Who comes to me at night? Scenario for a Mother's Day matinee for children of the senior group “Mommy, my beloved. Touching congratulations on Mother’s Day from a son and daughter.

Vera Golovina
Mother's Day matinee script for children senior group"Mommy, my beloved"

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, we say to you. It is no coincidence that we have gathered today on this November day. After all, it is in November that we celebrate such a holiday as Mothers.

We welcome all mothers and grandmothers who came to our holiday, which we dedicated to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking, and of course, to the most beautiful ones, our mothers.

Presenter 2: Today, on this frosty autumn day, we gathered here in a cozy music room. We celebrate the most important and significant holiday - Day mothers! Mom is the first word a baby says. Mom is protection and support from various adversities. Mom is the kindest in the world. Children cannot live without a mother.

Poems about mom.

1 child There are many kind words in the world, Ivan K.

The word MAMA is a simple two-syllable word.

And there are no words dearer than it.

2 children Look how we dressed up, Semyon L.

How beautifully the hall was decorated,

We invited the sun to visit,

To make mom's day shine.

3 child We congratulate our mothers Yaroslav B.

And with all our hearts we wish,

Be healthy, happy

Cheerful, beautiful

4reb. Mother. There is no one more precious than you Nastya B.

Mom can do anything in the world

We congratulate our mothers

We wish mothers happiness.

Presenter 1: Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Now answer me questions:

Game: « Mommy»

Who came to me this morning? Children in chorus (Mommy)

Who said “Is it time to get up?”

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Who poured tea into the cup?

Who braided my daughter's hair?

Sweeped the whole house alone?

Who kissed you?

Who's childish loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?

1 child Let's grow up and become Maxim O. ourselves.

We take care of mom.

In the meantime, we'll deliver it to her

Joy with your song.

Song « Mommy»

1. Zorenki are more beautiful and miles away from the sun

The one called my mother

Mommy dear, my mother,

2. The wind will howl, there will be a thunderstorm outside the window

Mommy in the house, fear is nothing

Mommy dear, my mother,

It's so good that I have you.

3. Arguing is the case, fun is a mountain

Mommy means next to me.

I love my dear mommy very much

I will give this song to her.

Presenter 2: How many kind, affectionate words have been said about mother’s hands. They

wash, cook, wash. They also heal, soothe, caress.

Will our children be able to recognize the hands of their mothers?

Contest "MOM'S HANDS"

The task is to recognize mother’s hand by touch.

1 child Mom is like a sorceress: If AngelinaX smiles.

Every wish I have comes true.

When mom kisses you, bad things are forgotten.

A new day, a fun day begins immediately!

2 children There are many mothers in this world, Svetlana M.

Children love them with all their hearts

She is dearer to me than anyone else. Who is she!

I'll answer: "This my mommy

3 child The golden sun rolled down like a wheel. Vova M.

The gentle sun turned into a mother.

Nice one mommy, mom, mom, smile!

With your tender heart, cling to me!

4reb. As soon as I wake up, I smile Kira G.

The sun kisses me tenderly.

I look at the sun - I see my mother

My sun mother is my dear.

5reb. Go around the whole world Alevtin K.

Just know in advance

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's

You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter

Mom to each of us

All people are more valuable.

Presenter 1: This is how beautifully the children reflected in poetry what miracles a mother’s smile works. And also ours moms are wonderful housewives

Competition for mothers "The most wonderful hostess"

Guess by touch what vegetables are in the bag and name what dishes can be prepared from them.

Presenter 2: Popular wisdom says “Honor your father, your mother, for you will live longer on this earth”.

Contest "WARM-UP" Task - finish proverbs:

It's warm in the sun (and when mother's kindness)

mother feeds children(like the land of people)

no better friend (than my own mother)

the kid's finger is going to hurt (and mother's heart)

no need for treasure (when the family gets along)

the corners of the hut are not red... (red with pies)

visiting is good (and home is better).

Presenter 1: Let's check how much you know fairy tales. (The game is played with children)

Contest "Book in the Family"


I went to visit my grandmother,

Brought the pies to her

The gray wolf was watching her,

Deceived and swallowed.

(Little Red Riding Hood)

Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She is looking for them, calling them

And she sheds tears on the way.


And the little hare and the she-wolf -

Everyone runs to him for treatment.


Waiting for mother with milk

And they let the wolf into the house

Who were these

Little children?

(Seven kids)

Like Baba Yaga

There's no leg at all

But there is a wonderful one


Which? (Mortar)

The duck knows, the bird knows,

Where Koshchei death lurks.

What is this item?


What kind of transport did Emelya use? (on a sleigh, in a carriage, on a stove, in a car)

Where should a bear not sit? (on a bench, on a log, on a stone, on a stump)

What did Leopold the cat say to the mice? (stop being naughty, come visit, you are my friends, let's live together)

Presenter 2: Our mothers know how to have fun. Now they will play a game with the children.

Game: "Roll the merry tambourine".

(Adults and children stand in a circle and pass the tambourine while saying words:

You roll the merry tambourine, quickly, quickly through your hands. Whoever has a tambourine left will dance for us (sings)

Presenter 1: To anyone who lives in this world,

Love who can think and breathe,

On our blue planet

There is no word more dear than mother.

Contest "MY HOME"

Exercise - "build a house"- inflate a balloon as quickly as possible (this will be a house, then populate the house with residents, drawing figures of men on the balloon with a felt-tip pen (your family).

