Coursework in the discipline “Hotel service technologies. Abstract: Organization of the work of the room maintenance service in a hotel Room maintenance service in a hotel

Each hotel sets itself certain goals, the main of which, of course, is quality customer service. Achieving this task set for the hotel largely depends on how much the management has reached mutual understanding with the staff, how motivated the employees are and what kind of psychological climate prevails in the team.

The most frequently used means of communication in this case are: material incentives for evaluating performance results, a promotion system, a system of privileges, competitions for the best in the profession among employees and other material incentives. The response expected by the hotel management is expressed in improving the attitude of employees towards their work and achieving a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team and quality customer service.

The room management service is the service that makes this a reality. She organizes the work that the client sees and evaluates, by which he judges the entire hotel as a whole.

Largely thanks to the efforts of the administrative and economic service staff, the guest feels at home, surrounded by care and attention.

There is an opinion that work in this service is unattractive, unqualified, and not prestigious, unlike other departments of the hotel enterprise. Previously, in hotels, service was viewed as something secondary, not worthy of attention. All this took place, but has long gone into history; the world's leading hotel corporations have come to the domestic market, which have long understood the role, place and importance of this service in the activities of a modern hotel enterprise. It is the work of a maid that a guest sees every day and much more often than the work of a receptionist, driver or waiter.

Service employees are of great value to the enterprise. At the manager's

This service has the same high status as the heads of other hotel services. Working in this department is a good starting point for moving up the career ladder.

Room management service. Composition of the service. Structure (schematically). Role in service.
The room management service provides basic hotel services, namely: ensuring the comfort of living, safety of life, health, property of residents and property of the hotel. The most important function of the service is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public spaces (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

The service includes a room maintenance manager, head. floor, senior maids, floor attendants, maids, cleaners. The service closely cooperates with the chief engineer service and the reception and accommodation service.

Residential premises include rooms. Public areas include the lobby, halls, corridors, passages, premises of services providing additional services, public bathrooms and showers. Office premises include service areas and transitions between them, office offices.

In addition, this service informs the reception service about the vacancy of rooms and their readiness for occupancy and the chief engineer service about the need to eliminate malfunctions in room equipment, accidents, and routine repairs. Workers included in the chief engineer's service help rearrange furniture in rooms, carry heavy loads, participate in loading and unloading operations when transporting linen to and from the laundry room, etc.

Cleaning work can be divided by type: dry and wet wiping, cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, washing floors, doors, windows, walls, etc.; according to the purpose of the premises being cleaned: cleaning of common areas, office premises, rooms. The latter, in turn, is divided into general cleaning, cleaning after departure, daily routine cleaning, and intermediate cleaning.

General cleaning is carried out once every 7-10 days. It is necessary to wash walls, heating appliances, doors, windows; thoroughly vacuum the furniture, floors, and carpets. After finishing cleaning, carefully check the serviceability of all technical devices.

Post-check-out cleaning is carried out after the room has been vacated, with a mandatory change of bed linen.

Daily routine cleaning is carried out in the absence of the guest with the obligatory making of the bed. Bed linen and towels are changed according to standards that depend on the hotel category.

Intermediate cleaning is carried out in 4-5* hotels, includes cleaning the bathroom, making the bed, removing garbage, including ashtrays, and involves monitoring the condition of the residential room during the day.

Hotel rooms are cleaned by maids, and other rooms are cleaned by cleaners.

Room cleaning requires the availability of special equipment, cleaning materials and supplies.

Cleaning materials include cleaning and detergents; for cleaning equipment - buckets, brushes, dustpans, rags; for cleaning equipment - vacuum cleaners, floor scrubbers, maid trolleys.

There should be special rooms on the floor for storing cleaning supplies. At the end of the shift, maids must put all cleaning supplies in order and put them in the designated storage area.

The hotel economist sets the consumption standards for cleaning and detergents that are supplied to the floors from the warehouse, while the service manager issues a requirement for these products.

The hotel has the following sequence for cleaning rooms. Cleaning begins with airing the room. The maid then proceeds to clear the dining table; washes dishes and cutlery, ashtray, shakes off the tablecloth, puts food in the refrigerator or minibar. It is necessary to monitor the completeness of the minibar daily. It is not recommended to shake ashes from an ashtray into the toilet or sink, as this will damage the earthenware or porcelain. The next step is cleaning the bed. A blanket and pillow are placed on the chair. The feather bed turns over. The sheet is tucked under the feather bed on the inside, and under the mattress on the outside.

