Who are lightworkers? Lightworkers have different areas of activity

High Frequency Self-Tuning by Richard Eisenberg

With this setup, anything is possible. It operates on all levels and dimensions of reality, across all times, and can be sent to any place. It is activated by intention. All you have to do is say or think to yourself: " " and it will activate. (But first you need to activate this attunement in yourself first.) Once it is activated, you can ask for whatever you want or ask God to do everything for your highest good.

This activation comes from God. As such, it has endless potential. Potential, however, is only potential, not opportunity. Receiving this activation does not give you all the abilities, powers, love and wisdom of God. will not cure illness, enlighten you, or do anything you want instantly, even though it is God's potential. God will work with you. God knows your limits to change your level of development and work on at the moment time. Too many quick changes may be difficult and not acceptable to you. It may also require purification on your part so that you are able to accept Divine energies and qualities. There may also be other “higher” obstacles to your current situation. For example, you may need to learn certain lessons before you get what you want. You may simply need to experience your current situation for a set period of time, before anything changes. There are many reasons why you may not be getting what you want.

God, through this attunement, will help you do whatever is necessary to help you get what you want, but in most cases it will not happen instantly. We live in a conditional world of duality, which implies limits on what can happen, and this setting can speed things up. Miracles do happen, but they are rare and the ability to produce them usually goes hand in hand with the wisdom to understand their full nature and consequences. Until we return to this understanding, we must be prepared to engage in a process that may take longer than we may wish. This Divine attunement will help us get any more high level, as far as possible.

Some customization features:

You are just tuning into the aspects of God who heals and enlightens.

God's energy can be sent to anyone else through and from any part of your body. The most common way is to send by hand.

You can ask for God's energy to be in any place you want. In this case, the flow does not go through you.

God's wisdom is vast and it can be done the way you imagine it, but in any case it will be the best decision for you!

Because of the “reasonableness” of the setting, the energy can go wrong, and not where you ask, but in its own way, if it knows the best way for you.

Attunement can be used on a whole group of people, but each person in the group will only receive what they are ready for and what is suitable for them.

You can ask God's energy to remain active for any amount of time you wish or continue to work until the task is completed.

Activating the Divine Attunement will also help you with emotional and spiritual development, acquiring knowledge about life and karmic lessons.

Activation increases your ability to communicate with God and accept God, his wisdom and insight.

You have the following options:

You can clear the area of ​​all lower energies, objects, thought forms and emotional forms and fill the area with blessing, light energy and love.

You can charge objects or any liquid with Divine energy so that they emit it constantly or as long as necessary.

You can make elixirs from any water-containing liquid, for any purpose. The type and strength of the elixir's energy will be self-regulating according to what is needed according to Divine wisdom and understanding.

You can create a sacred “radionic device” from any material in order to send Divine energy through it to any being, in any place and at any time.

You can create a protective shield in any size or shape you want to protect yourself or others from any negative type of energy, and place the shield wherever you see fit.

Several examples of using the settings.

Cleansing and balancing chakras, meridians, subtle bodies.

Healing, rejuvenating and unblocking all elements of the energy system.

Increasing the level of functioning of the chakras.

Obtaining any information about the past, present and future.

Feel the presence of God.

And much, much more. Everything is limited only by your consciousness.

There is one symbol in the setting. There is a detailed manual for English, and a manual in Russian with my translation and edits. If you can make a manual better than what I did, then I will be only happy about it. The tuning formula is described in detail in the manual.

these are souls with a strong inner desire to spread Light (knowledge, freedom and self-love) on Earth. They feel this as their mission. They are often attracted to spirituality and providing any kind of help.

Because of their deep sense of mission, they often feel different from other people. Thanks to the experience different types obstacles on the way, life pushes them to find their own unique path. Lightworkers are almost always solitary individuals who do not fit into fixed social structures.