Words to our children:

1. I love my mom, Vika F.

I'll help mommy.

To the store for bread like a bullet

I'll run today.

I'll wash the dishes quickly

I will set the table for the guests,

I'll wipe the dust everywhere with a rag.

May the holiday come to us!

2. I’ll put the flowers in a vase, Kolya P.

And I'll write a postcard,

And about pranks all at once

I'll tell mommy.

I'll kiss mommy

I'll hug mommy

Such a kind mother,

I won't give it to anyone!

Presenter 2: You sang and played,

But we haven't danced for a long time.

We invite you, friends,

Dance with us

General dance with mothers.

Presenter 1: Our holiday has come to an end! But I want to wish you, dear mothers, that the holiday never ends in your life and in your soul! Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! May your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love, and happiness!

Presenter 1: Our children are very tried and they made gifts for you. Accept them. We wish you good health, happiness and goodness!

Thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be close to children, to give them warmth. We were very pleased to see kind and gentle smiles mommies. Happy eyes of yours children.

Yulia Voinova
Matinee "Mother's Day"

Program tasks. Cultivate love and respect for mother. Develop children's musical and theatrical abilities.


Educator: Today we will talk about the most dear, beloved, only ones - about our mothers. All girls, women, grandmothers, mothers are usually congratulated in the spring on March 8th. But a few years ago a new holiday appeared in Russia - Mother's Day.

Mom is such a small but very meaningful word; how much it holds.

“Praise to the mother. Praise the mother - praise the mother!

Her beautiful eyes are pure,

May tender words always live in your heart,

Worthy of great beauty!”

Now let's play game "Mommy".

I will ask you questions, and you will answer in unison: “Mommy.”

Who came to me this morning?

Who said it's time to get up?

Who cooked the porridge this morning?

Did you pour me some tea for my porridge?

Who braided my hair?

Sweeped the whole house alone?

Who kissed me?

Who as a child loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world?

Educator: Close your eyes, listen. And you will hear your mother's voice. He lives within you, so familiar and dear. It cannot be confused with any other voice in the world. Even if you become an adult. You will always remember your mother’s voice, mother’s eyes, mother’s hands.


Listen, dear...

I will sing about the cherry blossoms

And the wind of May

About a meadow blooming in the sunlight,

About how wonderful it is to live in the world

With dear mother,

Affectionate herself,

The best of all!


Dear mother, can you hear the song?

Hello song?

It's hard to tell you everything I want

This song!

You warm like the sun, helping in everything,

You are dearer to me than everyone else, my dear,

This song is

Hello song

The best of all!

Children perform song Mom. Words by Y. Entin, Music by J. Bourgeois.

Educator: We are used to the fact that mom can do everything, she can do everything: cook deliciously, skillfully mend torn trousers, and it doesn’t hurt at all to treat our wounds. Guys, I know one boy who decided to cook compote for his mother and this is what he came up with.


I decided to cook compote

On mom's birthday.

I took raisins, nuts, honey,

A kilogram of jam.

I put everything in the pan,

Stirred, poured water,

I put it on the stove

And he turned up the fire.

To make it tastier,

I won't regret anything!

Two carrots, onion, banana,

Cucumber, glass of flour,

Everything was boiling, steam was swirling.

Finally the compote is cooked!

I took the pan to my mother:

“Happy birthday, mommy!”

Mom was very surprised

Laughed, admired,

I poured compote for her

Let him try it soon!

Mom drank a little

and coughed into her palm.

And then she said sadly:

“Miracle - cabbage soup! Thank you! Tasty!"

Educator: It turns out that compote is not very easy to cook. What did the boy do wrong?

How should it have been done?

Game "Cooks"

Educator. Imagine that they need to help their mothers prepare dinner for the arrival of guests.

Girls are given cards with a set of products for a vegetable salad: carrots, beets, mayonnaise, potatoes, green peas, cheese, eggs, sugar, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes.

For boys - for borscht: beets, cabbage, carrots, salt, sugar, sour cream, cheese, potatoes, meat, cucumbers, tomatoes.

Children need to choose those products from which they can prepare the proposed dishes.


There are 2 chairs on one side. On them are laid out: a skittle - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, a bag of sand - a bag of sugar. The players stand on the other side of the hall. At a signal, they take the baskets and run to the chairs, put the “products” in the basket and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.


I love you, mom, for what, I don’t know

Probably because I live and dream,

And I rejoice in the sun and bright day,

This is why I love you, my dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around.

I love you, mom, you are my best friend.

Knowing neither tiredness nor peace every hour,


How many nights did she not sleep?

If suddenly we were sick.

How much did she cry?

in a small room in the darkness.

Who spins when we

Sad at times

How much joy does mom have?

If someone praises us.


How much torment she had with us

And she doesn’t need awards,

Mothers dream of one thing -

About the love of your children.

Scene “Three Mothers”


The role is played by an adult:


The roles are played by children:

In the center of the hall there is a table and three chairs. A doll sits on one of the chairs. There is a dish with four cheesecakes on the table


Our children are so stubborn!

Everyone knows this themselves.

Mothers often tell them,

But they don't hear their mothers.

Tanyusha in the evening

I came from a walk

And the doll asked:

Tanya enters, approaches the table and sits down on a chair, taking the doll in her arms.


How are you, daughter?

Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?

Did you sit all day without lunch again?

