Who is included in the engineering and technical staff? Engineering and technical workers: who belongs to engineering and technical workers

Working in large companies, you can find the phrase “ Engineering staff" The abbreviation ITR stands for engineering and technical worker. The duty of an engineer and technical worker is to manage production processes. To qualify an employee for this category, he must have highly qualified technical and engineering knowledge.

Who belongs to the engineering and technical personnel (transcript)?

Engineering and technical personnel include the following employees:

  1. Management personnel. This category includes employees involved in enterprise management, heads of services and structural divisions.
  2. Specialists. EKS (Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees) identifies:
  • Specialists involved in agricultural, fishing, logging work;
  • Specialists working in engineering, technical and economic fields;
  • Public education staff;
  • Workers of culture, art and science;
  • Medical employees;
  • Legal staff. technical workers.

What are the responsibilities of engineering and technical personnel?

Young specialists think that having a technical specialty is not prestigious: hard work in industry is scary, low wages and lack of career growth are scary. Most young people choose economics and legal fields when entering universities. Of course, responsibilities technical professions differs from creative ones, but engineering personnel are always in demand.

Engineering and technical personnel can perform the following work:

  • Create and adjust new technological processes;
  • Organize work and monitor the consistent implementation of work;
  • Conduct quality control of output production;
  • Control official documentation;
  • Debug technological equipment: installation, repair;
  • Optimize existing technological processes.

Having considered functional responsibilities, it can be understood that the category of employees must know the work of production and manufactured products, have an understanding of the market, and know the work of narrow engineering and technological specialties.

Labor standards for engineering and technical personnel

The goal of engineering and technical personnel is to improve productivity, reduce costs when performing production processes. Work related to management can only be organized with reliable information about the length of time and the number of employees required to carry out the work.

It is difficult to standardize the work of engineering and technical personnel, since the work cannot actually be measured. For example, it is difficult to evaluate the work of an engineer, since he does not operate the machine, but manages the process.

Therefore, the main goal of the standardization process is to determine the labor costs in implementing the work and the required number of employees to complete the work. Labor inputs are necessary to determine the scope and level of complexity of the work, and then delegate the task to an appropriately qualified employee. Then wages will correspond to the investments made: the number of employees and the degree of their qualifications.

Salary and bonuses for engineering and technical personnel

The salary of engineering and technical personnel is determined in relation to the level of qualifications, productivity and working conditions.

Usually the administration records official salary for each level professional qualifications. Organizations that “keep up with the times” use a system of “floating” salaries.

The bonus system is applied upon successful implementation of the set plans, but the bonus should not exceed half of the official salary of an engineering specialist.

Rights of engineering personnel

An engineering and technical worker has the right:

  • Monitor your production site at any time;
  • Request the information and documentation he needs to perform work tasks;
  • Require subordinates to maintain equipment and devices in good condition;
  • Participate in inspections and find out the causes of breakdowns
  • Take part in collective events where issues related to the competence of engineering and technical personnel are raised;
  • Improve professional qualifications.

Responsibility of engineering and technical personnel

The engineering and technical worker is responsible for failure to fulfill his labor responsibilities, for offenses, for actions that entailed material damage organizations.

Why do you need engineering and technical personnel?

It is this category of specialists who develop new technological processes, reduce production costs, develop methods, invent new equipment, in other words, move production to the global competitive market.

An employee who knows all the intricacies of work, is able to create new things and bear responsibility for his decisions can become an engineer and technical worker.

A.V. Soloviev

Deputy Head of the Department of Standardization and Labor Productivity
Management of payment, standardization and labor productivity
Ministry of Labor of Russia

Please explain who belongs to the AUP (administrative and managerial personnel), to the ITR (engineering technical workers)?
O.A. Volkova,
Syzran, Samara region.

Recently emerged controversial issue, who do we still classify as “administrative and managerial personnel”? Directors, heads of workshops and sections, foremen - this is understandable. What about specialists (economists, accountants, engineers), other employees (secretaries, cashiers, etc.)? To be honest, what kind of managers are they? Maybe you can tell me and recommend something interesting?
M. Dove,

