Rabbit farm for meat. Is rabbit breeding profitable or not as a home business?

Livestock farming is considered one of the most complex, resource-intensive and at the same time profitable directions Agriculture. However, this type of business is not necessarily characterized by multimillion-dollar investments in the purchase or construction of huge farms. For example, you can start rabbit breeding practically from scratch - just build a few cages and purchase young animals of a suitable breed.

Breeding rabbits as a business - profitable or not? If the entrepreneur has a free plot of land, a personal subsidiary plot and access to a feed supply, the answer will definitely be positive - even taking into account the fact that in this case the products can only be sold to private clients, acquaintances and buyers at the agricultural market. If we are talking about creating a large rabbit farm and maintaining a herd of several thousand animals, then such a project requires careful calculations, analysis of market capacity and the development of a full-fledged business plan.

Business Features

in general, and rabbit breeding in particular, is a fairly promising area for entrepreneurs for the following reasons:
  • The rabbit meat sales market is only half full;
  • The product is superior in dietary and taste qualities to beef and pork;
  • Owner farm can count on tax holidays and various government subsidies;
  • Due to low costs, the cost per kilogram of products is significantly lower than that of other types of meat, and the selling price is high due to limited supply.

Rabbit meat is used not only for preparing dishes in restaurants or at home, but also in the production of canned food, sausages, semi-finished products, as well as for providing meals to convalescent patients. Therefore, clients of a rabbit farm can be:

  1. Meat processing plants;
  2. Individuals with any level of income;
  3. Catering establishments;
  4. Medical institutions, hospitals, dispensaries;
  5. Enterprises and educational institutions with canteens.

Rabbits reproduce and grow very quickly. After giving birth, the female is immediately ready for a new mating and, thanks to the possibility of combining the periods of pregnancy and lactation, can bear offspring up to six times a year. By the age of four months, representatives of meat breeds reach a marketable weight of 4–5 kg sufficient for slaughter, as a result of which meat production becomes almost continuous.

Choosing a breed for breeding

When considering where to start raising rabbits, you should first determine priority livestock activities:

  • Meat production;
  • Breeding of combined breeds (production of meat and skins);
  • Maintenance of fur and fur breeds;
  • Breeding ornamental breeds.

As a business, raising rabbits for meat, due to its high profitability, is most popular among entrepreneurs. The most common meat breeds include:

  • New Zealand white;
  • French ram;
  • Californian.
Raising rabbits for meat and skins involves purchasing young animals of combined breeds with thick, beautiful fur and good meat yield:
  • Gray and White giants;
  • Riesen (German Giant);
  • Soviet chinchilla;
  • European and Poltava (Soviet) silver;
  • Vienna blue.

To obtain rabbit fur or fluff, select breeds with beautiful thick wool of original colors. Despite the fact that fur-bearing rabbits have a smaller body weight, their meat is in no way inferior in taste to other varieties. Suitable for industrial breeding:

  • Russian ermine;
  • Rex white, blue, Russian, fiery, black;
  • Angora English or French rabbit.

In a business plan for breeding rabbits, calculations must take into account the costs of forming a breeding herd. You should buy young animals only in nurseries or at special exhibitions after a mandatory examination by a veterinarian: the likelihood of purchasing sick animals of unknown pedigree at the poultry market is quite high. The cost of each specimen is determined by its age: meat and meat-skinned breeds are estimated at 420–450 rubles for each month of keeping on the farm.

Drawing up a business plan

Despite the apparent simplicity of the technology, the rabbit farming business has many subtleties that are sometimes unknown even to an experienced farmer. To assess the prospects for this type of activity, any entrepreneur can download a rabbit breeding business plan template for free and make their own calculation of the main economic indicators: a project presented in numbers is more visual than an abstract concept.

The business plan of a rabbit farm consists of standard sections (overview, production and economic), however, such initial data as the cost of feed, breeding stock, land, market prices for products are purely individual and depend on specific regional conditions.

In general, the project needs to consider the following issues:

  1. Description of the product, its advantages and benefits, justification of demand;
  2. Description of the enterprise, size of the breeding herd and expected increase in livestock;
  3. Capacity Analysis regional market, the presence of large customers and competitors on it, proposed mechanisms for the sale of meat, skins and other products;
  4. Production plan - number and design of cages, desired location of the site, mechanisms for supplying young animals and preparing feed;
  5. Financial plan taking into account expenses and expected income;
  6. Strategy for searching new markets and enterprise development.

It should be noted that downloading a business plan for breeding rabbits and adapting it for your own purposes is much easier and cheaper than ordering the development of a project from third-party organizations for 50–60 thousand rubles. An additional advantage in this case will be that the entrepreneur acquires some experience in carrying out economic calculations, without which even the most profitable business becomes risky and unpredictable.

Options for registering activities

Methods for legalizing farm activities also require consideration in ready business plan for breeding rabbits. The simplest organizational form is a personal subsidiary plot - in this case, the entrepreneur may not pay taxes, but has the right to sell products only to acquaintances or private buyers at collective farm markets.

For private household plots it is necessary to register:

  • Farmer's health record;
  • Veterinary certificate about the health status of the animals and their vaccinations;
  • Certificate of laboratory analysis of meat and permission to sell;
  • Sanitary certificate for a vehicle used to transport products.

In addition, in some regions the size of the breeding herd is regulated for private household plots. To get rid of such restrictions and be able to supply meat to retail stores, a business plan for breeding rabbits at home must include registration with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur or a peasant farm. In this case, it is necessary to choose a suitable taxation system: for a rabbit farm, the best option is the Unified Agricultural Tax at a rate of 6%.

In general, individual entrepreneurs and peasant farms are identical from the point of view of taxation and accounting - the main differences are that a peasant farm may have several owners, and the entrepreneur who created it has the right to receive a state grant under the agricultural industry development program.

Organizational matters

A significant drawback when raising rabbits at home is the limitation of the total number of adults in the farm depending on the distance to residential premises. Thus, no more than 20 animals are allowed to be kept within 20 meters from the house. Therefore, in accordance with sanitary standards, for the construction of a large rabbit farm, use a site protected from the wind, located at a distance of more than 300 m from the nearest houses, other farms, wetlands and landfills.

The area required to implement a business idea for breeding rabbits depends on the scale of the enterprise: all the structures necessary to maintain a herd of 1000 heads will be located on a plot of 10–12 acres. However, if you purchase or rent several hectares, the remaining territory can be used for growing feed crops - alfalfa, corn, beets or barley, which will ultimately lead to significant savings on the purchase of feed.

Raising rabbits at home from scratch involves using one of four common technologies:

  • Breeding animals in closed premises with a controlled microclimate. In this case, the farm consists of one or more hangars equipped with artificial lighting, heating and ventilation systems. For small-scale production, a barn, garage or other outbuilding is used as such a room;
  • Using Mikhailov mini-farms. This design allows you to fully automate the process of keeping animals - it is enough to fill the feeders once a week, pour water into the drinking bowls and clean the receiving bin with waste. Mikhailov cages are also equipped with heating, which is especially convenient for beginners - raising rabbits at home is practically independent of seasonal fluctuations in the breeding cycle;
  • Keeping rabbits in multi-tier cages using the Zolotukhin method. The cages are placed along the walls in special long buildings (sheds) and covered with a common roof, which greatly simplifies the processes of feeding and cleaning using motorized equipment. The shed system is especially popular among summer residents and beginning farmers due to the possibility of arranging enclosures from scrap materials.

