Personal assistant - an opportunity for remote work. Profession personal assistant to an executive: why this work is interesting and promising Online training for the profession personal assistant

Hello to all regular readers and those who stopped by for the first time!

The hot Asian summer has arrived in Almaty, for which I have long ago developed a remedy - mountain hiking. I just recently returned from a short trip with a very busy program. I lick my rubbed calluses and scour the mountain equipment stores for new boots, because the old ones have given up their life. In general, travel has changed its appearance somewhat, but remains the same integral part of my life.

Let's get back to you remote work. Previous materials about various Internet specialties received a good response, so I would like to continue the topic and tell you about other opportunities to realize your skills and abilities. The Internet profession of a personal assistant to an executive will be the subject of our conversation today.

In order to be able to concentrate on the main issues of the business, the owner or manager hires an assistant to whom he can delegate the solution of routine tasks, maintaining the work schedule and performing various assignments.

A remote personal assistant is the specialist who will become the boss’s right hand and will be focused on supporting all business processes of the organization. This position combines the functions of secretary-assistant, deputy for general issues, public relations and work with contractors. The full list of responsibilities is determined by the specifics and needs of the business, as well as the degree of trust in the hired employee.

Reaching heights in such activities and earning a decent income is not as easy as it seems. You will need strong professionalism, managerial abilities, strict self-discipline and a desire for constant personal growth.

Today, the demand for business assistants in the labor market is high, and a qualified specialist, as they say, will be cut off. So, who is this – a personal assistant to the manager?

The list of requirements for a candidate for the position of “right hand” and his core competencies varies depending on the direction of the business, its characteristics, the nature and workload of the manager. Somewhere they may be looking for a specialist with a technical education, but somewhere they need a person with artistic taste and humanitarian inclinations.

Most often, the range of basic responsibilities looks something like this:

  • ensuring the boss’s workflow,
  • document processing, communication with counterparties, calls and mailings,
  • preparation of reports in various areas,
  • Carrying out personal instructions from the manager.

At first glance, the list is not very large, but each item can include many tasks. To provide the boss with a comfortable working environment, you will need to maintain his work schedule, monitor its implementation, and make the necessary adjustments.

Document processing involves parsing incoming correspondence, drawing up letters, commercial offers and mailings, and maintaining office work in the organization.

You may be entrusted with conducting initial negotiations with counterparties, drawing up various presentations, and organizing business meetings. You may also be entrusted with the preparation of reports in various areas - both in management activities and in production.

You may be asked to find a gift, book plane tickets, book a hotel, or choose a vacation tour - to carry out personal instructions from your boss.

The entire list will be announced to you at the interview, as well as the load and expected income. As a rule, payment for such work depends on the number of hours worked. By agreement, it can increase if workload is planned on weekends or assignments are not within the scope of your core competencies.

What should a remote assistant be able to do?

To work remotely as a personal assistant, you do not need any special training, but you must have certain basic skills.

For someone who has already worked in a specialized education, it is advisable to look for an organization of similar specifics. In this case, career growth will go faster, because you will be able to delegate not only management issues, but also some production problems.

The minimum set of skills required in this profession can be defined something like this:

  1. knowledge of all basic office programs at the advanced user level,
  2. proficiency in Internet technologies - mail, Skype, Internet mailings,
  3. high literacy in writing and speaking, experience in telephone conversations,
  4. willingness to independently solve various minor issues and problems.

If you know how to make good commercial presentations, conduct business correspondence, and can lead the negotiation process, your value as a specialist will increase significantly.

This does not mean that all your talents will be in demand for a particular vacancy. It happens that the owner of a small business only needs a specialist with the functions of a secretary, or a manager who carries out periodic Internet newsletters.

Depending on your intended goals, you can choose vacancies with a small workload, but if you want to grow in your profession, upgrade your skills and increase your income, then you should look for a place with more serious requirements.

In addition to technical skills, an applicant for the position of business assistant must also have certain human qualities:

  • responsibility and reliability– the employer must be confident in your good faith,
  • honesty and integrity– you will be allowed access to classified information about the company’s activities and the employer must be sure that he is entrusting his secrets to reliable hands,
  • stress resistance– many assignments will have to be completed under deadlines and in unusual situations.
  • punctuality and self-discipline– important qualities that will allow you to competently organize your work day and the day of your superiors.

