The best examples of product advertising. Dynamic, effective, informative: how to make a commercial yourself How to make advertising for a company

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Everything is as simple as the first letters of the alphabet, like A, B, C - you are the owner of a business, you have a potential client, and he should find out about you. A, B, C.

Whether you are the owner of a small household goods store or the head of a chain shopping centers– the actions required will be approximately the same, just on a different scale.

At the same time, it is not always possible to turn to professionals in this regard or hire one on your staff. This is normal if the business is just starting. And it’s okay if you just want to personally participate in this side of your child’s life.

Do-it-yourself advertising, step one. “What do you call the ship?”

You are starting from scratch. You are not some small employee of an already established office. You create your own own business. You do not have a program prepared by someone. They don’t hand you ready-made flyers for you to just hang up.

How to tell the world about your enterprise? About your product?

Sit down and think about it - what exactly do you want to achieve? What place to take in the niche? Risk for popularity or be satisfied with stability?

How do your main or possible future competitors act in terms of advertising? Do you want to stay in this business as long as possible - or not? And how exactly do your competitors advertise their companies - in the media, on social networks or on huge and expensive advertising posters along highways and avenues?

Your competitor is your enemy. But learn everything about him, and he will cease to be your enemy. He will become a pathetic envious person.

If you are the owner of a small business, then advertising for you can be done by other people, specialists, employees of advertising agencies. And it’s a good sign if you have a creative idea in your head that they just need to bring to life. After all, by and large, the main question is not the technical ability to make an advertisement with your own hands, but the ability to create key ideas for it.

What if there is not even an idea? Well, then you don't Steve Jobs, take heart. However, Steve Jobs also once had no ideas.

By the way, the name Apple, according to legend, was chosen precisely because the team could not come up with another, more adequate idea. And it did fire.

Have you already chosen a name for your company?

Your company, your store is your child. And you would hardly name your child Akaki. So it is in this case. A catchy, bright name, but at the same time conveying the essence of your activity - that’s what you need. Good name– the starting point of your business. This is the first thing that customers learn about you.

Second step. Outdoor advertising yourself?

Once again, we will not discuss the process of cutting out advertisements from whatman paper and posting them on poles. “We make advertising ourselves” means “we come up with advertising ourselves.” Main money advertising agencies they still charge for that.

A piece of paper on the entrance door, posters on the walls, advertising boards with a pasted image or screen, neon advertising (backlit), audio advertising on escalators in the metro - there are many possibilities, you need to understand the peculiarities of your target audience and proper allocation of funds.

Ideally, your advertising stand should become part of the street landscape. So that passers-by perceive your poster “ Best products at the best prices” is as integral an element of the environment as the trimmed bushes along the alley.

Stationary advertising structures– installed in certain places that you have agreed upon and paid for. It is desirable that these be places popular with the population - busy squares and major highways. The structure can either stand on its own or be attached to a building.

Temporary structures– installed near your point of sale or office. They usually contain brief information of primary need - name, opening hours, discounts and promotions. They are displayed during the working day and removed at night.

Our minimum is an advertising poster on the wall or shop window. The maximum is a large screen with an advertising (staged) video in the city center. It all depends, of course, on money. But you need to fulfill the available minimum efficiently and with dignity in order to grow further.

To increase the element of dynamism in your advertising, you can install an inflatable air figure near your business. Which one depends on your financial capabilities and design imagination. The main thing is not to be blown away by the wind.

Signposts and other advertising structures can be placed at your entrance, on a building, or on a pedestrian area. Design is always important - catchy, but not tacky. An original name plus an original form of advertising and its placement are the hooks with which you will hook buyers. You don’t just need to stick a small advertising poster anywhere and sit contentedly - you need to ensure that only your advertising attracts attention, overshadowing all the others, mediocre and tasteless.

Types of outdoor advertising

  • A billboard is a large advertising board, usually placed along a highway.
  • A superboard is usually three billboards enclosed in a triangle.
  • A supersite is a type of billboard that is large in size and height, which is why it is usually placed outside the city limits.
  • Prismatron is a billboard whose surface consists of prisms alternating sides. Can show three pictures changing over time.
  • Citylight is an illuminated display case standing on the sidewalk.
  • A firewall is a large poster or billboard mounted on the wall of a building.
  • A media facade is a large display somehow built into the façade of a building.
  • Video screen and so on.