These daughters are just a disaster,

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Tanya’s mother came home from work,

And Tanya asked:

Mom comes in and sits on a chair near Tanya.

Child as mother

How are you, daughter?

Playing again, probably in the garden?

Have you managed to forget about food again?

Granny screamed for dinner more than once,

And you answered: now and now.

These daughters are just a disaster,

Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go have lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!


Here grandmother - mother's mother - came,

And I asked my mother:

The grandmother enters with a wand, approaches the table and sits on the third chair.

Child as grandmother.

How are you, daughter?

Probably in the hospital for a whole day

Again there was not a minute to eat,

And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.

You can't sit all day without lunch.

She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.

These daughters are just a disaster.

Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.

Go to lunch, spinner!

Cheesecake for lunch today!

Everyone eats cheesecakes.


Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,

Three mothers look at their daughters.

What to do with stubborn daughters?

All three.

Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!

Educator: Guys, it’s customary to give gifts during the holidays. Flowers can be a good gift. All moms love them. Flowers give people joy.

And so now we will collect a bouquet for our mothers, and a quiz will help us with this.

(Children fill the vase with painted flowers while answering the quiz questions.)

There was a golden flower

In a week he turned gray,

And in two days

My head is bald. (dandelion)

Rye is earing in the field.

There in the rye you will find a flower:

Bright blue and fluffy,

It’s just a pity that it’s not fragrant! (knapweed)

White basket,

Golden bottom.

There is a dewdrop in it

And the sun sparkles. (chamomile)

The face is fragrant,

And the tail is prickly. (rose)

In the garden by the path

The sun is standing on its leg.

Only yellow rays

He's not hot. (sunflower)

Hey bells

Blue color, - with tongue,

But there is no ringing! (Bell)

White peas

On a green leg. (lily of the valley)

The first to get out of the earth

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Even if it's small. (snowdrop)

Educator: This is how beautiful our bouquet turned out. This is for our dear mothers! May this Mother's Day holiday become dear and desirable to all of us.

To conclude our conversation about mom, let’s perform song “My Mother” (Assol)

In fact, it’s not very pleasant to plunge into all this again, but maybe someone can tell me what it was?

So, this all started around 2012. I worked at a factory then. The work was hard, a lot, even if it was often, physical work was a “bonus”, I worked twelve hours. So I came home tired and almost immediately fell into bed. All I mean is that I passed out right away, and I was in a deep sleep, try to wake me up again. And so, as usual, I fell asleep, especially since it was the second working day and the last one was ahead, I was sleeping without hind legs. But in the middle of the night I suddenly woke up. I lie in complete bewilderment, tossing and turning, trying to fall asleep, I need to get some sleep, especially since there were only four hours left before the alarm clock. And suddenly fear came over me, all-consuming, sticky. I have never experienced such fear in my life. There was a feeling that I was not alone in the room. I lay in the dark, shackled by an unknown animal horror, afraid to move, it became unbearably hot. Unable to bear it, I jumped up and turned on the TV. I thought I would be calmer this way, naive, I still dreamed of falling asleep. But the feeling of fear did not go away, on the contrary, it only intensified, I felt danger with every cell of my body. It felt like I was in a cage with an invisible predator, it was scary that I felt a real threat, but I didn’t know where it would attack from. Well, at least my three-year-old son was sleeping with my mother in the next room and didn’t feel like that, I knew that the danger was only in this room. Something threatens only me.


Time passed, it (I have no idea what kind of unknown force this is, and how to call it), apparently, was in no hurry. Tears had already begun to choke me, I turned on the light, I didn’t even think about any dream, if only it would go away. But there was no one visible in the room, my vision, of course, is not so great, who knows, maybe it was visible. I freaked out and ran out of the room, deciding that I would sit there for the rest of the night. As a result, my frayed nerves were calmed by wine, I returned to the room an hour before the alarm clock, the feeling of danger disappeared. But I sat there for the rest of the time with the light and TV on.

Time passed, and I convinced myself that I was simply crazy, chalking it up to a panic attack (even though I never had them, and why should they be, I was quite happy at that moment, plus I’m an optimistic person who doesn’t give a damn about life) , anything, just hoping it won't happen again. But alas. About a year and a half after the first incident, it happened again. We were renovating my mother’s room; she and my son were at the dacha. And after that incident, I began to be afraid to be at home alone, so my friend who helped with the renovation often stayed overnight with me; he slept in my mother’s room. Just then I got a kitten so as not to be left completely alone on the site. And here it is again night, and again this garbage came, oh, how I missed it. In short, we spent almost the entire night hugging the little animal, trying to wake up our friend, but to no avail. In general, I convinced myself that panic attacks were to blame for everything. And I believed in it until one “but” happened.

About six months later, my boyfriend lived with me, who is an even bigger indifference and an inveterate skeptic. And this is what he once told me, further in his words: “Last night I had a drink with a friend and obviously didn’t calculate it well, so I wake up in the morning, go to the kitchen, suffer from an unusual headache and dryness. I poured some water, sat, smoked, and suddenly I clearly understood that someone was standing behind me. A kind of panic horror, hitherto unknown to me, came over me. I slowly turned around, but there was nothing…” That’s when I realized that this was not a panic attack, and when I asked what happened next, he told me that he felt so bad that he didn’t care anymore, whoever is standing there, the main thing is not to interfere or touch. Fortunately, I no longer felt this thing so clearly, there were slight preconditions and a feeling of presence, but there was no such horror.

