Crossword puzzle on labor law, legal employment of the population. Crossword puzzle on the subject of "labor law"

Crossword No. 1 Horizontally: 1. Temporary voluntary refusal of workers to perform labor responsibilities (in full or partially) in order to resolve collective labor spore. 2. A normative act adopted in a special manner by a legislative body, a referendum, expressing the will of the people, having the highest legal force, regulating the most important social relations. 3. The ability of a citizen to acquire and exercise civil rights through his actions rights , create...

1386 Words | 6 Page

  • right

     SYLLABUS According to the basic discipline rights OR 1109 For specialty 5B110200 Public health Lectures __15_ (hours) Practical classes _15__ (hours) SRSP 30 hours SRSP _30_ (hours) Exam ____4_________ (semester) Total hours _90____ Course _____2________ Semester _____4_____ Astana 2014 1.7 Information about the teachers: 1. Dyusenova Altynshash...

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  • Test (crossword) by labor law

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  • Fundamentals of Law

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  • Crossword TP

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  • Tax law crossword puzzle

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  • Labor law123

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  • Civil law DZ

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  • Syllabus on the basis of law

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  • Home labor law

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  • Human rights

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  • IT in medicine and social and labor sphere

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  • International law (k/r)

    international treaty. Priority of norms and rules international treaties is established in part 1 of Art. 7 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on the validity of international treaties on tax issues. "If an international treaty Russian Federation, containing provisions relating to taxation and fees, other rules and norms than those provided for by this Code and normative legal acts on taxes and (or) fees adopted in accordance with it, then apply rules and norms of international treaties of the Russian...

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  • Abstract Fundamentals of Law

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  • Right

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  • Puzzles and crosswords

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  • Civil law

    fulfillment of the working hours of this manager. In the test paper, state the result of the analysis and the tools for carrying out the analysis (photograph of working hours, questionnaire, etc.) that you used. 3. Develop recommendations for improvement labor process of this manager. Task 9. 1. Characterize the management apparatus of a particular organization, incl. schematically depict the management structure. 2. List the factors influencing the labor efficiency of management personnel in the organization...

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  • Creating a crossword

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  • Coursework "Japanese crossword"

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  • Stages of labor management

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  • Development of a crossword puzzle program in C++

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  • Sociology crossword

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  • Initial information and rules of work in operating system Windows'2000/2003

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  • Crossword

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  • Non-traditional forms of teaching a foreign language

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  • Last name, first name _____________________________________ Class __. Crossword on the topic " Ancient India and China" | | | | | | | | | |1 |2 | | | | |3 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |4 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |5 | | | | | | | |6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |7 | |8 | | | | | | |9 | | | | | | |10 | | | |11 | | | |12 | | | | | | | | | | |13 | | | |14 | | |15 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |16 | |17 | | | | | | | | | |...

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  • kontrol nye zadaniya PSO dlya ZFO na baze SPO

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  • didactic mater

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  • Olrrshgr

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  • International law

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  • Organizational forms of extracurricular work in computer science

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  • Practical Theory of State and Law

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  • Crossword on international law

    II. Crossword . Horizontally: 1. Marking the boundary line on the ground. 2. Any use of force unlawful from the point of view of the UN Charter one state against the territorial integrity or political independence of another state or people (nation). 3. An institution that provides assistance through advice from competent persons on some special issues. 4. Diplomatic representative of the Vatican, according to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961, equivalent to...

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  • Non-standard problems in mathematics

    Tasks with a historical basis……………………………………………………………..8 1.3. Mathematical crossword …………………………………………………………...10 1.4. Problems solved using diagrams graphs, tables……………….….13 CHAPTER 2. A SET OF NON-STANDARD MATHEMATICS TASKS FOR STUDENTS OF 5-6 CLASSES……………………………………….…….16 2.1. Solving logical problems………………………………………………………...…..16 2.2. Solving problems with a historical basis……………………………23 2.3. Solving mathematical crosswords ……………………………………26 Conclusion………………………………………………………………..…..34 List of used materials. ..