The blanket is tucked into the duvet cover, the pillow into the pillowcase. The pillow is placed on the blanket. It is necessary to ensure that the duvet cover and pillowcases are put on the front side. Shake the blanket in the duvet cover so that it takes the correct position, so that there are no empty corners and folds, and tuck it in with an envelope. It is necessary to use a blanket, spreading it in such a way that the outline of the blanket does not lose its shape

Using a vacuum cleaner, remove dust from the surface of that part of the walls that cannot be processed using a wet method. Using a wet method using detergents, the area of ​​walls covered with oil paints or washable wallpaper is processed; Dust is removed from equipment and lighting fixtures (external only), furniture and floors.

Cleaning the bathroom begins with the walls, then the shelf and sink. Sinks must be washed both inside and outside, paying attention to the cleanliness of the siphon. Then the bath is washed. You should monitor the drainage of water from the bath, check the integrity of the chain to which the plug is attached, and check the operation of the water fittings. All chrome parts of the shower, as well as pipes, should be thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth. The walls, sink, and bathtub are coated with disinfectant solutions, preferably of liquid consistency, so as not to scratch the tiles, and wiped dry.

Toilets are washed first with hot and then with cold water using cleaning agents and disinfectants. The drain tank is checked. Then the maid washes the floor in the bathroom. Lastly, she cleans the hallway. If the room is multi-room, the cleaning sequence is as follows: bedroom, office, living room, bathroom, hallway.

After cleaning, the maid must check the serviceability of the room equipment, as well as the availability of advertising materials and information.

Each hotel room must have fire safety rules, an evacuation plan from the room in case of fire, rules for using electrical appliances, and rules for staying in the hotel. Depending on the category and standards of the hotel, the room may contain an advertising brochure, branded envelopes, paper, pens, threads, needles, and buttons.

When leaving the room, the maid must turn off electrical appliances, turn off the lights, and lock the room with a key. In the summer, you can leave the window or window sash open.
Quality control of cleaning and maintenance of residential rooms
The hotel category assumes that the rooms on the residential floor are equipped with the necessary equipment, furniture and inventory. The completeness of room equipment is strictly regulated by the “Classification System for Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities.” In addition, the room should be cozy, that is, the interior of the room (arrangement of furniture, colors, presence of flowers, paintings) must meet aesthetic requirements and be pleasing to the eye.

The room must meet the requirements of the SES for the quality of cleaning, lighting, and noise level. All equipment in it must be in good working order, the condition of the furniture and bed linen must meet the necessary requirements. The necessary information materials must be available in the room.

All this is included in the concept of “issue content”. Quality control of cleaning and maintenance of residential rooms is carried out daily by the manager. floor or the one who is charged with these powers. In addition, the hotel administration can organize a commission to check the contents of the rooms.

1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………..1

2. Composition of the service. Structure (schematically). Role in service………………………………………………………2

3. Cleaning work in the hotel……………………………………3

4. Quality control of cleaning and maintenance of residential rooms…………………………………………………………………………………...4

5. Job responsibilities of the room service manager………………………………………………………...6

6. Organization of work of attendants, maids, cleaners……………………………………………………………......7

7. Organization of hotel linen management. Linen cycle………………………………………………………………………………….8

8. Stimulating the work of employees of this service………………..10

9. Conclusion……………………………………………………………...14

10. Applications………………………………………………………15

11. References……………………………………………………………………..17


Each hotel sets itself certain goals, the main of which, of course, is quality customer service. Achieving this task set for the hotel largely depends on how much the management has reached mutual understanding with the staff, how motivated the employees are and what kind of psychological climate prevails in the team.

The most frequently used means of communication in this case are: material incentives for evaluating performance results, a promotion system, a system of privileges, competitions for the best in the profession among employees and other material incentives. The response expected by the hotel management is expressed in improving the attitude of employees towards their work and achieving a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team and quality customer service.

The room management service is the service that makes this a reality. She organizes the work that the client sees and evaluates, by which he judges the entire hotel as a whole.

Largely thanks to the efforts of the administrative and economic service staff, the guest feels at home, surrounded by care and attention.

There is an opinion that work in this service is unattractive, unqualified, and not prestigious, unlike other departments of the hotel enterprise. Previously, in hotels, service was viewed as something secondary, not worthy of attention. All this took place, but has long gone into history; the world's leading hotel corporations have come to the domestic market, which have long understood the role, place and importance of this service in the activities of a modern hotel enterprise. It is the work of a maid that a guest sees every day and much more often than the work of a receptionist, driver or waiter.

