Crossword puzzle on the topic of purchasing logistics. Crossword puzzle on the subject Logistics

Crossword puzzle on Logistics on the topic “Definitions”.
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3. A set of elements that are in certain connections and relationships with each other, forming a certain integrity and unity5. A set of operations that are homogeneous in terms of the purpose of these operations and aimed at achieving the goals of the logistics system6. A functionally isolated object that is not subject to further decomposition within the framework of the task of analysis and synthesis of the logistics system, performing its local target function associated with certain logistics functions9. Logistics management at the level of interaction between individual companies - market participants, as well as management of internal logistics of a company or holding14. A flow in which products have a material form (cargo, parts, inventory items), are in a state of movement, are considered in the process of applying logistics operations to them and are assigned to a certain time interval16. A set of actions aimed at transforming the material or information flow (loading, transportation, unloading, packaging, picking, warehousing, packaging)17. The function responsible for purchasing all materials needed by the organization
Vertical1. What is the name of distribution that covers the functions of storage, transportation, warehousing, processing and other functions related to the distribution of goods 2. A partially ordered set of enterprises and organizations that carry out the flow from the manufacturer to its consumers 4. The costs of performing logistics operations (warehousing, transportation and etc.) 7. The science of planning, control and management of transportation, storage and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to the production enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials and materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in in accordance with the interests and requirements of the latter, as well as the transfer, storage and processing of relevant information 8. Logistics management at the level of interaction between various groups of companies in individual sectors of the economy and between them, as well as in the markets of large geographical regions and the global market for interstate trade 10. Flow, in which there is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary for the management and control of logistics operations 11. The function of logistics, which consists in choosing a rational method of transportation, type and types of vehicles, delivery route, carrier, supply dispatch etc. 12. A flow in which there is a directed movement of financial resources circulating in the logistics system, as well as between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary to ensure the effective movement of a certain material flow 13. What is the name of distribution, which is a collection of firms or individual persons who assume or help transfer to someone else the ownership of a specific product from producer to consumer 15. This is one or many objects, perceived as a single whole, existing as a process over a certain time interval and measured in absolute units 17. Economically or a functionally separate entity that fulfills its purpose related to certain logistics operations or functions

Crossword puzzle on Logistics on the topic “Definitions”.

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3. A set of elements that are in certain connections and relationships with each other, forming a certain integrity and unity
5. A set of operations that are homogeneous in terms of the purpose of these operations and aimed at achieving the goals of the logistics system
6. A functionally isolated object, not subject to further decomposition within the framework of the task of analysis and synthesis of the logistics system, performing its local target function associated with certain logistics functions
9. Logistics management at the level of interaction between individual companies - market participants, as well as management of internal logistics of a company or holding company
14. A flow in which products have a material form (cargo, parts, inventory items), are in a state of movement, are considered in the process of applying logistics operations to it and are assigned to a certain time interval
16. A set of actions aimed at transforming the material or information flow (loading, transportation, unloading, packaging, picking, warehousing, packaging)
17. The function responsible for acquiring all materials needed by the organization

1. What is the name of distribution, which covers the functions of storage, transportation, warehousing, processing and other functions related to the distribution of goods?
2. A partially ordered set of enterprises and organizations that carry out the flow from the producer to its consumers
4. Costs of performing logistics operations (warehousing, transportation, etc.)
7. The science of planning, control and management of transportation, storage and other tangible and intangible operations performed in the process of bringing raw materials and materials to the production enterprise, in-plant processing of raw materials and materials and semi-finished products, bringing finished products to the consumer in accordance with interests and requirements the latter, as well as the transmission, storage and processing of relevant information
8. Logistics management at the level of interaction between various groups of companies in individual sectors of the economy and between them, as well as in the markets of large geographical regions and the global market for interstate trade turnover
10. Flow in which there is a set of messages circulating in the logistics system, between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary for managing and monitoring logistics operations
11. The function of logistics, which consists in choosing a rational method of transportation, type and types of vehicles, delivery route, carrier, supply dispatch, etc.
12. A flow in which there is a directed movement of financial resources circulating in the logistics system, as well as between the logistics system and the external environment, necessary to ensure the effective movement of a certain material flow
13. What is the name of distribution, which is a collection of firms or individuals who take over or help transfer to someone else the ownership of a particular product from producer to consumer
15. This is one or many objects, perceived as a single whole, existing as a process over a certain time interval and measured in absolute units
17. An economically or functionally separate entity that fulfills its purpose associated with certain logistics operations or functions

1. Specific costs per unit of route with increasing transportation distance:

  • a. Are being reduced
  • b. Are increasing
  • c. Do not change

Answer: a

2. Abbreviation for international waybill:

  • a. CRN
  • b. CRM
  • c. CRL

Answer: b

3. The cost of transportation depends on:

  • a. The volume of work performed and funds spent on it
  • b. Load capacity and mileage coefficient
  • c. Vehicle performance