How to pass an interview

Today you can find a vacancy for a remote assistant on various online resources. , social networks, official job search portals such as NN and JOB - there you can search for a suitable employment option for you.

To successfully pass an interview, you need to realistically assess your knowledge and capabilities.

Test your knowledge of the Russian language on some free resource on the Internet. If the result is not impressive, try to fill the gaps in knowledge. Literacy and good style are something without which you will not be able to conduct business correspondence. Evaluate your knowledge of tables - you will have to do many calculations in them.

Think about your business and personal qualities, which of them will help you show yourself as a promising specialist, and which ones are better to remain silent about at the upcoming interview. A well-written resume will help you find a vacancy that meets your professional level. Learn to present yourself and don't be shy about voicing your talents and strengths. Praising yourself is not a crime.

Pros and cons of the profession

Working as a business assistant has its pros and cons. The main positive factor is the ability to work remotely, in a comfortable home environment.

Participation in business management will open up great prospects for you - from the opportunity to subsequently become a co-manager to becoming one of the owners of the company.

Another bonus will be the acquisition of new experience. This can become a bridge for you to opening your own business, because you will want to implement the acquired knowledge for your own development.

The disadvantage of this profession may be a busy schedule, which is unlikely to be limited by strict time frames. Often the requirements for the applicant indicate the condition - to be in touch 24 hours a day.

Where to begin?

Large volumes, frequent deadlines, a serious work rhythm - this is precisely the active and dynamic mode in which modern business lives, and if you want to become a full participant in it, join this process and develop your potential.

I have not found any courses or training materials on the profession of a personal assistant on the Internet. However, there is one that greatly helps in mastering the most important skills of remote work. Subscribe to the course newsletter, read a book about the experience of moving remotely from a variety of people.

If the level of your knowledge and skills does not yet reach the position of an assistant in a serious large project, don’t be upset, start small. You can build a career as an executive assistant online quite quickly. The main thing you must have is the desire to develop and learn.

Here is a short overview of one of the remote professions that I was able to prepare for you today. I hope that I have revealed for you the main points and its specifics. If you have any questions or would like to comment on the article in any way, I will be glad to receive any feedback. Check back often - soon we will continue discussing other specialties that are in demand online today.

No similar articles

Or knowledge. Just intelligence, the ability to use the Internet and communicate with people. At the same time, your income will be determined primarily not by your knowledge, but by how convenient and useful you are. In other professions, income is determined in the same way, but in them your professional experience, knowledge and portfolio play a larger role, as is the case with. A tester, designer, with up to 1 year of experience will earn much less than the same specialist with 3-5 years of experience.

By working as a personal assistant, even without experience, you can qualify for greater compensation much faster. However, pay can vary greatly, as with any unskilled job, the cost of which is difficult to estimate and can be very small or much more than that of a qualified programmer.

If the responsibilities of an office assistant are generally clear, it is more of a mixture of an office manager and a secretary, then the responsibilities of a remote assistant should be discussed.

So what does a personal assistant do? The work can be completely different, it is impossible to cover all the responsibilities and say exactly what the assistant will do. After all, an assistant is an assistant to help, but the areas of assistance can be absolutely diverse, so let’s first highlight the main classification of personal assistants that are found on work and freelancing sites.

Description: large information businessmen and webmasters need assistants to get rid of routine and petty work. The responsibilities of a personal assistant are very diverse and depend on the customer’s field of activity. But in general, interesting work helps you develop yourself.
Payment: from 5,000 to 50,000 rubles per month (depending on responsibilities)
Requirements: responsibility, diligence, stress resistance, initiative, programs and necessary skills (depending on the field of activity)

Personal assistants have only recently become in demand (at least actively). When bloggers and information businessmen began to actively develop, they stopped coping with the volume of work and transferred it to the shoulders of assistants.