There was, however, one more strange case, but I don’t think they are connected, but who knows. My son and I were getting ready for school in the morning, everything was as usual, we had already woken up a long time ago and were almost ready, I was preparing tea for us in the kitchen, and my son was already putting on winter pants and shoes in our room, yes, the same one. My bed was parallel to his, and he was sitting on mine, so it looked like his bed was right in front of his eyes. His crib, an attic type, is covered with a partition and is located almost under the ceiling. And here I am calmly pottering around in the kitchen, and suddenly my child comes running to me, screaming wildly and in tears. I’m horrified: “What happened? What's wrong with you? The child simply pressed himself into me, he was shaking with fear, after a couple of seconds he told me that someone was crawling out from under his blanket. So, hugging each other, we sat for some time in the kitchen. I reassured him that it was just a blanket that had settled, or that it seemed to him, but he was too scared and said that he had definitely seen it. Slowly but surely, I climbed up the ladder... the blanket was carefully pushed aside and lay in such a way that it was simply impossible to settle there.

When I returned from school, my cat, who usually meowed joyfully and ran out to meet me, slowly crept away, fluffing up as he went. I froze in place in the corridor, right at the front door, and the cat continued to slowly creep up to something, looking at one point above my head. Personally, I didn’t see anything behind my back or above my head. Honestly, I’m almost terrified of my room, but I have nowhere else to live, selling or exchanging is not an option for family reasons. No one died a violent death in the apartment. Only my grandmother died peacefully in her sleep from old age many years ago. But I doubt it's her. She loved me very much, just as I loved her. So what is it? Maybe, who knows?

Celebration for Mother's Day

THE CLIP “Dear Mother” SOUNDS. 1 lesson: There are a lot of kind words in the world,

But one thing is kinder and more important:

A simple word made of two syllables: “mother”

And there are no words more precious than it.

Leading: since 1998 -

1 lesson: Mom is the person to whom we are always indebted, because she was the one who gave us the most beautiful things.- life.

2 lessons: Mother- this is a person who cannot betray, change.

3 lessons: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, they can do everything: they swaddled us when we were little, rocked us, bathed us.

4 lessons: How deliciously they cook, how beautifully they tie bows, sew, wash, clean.

5 lessons: Everything is done by gentle and strong mother’s hands.

6 lessons: Mom has the kindest and most affectionate heart, the most faithful and sensitive, the love in it never fades, it does not remain indifferent to anything.

7 lessons: And no matter how old you are, you always need MOM, her affection, her look.

8 lessons: And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life.

1 lesson: I love you mom, I don’t know why

Probably because I breathe and dream.

And I rejoice in the sun and bright day,

This is why I love you, dear.

For the sky, for the wind, for the air around,

I love you, mom, you are my best friend.

Children perform a song for mothers (from a music lesson)

1 lesson: Quite a few nights passed without sleep,

There are countless worries and worries.

Bow to you, all dear mothers,

For the fact that you exist in the world.


Game "Mom"

Who came to me in the morning

Who cooked breakfast in the morning?

Who braided your hair

Who kissed me? (Mother)

Who as a child loves laughter?

1.Where there is only strength and patience

Do all mothers on earth take it?

And give happiness to you and me!

Presenter: And now, dear mothers, the guys will show you the skit “In our house”

Mother: This morning I told my daughter:

“Masha, you have become big.

I'll go to my friend,

You will be the mistress of the house.

Dress up your little sister

Pour milk for the kitten.

All the flowers of the water fields

And heat the cutlets.

Masha: I know, I know, I’m big.

I'm such a helper!

I will do everything as it should -

You will be very happy, Mom.

Mother: I'm returning home.

What do I see! My God!

Kitty: Help me, kitten!

Give me a clean diaper.

Well, why did I get this?

Masha watered with a watering can.

Sister: How can I not burst into tears here?

My sister won't let me get dressed.

Just poured it for me for now

Into someone's bowl of milk!

Cutlet: I am a cutlet. Sorry,

Help me take off my dress.

You made a mistake about something, Masha.

I don't need your knee socks.

Flowers: Get us off the stove!

We are not cutlets - we are flowers!

We don't need fire at all

We're not fit for dinner!

Masha: Mom, I promised

Do as you said.

Just what's wrong with you, mom?

You look at me strange.

All: How did you, Masha, manage to do this?

Mom was just speechless.

To help mom,

You need to be able to and know everything.

Competition "Mom's Tender Hands"


Poem about grandmother

Grandma has magic hands,

Or maybe just skillful?

Solve everyday problems

And the pancakes they make are delicious!

Tea and fragrant jam,

We are always welcome at grandma's house!

Let happiness - great, radiant -

Will always be next to grandma!

1 lesson: How many stars are there in the sky! Can't count them all

I will give these stars to my mother again.

2 lessons: And one morning, looking at me,

Mom will smile: “My little star!”

Competition “My little star!”


1. Our dear mothers

We'll sing ditties for you.

We sincerely congratulate you

And we send you a big hello.

4. Dad solved the problem for me,

Helped with math.

Then we decided with my mother,

Something he couldn't decide.

2. My daughter asked her mother

Take a puppy home.

I fed it for two days,

And I forgot about the puppy.

5. So that mom is surprised,

We prepared lunch.

For some reason, even a cat

She ran away from the cutlets.

3. “I will help my mother” -

Our Seryozha speaks.

But how should you wash the dishes?

His stomach hurts.