Answer: a

4. "Direct" rail transportation is called:

  • a. Transportation within the same road
  • b. Transportation within one or more roads, but under one transportation document
  • c. Transportation within one or more roads, but using different transportation documents

Answer: b

5. A contract of carriage by sea is called a “charterparty” if:

  • a. The vessel makes a passing voyage under charter conditions
  • b. The vessel makes an irregular voyage under charter conditions
  • c. The vessel makes a regular voyage under charter conditions

Answer: b

6. The main document for settlements between the customer and the motor carrier is:

  • a. Transport service agreement
  • b. Invoice "bargaining 12"
  • c. TTN

Answer: c

7. Select the type of non-existent pendulum route:

  • a. With reverse idle run
  • b. With return fully loaded mileage
  • c. No return run

Answer: c

8. The circular route is:

  • a. Consecutive distribution of products without returning to the warehouse
  • b. Sequential detour around points in a closed circle
  • c. Repeated vehicle mileage between two destinations

Answer: b

9. "Small shipment" in rail transportation:

  • a. from 20t
  • b. 10-20t
  • c. up to 10t

Answer: c

10. What type of transport does not exist?

  • a. Aerobic
  • b. Pipeline
  • c. Water

Answer: a

11. Logistics is:

  • a. The Science of Logic
  • b. The science of managing information and material flows during the movement of goods
  • c. The practical science of cargo delivery

Answer: b

12. Which area is not included in the classical competence of logistics?

  • a. Procurement
  • b. Production
  • c. Sales

Answer: c

13. Select a non-logistics function

  • a. Optimization
  • b. Implementation
  • c. Planning

Answer: b

14. A 19th-century military theorist who defines logistics as the practical art of command and control:

  • a. Baron Jomini
  • b. Duke of Logistinsky
  • c. Peter I

Answer: a

15. Select a task that is foreign to purchasing logistics:

  • a. Determining the volume of purchases
  • b. Coordination of processes for performing technological operations
  • c. Supplier selection

Answer: b

16. Transport logistics does not include:

  • a. Cargo storage
  • b. Transportation of goods
  • c. Cargo autolization

Answer: b

17. Check the redundant distribution logistics task:

  • a. Maximizing enterprise profits while better satisfying consumer demand
  • b. Minimizing the use of a horizontal distribution system as opposed to a vertical one
  • c. Rational behavior in the market, taking into account its gradually changing structure

Answer: b

18. The main task of warehouse logistics:

  • a. Warehousing and preparation of goods for delivery
  • b. Purchasing the most profitable cargo
  • c. Organization of warehouse operations while minimizing storage costs

Answer: a

19. Warehousing creates benefits:

  • a. Economic
  • b. Purchasing
  • c. Enrichment

Answer: a

20. Which term is alien to logistics?

  • a. "Just-in-time"
  • b. "At any cost"
  • c. "Price-Quality"

Answer: b

21. The logistics concept of production organization includes:

  • a. Elimination of excess inventory
  • b. Eliminate equipment downtime
  • c. Defining a strategy for working with consumers

Answer: a

22. What is meant by micrologistics?

  • a. there is no right answer.
  • b. micrologistics solves issues related to market analysis of suppliers and consumers;
  • c. micrologistics solves local issues of individual firms and enterprises;
  • d. micrologistics solves operational issues of the movement of information flow in space;
  • e. micrologistics solves issues related to the development of a general concept of procurement and distribution;

Answer: a

23. Determine the main advantages of a single source of supply of material resources compared to several sources:

  • a. reducing risk and uncertainty;
  • b. reducing the likelihood of disruptions in product delivery;
  • c. simpler procedures for placing and forwarding an order;
  • d. greater likelihood of encouraging innovation and improvement;

Answer: s

24. What is a finished product for an industrial enterprise?

  • a. component;
  • b. set;
  • c. product;
  • d. assembly unit.
  • e. detail;

Answer: s

25. Select the definition that most accurately reflects the concept of “supply logistics”:

  • a. a set of interrelated operations to manage material flows in the process of bringing finished products to the consumer
  • b. management of material flows and services in the process of providing the organization with material resources and services;
  • c. one of the functional subsystems of the organization’s logistics;
  • d. applied science of managing material flows in the process of logistics of production;
  • e. this is the management of the logistics of the enterprise;

Answer: d

26. Which of the listed methods are most often used in information systems of the MRPII - ERP class?

  • a. calendar;
  • b. volume;
  • c. volumetric-calendar;
  • d. parallel.
  • e. volumetric-dynamic;