Requirements for the performer:

  • Stable Internet;
  • Skype for communication with the customer (or other similar programs);
  • Main programs – word, photoshop and other programs, depending on the field of work;
  • Stress resistance - you will have to cope with a large amount of work, sometimes the customer will drive you crazy, but you need to be patient and remain polite;
  • Diligence – perform all tasks at a high level;
  • Responsibility – not to miss deadlines, not to disappear without explanation and to be online at the agreed time;
  • Initiative – customers love people who do not expect step-by-step instructions, but can easily solve problems on their own;
  • Willingness to work evenings and weekends, if necessary - very often you have to spend a lot of time at work, because the schedule is irregular. But this is discussed directly with the customer and you can agree on days off and work schedule.

Responsibilities of a personal assistant

The tasks can be very different, so it is impossible to list a specific range of responsibilities of a personal assistant. Although you can highlight what you most likely will need to do:

  • Search for information and pictures;
  • Process data (systematize, analyze);
  • Correspond with clients or performers;
  • Call clients or companies;
  • Working with mail - sending, replying to letters, sorting;
  • Working with various services, websites and programs;
  • Quickly solve problems and fix problems;
  • Other small routine tasks.

The rest depends on the direction of your manager’s activity - working with social networks, websites, formatting texts, creating websites from scratch, or promoting products.

In general, specific tasks can only be found out in an advertisement and a personal conversation with the customer. Don’t be afraid to ask and clarify the entire range of tasks - it’s better to find out everything right away than to realize after a week that you can’t cope.

How to become a personal assistant on the Internet

There is no need to receive special education; you can learn everything on your own over time. Although the range of responsibilities can be very wide, in general all tasks can be completed without specific knowledge.

To get started you need:

  1. Search for vacancies on stock exchanges or other sites.
  2. Create a portfolio with examples of your work if you have something to show. For example, this is relevant if you know how to create a design or write texts - this may be useful to the customer.
  3. Find a project with requirements that you meet. Those. look at the list of responsibilities and weigh - can you handle it or can you learn it in 1-2 days? There are a lot of videos on YouTube on banal tasks like “how to post an article on WordPress” or “how to find pictures on the Internet”.
  4. Write an attractive response to the order. Try to stand out from the crowd of other applicants - describe your merits, what you can do, what experience you have in a similar field. It is advisable to start from a specific ad, rather than write everything in a row.

So, for example, if the ad says “you need to look for information, send it to freelancers, receive it and upload it to the site,” you can describe your experience: “I’ve been working as a content manager for three years: I select popular topics, give information to freelancers, check finished works, upload them to the WordPress site and design it beautifully. In addition, I register keys and select pictures from stock photos. Examples of completed work can be viewed in the portfolio or on the website.”

In general, let the customer know that you are the most suitable candidate for this position. He won't have to teach you from scratch, you have experience and will do an excellent job. This is exactly what customers want.

Of course, if you don’t know how to do anything yet, it’s too early to expect to pay 30,000 rubles a month. But over time, you will improve your level, learn new programs, and reach high prices.

So sit down and think - what can you do? What else should you learn to earn more? How to achieve this - take training courses or look for information yourself?

Examples of vacancies and reviews

A couple of years ago I worked part-time as a personal assistant. My responsibilities included various small tasks: finding information, selecting pictures, giving and receiving tasks from freelancers, posting articles on the site. In general, I knew how to perform all these actions, so there were no problems in the technical part.

But you should understand that most often you need to look not for banal information “how to treat a runny nose,” but rather specific information like “find interesting events in Europe next week” or “find healthy food cafes and restaurants in Moscow and link to their websites.” Those. It can be very difficult to find.

I left because of the irregular schedule - urgent orders on Friday evenings or on weekends unsettled me. They couldn't come to an agreement, so they separated.

Now I’m on the other side - I myself wouldn’t refuse a personal assistant, so I’m no longer considering such vacancies)

The work is very interesting and promising. You can start remotely as a personal assistant to an Internet entrepreneur, and then create your own business. Do you have experience working as a personal assistant? Share your opinion in the comments :)

Nowadays the profession of a personal assistant or assistant is popular on the Internet, and courses for personal assistant remotely to an information business manager (hereinafter referred to as Schools) are appearing like mushrooms after the rain, so today I decided to leave my first review of this specialty. It was not by chance that I decided to write an article on this topic; it appeared in the heat of the moment, since I myself recently graduated from similar courses and even managed to receive my first salary) Surely, among you who are now reading this post, there are a lot of girls who are gnawed by fears of running into about scammers, as well as a bunch of other doubts. I will tell you about my experience, in which you may recognize yourself and help you make the right choice.