Commentary on the meaning of the phrase "lightworker"

The phrase “lightworker” can cause misunderstanding, because it distinguishes a specific group of souls from other people. In addition, it may suggest that this special group is somehow superior to other people, that is, “non-light workers.” This understanding is generated by the strangeness of the very nature and purpose of working with light. Let's take a quick look at what's wrong here.

First, claims to superiority are generally not conducive to enlightenment. They block development towards a free and loving consciousness. Secondly, lightworkers are not “better” or “superior” than others. They just have a different story than everyone else outside of that group. Due to their special history, they have certain psychological characteristics that distinguish them as a group.

Third, at a certain stage of deployment, every soul becomes a lightworker, so the label “lightworker” is not reserved for a limited number of souls.

The reason we use the phrase “lightworker” (despite possible misunderstandings) is that it carries associations and inner stirrings that help us remember. In addition, this phrase has practical convenience, for this term has often been used in modern spiritual literature.

Historical Roots of Lightworkers

Lightworkers carry within them the ability to achieve spiritual awakening faster than other people. They carry internal . They appear to be on a faster path than most people if they choose to do so. Again, this is not because they are “better” or “superior” than other souls. However, they are older than most of the souls currently incarnated on Earth. The word “older” should mean more “experience”, not “time”.

Before incarnating on Earth and beginning a specific mission, Lightworkers reached a specific stage of enlightenment. They consciously chose to enter the “karmic wheel of life” and explore all forms of confusion and illusion that accompany this circumstance.

They do this in order to fully understand the “earthly experience.” This allows them to fulfill their mission. Only by going through all the stages of ignorance and illusion do they eventually master the tools to help others achieve a state of true happiness and enlightenment.

Why do Lightworkers continue their heartfelt mission to help humanity, at the risk of being lost for centuries in the hardships and confusion of earthly life? We will deal with this issue a little lower. Now let’s just say: this is connected with the galactic type of karma. Lightworkers stood at the origins of the birth of humanity on Earth. They took part in the creation of man. They are co-creators of humanity. During the creation process, they made choices and acted in ways that they later deeply regretted. Now they are here to fulfill their decision.

Before going directly to the story, we will point out several characteristics of the souls of Lightworkers that especially distinguish them from other people. Their psychological characteristics do not only apply to Lightworkers, and not all of them recognize themselves in them. By offering this list, we simply want to give a description of the psychological characteristics of a Lightworker. Due to characteristics, external behavior is less important than intrinsic motivation or felt intention. What you feel on the inside is more important than what you feel on the outside.

Psychological characteristics of light workers:

From the very beginning of life they feel different. Very often they feel isolated from other people, lonely and not understood. They often become individualists, striving to find their own unique path in life.

They do not feel comfortable at work and/or within organizational structures. By nature, Lightworkers are not authoritarian; this means that they naturally resist decisions or values ​​based solely on power or hierarchy. The characteristic of not being authoritarian appears even when they appear shy and timid. This relates to the very essence of the mission on Earth.

Lightworkers tend to help people, like doctors or teachers. They can be psychologists, healers, teachers, nurses, and so on. Even if their profession is not directly related to helping people, there is a clear intention to contribute to the greater good of humanity.

Their vision of life is colored by a spiritual sense that everything is interconnected. They consciously or subconsciously carry within themselves memories of unearthly spheres of light. They may miss these spheres and feel like strangers on Earth.

They have a deep reverence and respect for life, which often manifests as a love for animals and concern for environment. The destruction of the animal and plant kingdoms by man gives them a strong sense of loss and sadness.

They are kind-hearted, sensitive and empathetic. They may have trouble coping with aggressive behavior from others and usually find it difficult to stand up for themselves. They may not be practical, naive, great idealists and not sufficiently grounded, that is, they have their head in the clouds. Because they easily pick up on the (negative) feelings and moods of others, it is important for them to regularly spend time alone. This allows them to separate their feelings from the feelings of others. They need solitude to be alone with themselves and Mother Earth.