Outdoor advertising is a natural, effective and visual way to advertise yourself. A theoretical client of your company may not watch TV, may not listen to the radio at home or in the car, may not read newspapers or use the Internet, but will definitely pay attention to the bright, large and original billboard in front of his window. Or at the bus stop near the house.

You must show that this area in this niche is occupied by you. Let your logo become a kind of mark - a sign that competitors have nothing to do here.

Disadvantages of outdoor advertising

  • Outdoor advertising is damaged by various weather conditions. It breaks, rusts, falls off, fades, and is simply blown away by the wind. The condition of your outdoor advertising needs to be constantly monitored, maintained - cleaned, and updated frequently.
  • Outdoor advertising is viewed by potential buyers in just a few seconds. Therefore, the key to the success of such advertising is brightness, catchiness, laconic content (who will pay attention to a pale poster with several paragraphs of barely legible text?), an original logo or emblem. And again, such advertising must be constantly updated so that the buyer does not become bored with a picture that he has looked at for a long time and has not aroused interest. The more often, the more varied and persistent, the better.
  • should not have provocative or offensive content;
  • should not disturb the harmonious appearance of the environment.

The fulfillment of these conditions is monitored by many regulatory authorities. So that the content of outdoor advertising is not overly erotic, provocative or even immoral.

But it is not federal law that controls outdoor advertising alone; compliance with the conditions for its use is monitored by various services and committees, which make their own amendments based on the format and location of advertising.

So it is better to initially consult with the municipality before displaying your advertisement. It’s better to play it safe just in case than to pay fines later or even lose profitable advertising space.

We do advertising ourselves, step three - business cards

Like many things in our modern world, business cards were invented in China. More precisely, in Ancient China, even before our era. Brevity, conciseness and business dexterity are traits of the Asian character. As they say, the East is a delicate matter. So is marketing.

A business card can be made of paper, cardboard, plastic, metal or even wood. Remember: your business card is your face; it is the shortest and most succinct form of advertising for your person and your organization. What would you prefer – colorful cardboard or a minimalist metal plate? Depends on your income and how you position yourself.

There are three types of business cards:

  • personal business card;
  • corporate business card;
  • business business card.

Personal business card

Simply includes the contact information of its owner. A personal business card should be like general director a large company, as well as a tire shop owner, if he wants his business to be taken seriously.

Remember: your business card is your face. Freelancers and freelance workers can also use business cards. Personal business cards are often exchanged during informal interactions.

A personal business card is:

  • Full name owner;
  • type of activity and position held;
  • telephone;
  • official website;
  • e-mail.

Corporate business card

Corporate business card includes brief information about your company. Nobody's names, positions or private contact details are written here. Corporate business cards are needed to briefly introduce your company, advertise and present in a favorable light. This is the face of your company. So she must have good design and dense material. It should look great, be happy to be held in your hands and always be kept in your wallet among other important and high-quality business cards.

A corporate business card is:

  • company name and logo;
  • brief information about the field of activity;
  • address, travel route;
  • official website;
  • telephone.

Business card

Includes a minimum of information. No unnecessary words and a minimum of design - no decorations, standard font. Often, the exchange of business cards takes place at official events, negotiations and business meetings. This happens because a business card has a narrow focus - a direct invitation to future partnerships and joint activities.

A business card is:

  • first and last name;
  • job title;
  • company name;
  • field of activity of the company.

Using business cards is very convenient. This gives you a wide range of opportunities so that you can properly advertise yourself. It will immediately show how you present your event and how serious you are about the matter.

How to distribute business cards?

  • hand out;
  • put in a mailbox or send by mail;
  • negotiate with other retail outlets so that they have a stack of your business cards on the counter (and in return you can put their business cards behind your tray).

Popular size business card– 90×50 mm. But it’s better – the size is 85.6x53.98 mm. Credit cards are the same size, and sections in wallets are made to fit this size.