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  • Non-traditional teaching methods

    independence, collectivism, the ability to plan one’s work, anticipate the results of work, responsibility for the consequences of one’s activities, organizational and communication aptitudes and abilities; motivating the younger generation to be effective labor and educational activities; increasing schoolchildren's interest in learning; more effective solution of problems of education, development and upbringing of the student’s personality. Purpose of the work: the use of non-traditional forms of teaching in technology lessons. Tasks: Training...

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  • Topic of term paper in physics

    achievement, common experiences. Playful experiences leave a deep imprint on the child’s mind and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, skills of collective life. Play occupies a large place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education. A child needs active activities that help improve his vitality, satisfy his interests and social needs. The game is of great educational importance, it is closely related to learning in the classroom...

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  • international law

    Contents: 1. Reveal the content of the legal concept of “absolute liability for innocent causing of damage”. For what types of activities? law

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  • International law

    FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION State educational institution of higher professional education "TYUMEN STATE UNIVERSITY" INSTITUTE OF STATE AND RIGHTS Department of International rights department of correspondence education CONTROL WORK in the discipline: “International right "on the topic: "The legal concept of "absolute liability for innocent causing of damage"" Completed by: 2nd year student gr. 26YU113-Z Yu.Kh. Sofyanov Checked: M.O. Lits Tyumen...

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  • my circle for 5th grade

    Mikhailovna 2016-2017 academic year EXPLANATORY NOTE The main task of teaching mathematics at school is to ensure a strong and conscious students mastering the system of mathematical knowledge and skills necessary in everyday life and labor activities for each member modern society sufficient for studying related disciplines and continuing education. Along with solving the main problem, classes in a mathematical circle provide for the formation of a sustainable interest among students...

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  • Test under international law

    Contents: 1. Reveal the content of the legal concept of “absolute liability for innocent causing of damage.” For what types of activities? Is this type of liability established? Does this kind of responsibility exist in ordinary law ?……………...……………………………..3 2. Task. It was filed with the Central District Court of Tyumen statement of claim from a citizen of the Russian Federation D. to a citizen of Ukraine S. about challenging paternity. In the statement, the plaintiff explained that he lived in a registered marriage with citizen S...

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  • kr

    welcomed by students. Let's try to analyze the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students and determine the main ways of stimulating the activation of them cognitive activity. The first is students with a low level of cognitive activity. How rule , they are passive, have difficulty joining in academic work, expect the usual rule from the teacher. When perceiving a learning task, these students do not show interest or readiness to get involved in the work. They don't start completing tasks without...

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  • Using games in computer science lessons

    group, collective) provide ample opportunities for creative activity and intellectual development of the child. The game also creates order, which is so valuable and necessary in today's unstable and turbulent world. There is a system in the game rules , which cannot be violated. With the help of the game, students can unite an existing team or create a team if there is none. Under gaming technologies refers to a fairly broad group of methods and techniques for organizing the educational process. ...

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  • 04 1

    abstract (presentation) Answers to questions Fill out the table Test questions. checking the workbook Section 3 Organization of work with documents 7 Prepare an abstract (presentation) Answer questions Solution of situational tasks Compose crossword testing Section 4 Documentation of organizational and administrative activities 14 Prepare an abstract (presentation) Solving situational tasks according to options Drawing up documents testing Section 5. Language and style of official documents...