They have lived many lives on Earth pursuing spirituality and/or religion. In the past, countless Lightworkers have been monks and nuns in old religious orders, hermits, psychics, witches, shamans, priests, priestesses, and so on. They created a bridge between the visible and the invisible, between everyday, earthly life and the mysterious spheres of life after life, God and good and evil spirits. Because they always played their role honestly, they were often rejected and persecuted. Many of them were chained to pillars of shame for the talents they possessed. The traumas of persecution left deep traces in the memory of their souls. Now this may manifest as fear, to be completely grounded, that is, fear of being present in the here and now, for they remember how cruelly they were persecuted for who they were.


May be caught up in the same states of ignorance and illusion as other people. Although they start from a different starting point, their ability to fight fear and illusion to achieve enlightenment can be blocked by many factors. (By enlightenment we mean the state of being when you realize that you are essentially Light and have the ability to choose the light at any time.)

One of the factors blocking the path to enlightenment for Lightworkers is the following: they carry a heavy karmic load, which can cause them to lose their way for a while. As we stated earlier, this karmic burden is associated with decisions made towards humanity in its infant stages of development. Essentially, these decisions were disrespect for life (we'll talk about this later in this chapter). Now all Lightworkers live with the desire to correct some of the mistakes of the past, to restore and cherish what has been destroyed.

By working their way through karmic load, which means releasing the need for any kind of power, Lightworkers realize that they truly are beings of Light. This allows them to help others, to find their own self. But first they must go through the process themselves. It usually requires great drive and persistence on an internal level. Because of the values ​​and judgments imposed on them by society, which often go against their natural urges, many Lightworkers become deluded and fall into a state of self-doubt, self-denial, or even depression and helplessness. This happens because they cannot fit into the established order of things and come to the conclusion that there is something wrong with them.


Characteristic: the cult of the New Age movement, the main element of which is “contacting” (“channeling”)

Organizers and doctrine:The organizers of the cult are spouses Steve and Barbara Rother from the USA. Rother's followers write the following about them: “Steve and Barbara Rother are international authors, speakers, seminar leaders... Traveling around the world, they conduct empowerment seminars for Healers and Lightworkers, based on information received from the Group (otherworldly entities - ed.). The Rothers have presented this information in many countries around the world and have been invited to the UN five times (in Vienna and New York). They founded public organization"Lightworker" (Lightworker), sharing with people his unique knowledge and his huge hearts and love.

The Rothers

They tell us that the time has come for a new stage of humanity - from the principle of “following the leader” to the understanding of “following ourselves.” “We have enormous power that allows us to create the reality we like. And all we need to do is simply remember this power and how to use it.”

Adherents of the sect believe that through Steve Rother, the “Lords” transmit special messages concerning the preservation of our planet, the creation of a “Net of Love” on the planet, the preservation and acquisition of spiritual and physical health, etc. They call Rother the “Channel of the Group.”

Until 1995, Steve Rother worked as a construction contractor in San Diego (USA). He was keenly interested in the occult.

Rother later wrote:

“If in 1995 someone had told me that I would go to the UN to ensure contact with beings from the other world, I would have considered him crazy...”

It should be noted here that the “UN” does not mean the well-known United Nations, but a certain organization of occultists - the “Esoteric Society of the United Nations of Europe and America.”

The turning point in S. Rother’s life was reading Lee Carroll’s book with “Kryon channeling,” called “Don’t Think Like a Human.” Rother writes about it this way: “This was a find that awakened another part of my “I” in me... Kryon’s messages became a kind of “alarm clock” for me.

In 1995, right on New Year, Steve and his wife Barbara were attending an occult "expressing intent" event held by a group of occultists at a local beach at dawn when Steve suddenly began saying words that had never before occurred to him. All this, he claims, was accompanied by a strange impression, as if people were standing somewhere behind him and laughing with all their might. But when he looked around, he found no one.