Step four: how to properly create advertising through leaflets, booklets, flyers and stickers

Leaflet- a simple, ancient and effective method of self-promotion. Even the minimal impact of a leaflet is effective - bright colors, huge font size and meaningful pictures will not leave anyone indifferent. Everyone is sure to at least briefly familiarize themselves with the contents of the leaflet, and thanks to visual photographs or pictures, even a child will understand - at least roughly - what it says.

  • distribute on the street in crowded areas;
  • hand out at the entrance to your store;
  • put in mailboxes;
  • like an insert in a magazine or newspaper.

How you distribute your leaflets will determine their appearance. A bright and eye-catching design if leaflets are distributed on the street by promoters or dropped into mailboxes. Or a discreet, discreet design of a leaflet if it is sent to the addresses of clients who are already using your services.

Booklet- almost the same leaflet, only with an image on both sides, and folded in half or three.

Flyer- almost the same leaflet, only smaller in size and with a more structured presentation of information of short-term importance. For example, about new discounts, events, company promotions. Often, a flyer is also an entrance ticket to such an event - or a coupon for which you can get a discount.

Sticker/sticker/magnet- almost the same leaflet, printed on self-adhesive paper in order to, in fact, be glued to various surfaces - walls, pillars and packaging.


The range of opportunities to properly advertise yourself, advertise yourself and your company is incredibly large. Make good use of all the methods available to you, and you will succeed.

Whether you are opening a small fabric or grocery store, or are thinking about the prospects and benefits of tire fitting in your own garage, sooner or later you will have to think about advertising your business.

By the power of thought
Good for those who work as a franchise. No need to rack your brains: the main office will give you instructions, layouts and banners will be provided – just use it. What if you do it yourself, and even from scratch? How to attract the client's attention to your point of sale?
Of course, first you have to sit down and use your head. Think about what result you want to achieve: recognition and fame or stable sales. See where and how competitors advertise: whether they rely on outdoor advertising or advertising in the media. Decide whether you are working for the future, or whether you need it faster and more. And, of course, you shouldn’t forget about the specifics of your business.

You can contact a professional agency, where the client manager, having received a clear technical specification, will pass it on to a designer, specialists in naming, branding and other esoteric knowledge. But here lies the main advertising secret: if you are able to give a clear technical specification to specialists, it means that you know exactly what you want, you can imagine how it should look, therefore, you are able to advertise yourself.

Ideally, you should start with the name. Or, if you want to be on trend, with naming. We remember the specifics, and we understand that a store selling tights and stockings cannot be called “Dead Loop”. Or maybe if you just want to be original. Then you and the company engaged in the repair and decoration of premises have the right to call “Hook Hands”. One caveat - just in case, avoid mentioning official dealers of anything. For example, a small car service may be called “Toyota Repair,” but only for the time being. Until those same official dealers find out about you.

Have you chosen a name for your newborn business? Wonderful. As the yacht was named, so it sailed. Now this name will be on pavement signs, banners, newspapers and on fences.

Advertising. Take externally
Outdoor advertising is one of the most popular channels for distributing advertising information. The information can be graphic or text. It can be placed on special temporary or permanent structures, or attached to the walls of buildings or elements of street equipment.

Outdoor advertising conveys information to the consumer from billboards, electronic displays, roof installations, pillars and banners. Ideally, it is in harmony with the urban environment. The pursuit of harmony is also supported by various supervisory bodies and committees.

Stationary advertising structures do not change location. Where agreed and paid for, that’s where it will hang. Temporary structures are usually placed somewhere near the enterprise or retail outlet; during the day they inform passers-by about the opening hours of the enterprise, about the services provided, and provide the address and telephone number. And in the evening they are removed.

Huge posters are placed on permanent installations. Typically, panel structures are located along busy highways, or in high-traffic areas.

Do we want the picture to come to life? We place advertising on a large outdoor screen. Here we have dynamics, and play of colors, and sound, and emotional impact on potential client. Examples of such advertising can also be seen in crowded places, at bus stops, and train stations. But we will think about such advertising when we get rich.

By the way, you can add speakers by installing a pneumatic figure near your enterprise. This is an inflatable figure made of thick fabric. It can have any shape, its dimensions are limited by wind loads.

Signposts and portable structures can be placed at the entrance to the building, on the sidewalk, or in the pedestrian area. But here you will have to think through the design in order to stand out from the background of a dozen or two of the same structures standing nearby.