6. We stop singing ditties

And we give this advice:

“Help more mothers -

They will live a hundred years."

7. We sang to you as best we could,

We are just children.

We only know, our mothers -

The best in the world!

1. We wish our mothers

Never lose heart.

Be more and more beautiful every year

And scold us less.

2. We wish you, dear ones,

Always be healthy

May you live for a long, long time,

Never getting old!

3. May adversity and sorrow

They'll pass you by

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.

4. We want it for no reason

They would give you flowers,

Men would smile

Everything comes from your beauty.

Together: These are our mothers!

We are always proud of you!

(Giving gifts)

Leading: No matter how many good, kind words are said to mothers, no matter how many reasons they come up with for this, they will not be superfluous.

Thank you!... And may your beloved children say warm words to each of you more often!

Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparkles sparkle in their eyes when you are together.

Who came to me in the morning

Who said: “It’s time to get up!” (Mother)

Who cooked breakfast in the morning?

Who poured the tea into the cup? (Mother)

Who braided your hair

Sweeped the whole house alone? (Mother)

Who kissed me? (Mother)

Who as a child loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world? (Mother)

1.Where there is only strength and patience

Do all mothers on earth take it?

To hide worries and worries

And give happiness to you and me!

2. I’ll build a robot like this for my mom

So that he does all the work around the house

And washed, and ironed, fried and boiled,

And he swept and washed the floors in the apartment.

Leading: They say that grandchildren resemble their grandparents more than their parents. Grandma is always there, like a good spirit at home. Friendly and trusting relationships are established between grandmothers and grandchildren. Grandmothers try to share both the sorrows and joys of their grandchildren.

First presenter

Poem (Masha)

Presenter 1: At the end of November we celebrate a wonderful holiday. All Mothers' Day. In our country this holiday began to be celebratedsince 1998. This is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation, for every person, mother - most main man in life. All people respect and love mothers. The word “Mother” is also used to describe one’s homeland to emphasize that it has a maternal attitude towards its children.

Presenter 2

Game "Mom"

Who came to me in the morning

Who said: “It’s time to get up!” (Mother)

Who cooked breakfast in the morning?

Who poured the tea into the cup? (Mother)

Who braided your hair

Sweeped the whole house alone? (Mother)

Who kissed me? (Mother)

Who as a child loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world? (Mother)

Poem (Nikita, Dima)

Scene “In our house”

Competition "Mom's Tender Hands"

Presenter 2

Poem (Anya)

Poem (Vadim, Tanya)

Competition “My little star!”

Dear mothers, the guys have prepared ditties for you

Second presenter

Poem (Masha)

Presenter 1

Lines about mom. Poem (Vika S.) Song “The Happiest” Poem (Lera)

Presenter 2: Mother! The most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the most affectionate and gentle hands, they can do everything. Mom has the kindest and most sensitive heart. They do not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old a person is, 5 or 50, he always needs a mother.

Game "Mom"

Who came to me in the morning

Who said: “It’s time to get up!” (Mother)

Who cooked breakfast in the morning?

Who poured the tea into the cup? (Mother)

Who braided your hair

Sweeped the whole house alone? (Mother)

Who kissed me? (Mother)

Who as a child loves laughter?

Who is the best in the world? (Mother)

Poem (Nikita, Dima)

Presenter 2: And now, dear mothers, the guys will show you the skit “In our house”

Competition "Mom's Tender Hands"

Presenter 2: They say that grandchildren resemble their grandparents more than their parents. Grandma is always there, like a good spirit at home. Friendly and trusting relationships are established between grandmothers and grandchildren. Grandmothers try to share both the sorrows and joys of their grandchildren.

Poem (Anya)

Presenter 1

Poem (Vadim, Tanya)

Competition “My little star!”


Poems of congratulations (Tigran, Katya, Alina, Danil)

Every year we celebrate mom's day by giving them lovingly made or cute crafts. Of course, on this day one cannot do without poems and congratulations. I have prepared a selection of touching and beautiful poems for Mother’s Day that you can use to complement your congratulations.

Kindergartens and schools host events to which mothers and even grandmothers are invited. They give them gifts, flowers and read poems. For preschool children, small quatrains are suitable, and for older children - beautiful sonorous wishes for health and love.

Here are collected sonorous, tender and touching, to the point of tears, poetic phrases that are suitable for both young mothers and those who have already moved into the category of grandmothers. When we are young, our mother is taken for granted, and we do not always appreciate her. And only as we grow up do we understand the role it plays in our lives.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,
Vividly marked in centuries:
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.

Conjuring from any misfortune,
She really doesn't have much to spare.
No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,
Proud, exalted mother.

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,
And since then she has lived for centuries,
The most beautiful of women -
A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is measured by footprints,
No matter how many paths you walk,
The apple tree is decorated with fruits,
A woman is the fate of her children.

May the sun applaud her forever!
So she will live for centuries,
The most beautiful of women,
A woman with a child in her arms!

Mothers love to eat jam
Sitting in the kitchen in the dark,
Sing and dance on Sunday
If no one sees them.

Mothers love to measure puddles,
Finding them in the hot summer,
Forgetting the door keys
And then hang around somewhere.

Moms love to sleep in on Saturday
And sculpt elephants out of snow,
And skip work
And in winter you can run without a hat.

Moms love to chew candy
And ride the tram,
But they are silent about it
Nobody knows...

Mommy, beloved, dear!
What can I wish you on your holiday?
I tirelessly beg the sky
Never lose you.