  • Collection of social studies crossword puzzles for 9th grade

    Mamaev Oleg Vladimirovich, teacher of history and social studies MCOU "Batkovskaya Basic School", Ryazan region, Sasovsky district, Batki village

    Description and purpose:
    The collection consists of seven crossword puzzles based on materials from the textbook “Social Studies. 9th grade” edited by L. N. Bogolyubov, A. I. Matveev. The crossword puzzle “Politics and the state” corresponds to § 1-3, the crossword puzzle “The rule of law and political activity” – § 4-7, the crossword puzzle “Government structure of the Russian Federation” – § 4, 6, 12-13, the crossword puzzle “Legal relations and legal responsibility” – § 8-11, crossword puzzle “Rights and freedoms of man and citizen” – § 12-15, 21, crossword puzzle “Main branches of law in the Russian Federation” – § 16-20. All six crosswords consist of 16 words. The last seventh crossword puzzle is the final one for the entire educational course and consists of 24 words. Crosswords are intended for social studies teachers and 9th grade students and can be used in various forms in the classroom: to consolidate material studied in class, for individual or collective checking of homework, for conducting tests and intellectual-cognitive activities.
    1. Test students’ knowledge of the material studied;
    2. Stimulate the cognitive activity of students;
    3. Contribute to the creation of a relaxed, creative atmosphere in the classroom.
    Crossword “Politics and the State”

    1. The main political institution in the life of society.
    2. A European state in which the king (queen) “reigns, but does not rule.”
    3. One of the signs of a state, which brings it closer to the concept of “country.”
    4. To get it, some people just need to be born, while others need to go through a long and difficult procedure.
    5. This period human history knew neither politics nor the state.
    6. Elected head of state.
    7. A new subject of the federation, which became part of Russia in 2014.
    8. The form of government that prevailed in the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.
    1. Due to them, the country’s budget is formed and the maintenance of the state apparatus is ensured.
    2. The essence of this political regime is well revealed by the phrase of one politician of the 20th century: “Everything is in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state!”
    3. The source of sovereignty in democratic countries.
    4. A political principle that ensures openness and accessibility of information about the work of government agencies.
    5. “The art of statecraft.”
    6. A form of democracy in which citizens are directly involved in political decision-making.
    7. The political regime that has actually developed in most of the republics of the former USSR.
    8. The birthplace of democracy.
    Horizontal: 1. State; 2. Great Britain; 3. Territory; 4. Citizenship; 5. Primitiveness; 6. President; 7. Crimea; 8. Monarchy.
    Vertical: 1. Taxes; 2. Totalitarianism; 3. People; 4. Publicity; 5. Politics; 6. Direct; 7. Authoritarianism; 8. Greece.
    Crossword puzzle “The rule of law and political activity”

    1. An additional name for the legislative branch.
    2. Fighting for it is the main characteristic of a political party.
    3. In tsarist Russia they were multi-stage, but in modern Russia they were direct.
    4. French philosopher, author classical theory separation of powers.
    5. With such voting, the will of a particular person is a secret to others.
    6. Illegal political activity with radical goals.
    7. A condition limiting the right of citizens to be elected to government bodies.
    8. A meeting of citizens dedicated to discussing current political issues.
    9. An organization of workers that protects their social and labor interests.
    1. Representatives of this government are not elected by voting, but are appointed from above.
    2. A state in which compliance with laws is strictly mandatory not only for society, but also for those in power.
    3. Thanks to its great influence on public opinion, it is called the fourth estate.
    4. In the USA it is called the Congress, and in Russia – the Federal Assembly.
    5. Form of popular voting on the most important issues of public life.
    6. An organization or group that opposes mainstream policies.
    7. The highest executive body of state power.
    Horizontal: 1. Representative; 2. Power; 3. Elections; 4. Montesquieu; 5. Secret; 6. Extremism; 7. Age; 8. Rally; 9. Trade union.
    Vertical: 1. Executive; 2. Legal; 3. Press; 4. Parliament; 5. Referendum; 6. Opposition; 7. Government.
    Crossword “Government structure of the Russian Federation”