Other common outdoor advertising formats: rooftop installation, billboard, supersite, superboard, video screen, prismatron, stele, citylight, banner, flag composition, firewall, electronic scoreboard, light box, road sign, pillar, advertising on public transport, advertising in elevators, metro and parking lots. Do you want to place advertising information on the balloon? You can do this too.

With my eyes wide open
Outdoor advertising has a significant advantage over other types of disseminating information about goods and services. You can turn off the TV and radio, hide from the street radio in an MP3 player, throw away the newspaper. But no one will move around the city with their eyes closed. Willy-nilly, out of boredom, potential consumer will study everything that is covered with a public transport stop, one way or another he will catch his eye on the billboard, sooner or later he will trip over the pillar.

Outdoor advertising guarantees wide audience coverage and long-term impact. In addition, by placing outdoor advertising, the advertiser, as it were, “marks” the territory, clearly indicating the geographical boundaries of the impact of advertising information on a potential client. And outdoor advertising is much cheaper than producing and renting a video on radio or TV.

But we also need to note the shortcomings? So here it is. First: under the influence of various atmospheric phenomena, outdoor advertising can deteriorate. Fade, rust, tear. Or it could be blown away by the wind. And it’s good if your poorly secured advertising medium doesn’t fall on someone’s head. Therefore, the condition of the advertising structure must be constantly monitored.

The time of visual contact of a viewer with outdoor advertising is approximately one second. For so much short time no one will perceive a large amount of information. Therefore, either the advertiser must constantly update the picture, or order articles in newspapers and magazines. In short-term advertising campaigns, it is impossible to use outdoor advertising, or it is extremely difficult for the same reason.

There is no place for anarchy
As mentioned above, some outdoor advertising formats have clearly defined requirements. Outdoor advertising should not provoke or offend, but should be in harmony with the urban environment.

Therefore, special supervisory and control bodies, various commissions and committees are vigilantly ensuring that no invitingly naked or offensively dressed girls smile on billboards, so that the play on words does not cause indecent associations. And advertising structures should not impede the movement of pedestrians and vehicles or spoil the architectural ensemble.

This is why the Russian Federation Law “On Advertising” exists, which should be carefully studied by everyone who intends to advertise on their own. Except federal law, there are many regulations of regional authorities. Moreover, various departments are also making adjustments. For example, advertising on vehicles may be determined by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

So before you release information about you, an entrepreneur, to the masses, contact your municipality. It is better to consult and be safe in advance than to go to court and pay fines later.

Business cards. Tested for centuries!
The first business cards appeared in China, between the second and third centuries BC. By a special decree of the emperor, Chinese officials were obliged to have cards on red paper with their name and position written on them. These cards can still serve as an example of restraint and aesthetics: no unnecessary details except the name, surname and position.

A modern business card is a compact carrier of information about a person or organization. With the obligatory indication of contacts. Business cards can be cardboard, plastic, paper. For those who want more expensive ones - business cards on mini CDs, made of wood or metal.

A business card can be personal and contain contact information about a specific person - the president of a company or a refrigerator repairman. Personal business cards are usually exchanged in an informal setting. Personal business card contains first name, last name, phone number, address email- everything that its owner wants to tell about himself. By the way, personal business cards are also popular among freelancers.

First and last names are not indicated on a corporate business card. It contains information about the company, its scope of activity, a list of services, a location map, and a web address. Such business cards are convenient to hand out at presentations and conferences. Since they are purely advertising in nature, the design should make you want to keep such a business card for as long as possible. Although the design here will depend on corporate identity companies.

At official meetings and negotiations, people exchange business cards. This business card is narrowly focused on a potential client. It indicates the name, surname, position, company name and type of activity. The design of such a business card is like that of the ancient Chinese: nothing superfluous. A business card without an address is a violation of etiquette. No decorative fonts, no italics.

The convenient format of business cards gives the widest scope for their distribution. Layout in mailboxes, distribution into the hands of the buyer. You can negotiate with your colleagues about a kind of cross-promotion: you put a pack of tire shop business cards on the counter where they sell oils. And the company that sells motor oils, in turn, puts a stack of its corporate business cards on the counter in the tire shop.