From that moment on, Rother went into a state of obsession, which later allowed him to claim that certain cosmic entities were broadcasting through him. Next, Rother began posting monthly texts of messages passing through him on the Internet, which were initially read by a small handful of people. Now the audience of this contactee is more than 20,000 people in 142 countries.

His own words also indicate the obsession of this occultist: “I began a kind of skeptical dialogue with these creatures that seemed to be sitting somewhere on my shoulder. To my surprise, I discovered that there were several of them, although it was difficult for me to distinguish them.”

Rother further writes: “My first questions to the Group were: “Who are you?” Where? What dimension are you in? “I” thought that my last question should especially impress them. I read somewhere that if the creatures you come into contact with don't say who they are, then that means they are the "bad" guys. In addition, I wanted to know where they were from: from the Galactic Federation, from the Elohim, from the world of angels, or from Sirius. The answer came with the same amazing laugh that I heard that morning on the shore.

“You asked three questions... We will give you three answers:

It's none of your business.

It's none of your business.

It's none of your business."

Rother argues that every person is a kind of spiritual entity that has existed on Earth for quite a long time. Due to the current presence of these spiritual entities in physical bodies, people cannot remember their past lives and states. But now a turning point has come when people can return to self-awareness and remember everything. Rotherians believe that they, under the guidance of the "Lords" ("Groups") sending their messages through Rother, evolve to live and be on Earth in "higher vibrational form."

Rother’s followers set out their faith in most detail in a certain “Creed” of the “Lightworkers”

“We believe that we are Spiritual entities playing a game in a human body, and therefore we have difficulty remembering who we really are and why we are here.

The Rotherites are sure that the ball above Steve is the “Group”

We believe that we are all one as spiritual entities pretending to be separate from each other when in fact we are part of each other. This game of Separation is natural to life on Earth and one of the most difficult for humans to live.

We believe in creativity the human spirit as a powerful force in the universe.

As humanity takes giant strides in its evolutionary development, holding onto your personal power as a creator in human form is more important than ever.

We believe that we are in an accelerated stage of evolution, unparalleled in the entire infinite Universe... The process of evolution is causing tremendous changes in the condition of humanity, leading us all to an unprecedented acquisition of personal power.

We believe that we are evolving not to ascend from the Earth, but to remain on it in a higher vibrational form.

We believe that Love is the highest manifestation or that part of us as the divine essence and by showing Love in any form, we nourish our spirit.

We believe that the Web of Love is a human-made network that connects all hearts at all levels.

This Network of Love allows us to communicate with each other, strengthening the unity of our hearts that we have.

And now we invite you to connect with the Network of Love.

We believe that responsibility is the balance of power. Finding ways to increase your responsibility in any area of ​​activity in new energies increases your creative power in that area. Be responsible for your own personal happiness? our first concern.

We believe that our greatest service to the universe is to show passion and joy in our daily lives. We are dedicated to finding our passion and helping others express their passion.

We believe in the idea of ​​Human Angels as our next step in the evolutionary process and commit to approaching other life from the perspective of our divinity when these magnificent opportunities are presented to us.

We believe

We believe in magic

We believe in the magic that is within us."

Anyone can become a “Lightworker,” Rotherites teach. The initiation of newcomers into the secrets of the “Lightworkers” is simplified by the absence of any special conditions for attending any level of seminars organized by the Rothers and their followers. Rotherians write: “The title “Lightworker” can only be accepted by anyone through conscious choice. Those who... instinctively resonate with the word "Lightworker".

The Rotherites write the following about their name “Lightworkers”:

“This is a special title, and it is given to those who have expressed their intention to bear it. It reflects the desire to consciously bring Light to planet Earth and this is the only condition. As you know, we are very reluctant to use any titles. We find it very amusing that people give titles such great value. Very often we see that people accept messages of very dubious quality on faith simply because they were transmitted by a recognized authority. We ask you to pay attention to the fact whether Love is present in the content of this message and to apply discernment in the flow of information coming to you. This is the highest manifestation of God in each of you and will help you find balance in these times. In fact, even with our apparent aversion to titles, we proudly call ourselves Lightworkers. Instead of using this title to put ourselves on a pedestal, we use it to express our intention. And we encourage all of you to do the same.”

