Culinary professions. What are the industrial professions?

Specialties: cooking, food technology

Specialization in types of public catering (bistros, city cafes and restaurants, corporate services, restaurants and bars on transport, roadside catering establishments, sanatorium-resort catering establishments, children's institutions, clinical institutions, etc.)

Required education (level of education, type of educational institution):

Initial professional (pastry chef, culinary specialist) – professional lyceums and PU training in these specialties, as well as catering colleges and service sector colleges

secondary vocational catering colleges and service colleges

Specific abilities necessary for successful mastery of the profession:

Not required, but it is important to love to eat deliciously, cook, imagine and treat other people with your dishes.

Core subjects of the school curriculum and additional education:

Housekeeping*, technology, life safety, Russian language and literature, biology, cooking*

Nature and content of the work:

Industrial. Work in catering establishments: preparing various dishes.

Obvious advantages

It is a noble cause to feed people. Always full, just like your family members are well-fed. Stability of income, just enough to find a job. A real prospect of opening your own catering business.

"Pitfalls", obvious disadvantages

The work is physically difficult, all the time near a hot stove. The need to update your medical record every year. Risk of gaining weight and obesity and associated heart problems. In addition, constant cooking takes away the taste for this skill and turns the art of cooking into a routine.

Possible occupational diseases: vegetative-vascular dystonia, respiratory diseases, allergies, obesity, cardiovascular diseases - the risk is moderate.

Salary range (in rubles per month)

In Moscow and the Moscow region: 20,000 – 50,000 (usually 25,000)

In large regional centers: 10,000 – 20,000 (usually 15,000)

In the outback of Russia: 4000 – 10,000 (usually 6000)

In order for the waiter to have something to serve, a chef must work in a restaurant or cafe. There are, however, mini-cafes in the world that have waiters but no cooks. That is, waiters serve customers ready-made dishes delivered from another establishment, having preheated them. In general, if you want to “taste” work in public catering, it is better to master two professions at once - a waiter and a cook. It’s more interesting and reliable this way. And it’s easier to open your own cafe when the main parts of the business are well known to you.

By the way, about business. You are in vain smiling skeptically (this is me for those who do not believe in the possibility of opening their own business without large investments). A national program for the support and development of small businesses in so-called business incubators has already come into effect. It is aimed at “growing” entrepreneurs in socially significant areas and is aimed specifically at those who want to open their own small and important business for society, but do not have capital. So, catering establishments, especially mini-cafes in residential areas of cities or in promising villages, especially cafes serving families with children (without selling alcohol) are included in the list of priority business areas within the framework of this program.

It is clear that this kind of business belongs to a low-profit area - it will simply provide a stable income without much profit, that is, in this kind of private cafe you can earn a living, but there will be no noticeable profits to travel, say, to Courchevel , this business will not give. And therefore, a simple energetic catering specialist with an entrepreneurial spirit, who took such a cafe under the state program, has nothing to fear from attacks by the mafia and racketeering: these creatures are no longer interested in such establishments. But you will be able to arrange everything there as your professional imagination dictates, and you will only obey the agreement signed with the local administration (working hours, price level, minimum assortment). And you can set your own salary depending on the success of the self-supporting enterprise.

If you are not eager to run a company initially, but love to create delicious food for people, then the profession of a cook can still captivate you – in itself. After all, this is, by and large, a creative profession, although no one classifies it as creativity (and in vain, by the way). Isn’t it creativity to invent new recipes for dishes, come up with edible decorations and new seasonings for them? I myself, during the certification of cooks at sanatorium institutions in Russia, saw what miracles the masters of this delicious craft created - even interesting figures were cut out of banal radishes, and grapes were laid out on dishes for dessert in such a way that it was even a pity to eat them.

Of course, many people stay in this profession who cook much worse at work than at home. There are cooks who cook, as they say, without a soul, and do not leave the culinary profession. Work for them is simply making money. There are quite a few of today's chefs and outspoken lovers of having a snack at the expense of the establishment, including taking food home. Apparently, this “fashion” dates back to the times of the USSR, when in most regions basic protein products (meat and butter, good canned food and stew, condensed milk) were in acute shortage, but catering establishments received them regularly and, working as they say, with meat, it was quite possible to buy it for yourself at the state price and “pinch off” it from visitors’ dinners. The authorities deliberately underestimated the salaries of cooks even in reputable Moscow restaurants, but turned a blind eye to such a delay in the deficit among customers.