The most popular business card size is 90 × 50 mm. A widely used size that matches the size of credit cards: 85.6 × 53.98 mm. These dimensions, by the way, coincide with the size of the sections of wallets or purses.

Why are leaflets good and convenient? Even in times of total illiteracy, thanks to the design of leaflets, information could be conveyed to any person - in the form of drawings and caricatures. Distributing a leaflet is easy - you can stick it on a door, throw it out of an airplane, or put it in a mailbox.

Advertising leaflets are distributed on the streets, placed on special stands, and inserted into newspapers. Therefore, the customer faces the most important task - to develop a leaflet design in such a way that a potential buyer of his goods and services will be interested in it. The design depends on the distribution method. Leaflets distributed through mailboxes and promoters must be bright and memorable. If you plan to send it directly to customers who are already familiar with the company, then the leaflet can be calm and discreet.

Booklet- a close relative of the leaflet. Essentially, a booklet is a double-sided leaflet folded in half or three.

Another brother of the leaflet - flyer. It is slightly smaller in size and usually contains information about discounts, product benefits, and events. Flyers are used in cases where you need to attract as much attention as possible in a minimum amount of time. This format is widely used in promotions like handout. Often a flyer is a free ticket to an event.

Stickers (stickers) are printed on self-adhesive paper and are intended for gluing to any surface. The sticker can contain additional information that is not included on the label, or can be placed on the packaging to prevent tampering.

In general, for the attention of a beginner, but quite strong individual entrepreneur We offer a wide range of printing services. With their help, you can launch an effective campaign to promote your product or service.

How to make advertising so that it arouses interest? How to create the most effective advertising for your product or service? It is important to understand that “working” advertising always consists of the same elements, the presence of which is a guarantee of advertising success.

Whatever creative approach you did not have, if mandatory requirements are not used when creating advertising key elements, advertising will be ineffective.

1. Heading.
2. "Buttons".
3. Pictures.
4. Value of the service.
5. Availability.

"Buttons". A button is something that causes the desired reaction in a person. For example, quite often on product packaging you can see the words “Does not contain preservatives or dyes!” or “100% quality!”

To find out the “buttons”, you can conduct a survey among buyers of your products (services) in order to find out what does not suit them in similar products from other manufacturers, or, on the contrary, what they would like to see most in these products.

In other words, it is necessary to find out both the negative factors that hinder sales, and the positive ones that “hook” the client to the quick and increase demand. Both positive and negative factors can be used effectively in advertising. It is only important to think in advance: what kind of reaction do you want to get from your advertising? Do you want to touch the client’s “sore spot” or, conversely, cause him a slight euphoria with a reminder of his secret dream?

For example, this may be buyers’ disagreement with the fact that, in general, the products on store shelves are unnatural. Or, if we advertise a vacation in hot countries, the reaction may be such that a person wants to “switch off and get into a fairy tale for at least a week.”

The main thing is that the “buttons” should be located as close to the title as possible, that is, at the beginning of the advertisement, so as to immediately catch the eye.

The fastest and easiest way to identify “buttons” is to survey several dozen of your clients. For example, you are going to produce sausage. The questions will be like this:

1. What quality of sausage do you value most?
2. What do you dislike most about the sausage you buy?
3. What would you pay attention to first of all when choosing sausage?

Pictures. Surprisingly, all people love pictures, regardless of age. It is no coincidence that there is a saying: “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.” It is easier for a person to form an idea of ​​an object when he sees it than when he reads about what the object looks like. If a picture is used in conjunction with a “button”, then the “button” itself will work twice as powerful.

Selecting pictures is difficult marketing work, when each picture conveys a certain idea, message, evokes a reaction, emotion and works in harmony with all other elements.

Service value. At this stage, our goal is to show the client all the possible value of the product/service. And here it is important to talk about what will really make sense for your client (surveys will also help with this). This point shows the client what he will get if he buys, how his life will change after this, what benefits he will gain, and in general how important it is to buy your product/service.

Here you must show that your company offers a “solution to his problems.” Notice that in the buttons you could show that the client has problems in some area, but here you show that you have solutions to these problems.