Technology for raising rabbits in a pit. At the same time, there is no need to build a farm - just choose a dry, elevated place and arrange a brick-lined hole 1.6–2 m deep with several holes there. In addition to the advantages in the form of simplicity of rabbitry equipment and minimal requirements for starting capital, raising rabbits in pits as a business also has significant disadvantages: in such conditions it is impossible to keep animals of fur-bearing and meat-skin breeds, and close contacts of individuals provoke the instant spread of diseases among them. In addition, when raised in a pit, rabbits become smaller and run wild due to the impossibility of carrying out breeding work with them.

Farm equipment

The territory of the future farm needs to be landscaped: clear the site for construction, ensure connection to electrical networks and uninterrupted supply of water from a well, well or water supply system. In addition, according to sanitary requirements, the area with the cages must be fenced with a solid or mesh fence 1.5 m high. In general, rabbit breeding as a business requires the construction of several structures, including:

  • Rabbit farms. In accordance with the selected conditions for raising rabbits, sheds with cages made of wood, OSB sheets and galvanized mesh are erected on the site, or rows of ready-made Mikhailov mini-farms are installed: each such block is designed to contain 20–25 rabbits and occupies 1.4–1.5 m² area;
  • Feed shop. For storing feed, a barn of suitable size is used, and in its absence, a hangar capable of accommodating a supply of hay, feed and root crops. When the cost of grain is low, it is advisable to purchase and install a granulator and crusher in the workshop in order to be able to prepare the feed yourself. An area of ​​10–15 m² is also being developed here for storing tools and motor vehicles;
  • Domestic premises. A small insulated house is needed for an overnight stay for a watchman and a veterinarian who monitors newborn rabbits around the clock. You can equip a room in the house for staff meals and rest, and allocate space for storing skins. If there is no suitable building on the site, a panel structure is erected or a 3x6 m block container is installed;
  • Carnage. As a business, raising rabbits for meat involves setting up a separate building for slaughtering animals: finishing such a room with tiles and metal should allow for regular cleaning and disinfection.

The list of equipment for the slaughterhouse includes:

  1. Devices with hooks for hanging carcasses;
  2. Stainless steel tables and sinks;
  3. Knives and cutting boards;
  4. Refrigerated chambers for meat;
  5. Recycler of offal and waste (diesel or gas cremator).

Manure collector. A manure pit equipped with an open canopy, at least 3 m deep, with concrete walls, is located at the maximum distance from the slaughterhouse and rabbit hutches (according to sanitary standards, at a distance of at least 100 m).

Farm construction costs

Name Amount, rub.
Land plot 5 hectares with registration 110000
Drilling and well construction 130000
Electrical connection 5000
Installation of mesh fencing for a farm 50x50 m 62000
Purchase of 40 Mikhailov cells 480000
Feed shop hangar 12x12 m 160000
Arrangement of a manure collector 25000
Household premises 3x6 m 80000
Slaughterhouse premises 125000
Cutting shop equipment 50000
Low temperature meat cabinet 48000
Gas waste cremator 50 kg 115000
Mini tractor Belarus 287000
Hand tools (shovels, forks, rakes, wheelbarrows) 25000
Cell repair tool 15000
Buckets, shovels for feed, drinking bowls 10000
Total: 1727000

Feeding the animals

In a home business, raising rabbits involves including food waste, cabbage, various cereals and self-harvested hay in the animal's diet. However, with industrial maintenance, the entrepreneur will not be able to afford such a variety of feed, and therefore will be forced to purchase or procure:

  • Green food - meadow grasses, potato and beet tops, corn, alfalfa;
  • Dry food - silage, grass hay and branches of fruit trees, which animals love to sharpen their teeth on;
  • Juicy food - carrots, potatoes, beets;
  • Grain feed - compound feed, wheat, barley, oats, beans, corn grain;
  • Mineral supplements - chalk, salt, bone meal.

The cost of a ton of hay is 5,000 rubles, root crops - 12,000 rubles, grain - 6,000 rubles, complete feed - from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles. Taking into account the daily feeding rate given below, in a business plan for breeding rabbits for a farm of 1000 animals, you need to allocate at least 500 thousand rubles a year for the purchase of feed.

Daily feeding rate, g

You can feed rabbits with regular water from a borehole or well, provided that it is odorless and free of foreign impurities. The water in the drinking bowls is changed every day.

Meat and meat-skinned breeds usually comfortably withstand changes in air temperature over a wide range, so they can be kept outdoors throughout the year. However, there are some factors to consider when breeding and raising rabbits:

  1. Animals do not tolerate high humidity and drafts;
  2. The temperature in the cells should not rise above 30°C and fall below –20°C;
  3. The cage of the female with the rabbits needs to be additionally insulated and heated;
  4. Cages should be dry, ventilated and well lit;
  5. In cold climates, raising rabbits as a business involves building a separate room for wintering.

In a breeding herd, there are four to eight females per male, who reach reproductive age at five to six months. The rabbit is kept separately and during mating is alternately placed with the female rabbits. After 28–30 days, offspring of 6–8 rabbits can be expected from each.

The female is ready for a new mating immediately after giving birth, however, given the fact that she must feed the offspring with milk for 5–7 weeks, mating is recommended once every three to four months. When kept outdoors, the first mating is carried out in early April, and when breeding rabbits in heated cages, throughout the year. Thus, after 12 months, the offspring of one rabbit will number 40–70 heads.

Financial investments and expenses

Any involves the maximum involvement of all resources available to the entrepreneur. When considering, you should study the available material base and think through options for its use: for example, in a private farm, a slaughterhouse is set up in the summer kitchen, a feed shop is set up in the barn, sheds are built from scrap materials, and hay is prepared in the pasture independently. In general, the costs of setting up a farm are determined by the location of the existing land plot, the presence of buildings, water and power lines on it, and the size and cost of the breeding herd.

Initial Investment

A business such as raising rabbits at home is accompanied by current costs, which can be determined in terms of the year of operation of the farm, taking into account constant fluctuations in the size of the livestock:

Current annual expenses

Profit and profitability

Income from rabbit breeding can only be calculated approximately, within the bounds of indicators, since neither the number of rabbits in litters, nor the survival rate of young animals, nor the final cost of meat on the market can be predicted in advance. The following minimum values ​​can be used as initial data:

  • The size of the breeding herd is 100 heads, of which 80 are females;
  • The average number of rabbits in litters is 6;
  • The number of births in the first year of work is 2, in the second and subsequent years - 3;
  • The maximum number of animals on the farm is 1060;
  • The market weight of a meat rabbit is 5 kg;
  • Meat yield from carcass - 60%;
  • The cost of a kilogram of rabbit meat is 425 rubles.