Personal assistant courses

I had my eye on the profession of a personal assistant for a long time, for a year, for sure. What prevented me from taking a step much faster? The first reason was my son, who at that time was not even a year old, I was afraid of not finding time for study and further work. The other reasons are not so significant, but still, this is not a small price to pay and the possibility of not getting a job, which means wasting the money spent on studying)

What is the essence of these courses and what will they teach you as a result?

As you understand, this is not my first year of working remotely; before that I had experience working on freelance exchanges, but mostly these were orders related to copywriting or, in simple words, writing custom texts. What is the difference between working as a personal assistant and as a regular freelancer? In fact, these professions overlap, both are related to working on the Internet or remotely, but if a freelancer is a person not tied to a specific place of work, then a personal assistant is subordinate to his manager or information businessman in everything.

This has its advantages, which I will write about below, so the founders of personal assistant courses say that retraining to become an assistant will benefit even a freelancer. So that you understand what tasks fall on assistants, I will give you a list of popular job responsibilities of a personal assistant. Although here you need to take into account the fact that every information business manager draws up a range of tasks for himself and his project.

Responsibilities of a personal assistant for an online project:

  • Knowledge of the basics of information business and online business. Here you need to clearly understand the internal organization of the online project process. It’s not difficult to understand, especially if you know that an information businessman is a person who created a certain product, which could be an online course on weight loss, for example, or personal growth. And the main essence of such a business is online sales.
  • Online product packaging. Here you need technical skills in working with a 3D cover creation program.
  • Video processing skills and audio processing
  • Banner creation skills
  • Creation of PDF materials, e-books, checklists
  • Create professional presentations
  • Setting up training classes and organizing courses
  • Website administration and content management
  • Setting up mailings
  • Landing page creation
  • Basics of working with social networks
  • Basic copywriting and text processing skills

As you can see, there are few tasks and there is nothing complicated in them. And to figure it out, you don’t have to take assistant courses; you may already know some of them. In addition, some online businessmen are ready to take employee training into their own hands, provided that you have basic skills, which is good news!

In essence, the School provides a basis or base from which you yourself begin to improve your skills after completing your studies. Let me make a reservation right away that you will not be taught all the professional skills that an information businessman needs at the School of Assistants. Moreover, after completing the courses, you may be faced with the fact that the job requirements will include skills that you do not possess at all. For example, working with Corel Draw or Photoshop programs, setting up targeted advertising for social networks. You will have to learn all of these highly specialized skills outside of the assistant course. And not every manager will agree to train you at his own expense, so if you want to become a pro in your business and receive a salary of more than 20 thousand rubles. add another nth amount for your further development.


As usual, I’ll start with the disadvantages, they exist and you need to be prepared for them. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

1. We weren’t taught this!

Many people start to panic when applying for a job when the manager needs to do a range of tasks in a program that you were not taught to work in at School. It all depends on you, either you give up and blame the School, or you take responsibility into your own hands and begin to quickly retrain yourself. I can tell you from my own experience that I chose the second option, and I advise you to do the same if you want to stay remote for a long time)

2. Work from a children's sandbox

Another feature that I noticed after graduation among my fellow students was that many simply had no idea where they had come. There were moments when girls, who had rosy pictures before their eyes that they could work from their phones, were immediately faced with reality - that it was necessary to have a workplace with a laptop, and it was advisable to submit tasks on time. That is, the idea of ​​working from a tropical beach will not work here, unless of course you are already an experienced remote worker)

3. Kidalovo from infobusinessmen

Yes, friends, this happens and unfortunately none of the online assistants are immune from this, except for those who are officially registered under the Labor Code, but there are a minority of them, if not a few. During my training, a similar incident happened. Two girls were abandoned by a so-called information businessman without paying them for 2 months of painstaking work. The most annoying thing is that this happened to newly hired assistants, at a time when motivation is so fragile. Why didn't the girls sound the alarm earlier? I think inexperience and trust worked when you are fed daily “breakfasts”. By the way, if anyone is interested, I was also scammed by an information security company without paying for a week of work. Is it even possible to call such people information businessmen who behave dishonestly with their employees?