Nevertheless, the tradition of delicious food in canteens and cafes in Russia is gradually being revived. It is becoming increasingly rare among new chefs to find people who are openly indifferent to the very art of cooking. Maybe simply because now there is no point in steaming every day at the stove in an apron in order to extract a deficit. But intensifying the process of fighting for the client also plays a positive role here. It is really going on, despite the fact that, according to independent experts in the service sector, there are still not enough catering establishments open (that is, open daily for everyone without exception) in the country. On the one hand, for those who go to study to become chefs, this is good: this area of ​​business will develop, and the need for personnel in it will only grow. On the other hand, today there is still some shortage of jobs for cooks, especially inexperienced ones. However, chefs today are increasingly being invited by companies that are far from catering. There is nothing surprising in this: modern business has reached a stage of development when it can afford and considers it prestigious to take care of the health of its employees, regardless of what field they work in. Many enterprises stop outsourcing lunches for employees and open their own buffets and corporate service cafes in their offices. A cook in such a department of a company (for example, construction or retail trade, etc.) has to feed the same people every day, so his skill and attitude to work are assessed much more strictly than in a cafe operating on the street. Try to cook poorly once, God forbid someone gets a stomach ache or a headache from the food - they may reduce their salary or even show you the door. However, adapting to the tastes of the same clients is always easier than when they are always different.

In addition, working for the same team, the chef does not need to think about profitability. In an ordinary commercial cafe, even if you are just a cook and receive a fixed salary from the owner, you are still somehow affected by the question “whether the costs of running the cafe are worth it.” Because if they don’t pay off, the owner will close the establishment sooner or later. In a corporate catering department, as a rule, no such goal is set at all - to recoup costs, since the company most often pays the cook a fixed salary, and includes the costs of food and utilities in the overall costs of ensuring the operation of the enterprise.

In short, working exclusively for a specific team is calmer and more reliable. But, on the other hand, in a corporate catering department there are no opportunities for professional growth - you will always be a cook by position. However, who now works in one place all their life? I came to such a catering unit, gained practice and went ahead - in search of an open restaurant. You can go to the railway, to the Marine Fleet, to sanatorium institutions. Ordinary cooks often grow into chefs, restaurant directors and owners of their own businesses in the field of tasty and healthy food. But it’s probably not worth working as a cook in fast food establishments. Yes, there are no cooks there in the traditional sense - only technologists. All recipes are approved constantly, dishes are prepared by automatic machines - it’s boring and does not require any creativity.

If you love to cook something from your heart according to your own recipe for your parents, grandparents, friends, etc., then you have an obvious interest in cooking. However, you should take a balanced approach to choosing this profession. It’s one thing to periodically invent something in the kitchen at home for a few people close to you; it’s quite another thing to peel potatoes, chop cabbage and carrots day after day (even with the help of industrial food processors) for a large flow of visitors. Moreover, the management does not always treat your own fantasies favorably; more often it demands strict adherence to the approved recipe. And you need to understand that the work of a cook is not only hot, but also physically tiring. Salaries in this area have always been mediocre, and today, although they are growing, they still hardly correspond to the labor costs of a specialist. However, it will never be a bad idea to master this profession. So don’t think too much if you’re drawn to this tasty area. And bon appetit!

Greenkeeper, enologist, cavist are not just a set of letters, these words mean truly interesting and rare professions. And these are not all the amazing destinations. Recently, a large number of professions have appeared that were previously unknown. Nowadays people are surprised to hear unusual names. Sometimes they are so incomprehensible that it is impossible to immediately say exactly what a person does. However, despite all the exoticism of these activities, it cannot be said that they do not benefit society. Many of them help not only certain areas of activity, but also all of humanity as a whole. Even the rarest professions can be very useful for the life and development of the whole world. It is interesting that some occupations appear only in one or several countries, most often this is due to the specific climate, nature and social characteristics of a particular place.

The rarest food-related professions in the world

We can definitely say that every year there are more and more of them. Many people are interested in this issue, so the media periodically covers various rare professions. We will consider a list of such activities. A special group is represented by specialties related to food preparation.

