. If the first two are mostly rated 4 and 5 by customers, and the latter at 2 and 3, then you might want to consider how to improve customer needs and provide training for your staff.
    3. Conducting research with focus groups. One way to determine how your customers might be responding to your strategy is to invite them to participate in a focus group. In focus groups, small groups of customers gather in a neutral place to try a product or service and discuss it with a representative. Often, focus sessions are reviewed, captured, and analyzed later.

      • If a landscaping company decides to consider selling high-value lawn care products as part of their services, you can invite repeat customers to participate in a focus group. Focus group offers new products for lawn care. They are then asked questions about which product, if any, they are most likely to buy. You can also ask them what has changed from the use of new products - has something changed for the better?
    4. Testing. Companies considering introducing new products or services often allow potential customers to try their product or service for free in order to iron out any problems before launching it on the market. Conducting customer selection testing can help you determine if further changes are needed.

      • If you take a landscaping company, for example, it decided to offer a new service - planting plants in the client's garden after the landscaping work. We can allow several clients to use this service for free, provided that they then appreciate the work done. If customers like this service but would never pay for it, you should reconsider your program for launching such a service.

    Part 4

    Analysis of results
    1. Answer the main question that faced your research. Before starting your research, you have set goals for yourself. These are questions about your business strategy that you would like to apply - for example, whether or not to invest additional investments, whether a certain marketing decision is the right one. The main goal of your marketing research is to get answers to these questions. As the goals of marketing research differ, the information that needs to be obtained to answer the questions will differ. Usually, you choose the path of development that will be most effective.

      • Let's go back to our landscaping company, where we were trying to get an opinion on a new planting service. Suppose a study of government publications showed that the population in the region is wealthy enough to pay for additional landing services, but your survey shows that a very small percentage of the population would pay for this service. In this case, we will most likely decide to postpone the launch of such a service. We may change the idea or discard it entirely.
    2. Conduct a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Marketing research combines the application of this method. If SWOT analysis is used in research, you can assess the economic health of the company by identifying the overall strengths and weaknesses.

      • Suppose that when we tried to determine if our planting service was a smart idea, we found that a significant number of respondents said they liked flowers but didn’t have enough resources to care for them after planting. We could classify this as an opportunity for our business - if we end up selling a flower planting service, then we could start selling gardening tools as a standard or premium service.
      • Is the planting of the flowers itself unattractive to the customers, or is there a problem with the colors offered for planting? This can be explored by offering customers variations of floral arrangements.
      • Perhaps a certain market sector is more susceptible to flower planting than others? We could investigate this by cross-checking the results of previous studies, breaking down the correspondents' responses by demographic characteristics (age, income, marital status, gender, etc.)
      • Perhaps there were people in the study who were more enthusiastic about a flower planting service that complements basic services with a slight price increase, rather than being offered as a standalone service? We could investigate this by conducting two separate product studies (one with an add-on to the overall package, the other as a separate service).
  • If making a decision you risk losing a lot of money, use the services of professional marketing companies. Carry out a tender for the execution of these works.
  • If you are on a tight budget, look first at the reports that are available for free online. Also look for reports that have been published by an association in your market or specialized magazines (magazines for professional hairdressers, plumbers, plastic toy manufacturers, etc.)
  • You can ask local university students to participate in your research. Contact a professor who teaches the discipline of marketing research and inquire about the possibility of such a program. You may have to pay a small amount, but it will not be as significant compared to professional marketing research.
  • Sometimes there may be multiple target markets. Finding new markets is a great way to expand your business.


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Everyone who takes part in economic interaction necessarily functions in a market. The concept of the market is very significant, including in the field of marketing. Often the marketing level of a firm does not meet generally accepted requirements. This is usually what causes small sales. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct analytical work and research the marketing market.

Marketing market and its types

Marketing market Is the total number of all buyers of the product (both existing and potential). These subjects have common needs or requests that can be met through exchange. Consequently, the market size is determined by the number of buyers who need any product. They have the resources to exchange, as well as the desire to give these resources for the product in which they feel the need.

The market in marketing must be clear. It is characterized by specific indicators:

    Customer needs that provoke the corresponding demand;

  • Geographical position.

In accordance with the needs that gave rise to the demand for a specific product, one can name main types of the market.

    Producer market (or market production products) form companies and firms that buy goods / services for their future use in the production process.

    The consumer marketing market (or market for consumer goods) is made up of individuals who buy goods / services for personal use.

    The market for government agencies is represented by government-owned companies that buy goods / services to do their job.

    An intermediary marketing market is legal entities and individuals who need goods / services for future resale in order to make a profit.

    The international market includes all buyers of products who are located abroad (these will include manufacturers, individuals, intermediaries and government agencies).

If we take the market as a combination of buyers with a related geographic location, then we can name the following types of marketing markets:

    Regional - occupies the entire territory of a specific country;

    Local - covers one or more regions of the state;

    World - includes all countries of the world.

An essential parameter in the characteristics of the marketing market is the combination of supply and demand for specific products. In this case, the “buyer's market” and the “seller’s market” can be distinguished.

In the seller's market, the leading figure is the seller, respectively. This works when the available demand exceeds the supply. In this situation, the seller does not need to spend money on marketing. His goods will be purchased anyway. By organizing marketing research, the seller will only waste money.

In the buyer's market, the buyer sets the tone. This alignment encourages the seller to spend additional energy to market their products. This serves as one of the factors prompting the use of marketing research on the market for services and goods. Rather, it is only in such a situation that we can talk about the implementation of the idea of ​​marketing.

Why does an enterprise need a marketing analysis of the market

Marketing analysis is an essential part of a marketing manager's job. Detailed analysis makes it possible to quickly find unoccupied market niches, choose the most suitable target market, and better understand consumer needs.

Before starting the analysis, you should specify the objectives of the market research. The following components need to be clarified:

    The company's products: analysis of the market development and the share of the company's products in the segment;

    Market structure: analysis of market conditions and marketing capacity, assessment of market trends;

    Consumer: analysis of demand, basic needs in the market, close marketing study of the behavior and expectations of the target audience;

    Target segment: analysis of the prospects of market segments for choosing a field of activity;

    Free niches: marketing analysis of market segments to identify free market niches and new sources of sale;

    Rivals: analysis of the activities of rivals to identify the competitive superiority of products and search for weaknesses of the company;

    Pricing: A marketing analysis of the price positions of competitors, as well as the current price structure in the industry.

Clarity in this regard will make it possible to avoid working on unnecessary information. A clear goal will help you develop an analytical plan correctly, adopt the most productive method of market research. Market assessment of the market will allow you to use only the necessary tools for research, which will reduce the cost of searching and processing information.

After that, you need to competently build a marketing analytical plan. It looks like a series of thematically grouped questions.

The enlarged stages of marketing research of the firm's market are as follows.

    Market research, its segmentation and identification of the most significant segments.