The main problem of remote work is getting your money. Therefore, not everyone succeeds. Delays, scams, revision of the terms of all this are many times greater than in real life.

How to protect yourself from such a case? Actually nothing. The whole principle of work is based on trust, and all that remains for you, if you are left without payment, is simply to shame the person and blacklist him so that others do not make a similar mistake. Such blacklists are in groups in contact, so check out the “shame” infobusiness" ahead of time.

And it’s best to agree on payment every week for the first month. At least all you will lose is five days, which you can add to your experience bank. But still, there are some points indicating that this is a dishonest information businessman.

How to identify an information businessman - a fraudster?

  • If you are required to pay a certain fee for your work on any platform in which you will work. This is a fairly common trap that new assistants can fall into due to inexperience. The scheme is such that they tell you to pay for the rental of some service, supposedly this money will be returned to you later. If you hear such a request, close the chat with the employer. You work - you get paid, not you. In my opinion it is extremely clear.
  • If your salary is delayed in the first months, saying that there are no sales or they present it under a different sauce, but do not pay. Stop working and fundamentally put the question bluntly - salary comes first, without it you can’t work.
  • Or you have to beg for your hard-earned money every time. And if they give it out, they divide it into several parts. In this case, simply put, the person in front of you is a greedy person. With this, you will never achieve a salary increase, even if you work your butt off. Run and don't look back before it's too late. Or rather, until his debt to you grows even more.

4. Test task or month without payment

Many well-promoted information security companies organize a competition for the position of assistant, and at the same time offer to pass a test task. I agree that some specialists, for example, copywriters, cannot be selected for your team without verification. Therefore, you may be asked to write a series of posts from one to a dozen on a specific topic, where the information writer will look at your writing abilities.

But there may be a hidden catch here. Not all information security services are honest; some enterprising businessmen try to get free content this way. Therefore, here the newbie assistant has two options. Namely, you will agree that you will write on an abstract topic (how I spent the summer, how to pickle mushrooms correctly, how to make repairs in a one-room apartment on a budget). If the information security does not agree to your condition, then I advise you to show the article in the form of a screenshot from Word. If they want to use it, they will have to rewrite it.

Another facet when applying for a job is working for free or for a minimum wage. It all depends on your decision, if you choose a project where you need to prove yourself over a certain period of time, probably the IS is considering several candidates, and just like you, you are confused. Your task is to help him decide in his direction; such qualities as initiative and focus on results will help here.

5. Small salary

I would even say tiny, especially for offline employees who were previously accustomed to receiving salaries with four zeros and above. You will be warned about this in advance, but still some people ignore this fact, naively believing that they will come across an information businessman who is ready to immediately pay a lot of money. If you are just building a career as an assistant, then mentally prepare yourself to receive 5 thousand rubles at first. This is the figure most likely to be used to estimate the assistant’s work in the first months of work. And only if you find a good manager, will he himself notice when to start paying you more. Usually from this moment it takes at most two months, no more.

But still, the second option often happens, when an information businessman is not ready to pay a decent salary even after a long time, and this happens quite often. Then such messages appear in the chat from fellow students who are not ready to sit for days in front of a computer for pennies.

6. Feeling lost and abandoned

When chatting with classmates (thank God, we still have it, and this is significant moral support), I noticed that many girls were dissatisfied with the way the process of communication between the leader and his assistant was structured. Namely, infobizmen can disappear for days and not get in touch, and since you receive all tasks through messengers, it becomes unclear whether he needs you as an assistant or not? Maybe the information businessman disappeared a long time ago or forgot about your existence altogether.