Thus, in the first year it is quite possible to sell 960 carcasses weighing 3 kg each. Total income from their sale will amount to 1,224,000 rubles. When considering, we must also not forget about the sale of rabbit skins for 350 rubles per piece and manure for 1000 rubles per ton.

Therefore, the total annual income of the farm can be estimated at 1,580,000 rubles, which is net of taxes and current expenses equivalent to 495,640 rubles of net profit. The profitability of a rabbit farming business in this case will be 45% with a payback period of 3.5 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Building your own rabbit farm is a fairly important step that requires a balanced approach. Most of the pros and cons of the rabbit breeding business are well known to farmers and owners of farmsteads, but a novice entrepreneur should definitely familiarize himself with them in order to clearly imagine the specifics of agricultural activity. Among the main advantages of rabbit breeding are the following factors:

  1. Animals are characterized by high fertility and growth rate;
  2. There is a demand in the market not only for meat, but also for rabbit livers, skins, manure and even baby rabbits;
  3. Rabbit farming is one of the least expensive livestock industries;
  4. You can start a business with a small investment at home - just buy a herd of 20–30 heads and build several cages;
  5. The level of competition in the market is low, and demand is 50% higher than supply;
  6. You can work at a preferential tax rate of the Unified Agricultural Tax, or completely avoid taxation when organizing private household plots;
  7. If there are insulated wintering rooms or heated cages, rabbit breeding is not subject to seasonal fluctuations.

The disadvantages of the rabbit farming business are as follows:

  • Rabbits are demanding in terms of living conditions and do not tolerate cramped conditions, high humidity and drafts;
  • Animals need vaccinations and regular examinations by a veterinarian;
  • The mortality rate among young animals can be quite high;
  • Raising rabbits requires cleanliness, dryness, and hygiene;
  • Obtaining sanitary documentation is accompanied by a loss of time and money.


The attractiveness of the rabbit breeding business is fully explained by low competition, availability of technology and the possibility of rapid scaling. At the same time, working with animals requires certain training - without practical experience it is difficult to create optimal conditions for animals, choose the most effective mode of operation of the enterprise, and even simply cut up a rabbit carcass. In the following video, raising rabbits from the point of view of keeping and breeding technology is shown more clearly:

We must not forget that the efficiency and profitability of an enterprise is determined primarily by the availability of distribution channels. As such, you can use not only agricultural markets, but also wholesale companies, supermarkets, butcher shops. Of course, by concluding cooperation agreements with them, the entrepreneur assumes some obligations regarding the volumes and timing of deliveries, however, there are simply no other ways to create a successful business.
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Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 7 minutes


Rabbit farming as a business is both simple and complex at the same time. Its profitability depends on the volume of the sales market in your region. There is no rush demand for rabbit meat in our country, since the population is not sufficiently aware of the valuable qualities of this meat.

The success of this enterprise will depend on how carefully and competently you approach the search for buyers. According to statistics, the payback period for such a business is from two to four years.

The prospects of rabbit farming as a business

Abroad, rabbit meat is a very popular product, which is explained by its nutritional value. For example, in America, large-scale scientific work is underway to breed new rabbit breeds and increase the nutritional value of this type of meat. During the era of the Soviet Union, especially in the 70s of the last century, there were large fur farms that specialized exclusively in breeding rabbits. New breeds were imported and active breeding work was carried out. However, in the 90s of the twentieth century, all the efforts of domestic rabbit breeders were reduced to nothing.

At the moment, rabbit meat is poorly represented in the meat balance of our country, which is why the demand for it has fallen.

However, given the dietary properties of rabbit meat, this situation tends to improve. Currently, the shortage of domestic rabbit meat is compensated by foreign supplies, which means that, given the policy of import substitution, there is still a prospect.

If you engage in rabbit farming wisely, its profitability can be very decent. The main thing is to take into account the main risks, which include:

  • low level of labor productivity;
  • sharp temperature fluctuations in the Russian climate;
  • risk of mass mortality of animals from infectious diseases.

The prospects of rabbit breeding as a business are supported by the fact that within one year one individual is capable of reproducing a mass that is 50 times its own weight.

Advantages and disadvantages of rabbit farming as a private business

In this business, as in any other, there are both certain advantages and disadvantages.

Experts include the following advantages:

  • fairly fast payback period;
  • good profitability of rabbit farming;
  • beneficial properties of the resulting products;
  • mating can be carried out all year round;
  • versatility of this business.

The disadvantages include the following:

Helpful information
1 The cleanliness of rabbits requires constant and regular cleaning of the places where they are kept, otherwise the risk of animal disease increases
2 these animals quickly get used to their owners, but not to strangers; they are very timid, afraid not only of strangers, but also of unfamiliar smells and sharp sounds, and this negatively affects their physiological state; known cases of rabbits dying from fright
3 caring for rabbits requires constant attention; for example, many novice farmers complain that a mother rabbit eats her babies, but in fact it turns out that immediately after giving birth they forgot to pour water into her drinking bowl

Legal registration of business on rabbits

It’s worth noting right away that this business does not require significant initial investments. For example, a farm for 1000 heads can be organized on a standard dacha of six acres. Additional savings will come from making cages, feeders and drinkers yourself. But before you start work, you need to choose the organizational and legal form of your future enterprise.

Typically, a beginning rabbit breeder chooses between the “personal subsidiary plot” form (abbreviated as private household plot) and “ individual entrepreneur"(abbreviated as IP).

You need to choose based on who and how you plan to sell future products. If the circle of your potential clients is limited to relatives and acquaintances, as well as buyers of agricultural markets, then the best choice will be the form of private household plots, since it is not subject to taxes. However, if you subsequently decide to expand your business and, as a result, enter new markets, you will need the legal status of an individual entrepreneur. This is a more expensive form in terms of organization, taxation and reporting, which requires obtaining appropriate permits to engage in private entrepreneurship in the field of your choice. The regulatory authorities monitoring the work of private household plots are city or rural administrations, and the individual entrepreneur already controls such government agency, as Rosselkhoznadzor.

Rabbit breeding for beginners. Where to begin?

The answer to this question is quite simple - you should start by getting necessary knowledge.

Before you start breeding these animals, you should learn more about their lifestyle, diet, the living conditions they need, how they reproduce, what diseases they suffer from, and so on, and so on... These, albeit purely theoretical, fundamentals of rabbit breeding are very will help you in further practical work.

And remember - breeding and keeping rabbits, like any other pets, is not entertainment, but daily painstaking work.

When starting your farming journey, you should be patient. Beginners tend to make mistakes, but in rabbit farming, as in any other business, experience comes as a result of real work.

You can start breeding rabbits at any time of the year, since these eared fidgets are ready to mate all year round.

It also doesn’t hurt to get acquainted with the basic characteristics of the most popular and productive rabbit breeds.

After you decide on the breed, equip places for keeping the animals and purchase the necessary food. It is better to house rabbits in cages specially adapted for this purpose, which can be placed outdoors. It is best to buy young animals from experienced rabbit breeders with a good reputation, who, in addition to selling you high-quality and healthy rabbits, can also help you with advice at first.

