A range of unconditional actions to be carried out. A duty is a range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for fulfillment.

A range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for fulfillment

The first letter is "o"

Second letter "b"

The third letter is "I"

The last letter of the letter is "b"

Answer for the question "A range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for fulfillment", 11 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for the word duty

Service, a range of actions related to the performance of a position

Any of your tasks that you must complete

Synonym for debt

Letter O in abbreviation i.o

Definition of the word duty in dictionaries

Large legal dictionary Meaning of the word in the dictionary Big Legal Dictionary
see Legal duty.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.
-i, f. The range of actions assigned to someone. and unconditional for execution. Rights and responsibilities of citizens. Official duties. Assign to someone the duties of chairman. Public o. Acting (i.e. not yet confirmed in position...

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. The meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.
and. Something that must be carried out unconditionally by someone. (according to social requirements or internal motives). Service, a range of actions related to the execution of something. positions.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. D.N. Ushakov
responsibilities, w. (book). That which is subject to unconditional fulfillment by someone, which is necessary for fulfillment according to social requirements or internal motives. Military service in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army is an honorable duty of citizens...

Examples of the use of the word duty in literature.

The black-bearded European, knight von Elster, explained to the young Pole that the Turk accompanying him was aga Abdurrahman, on responsibilities which involves inspecting ships and identifying contraband.

Returning from school, I started my responsibilities- carried food to the chickens, helped feed the dogs and cats, and in his free time, accompanied by the dog Abracadabra, wandered through the cold rooms of the huge manor house and looked at the portraits hanging on the walls.

The duty controller of the orbital defense belt expressed his indignation at Almeida's apparent failure to comply with his responsibilities, according to which the rear admiral must report all movements of his ship while the aircraft carrier is in the Earth control zone.

Thus, the management of the postal service takes over the second duty, thanks to which it turns into an authoritarian body of power, isolated from society and rising above it.

Everyone understands that you had to fulfill your responsibilities, Miss Adamson, and no one is outraged by this.

I. Scientific dictionary of terms characterizing the motivational sphere of the individual

Abulia(from Greek A- negative particle and bale- will) - a pathological violation of the mental regulation of actions, manifested in the absence of motivation to act, in the inability to make a decision and carry out the desired action, although its necessity is recognized.

Altruism(from lat. alter- other) - a system of value orientations of an individual, in which the central motive and criterion for moral assessment are the interests of another person or a social community; the desire to selflessly help others. The term was introduced by the Frenchman O. Comte.

Anankasm(from Greek anancamus- coerce, compel) - imperative influence on the motivation of human behavior.

Antipodean motivation- influence on the subject’s motivation by expressing doubt about his ability to do something, “hurting” his ambition.

Attitude- a stable tendency towards a certain form of behavior in a given situation.

Attraction(from lat. attrahere- attract, attract) - the process of mutual attraction of people to each other, the attractiveness of one person to another.

Affiliation(from English to affiliate- join) - the need for communication, emotional contacts, the desire to be among other people.

Probabilistic Forecasting- anticipation of the future, based on the probabilistic structure of past experience and information about the current situation.

Attraction- craving (desire) for something or someone without a clear understanding of its cause.

Extrinsic motivation- the same as extreme motivation (see below).

Intrinsic motivation- the same as intrinsic motivation (see below).

Target Gradient(from lat. gradientis- walking) - a change in the strength of the motive depending on the “psychological distance” to the goal.

Graphomania(from Greek grapho- I write and mania- passion, attraction) - an irresistible passion for writing in the absence of the necessary abilities for this.

Determination- causality of events and phenomena by external and internal factors (stimuli, irritants).

Ought- the need to do something in connection with the accepted social role, the obligations assumed.

Wish- an experience reflecting a need, which has turned into an effective thought about the possibility of possessing something or accomplishing something; conscious desire to achieve something, to possess something.

Instinct- the innate ability to perform appropriate actions based on immediate, unconscious impulses.

Instinctive- involuntary.

Interest- lit.: matters, important. It is understood in different ways: as a cognitive need or as its emotional manifestation; as a manifestation of positive emotions (interesting, like, love); as an interest in something; as a benefit.

Internality- the ability to take responsibility for the events of one’s life, explaining them with one’s abilities, personality traits, and behavioral characteristics.

Intense motivation- the process of forming a motive based on internal factors (needs, drives, desires).