Some assistants complained that their managers were too absent-minded in communication, or did not understand at all what tasks could be delegated to an assistant. It got ridiculous when one information businesswoman asked her assistant to draw up her own terms of reference! I’ll tell you from my own experience, I also had to deal with this when my manager didn’t get in touch for two days or responded in fits and starts. Then it turned out that he had to move. I think you need to warn your responsible employee about such moments so that he does not worry in vain)

7. Work in a startup project

Not only may you be a newbie assistant, but your employer may also be a newly minted information businessman. And here he is, flushed from the heat, pouring out all the fervor of ideas for opening his project on a newcomer - an assistant. And expects from him - product, sales, strategy and much more. Usually, assistants, due to their uncertainty and inexperience, as well as the fear of appearing inept, begin to save the flimsy world of the information businessman. As a result, there are no sales, there is no product, and therefore the information security says that there is nothing to pay him with. Although the assistant did his best, did not sleep at night, and tried to work tirelessly all month to the detriment of the family and children.

Therefore, my advice to you, if you are a beginner, is not to get involved in nascent projects; it is better to come to a place where the processes have already been established and built before you.


As I promised, the advantages or benefits of the School of Remote Work and the profession of an information business assistant in general.

1. Vacancies

I think this is the most significant advantage of the School, since finding a job on your own as a “green” employee is difficult and sometimes impossible. Although I can say from my own experience that I found a job not from ready-made vacancies at the School, but on my own. Unfortunately, no one responded to my self-submitted proposals, although the resume was written correctly and the cover letter was approved by the School curator. I still don’t understand why, out of more than thirty emails sent with resumes, only two information businessmen responded, and even then with a refusal. My current employers found me themselves, and this happened after I posted a post about looking for a job on my page on social media. networks. Like this.

I will say that about a third of the total number of students from our School got a job as a remote assistant. I can’t say whether this is a good statistic or not, but whether you will be included in this percentage of lucky people depends largely on you. From your perseverance and ability to seize the chance that fate sends you. For example, I had long and complex testing for a project that I was very eager to get into. I spent the whole night analyzing a task that would show me as an employee suitable for the vacancy of a remote assistant. But in the end, they told me that I didn’t pass. To say that I was upset is to say nothing, I was sure that they would take me, but... But then this information businessman suggested my candidacy to his colleagues, and that’s how I got a job in my first project!

2. Internship

Even though you are not an experienced employee, the School will offer you an internship to work as a personal assistant and experience this profession for yourself. I don’t advise you to refuse, even if you don’t have a lot of free time at the moment. Why? Because you can always refuse, even in the middle of the internship, and no one will punish you for it. But you will have a real chance to get a job with an information businessman. Some managers consider an internship as a test period when they can take a closer look at the intern and understand whether he is suitable for his project or not. It’s convenient for both parties - the internship period is not paid, and this is an opportunity to stay in the project permanently.

I’ll tell you from my own experience that my info-businesswoman, who was assigned to me for an internship, didn’t hire me, and I wasn’t particularly eager to get to work with her. Why? Firstly, the woman did not understand what tasks could be entrusted to me, and secondly, she did not like my work, done from the heart and for free. Although it was excellent content that sold the text, which she later used in her projects) That’s it. I had to beg for the feedback I needed for my portfolio, which I generally don’t like. Therefore, it’s even better that I didn’t get her job, suddenly she gives out salaries in the same manner.

3. Free schedule

I will say for myself that this advantage in remote work was and is my main marker when choosing what I want to do. I can plan my schedule, which means adjusting my personal daily routine to work processes. Each person has his own active biological clock, when his brain works at full capacity, and when he sleeps. I always listen to my body, and therefore I get the best results, even I write this article at the moment when it has already matured in my head.

Everyone puts their own definitions into the concept of a free schedule, so you should know what it means in remote work. This is not at all like you can work whenever you want and from where you want. Far from it. You should have hours when you set aside time for solving work tasks and when you do personal things. And it is advisable to immediately inform your manager about this. So that it doesn’t happen that you go to pick up your child at kindergarten, and they write to you that you urgently need to send out letters. Once you've done the job, walk safely - this proverb accurately characterizes the work of an assistant as a whole)

4. Part-time job

In addition to your main profession as an assistant, the School will show you freelance exchanges where you can take on one-time tasks and get paid for it. Why should I, a freelancer in the past, know about this method of earning money if I was already registered there? Because I gained additional knowledge, which is in demand on these exchanges. I know that some girls from our stream earned their first money with their skills at the School. And the payment for one-time tasks on the Exchange exceeded our salary for half a month!