    Marketing research of the volume, dynamics and development potential of the market.

    Price research and general economic analysis market.

    Competitive analysis.

    Study of the structure of distribution or distribution of goods in the market.

    Identification of key market and consumer trends.

    Research of demand, main needs and nuances of consumer behavior.

This list of questions acts as a universal scheme for organizing marketing research of the market. You don't need to do detailed analysis often. Fundamentality is peculiar to it. Such an analysis will provide the necessary information for two to three years of work.

How is the marketing analysis of the market carried out at the enterprise: the main stages

Stage 1. Determination of the purpose of the market analysis

Before the analytical work, it is necessary to outline the objectives of the market research of the market. What exactly should be considered:

    Company products;

    Market structure;

    The consumer;

    Target segment;

    Free niches;


Specification will filter out unnecessary information and help build the right marketing analytic plan.

Stage 2. Researching a product or service

Market needs for new types of goods / services are identified through the procedures associated with marketing research of products. It also clarifies the characteristics (functional and technical) that should be modified in products already on the market. In the course of marketing research, the parameters of the goods are determined that best meet the needs and desires of customers. Such analytical work, on the one hand, demonstrates to the company's management what the buyer wants to get, what properties of the product are significant for him. On the other hand, in the course of marketing analysis, you can understand exactly how to present new products to potential customers. Perhaps it makes sense to focus on individual characteristics when improving a product and promoting it on the market. Marketing research of the market for products and services provides information about what new prospects for the buyer are provided by new products or changes in existing ones.

Product analysis consists in comparing the characteristics of the products supplied by the company with the parameters of rival products. For marketing oriented organization a key point in product research is determining its comparative competitive advantage. It is necessary to get a clear answer to the questions: why would potential customers choose the company's products, and not the products of competitors? Who are these potential buyers? The results of marketing analytical work make it possible to identify those sales regions where the company has a comparative advantage in relation to its competitors. Product research is also needed when designing and organizing sales.

When marketing analysis of the market for goods, it is always necessary to follow the rule: the product must be where the buyer expects it the most - and for this reason, most likely, will buy. This process is called market positioning.

Stage 3. Determination of market capacity

The potential market capacity is the total number of orders that a company and its competitors can expect from customers in a particular region during a specified time (usually a year). The market research capacity is calculated for a separate product for a specific sales region. First of all, it is calculated in kind (the number of goods sold for a specific period - quarter, month, year). It is also essential for the company marketing assessment potential market capacity in value terms. This is especially important when studying the dynamics of market capacity. In this case, the company's management will need to determine:

    Is there an increase in demand for the company's products? Or the demand falls - and you need to think about re-profiling activities;

    What are the prospects for activities in this regional sales market.

When conducting a marketing study of the potential market capacity, it is important to identify influencing factors that can provoke both a decrease in capacity and an increase in it. These factors are fluctuations in the amount of consumer income.

Stage 4. Conducting market segmentation

This is, without a doubt, one of the most important components of marketing market research.

A market segment is a group of consumers that have strictly defined general stable characteristics or one quality that determines their behavior in the market. Thus, the essence and purpose of marketing segmentation of the market is the search for that group (or a number of groups) of consumers, which is most likely to buy a specific product.

Marketing segmentation of the market makes it possible to:

    Find out the specifics of the most possible buyer of this product; demonstrate the nuances of consumer qualities in different market segments; determine which of the properties of the consumer group are stable and therefore more essential for the design of the needs and desires of consumers;

    Clarify (adjust) the possible market capacity, simplify sales forecasting;

    Understand how to change the properties of a product (device, cost, delivery, appearance, packaging, etc.) when selling in different market segments.

A segmentation feature is a feature and a system of characteristics that unite any buyers into a stable group. They can be selected according to the size of income and social activity, according to demographic and geographical characteristics, according to nationality, and even according to the common historical path. In general, the unifying criterion can be anything.

For a company, when selling, it is important which of the properties of the consumer group are in the first place at the moment or will be there in the near future. Based on these properties, it is possible to establish the target market segment - the most significant or promising for the company, the one that meets its specifics. The correct choice of the target segment (the consumer group in which the most likely buyers of a particular product are collected) is a characteristic feature of a marketing-oriented company.

Analysis of the market research market shows that it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between a market segment and its niche. These terms should not be confused in a practical and methodological sense. A market niche is also a consumer group, but it has a number of differences. First, it is small in terms of numbers. Secondly, consumers in a niche have several characteristics, each of which can be characteristic of different segments of the same market or different markets and industries. Thirdly, a distinctive feature of the market niche is a significant weakening or complete absence of competition in it. Based on these nuances, the process of finding a market niche, as one businessman said, is similar to a neurosurgical operation, since it involves the maximum adjustment of actions.

Stage 5. Research and analysis of the consumer

At this stage, it becomes clear: who is the potential consumer of the product, what is the structure of the wishes of buyers in the market of a particular company. Here the management of the company will need to give answers to many questions.

Work in this direction will help, first of all, to identify the most vulnerable spots. This applies both to the product and to the variant of its implementation, to the economic tactics of the company as a whole. At this stage, the profile (portrait) of a potential buyer is specified.

In the course of such analytical work, it is not only the inclinations and customs, habits and preferences of the consumer that are considered. It also clarifies the reasons for the behavior of specific consumer groups. This makes it possible to predict the future structure of their interests. At the moment, a serious arsenal of tools is used for marketing research of customer behavior, their subconscious and conscious reactions to certain products and accompanying advertising, to the current state of affairs in the market. The study methods include: questionnaires, surveys, testing. All of them provide an opportunity to find out the opinion of consumers of goods about changes made in products or services. With the help of these tools, it is possible to monitor on an ongoing basis consumer reactions to product launch and marketing efforts. Building customer feedback and continual improvement based on feedback from the product itself and manufacturing technology is one of the characteristics of a marketing-oriented firm.

Stage 6. Research of marketing methods

Marketing research of the sales market includes the search for the most effective combination of methods and forms of selling goods / services, their strengths and weaknesses, belonging to a market segment or a sales region. It examines the means needed to get the product on the market. The work of companies that directly sell goods / services on the market is studied. Marketing analytical work involves considering the functions and characteristics of the activities of different types of companies that are engaged in wholesale and retail trade. Their strengths and weaknesses are determined, the nature of the established relations with manufacturers is studied.

As a result, it is specified:

    Who can act as an intermediary (autonomous trading company or the company's own sales department);

    To sell the company's products in a specific market as correctly and profitably as possible.

Along with this, it is necessary to calculate all types of costs for the sale of goods. You need to think about ways of implementation with the help of intermediaries and through the organization of your own sales network. It is also required to clarify the percentage of sales costs in the final cost of goods, etc.

This component of the marketing research of the enterprise market is responsible for analyzing the effectiveness of different types and methods of advertising and product promotion on the market. This also includes personal sales, company image creation, sales promotion.