I kiss your tender hands,
In a hurry to say everything important.
So that you don’t know either tears or torment,
Don't get sick, don't cry, don't suffer.

I hug you with love.
Without you I am a bird without a wing.
You are the only one, you are a saint.
I want you to live forever!

Mom, mommy, mommy!
You are the best in the world.
I admire and love
Your tender features.

How to express it beautifully
Do I want my love for you?
Mom, honey, thank you
For a gift - my life.

I say these words
Respecting and loving,
And flowers all over the planet
They bloom for you!

I am a motherly image in my heart,
I keep it as my main treasure.
Thanks to you, dear,
I still love the crazy world.

She shielded me from human evil,
I called upon all the forces of light,
Taught patience and meekness
And gave me strength to live.

I say thank you
For nights spent without sleep,
What joy and happiness it gave
And she always lived for me.

(A. Mosunova)

On this day, my dear mother,
I'll bring you all the flowers,
All that is best in the world,
I’ll ask heaven for you.

Sorry if you don't hear me often,
How much I love you
What happens, I’ll upset you in vain,
That I ask more than I give.

There is no dearer or dearer person,
You are my guardian angel
I rush to you for advice,
And I miss it when I'm not with you.

On this holiday, accept congratulations,
Let everything be as you want,
Happiness, joy, love and luck,
Fulfillment of a cherished dream.

Mother's Day is celebrated today
And I would give it all year
I can’t fit gratitude into today
For a whole heap of mother's worries.

For my mother's tired smile,
For the beauty of all our mothers,
Words, flowers and congratulations are not enough,
Centuries, years, and, of course, days.

But let there be special joy now
Burns in your most beautiful eyes,
Accept a gift from us on Mother's Day,
Take a breath and, laughing, shout: “Ah!”

Dear, my dear mother
I love you, my dear
The holiest thing in life
You are the only one, my mommy
Don't be angry that I swear sometimes
And I often argue with you
And sometimes I even offend you
Sorry, that's just his nature
But you know one thing, my dear
And no matter what the turn in fate
For me you are the dearest
My most favorite person!

Beloved mommy, let it be in your thoughts
There will always be a corner of joyful thoughts,
May you have many cherished and radiant wishes
Someday they will definitely be fulfilled!

I am grateful to you for all that time,
What did you spend on me and with me,
I don’t know the standards that will measure
All that you gave me with your soul.

Short poems about mother for preschoolers

Kindergartens are bustling and running around. They prepare with pleasure and joy. For children, mother is the closest and dearest person whom they congratulate with love and tenderness.

Mother's Day all over the planet
In a vast galaxy
Today the children congratulate
Your beloved mothers!
You gave me life, mom,
She brought me into the world
She loved me for every step,
May your life be bright!

Mom's hands are warm!
Mom's songs are tenderness and affection!
Mom will drive away universal evil,
And turn life into a wonderful fairy tale!
Dear mommy, angel from heaven!
I congratulate you on this holiday!
May your life be full of miracles!
I love it very much. Your little son is a prankster.

Who came to me in the morning?
Who said: “It’s time to get up”?
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Should I pour some tea into a bowl?
Who braided my hair?
Swept the whole house by yourself?
Who picked flowers in the garden?
Who kissed me?
Who as a child loves laughter?
Who is the best in the world?

On this day we feel sorry for mothers,
We cherish, we pamper, we cherish:
We don’t let them cook
We clean the house ourselves
Washing dirty dishes
We wipe dust everywhere.
Being a mother is a terrible job,
Let them rest today!

There is noise in the kindergarten...
Well, of course... mothers,
And they want attention
Festive program.

And today from the heart
Let's dance and sing.
Our mothers are good
Happy mother's day!

Mother's Day is the best
We congratulate all mothers.
Good luck to you, health,
And joy without end!

You are as bright as the sun,
You're soft like clouds
You're as soft as a feather,
You are sweet like a berry.

You are strong like the ocean
Like a star - beautiful,
Like heaven - vanilla,
You are my beloved mother!

Let's congratulate our mothers together,
You need to listen to them today
We won't let them get bored
And we won't upset you.

I'll give it to my mom today
I am the most beautiful bouquet,
I'll sing her a song
I love her very much!

A small child knows
The word "mommy" from the cradle,
Take your mother's hand,
And you won't find anyone happier.

In our kindergarten,
Our mothers are simply awesome!
We congratulate them today,
We don’t let go one step.

Here's a small bouquet
For my beloved mother,
I made it with my soul,
It's okay that it's small!

Let's congratulate our mothers with all our hearts,
Let's say hello big
And a bunch of little gifts,
And a hot, hot kiss!

Today is the best holiday
Today is mother's day,
We should sing, dance, read poetry
For moms, it's not laziness at all.

We were preparing for the holiday,
We definitely tried
Listen to us mommies
Diligently and carefully.

We will thank you
For affection and love,
And more than once - just
And again and again and again!

The kindergarten is noisy like evidence,
We congratulate the mothers,
Our kind and dear ones,
Joyful and young.

Who has the warmest hands?
Who has the sweetest voice?
Who won't let us die of boredom?
Whose hair never turns grey?

Who scolds and immediately forgives?
Who always cheers for me?
Does he treat you to the best food in the world?
Everyone knows that this is my mother.

I once told my friends:
There are many kind mothers in the world,
But you won't find it, I guarantee
A mother like mine!