Why I will no longer work as a personal assistant

1. The risk of being left without a salary is too great. Most information businessmen do not employ assistants on their staff. In essence, there are zero guarantees in the case of scammers.

2. In most cases, no one promises the official registration of a remote assistant; only a few do this, large projects where they try not to hire newcomers. If you are ready to save for social benefits from your own pocket, take the time to calculate how much your salary should be in order to stay in the black.

Also be prepared for unpaid sick leave. And regarding the deadline (clear deadlines), think about who you will choose - sick children or an employer?

3. Small salary. To jump over the barrier of 20 thousand rubles, you will have to work on several projects at the same time. I don't like to spray, so this is not my option. Moreover, during an interview, when your employer hears that you are working on some other project, he begins to be alarmed by this fact. Especially if these are adjacent or similar niches.

For example, when I tried to get a job as an assistant in a yoga project, despite the fact that I had already worked in one project related to meditation, IB said that she did not want to take such an assistant. It's like having an employee who works for Pepsi and Coca-Cola at the same time, she said. But you must admit that it would be convenient for an assistant to concentrate his attention on one topic, rather than simultaneously studying drilling rigs and educational toys for children.

4. If your child is not yet in kindergarten, then working with your child as a remote assistant is too painful. Some people manage to work at night, but using this method you quickly become exhausted mentally, and even physically. I practice getting up early, so I go to bed at the same time as my baby.

5. My personal opinion is that it is better to be an excellent specialist in a narrow subject - targeting, design, smm, etc. There are plenty of remote professions, and often entrepreneurs are willing to pay good money for specific work - launching a website, landing page layout, etc. And the assistant remains behind, because he does the work that the manager himself is able to do.

The main advice from personal experience for those who are going to take personal assistant courses remotely

Before giving your hard-earned and considerable money for courses, don’t be lazy and take free marathons with trainers. Luckily there are enough of them now. Let these be training lessons on targeting, smm, social media management and the like. You will see for yourself how much useful information you can actually get for free at such events. And sometimes its usefulness is many times greater than that which is offered for purchase. How so? - you ask. The fact is that progress does not stand still, information becomes outdated, some programs are replaced by others that are more functional. That's why people share their old work without harming their business.

Which School for Remote Assistants to Choose?

Today there are a lot of offers to study, and sometimes it is difficult to decide where to go for knowledge. I do not advertise from this post and write it as it is. As you can see, I told you all the realities of today’s situation in the market of this profession, I hope I didn’t overdo it with the disadvantages)

As for choosing a School, it’s worth listening to your inner voice and looking at all the options available on the market. In fact, the founders of the school are the same information businessmen; they also conduct free webinars. This is, of course, a temptation, in professional terms - a sales funnel, but at the same time, it is an opportunity to feel your Teacher, get to know each other better, and ask questions of interest. If you are interested in how the material is presented at the free webinar and you like this person, then this is your option, you will also enjoy studying at the School, and perhaps everything will work out great for you after graduation.

And most importantly, read real reviews from students; if you see that a person praises the School and does not talk about the disadvantages, then this is a reason to think about the veracity of this content. So that later there will be no disappointments, as we had when some students were cheated out of payment.


So, I came to the School with my knowledge base, which at that time consisted more of working with websites and text. Did the School give me something new in terms of knowledge? I think yes. Since I didn’t know many aspects related to design, but again, I didn’t receive any deep knowledge at the School. But I didn’t count on this, the system is enough for me, and then you can move on your own, being confident that you are going in the right direction.

Why do I need a new profession if I have my own project and need to develop it? My own project has not gone away, I also teach cutting and sewing and do not stand still. The main reason why I decided to become a personal assistant was the desire to change my own work format. Namely, transfer your offline courses to online mode. I’ve been asked about this for a long time and I think that after working in other people’s projects, I will gain experience, study the information business from the inside and launch my own online project! In the meantime, wish me luck, and never be afraid to take the first step. I wish everyone to find their information businessman and receive a salary with five zeros or more)

A personal remote assistant is a very difficult and responsible job, but at the same time it guarantees career growth and other privileges. Recently, it has become possible to work as a personal assistant remotely. We will tell you how this can be done further.