Causal attribution(from lat. causa- reason and attribuo- impart, endow) - theoretical constructs relating to the cause-and-effect interpretation by people of each other’s behavior; interpretation of the motives of other people's behavior.

Kleptomania- pathological attraction to theft.

Cognitive dissonance(from English cognition- knowledge and dissonance- inconsistency) is a motivating uncomfortable state caused by the presence of logically contradictory information about the same object, making it difficult to make a decision and form an intention.

Curiosity- the desire to understand the surrounding reality.

Mania- strong attraction, addiction to something.

Motive(from lat. movere- set in motion, push) - a complex psychological formation that encourages conscious actions and actions and serves as a basis (justification) for them.

Motivator- a factor influencing decision making and intention formation.

Motivation- the process of motive formation.

Motivational sphere of personality- a complex system of diverse motives (motivational attitudes, needs, interests, etc.), reflecting various aspects of human activity and his social roles.

Motivational setting- an intention, the execution of which is delayed for some reason.

Motivational-target resonance- coincidence of personal goals (motives) with social ones or with the motives of other people.

Motivational stress of the individual- the number and strength of incentives acting in one direction in a certain time period.

Motivational support for activities- formation of needs, inclinations, interest, positive attitude towards this activity.

Motivational education- psychological education that performs the function of a motive (motive itself, motivational attitude, attraction, desire, interest, etc.).

Motivational field- the volume of factors taken into account in the motivation process.

Motivational personality traits- motivators, needs and methods of forming a motive that are fixed in the personality structure; personal dispositions, attitudes.

Motivational scheme(behavioral pattern, attitude) - a tendency towards a certain form of behavior in a specific situation, based on knowledge acquired with experience about possible ways and means of satisfying needs.

Motivational potential- the presence of a need, interest, inclination, positive attitude towards this activity, their energetic charge.

Motivational resonance- correspondence of tension and strength of motives among subjects engaged in joint activities; understanding each other's motives.

Achievement motivation- the need for achievements in various activities, especially in conditions of competition with other people.

Motivation- verbal justification, an explanation to oneself and others of the reasons for one’s actions and actions, which may not coincide with the actual motive, since it is based on circumstances acceptable to the subject and his reference group.

Inclination- inclination, attraction, habit.

Intention- a conscious decision, an assumption to do something, a plan, a desire. Often associated with a distant goal, a delay in its achievement, or the inability to satisfy a need directly, without achieving intermediate goals; in this case, the intention is equivalent in meaning to a motivational attitude.

Personality orientation- stable dominance of any drive or interest, determining the vector of behavior; a set of interests and motives acting in one direction.

Negativism(from lat. negativus- negative) - resistance to any influence from other persons, including attempts to influence decisions and intentions.

Duty- a certain range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for execution.

"Negative motive"- self-prohibition, inhibiting impulses (associated, for example, with violation of the law and moral standards of behavior or with danger to life and health).

Experience- a mental state caused by some strong sensations or impressions.

Incentive- stimulus, irritant, signal.

Inducement- desire, intention to act, energetic charge.

Occasion- a circumstance that can be the basis for something.

Field dependence- behavior in which an impulsive response occurs to stimuli that have a motivating force (“valence”), contrary to a previously accepted goal.

Need situation- discrepancy between what is objectively necessary and what is available, between what is desired and what is available.

Need attitude- the relationship between the dependence of human life on the world around him and society.

The need is organic- the body's need for something, lack of something.

Personal need- an experienced state of internal tension that arises as a result of the reflection of need (need, desirability of something) in consciousness and stimulates mental activity associated with goal setting.

Pretext- an external reason for something.

Item of need- an object that can satisfy a need or desire; subject goal.

Preference- recognition of the advantage of someone or something, choice.

Habit- the need to perform certain actions in a certain situation; automatic action; adaptation to the influence of some factor.

Vocation- inclination, attraction to some profession, which is accompanied by the belief that the abilities necessary for this profession are available.

Acceptance of stimulus(including orders, demands, instructions, requests) - awareness of its importance for oneself and others.

Making a decision- choosing from many options for satisfying a need or refusing to satisfy it.

Whim- capricious desire.

Psychopathy- pathology of character, in which a person has an irreversible expression of properties that prevent his adequate adaptation in the social environment. Most often associated with congenital defects of the nervous system, harmful effects on the fetus, and birth injuries to the brain. Manifestations of psychopathy are varied. P. B. Gannushkin identifies several of its types: cycloid, schizoid, epileptoid, asthenic, psychasthenic.