A successful rabbit breeding business begins with choosing a breed, in which you should pay special attention to:

  • quality characteristics of the resulting meat,
  • growth rate (live weight gain);
  • feed conversion indicator, the essence of which is the following: how much feed an animal eats for one kilogram of weight.

Most often they start with hybrid breeds, which are cheaper than purebred animals. Particular attention is paid to the breeding stock, the main characteristic of which is how many rabbits one rabbit can give birth to and feed.

There are no rabbit breeding centers in Russia, so you should focus on foreign breeding farms, which, as a rule, have their distributors in our country. In addition to the animals themselves, such enterprises usually offer high-quality equipment for this business, and also provide training services for novice rabbit breeders.

Equipment for rabbit breeding

Currently, there are the following systems for keeping rabbits:

  • aviary;
  • semi-aviary;
  • cellular.

Reviews from practicing rabbit breeders indicate that the first two systems are quite rare, so attention should be paid to the cage system for keeping these animals. It allows you to organize competent mating and proper feeding of rabbits, and also makes it possible to organize timely matings.

In addition, this system allows rabbits to be kept outdoors all year round, which can significantly increase the body’s resistance to various diseases and improve the breeding and productive qualities of rabbits. The only disadvantage of cage keeping is, perhaps, that in such conditions it is problematic to produce offspring in the winter.

Single-tier cages should be placed on wooden posts. The height from the floor of the cage to the ground should be 80 centimeters. It is best to use double cages. Hay mangers made of metal mesh usually act as partitions between cages. The floor and walls of the nesting compartment should be made of simple planks, and the aft compartment should be made of metal mesh. The roofs of the cages must be made of well-fitted boards. Which should provide a slope of 15 degrees. It is also necessary to provide 20 cm visors. The top of the roof is covered with roofing felt. When installing floors, you also need to provide a slope of 5 degrees. This will ensure natural drainage of animal urine. Young rabbits can be placed in one cage of three or four individuals. One paddock, which is a wooden frame covered with a metal mesh, should accommodate 10 young rabbits.

This system greatly facilitates animal care and makes it possible to mechanize the processes of watering and feed distribution, which allows doubling labor productivity. With this kind of housing, the rabbit breeder is able to simultaneously serve up to 130 females and up to 1,200 rabbits that have not yet been placed.

The size of shads can be up to 120 centimeters and up to 270 cells. The floor in the passages is usually concreted with a slope on both sides. The width of the intercellular passage is 130 centimeters.

The length of the cages in the sheds is 140 centimeters, the depth is 70 centimeters, and the height of the rear wall is 36 centimeters, the front wall is up to 55. The cells are arranged in two rows in two tiers. The bottom row is for animals of the main row, the top row is for separated young animals.

To fatten young animals for meat, double-sided shads are used, with mechanized distribution of feed and water. Feces collection is also being mechanized. Such shads can accommodate up to 600 young individuals. The cage itself is a wooden frame covered with a metal mesh. For mechanical watering, automated float-type drinkers are used.
On meat and skin farms, with a minimum number of breeding stock of 1200 individuals, two-tiered one-sided shads are used.

Where to start organizing your mini-farm?

Before starting construction of a rabbitry, you need to coordinate its location with the local administration, since there are standards for its distance from residential sectors. Violation of these norms entails administrative liability.

To begin with, you can take a ready-made rabbit farm plan and adapt it to your needs. It is best to place the rabbitry on a hill so that when it rains or when snow melts, water does not accumulate around it. The optimal solution is to concrete the ground under these structures. This will prevent water from stagnating.

Feed is stored in a separate room, which should also not be forgotten.

It is better to buy concentrated feed in bulk. This results in significant savings.

In the feed storage itself, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature regime and a certain level of humidity are maintained in order to prevent mold from appearing on the feed.

The place for slaughtering animals must be equipped with a blood drain and an oven for the destruction of slaughter waste in it. It is advisable to locate refrigeration chambers near this place for storing the resulting products.

To store rabbit manure, you should equip a cesspool with a depth of at least three meters.

The walls of this pit need to be concreted, and to protect it from snow and rain, a canopy must be built over it.

To avoid gross mistakes when choosing an animal to buy, experienced rabbit breeders give the following advice:

Difficulties encountered when breeding and keeping rabbits

The main problems that beginning rabbit breeders face are:

  1. nutrition problems. Rabbits are extremely sensitive to rotten and moldy food, which often makes them sick. On the other hand, they choke on very dry food. You should also add the necessary vitamins. A well-chosen and balanced diet is the key to health and productivity in rabbit breeding;
  2. vaccination. These animals need to be vaccinated periodically. If the conditions of detention meet all necessary requirements– then animals should not get sick. But it’s still better to be safe. The main vaccination is against myxomatosis, pasteurellosis and VGBV;
  3. problems with cellular contents. These animals love to chew on everything, so the material for the cages must be of high quality;
  4. temperature regime. The optimal temperature range is considered to be from +2 to +30 degrees. For reproduction and rapid fattening, the temperature should be between +13 and +26 degrees Celsius.

Where to sell the products?

Typically, the formation of a customer base begins with a close circle of relatives and friends, and then “word of mouth” attracts their acquaintances, acquaintances of their acquaintances, and so on into the circle of your customers.

You shouldn't skimp on advertising. Especially in promotional materials, pay attention to the beneficial properties of dietary rabbit meat. It's fashionable now. Don't overprice! In conditions of low purchasing power of the population, the price should be affordable, which will allow you to expand the circle of your customers.

Veterinary documents are not required to sell meat through friends.

They are willing to buy rabbit meat in restaurants, but they always require a veterinary certificate for the product (form No. 2).

Selling rabbit meat through stores with small volumes of products is unprofitable. Lots of expenses for annual permits and quality certificates. In addition, large retail chains They usually give a very low purchase price.

In addition to meat, you can also sell rabbit skins. They are purchased by enterprises producing fur products. To be fair, it should be said that their prices are not very attractive.

Rabbit droppings can also be sold as organic fertilizer.

The main source of income is the fertility of rabbits. With the proper level of maintenance, feeding and care, one female is capable of bearing offspring up to 10 times a year, which allows you to get up to 60 rabbits from one queen.

For example, let's take a farm with 120 females. We receive 7,200 cubs per year. This is an average of up to 14 tons of 400 kilograms of rabbit meat.

At a selling price of 200 rubles per kilogram, average annual revenue could be 2 million 880 thousand. Costs account for approximately half of total revenue, or 1 million 440 thousand rubles. These funds go to:

  • purchase of feed;
  • fare;
  • payment for electricity;
  • wages for hired workers (if any);
  • purchase and repair of cages;
  • payment for veterinarian services and vaccinations.

Some costly items can be eliminated if, for example, you do not hire outside staff and vaccinate the rabbits yourself.

Based on the above figures, we find that profitability can reach up to 100 percent (but this is ideal).

When starting rabbit farming from scratch, you need to draw up a competent business plan. Rabbit farming, like any other business, requires taking into account expected expenses and income.

This business plan, on the one hand, must include all initial material investments, one-time and regular expenses. On the other hand, planned income from primary and secondary products is taken into account. In this second part, you should definitely take into account the specifics of your region, since prices in different regions of our country vary significantly.

