Who is included in the IT department at the enterprise? Engineering and technical worker (ETR): requirements for the candidate

We will tell you who belongs to the engineering staff, what functions they perform, how the work of such employees is rationed and paid. We provide a list of engineering and technical personnel positions, forms and samples of job descriptions.

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Engineering staff - who are they?

Let's take a closer look at engineering and technical personnel - who are they? Engineering and technical personnel include employees who are tasked with ensuring the smooth operation of all technical means. Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, the decoding of technical and technical information may vary:

  • designers create drawings and prepare the necessary documentation;
  • technologists describe, based on the submitted technical documentation, the technical processes that are being implemented at the enterprise;
  • economists solve issues of calculations, provide analysis economic activity companies;
  • Organizing specialists resolve current and strategic organizational issues for the uninterrupted operation of production.

Engineering qualifications

An engineering and technical worker is a specialist who has a certain level of education and qualifications; employees can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • without higher education with extensive work experience and a high level of professionalism;
  • with secondary specialized technical education;
  • With higher education and high level of qualifications;
  • with higher education and the highest level qualifications, with assigned scientific degree or title.

Engineering and technical personnel qualification characteristics are given in the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 N 37)

Who is included in the engineering and technical personnel: list of positions

Engineering and technical workers, who belongs to them? Let's consider this issue in detail. We will also focus on the standard list of positions under No. 531.

The engineering and technical staff includes chief or senior specialists; the titles of the positions may be different, it all depends on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities. These could be: senior managers of production areas, stations, offices, groups, sectors, points, expeditions, cameras, cash desks, and so on. Full list The positions included in the engineering and technical staff are quite extensive. Workwear for engineers must correspond to the specifics of the enterprise.

The position of engineer may have different name. The abbreviation is applicable to researchers, engineers, leading economists, technicians, and laboratory assistants. Regardless of the job title, engineering and technical personnel are responsible for the management, development and technical support of activities.

Certification of engineering and technical workers

Certification of engineers is carried out for suitability for the position held. Depending on this, the appropriate rank is assigned, if provided for in the Qualification Handbook. In addition, employees undergo certification in safety precautions and operation of electrical equipment.

Initial briefing is carried out upon hiring. All engineering and technical personnel undergo repeated testing annually. The qualification group of persons responsible for electrical facilities in the organization must be at least fifth.

When operating electrical equipment over a thousand watts - no lower than a fourth. Employees who inspect electrical equipment undergo training and obtain a permit once every three years. Certification of engineering and technical personnel is carried out by Rostechnadzor specialists. An expert from Sistema Personnel will tell you more about assigning an electrical safety group.

What functional responsibilities do engineering and technical personnel perform?

Engineering and technical workers are engineering and technical workers. Providing effective work companies. IN functional responsibilities specialists include the development and implementation of information technology processes. Employees included in the organizational group establish the basic order and sequence of work to achieve the planned result, implement quality control methods, and ensure the preparation of technical documentation.

Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, functional and job responsibilities ITRs vary. But at the same time, all activities are aimed at ensuring efficient and uninterrupted operation, introducing modern modification systems that reduce overall costs and improve the quality of products or services provided.

How are rationing and payment for the work of engineering and technical personnel carried out?

Labor standards for engineering and technical workers play a vital role in solving most production problems. Increasing the efficiency of such specialists makes it possible to minimize the total cost of maintaining engineering and technical personnel.

The difficulties of labor standardization lie in the fact that in most cases it is almost impossible to measure labor in certain units, but it is possible to track performance and quality. The required number of specialists is determined by the amount of labor costs. Remuneration depends on the volume and quality of work performed.

Remuneration of engineers

The remuneration of engineers depends on the level of qualification. The administration of the organization can set employee salaries and bonus payments.

Bonus payments and their amount are established by the employment contract. If the salary changes, an additional agreement is drawn up to the main employment contract.

Engineering and technical personnel are engineering and technical workers who are entrusted with organizing technological processes and managing the production activities of the enterprise. The title of the position depends on the specifics of the organization’s activities and what tasks the employee performs. The functional responsibilities of specialists include the development and implementation of information technology processes.

Determination of the structural characteristics of personnel manufacturing enterprise is carried out taking into account the quantitative ratio of various categories (groups) of workers and its composition. Depending on the functions performed, all employees are divided into two large groups. These are industrial production personnel (three “Ps” - PPP) and non-industrial personnel.

The first group includes workers directly involved in production activities organizations. The second group is formed from among workers who are in no way connected with production process, but, at the same time, are its integral component, since they create normal conditions for the operation of the control point. We are talking about workers in canteens, housing and communal services, health workers, social and cultural services, etc.

In turn, there is a classification of PPPs according to the nature of the assigned functions. We will tell you more about which categories actually fill this list, and how they are divided within each category, below. You will also find out who technical engineers and administrative personnel are, and what the difference is between them.

What categories does the general group of PPP include?

