What is a social worker? What duties does he perform? Job description of a social worker Functional responsibilities of a social worker

Name of organization APPROVED OFFICER Name of position INSTRUCTIONS of the head of the organization _________ N ___________ Signature Explanation of signature Place of compilation Date SOCIAL WORKER


1. A social worker belongs to the category of technical performers, is hired and dismissed from work by order of __________________.

2. A person who has specialized secondary, vocational or general secondary education and special training necessary to occupy the position is appointed to the position of social worker, without presenting requirements for work experience.

3. In his activities, a social worker is guided by:

Legislative and regulatory documents governing relevant issues;

Methodological materials related to issues of its activities;

Charter of the institution;

By orders of the head of the institution (immediate supervisor);

Rules and regulations of occupational hygiene, labor regulations;

This job description.

4. The social worker must know:

Regulatory legal acts and other governing documents of higher authorities regulating activities in the field of social services for families and various categories of citizens;

Social and psychological aspects of assistance to people of retirement age and disabled people;

Forms of social services;

First aid techniques;

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for caring for the disabled and the elderly at home;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.

5. During the absence of a social worker, his duties are performed in the prescribed manner by an appointed deputy, who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.


6. To perform the functions assigned to him, the social worker must:

6.1. Identify lonely elderly and disabled citizens living in the service area and in need of social support.

6.2. Inform them about the types of services provided by social service institutions.

6.3. Provide assistance in obtaining advisory and information services.

6.4. Provide social patronage to the category of the population being served, including delivering food, lunches, medicines, industrial and other necessary goods to their homes, paying for utilities, assisting in cleaning the premises, handing over things for repairs, dry cleaning, and laundry.

6.5. Organize repairs of residential premises, cultivation of personal plots, provision of fuel, funeral services.

6.6. Provide first aid.

6.7. Take part in the work of the housekeeping team.

6.8. Maintain the necessary documentation.


7. A social worker has the right:

7.1. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.

7.2. Familiarize yourself with the relevant documents and information necessary to perform your duties efficiently.

7.3. Improve your qualifications in the prescribed manner.

7.4. Require management to provide assistance in carrying out their duties.

7.5. Take part in the discussion of labor safety issues submitted for consideration at meetings (conferences) of the labor collective (trade union organization).

8. The social worker reports to ___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________. 9. The social worker interacts on issues within his competence with employees of the following structural divisions of the organization: - with __________________________________________________________________________: receives: __________________________________________________________________________; represents: ________________________________________________________________________________; - from _________________________________________________________________: receives: ________________________________________________________________________________; represents: __________________________________________________________________________.

10. The work of a social worker is assessed by the immediate supervisor (other official).

11.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

11.4. For failure to comply with the rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection - in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus and local acts in _____________________.

Name of the position of the head of the structural unit _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature Visas I have read the instructions _________ _______________________ Signature Explanation of signature _______________________ Date

1. General provisions.

1.1. A person is accepted for the position of social worker of the 5th category,
having primary vocational education without presentation
requirements for work experience or secondary complete (general) education and experience
work in the profile for at least 3 years.
1.2. A social worker is hired and dismissed from work by order
director of the institution.
1.3. The social worker reports directly to the manager
specialized department of social and medical services at
1.4. A social worker does not have employees under his supervision.
1.5. A social worker in his activities is guided by:
current legislation of the Russian Federation on health and social issues
public services; Charter of the institution; real official
1.6. A social worker must have, along with the appropriate
qualifications and professionalism, high moral qualities,
sense of responsibility, ability to work with people, tactfulness,
discipline, diligence. The social worker must
be sensitive and attentive to the citizens they serve.
1.7. The social worker must know:
- fundamentals of social policy, law and government,
labor and family legislation;
- regulatory documents on the organization of social services
elderly citizens and disabled people at home;
- organization and principles of housekeeping;
- sanitary and hygienic requirements for caring for the elderly and
disabled people at home;
- basic psychology of older people;
- basic techniques and methods of providing emergency first aid;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire safety
1.8. The social worker reports directly to
(to the head of the institution, other official)
1.9. During the absence of a social worker (vacation, illness, etc.)
his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the manager
institutions. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears
responsibility for high-quality and timely execution of assigned tasks
responsibilities on him.

