Space theme in modeling classes for children. Outline of a lesson on applique, modeling (middle group) on the topic: Modeling "Space" We sculpt space from plasticine

NGO Artistic and Aesthetic Development

Topic: Travel into space. Modeling "Space"

Target : consolidate initial ideas about space. To develop children's thinking, interest in understanding the world around them, imagination and creativity in modeling; cultivate a caring attitude towards the earth.


Guys, we received a letter, written by Lisa Barboskina (the hero of the famous animated series “Barboskina”), she is very upset, because her brother Druzhok wants to become an astronaut and fly into space, but she doesn’t know who an astronaut is and what she can fly there on. .

Guys, do you know who an astronaut is?

That's right, this is a man who flew into space.

What was the name of the first person who flew into space? (Yuri Gagarin).

Did Yuri Gagarin fly into space by plane, helicopter or hot air balloon? (on a spaceship).

What did he see in space? (stars, planets, moon, sun).

Do you want to fly into space?

The guys I know also dreamed of flying into space and their dream came true. Look what is needed for this and what they saw there.

(Showing educational cartoon-song “Rocket”)

I suggest you become astronauts.

Game "Cosmonaut" (Sounds like cosmic music)

I want to become an astronaut!(hands on belt)

I'm putting on a spacesuit(imitation of dressing)

I'll fly on a rocket(raise your arms up and join them above your head)

And I will open all the planets(make a big circle with your hands).

The spaceship has windows. What are they called? (portholes).

I give big rings to the children.

Imagine that you are in space and looking out the windows, what do you see? (stars, moon, sun, planets, earth).

What color is space? Is it light or dark there?

The astronauts have very difficult conditions on the ship. They feel overloaded and weightless.

I suggest you play"weightlessness".

Astronauts swim in a ship (imitation of swimming with their hands).

Jump as high as possible. While you are in the air, you do not feel your body. When you go down the elevator, you can also feel weightlessness, jumping on a trampoline.

Game “What should we take with us on a flight”(with a ball, in a circle)

Guys, Lisa Barboskina is very worried and worried about her brother Druzhka, how can we calm her down, show her how interesting it is in space, how beautiful it is?

I propose to make a painting “Space” from plasticine.

I invite you to the table.

Show : we make carrots from plasticine - this is the basis of the rocket, we use beans for portholes, using a thin sausage we make fire for the rocket, etc.

Children exhibit their works at an exhibition for their parents.

– Guys, did you like today’s adventure?

What do you think, if there were no such wonderful professions as astronaut, astronomer, would people know so much about space?

Internet materials were used

Practical work:

The plasticine panel “Space” is an interesting work for children of all ages. The basis for the work is cardboard or thick paper (for example, pastel) in dark colors. Black, purple and navy blue work best.
The panel can be composed of a variety of elements, described below. Depending on the age of your child, there may be many or few of them, they can be of the same type (for example, only stars for 4-year-old children) or varied. When creating plasticine panels with children, it is interesting to solve not only artistic, but also educational problems: talk about space, stars, planets. You can stick stars not haphazardly, but by imitating constellations. For example, Ursa Major.
If you sculpt the “Space from plasticine” panel with a group of children, you can get a great team work for Cosmonautics Day, April 12. Connect all the guys’ works using tape into a single starry sky.

The sun is an element of the “Space” panel.

This is not the easiest element to sculpt. But with children 5-6 years old it is quite possible to do it. You can make a sun from plasticine not only red or yellow, but also any other color. You never know what color the sun is in the constellation Tau Ceti?
First, roll the ball and, pressing it to the base of the panel, flatten it into a flat cake. Then we roll a long thin sausage and stick it around the sun.

Now, with our index finger, we smear plasticine onto the cardboard base, forming a solar crown.

Plasticine sun, element of the “Space” panel

Since our panel is decorative, you can also get some inspiration from the article on modeling.

The moon is an element of the “Space” panel.

Making a moon out of plasticine is easier than making a sun. You can do it for a month. To do this, make a sausage (we made it from “marble” plasticine, mixing white, yellow and brown colors), bend it in a semicircle and, pressing, flatten it. This way the month will take on the desired shape and adhere to the base of the panel.

Month made of plasticine, panel element “Space” for children from 4 years old

You can also blind the full moon. Then it is better to take “marble” plasticine mixed from several colors. Let's roll a ball, place it in the place of our panel where we want to see the moon and press it, flattening it into a cake.