    1. People's representative in the State Duma.
    2. They are adopted by the lower house of the Federal Assembly.
    3. The political principle according to which the President of Russia cannot be held criminally liable.
    4. They can become a citizen of Russia who has reached 25 years of age, has a higher legal education and experience in the legal profession.
    5. The highest executive body of state power in Russia.
    6. The most powerful means of influence of the Russian President on the activities of the State Duma.
    7. The highest legislative body of state power in Russia.
    8. The procedure for removing the President of Russia from office.
    1. A form of popular voting, which is extremely rarely used in Russia.
    2. Member of the Federation Council.
    3. In Russia there are three cities of federal significance: Moscow, St. Petersburg and (...) Indicate the missing word.
    4. This voluminous document is annually considered by the State Duma in four readings.
    5. The Basic Law of the Russian State.
    6. In accordance with the 2008 amendment, the President of Russia is elected for a term of (...) years. Indicate the missing word.
    7. In the USA, presidential elections are multi-stage, but in Russia?
    8. He heads a separate branch of public administration.
    Horizontal: 1. Deputy; 2. Laws; 3. Inviolability; 4. Judge; 5. Government; 6. Veto; 7. Parliament; 8. Impeachment.
    Vertical: 1. Referendum; 2. Senator; 3. Sevastopol; 4. Budget; 5. Constitution; 6. Six; 7. Straight; 8. Minister.
    Crossword “Legal relations and legal responsibility”

    1. He supports the state prosecution in court.
    2. A lawyer providing professional legal assistance.
    3. This judge considers cases alone.
    4. Appealing a court decision to a higher court.
    5. Participant in legal relations in legal language.
    6. The ability to exercise rights and responsibilities and take responsibility for one’s actions.
    7. A set of legal norms regulating a separate sphere of homogeneous social relations.
    8. A person who prepares various legal documents.
    9. For certain offenses, this type of legal liability begins at the age of 14.
    1. The norms of this law regulate the sphere of property relations.
    2. She maintains public order and fights crime.
    3. Passive behavior of a person, which in certain cases can lead to an offense.
    4. There are two forms of guilt: negligence and (...) Fill in the missing word.
    5. Illegal and socially dangerous act.
    6. It enforces laws and punishes their violation.
    7. Hierarchy of normative acts: (...) – laws – by-laws. Indicate the missing word.
    Horizontal: 1. Prosecutor; 2. Lawyer; 3. World; 4. Appeal; 5. Subject; 6. Legal capacity; 7. Industry; 8. Notary; 9. Criminal.
    Vertical: 1. Civil; 2. Police; 3. Inaction; 4. Intent; 5. Misconduct; 6. State; 7. Constitution.
    Crossword “Rights and freedoms of man and citizen”

    1. The most common form of social security in Russia.
    2. Thanks to him, the current Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted.
    3. In Tsarist Russia, they were among the first to draft a constitution.
    4. Birthplace of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen.
    5. The Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrines the following rights: civil, political, socio-economic and (...) Indicate the missing words.
    6. They come in addition to rights and are their necessary condition.
    7. Cash allowance for an excellent student.
    8. Russian children not only have the right to it, but are also obliged to receive it.
    9. The country in which the first written constitution appeared.
    1. The condition under which Russian citizens can exercise their rights and obligations in full.
    2. The list of specific rights and freedoms in the Constitution of the Russian Federation opens with Article 20: “Everyone has the right to (...)” Indicate the missing word.
    3. The most widespread mechanism for the protection of human rights.
    4. Unlike Soviet times, in modern Russia it is free, and its forced forms are prohibited.
    5. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, he is the guarantor of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
    6. A short introduction to the constitution.
    7. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, they are the highest direct expression of the power of the people.
    Horizontal: 1. Pension; 2. Referendum; 3. Decembrists; 4. France; 5. Cultural; 6. Responsibilities; 7. Scholarship; 8. Education; 9. USA.
    Vertical: 1. Age of majority; 2. Life; 3. Court; 4. Labor; 5. President; 6. Preamble; 7. Elections.
    Crossword “Main branches of law in the Russian Federation”