2. Functions.

2.1. The main function of a social worker is to implement
a set of measures for social and medical care at home
disabled citizens living in the territory assigned to him

3. Job responsibilities.

3.1. To perform the functions assigned to him, a social worker
- identify lonely, lonely and disabled citizens,
living on the territory of the service area, in need of social
assistance, their interests and needs, difficulties and problems and in a timely manner
provide them with social assistance and support;
- provide social and medical services at home to assigned
behind her site there are disabled pensioners and disabled people (at least 3
once a week in accordance with the visit schedule, and if necessary
the frequency and duration of visits increases);
- deliver food, hot lunches, semi-finished products to your home,
industrial essential goods, charitable and other
types of in-kind assistance;
- provide assistance in cooking at home to lonely and lonely people
living pensioners and disabled people whose children live in other
populated areas (soup, porridge, potatoes, semi-finished products);
- provide feeding to weakened pensioners and disabled people;
- maintain living conditions in accordance with hygienic standards
requirements: regular change of underwear and bed linen (once
in 2 weeks, and also when soiled), if necessary
assist with washing, weekly cleaning of the premises, and removal of trash
(into a garbage chute located in a residential building, or located near the house
- provide sanitary and hygienic assistance to clients (washing,
rubbing, hygienic baths, nail cutting, combing);
- assist in providing services to citizens according to the conclusion of doctors
medicines and medical products;
- provide assistance in obtaining medical care and hospitalization:
calling a doctor to your home, accompanying those in need of treatment and preventive care
institutions and visiting them in inpatient healthcare facilities in
for the purpose of providing moral and psychological support;
- assist in conducting medical and social examinations for
those in need;
- provide assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment,
receiving dental and prosthetic and orthopedic care, as well as
provision of technical means of care and rehabilitation;
- hand over items for washing, dry cleaning, repairs and deliver them back,
make payments for housing and utilities;
- assist in organizing the provision of services by enterprises
trade, public services, communications and others
enterprises providing services to the population;
- deliver water, heat the stove, assist in
provision of fuel (for those living in residential premises without
central heating and water supply);
- assist in organizing work on the renovation of residential premises,
cultivation of a personal plot, harvesting;
- provide assistance in writing letters and completing the necessary
documents, assist in obtaining those established by the current
legislation on benefits and benefits, provide assistance on issues
pensions and other social benefits;
- provide psychological assistance, moral support, assistance
provision of books, magazines, newspapers;
- assist in organizing funeral services for single people

4. Rights.

4.1. A social worker has the right:
- for all social guarantees provided for by law;
- demand the creation of conditions for the performance of official duties;
- get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management regarding
his activities;
- on issues within his competence, submit for consideration
management of the institution proposals for improving the activities of the institution
and improving working methods; comments on employee activities
- propose options for eliminating existing ones in the activities of the institution
- request personally or on behalf of the institution’s management from
structural units and specialists information and documents,
necessary to perform their official duties;
- involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in
solving the tasks assigned to him (if provided for by the provisions on
structural divisions, if not - with the permission of the head
- demand from the management of the institution to provide assistance in the execution
their official duties and rights;
- request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from
other structural units information and documents necessary for
fulfilling their official duties;
- improve your professional qualifications.

5. Responsibility.

5.1. The social worker is responsible for:
- for failure to perform or improper performance of their duties
duties provided for in this job description - in
within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for causing material damage - within the limits specified
current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for offenses committed in the course of exercising their
activities, - within the limits determined by the current administrative,
criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The social worker, whose job responsibilities will be discussed further, is hired and dismissed by the head of the CSO. Withdrawal from the state is carried out in accordance with the procedure established in articles 77-81 of the Labor Code.