Service employees are of great value to the enterprise. At the manager's

This service has the same high status as the heads of other hotel services. Working in this department is a good starting point for moving up the career ladder.

Room management service. Composition of the service. Structure (schematically). Role in service.

The room management service provides basic hotel services, namely: ensuring the comfort of living, safety of life, health, property of residents and property of the hotel. The most important function of the service is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public spaces (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

The service includes a room maintenance manager, head. floor, senior maids, floor attendants, maids, cleaners. The service closely cooperates with the chief engineer service and the reception and accommodation service.

Residential premises include rooms. Public areas include the lobby, halls, corridors, passages, premises of services providing additional services, public bathrooms and showers. Office premises include service areas and transitions between them, office offices.

In addition, this service informs the reception service about the vacancy of rooms and their readiness for occupancy and the chief engineer service about the need to eliminate malfunctions in room equipment, accidents, and routine repairs. Workers included in the chief engineer's service help rearrange furniture in rooms, carry heavy loads, participate in loading and unloading operations when transporting linen to and from the laundry room, etc.

Scheme of the room fund operation service:

Operations Manager

number of rooms

floor manager freelance manager

laundry service workers

cleaning services (contractors) floor duty officer

laundry staff

senior maids


uniform washing section

maids cleaners

Cleaning work in a hotel

Cleaning work can be divided by type: dry and wet wiping, cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, washing floors, doors, windows, walls, etc.; according to the purpose of the premises being cleaned: cleaning of common areas, office premises, rooms. The latter, in turn, is divided into general cleaning, cleaning after departure, daily routine cleaning, and intermediate cleaning.

General cleaning is carried out once every 7-10 days. It is necessary to wash walls, heating appliances, doors, windows; thoroughly vacuum the furniture, floors, and carpets. After finishing cleaning, carefully check the serviceability of all technical devices.

Post-check-out cleaning is carried out after the room has been vacated, with a mandatory change of bed linen.

Daily routine cleaning is carried out in the absence of the guest with the obligatory making of the bed. Bed linen and towels are changed according to standards that depend on the hotel category.

Intermediate cleaning is carried out in 4-5* hotels, includes cleaning the bathroom, making the bed, removing garbage, including ashtrays, and involves monitoring the condition of the residential room during the day.

Hotel rooms are cleaned by maids, and other rooms are cleaned by cleaners.

Room cleaning requires the availability of special equipment, cleaning materials and supplies.

Cleaning materials include cleaning and detergents; for cleaning equipment - buckets, brushes, dustpans, rags; for cleaning equipment - vacuum cleaners, floor scrubbers, maid trolleys.

There should be special rooms on the floor for storing cleaning supplies. At the end of the shift, maids must put all cleaning supplies in order and put them in the designated storage area.

The hotel economist sets the consumption standards for cleaning and detergents that are supplied to the floors from the warehouse, while the service manager issues a requirement for these products.

The hotel has the following sequence for cleaning rooms. Cleaning begins with airing the room. The maid then proceeds to clear the dining table; washes dishes and cutlery, ashtray, shakes off the tablecloth, puts food in the refrigerator or minibar. It is necessary to monitor the completeness of the minibar daily. It is not recommended to shake ashes from an ashtray into the toilet or sink, as this will damage the earthenware or porcelain. The next step is cleaning the bed. A blanket and pillow are placed on the chair. The feather bed turns over. The sheet is tucked under the feather bed on the inside, and under the mattress on the outside.

The blanket is tucked into the duvet cover, the pillow into the pillowcase. The pillow is placed on the blanket. It is necessary to ensure that the duvet cover and pillowcases are put on the front side. Shake the blanket in the duvet cover so that it takes the correct position, so that there are no empty corners and folds, and tuck it in with an envelope. It is necessary to use a blanket, spreading it in such a way that the outline of the blanket does not lose its shape

Workers included in the chief engineer's service help rearrange furniture in rooms, carry heavy loads, participate in loading and unloading operations when transporting linen to the laundry and back, etc. Cleaning after check-out is carried out after the room is vacated, with a mandatory change of bed linen. Bed linen and towels are changed according to standards that depend on the hotel category. All equipment in it must be in good working order and the condition of the furniture and bed linen must meet the necessary requirements.

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The most important function of the room management service is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public spaces (halls, foyers, passages, corridors).