Initial costs include:

  • purchasing or renting a plot of land for a rabbit farm (you can start with a plot you already have);
  • expenses for legal registration and preparation of the necessary documentation;
  • costs for landscaping;
  • expenses for the purchase of materials for the construction of a rabbitry, feed storage and the purchase of cages;
  • purchase of necessary inventory and equipment;
  • costs of purchasing animals (you can start with 50 pieces).

Of course, organizing your own rabbit farm does not require any crazy expenses. You can get by with small investments, gradually increasing the scale of your activities. Plan your work so that you can spend at least three to four hours a day caring for your animals. Over time, this can become the main source of income.

Rabbit breeding as a business has long been popular among rural farms, therefore, novice entrepreneurs ask themselves the question: is such production profitable or not?

Rabbit farming as a business is profitable only if the entrepreneur takes into account possible risks, has thought through a business plan in advance and offers high-quality products, explaining in detail to the consumer what the advantages of rabbit meat are and why it is so important to eat it.

Statistics show that a rabbit business can bring quite a good profit, but you should not expect that big money will appear immediately after the sale of the first batch of the product. As a rule, payback is achieved in a period of two to four years, and in different local regions this period can vary significantly.


Foreign consumers have long understood the value of rabbit meat, which is why this product is in high demand on the Western market. In the United States of America, constant developments are being carried out, the goal of which is to obtain new breeds, the meat of which will bring even greater benefits to humans, while reducing the cost of the product to a minimum.

Several decades ago, Russia was actively developing rabbit breeding; the state supported the farms as much as possible. However, already in the nineties, most of these farms went bankrupt and disappeared forever, the consumer lost purchasing power, and many organizations went bankrupt.

As a rule, the average citizen simply cannot afford the rabbit meat that is on the market, but the business is still starting a new stage, gradually the consumer will understand the value of this meat, and the increase in the number of farms providing similar products will normalize the cost and return interest .

Profitability today depends on many factors:

  1. Temperature conditions in which animals will be raised.
  2. Low labor productivity associated with their slow growth.
  3. Infectious diseases to which they are exposed in the absence of care and treatment.

The prospects for breeding rabbits are determined by the fact that the animal is capable of reproducing offspring at a high speed, due to which natural growth ensures an increase in production volumes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive features of entrepreneurship include:

  • Fast payback compared to other types of meat.
  • High profitability of this industrial process.
  • Obvious benefits for humans from the product.
  • Lots of opportunities available to a household owner.

Negative sides:

  1. Animals require constant care and attention - the cages must be kept perfectly clean; this is the only way to achieve population growth and high-quality meat.
  2. Rabbits are very shy and get used to a specific owner. The same person must handle the animals, otherwise there is a risk of the animal dying from fright.
  3. The rabbit population depends on human attention - if there is no water in the bowl, the mother rabbit can eat her own babies, jeopardizing the entire business.


A thousand individuals will fit on a standard summer cottage, while a separate branch in budget savings is occupied by the independent creation of conditions for the life of animals, including the manufacture of cages, drinking bowls and other necessary paraphernalia.

But before creating your own farm, it is important to determine the legal norms of entrepreneurial activity - in the future this will help avoid a huge number of problems and allow the business to quickly gain a foothold in the market.

Note! When setting up their own enterprise, farmers usually choose from two types of activities - it can be either individual entrepreneurship, and personal subsidiary farming. The form directly depends on the capabilities of the farmer and the goals he pursues.

Personal subsidiary farming involves reducing the cost of documentation and is chosen if the owner plans to sell the products within one region. In this case, control is carried out by local governments, and taxation tends to zero.

If you want to expand your own capabilities, then an individual entrepreneur becomes the best option. Here you will have to spend additional funds on paying taxes, preparing documentation for sales and storage, while the possibilities for selling the goods become an order of magnitude greater.

Where to begin?

Experienced experts say that the first step is to obtain the necessary knowledge to optimize the process, make greater profits and minimize production, advertising and costs.

The first step will be to study the characteristics of rabbits, the conditions of their keeping and nutrition, and their tolerance to climatic conditions. An important point will be the study of possible animal diseases, since such a risk remains even among entrepreneurs with extensive experience.

It is important to choose a breed in advance, become familiar with its distinctive features and study the additional needs of animals - this way you will save yourself from many problems in the future.

For animals, it is necessary to prepare a site and specialized cages that will be equipped with everything necessary.

Breed selection

One of the key features that determines the benefit is the breed of the animal. The profitability of this process is directly related to the following points:

  • The quality of meat that the consumer will receive.
  • The rate at which each individual gains weight.
  • Accurate calculation of the amount of feed for each kilogram of animal weight.

Hybrid breeds of rabbits are very popular today, allowing for the highest possible quality of product, weight gain and increase in the number of rabbits in the family. It is necessary to select the right females that will bear offspring - the growth rate of the farm depends on this.

In Ukraine and Russia it is almost impossible to find centers that specifically engage in the selection of rabbits, so you will have to turn to a foreign manufacturer. At the same time, you can easily choose a suitable breed, especially since today there is a large choice, and the quality of the product will fully meet any, even the most serious, expectations.


Today, there are several systems that provide work and profit in rabbit farming. Among them the following can be noted:

  1. Cellular system.
  2. Aviary system.
  3. Semi-aviary system.

Despite the obvious convenience of each farming system, the main attention should be paid to the cellular system. Most farmers are confident that only in such conditions it is possible to obtain high-quality meat and ensure rapid reproduction of animals.

The rabbit breeding plan, based on keeping animals in cages, allows you to independently distribute the actions of the animals. This makes it much easier to ensure that animals are fed on time, to simplify the cleaning of cages and to send animals for mating.

It is important to think through the plan of a rabbit farm in advance - you should pay close attention to double cages in which the animals will feel comfortable. The animal houses themselves should be at a height of eighty centimeters from the ground.

The fastest way to set up production is to purchase ready-made cages for keeping animals. This way you will provide all the conditions for rabbits and avoid possible mistakes that beginners often make. If you wish and have the skill and knowledge, you can build the cells yourself.


You can avoid mistakes at the stage of purchasing animals by adhering to the following: simple recommendations:

  • Close attention should be paid to the ears of animals - they should not have wounds or scabs. The presence of such damage indicates an unpleasant and dangerous disease that can harm the entire brood. Ear mites cause females to refuse to feed their young, which requires a lot of effort to raise the animals.
  • Animals for breeding must be selected from different litters - this is the only way you will get healthy offspring capable of full reproduction.
  • Pay attention to the appearance and health of the animal - only a full-fledged rabbit will be able to produce healthy offspring and will not jeopardize your business.
  • The weight of the animal should be normal; overweight individuals lose their ability to reproduce.
  • Choose the right rabbits from the mass of offers - an adult or pregnant animal may turn out to be sick and old, since an experienced farmer is unlikely to sell a healthy, full-fledged individual.


For successful development of the product, it is necessary to first secure a customer base among those individuals and organizations that will purchase meat on a regular basis.