Industrial production personnel includes the following categories:

  • Workers. They are divided into main and auxiliary. Labor activity the first of them is associated with the production of the enterprise's products, the second - with the maintenance of production;
  • Engineering and technical workers, i.e. specialists on whose shoulders lies the responsibility for preparing and managing the production process;
  • AUP or administrative and management personnel, whose specialists are directly involved in managing the enterprise, collecting and processing management information, as well as preparing and implementing management decisions;

  • MOL or junior service personnel, which includes workers performing service functions (cleaners, cloakroom attendants, storekeepers, etc.);
  • Security. This includes specialists who ensure the security of the enterprise. Their activities are aimed at preserving material assets from cases of theft and natural disasters, ensuring the inviolability of information constituting a commercial secret of the enterprise.

Engineering and technical personnel: who is this and what are they responsible for?

Deciphering technical information and technical information at the present stage can cause certain difficulties, since it has long been outdated and is not used in current regulatory documents.

In accordance with the “Concise Economic Dictionary”, the abbreviation in question hides a category of workers called engineering and technical.
This includes workers whose activities are related to the organization, management and establishment of control over a specific production process. In factories and enterprises these include: technologists, engineers, designers, programmers. At agricultural enterprises, an agronomist may be considered an engineering technician.

The education of these specialists does not matter in the case of the classification of engineers: it can be either higher or secondary. But the position held, which requires the qualifications of an engineer or technician, may well become the basis for classification as an engineer.

AUP: revealing the concept

To date, current legislation does not provide for a single concept that could fully correspond to the abbreviation AUP (administrative and managerial personnel). But there are several mentions in separate regulatory documents.

So, AUP is:

  • category of specialists and managers whose activities are directly related to the implementation of general management (such as structural divisions), accounting, office work and staffing(9th Order of Rosarkhiv dated January 14, 2004);
  • specialists performing administrative, management and organizational functions, which cannot be dispensed with when ensuring the activities of the entire enterprise (Order 3453 of the Ministry of Culture of December 30, 2015);
  • persons holding management positions, employees of services (marketing, economic, financial, etc.).

Based on the above characteristics, it is possible to form a general idea of ​​the category of such employees: AUPs are formed by employees who perform responsibilities for the general management of the organization, as well as those whose responsibilities include administrative functions.

Each organization has the right to independently establish a specific list of employees and structural divisions, which can be safely classified as AUP or ITR.

The term ITR (abbreviation for engineering and technical workers) has been used since the Soviet period. At that time, the procedure for training and certification of this category of personnel was disclosed in Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers No. 531. The document is not currently used, but the concept of engineering and technical personnel has not yet gone out of use. In current legal acts Hired personnel are divided into two general groups - managers (including specialists) and workers.

Who are engineering workers - transcript

General and sectoral characteristics of engineers are defined in the “Qualification Directory of Positions” (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated August 21, 1998 No. 37).

The category of engineering and technical personnel includes personnel engaged in production. Such employees can participate in organizational processes, they can play the role of managers at production facilities, perform technical specifications. This group may include both employees and specialists with higher education, as well as workers with secondary technical education, but the level of education is not a criterion for classifying employees as engineers - the main thing for classification is the spectrum labor functions and position held.

What is engineering and technical personnel (decoding) - personnel who ensure the supply of raw materials and supplies necessary for production needs, check design drawings, estimates, monitor compliance with labor safety standards at work sites, etc.

Thus, for engineering and technical workers, the decoding in construction may suggest that this category of personnel includes site foremen, supervisors and foremen, and foremen. Engineers, chief engineers, technicians, and controllers can be classified as engineering and technical personnel. In the agricultural segment, engineering and technical personnel include, for example, agronomists. In administrative departments, the engineering staff may include programmers, designers, and labor protection specialists.

The engineering and technical personnel department, the decoding of which implies the presence of engineering and technical personnel, may include:

  • specialists in the field of innovation management;
  • designers involved in R&D;
  • engineers specializing in setting up and commissioning innovative equipment;
  • repair teams ensuring the serviceability of equipment operated by the enterprise;
  • electricians;
  • plumbers;
  • technologists;
  • economists.

In relation to accounting, the activities of engineering and technical personnel are classified as auxiliary production costs. The results of the labor of such specialists are not a source of direct income for the enterprise, since the activities of such workers are aimed at servicing, repairing equipment, and ensuring the technological cycle. The exception is situations when engineers are busy performing technical processes as part of the services provided to the company's clients. In this case, engineers and other specialists from the engineering and technical team are able to provide the company with income from its main line of business.

In the staffing table, engineering and technical personnel can be included in different departments:

  • to the administrative unit (managers);
  • production shops (personnel who maintain equipment, workers who perform technical functions when interacting with the company’s clients);
  • administrative and technical specialists;
  • administrative and economic divisions.

The procedure for assigning engineers to a specific department must be determined by the employer in local documents.

IT personnel are employees employed by the organization technological process. Read about what kind of work they do, what positions they hold, how their work is paid

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ITR - abbreviation and list of positions

The generally accepted abbreviation “ITR” stands for “engineering and technical workers”. Engineering personnel are employees involved in organizing the technological process and direct management in production. In other words, these are people who are able to effectively solve certain business problems.