In terms of staff, this service is the largest in the hotel. As a rule, up to 50% of all employees work here.

The room management service is headed by a manager; Maids, floor attendants, supervisors, stewards and some other categories of workers are subordinate to him.

The maids are doing the cleaning. This is their main responsibility. Rooms are cleaned regardless of whether they are occupied or free.

Room cleaning is done daily, and after the guest checks out - general cleaning. Every day the maid performs routine and (if necessary) intermediate cleaning of the rooms.

Room cleaning is carried out in the following sequence: first, work is carried out in reserved rooms, then in rooms that have just been vacated by guests, and lastly in occupied rooms. Cleaning should be done in the absence of the guest. If the guest is in the room, you must first obtain permission from him for cleaning.

The routine cleaning process consists of ventilating the room, cleaning and washing dishes, cleaning beds, bedside tables, tables, removing dust, cleaning the bathroom. The maid's duties also include checking the safety of room equipment.

If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process always begins in the bedroom, then continues in the living room and other rooms, and ends with cleaning the bathroom. Daily intermediate cleaning of rooms is carried out as needed and subject to availability of cleaning conditions.

When cleaning a room after a guest checks out, the maid's functions additionally include receiving the room, changing bed linen and towels, and replacing information materials available in the room. General cleaning of the rooms and the entire residential part of the hotel is carried out at least once every 10 days.

Depending on the type of hotel, each maid cleans and tidies from 16 to 20 rooms per day. The time spent on cleaning depends on the ratio of vacated to occupied rooms (vacant rooms take longer to clean).

The Floor Duty Officer (Shift Supervisor) supervises a shift of housekeepers to ensure that the premises are cleaned to standard. The supervisor's responsibilities also include transmitting information about available and occupied numbers to the reception service. This position is not available in all hotels.

Stewards are available in hotels of high service categories (luxury hotels). They start their work in the afternoon. The responsibilities of the stewards include providing each room with fresh towels, making the room look smart, and installing a retractable bed (if necessary).

The most important function of the room management service is to maintain the required level of comfort and sanitary and hygienic condition of hotel rooms, as well as public spaces (halls, foyers, passages, corridors)

In terms of the number of employed personnel, this service is the largest hotel service. As a rule, up to 50% of all hotel employees work here.

The room management service is headed by a manager, to whom maids, floor attendants, supervisors, stewards and some other categories of workers report.

The main responsibility of housekeepers is to clean the rooms, whether they are occupied or vacant. Room cleaning can be: daily, after the guest leaves, or general. Every day the maid performs routine and intermediate cleaning of the rooms.

Room cleaning is carried out in the following sequence: first, work is carried out in reserved rooms, then rooms that have just been vacated by guests are cleaned, and lastly, occupied rooms are cleaned. Cleaning should be done in the absence of the guest. If the guest is in the room, you must first obtain permission from him for cleaning.

The routine cleaning process consists of ventilating the room, cleaning and washing dishes, cleaning beds, bedside tables, tables, removing dust, and cleaning the sanitary facilities. The maid's duties also include checking the safety of room equipment.

If the room consists of several rooms, the cleaning process always begins in the bedroom, then continues in the living room and other rooms. The work ends with cleaning the sanitary unit.

Daily intermediate cleaning of rooms is carried out as needed and subject to availability of cleaning conditions.

When cleaning the room after the guest has checked out, the additional functions of the maid include: receiving the room, changing bed linen and towels, replacing information available in the room.

General cleaning of the hotel rooms and the entire residential part of the hotel is carried out at least once every 10 days.

Depending on the type of hotel, each maid cleans and tidies from 16 to 20 rooms per day (17 rooms is the norm per maid in the United States). The time spent on cleaning depends on the ratio of vacated to occupied rooms, as vacated rooms take longer to clean. According to the standards of the Swiss Association of Hotel Owners for room cleaning, c. where the guest is still staying, 20 minutes are allotted, and 30 minutes are allotted for cleaning the vacated room.

Some hotels have a shift supervisor position who supervises a shift of housekeepers to ensure that the premises are cleaned to standard. The supervisor's responsibilities also include transmitting information about free and occupied numbers to the reception service.

In hotels of high service categories (luxury hotels) there are stewards who begin their work in the afternoon. The duties of the stewards include providing each room with fresh towels, making the room look elegant, and installing a retractable bed. This is a tradition for high-class hotels in America, which is strictly observed.

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