In order to master the market or at least launch the sale of its products, the company needs advertising. It is required for finding and informing customers, forming an attractive image of the company, for collecting orders.

    Selection of the most suitable types and means of advertising;

    Finding out the most preferred sequence of using different advertising media;

The importance of advertising and the effectiveness of an advertising campaign are assessed by the final indicators of the company's economic activity. This is primarily seen in the increase in sales. At the same time, certain types of advertising are aimed at the long term. They cannot be quantified.

Step 8. Develop a pricing strategy

Pricing is one of the key factors in successful market competition. In the course of working on the right pricing policy, it will be necessary to think over not only the correct pricing strategy and the scheme of tempting discounts for customers. It is also required to define a price range to increase profits and optimize sales.

Stage 9. Research of the level of competition

The study of rivals is one of the key components of marketing at the moment. Its results provide an opportunity not only to develop the correct economic strategy and market policy of the company. It immediately becomes clear what has been done inappropriately in the products, sales network, advertising and other elements of the company's marketing activities.

In the course of researching rivals, first of all, it will be necessary to identify the main competitors of the company in the market (direct and indirect), to find their strengths and weaknesses. This is especially important in the case when a company enters the market with a new product, develops an unknown area of ​​economic activity, tries to penetrate new market sales. To determine the comparative advantage of competitors and assess your own resources, it is not enough just to study the products of competitors. You need to get information about other aspects of their work: goals in a particular market, the nuances of production and management, pricing and financial position.

The management of the company needs to know:

    What exactly does it consist of;

    The ratio of the value of your product and the products of competitors;

    What sales channels rivals rely on when selling goods;

    Which branches of economic activity do the rivals want to penetrate in the future;

    What types of perks are competitors offering to buyers and loyal customers;

    Whom do they use as intermediaries in the sale of goods, etc.

At the moment, along with direct competition, the specialization of companies is deepening. Consumer demand, desires and needs of people are increasingly individualized. In this regard, it is necessary to learn how to find any paths for working together and an alliance (primarily industrial and technological) with potential rivals. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from a price war in which most likely no one will win. This runs counter to the usual division of the market, with the struggle of enterprises to increase the territory in the sales market. Of course, price competition remains in any case (it even increases in certain market segments in the production of similar goods). However, it does not play a major role in long-term competitive victory. The formation of various alliances between potential rival companies (joint ventures, strategic coalitions) enables them not only to more effectively respond to consumer demand, but also to additionally increase the market capacity.

Step 10. Forecasting sales

The planning base in a company under market conditions is the development of a sales forecast. Planning starts with it. Not from the rate of profit or return on invested capital, but from the sales forecast. This refers to the potential sales volume of a certain type of goods / services for all branches of the company. The primary goal of marketing analysis of the market is to find out what and in what quantities can be realized. Only then can you begin to build a production plan.

With the help of sales forecasts, financial and production work is planned. Decisions are made about where and how much to invest. What (or after what time) the company will need new production resources. It becomes clear what new supply channels need to be found. What design solutions or technical innovations to send to production. Marketing work in this direction allows you to understand how to change the range of goods / services in order to increase the overall profitability of the company, etc.

However, the sales forecast is primarily a forecast. In this case, the influence of uncontrollable, sudden or unforeseen factors is great, their impact on the state of affairs of a company of any type. In this regard, such a forecast must be multicomponent, justified and multivariate to the maximum.

What methods are used for marketing analysis of the market

There are many ways to study the market. All of them are used in specific situations to solve specific marketing problems. Methods of collecting information in the implementation of marketing research can be divided into two groups: qualitative and quantitative.

Quantitative market analysis is most often associated with the organization of various surveys. They are based on the use of closed-ended structured questions. The answers are given by a large number of respondents. Distinctive features of such marketing research are: the analysis of the information received is carried out in the course of ordered procedures (quantitative in nature prevail), the format of the information collected and the sources of its receipt are strictly defined.

Good marketing analysis of the market consists of collecting, studying and interpreting information by observing how people behave and what they say. The monitoring and its results are of a quality nature and are carried out outside the standards.

The choice of the way of studying depends on financial and time resources. The main methods of market research are as follows.

    Focus groups. Round table or discussion, where there is a conversation on a specific topic. The target group of consumers is participating. This event is attended by a moderator who leads a conversation on a specific list of issues. This is a qualitative method of market research and is useful for understanding the causes of behavior. Focus groups help formulate hypotheses, explore the hidden motives of clients.

    Polls. This implies a survey of the target market using a strict questionnaire. They are both small and large in size. In a marketing survey, sampling is important. The larger it is, the clearer and more valid the result will be. This is a quantitative marketing method. It is used when you need to get specific indicators on certain issues.

    Observation. Monitoring the behavior of a representative of the target audience in a normal environment (for example, filming a video in a store). Refers to quality marketing study methods.

    Experiments or field research. Refers to quantitative marketing methods. Provide an opportunity to test any assumptions and alternatives in real life.

    In-depth interviews. Conversation with one representative of the target audience on a specific list of open questions. They provide an opportunity to understand the topic in detail and form hypotheses. Refers to quality marketing methods.

You can name, among other things, a group of analytical and predictive methods. To conduct marketing research of the market, apply:

    Probability theory;

    Linear planning;

    Network planning;

    Business games methods;

    Economic and mathematical modeling;

    Expert assessment methods;

    Economic and statistical methods.

And yet, it is not often an option in which the firm has sufficient funds to carry out a systematic marketing study of the industry market (from developing hypotheses in focus groups, conversations, and ending with a large-scale survey to obtain accurate information).

Often, the marketing manager needs to make personal efforts to collect the kind of market information that will be useful in developing the company's marketing strategy.

Methods for finding marketing information about the market

    Social networks and forums. It is worth taking advantage of the capabilities of the Web. There you can find out the opinion of buyers in social networks, on the forums. Skype and email will also help. All of these channels will reduce the cost of marketing market research.

    Personal conversations. Conduct the interview yourself (5-10 conversations). Engage different brands, consumers and non-consumers of the market. Talk to those who make the decision and supervise the purchase, as well as those who use the purchased products. Such conversations will take less than a week in time, but they will provide a lot of useful information.

    Employees of organizations. Ask questions of interest to the staff of the company to find out their opinion. Pay special attention to the sales department. If you are participating in market research as an independent party - talk to the authorities of the enterprises.

    Internet resources. Explore information posted on the Web on a given topic. Don't miss out on related markets.

    Own experience. Try to purchase your products and record your impressions.

    Own observation. Take a closer look at the behavior of people at the points of sale: how they choose certain products.

Stay realistic. Include in the marketing analysis of the market only the information that can really be collected and processed. Remember not to analyze for the sake of the analysis itself. What matters is only those results that will be useful in developing the company's marketing strategy.