She bought it for me
On the wheels of a horse,
Saber, paints and album...
But is that really the point?
I love her anyway
Mommy, my mommy!

(N. Sakonskaya)

Touching congratulations on Mother's Day from son and daughter

At any age, we remain someone's children. And mothers expect attention, care, and love from us every day. Tender words of gratitude spoken with love will warm the hearts of our mothers.

Mother's Day has arrived
I haven't forgotten about him:
I got up early, just before dawn,
Made a festive bouquet
And then I washed the dishes,
And swept the floors everywhere...
I’m not too lazy to help her,
Definitely, every day!

Congratulations to my beloved mother
Happy this bright and joyful day.
And I, my dear, wish you not to change,
Always be like this.
The kindest and most sensitive in the world
I say thank you for everything
For my wonderful childhood,
For support, love and warmth.
Happy Mother's Day dear,
Take a couple of lines from me,
May you always be the happiest
And beautiful, like a delicate flower.

I don't know what better way to say it!
How to express this in words?
What does this word "mother" mean?
How can I confess my love to my mother?

How can I thank her?
For life, for happiness, for health?
No, such words cannot exist!
I'd rather hug her with love!

Gray hair, sleepless nights,
Sadness froze in my mother's eyes,
Sorry, mommy, I'm very guilty,
That he was both a mischief maker and a scoundrel.
How much you forgave me at times,
Although I didn't ask for forgiveness,
She always stood up for me,
And in the evening I collapsed without strength.
I'm not a gift, mommy, I know.
Happy Mother's Day! Forgive me, dear!

Happy Mother's Day, Mommy! Kindness
You surrounded me every day
You became my angel, saint,
And I tried not to blame anyone for anything.
A smile lifted my spirits,
She was strict where necessary and firm,
For your affection, mommy, thank you, for your patience,
That she was always next to me!

I immediately feel much better
When I come into your house with a load of worries.
All I have to do is hug you, mom, tighter,
Burying my forehead into your shoulder, as in childhood.

Just like breathing, I, mommy, need to
Hear the confident beat of your loved one’s heart.
To know that you are healthy, you laugh, you will always be there,
My priceless, reliable and sunny friend!

If you want, I'll take mine into pieces
My son's heart is big. Without flinching, I will give it!
Congratulations on Mother's Day, I will fill out all the lines
I'm in hot love! Be happy, mom!

On Mother's Day for you, Mommy,
I would like to wish you good health.
And I assure you, like a son,
That you are literally a super mother!

And with this very congratulation
I want to express to you
That there is no dearer person
And closer to me, at least a little bit!

Mommy, sweet, gentle, nice,
Kind, smart and radiant,
In the palms of my hands I will give you happiness.
Thank you, I tell you for everything.

Live, smile through adversity,
We will share the worries with you in half.
Forget about illnesses, forget about worries,
We will illuminate your life path with love.

I do everything for my mother:
I play scales for her,
I go to the doctor for her,
I teach mathematics.
All the boys climbed into the river,
I was sitting alone on the beach
For her after illness
I didn’t even swim in the river.
For her I wash my hands
I'm eating some carrots...
Only now we are apart,
Mom in the city of Pryluky
Fifth day on a business trip.
And today the whole evening
I have nothing better to do!
And probably out of habit
Or maybe out of boredom
I put matches in place
And for some reason I wash my hands.
And the scales sound sad
In our room. Without mom.
(Agniya Barto)

Congratulations in verses for elementary school children

Schools hold small congratulatory events where children read poems, sing songs and give gifts.

There are many kind words in the world,
But one thing is kinder and gentler than all:
Of two syllables, the simple word “mother”.
And there are no words dearer than it!

This word sounds the same
In various earthly languages.
Whispers: “Mom!” - child caressed,
Dozing off in her arms.

The first step and the first fall,
And through his tears he calls his mother,
Mom is a true salvation,
Only mom will save you from pain.

Mom brings me
Toys, candies,
But I love mom
Not for that at all.
Funny songs
She hums
We're bored together
It never happens.
I open it for her
All your secrets.
But I love mom
Not only for this.
I love my mom
I'll tell you straight,
Well, just for that
That she is my mother!

And there’s a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes,
When we watch a cartoon with a baby mammoth,
Probably the most important fear in life is
Left alone for a child.

We believe everything that, as in that good fairy tale,
Mom will find us, come and pick us up,
But, sadly, there is not always a denouement
Will lead the heroes to a happy ending.

Terrible, but on the blue planet
Not all children will find their mothers,
Not everyone will feel these native hands,
Who will hug and save.

But I want to wish you on this tender holiday,
So that, despite everything, dreams come true,
So that hopes would not be groundless,
And all the babies would be with their mother!

Even the Dalai Lama will say,
Lived (what a joke!) for a whole century:
For anyone, his mother is
The most important person!

You always help me
You protect from misfortunes.
And for that I thank you,
Mom, I love you!

Who opened this world to me,
Sparing no effort?
And always protected?
The best MOTHER in the world.

Who is the cutest in the world?
And it will warm you with its warmth,
Loves more than himself?
This is my MOMMY.

Reads books in the evening
And he always understands everything,
Even if I'm stubborn
I know MOM loves me.

Never gets discouraged
He knows exactly what I need.
If suddenly drama happens,
Who will support? My MOM.

I'm walking along the path
But my legs are tired.
Jump over the hole
Who will help? I know - MOM.