    1. A marriage created without the intention of starting a family.
    2. Condition necessary for marriage.
    3. Norms administrative law have three forms: prescription, (...), permission. Indicate the missing word.
    4. A subject of labor law that protects the labor rights and interests of employees.
    5. Branch of law regulating property and personal property property relations.
    6. A subject of administrative law authorized to use physical force.
    7. The mildest punishment provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
    8. The period separating the submission of the application to the registry office from the marriage registration itself.
    1. A transaction, the conclusion of which requires the will of two or more parties.
    2. Criminal liability for this offense begins at the age of 14.
    3. The mildest type of administrative punishment.
    4. Harm caused to a citizen in connection with the violation of his personal non-property rights.
    5. Grounds for termination employment contract with an employee.
    6. Desecration of a cultural monument as a criminal offense.
    7. Administrative offense.
    8. Criminal offense.
    Horizontal: 1. Fictitious; 2. Legal capacity; 3. Prohibition; 4. Trade union; 5. Civil; 6. Police; 7. Fine; 8. Month.
    Vertical: 1. Agreement; 2. Murder; 3. Warning; 4. Moral; 5. Truancy; 6. Vandalism; 7. Misconduct; 8. Crime.
    Final crossword puzzle for social studies

    1. The procedure for removing the president from office.
    2. The main political institution in the life of society.
    3. The most common mechanism for protecting human rights.
    4. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “Russia is a democratic (...) rule of law state with a republican form of government.” Indicate the missing word.
    5. The form of government that prevailed in the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.
    6. One of the signs of an offense.
    7. Condition necessary for marriage.
    8. He supports the state prosecution in court.
    9. The most important human right.
    10. Branch of law regulating property relations.
    1. The struggle for it is the main characteristic of a political party.
    2. The most common administrative punishment.
    3. Translation of the word “democracy” into Russian.
    4. “The art of statecraft.”
    5. The strictest type of legal liability.
    6. The most common form of social security in Russia.
    7. One of the signs of the state, thanks to which its material existence is maintained.
    8. The rules of this right must be known when applying for a job.
    9. In tsarist Russia they were multi-stage, but in modern Russia they were direct.
    10. There are two types of offense: crime and (…) Fill in the missing word.
    11. Supreme body legislative branch in most modern countries.
    12. Political regime characterized by comprehensive state control over public life
    13. Person preparing legal documents.
    14. Basic law of the Russian state.
    Horizontal: 1. Impeachment; 2. State; 3. Court; 4. Federal; 5. Monarchy; 6. Wine; 7. Legal capacity; 8. Prosecutor; 9. Life; 10. Civil.
    Vertical: 1. Power; 2. Fine; 3. Democracy; 4. Politics; 5. Criminal; 6. Pension; 7. Taxes; 8. Labor; 9. Elections; 10. Misconduct; 11. Parliament; 12. Totalitarianism; 13. Notary; 14. Constitution.