The marketing environment of the market: why it is important to analyze it

Analysis of the marketing environment deserves the greatest interest in the implementation of marketing research. It is being updated all the time - sometimes due to threats, sometimes due to opening horizons. It is extremely important for any company to monitor such changes and adapt to them in time. The marketing environment is a combination of active subjects and processes that operate outside the company and affect the prospects for its successful cooperation with the target audience. In other words, the marketing environment represents the factors and forces that determine the company's ability to establish and maintain beneficial relationships with customers. These moments are not all and not always subject to direct management by the company. In this regard, the external and internal marketing environment is separated.

The external environment of a company is most often divided into macro- and microenvironments.

Macroenvironment covers the entire state of affairs in the business space of the city (region, state). Its distinctive features affect the work of all economic entities, regardless of the form of ownership and product differences. This influence will extend to a major food manufacturer, a five-star hotel, and a private beauty salon.

The external marketing environment is characterized by great mobility, so it is most often not subject to active influence from any company.

Microenvironment represented by the properties of a particular market and the state of affairs in it. This market is of particular interest to the company. Let's say it can be a hotel services market or a cotton fabric market.

The microenvironment includes forces that can influence a company's ability to serve customers:

    Marketing intermediaries;

    The company itself;




    General public.

Internal marketing environment consists of components such as:

    Organizational and managerial resources of the company;

    Human resources of the company;

    The production potential of the company;

    Design and engineering resources of the company;

    Material and financial capabilities of the company;

    Sales potential of the company.

The functioning of any organization in the market depends on the factors that influence it in the course of performing any actions. These elements form opportunities or threats for the organization, which respectively help or hinder the implementation of various actions and the achievement of objectives.

Knowledge of the properties and power of these factors makes it possible to develop such leadership decisions in the field of marketing that will help protect the company from threats and maximize the emerging prospects for the good of the company.

Marketing strategies of the market: types and stages of development

Marketing strategy is part of the overall strategy of the firm. Thanks to it, the main directions of the company's activity in the market are formed in relation to competitors and buyers.

The development of marketing strategies for the market is influenced by:

    The main goals of the company;

    Its current market position;

    Available resources;

    Assessment of market prospects and expected actions of rivals.

Since the state of affairs in the market is changing all the time, the marketing strategy is also characterized by mobility and flexibility. It can be corrected all the time. There is no one-size-fits-all marketing strategy. To raise the sales of a certain company or promote any type of product, you need your own development of activities.

Marketing strategies are most often divided into specific strategies.

    Integrated growth. Its goal is to increase the structure of the company through "vertical development" - launching the production of new products.

    Concentrated growth. It implies a change in the product sales market or its modernization. Often, such marketing strategies are aimed at fighting rivals to gain a larger market share ("horizontal development"), searching for markets for existing goods, and improving products. As part of the implementation of these types of strategies, the firm's regional divisions, dealers and suppliers are monitored. In addition, there is an impact on the final consumers of goods.

    Abbreviations. The goal is to increase the efficiency of the company after a long development. In this case, both the reorganization of the company (for example, the reduction of any departments) and its liquidation (for example, a smooth curtailment of activities to zero with the simultaneous receipt of the maximum available profit) can be carried out.

    Diversified growth. It is used if the company does not have the opportunity to grow in the current market conditions with a specific type of product. The firm can concentrate on the release of a new product, but at the expense of available resources. In this case, the products may differ insignificantly from the existing ones or be completely new.

In addition, the marketing strategy of the company can be aimed both at the entire market and at its individual target segments. Basic strategies for individual segments:

    Differentiated marketing strategy. Here, the goal is to cover as many market segments as possible through the release of products specially designed for this (appearance, improved quality, etc.);

    Concentrated marketing strategy. The forces and resources of the company are concentrated in one market segment. The products are offered to a specific target audience. The emphasis is on the originality of any products. This marketing option is most suitable for companies with limited resources;

    Mass (or undifferentiated) marketing strategy. Aimed at the market as a whole, without any differences in consumer demand. The competitive advantage of goods consists mainly in reducing the cost of their production.

Typical mistakes that enterprises make

Mistake number 1. The firm thinks little about the market and is poorly customer-oriented.

    Market segments are not prioritized.

    The segments themselves are not clearly defined.

    A large number of employees of the company are of the opinion that customer service is the area of ​​responsibility of marketing departments, therefore they do not seek to better treat consumers.

    There are no managers who are responsible for specific market segments.

Mistake number 2. The firm does not fully understand its target customers.

    Sales of products do not reach the expected level; rivals' goods are bought better.

    Product returns and customer complaints are prohibitively high.

    The last marketing study of the consumer audience was conducted over two years ago.

Mistake number 3. The firm is ineffective in detecting its competitors and poorly monitoring their activities.

    There is no system for collecting and disseminating information about rivals.

    The firm is overly focused on its closest competitors. There is a risk of losing sight of both distant rivals and technologies that threaten the company's well-being.

Mistake # 4... The firm is illiterate in building interaction with all stakeholders.

    Distributors, dealers, suppliers are not the best (do not pay due attention to the company's products, supplies of poor quality).

    Investors remain dissatisfied (it looks like a rise in loan interest rates and a fall in stock prices).

    Employees are dissatisfied (there is a high turnover of staff).

Mistake number 5. The firm is not looking for new development prospects.

    The overwhelming majority of projects implemented by the organization ended in failure.

    Recently, the company has not been striving for new horizons (interesting offers, sales markets, etc.).

Mistake number 6. The marketing planning process has significant drawbacks.

    The plans are not related to the modeling of financial results, they do not work out alternative ways.

    The plans do not consider the possibility of unforeseen circumstances.

    In the marketing plan, there are no mandatory components or there is no logic.

Mistake number 7. Service strategy and product strategy require changes.

    The firm offers too many free services.

    The organization does not have the resources for cross-selling (sales of products along with additional goods / services - for example, a shirt with a tie, a car with insurance, etc.).

    The list of the company's products is too long, which negatively affects production costs.

Mistake number 8. The firm makes no effort to build a strong brand.

    The division of the budget between different marketing tools remains virtually unchanged.

    The procedures associated with the promotion of products do not take into account to the required extent indicators of income on invested finances (the role of investments is underestimated).

    The target audience doesn't know the company well. People don't think a particular brand is the best.

Mistake number 9. The illiterate organization of the marketing department hinders the productive marketing of the company.

    The employees of the department do not have the skills required to work in the current environment.

    The marketing department has a complex relationship with other departments.

    The head of the marketing department does not cope with his duties, he lacks professionalism.

Mistake number 10. The firm does not make the most of modern technology.

    The organization's automated sales system is noticeably outdated.

    The marketing department needs to develop dashboards.

    The company practically does not use the Internet in its work.

With the utmost automation of the sales system, a large number of daily marketing calculations can be carried out not by the company's employees, but by software. This option makes it possible to optimize these solutions and helps to significantly save working time.


The VVS company provides exclusively analytical services and does not advise on theoretical issues of marketing fundamentals(calculation of capacity, pricing methods, etc.)