Here it is possible to use all available resources - for starters, tell close relatives and friends about your product, who, in turn, will convey this information to their surroundings. At the same time, it is recommended to describe in detail the benefits of rabbit meat, discover its benefits and leave your contact information for further communication.

If you have all the necessary veterinary documents, you can make deliveries to restaurants. At the same time, the establishment will certainly determine whether such a purchase is profitable, so you should not inflate the price - be sure to pay attention to pricing policy competitors.

Pay attention to the products that remain after slaughter - it is recommended to preserve rabbit skins for subsequent sale, however, the cost of such sales is quite low.

Calculation of profitability and payback

If all conditions of care and maintenance are met at the maximum level, one female can give birth about ten times a year.

At the same time, the number of animals on farms of different sizes will be different, as will the profit:

It should be understood that approximately half of the profit will be regularly spent on production costs, which include:

  1. Purchasing feed for adequate nutrition of animals.
  2. Transport and meat transportation costs.
  3. Electricity costs.
  4. Salaries for employees (if any).
  5. Cell content.
  6. Veterinary services, vaccinations.

Costs can be significantly reduced if you have the necessary skills - it is quite possible to independently create cages for keeping animals, care for them and vaccinate them.

Video: rabbit breeding as a business from A to Z.

Business plan

The schedule and plan for such a sale should be thought out in advance, so you will avoid a lot of troubles in the future.

A separate issue is the peculiarities of a certain region - there may be unique prices, high competition and low purchasing power, and it is recommended to calculate possible losses in advance. The list of initial costs should include the following:

  • Acquisition of land on which the farm will be located. The choice should depend on the number of rabbits purchased; often the area is not large in area.
  • A separate financial cell is occupied by the registration and further maintenance of documentation for the sale of products.
  • Registration of a plot of land for the life of rabbits, creation of amenities.
  • Purchase of specialized inventory and equipment.
  • Materials for creating cells yourself or the cells themselves with additional equipment.
  • Consumables.
  • Buying baby rabbits.

Costs can either increase or decrease depending on the region in which business activities are planned, the demand for products, and climatic conditions. The experience of the farmer is also important - if there are other animals on the farm, and the plot allows for the introduction of additional business, expenses are significantly reduced.

Creating a rabbit farm is a process that requires time and effort. With certain efforts and skills, already after short term You can make a big profit while spending only a few hours a day on work. If desired and there are buyers, it is quite easy to expand production due to the fertility of rabbits.

Gradually, the consumer will understand how many positive qualities there are in rabbit meat. The vitamins in tender meat make the dish not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy, because this business very promising and can lead the farmer to new level in a short time.

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Recently, having your own business is not just a whim, but an urgent necessity. Well-paid jobs are becoming rare, enterprise managers are trying to squeeze everything possible out of the staff subordinate to them, 10 and 12 hour working days (unofficially, of course) have long been no longer uncommon. In this regard, it makes sense to think about opening your own enterprise; in this case, a properly drawn up business plan for breeding rabbits will be a huge help.

From a small farm the right approach you can grow a solid enterprise

Beginning businessmen should pay attention to this agricultural industry. If you fail to achieve much success, you still won’t experience a big loss. When dealing with farm animals, an entrepreneur provides himself 100% with the products necessary for life, the surplus of which he can sell on the market. An ideal option for novice businessmen is to organize their own rabbit farm.

Rabbits are considered the most unpretentious animals in terms of keeping and feeding conditions. In addition, they grow quickly; slaughter is carried out when the young animals reach 3-4 months of age. Breeding large livestock does not require large areas. Rabbits numbering 1000 head occupy a room located on 3-4 acres of land. You can make cages, feeders and drinking bowls yourself. Animal meat is tasty and healthy.

Do not forget that the relevance of organizing a farm is also determined by the cheapness of feed and the possibility of producing it yourself. Thus, the price of 1 kilogram of feed does not exceed 9-10 rubles. To feed a family of one adult rabbit and 8-10 rabbits for 1 year, 400 - 450 kilograms of feed is enough. In addition, you can use pre-prepared dry hay, silage, corn cobs and root vegetables as feed. For the most part, permitting documents are not required to organize a business.

The cost of feeding animals is small, and besides, feed can not only be purchased, but also produced

Technical side of the issue

When drawing up a business plan for a rabbit farm, you should take into account a number of its features, knowledge of which will help not only preserve, but also increase the livestock.

Choosing a site for a farm, organizing a rabbitry

Particular attention should be paid to choosing a location for the farm. It is better to start a business with a small herd; 100-120 heads will be enough to try yourself as a businessman. A rabbit farm for 100 animals can be rented or built independently on a pre-purchased plot. If we are talking about buying land, then you should choose a place located on a hill. Rabbits cannot tolerate drafts and humidity, they will start to get sick and most of the available funds will have to be spent on a veterinarian.

If, in addition to the livestock complex, it is planned to place residential buildings on the farm, then it is necessary to contact the local administration in advance to obtain information about the distance between premises of different purposes.

Each district and region has its own distance scale. Knowing it will help to avoid situations in which the rabbitry and manure pit will be located closer to residential buildings than is permitted by law. If a violation is discovered, the farm owner may be administratively punished or required to demolish all buildings.

Rabbits must be kept in spacious, dry and well-ventilated areas, preferably located on a hill. The farm area must be paved and drainage of wastewater and rainwater organized. With the right layout, a room of up to 30 square meters can accommodate from 100 to 150 rabbits. At the same time, a room with an area of ​​100 square meters will allow you to grow up to 1000 heads.

Construction of cages and shads

To save money, you can build animal cages yourself. The materials usually used are chain-link mesh, iron corners and metal floor plates. It is not recommended to use wooden structures for the production of cages; they will quickly become unusable.

The sheds provide everything you might need for successful breeding livestock

The best option for an enterprise such as a rabbit breeding farm would be to place the livestock in special sheds - two- and three-story buildings with cells (houses) of the same size. Each house contains from 2 to 3 rabbits. The size of the cells is determined by the sex and age of the individual. Thus, young rabbits, weaned from the uterus, are kept in the amount of 5 - 7 pieces in large sheds ranging in size from 1.3 to 2 meters in length and width. Pregnant female rabbits and rabbits for mating are kept separately, in houses ranging in size from 0.8 to 1 meter in length and 0.5 meter in width. The cage for mother rabbits should be slightly larger.

You can build the sheds yourself, but it is better to buy them at the market. In the summer, they can be outside; in the winter, it is better to move houses with rabbits indoors. However, it is not advisable to place the sheds directly on the ground or floor. A distance of at least 1 meter must be maintained between the floor and the lower shed.

To raise a population of rabbits with a total number of up to 1 thousand heads per year, 2-3 shads measuring 2.8 and 2.4 meters each are sufficient. The length of the shad can be from 10 to 20 meters. 1 standard shed is designed for 60 cells, so a novice farmer can limit himself to purchasing just 1 such device.

Most shad have a special line for supplying food and water, as well as cleaning the cages from waste products and other waste. When planning to keep rabbits outside, you should take care to place the shad under a canopy.