General information

Persons who have:

  • higher;
  • initial professional;
  • secondary specialized education.

Persons who do not have training in their specialty may be involved in activities. The people who are to be served are called wards. Persons acquire this status when applying to the Veterans Council, Central Social Security Center or Social Protection Committee, as well as when a social worker identifies those in need of care during a special round. Persons in their care who have completely lost the ability to self-care are sent to a nursing home.

Social worker: responsibilities, employee salary

A CSO employee can carry out certain instructions for his wards. They may not be included in the list of responsibilities of a social worker, but they arise from the general meaning of his activities. Its essence is to provide support and assistance to lonely people and disabled people. For example, an elderly woman has difficulty moving due to serious health problems. A social worker can take her to a bathhouse, after which the person will feel better and will be able to take care of himself. The day of a CSO employee begins with a phone call to his wards. The responsibilities of the social worker include finding out the instructions that need to be carried out and the list of necessary products. All information is recorded in a special notebook for each ward. At the end of the year, based on an assessment of the employee’s performance, he is assigned or not assigned a rank. In the first case, among other things, he can count on a salary increase. After another three years, the premium will be 10, and after five years - 30%.


The following categories are established:

  • Fifth category. It is assigned to an employee who has a professional (primary) education. However, there are no requirements for his experience. Also, category 5 are employees with complete secondary (general) education. In this case, they must carry out activities in their profile for at least three years.
  • Sixth and seventh categories. To obtain this category, an employee may have a professional higher education. In this case, there are no requirements for his experience. An employee may also have a specialized secondary education. In this case, he must remain in the state for at least three years.
  • Eighth category. It is assigned to employees whose work experience is at least five years and they have a higher education in their specialty.

Important points

The functional responsibilities of a social worker include providing everyday services to people in need of help. The CSO employee is directly subordinate to the head of the department, deputy director, and head of the center. An employee needs to know the regulations and laws of the federal, local and regional levels, and other regulations related to the regulation of his activities. A social worker, whose job responsibilities are contained in the relevant instructions, is responsible for his activities before the law. He must comply with the rules of the CSO, know the norms and regulations on labor protection, industrial sanitation, safety precautions, and fire protection. An indispensable condition for the high-quality execution of tasks is compliance with the requirements for organizing consumer services for the elderly and disabled. The employee needs to know the basics of the psychology of the wards and master first aid techniques.

Basic instructions

The professional responsibilities of a social worker include:

  • Provision of services that are included in the list of state-guaranteed services.
  • Compliance with the visiting schedule.
  • Identification of citizens in need of service and support.
  • Conducting a survey at the enterprise among employees.
  • Participation in the preparation of documents for employees who need it.
  • Informing employees about their responsibilities, rights and conditions for the provision of services.
  • Maintaining confidentiality in relationships with wards.
  • Execution of orders and instructions from the management of the Central Security Service.
  • Coordinating your activities with your superiors.
  • Timely warning of the onset of disability.
  • Petition for financial assistance to employees in need.
  • Filling out documentation in accordance with business management recommendations, making timely additions and changes.
  • Participation in the public life of the CSO.

The rights and responsibilities of a social worker are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


In case of violation of labor discipline, the employee is subject to the provisions of Art. 419 TK. Timely performance of official duties by a social worker guarantees effective assistance to people in need. This attitude towards one’s activities has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere within the team, the ability to work and the interests of employees. The duties of a social worker must be performed conscientiously and clearly. In many ways, not only the general condition of the ward, but also his life often depends on the timeliness of assistance.

Defining Criteria

To perform the duties of a social worker, it is not enough to have certain skills or knowledge. An employee must also have certain personal qualities. Formed moral and ethical beliefs, objectivity in assessing the problems of the ward, honesty, tact, justice, attentiveness, creative thinking, sociability, adequacy of self-esteem, tolerance, humanity, willpower, kindness, patience - this is not the whole list of qualities that should be endowed social worker.