This article is for informational purposes only!

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Every inhabitant of Russia can be called a consumer. And the one who does not speak Russian is also a consumer, only then he is called spozhivach (Ukrainian), consumer ("consumer", English), or verbraucher (Austr. German), or konsument (German), or something else. Every time we consume something, we make an imperceptible impact on the socio-economic environment around us.

By consuming, we influence the sellers. The sellers, having made the act of sale, thereby influence the distributors, who, in turn, influence the producers, and those influence the suppliers of raw materials. Each time such an imperceptible act of consumption leads to growing waves of influence, which involve an increasing number of economic entities in a continuous process ...

In the conditions of totalitarian socialism or monarchy, this process is strictly regulated from above. In a liberal (or, in our case, rather a "slightly more liberal") economy, this process is "market-driven."

Each participant in the process has an alternative - what to consume. Choosing from at least two proposals, we must be guided by some criteria. Often these are very specific criteria, for example, price. Sometimes they are more difficult to grasp (for example, a preference for brands), in other cases it may be the need to satisfy some deeper needs (for example, an unmet need to feel power over other people can result in the purchase of a sports car).

Just in order to feel good in the market, rules of conduct were invented, which were named in the American manner marketing... Such rules (which, upon closer examination, turn out to be not so simple) allow any Russian company to enter into competition with global giants such as Procter & Gamble. Yes, they brought together leading experts in the marketing department. Yes, they pay good wages. But not everything is so sad, because there is such a word as "marketing".

Marketing- your guide to the market game. Anyone who has mastered marketing can, if not defeat the international monsters, then at least grab a piece of his pie.

Nevertheless, our goal is not to teach you marketing techniques, but to help you in such an important matter as market research, the results of which are the information base for marketing activities. You can find out more about this service by going now to the services section of our call center -.

Market research

For any company striving for success, marketing research is the beginning and the logical end of any cycle of its marketing activities. Market research significantly reduces the uncertainty in making important marketing decisions, which allows you to effectively allocate economic potential to achieve new heights in business!

Marketing research, studying the external and internal environment and its regular monitoring for any enterprise is an important element of the strategy for successful development in a market economy. The role of research increases many times over under the conditions of an unformed market segment or under the uncertainty of a new business.

Whatever decision you make, to offer the market a completely new product or enter a new market with an existing one, you will face the problem of a lack of information about market conditions and other necessary components for a successful market entry. Does the market need your product and, if so, to what extent?

Most likely, you have a certain vision of the market. But perhaps this is not enough to choose the right strategy. It is in this situation that our specialists will help you to study the market in detail and develop a competitive marketing concept.

As a first step, it is necessary, which will allow you to solve, both in a complex and separately, the following tasks:

  1. Determine the real and potential market capacity. Market capacity study will help you to correctly assess your chances and prospects in this market and avoid unnecessary risks and losses;
  2. Calculate or predict your market share. The share is already specific, and it is quite possible to start from it, form future plans, and then increase it in the future. Market share is an important indicator of your company's success;
  3. Analyze the behavior of your consumers (demand analysis)... This analysis will assess the degree of consumer loyalty to the product and the company, and will answer the question: "Who buys and why?" And, therefore, it will help to establish competitive prices for products, make changes to the product itself, optimize promotion channels and advertising strategy, organize effective sales, that is, adjust all components of the marketing mix;
  4. Conduct an analysis of the main competitors (proposal analysis). Knowledge of competitors' products and marketing policies is essential for better market orientation and adjustment of your individual pricing and promotion policies, which will ensure your success in the competition;
  5. Analyze distribution channels. That will allow you to determine the most effective of them and form a ready-made chain of optimal product movement to the end consumer.

Marketing research

- is the collection, processing and analysis of data about the market, competitors, consumers, prices, internal potential of the enterprise in order to reduce the uncertainty associated with making marketing decisions. Marketing research results in specific developments that are used in the selection and implementation of strategies, as well as in the marketing activities of the enterprise.

As practice shows, without market research, it is impossible to systematically collect, analyze, and compare all the information necessary to make important decisions related to market activity, market selection, determining sales volumes, forecasting and planning market activities.

The objects of market research are the trend and process of market development, including analysis of changes in economic, scientific, technical, legislative and other factors, as well as the structure and geography of the market, its capacity, sales dynamics, market barriers, the state of competition, the current market situation, opportunities and risks ...

The main results of the market research are:

  • Forecasts of its development, assessment of market trends, identification of key success factors;
  • Determination of the most effective ways of conducting competition policy in the market and the possibility of entering new markets;
  • Segmentation of markets.

Marketing research can be directed to different objects and pursue different goals. Let's take a closer look at this.

Marketing Research Objectives

Qualitative research is carried out to solve the following problems:

  • Market analysis;
  • Consumer analysis;
  • Competitor analysis;
  • Analysis of progress;
  • Testing advertising concepts;
  • Testing of advertising materials (layouts);
  • Testing the marketing complex of the brand (packaging, name, price, quality).

Consumer marketing research

Consumer research allows you to determine and study the entire range of incentive factors that guide consumers when choosing goods (income, education, social status, etc.)

The purpose of consumer research is consumer segmentation, selection of target segments.

Competitor research

The main task of competitor research is to obtain the necessary data to provide a specific advantage in the market, as well as to find ways of cooperation and cooperation with potential competitors.

For this purpose, the strengths and weaknesses of competitors are analyzed, their market share is studied, the reaction of consumers to the marketing means of competitors, the organization of the management of activities.

Investigation of Potential Intermediaries

In order to obtain information about possible intermediaries with the help of which the company will be able to be present in the selected markets, a study of the corporate structure of the market is carried out.

In addition to intermediaries, the company must have an idea of ​​freight forwarding, advertising, insurance, financial and other organizations, the creation of a set of marketing infrastructure for the market.

Research of the product and its values

The main purpose of product research is to determine the compliance of technical and economic indicators and the quality of products with the demands and requirements of consumers, as well as to analyze their competitiveness.

Product research allows you to get the most complete and valuable from the point of view of consumers information about the consumer parameters of the product, as well as data for the formation of the most successful arguments for an advertising campaign, the choice of the most suitable intermediaries.

Objects of product research: properties of analogue products and competitors' products, consumer reaction to new products, product range, level of service, prospective consumer requirements

The research results enable the company to develop its own range of products in accordance with the requirements of buyers, increase their competitiveness, develop new products, develop a corporate identity, and determine the ability of patent protection.

Marketing analysis of prices

Price research aims to determine the level and price ratio that allows you to get the most profit at the lowest cost.

The objects of research are the costs of the development, production and sale of goods, the degree of influence of competition, the behavior and reaction of consumers to prices. As a result of the research carried out on the price of goods, the most effective cost-price and price-profit ratios are selected.