Functional high-rise rabbitries save space on the farm and time for the owners - they feed and water the pets automatically

Feed storage area

A prerequisite for setting up a rabbit farm is the presence of a room for storing feed. Its size is directly related to the size of the livestock. Thus, to store food for 100 heads of rabbits, a barn with an area of ​​up to 30 - 40 square meters is required. In order to maintain sanitary safety, a separate entrance must be organized to this barn. The room must be dry, well ventilated, free of foreign odors and protected from rodents. Mice and rats are just as partial to grain, feed and root vegetables as rabbits, so you should take care in advance about purchasing special poison or setting up traps. It should be noted that no matter what convenient and safe premises the farmer chooses, the feed will still deteriorate over time. The ideal option is to purchase them for a short-term period, so that the feeding process is not interrupted for 2-3 months.

A grain crusher and granulator can be installed in the grain storage room for independent production of feed. In this case, the cost of purchasing feed will significantly decrease.

Face and refrigeration shops

Even a small rabbitry needs a place for slaughtering and cutting up carcasses. For this purpose, you can use a tightly built, cool shed. An improvised slaughterhouse does not require special equipment. It is enough to have several metal tables, hooks for hanging dressed carcasses, knives and axes for slaughtering. Care should also be taken to dispose of blood and skins. Their correct use can bring additional income, therefore the slaughterhouse should have a department for their storage.

Fresh meat from a freshly slaughtered rabbit cools down, after which it is stored in the refrigerator. To store meat obtained from a rabbit population of 100 - 130 pieces, 1-2 freezers are sufficient. As production grows, you will need to create your own refrigeration shop. The shelf life of meat is determined by the quality of slaughter, but usually does not exceed 18 months.

If you raise rabbits on a large scale, you will need a place for cutting and storage.

After slaughter on a rabbit farm, heads, entrails, paws and spoiled skins remain unclaimed, so the slaughterhouse must also include a small oven for their disposal. A possible option would be to enter into an agreement with a company to create canned dog and cat food.

Legal side of the issue

If you plan to breed rabbits for yourself, then no permitting documents will not be required, but if we are talking about the periodic sale of meat and other products, the question of documenting the business will arise.

Private household plots and individual entrepreneurs

Most aspiring entrepreneurs have no idea where, how and in what capacity they can register their own business. To begin with, it is worth noting that a rabbit breeding business can be registered as a personal subsidiary plot or registered as an individual entrepreneur.

In the first case, the entrepreneur will only need:

  • confirm land ownership rights;
  • have a sanitary book, including a sanitary book for the car with the help of which the delivery of meat to the market is organized;
  • a certificate from a veterinarian;
  • a certificate from a veterinary laboratory confirming the safety of the products produced.

Personal farming is not subject to any taxes.

At the same time, presenting oneself as a person running a private farm makes it impossible to conclude contracts with large companies and further develop the business. The possible status of the head of a personal subsidiary plot should be negotiated with the administration of the village or city.

In this regard, individual entrepreneurs are much more profitable. To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need to pay a fee of 800 rubles, obtain a stamp and OKVED codes. In addition, it will be necessary to invite employees of the sanitary service, fire safety and veterinary supervision to the production, to conclude agreements for the removal of waste, manure, and the disposal of products used for disinfection. The entrepreneur will have to fill out a declaration of conformity state standards. Documents are prepared with the participation of Rosselkhoznadzor. A.01.25.2 is selected as the OKVED code.

Despite the profitability and prospects, this business is simpler from the point of view of organization and taxation

Choosing a tax system

As mentioned above, private household plots are not subject to taxes, but individual entrepreneurs are required to pay taxes. UST or UPSN can be chosen as the main taxation system. Both systems are quite suitable for organizing a profitable business.

Planned expenses

Any business is, first of all, the costs of running it, and only then making a profit. Cost items for running a rabbit farm include temporary and permanent expenses.

Temporary expenses:

  • shed for rabbits - 5 - 10 thousand rubles per piece;
  • purchase of a grain crusher - 3 - 5 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of a granulator - 40 - 350 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of rabbits - 350 - 500 rubles each;
  • purchase of refrigeration equipment - 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

In total, to set up a simple farm designed for one hundred heads, you need from 70 to 350 thousand rubles. The final amount depends on the price of the selected equipment and production size. This article also needs to include the cost of equipping the refrigeration and slaughterhouses, installing a furnace and providing the rabbits with heated floors.

Fixed expenses:

  • farm rental – 4 – 10 thousand rubles per month;
  • purchase of feed - 130 - 140 thousand rubles per year;
  • meat delivery (gasoline, renting a place for sale) – 1-2 thousand rubles;
  • veterinarian – 400 rubles per head;
  • utility bills - 2 thousand rubles per month.

In general, you will have to spend up to 20 thousand rubles a month on a farm, provided that you keep no more than 100 - 130 animals.

Thus, in order to start your own business from scratch, you need to have at least 100 thousand rubles.

Business profitability (markets)

The profitability of a business is directly related to the ability to present your products to customers. You can start your business by selling meat to your friends and those clients who are tempted by buying a natural product. Rabbit meat is considered a delicacy; many people love it and therefore buy it with great pleasure. The cost of 1 kilogram of rabbit meat ranges between 400 and 600 rubles. At the same time, one medium-sized rabbit carcass weighs 2-3 kilograms. Thus, the cost of one adult rabbit will be at least 1200 - 1500 rubles.

Having several sources of income, the farm can sell its products in different directions

If you have 100 heads for sale, the minimum income will be 12 - 15 thousand rubles. If we take into account that rabbits reproduce extremely quickly and produce up to 25 rabbits per year, then the indicated amount will increase significantly. In addition, you can sell not only meat, but also entrails and skins. Internal organs and parts of the body that are unattractive to buyers, such as the head and legs, are used to make various canned animal products.

One unprocessed rabbit skin costs from 40 rubles, the price of processed rabbit skin increases to 100 - 150 rubles. The annual cost of selling meat and skins will be 350 - 400 thousand rubles, of which net income is 150 thousand.

You can use as points of sale of goods food markets, restaurants, shops. To get started, it’s a good idea to rent your own place on the market to regularly sell your products. In this case, the seller can be the entrepreneur himself, which will save him from spending on paying wages to an employee. At further development A auxiliary worker would not hurt the business.

The rabbit breeding business is focused on obtaining meat, therefore exclusively meat breeds of animals are purchased, such as:

  • New Zealand red – weighs up to 5 kilograms;
  • New Zealand white - the weight of a three-month-old rabbit exceeds 3.5 kilograms;
  • California rabbit - weight up to 4.5 kilograms by 3-4 months.

Rabbits often get sick; it is extremely important to get timely vaccinations and call a veterinarian at the slightest suspicion of developing a disease. It is possible to schedule doctor's visits in advance.

Overall, a farm can be a very profitable enterprise and can become your only source of income in the future.

  • Project Description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Product Description
  • Marketing Plan
  • Calendar plan
  • Which equipment to choose
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need permission to open?
        • Similar business ideas:

We present to your attention standard business plan(feasibility study) for the construction of a rabbit breeding farm. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a bank loan, government support or attracting private investment.