(O. Chusovitina)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn’t play!
I don't start a top
I sat down and sat.

My toys don't make noise
Quiet in the empty room,
And on my mother's pillow
The golden ray steals.

And I said to the beam:
“I want to move too.”
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball.
I would sing a song
I could laugh...

There's so much I want!
But mom is sleeping and I am silent.

The beam darted along the wall,
And then he slid towards me.
“Nothing,” he seemed to whisper, “
Let’s sit in silence!”

(E. Blaginina)

If mom is nearby, the world of miracles is full,
You don't need anything if mom is here,
I'll take her hand tightly,
I will not give my mother to anyone in the world.

If mom is nearby, the world is filled with sunshine,
She will help me in everything, she will forgive everything,
He will tell me a story, sing a song,
If mom is nearby, she will understand everything.

I won't cry if I fall
Mom will be there, she will take care of the trouble,
He will kiss you tightly and press you to your chest,
If mom is nearby, the pain will go away immediately.

If mom is home, I'll play with her,
Of course, everything is more fun to do with mom,
I won’t hide anything from my mother,
I never get tired of playing with her.

If my mother is nearby, I'm not afraid of the rain,
Even if it rains with hail, so what?
I won't cry ever again
If mom is nearby, rain is not a problem.

If my mother is nearby, then I can do everything,
I take care of my mother from all sorrows,
I fall asleep to her tunes.
Let me dream about my mother.

(T. Frolova)

Mommy, dear mother,
Happy Mother's Day to you
I congratulate you today
Sincerely, tenderly loving.
Clearly, you are the best
My dear man!
May it be long and joyful
Mom's and grandmother's century!

Dear mother, congratulations to you,
On Mother's Day I wish you happiness and health.
You are in my heart, even if you are apart,
I always remember your gentle hands.
May your every day be filled with light,
Be warmed by the love of your family, like the sun.
Sorry, sometimes I upset you,
Believe me, I involuntarily...I reproach myself.

Mom fussed for a long time:
All things to do, things to do, things to do...
Mom was so tired during the day,
She lay down on the sofa.
I won't touch her
I'll just stand nearby.
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sing her a song.
I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's just a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom my song.
There is no more wonderful song.
Maybe I should sing louder
To give this song to mom
Was it heard in a dream?..
(I. Chernetskaya)

Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.
Before parting at the door
Say goodbye to them more gently.

And go around the bend
Don't rush, don't rush,
And to her, standing at the gate,
Wave as long as possible.

Mothers sigh in silence,
In the silence of the nights, in the disturbing silence.
For them we are forever kids,
And it is impossible to argue with this.

So be a little kinder
Don’t be annoyed by their care,
Don't offend mothers.
Don't be offended by mothers.

They suffer from separation
And we are on a boundless road
Without mother's kind hands -
Like babies without a lullaby.

Write letters to them quickly
And don’t be shy about lofty words,
Don't offend mothers
Don't be offended by mothers.
(V. Gin)

The sun came out
Glistening in the meadow.
I'll meet the sun
I'm running through the grass.
And white daisies
I'm tearing up on the fly.
I'll make a wreath
I'll weave in the sun.
The day sparkles with joy
It beckons me into the distance,
There's a rainbow above me
It rings merrily
By the river under the willow tree
I hear the nightingale
The happiest
This morning I!
I gathered it in my palms
Pure dew
Rainbow and sunshine
I'm carrying it in my hands!
And flowers over the river,
Song and dawn -
Everything that I meet in the morning
I'll give it to my mom!
(K. Ibryaev)

Your warm eyes are tender joy
Gives me both hope and faith!
Your hands in hot or cold
They will blow you with a light breeze... they will warm you up.

You will reassure me with your smile
And in moments of doubt you will support,
Every time with your magic word
And you will encourage and console me!

The most devoted friend and reliable,
You inspire confidence in the heart,
With your wisdom, tender faith
You guide me and inspire me!

Tanyusha came home from the party in the evening
And the doll asked:
How are you, daughter?
Have you crawled under the table again, fidget?
Did you sit all day without lunch again?
These daughters are just a disaster,
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Tanya's mom came home from work
And Tanya asked:
How are you, daughter?
She started playing again, probably in the garden,
Have you managed to forget about food again?
Dinner! Grandma screamed a hundred times,
And you answered:
Now! yes Now!
These daughters are just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Here grandma, my mother's mother, came
And I asked my mother:
How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again I couldn’t find food for a minute,
And in the evening I put it in my mouth
Dry sandwich?
You can't sit all day without lunch!
She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still a fidget!
These daughters are just a disaster.
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?
Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!
(E. Serova)

The lamp gently illuminated the room;
The mother stood over the cradle, bending over.
And in the garden an angry storm howled angrily,
Above the window the dark trees sway.

The rain was noisy, thunder was heard;
And it seemed to thunder over the roof of the house.
The mother looked tenderly at her little son,
Rocking the cradle, she quietly sang a song:

“Oh, calm down, storm; don't make noise, eat!
My little one is sleeping quietly in the cradle!
You, the thunderstorm of the Lord, do not wake the child!
Scroll by, black clouds aside."

Sleep, child, calmly... The storm is subsiding,
Mother's prayer protects your sleep.
Tomorrow, when you wake up and open your eyes,
You will meet the sun, and love, and affection again.
(A. Pleshcheev)

Choose a poem for your mother, and be sure to tell her how much you love her. And don't forget about the flowers!

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