Research of commodity circulation and sales

The study of commodity circulation and sales is aimed at determining the most effective ways, methods and means of the fastest delivery of the product to the consumer and its implementation. The objects of study are trade channels, intermediaries, sellers, forms and methods of sale, distribution costs.

It also analyzes the forms and features of the activities of various types of wholesale and retail, strengths and weaknesses are identified. This allows you to determine the possibilities of increasing the turnover of the enterprise, to optimize stocks, to develop criteria for choosing effective channels of commodity circulation.

Research on sales promotion systems

The study of the sales promotion system is one of the important areas of marketing research. The objects of research are: the behavior of suppliers, intermediaries, buyers, the effectiveness of advertising, the attitude of the consumer community, contacts with buyers. The results of the research allow to develop a policy of "public relations", to determine the methods of forming the demand of the population, to increase the efficiency of commutative connections, including advertising.

Research of advertising activity

Stimulating the promotion of goods to the market concerns not only advertising, but also other aspects of the company's marketing policy, in particular, research on the effectiveness of competitions, discounts, bonuses and other benefits that can be applied by the company in their interaction with buyers, suppliers, intermediaries.

Research of the internal environment of enterprises

Studies of the internal environment of an enterprise aim to determine the real level of competitiveness of an enterprise as a result of comparing the relevant factors of the external and internal environment.

Marketing research can also be defined as the systematic collection, recording and analysis of data on marketing and marketing problems in order to improve the quality of decision-making and control procedures in the marketing environment.

Marketing Research Objectives

Marketing research objectives can be categorized as follows

  1. Search targets- collection of information for a preliminary assessment of the problem and its structuring;
  2. Descriptive goals- a description of the selected phenomena, objects of study and factors affecting their condition;
  3. Causal goals- testing the hypothesis about the presence of some causal relationship;
  4. Test targets- selection of promising options or assessment of the correctness of the decisions made;
  5. Forecast goals- predicting the state of an object in the future.

A fundamental feature of marketing research, which distinguishes it from the collection and analysis of internal and external current information, is its targeted focus on solving a specific problem or a set of marketing problems.

Each firm independently determines the topic and scope of marketing research based on its capabilities and needs for marketing information, therefore, the types of marketing research conducted by different firms may be different.

Basic concepts and directions, experience in marketing research

Earlier it was emphasized that marketing research is a scientific analysis of all factors affecting the marketing of goods and services. It follows that the scope of this function is practically unlimited, and therefore we will consider only those types of research that are most often encountered in practice.

Essentially, the purpose of marketing research is to answer five basic questions: who? what? when? where? and as? Related question: why?- expands the research to contact with the field of social psychology and sometimes stands out as an independent area known as motivation research, that is, the study of the motives of customer behavior.

Marketing Research Organization Methods

Marketing research can be organized and carried out either through a specialized research agency or through the firm's own research department.

Organization of research with the help of our own research department

Our own research department is engaged in marketing research in accordance with the information needs of the company.

Organization of research with the help of a specialized research agency

Specialized research agencies carry out a variety of studies, the results of which can help a firm solve existing problems.

  • The quality of research is high, since research firms have rich experience, highly qualified specialists in the field of research.
  • The research results are highly objective, since the researchers are independent from the customer.
  • Specialized firms provide great opportunities in the choice of research methods due to the availability of special equipment for conducting research and processing their results.
  • Research costs are quite high and research costs more than those performed by an internal research team.
  • Knowledge of product features is limited to general concepts.
  • There is a higher likelihood of information leakage as there are many people involved in the research.

Marketing Research Department

Judging by how often one hears the claim that business competition is increasing, one would assume that most firms are likely to have marketing research departments. In reality, very few firms have such departments. The most recent data is difficult to name, but it is known that as a result of a survey conducted by the British Institute of Management, only 40% of the responses were received from 265 companies surveyed (in all likelihood, because most of the firms did not have research departments).

However, it would be a mistake to believe that this fact means the same low level of use of research results, since a significant part of the work on marketing research is carried out by specialized organizations. In addition, in many companies, marketing research departments often have different names, for example, “Economic Information Department,” etc.

The decision to create your own marketing research department depends on the assessment of the role that it can play further in the activities of the firm as a whole. This assessment is mostly qualitative and differs from firm to firm, which makes it difficult to establish precise criteria. For our purposes, it is enough to assume that the decision to create such a structural unit has been made and attention is focused on the issues that should be taken into account in this case.

They can be grouped as follows:

  • The role and functions of the marketing research department;
  • Position in the organizational structure of the company;
  • The role and functions of the department manager.

The Role and Functions of the Marketing Research Department

Considering the above list of marketing-related research types, it is obvious that it would take a very large department to cover all of these areas.

If this is the first time a firm is undertaking such work, it is strongly recommended to create a list of tasks, ordering them in order of importance, and limit itself to trying to get the most important ones solved first. This does not mean that the rest of the research should not be carried out at all, since the establishment of too rigid demarcation lines between the tasks can only lead to an inflexible approach and to the fact that auxiliary research that complements the main ones will be abandoned.

Too often, firms make the mistake of making the newly created marketing research department responsible for maintaining firm accounting records. The transfer of this function to him inevitably generates friction and reduces the efficiency of the company, since, on the one hand, it slows down the work of departments that need reporting data for their current activities, for example, the sales department, and on the other hand, it distracts the marketing research department from its the main function is research.

In cases where the creation of a specialized research department is preceded by a lot of data collection and reporting, it is better if other departments retain this function, providing the information they have as needed. To avoid both duplication and dissipation of efforts, the responsibilities of each department need to be clearly articulated and only those reports that are essential to in-house research work should be required from the marketing research department.

Place for marketing research in the organizational structure of the company

The location of the marketing research department within a firm depends to a large extent on its organizational structure. As a rule, he should have a direct connection with the managing director, since this department performs an advisory function and in many cases provides the chief administrator with the initial data on the basis of which the general policy of the company is based (as opposed to operational decisions).

In large organizations with executive directors heading functionally organized divisions, the CMO may be responsible for determining the direction of the research department and for deciding what reports should be presented to the head of the firm.

Even so, it is advisable to provide for a direct link between the managing director and the research department in order, on the one hand, to ensure that reports that criticize one or another aspect of the firm's activities are heard by the head of the firm in order to avoid deterioration of the relationship. between the marketing director and directors responsible for other divisions.

In addition, it is the managing director who deals with the efficiency of the firm as a whole and. therefore, can better than other managers assess the value of research results for a particular department.

Some authors argue that the head of a marketing research department should have the same status as the heads of the main operational units, but this is not true due to the usually existing differences in the size of departments and the level of responsibility. Provided that the manager has access to the board of directors, his status should be directly determined by the importance that the department has within the organization as a whole.

The Role and Functions of the Marketing Research Manager

The nature of a marketing research manager's job depends on the size and function of the department and the degree of oversight and leadership from above. In this case, in any case, the manager must be a person competent in his field and have personal integrity and honesty.