Result- the final result of the process of satisfying a need, fulfilling a desire, an intention.

Reflex- an involuntary reaction in response to an unconditioned or conditioned stimulus.

Addiction- predisposition, constant attraction.

Motivation style- features of the process of motive formation that are stable for a given subject.

Stimulus- stimulus (physical), signal (physical), command (mental).

Passion- extreme passion for something or someone.

Pursuit- persistent desire, striving for something.

Get carried away- devote yourself entirely to any activity.

Installation- a stable predisposition to a certain form of response that develops on the basis of experience.

Want- the same as desire.

Target- object of aspiration; what needs to be done.

Target setting- readiness to achieve the anticipated result of an action.

Externality- the ability to attribute responsibility for events to external factors (other people, chance, fate).

Extreme motivation- formation of a motive under the influence of external factors.

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Delegate- officially instruct, direct.

Diary– records of daily affairs, current events, kept from day to day.

Competent- knowledgeable, knowledgeable, authoritative in some field.

Crisis- (from the Greek krisis - decision, turning point, outcome), 1) a sharp, abrupt change in something, a difficult transitional state. 2) Acute difficulty with something (for example, with the production or marketing of goods); difficult situation.

Urgent- performed first, priority.

Responsibilities- a range of actions assigned to someone and unconditional for execution.

Excuses- arguments that can be used to justify, explain, excuse something.

Organization– organization, systematic, thoughtful structure, internal discipline.

Basics– the most important, the main thing.

Attitude- the mutual connection of different objects, actions, phenomena, a relationship between someone or something.

Priority– (from Latin prior – first, senior) primacy in the implementation of any activity.

Efficient– giving good results, having good results.

Term– a specific completion date for work, a limited amount of time to complete the task.

Effective- giving an effect, effective.



noun, and., used often

Morphology: (no) what? responsibilities, what? responsibilities, (see) what? duty, how? duty, about what? about duty; pl. What? responsibilities, (no) what? responsibilities, what? responsibilities, (see) what? responsibilities, how? responsibilities, about what? about responsibilities

1. Duty are the rules established by law, norms of behavior that must be observed, fulfilled constantly or in a certain situation by all citizens of a country.

Testifying is a right, not an obligation, of the accused. | Caring for the preservation of historical monuments and other cultural values ​​is the duty and responsibility of all Russian citizens.

2. Universal conscription call the constitutionally enshrined duty of a citizen who has reached a certain age to serve in the ranks of the country's armed forces.

3. Duty you call what you perform, you do at someone’s request, instruction, order, or because you think that you should do it.

The honorable duty of opening the festival was assigned to the famous Italian director Tinto Brass. | I am your friend and it is my duty to warn you against a rash step. | I must fulfill the difficult duty of informing you of the death of your son. | Taking out the trash is one of my many household chores.

4. If you do anything according to duty, which means you are doing it forcedly, against your will.

Don’t do anything without your soul, out of obligation!

5. Duty you name what you do because it is part of your work, service, and is part of the professional requirements placed on you.

The main duty of the driver is to drive the car, and not to protect you from a possible attack by hired killers. | Protecting the rights of voters is the first duty of a deputy. | You must perform your job duties better. | In camping conditions, maintaining the fire in the fire is the duty of the orderly.

6. Acting someone is a person who temporarily occupies a position without being officially confirmed in it.

Acting head of the department. Acting General Director.

7. If anyone made it a duty something means he was forced to do something, entrusted with doing something.

The director, without hesitation for a long time, charged the security guards with daily cleaning of the territory.

8. If you shift your responsibilities on someone, which means you force him to do something instead of you, to do your work.

Do not shift your responsibilities to others!

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


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    RESPONSIBILITY, responsibilities, wives. (book). Something that is subject to unconditional fulfillment by someone, that is necessary for fulfillment according to social requirements or internal motives. “Military service in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army represents... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Obligation, duty, position, necessity, duty, calling. Enter into duties. Line of duty. Call of Duty. By doing so, he violated his direct duties. An iron need to obey weighs heavily on him. Depart... ... Dictionary of synonyms

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    DUTY, and, wives. The range of actions assigned to whom n. and unconditional for execution. Rights and responsibilities of citizens. Official duties. Assign to whom n. duties of the chairman. Public o. Acting (i.e. not yet... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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