  • Tea taster (or tea tester)

This is a rather rare activity, which is aimed at understanding the taste properties of tea and processing it in the correct way. Tea itself does not always have a pleasant taste. To achieve the perfect drink, a specialist such as a titester is involved.

  • Burgerologist

Almost every person sometimes allows himself to indulge in unhealthy food in fast food establishments. Most often you can see burgers in such cafes. If you pay attention to the sandwich, you will notice that not everywhere this dish is prepared with high quality and tasty. A burger specialist must know not only the recipe for the perfect burger, but also be able to cook it. He must also have restaurant management skills.

Research always remains relevant for humanity, as it allows us to discover new facts and develop science. However, sometimes quite unusual areas are explored that no one has thought seriously about before. That is why rare professions can now often be found in the scientific field. One example of such work is the panda researcher. Pandas are very cute and cuddly animals. Unfortunately, they are now on the verge of extinction. In connection with this situation, a whole range of measures are being taken to prevent this. Specialists are being recruited to stop extinction and increase the panda population.

The rarest testers

You can often hear about the testing profession from various sources. Testing of many things is carried out quite often, this phenomenon is not considered something unusual. But there are rare professions of testers that cause surprise and sometimes even bewilderment.

  • Sleep accessory tester

The profession is interesting because there is only one person in the world working in this position. His responsibilities include periodically testing new bedding samples that are being developed for a chain of luxury hotels. Then the tester is obliged to make suggestions and adjustments to improve the product.

  • Water slide tester

Such a tester must have special knowledge, because the functioning and safety of water slides depends on his work. He must be able to adjust the speed of the water, its quantity, the height of the slides themselves, and also provide for all the nuances of their use.

Professions related to winemaking

Of course, not all rare professions are listed above. The list of such specialties is updated every year. Interestingly, many people dream of changing their regular jobs and trying their hand at unusual areas. For example, many are interested in the production and sale of wines and other drinks.

  • Oenologist

An oenologist is responsible for growing grapes for wine production. His responsibilities include selecting grape varieties for planting, selecting fertilizers, and searching for new technologies. An oenologist is responsible for the quality of the product.

  • Cavist

Rare professions are often found in the production and sale of wine. Cavist also belongs to this area. This is a specialist who, focusing on the dishes, helps you choose the most suitable drink to go with them.

  • Blender

This specialist is engaged in mixing various cognac spirits to obtain cognac. This is one of the key processes in the manufacture of this product. The profession of a blender is considered an elite one, requiring long training and extensive experience.

  • Pearl diver

Not every inhabitant of the planet will be able to get such a job, because this requires special weather and climatic conditions. This type of activity pays very well, since industrial pearl mining cannot satisfy the needs of jewelry manufacturers. Finding pearls is not only a difficult task, but also quite dangerous.

  • Greenkeeper

This is a specialist who is responsible for maintaining sports lawns in proper condition. Greenkeepers are especially in demand at golf clubs, since the most stringent requirements are imposed on courses intended for golf. This line of activity appeared many years ago, so its basic principles have long been developed.

What is the rarest profession?

It would seem that the rarest professions in the world have already been described. However, this is not true; if you choose the rarest one, it will turn out to be the caretaker of the island. There is only one such specialist in the world. It was required when one of the travel companies developed a program to promote vacations on one of the paradise islands.

His responsibilities included living on the island for six months, taking photographs, maintaining a blog and social network pages. The pay for the caretaker's work amounted to more than one hundred thousand dollars for 6 months of work. The rare professions of the world are very diverse, but it is interesting to talk about our country.

Rare specialties in our country

It is worth noting that there are rare professions in Russia; in fact, there are no fewer of them than in other countries.

  • Sign language interpreter

A sign language interpreter is a specialist who speaks sign language and is able to translate from any national language into sign language, or vice versa. A huge number of people around the world communicate in sign language, thanks to which the profession of sign language interpreter is in great demand in the labor market. However, there is a large shortage of specialists in this field, firstly, it is quite difficult, and secondly, there are not so many institutions where sign language interpreting is taught.

On the shoulders of such a specialist lies a responsible task - to help the full participation of hearing-impaired people in the life of society.