Competence presupposes not only experience and knowledge in the field of marketing and methods of its analysis, but also the ability to turn management problems into real research projects, carried out taking into account time and financial constraints.

The requirement of personal integrity and honesty means that the marketing research manager must interpret the results of the analyzes carried out objectively, in accordance with generally accepted principles of scientific research. “Statistics in the service of lies” - this situation can exist only when unscrupulous people use facts fabricated through subjective selection, manipulation and deliberate presentation to prove baseless conclusions, that is, as researchers say, “looking for data” ...

The manager must meet not only the basic requirements mentioned above, but, in addition, have the qualities that are necessary for everyone. leadership positions, namely: to have the ability to administrative work, to be able to understand the behavior of people and be able to effectively influence them.

Planning and conducting marketing research

Marketing research process

Marketing research can be divided into two main categories: permanent and episodic... Marketing is an ongoing process in a constantly changing environment. Therefore, systematic research is essential if a firm wants to stay aware of changes in the underlying drivers of demand and be able to adapt its policies accordingly. This type of information is collected by specialized organizations and government departments, but this information is often too general and cannot meet the specific requirements of an individual firm. As a result, it has to be supplemented with research conducted by the firm itself.

In addition, many marketing situations are so peculiar (for example, the launch of a new product on the market) that they require special research.

Such studies are performed according to a certain scheme, consisting of the following stages:

  1. Justification of the need for research;
  2. Analysis of the factors that determine this need, that is, the formulation of the problem;
  3. Exact formulation of the research goal;
  4. Drawing up a plan for an experiment or survey based on the analysis provided for in paragraph 2;
  5. Data collection;
  6. Systematization and analysis of data;
  7. Interpretation of results, formulation of conclusions, recommendations;
  8. Preparation and submission of a report containing the results of the study;
  9. Evaluation of the results of actions taken based on the findings of the researchers, i.e.
  10. Establishing feedback.

Obviously, continuous research is built according to the same scheme as in the beginning, but later on, the first four stages disappear.

Marketing research methods

The first task of choosing marketing research methods is to familiarize yourself with individual methods that can be used in collecting and analyzing marketing information.

Then, based on the resource capacity of the organization, the most appropriate set of these methods is selected. The most widely used marketing research methods are document analysis methods, sociological, expert, experimental and economic and mathematical methods.

Marketing research objectives can be exploratory in nature, i.e. be aimed at collecting preliminary information designed to more accurately identify problems and test hypotheses, descriptive, i.e. consist in a simple description of certain aspects of a real marketing situation and casual, i.e. be aimed at substantiating hypotheses that determine the content of the identified cause-and-effect relationships.

Each such area includes certain methods of collecting and analyzing marketing information.

Exploration research is carried out in order to collect preliminary information necessary to better define the problems and put forward assumptions (hypotheses) within which marketing activities are expected, as well as to clarify the terminology and set priorities among the research tasks.

For example, it has been suggested that low sales are due to poor advertising, but exploratory research has shown that the main reason for undersales is poor distribution system performance, which should be explored in more detail later in the marketing research process.

Among the methods of conducting exploratory research, the following can be distinguished: analysis of secondary data, study of previous experience, analysis of specific situations, focus group work, projection method.

Descriptive research aimed at describing marketing problems, situations, markets, for example, the demographic situation, the attitude of consumers to the products of the organization.

When conducting this type of research, answers are usually sought to questions starting with the words: who, what, where, when and how. As a rule, such information is contained in secondary data or is collected by conducting observations and interviews, setting up experiments.

For example, it is investigated "who" is the consumer of the organization's products? “What” is considered to be products supplied by the organization to the market? Where is seen as the place where consumers purchase these products? “When” refers to the time when consumers are most active in purchasing these products. “How” describes how the purchased product is used.

Note that these studies do not provide an answer to questions starting with the word “why”. "Why" did the sales increase after the advertising campaign? Answers to such questions are received when conducting casual research.

Casual exploration is carried out to test hypotheses regarding causation. This study is based on the desire to understand some phenomenon based on the use of logic such as: “If X, then Y”.

For example, a hypothesis is tested: will a 10% decrease in the service fee of a given organization lead to an increase in the number of customers sufficient to compensate for the losses from the decrease in the fee?

If we consider the methods of marketing research from the point of view of the nature of the information received, then they can be divided into two groups: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative marketing research are aimed at studying consumer behavior, purchase motivation, consumer preferences, attractiveness and consumer qualities of a product, price / consumer qualities ratio, assessment of the capacity and characteristics of real and potential markets (various segments) of a product or service.

Quantitative methods make it possible to characterize the socio-demographic, economic, and psychological portrait of the target group.

The characteristic features of such studies are: well-defined format of the collected data and the sources of their receipt, the processing of the collected data is carried out using orderly procedures, mainly quantitative in nature.

Data collection for marketing research

Methods for collecting primary data in quantitative research include polls, questioning, personal and telephone interview based on the use of structured closed-type questions, which are answered by a large number of respondents.

The survey is conducted at points of sale or according to the address / route sample at the place of residence (place of work) of the respondent. The reliability of the results is ensured by the use of a representative sample of respondents (respondents), the use of qualified interviewers, control at all stages of the study, professionally compiled questionnaires and questionnaires, the use of professional psychologists, sociologists, marketing specialists in the analysis, the use of modern computer tools for statistical analysis of results, constant contact with the customer at all stages of work.

Qualitative research involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data by observing what people do and say. Observations and conclusions are qualitative and carried out in a standardized manner. Qualitative data can be quantified, but this is preceded by special procedures.

The basis of qualitative research is observational methods, which involve observation itself rather than communication with respondents. Most of these methods are based on approaches developed by psychologists.

Methods of qualitative analysis allow describing the psychographic characteristics of the target audience, behavioral patterns and reasons for preference for certain brands when purchasing, as well as receiving from consumers the most in-depth information that gives an idea of ​​the ulterior motives and basic needs of consumers.

Qualitative methods are indispensable at the stages of developing and evaluating the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, studying the image of brands. The results are not numeric, i.e. presented exclusively in the form of opinions, judgments, assessments, statements.

Types of marketing research

An enterprise in the modern world can achieve success only if it does not ignore the needs of consumers. Efficiency requires research and meeting as many of the buyer's requirements as possible. Marketing research helps to solve such problems.

Marketing deals with the study of consumer behavior, which includes his needs and requirements.

A fundamental feature of marketing research, which distinguishes it from the collection and analysis of internal and external current information, is its targeted focus on solving a specific problem or a set of marketing problems. This focus turns the collection and analysis of information into marketing research. Thus, marketing research should be understood as a purposeful solution to a marketing problem (set of problems) facing a company, the process of setting goals, obtaining marketing information, planning and organizing its collection, analysis and reporting of results.

The basic principles of marketing research are objectivity, accuracy and thoroughness. The principle of objectivity means the need to take into account all factors and the inadmissibility of accepting a certain point of view until the analysis of all the information collected is completed.