You can also use catchy phrases and pictures to convey to the client the full value of the product offered. If we consider the example of promoting sausage on the market, then opposite the advantages of the advertised sausage - “Without added dyes, flavors and harmful preservatives” and “Nutritious for the whole family”, we could place a picture of a satisfied family with children having lunch.

Attention! To demonstrate the value of your services, it is imperative to constantly collect and then display testimonials from satisfied clients, testimonials, and letters of recommendation in advertising campaigns.

Availability product or service. Up to this point, the client must already WANT to BUY. Therefore, at this stage, you must show how easy it is for the customer to purchase your product.

These could be addresses showing that the product is sold in any store in the network, or that you just need to call and the product will be delivered. If the price of a product (service) is also publicly available, then it is worth highlighting it.

This could be directions to your office, an indication that orders can be placed around the clock, or a note about free shipping products to any part of the city. Here, your main goal is to show the customer that the product is EASY to obtain.

In conclusion, we can only repeat that effective advertising should include not just a couple of the listed elements, but all five - only then will it give the expected result.

Video advertising is perhaps the most effective way promotion on the Internet. The brighter and more informative the video, the higher the likelihood of success. How to approach shooting a sales video wisely? Having gone through everything possible options, you will probably come to the conclusion that no one will do it better than you yourself. Only you know your product well enough to present its “zest” in the most favorable light. With a good idea, equipment and reliable video editing software, you can easily master this difficult task. From the article you will learn how to do promotional video without the help of professional video makers.

Tips from the pros: 5 tricks for a successful video

  • Advertising - dialogue

When creating advertising, professionals strive to evoke an emotional outburst in the viewer. That’s why there are so many “problem-solution” videos. The viewer associates what is happening on the screen with himself. When developing the concept of your video, consider the characteristics of your audience, and don’t be afraid to address them directly.

  • Advertising - mini-film

There are endless ways to present advertising material in an original way. This could be a first-person story, a connection to the viewer’s cultural background (the use of references), the introduction of shock elements, such as humanizing objects, or playing with contrast (everyone does it this way, but we do it differently). Compose several versions of the script with different concepts, and then choose the appropriate one.

  • Let others praise

Don't praise yourself! To do this, professional advertisers often introduce a character into the script, a kind of “independent expert.” This could be an expert in the field or a consumer with a unique story.

  • Monotony is boring

No one will look at a talking head for more than 10 seconds. Video is primarily a visual impact. Take advantage of this! Combine videos, illustrations and infographics in one frame.

  • 5 seconds decide everything

You have a maximum of 2 minutes to describe the product, and only 5 seconds to keep the viewer engaged. Start right away with a problematic question or try to hook them with an unusual, bright shot.

Follow these cherished rules, and you will definitely hit the target. Now let's go step by step through the technical side of the issue.

Prepare the material carefully

Decide on the main concept of the video. Gather an initiative group, arrange brainstorming. Create a detailed script - prepare voiceover and storyboard. Next comes filming the material - you can do it yourself or seek help from professional operators. Instruct designers to prepare infographics and illustrative material.

Launch the video editor and add materials

There can be a lot of good material, but only editing will turn the video into a real marketing masterpiece. There is no need to rack your brains over choosing software - that’s it key tools is in "VideoSHOW". and install it on your computer, then run the utility and create "New Project".

In the section "Clips" determine the path to the folder with the files for the video and add them to the project. To trim “extra” fragments, click "Edit Slide". In the tab "Properties" click the button "Trim Video" and mark the desired section of the video with black markers.

Create a Creative Opening Screen

Select a template in the section "Credits" or create a screensaver yourself. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Ins. An empty slide will appear on the scale below, place it at the very beginning and go to the editor.

The possibilities for designing a slide from scratch are unlimited - the background can be a solid color, a gradient, or any image from the editor’s collection or your PC. Click Add Layer > Caption to place intro text. To change the font, color and style of letters, open the tab "Properties".

Voice the project

For a full dialogue with the viewer, add voice comments to the video. WITH "VideoSHOW" you don't need any additional software - you can record your voice-over directly in the editor window. In the section "Music" go to the tab "Sound recordings" and press "Record from microphone". For the audio recording to immediately appear on the audio track, click "Add to project".