    Crossword on “Labor Law”
    1. Body for regulating social and labor relations
    2. Demonstrated ability to apply knowledge and skills
    3. Activities of citizens related to the satisfaction of personal and social needs, which do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and, as a rule, bring them earnings, labor income
    4. Group of workers
    8. Employee data required by the employer in connection with labor relations and relating to a specific employee
    17. Agreement between the parties to the labor relationship
    18. Intentional electrical connection of any point in an electrical installation system or equipment to a grounding device
    2. Travel of an employee by order of the employer for a certain period of time to carry out an official assignment outside the place of permanent work
    5. The responsibility of the state is ... labor rights and freedoms of citizens
    6. The fixed amount of remuneration for an employee for fulfilling labor standards of a certain complexity (qualification) per unit of time, without taking into account compensation, incentives and social payments - ... rate
    7. System of relationships between employee and employer
    8. Employees who conscientiously perform job responsibilities employer: expresses gratitude, gives a bonus, rewards with valuable gifts, certificate of honor, represents for the title of the best in the profession
    9. Upon dismissal, the employee is paid cash... for everything unused vacations
    10. ...working day - individual employees may, by order of the employer, if necessary, be occasionally involved in the performance of their labor functions outside the established working hours for them
    11. One of the participants in labor relations
    12. Disciplinary action applied to an employee who has committed a disciplinary offense of minor severity
    13. A process associated with risk, aimed at minimizing negative and maximizing the use of positive consequences and, accordingly, their likelihood
    14. Means, methods and conditions by which the implementation of the rights granted to employees in the field of social and labor relations is ensured
    15. When concluding an employment contract, by agreement of the parties, the employee may complete ... the period
    16. One of the sources of labor law
    17. Work performed by an employee at the initiative of the employer outside the working hours established for the employee
    19. For family reasons and others good reasons an employee, upon his written application, may be granted leave without pay...
    20. Mandatory for all employees to obey the rules of conduct determined in accordance with this Code, other laws, collective agreements, agreements, employment contracts, local regulations organizations.
    21. Hygienic... - the permissible maximum or minimum quantitative and (or) qualitative value of an indicator characterizing that, established by research
    22. Rod labor activity requiring some training

    3. Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer
    8. Public association or government agency, created with specific goals and operating rules.
    12. Intentional electrical connection of any point in an electrical installation system or equipment to a grounding device
    13. - work outside the established working hours
    15. ... union - created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, institutionalized, having its own charter, structure and executive bodies voluntary association workers in one or more industries professional activity for the purpose of representing the interests of employees and protecting their rights in relations with employers and (or) government bodies, municipal government
    17. Employee data required by the employer in connection with labor relations and relating to a specific employee.
    21. Termination of an employment contract
    23. ... employee - level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and experience of the employee
    1. Comprehensive assessment specialists (experts) factors production environment(physical, chemical, biological, severity of labor and labor intensity) in terms of factors influencing the health and performance of a person in the process of work. E. working conditions contributes to the implementation of one of the goals of labor legislation - the creation of favorable conditions (Article 1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)
    2. A legal act establishing general principles for regulating social, labor and related economic relations, concluded between authorized representatives of workers and employers at the federal, regional, sectoral (intersectoral) and territorial levels within their competence
    4. Conditions under which harmful factors are absent or do not exceed levels accepted as safe for the population, at which the health of the employee is maintained and the prerequisites are created for maintaining high level performance
    5. Upon dismissal, the employee is paid... for all unused vacations
    6. System of relationships between employee and employer
    7. Mandatory obedience for all employees to the rules of conduct defined in accordance with the Labor Code
    9. On the state service is not accepted... Citizens
    10. A document confirming the right of a foreign worker to temporarily carry out labor activities on the territory of the Russian Federation or the right of a foreign citizen registered in the Russian Federation as individual entrepreneur, for implementation entrepreneurial activity
    11. Working conditions under which workers are exposed to harmful and (or) dangerous production factors excluded or their exposure levels do not exceed established standards
    13. Intellectual... - exclusive right of a citizen or legal entity on the results of intellectual activity and equivalent means of individualization of a legal entity. products, work or services performed (company name, trademark, service mark, etc.)
    14. Paid annual leave
    15. According to Federal Law No. 58-FZ dated May 27, 2003 On the civil service system of the Russian Federation civil service- this is... Official activities of citizens of the Russian Federation
    16. ... working day - individual employees may, by order of the employer, if necessary, be occasionally involved in the performance of their labor functions outside the working hours established for them
    18. Able-bodied persons 16 years of age and older, who, for reasons beyond their control, do not have a job (gainful occupation), are looking for work
    19. Fund intended for payment of old-age or disability pensions
    20. A person who does not have a job
    22. Labor... – implementation by the employee in the process social production their labor functions

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