According to Rother, bringing “Light” to planet Earth means the following : “We are rapidly moving into a new era and we all see changes happening in our daily lives. The group says we can prepare for what the future holds. The group calls this time the Age of E (empowerment), and the most important change we can make in preparing for the future is to learn to live as empowered human beings and help those around us to fully embrace their power." .

For the successful “entry into force” of everyone, the Roterites organize the so-called. “strength and mastery groups”

Steve Rother writes: “A Power and Mastery Group is a group of people who meet regularly with the common goal of helping each other come into their full power. The number of people in a group can vary from 3 to 100. You can start forming your own group from your friends or those people you respect and trust. You can convene the group once a week, once a month, or as often as the frequency of meetings is agreed upon by the group members. The whole idea is to bring the meeting topic into your daily life by sharing the results at the next group meeting.”

To help the functioning of these types of groups, the Rothers offer special exercises. On his website, Rother provides “recommendations for groups for gaining strength and mastery”, using which anyone can independently organize a group “for gaining strength.”

Currently, “certified practitioners” who have been trained by Rother and have certificates confirming this are operating in many countries around the world.

The final result of the activities of the Roterites is the formation of a “New Planet Earth” where “New Energies” will operate everywhere.

at the seminar

Also an important element of the cult’s doctrine is “healing.” The “healer”, according to the Roterites, is “one who creates space for others to heal themselves.”

The Rotherites consider the primary goal of “healers” to be their ability to “healing in the higher vibrations of the New Earth.” But since this is only possible if all people own "your own strength» , then they call on “healers” to find ways to help people in which the “healers” do not take away “power” from other people.

According to Rotherists, any “healing” help should be provided only upon request. "In new energies, they write, - It is no longer possible to heal other people without their personal request.”

Further on this topic they write: "Know that it is impossible to heal another on the Game Board(the modern order of things in the world and society around us - ed.). You can only create and offer a space in which they can heal themselves if they want. Don't take responsibility for healing anyone other than yourself. Remember that responsibility is a balance of power. Help those you work with take responsibility for their own healing so they will receive their true power."

Steve and Barbara Rother periodically visit Russia to give lectures and seminars.

At the end of each month they hold their meetings in Las Vegas. Adherents of the cult from the USA, Europe, and Canada are invited to these meetings, where they share “knowledge,” programs, and techniques with each other. Rotherians write: “At the end of each meeting, Steve Rother does a live channel, which is then edited, added to, and sent out on the 15th of the following month.”

The Rothers organize paid seminars around the world on “healing techniques and personal growth" They also train future teachers of their methods, and this is also far from free.

There are techniques designed to work with children.

Currently, representatives of this harmful occult organization are already actively operating in Russia. Their activities have been noticed in the following cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Almetyevsk, Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Vladivostok, Voronezh, Vyborg, Yeisk, Yekaterinburg, Essentuki, Kirov region, Krasnodar, Nalchik, Nizhnevartovsk, Veliky Novgorod, Novy Urengoy, Ryazan, Samara region, Saratov region, Tula, Ufa, Chelyabinsk region.

All quotes in the material are taken from the Russian-language website of “Workers of Light”