Great, you can safely save the result and proceed to converting! Now you know that nothing is impossible, you can definitely make a commercial yourself. With such a convenient and advanced editor as "VideoSHOW", your content will always be effective, high quality and professional.

There are no budgets, but you need to sell somehow - a typical situation for beginning Internet entrepreneurs. At one time I lived without money for a very long time, so I was forced to master all the intricacies of free advertising. And here I will show you 5 options on how you can make advertising on the Internet for free yourself. Good news- this is actually real.

#1 - The main option for free advertising on the Internet

From own experience I can tell you that nothing in this world is completely free. In any case, we will pay for everything we want to get. The only question is what exactly will we pay with - money or something else?

I have already given my “alchemical formula” for creating resources. And here I will repeat it again.

We have only 3 main resources:

  1. Time
  2. Money

And absolutely each of us has limited these resources (even Rockefeller’s granddaughter, and even Apple). To get any of the resources listed above, we will have to add together the remaining two and invest them.

That is, if you don’t have money (and you want you to have it), then you will have to pay for it with your time and effort. And it’s the same with advertising on the Internet.

The scary word starting with the letter C….

There are several main ways to advertise something on the Internet for free. The first and main option is simple SPAM.

If we talk about SPAM, then it also happens different types. You can send mailings to email databases, or spam links to your resources in the comments of popular blogs, or do the same thing in numerous VKontakte groups.

One of the definitions of SPAM is that you insert your advertising into places where you are not asked to go. That is, the moderators of these sites will make every effort to remove all your links and ban you.

Personally, I don’t blame you, because, let’s be honest, we’ve all spammed at least once in our lives. I even described it in detail here (opens in a new tab). But people who even see your advertising links and follow them to your sites will convert very poorly.

That is, you will need at least 10-20 times more traffic to earn the same money than if you worked through, say, regular legal advertising sources. And this, accordingly, leads to the fact that you will have to visit even more sites and VKontakte groups, posting your links.

Or create another hundred fake VKontakte pages and send invitations and offers from them.

Semi-legal spam method via VKontakte

By the way, about the VKontakte mailing list. Currently, such a free advertising option as “friending” still works. This is when you design your VKontakte page to sell some product or service, and then you just start adding everyone as a friend.

Your new “friends” will go to your page to find out who sent them an application and (who knows), maybe one of them will buy your product someday. This activity is also very labor-intensive, taking into account all the restrictions and protection mechanisms that VKontakte introduced.

I remember I did this kind of black friending in 2009, when I was just starting to make money on the Internet. Life was easier then, VKontakte was younger and kinder, but still, it took a lot of energy.

I must say that these methods of free self-advertising... really work. Bad, crooked, difficult, long, but they work. Therefore, if your budget is not very good yet, spam is a good option (let’s not be such moralists).

Now let me tell you a terrible secret - how today young businesses and entrepreneurs without money become super-mega popular literally overnight.

#2 - How businesses without money succeed today

There is one interesting way to quickly and freely advertise on the Internet so that absolutely everyone knows about you (and loves you). This method will also require some investment of time and effort from you. And again we are essentially talking about friending.

Only this is a completely different friending. It’s done something like this: you make friends with someone who is already famous and popular in your market, and then after a while he promotes you using his resources.

That is, we are talking about so-called networking. Personally, I never liked or knew how to do such things, but you may well succeed. For such networking, you need to have a certain set of qualities - sociability, willingness to please and admire, the ability to constantly gently remind yourself, and others.

How to properly meet VIPs

Of course, all famous and popular people are under constant pressure in the form of requests to give money for some brilliant product, or to become a partner in some project that will make them rich in the future. If you write to someone famous with the request “don’t teach me how to live, better help me financially,” then they will simply ignore you.

You need to first get to know the chosen object, then make friends with it, and only then, after some time, it will come to partnerships. A big man you just have to say one word, even briefly mention you somewhere in an article or in an interview, and you will already fly from rags to riches.

I would recommend that you first praise the services or products of some famous person yourself. This may seem strange to you, but they really really like it when they are praised and when they are thanked (if you knew how much dirt and criticism is poured on them every day). Therefore, your video review or thank you article about them will probably be republished on their resources.