  • Postiger

Poster is another rare profession that is mainly found in the theater field. A specialist hairdresser is engaged in the manufacture of wigs, as well as such interesting products as mustaches, beards, braids, and sideburns. This is a rather labor-intensive task that requires special skills, because if you attach one hair incorrectly, the product can immediately lose its appearance.

Rare male professions

Rare professions of people can be divided into 2 groups: male and female. There is a whole list of male specialties that are extremely rare. Such activities are more likely not a job, but a calling or a matter of life.

Tugging is considered such a male profession in Russia. Many people have never even heard the name of this profession. Dergal is collecting seaweed. This is a very difficult job, and besides, it is strictly seasonal, which is not always convenient, but the salaries of specialists in this field are quite good. Basically, representatives of this profession collect seaweed.

Another example of a rare profession among men is a specialist who is engaged in shearing cows. You might think that no one needs this, but these are very sought-after personnel. Their services are used by cow owners who prepare animals for participation in various exhibitions and fairs.

Rare female professions

Now it’s worth talking about women’s specialties. There are many answers to the question of which professions are rare among women. Of course, in recent years the line between male and female professions has become noticeably blurred. However, there are still areas in which meeting a woman is very rare.

  • Gondolier

There is only one woman in the world who does this hard work. She works in Venice, where this type of work is traditionally considered male. However, despite this, the Venetian was able to take special courses and successfully pass the exams.

  • Glassblower

This profession has also always been considered more suitable for men. But there are female specialists who cope with this task no worse, and sometimes even surpass their male colleagues in skill.

So, there are a huge number of rare professions in the world, many of them are very interesting and can not only bring good income, but also become a person’s life’s work.

Every profession is needed, every profession is important. Choosing a professional field is quite a difficult task. This is not taught in school. The main thing is to focus on your abilities, and you can learn anything.

Types of industrial production

There are currently three main types of industry. These include the following:

  • light industry;
  • heavy;
  • chemical.

Depending on the type of production, industrial occupations have significant differences.

Light industry

This branch of production includes enterprises for the production and processing of such raw materials:

  • flax;
  • cotton;
  • jute;
  • silks;
  • wool and much more.

Organizations that produce fabrics and other consumer goods also belong to the light industry. That is, these are all enterprises that produce consumer goods.

The main occupations of this type of industry will be the following:

  • fashion designer;
  • seamstress;
  • cutter;
  • tailor;
  • sewing equipment operator.

While the first four professions are closely related, the last one is considered the most difficult. It implies the ability to understand any sewing equipment and troubleshoot it in a timely manner.

Note. This point is especially important in the serial production of a large enterprise. Otherwise, there may be failures in the creation and sale of products.

Heavy industry and professions

This type of production is particularly complex. Heavy industry includes mining and manufacturing industries. Basically, all work in production is related to metal. It could be the following:

  • welding;
  • straightening;
  • milling
  • grinding and much more.

Depending on this, the professions of this type of industry will be:

  • welder;
  • milling machine operator;
  • waster;
  • blast furnace operator;
  • miner;
  • turner;
  • fitter and others.

Typically, men work in this field. Although you can meet women too. The weaker half of society gives preference to such professions as welder and milling machine.

Chemical industry

This area of ​​production is considered the most interesting and difficult. To choose industrial professions of this type, knowledge is required not only in chemistry, but also in mathematics, physics and other exact sciences. All this is taught at school, as well as in higher education.

The chemical industry offers quite complex professions. Examples:

  • chemist;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • chemical technologist.

By choosing the latest classification of professions, you can study in the following areas:

  • pharmacist;
  • food technologist;
  • technologist for the production of detergents and others.

These professions are no less important in human life. It will take a long time to study.

General information

Each educational institution annually recruits future students who, after qualified training, will become specialists in various industries. As a rule, the choice of an industry profession, the list of which is constantly growing, can be made in advance. To do this, you need to correctly assess your capabilities and abilities.