The answer to the question about the content of the terms “administrative and managerial personnel” (AUP) and “engineering and technical workers” (E&T), as well as the legality of their use, must be sought in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts.
From Article 15 Labor Code RF follows that the organization’s personnel may consist of workers performing labor function:
1) in a certain specialty;
2) according to a certain qualification;
3) for a specific position.
Each of the above categories requires additional comment.
The number of employees performing a labor function in a certain specialty includes persons who acquired the corresponding specialty after completing training in the manner prescribed by the standards of the Ministry of Education of Russia.
When concluding employment contracts with an employer, persons with a certain specialty apply for replacement vacant positions this organization. The names of the positions of employees of a particular organization are determined by All-Russian classifier professions of workers, positions of employees and tariff categories(OKPDTR) and the Qualification Directory of positions for managers, specialists and other employees.
Since qualifications mean both a profession and a specialty, according to the existing tradition, the number of workers performing a labor function according to a certain qualification includes only persons who have undergone training to obtain the corresponding profession. In other words, this category of workers includes workers, and the name of their professions is determined based on the mentioned OKPDTR and the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (corresponding issue).
The number of employees performing a labor function in a certain position can logically include both persons who have a diploma conferring the corresponding specialty, and persons who do not have vocational education or have a certain profession. But since a category of specialists has already been selected for persons who have a diploma conferring the corresponding specialty, it is lawful to include persons who do not have a professional education or have a certain profession in the category of workers performing a labor function in a certain position.
The analysis performed does not yet provide answers to the questions posed. Therefore, let's turn to OKPDTR. It consists of two sections: the professions of workers and the positions of employees.
The second section of OKPDTR (employee positions) was developed on the basis of the Unified Nomenclature of Employee Positions, the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees, current regulatory legal acts and others regulatory documents on issues of remuneration, taking into account the names of positions used in the economy.
The category of employees in OKPDTR is represented by:
1) managers;
2) specialists;
3) other employees.
But turning to this document also does not allow us to get answers to the questions posed. Therefore, we will try to find them in the Unified Nomenclature of Employee Positions (UNDS), approved back in 1967 by the USSR State Committee for Labor (Resolution No. 443 dated 09.09.1967). It is based on the classification of employees according to the nature of their work. Based on this characteristic, the UNDS provided for the classification of workers into categories, and within each category into groups.
According to UNDS, managers are classified depending on the object of management:
- heads of organizations (in their legal concept, provided Civil Code RF);
- heads of services and departments in organizations.
Managers also include their deputies.
Specialists are classified depending on the nature of the functions they perform or the scope of their activity:
- specialists engaged in engineering, technical and economic work;
- specialists engaged in agricultural, zootechnical, fish farming and reforestation work;
- specialists involved in medical care, public education, as well as workers in science, art and culture;
- specialists engaged in international relations work;
- legal services specialists.
As can be seen, the number of specialists included workers engaged in both economic and engineering work. That is why employees in this category are called engineering and technical workers (E&T).
Technical performers are classified depending on the types of work they perform:
- technical performers occupied with accounting and control;
- technical performers involved in the preparation and execution of documentation;
- technical performers engaged in economic maintenance.
A clear example of the subsequent classification of categories of employees is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 1992 No. 785 “On differentiation in levels of remuneration of workers budgetary sphere based on the Unified Tariff Schedule" (as amended on December 20, 2003). Thus, in accordance with the said resolution, the following positions belong to the category of “managers”:
1) managers: storage room, archive, pass office, copying and duplicating office, photo laboratory, housekeeping, expedition, office, typing office, warehouse;
2) site foreman (including senior);
3) heads: department, section (shift), workshop;
4) chief specialist;
5) head of the organization.
The category “technical performer” includes: pass office duty officer, copier, order clerk, timekeeper, accountant, forwarder, agent, clerk, secretary, secretary-typist, accountant, draftsman, cashier (including senior), typist, freight forwarder, collector (including the senior), secretary-stenographer, statistician, others.
The emphasis on these two categories is not accidental. The fact is that the terms denoting categories of personnel are used haphazardly not only by personnel managers, but also by the legislator himself. Thus, the term “technical and managerial personnel” is used without any definition in Article 264 (subparagraph 19 of paragraph 1) of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and in other acts of tax legislation. Based on the above, for the purpose of applying the said norm of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, “technical and managerial personnel” should be understood as employees who are employed in the relevant positions from the given categories - “managers” and “technical performers”. Naturally, we are not talking about an exhaustive list of persons belonging to technical and managerial personnel.
Based on the foregoing, we can come to the conclusion that the distribution of employees by personnel categories should be carried out in accordance with OKPDTR and UNDS.
As for the term “administrative and managerial personnel” (AUP), it was used during the period of organizing and conducting a one-time accounting of the number and distribution of persons working in positions as of September 15, 1990 (directive letter of the State Statistics Committee of the RSFSR dated July 17, 1990 No. 6- 7-107). In order to implement this accounting, on 06/03/1988 the USSR State Labor Committee, the USSR State Statistics Committee and the USSR Ministry of Finance approved the Nomenclature of positions for management personnel of enterprises, institutions and organizations for the development of accounting forms for this personnel. Currently, the Russian State Statistics Committee does not use this Nomenclature. Consequently, based on the legal aspect of the problem of terminology in personnel management, the use of the term “administrative and managerial personnel” is currently unjustified.
The term “engineering and technical workers” is also somewhat outdated, and the legitimacy of its use is the same as the normative one legal act, which approved the UNDS in 1967.