And then - develop success. Find how you could be useful to a person with a name, never ask him for anything, give him the opportunity to talk to you about what interests him. Well, it’s not for me to teach you how to win friends and influence people.

And after some time, your new great friend will offer you some partnership options. And then you are on horseback. The only disadvantage of this method of free advertising is the instability of your position. A famous partner only needs to say one word to lift you up, and it will also be enough to say one word to bring you down.

Therefore, you will always have to be very careful not to offend him in any way, and so that no one more nimble comes to take your place. All this will greatly limit your freedom. That's why I never used such methods.

Moreover, there is another option - completely free, absolutely legal, and 100% reliable.

#3 – The most effective free online advertising method

If we continue to talk about recommendations, then there are two authorities in RuNet who can give you a lot of constant and hot traffic to your sales pages. These guys' names are Yasha and Gosha (that is, Yandex and Google). They compare favorably with other authorities in that they recommend you for specific merits, and not for your ability to “make acquaintances.”

To get their recommendations, you just need to create a website and fill it with useful content on the topic of your product. Then search engines will bring your articles to the TOP, and you will begin to receive a flow of visitors every day, who will then become your clients.

Of course, this sounds easier in words than in reality. But in reality there is nothing complicated here. The trick is to constantly give people useful and interesting content. Promotion of a young website takes from 6 months of pure time. Good promotion can take 2-3 years.

Yes, as you can see, here you also need to invest time and effort (all according to our “alchemical formula”). But unlike others free ways, this advertising option will probably work. And it’s also nice that this is a constant source of traffic (unlike the same SPAM, for example, which needs to be dealt with every day).

Personally, I like this option the most. But what if you don’t like writing articles, or are you naturally so lazy that you want to do it for free and do nothing yourself? Congratulations, there is such a way.

#4 – Free advertising through someone else’s hands

Imagine how great it would be if hundreds of people in all corners of the Internet were promoting your products and services every day, while you quietly lay on the couch and sip cocktails.

Surprisingly, it is really possible to organize work in this way. This is simply called the “affiliate program”. Of course, no one will promote you for free, but you will only pay your partners based on sales made.

No sales - no money. Someone brings you a client - you pay him an honest percentage of the purchase amount. This promotion option is very suitable for all beginning Internet entrepreneurs (and non-beginners too).

There are many half-starved specialists in various areas of marketing on the RuNet - contextual advertising, Target VKontakte, SEO, YouTube and others. They are half-starved because they do not have their own products to sell. And they are constantly on the lookout for some really good affiliate program that they can direct their traffic to.

And if you give them one affiliate program, then they will love you and will put a lot of effort into making you happy.

Of course, this method also has difficulties. The first difficulty is that you need to build . Affiliates, of course, are ready to drive traffic to you, but only if sales are made from it (and they earn money). If there are no sales, they will quickly forget about you and switch to others.

The second difficulty is the need to constantly motivate partners to work. They are knowledgeable and capable people, but a little lazy. They need to be given some kind of incentive all the time. For example, hold competitions, give out prizes to the best partners, set higher commissions for those who sell more.

And the affiliate program itself also needs to be promoted somehow so that more and more people come to you with new traffic. As an option, you can create a two-level affiliate program. This is when partners advertise your own affiliate program, and then receive commissions not only from their sales, but also from the sales of those partners whom they attracted “for themselves.”

Technically, you can organize an affiliate program through various services. For example, I use the service because it is best suited for electronic products.

And finally, let's talk about how to make advertising on the Internet for free for a million dollars.

#5 - How to make advertising on the Internet for free for a million dollars

In the end, I want to reveal the worst “secret secret” about advertising on the Internet. If you want to make money online, the main thing is not to advertise for free. The main thing is to make sure that your advertising is profitable.

Tell me, is spending a million dollars on advertising expensive or not? You just can't say that. The question is whether this advertising will be profitable or not. Spending a hundred rubles and earning zero is unprofitable and therefore too expensive. And spending a million and earning ten is profitable, and therefore completely inexpensive.

And you, too, can spend any money you want, only if you are set up (the same requirement, by the way, also applies to the previous point about affiliate programs).

I hope this article was helpful to you. Add it to your bookmarks and share it with friends. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

See you soon!

Yours Dmitry Novoselov

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