Tula Information and Consulting Center on Sectarianism, 2009

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Recently, a former student of mine told me about a new movement called Lightworkers. I decided to google and look for information about this. And when I started getting onto the websites of the workers themselves, I began to become more and more confident that the psychiatric hospitals had already been connected to the Internet :) Honestly, this is scary, because you know that schizophrenia is contagious and doctors working in such institutions need to constantly monitor their “roof” so that it “doesn’t leak.” Can you imagine what will happen if crazy people roam the streets freely? This seems to have already begun on the Internet. It is clear that this trend cannot be stopped, but one’s “roof” now needs more supervision :) Here is an example of a saying from one of the Lightworker gurus: “Our team of earthly angels is me, ___________(first and last name removed for ethical reasons) , master teacher of new energies, master of the energy of creation (integration, interpenetration), practitioner of healing with the energies of Reiki, reunion, fulfillment and expansion, psychologist-energy therapist and guide of Angels, Mentors, Teachers and other Higher Forces of Light". Let's analyze the flight of thoughts: 1. By definition, there cannot be new and old energies, because primordial energy is one of which and various combinations are formed. 2. Reiki energies also cannot exist, because Reiki is a technique that was developed quite late compared to the science of magic. Reiki translates as hands and energy, i.e. treatment by laying on of hands. In fact, this practice is older than reiki technology itself. 3. The energies of expansion, fulfillment and reunion generally sound like gibberish. 4. But there is no doubt that she is a psychologist-energy therapist after the lines that I quote below. “Angels help me with everything in life... I really love communicating with them. Sometimes this happens quite cheerfully, because they really like to make fun of me in order to amuse me at moments when I start to take everything too seriously :)" After these words, it immediately becomes clear that she is a doctor, not a patient. Of course, it was a joke, in which there is only a grain of joke. 🙂 However, I began to look for the origins of this disgrace. After all, schizos should be headed by completely adequate people, because... organizing societies and movements requires the highest self-discipline. Because any business does not tolerate hysterics and depression! And guess what? Again I was not surprised. America has been actively teaching us how to live lately. It turns out that such highly spiritual people live there that they are simply obliged to travel on missions around the globe and look for the lost sheep. The organizers of this movement are a married couple who had the brilliant idea that you can make money from sick people. And since there are simply a huge number of such people all over the planet, the money can also be made immeasurably! So, what methods do they have to help the long-suffering Earth? According to their conviction, it turns out that they need to send messages to email to all workers (angel-people, as they call themselves) and at the same time sit in meditation, pouring out their “light” on all living things. Those. What meditation is and what it is used for is also unknown to these people. But I always thought that a more effective way is to properly raise your children, who will also be able to raise their own and, according to the laws of geometric progression, humanity will truly become enlightened. But it turns out that all you have to do is sit in a cave, strain yourself hard, and everyone will be happy! But it seems to me that after such a procedure, other than spoiled air, there will be no more use. There is no need to attribute to magical practices something that cannot exist even by definition. Since very ancient times, meditation has been used to expand one's consciousness. Those. a person learned to go beyond his body with his consciousness in order to perceive the World as widely as possible (since the physical body is limited in transmitting information from the outside). What other practices do they have? Well, these are parties where they boost their ego to feel like they are superior to everyone else. They also give love to everyone without actually giving it. Those. such an employee will say with a smile on his face that he loves you, but in reality he is not able to give true love even to a loved one. They also teach you to talk to your cockroaches in your head, oh, sorry, to your guardian angels. They tell them jokes and talk about philosophical topics. Speaking of guardian angels. Nowadays, people very often use hand-free headsets for mobile phones. Initially, this headset was intended for car drivers, but then everyone and anyone began to use it, i.e. no, who is too lazy. And so you walk down the street and think, is the person talking on the phone or talking to his guardian angel? I was so wrong once. At the bus stop I see a girl talking very animatedly, and she presses her hand to her ear. I think he’s a normal person. But then, when it turned out that she did not have this notorious hand-free, I still realized that she was special and was talking with her guardian angel. 🙂 Of course, in reality, a person may have guardian angels, but this is not a prerequisite, and also a normal person will not be able to talk with them and send SMS. In addition, guardian angels are different and are not necessarily angels. This is a fairly broad topic, so if you are interested, I will raise it on the pages of this blog. Today there are about nine million Russian-language websites dedicated to Lightworkers, but thank God, there are only about a thousand requests per month on this topic. That's all. Thank you for reading this article to the end. I would really like to know what you personally think on this topic.

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