The principle of accuracy means the clarity of the formulation of research tasks, the unambiguity of their understanding and interpretation, as well as the choice of research tools that ensure the necessary reliability of the research results.

The principle of thoroughness means the detailed planning of each stage of the research, high quality of all research operations, achieved through a high level of professionalism and responsibility of the research team, as well as an affective system for monitoring its work.


In a competitive environment and constantly changing market conditions, a lot of attention is paid to marketing research. The results of these studies in the future are the basis for the formation of the estimate of sales, and based on this and the planned levels of revenue and profit from the sale of products.

The most common problems arise in the process of selling goods. Therefore, the main objectives of marketing research are to study:

  • market;
  • buyers;
  • competitors;
  • suggestions;
  • goods;
  • prices;
  • the effectiveness of the product promotion policy, etc.

Marketing research helps an enterprise to solve the following tasks:

  • Determine the opportunity mass production goods or services;
  • Establish a hierarchy of characteristics of goods or services that can ensure their success in the market;
  • Analyze the typologies and motivations of the existing and potential clientele;
  • Determine prices and optimal conditions for the sale of goods and services.

The purpose of marketing research is to resolve the following enterprise problems:

  • Studying and establishing the potential of the market or product about the possible volume of its sales, terms of sale, price levels, the ability of potential clientele;
  • Research of competitors' behavior, directions of their actions, potential opportunities, pricing strategies;
  • Sales research with the definition of the territory that is the best in terms of sales, the volume of sales in the market, which is the most effective.

Companies develop a general plan of marketing research, which is drawn up in the context of the marketing of individual goods or services, by type of buyers, by region.

Thus, we can say that marketing research is a comprehensive system for studying the organization of production and sales of goods and services, which is focused on meeting the needs of specific consumers and making a profit based on the study and forecasting of the market.

The most difficult tasks of marketing research are analysis and decision making on pricing and sales promotion.

The result of marketing research is the development of a marketing strategy for the company, the purpose of which is to select a target market and marketing complex, the compliance of which will help to ensure the maximum effect of sales of products and services.

When choosing a target market, it is necessary to substantiate the answer to the question: what product does the consumer need? To do this, it is necessary to establish rational segments of a concentrated, differentiated or undifferentiated market that the organization will serve.

The choice of a marketing complex is associated with the establishment of the optimal combination of its elements: the name of the product, its price, the place of distribution and sales promotion. On the basis of the adopted marketing strategy, the main management decisions are developed, orienting the company's activities to solving problems that arise or may arise for a potential consumer of goods, works and services.

This principle can be implemented if the basis for making decisions on organizational, technological, social and production issues is the result of analyzing the needs and requests of potential buyers.

Market research- one of the types of marketing research, studies all aspects of the company's business environment.

The purpose of market research- ensuring maximum accuracy of subsequent management marketing decisions, reducing the level of uncertainty associated with making such marketing decisions.

The result of market research in marketing is an understanding of competitors' activities, market structure, government decisions in the field of market regulation and stimulation, economic trends in the market, research of technological advances and many other factors that make up the business environment, which allows you to be closer to the consumer, understand and feel his needs and mood.

Marketing Research Objectives:

  • confirmation or refutation of hypotheses;
  • checking the compliance of the facts with the planned;
  • verification of the current state of the investigated object.
For example, the following tasks are solved by marketing research methods:
  1. The market capacity is determined. Understanding the size of the market helps to correctly assess the odds in a given market, plan actions and avoid unnecessary risks and losses.
  2. Market share is determined. The share is already specific, and it is quite possible to start from it, forming future plans, and then, to increase it in the future. Market share is an indicator of success and an indicator of a company's capability.
  3. Analyze consumer behavior.
  4. The analysis of competitors is being carried out. Knowledge of competitors' products and marketing is essential to better target the market and adjust your individual pricing and promotion policies to ensure you win the competition.
  5. Sales channels are being studied. That will allow you to determine the most effective of them and form a ready-made chain of optimal product movement to the end consumer.

Knowing the market capacity and trends in its change, the company is able to assess the prospects of a particular market for itself. It makes no sense to work in a market, the capacity of which is insignificant in comparison with the capabilities of the enterprise: the costs of introducing and operating on the market may not pay off.

Marketing research of the market is carried out in two sections:

  • assessment of actual data of the past time in order to adjust certain market parameters;
  • obtaining values ​​and opinions for building a forecast of future events.

Depending on the object of observation
Distinguish between studies:
  • Research of the subject of the market, in conjunction with the marketing object;
  • Research of a marketing object in a market environment;
  • Research of a marketing object outside the market (desk research, experiments, modeling);
  • Research of the internal, market-related environment of the company;

By venue
, marketing research can be categorized by location:
  • Desk research;
  • Field studies

By market coverage
distinguish between:
  • Continuous marketing research;
  • Selective marketing research;

By type of target audience
  • marketing research of a random sample - attracting randomly selected respondents from the target audience;
  • access panel - a stable base of target audience respondents who participate in marketing surveys on a regular basis.
From the point of view of the organization of the process There are at least three alternative approaches to data collection:
  • by the marketing staff,
  • by a specially created group or with the involvement of companies,
  • specializing in data collection.

Market research methods... There are a lot of market research methods. All these methods are applied in a specific situation to solve specific marketing problems. Methods for collecting data in marketing research can be classified into two groups: quantitative and qualitative.

    Quantitative market research usually equated with conducting various surveys based on the use of structured closed-type questions, which are answered by a large number of respondents. The characteristic features of such studies are: a well-defined format of the collected data and the sources of their receipt, the processing of the collected data is carried out using orderly procedures, mainly quantitative in nature.

  • Qualitative market research involve collecting, analyzing and interpreting data by observing what people do and say. Observation and conclusions are qualitative and carried out in a non-standardized manner.
Stages of marketing research
  1. The first stage: statement of the problem and definition of research objectives.
  2. Second stage: development of a research plan:
  • Definition of data sources.
  • Determination of information collection methods
  • Determination of methods of systematization, information and storage of information
  • Determination of research tools (questionnaires, psychological techniques, fixation devices)
  • Sample planning and determination (sample composition, size)
  • Stage Three: Gathering Information
  • Fourth stage: Systematization, preparation for storage, transfer and analysis
  • Fifth stage: Transfer of collected information
  • This is followed by the stage of already analyzing information and preparing management decisions. The information gathering process is usually the most expensive part of the research. In addition, quite a large number of errors can occur during its implementation.

    Marketing research and marketing analysis should not be confused. Marketing research does not include the collection, processing, storage and systematization of information. Marketing Analysis suggests conclusions - assessment, explanation and forecast of the development of processes and phenomena.

    Market research data analysis begins with the transformation of the initial data (obtained as a result of marketing research). Next, an analysis is carried out (averages, frequencies, regression and correlation coefficients are calculated, trends are analyzed, etc.).

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