Methods used in activities

The responsibilities of social protection workers are not only to provide the necessary assistance to those under their care. To carry out their activities most effectively, employees are required, in accordance with the Instructions, to develop and implement various methods that allow them to study problems in more depth and detail and select the optimal means of solving them. Thus, a social worker in a school, whose responsibilities are related to helping children, must act, among other things, as a consultant and, in some way, a teacher. Using an educational approach in his activities, the employee gives recommendations, teaches demonstration and modeling of correct behavior, uses role-playing games, and establishes interaction between the student and the teacher. The responsibilities of a social worker in a hospital deserve special attention.

In this case, a great responsibility rests on his shoulders. A person in a medical institution requires maximum sensitivity, care, and help. In this case, the social worker not only fulfills his duties in serving the ward. He also plays the role of a supporter or mediator in overcoming personal disorganization and apathy in cases where it is not possible for a sick person to do this on his own. The facilitative approach is aimed at explaining the situation, encouraging and focusing on mobilizing the mentee’s existing internal resources. During the recovery or rehabilitation period, this is of fundamental importance. There is also an advocacy approach to the activities of a social worker. In this case, the employee acts as a representative of the ward or a group of people in need. In this case, the duties of the social worker include, among other things, assistance in putting forward arguments and selecting justified charges.

Employee capabilities

The rights and responsibilities of a social worker are two categories that are closely related to each other. Using his powers, an employee can effectively carry out his activities, the purpose of which is to provide timely assistance to those in need. The rights of a social worker are established in Articles 1, 379-380, 353-369, 209-231 of the Labor Code. Also, its capabilities are defined in the collective agreement and the rules of the CSO. In the process of performing his activities, a social worker has the right:

  • Involve loved ones and relatives in providing assistance beyond the scope established by the Instructions.
  • Receive information from clients about their health status and relationships with other family members.
  • Use the client’s personal data when filling out the necessary documentation.

International practice

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the basis of the activities that a social worker performs are responsibilities. Ukraine, Russia and many other countries are taking part in a large-scale humanitarian program to eradicate poverty, provide primary education, and provide stable support for the most disadvantaged segments of the population. As the experience of foreign countries shows, the need for multifaceted, comprehensive social work is especially high during periods of crisis. At these moments, there is a significant deterioration in the well-being of the majority of citizens. Ukraine, like Russia, has experienced such periods more than once throughout its history. However, the governments of these countries always strive to eliminate emerging problems. A special role in the implementation of this task belongs primarily to the social protection service.

Role of the State

In the issue of providing citizens with real assistance, the state today takes a side, secondary position. At the same time, a social worker, on the one hand, serves people. It helps to overcome one or another specific problem. On the other hand, he is also in the service of the state. Power through CSO employees reduces social tension. To put it bluntly, the state, using a social worker, “calms down” the needy population. In this case, the employee is in a rather difficult situation. Due to duty – professional and human – a social worker acts primarily in accordance with the principle of humanism. At the same time, he is responsible for fulfilling the state task of maintaining balance in society.

In conclusion

To perform his duties most efficiently, a social worker must possess various skills, abilities, and knowledge in such areas as psychology, medicine, sociology, and others. Only in this case can he be considered a worthy implementer of the set state goals. The skills and knowledge that a social worker possesses, in combination with his individual qualities, must be assessed using appropriate methods. Analyzing the results, correcting shortcomings, and filling in missing information will undoubtedly contribute to a more effective performance of one’s duty. The desire for improvement is manifested not only in the desire to acquire more extensive practical experience and theoretical knowledge. Of no small importance is the improvement of personal qualities, overcoming shortcomings, especially those that negatively affect his activities. The individual qualities of an employee act as the basis for successful interaction with a mentee and are considered an essential condition for his professional suitability.

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