We will tell you who belongs to the engineering staff, what functions they perform, how the work of such employees is rationed and paid. Here is a list of engineering and technical personnel positions, forms and samples job descriptions.

In the article

Engineering staff - who are they?

Let's take a closer look at engineering and technical personnel - who are they? Engineering and technical personnel include employees who are tasked with ensuring the smooth operation of all technical means. Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, the decoding of technical and technical information may vary:

  • designers create drawings and prepare the necessary documentation;
  • technologists describe, based on the submitted technical documentation, the technical processes that are being implemented at the enterprise;
  • economists solve issues of calculations, provide analysis economic activity companies;
  • Organizing specialists resolve current and strategic organizational issues for the uninterrupted operation of production.

Engineering qualifications

An engineering and technical worker is a specialist who has a certain level of education and qualifications; employees can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • without higher education with extensive work experience and high level professionalism;
  • with secondary specialized technical education;
  • With higher education and high level of qualifications;
  • with higher education and the highest level of qualifications, with an assigned scientific degree or title.

Engineering technical staff, his qualification characteristics are given in the Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 21, 1998 N 37)

Who is included in the engineering and technical personnel: list of positions

Engineering and technical workers, who belongs to them? Let's consider this issue in detail. We will also focus on the standard list of positions under No. 531.

The engineering and technical staff includes chief or senior specialists; the titles of the positions may be different, it all depends on the specifics of the enterprise’s activities. These could be: senior managers of production areas, stations, offices, groups, sectors, points, expeditions, cameras, cash desks, and so on. Full list The positions included in the engineering and technical staff are quite extensive. Workwear for engineers must correspond to the specifics of the enterprise.

The position of engineer may have different name. Abbreviation applies to researchers, engineers, leading economists, technicians, laboratory assistants. Regardless of the job title, engineering and technical personnel are responsible for the management, development and technical support of activities.

Certification of engineering and technical workers

Certification of engineers is carried out for suitability for the position held. Depending on this, the appropriate rank is assigned, if provided for in the Qualification Handbook. In addition, employees undergo certification in safety precautions and operation of electrical equipment.

Initial briefing is carried out upon hiring. All engineering and technical personnel undergo repeated testing annually. The qualification group of persons responsible for electrical facilities in the organization must be at least fifth.

When operating electrical equipment over a thousand watts - no lower than a fourth. Employees who inspect electrical equipment undergo training and obtain a permit once every three years. Certification of engineering and technical personnel is carried out by Rostechnadzor specialists. An expert from Sistema Personnel will tell you more about assigning an electrical safety group.

What functional responsibilities do engineering and technical personnel perform?

Engineering and technical workers are engineering and technical workers. Providing effective work companies. The functional responsibilities of specialists include the development and implementation of information technological processes. Employees included in the organizational group establish the basic order and sequence of work to achieve the planned result, implement quality control methods, and ensure the preparation of technical documentation.

Depending on the specifics of the organization’s activities, functional and job responsibilities ITRs vary. But at the same time, all activities are aimed at ensuring efficient and uninterrupted operation, introducing modern modification systems that reduce overall costs and improve the quality of products or services provided.

How are rationing and payment for the work of engineering and technical personnel carried out?

Labor standards for engineering and technical workers play a vital role in solving most production problems. Increasing the efficiency of such specialists makes it possible to minimize the total cost of maintaining engineering and technical personnel.

The difficulties of labor standardization lie in the fact that in most cases it is almost impossible to measure labor in certain units, but it is possible to track performance and quality. The required number of specialists is determined by the amount of labor costs. Remuneration depends on the volume and quality of work performed.

Remuneration of engineers

The remuneration of engineers depends on the level of qualification. The administration of the organization can set employee salaries and bonus payments.

Bonus payments and their amount are established by the employment contract. When changing the salary to the basic one employment contract draw up an additional agreement.

Engineering and technical personnel are engineering and technical workers who are entrusted with the organization of technological processes, management production activities enterprises. The title of the position depends on the specifics of the organization’s activities and what tasks the employee performs. The functional responsibilities of specialists include the development and implementation of information technology processes.

Engineering and technical personnel – personnel organizing and managing the production process. These include, in particular, heads of workshops, departments, shifts, foremen, foremen, engineers and technicians. Characteristic of nuclear energy is a high share of engineering and technical personnel in the total number of employees (up to 35% or more). This is explained by the complexity of equipment and production processes at nuclear power plants and the high scientific and technical level of production.

Employees include those performing accounting, financial, procurement, and clerical functions. Employees include accounting staff, draftsmen, cashiers, timekeepers, etc.