Answer: b

27. Determine the main criteria for choosing the best supplier:

  • a. image, established long-term economic relations, financial condition;
  • b. low prices, short lead times, technical support
  • c. convenience of placement, wide range of products offered, availability of substitute goods;
  • d. cost of purchased products, quality of service; service reliability;

Answer: b c

28. Which planning method allows you to identify “bottlenecks” and “broad” places in production at the planning stage:

  • a. calendar;
  • b. parallel.
  • c. volumetric-calendar;
  • d. volume;
  • e. volumetric-dynamic;

Answer: e

29. The primary task when organizing non-line production:

  • a. streamlining technological routes in space;
  • b. calculation of production standards.
  • c. rhythmic organization of production supply over time;
  • d. specialization of jobs and areas;
  • e. placement of production workers in accordance with their qualifications along the production process;

Answer: b

30. Which of the following cannot be designated as a logistics link?

  • a. transport company;
  • b. warehouse;
  • c. workshop of an industrial enterprise;
  • d. there is no right answer.
  • e. commercial bank;

The program includes: warm-up (finish the statement), intellectual competition (solve the crossword puzzle), captains competition (come up with 3 thematic proverbs or sayings (homework) + test task) and creative competition (present 7 rules of logistics in the form of a collage).

Logistics Quiz: First Courses

Quiz plan: The program includes: warm-up (finish the statement), intellectual competition (solve the crossword puzzle), captains competition (come up with 3 thematic proverbs or sayings (homework) + test task) and creative competition (present 7 rules of logistics in the form of a collage). The jury will note the high degree of independence of students in preparing for competitive tasks, knowledge of theory, manifested in witty and non-standard solutions.

Opening remarks: greetings

1.Team business card: divide into teams and choose a captain. (1 point)

2.Warm up: Finish the statement.

  • In a company, the chief logistician should be…. (general director)
  • Logistics is when each department is interested not in the result of the work of its department, but in the results of the work... (of the company)\
  • Logistics' best friend is...(marketing)
  • Without ...(creative) and ...(creative) thinking there is nothing to do in logistics
  • Transport logistics is a system for organizing the delivery of cargo with ... (minimum) time costs and ... (optimization) of delivery costs \
  • During transportation, maximum control over ... (cargo safety) must be ensured.

Reading the verse


Track, apply, tow places.
Only a Logistician can do this clearly.
He has work in the field, in the office, and at home
At his port the container will play leapfrog.
He knows Incoterms and foreign trade activities, PRR and TTN
Loads and unloads, no fatigue at all,
The maintenance load has passed no matter, the new one will collect the package,
And not strong, but brave, he will throw the advice into the forum.
He will quickly calculate for you how much sea freight costs,
You don’t hear words from him, ABBREVIATIONS on his lips.
I ask you not to reproach, all professions are good,
Well, to be honest people, we are great LOGISTICS.

3.Question: define abbreviations(for each correct answer 1 point)

Incoterms are international rules for the interpretation of the most widely used trade terms in the field of foreign trade.
VED - abbreviation (Foreign Economic Activity)
PRR - abbreviation (Loading and Unloading Works)
TTN - abbreviation (Transportation Waybill)
TO - Abbreviation (Customs Clearance)
Package - list of documents for Customs Clearance
Freight is a payment stipulated by contract or law for the transportation of goods.

4.Creative competition: come up with and draw a logo for a logistics company (5 points)

5. Game "Riddles"(Through one) (correct answer 1 point):

** In which city is the man's name and cardinal direction hidden?. (Vladivostok)

**What do people often walk on, but rarely drive?? (Up the stairs)

** He walks uphill, then downhill, but stays in place. (Road)

** Two people approach the river. There is a boat at the shore that can only support one. Both people crossed to the opposite bank. How? (They were on different banks)

**Which route has no one ever walked or ridden before? (Milky Way)

** This horse doesn't eat oats,
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just drive better (Bicycle)

** Well, my friend, guess
Only this is not a tram.
It rushes quickly along the rails into the distance
A line of huts. (Train)

** The palace floats on the waves,
It carries people..(Ship)

**The ball is not big,
Doesn't tell you to be lazy
If you know the subject,
The whole world will show it. (Globe)

**A systematic collection of maps with explanatory text, published as a volume or a set of separate sheets (atlas).

6. Present the 7 rules of logistics in the form of a collage (in the form of a collage)(5 points)

7. Come up with 3 proverbs or sayings(5 points)

8. Captains competition: crocodile game

(correct answer 3 points):

Captains play - depict for teams:

**Customs officer


** loader

** traffic jam (traffic)

Judges counting quiz results.(music: Parov Stelar-LibellaSwing)

Announcement of results.(before the words of the judge) (Music: Bottom line)

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