We propose to consider a sample business plan for the construction of a farm for breeding rabbits in a locality with a population of 20,000 people.

Project Description

The purpose of the business plan is to justify the feasibility of creating a farm for breeding meat rabbits.

General information:

  • Population of the village: 20 thousand people;
  • Land area: 0.16 hectares;
  • Number of jobs: 4 people;
  • Organizational and legal form: peasant farm, number of members - 3 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 400 thousand rubles, borrowed funds (bank loan) - 1.21 million rubles;
  • Total cost of the project: 1.61 million rubles.

Indicators economic efficiency project implementation:

  • Net profit for the year: 859,824 rubles;
  • Bar profitability = 63.6%;
  • Project payback = 25 months.

The total investment for opening a farm will be 1.61 million rubles.

Description of the enterprise

Organizational legal form there will be farms peasant farm(KFH). The head of the peasant farm will be I.I. Ivanov.

Which tax system to choose for this business?

As tax systems The single agricultural tax (USAT) will be applied. Tax rate is 6% of profit.

Currently, practical activities have begun to implement the project:

  1. Registration of the peasant farm with the Federal Tax Service has been carried out;
  2. A plot of land measuring 16 acres was purchased for the construction of a farm for raising rabbits. Currently, the procedure is underway to transfer the land plot to the appropriate type of permitted use.
  3. The search for an organization supplying and installing a shed rabbit keeping system has been completed;
  4. There is an agreement with a large farm to purchase 250 adult breeding rabbits from them.

The farm will consist of 3 members, including the head of the peasant farm. All of them have a family connection, in accordance with the legislation on the formation of peasant farms. In addition to members of the peasant farm, hired labor in the amount of 4 people will also be involved.

Product Description

Since the farm will be a meat farm, it will contain the popular Californian breed of rabbits. The average weight of an adult male reaches 5 kg. Female rabbits of this breed are very fertile and feed up to 8 rabbits per litter. The young animals of this breed are distinguished by their growth energy and by the age of 2 months they gain weight of 1.8 kg, and by the age of 3 months the weight of the rabbit is 3 kg and it can be slaughtered for meat. The Californian breed rabbit has white hair on the body, and the tips of the paws, ears and tail are dark brown.

In a year, one female rabbit brings up to 30 young rabbits (3.5 litters). The optimal age for the reproduction of offspring is considered to be up to 2 years. For the full life cycle of a rabbit, about 14 kg of feed and 7 kg of hay are needed, or about 100 rubles in costs.

In order to sell 500 kg of marketable meat monthly, about 250 rabbits must be slaughtered and the same number of animals must be born. Plus, part of the born livestock should be released for reproduction. This productivity will be provided to our farm by 207 females and 8 males.

In addition to meat, skin, liver, fluff and other by-products will also be sold.

Download rabbit farming business plan,

Marketing Plan

The main channels for selling manufactured products include:

  1. City markets and retail outlets;
  2. Wholesale resellers who pick up meat;
  3. Processing enterprises, factories, restaurants.

The following events will be held to promote our products:

  1. Advertising in the media, newspapers, magazines;
  2. Posting information on the Internet on bulletin boards;
  3. Establishing personal contacts with large enterprises;
  4. Advertising on billboards located on federal highways with high traffic;
  5. Creating your own business card website.

The farm’s personal vehicle (GAZelle) will be used to deliver products to sales points. Some of the products will be sold to wholesale resellers directly from the farm. The sale of meat will comply with all food safety standards and be accompanied by veterinary certificates.

In the future, it is planned to increase production volumes to 1 ton of marketable rabbit meat per month.

Farm revenue structure.

It will be possible to reach the planned revenue figures only after 120 days, when the first offspring grows.

Rabbit breeding technology

Our farm will use a shad housing system. This system is a modern way of keeping rabbits. The shed is a canopy with two-tier cages grouped under it. This system allows you to save rabbitry space and protect rabbits from unwanted natural processes, such as overheating (heat), wind, and rain.

The shad contains 72 cages, of which 32 are reserved for females with rabbits, and the remaining 40 cages are for males and young animals for rearing.

By installing a shad system on our farm, processes such as feeding and watering animals, manure removal, and feeding hay to bedding will be mechanized.

A suspended road will be created inside the shad for distributing feed with a carrying capacity of up to 120 kg. Ventilation in the shad will be carried out through shafts in the manure channels. The cages will be equipped with bunker feeders and automatic drinkers.

For winter housing of animals in the sheds, a heating system and heating of nest boxes will be installed.

To slaughter livestock on the farm, it is planned to build a slaughterhouse that will comply with all SES standards.

The planned staffing of the farm will include 4 people:

The duties of the handymen will include caring for the rabbits, including feeding and watering, removing manure, transferring baby rabbits, males and females, from one cage to another and other household tasks.

The slaughterman's responsibilities will include the process of slaughtering adult livestock and cutting up the carcass. The slaughterer will butcher up to 15 heads per day.

Issues of supplying feed, selling meat, as well as accounting and other administrative issues will be resolved by members of the peasant farm.

Calendar plan

The list of activities and their costs for opening a farm are presented in the form of a calendar plan:

In total, the activities to open the farm will take 85 days and 1.61 million rubles will be spent.

How much money do you need to start a business?

To organize a farm, investments in the amount of 1.61 million rubles will be required. Of these, 400 thousand rubles are own funds and 1.21 million rubles are borrowed funds (bank loan).

The main expense of a farm will be the payment of wages to farm workers. The farm will pay per month wages in the amount of 44 thousand rubles. The second largest item of monthly expenses will be the cost of feed and bedding - 17.5 thousand rubles per month.

Insurance contributions will be paid for 7 people, that is, not only for hired workers, but also for 3 members of the farm in a fixed amount - 36 thousand rubles per year per person.

How much can you earn by breeding rabbits?

Calculation of indicators of economic efficiency of a farm is presented in the table - forecast of income and expenses:

Net profit at the end annual sales rabbit production will amount to 859,824 rubles.

The profitability of a rabbit breeding farm, according to business plan calculations, is 63.6%. The payback of the project with such indicators will occur after 25 months of farm operation.

We recommend download rabbit farming business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

First of all, you should decide on the legal form of the enterprise. In the case of rabbit farming, you can register as an individual entrepreneur or private household plot. After this, you should deal with organizational, production and financial plans, which states:

  • Conduct a profitability assessment and analyze competitors.
  • Rent a plot of land (if you do not have your own dacha or village).
  • Build several premises for rabbits, equipped with cages and sheds, as well as places for depositing young individuals.
  • Equip a feed warehouse for storing grain and hay, as well as premises with necessary equipment for animal care.
  • Build a room for slaughtering rabbits.
  • Purchase meat animals.
  • Establish work with the sales market.

Which equipment to choose

For industrial breeding of rabbits, it is better to use a shed housing system. To do this, you will need to build cells in several tiers, one on top of the other in a row.

Please note that these animals do not like dampness, so it is necessary to purchase waterproofing, and heaters may also be required. Feeders, manure removal equipment and pumps that continuously supply water to animals are also required.

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