What is the difference between engineering and technical workers and ordinary workers? In the very approach to technology. For an ordinary turner, for example, his machine is the tool with which he produces parts. And for the engineer who created this machine, it is a subject of labor.

In 2018, the personnel structure is described according to Qualification directory works and professions, as well as the Unified Classifier of Professions. They do not use the term “engineer” as an official term. However, it is still found in current regulations, helping to correctly assess the job responsibilities of employees and their role in the enterprise.

Let's draw a logical conclusion - most likely, engineering and technical workers have a higher or secondary technical education, and they also have high professionalism.

It is clear that each area of ​​production will have its own list of professions assigned to this area. What is important is the position that gives the authority to manage and lead, to make decisions.

Let us list the areas in which engineers are needed: metallurgy, transport; medical, nano- and biotechnologies; urban planning, IT and security.

The requirements for such workers are quite high. They need, in addition to skills and abilities in their specialty:

  • Know the requirements of federal laws and regulations in their field of work.
  • Have a good understanding of the Russian and global picture of the development of your field, new technologies, sales markets, etc.
  • Have excellent communication skills.

Engineers in construction, for example, are foremen, site managers, foremen, technical engineers, controllers, and foremen. That is, everyone who manages, organizes work and supply of materials, controls labor safety, and verifies drawings.

How are engineers paid?

Since the concept of “engineering personnel” is currently not regulated by law, the remuneration of such personnel is made without any special differences from other employees. However, there are certain nuances that are important to be aware of.

Warp wages ITR is the official salary. It is discussed before hiring and is recorded in employment contract. Salary is not related to economic efficiency of the enterprise as a whole depends on the time worked by the employee, his qualifications, workplace conditions and responsibilities.

In most industries, salary systems have been developed and applied for employees classified as engineering and technical personnel.

In addition to the salary, a system of allowances, additional payments and bonuses is applied. It is developed by the employer and is directly related to the result of the employee’s work. Thus, payments may be provided for increasing productivity and saving materials. In the same way, management has the right to provide for the absence of bonuses if a division or the entire enterprise does not show the desired indicators.

Engineers' salaries are revised based on the results of their certification. It is carried out regularly, at least once every three to five years. Workers in some areas are required to undergo certification (for example, employees railways and aviation, employees working with sources of ionizing radiation, teachers, etc.). Even if the requirement for certification is not prescribed by law for a given area, the employer has the right to establish this in the local normative act- “Regulations on personnel certification.”

In reporting on the labor of enterprises and organizations of individual sectors of the sphere of material production (industry, construction, transport, state farms and some other production sectors), the number of workers is divided into two groups: workers and employees. From the group of employees, the following categories are distinguished: managers, specialists and other employees classified as employees.

ConsultantPlus: note.

By Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 1994 N 367, on January 1, 1996, the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and tariff categories OK 016-94.

When distributing employees according to personnel categories in statistical reporting for labor, one should be guided by the All-Union Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Classes (OKPDTR), approved by the USSR State Standard 08.27.86 N 016.

OKPDTR consists of two sections:

classifier of workers' professions;

classifier of employee positions, which contains positions of managers, specialists and employees.

33. Workers include persons directly involved in the process of creating wealth, as well as those engaged in repairs, moving goods, transporting passengers, providing material services, etc. In OKPDTR, the professions of workers are listed in section 1.

Workers, in particular, include persons employed:

33.1. management, regulation and supervision of the operation of automatic machines, automatic lines, automatic devices, as well as direct management or maintenance of machines, mechanisms, units and installations, if the labor of these workers is paid according to tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.2. production of material assets by hand, as well as with the help of simple mechanisms, devices, tools;

33.3. construction and repair of buildings, structures, installation and repair of equipment, repair vehicles;

33.4. moving, loading or unloading raw materials, materials, finished products;

33.5. at work on receiving, storing and sending goods in warehouses, bases, storerooms and other storage facilities;

33.6. care of machines, equipment, maintenance of production and non-production premises;

33.7. excavation of surface and underground mine workings, drilling, testing, testing and development of wells, geological surveying, prospecting and other types of geological exploration work, if their work is paid at tariff rates or monthly salaries of workers;

33.8. machinists, drivers, stokers, switch post attendants, track and artificial structure linemen, loaders, conductors, repair and maintenance workers transport lines, communication lines, repair and maintenance of equipment and vehicles, tractor drivers, mechanics, crop and livestock workers;

33.9. postmen, telephone operators, telegraph operators, radio operators, telecom operators;

33.10. operators of computers and electronic computers;

33.11. janitors, cleaners, couriers, cloakroom attendants, watchmen.

34. Managers include employees holding positions of heads of enterprises and their structural divisions. The position in OKPDTR, which has a category code of 1, refers to managers.

Leaders, in particular, include:

directors ( general directors), chiefs, managers, managers, chairmen, commanders, commissars, foremen, work performers at enterprises, structural units and divisions;

main specialists: chief accountant, chief dispatcher, chief engineer, chief mechanic, chief metallurgist, chief welder, chief agronomist, chief geologist, chief electrician, chief economist, main researcher, editor-in-chief;

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