Remote Assistance Responsibilities

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money freelancing

The main and main task of a personal remote assistant is to free the boss from some minor responsibilities. These tasks include:

  1. Planning and maintaining a daily schedule;
  2. Business correspondence;
  3. Preparing necessary materials for meetings or meetings;
  4. Work with documents;
  5. Creation of a “telephone” and Internet image;
  6. Organization of meetings and trips;
  7. Personal assignments.

The nuance is that a personal assistant takes on the responsibilities of 3 employees at once: secretary, assistant and administrator. Therefore, this work requires attention, round-the-clock access to the Internet and communications, a lot of effort and responsibility. You must have skills in many areas: organization, planning, creation, forecasting, management, etc. Both a real assistant and a virtual one should have organizational skills and multitasking.

What skills should an online assistant have?

A remote assistant has the same responsibilities as a full-time assistant. But all this is done via the Internet. Because Internet business managers also need to keep track of their schedule: when and with whom to contact, what needs to be sent and to whom, etc. A remote assistant should monitor the implementation of all these small, but very important actions. In the field of online business, an assistant acts more like a confidant of the manager. This is a big responsibility and must be approached consciously.

The range of responsibilities and skills depends directly on the size of the company and the manager himself, the characteristics of his day and habits, and management policies.

High pay should correspond to certain skills that a personal assistant must have:

  • Read between the lines and predict tasks and cases;
  • Be able to adapt to new or extreme conditions;
  • Be able to handle information;
  • Keep confidential facts secret;
  • Confident work with computers and electronic gadgets;
  • Work with programs for maintaining accounts, creating presentations and documents of other formats;
  • Coordinate and distribute work across other areas.

And this is not the entire list of what you need to be able to do. Again, it all depends on the direction of the company and the relationship with the manager.

Benefits of work

Firstly, you will gain unique experience in managing and running a business. You can follow the work of your boss and remember some of the nuances for yourself. You will be able to learn from your manager’s mistakes and subsequently not make the same in your business. Moreover, with an assistant you can move up the career ladder. Where exactly depends on your work and the generosity of the boss, but maybe you will rise to the post of deputy.

Once you have gained experience, you will be able to open your own business, and you will already know how best to act and how to organize everything. And you will be able to hire the same professional as your assistant.

In addition to all of the above, there is one more fact that you will be very happy about. A personal assistant to an executive is a person who appears at all important meetings and events. That is, you will be part of a circle of influential people and will be able to establish individual connections with them to develop your business in the future.

Watch the video - How to make money on the Internet? How to become a personal assistant to a famous businessman?

Features of the remote assistant

It's up to you to decide whether it's a disadvantage or a feature, but the workload will be full and even irregular. You need to be on call 24 hours a day because anything can happen. And you will need to take responsibility for failures of lower-ranking people, for shortcomings and force majeure. And also correct errors.

To work fully and efficiently, you need to organize a full-fledged office at home with a computer, Internet, printer and everything necessary for productive work. If you are missing something, the boss will not be interested. Especially if you have already earned yourself the status of a responsible employee and receive a high salary.

In this specialty, as in all others, everything depends on your work experience and ability to organize everything correctly. If you are a beginner, it is better to immediately warn your boss about this, maybe he will give you a probationary period or you will undergo an internship.

Your salary will depend on your workload, the number of tasks performed, as well as experience and skills. The more responsible and better you show and recommend yourself, the higher the payment will be. A subsequent increase in pay with a parallel promotion in position is also possible. But don’t hope for it right away, just carry out your direct responsibilities.

To find a similar job, post your resume on freelance job search sites. There are a lot of vacancies of this kind there. The main thing is to make a correct and correct application and show yourself from the best sides. After this, proceed to your responsibilities, and do not forget that all your actions will be useful to you in your business in the future. And your profit in this business depends on them. This is invaluable experience on the way to your goal and developing a successful business.

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