Engineers and employees are divided into managers, specialists and technical performers.

The MOP is busy servicing the daily needs of the team, cleaning premises and auxiliary work. MSPs include janitors, cleaners, delivery boys, couriers, car drivers, elevator operators, and security workers.

According to the field of activity, the NPP PPP is divided into operational, engaged in servicing energy generation equipment, and repair, engaged in repair, modernization and technical maintenance equipment, instruments, devices, buildings and structures.

In turn, the operational personnel are divided into operational and operational personnel that are not part of the operational personnel. The latter includes: administrative and management personnel (AUP), engaged in management and information services of production; production staff in AUP, for example workers in warehouses; general shop personnel (shop management, engineering and technical personnel of shop laboratories, etc.).

Basic production functions at nuclear power plants is performed by operational operating personnel who provide round-the-clock equipment maintenance and maintenance technological modes ensuring its safe and reliable operation. The operational staff is organized into shifts with a permanent staff. The shift includes operational personnel from the reactor, turbine, chemical, electrical shops, thermal automation and measurement shops, and the labor protection and safety department. Operational personnel are managed by the NPP shift supervisor, as well as by unit shift supervisors and shop shift supervisors (or senior duty engineers).

Depending on the nature and complexity of the work performed, personnel are divided into professions, specialties and qualifications.

By profession we mean a type labor activity which requires its performer to have certain knowledge, training and practical skills. The profession is determined by the nature of the created labor product and the specific production conditions in a given industry.

The qualifications of employees are determined by the level of special knowledge and practical skills and reflect the degree of mastery of the employee’s profession. The qualification level of workers is determined using a unified tariff and qualification reference book, and that of employees - qualification directory employee positions.

The classification of NPP personnel is shown in Figure 2.4. An important indicator characterizing the effectiveness of work with personnel is staff turnover. Personnel turnover is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of workers dismissed from an enterprise for various reasons over a certain period to average number for the same period.

The staff turnover at nuclear power plants is not high, this is explained by a number of reasons, including the prestige of working in nuclear energy, a higher level of the labor system for certain categories of workers, developed social and cultural amenities, etc. In installation organizations, staff turnover is much higher due to frequent changes of work objects, and hence place of residence, everyday difficulties.

Fluidity labor force causes great damage to production; it reduces labor productivity and quality of work, causes large additional costs and time for training, worsens the psychological climate in the team and ultimately affects the economy of the enterprise. Reducing staff turnover can be achieved by improving the working and living conditions of workers, improving incentives, increasing the level of mechanization and automation of production and improving labor organization.

Work with personnel at nuclear power plants.

Of great importance in the field of ensuring occupational safety, protection environment and reliability of operation of NPP equipment and systems has personnel training.

Work with personnel at nuclear power plants is carried out in accordance with the “Guidelines for organizing work with personnel at energy enterprises and in organizations." Work with personnel at nuclear power plants is aimed at increasing their operational qualifications and sense of responsibility for ensuring safety, trouble-free and economical operation of equipment, and eliminating injuries and radiation exposure in excess of permissible standards.

Every year, NPPs draw up an annual schedule for working with personnel, which includes the following activities:

Training of new personnel;

Improving the qualifications of workers and engineers in courses and schools;

Testing engineers' knowledge of current rules, production and job descriptions;

General personnel training for the entire enterprise;

Organization of the work of libraries, technical rooms, safety rooms;

Walk-throughs and inspections of workplaces by company managers;

Personnel undergoing periodic medical examinations;

Working with young professionals;

Operation of the training center.

Work with personnel begins when they are hired and assigned to work and continues when new personnel are trained and allowed to work. When hiring personnel to work at a nuclear power plant, the general and special training of the applicant, his suitability for work from a professional and social point of view, are revealed.

Professional selection for admission to nuclear power plants is carried out by determining medical and psychophysiological contraindications for work in this profession, in particular by using various types of tests to determine the speed of a person’s reaction, the degree of his attentiveness, ability to count, etc.

Professional selection at nuclear power plants is primarily necessary for operational and management personnel, since the lack of certain qualities among workers in this category can lead to accidents, failures, and psychological tension in the team.

Relevant for nuclear energy is the development of professiograms showing what qualities an employee should have certain profession. Comparing the qualities of an applicant for one or another working profession with a professional profile, one can judge his suitability for this job or position. At the same time, a professiogram is a detailed list of the features of a profession. It should characterize working conditions, features of work activity and the requirements of the profession and position for the performer.

Personnel hired undergo induction training on safety precautions, radiation and fire safety.

NPP operating personnel before appointment to independent work undergoes the necessary theoretical training, industrial training at the workplace, testing knowledge of rules, production and job descriptions on labor protection and radiation safety in the workplace.

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