The responsibilities of the cook include: preparing semi-finished products; food storage; preparing cold appetizers; preparing hot dishes; preparing dishes before serving them; preparation and presentation of dishes according to orders for special events; development of new technologies for cooking, processing raw materials

A cook is an honorable and sought-after profession. A cook is the same as an artist – a creator. In his hands, ordinary products turn into works of art, bringing joy and pleasure to people. A cook is the same artist - a creator. In his hands, ordinary products turn into works of art, bringing joy and pleasure to people

Cook is an honorable and sought-after profession Waiter – bartender The popularity and prestige of restaurants largely depends on the professional skills of the service staff. Service employees are called upon to create an atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality in a restaurant, cafe, bar

The advantages of the profession: the presence of mandatory practice makes it possible to receive an invitation to a highly paid position; the presence of mandatory practice makes it possible to receive an invitation to a highly paid position; the possibility of professional growth, obtaining a higher rank over time or also becoming a technologist; the possibility of professional growth, obtaining a higher rank over time or also becoming a technologist; acquiring invaluable knowledge and skills that will be useful in life; acquiring invaluable knowledge and skills that will be useful in life; high demand in the labor market. high demand in the labor market.

Where and how can you acquire this profession? Today, pastry chefs are trained in special courses, in specialized training centers, in schools, technical schools, colleges, professional lyceums, institutes... Today, pastry chefs are trained in special courses, in specialized training centers, in schools, technical schools, colleges, professional lyceums, institutes...

Industry is one of the most developed sectors of the economy in Russia, which is responsible for the extraction of resources and processing of raw materials. This area of ​​the national economy is divided into many industries, which are also fragmented into highly specialized parts. Thus, mechanical engineering in the context of many industry subgroups that are responsible for a certain range of work. In general, industry is the most important factor in the development of the state. Our country is one of the top five leaders in manufacturing, so a graduate will never be left without work, having connected his life with industry.

Industry happens:

  • food;
  • fuel, electric power;
  • mechanical engineering and metalworking;
  • light;
  • mining;
  • coal, gas, oil;
  • ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy;
  • chemical;
  • forest;
  • woodworking

In other words, industry is our whole life.

Industry related professions

Specialties related to industry include both blue-collar professions that do not require higher education, as well as vacancies for engineers, biologists, chemists, economists, researchers, etc.

The stamp “white”, “blue”, “gray” collars in this case has no reason to classify or exclude a person from this sphere of the national economy. As discussed above, industry can include both highly skilled employees and service personnel.

Each industry sector in its entirety represents dozens of professions, hundreds of specialties, thousands of vacancies. Thus, light industry includes more than four hundred vacancies (there are seven types of apparatchiks alone), and mechanical engineering even more!

Industry occupations: list

In the foreseeable future, some of the specialties of the national economy will become unclaimed. Human labor will be replaced by automated machines and robots, which are much more cost-effective, make fewer mistakes and can work almost around the clock. However, some professions are the exclusive prerogative of the human brain, and even the most advanced computer will not be able to solve some problems.

Among the professions of the “future” it is worth noting

  • Engineers. At the moment, the industry is experiencing a shortage of educated and competent engineering workers. This is primarily due to low wages and the lack of prestige of the vacancy. The situation is changing for the better, and today engineers stand out from the general mass of employees due to increased salaries, stable earnings, and respect from others.
  • Nanotechnologies. Nanotechnologies are the most promising and funded areas of industry and science, where science fiction becomes reality.
  • Chemists. Creating alternative resources that will soon run out is a federal task. Specialties in the chemical industry are in demand in all areas of production, and the number of required vacancies is steadily growing.

Food industry professions

This area includes specialties that require knowledge of product preparation technology, recipes and sequence.

The most common profession in the food industry is a process engineer. In addition to the basic provisions on the process of creating a product, he must constantly check the quality of the product and monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules.

This industry also includes cooks, confectioners, bakers, boning operators, choppers and other professions involved in the creation of food products.

Light industry professions

Light industry is the production of consumer goods, in particular clothing and footwear.

This type of national economy includes, first of all, seamstresses and textile workers, cutters and shoe repairers, fashion designers and weavers. To work in the production of clothing or footwear, you do not need a higher education or five years of study. It is enough to graduate from technical school and come to the personnel department of a factory or plant.

Of course, the wages of light industry employees are far from ideal, but stability of payments and a full social package are a good guarantee of long-term cooperation.

Professions in the forestry and woodworking industries

These include: lumberjacks, furniture making specialists, machine operators, sawers, engineers, mechanics.

Any specialty that is related to wood processing can easily fall into the forest industry category.

Chemical Industry Professions

Represented by the following list of specialties: chemist, technologist, biotechnologist, petrochemist, laboratory assistant.

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