Moon made of plasticine, element of the “Space” panel for children from 4 years old
Another – complex – version of the moon. It is suitable for younger schoolchildren. We form a ball and flatten it into a cake. Then we make a sausage from plasticine of the same color and cut it into circles using a stack. We stick these crater circles to the surface of our moon from plasticine. Use a pencil to press indentations into them.

Moon made of plasticine, element of the “Space” panel for children from 7 years old

Stars are an element of the “Space” panel.

Modeling from plasticine with children from 4 years old

The most fun and light element of our panel! Children really enjoy making these stars. Roll a ball of plasticine of any color. Stick it to the base. Then use your index finger to smear it in different directions from the center. The star is ready!

Plasticine stars, element of the “Space” panel for children from 4 years old
When making “Cosmos” plasticine panels with kids, you can only use stars. And as an addition, to make it more fun, use pre-colored and cut out silhouettes of starships. This is what a wonderful collective work from plasticine turned out to be for April 12 - Cosmonautics Day for the children of the middle group (4-5 years old).

Planets are an element of the “Space” panel.

Modeling from plasticine with children from 5 years old

These elements are also very easy to put together. Roll up a ball of plasticine and flatten it onto the base of the panel. The only trick is to pre-mix the plasticine so that the planets turn out “alive”. For example, for “Earth” we took white, blue and green plasticine. And for “Mars” – red and brown. A special case is Saturn. He, of course, needs rings. But this is not a problem either. Make a sausage and stick it around the planet.

Planets made of plasticine, panel element “Space” for children from 5 years old

With older children, such work can also become educational - a real space project. Make all the planets in the solar system and arrange them in order of distance from the sun.

Plasticine panel “Planets of the Solar System” for children over 7 years old

The rocket is an element of the “Space” panel.

Modeling from plasticine with children from 6 years old

A plasticine rocket is a relatively complex element. It is suitable for children aged 6-7 years.
First, we make a sausage cylinder and flatten it, pressing it to the base of the panel. We get this rectangle made of plasticine.

Now let's roll a carrot cone and stick it to our rocket. Naturally, also flattening it to form a triangle.

Stick a small red ball on the back and smear it with your index finger to create tongues of flame.

All that remains is to decorate the rocket as your imagination tells you. Ideas can also be borrowed from the article on modeling.

Plasticine rocket, element of the “Space” panel for children from 6 years old

Now you can create your own panel, choosing those elements that suit your taste. Well, or based on the age of the children. Here, for example, is this. You can make it yourself or, if you have children of different ages, then entrust the making of such a figurine to the elders, and the kids will be happy to make stars.

Crafts made from plasticine do not have to be voluminous. Flat plasticine crafts – appliqués – look no less impressive, during the making of which children’s fingers gain strength, and the children themselves gain patience and perseverance.

If a craft is timed to coincide with some event, it acquires special value, because the child sees a goal in front of him and feels the significance of his work.

Plasticine painting for Cosmonautics Day

In addition, it helps to better assimilate some material. For example, a flat plasticine craft for Cosmonautics Day will help children consolidate their ideas about Space. And if such crafts are made in a children’s group, it will be possible to arrange a thematic exhibition for the holiday.

The basis of this craft is an ordinary cardboard sheet. It is advisable to choose cardboard that is thick enough, the edges of which will not curl up after applying plasticine to them.

The first task that the child will have to cope with is to cover the surface of the sheet with a layer of dark blue or purple plasticine. This is a rather tedious process, since each piece of plasticine needs to be well kneaded and smeared on the paper. Therefore, an option for such a craft for young children can be one made on painted or colored cardboard, without first priming it with plasticine.

But older children are already able to apply “soil” and sculpt a blue curl on it - air swirls. If the background is drawn, then the curl is also applied with paint.

Along these swirls you need to distribute small yellow lumps - stars.

Now the kids have to mix several colors (yellow, blue, green). This will be the basis for the creation of the Earth.

From this base you need to roll a ball, which is then flattened on the painting itself.

We make a rocket out of the gray mass.

We give it characteristic features.

And lumps of blue plasticine represent the portholes.

Mix three “fiery” colors – yellow, red and orange.

And we fashion a tail for the rocket out of them.

We bring ours to life - next to the rocket body we sculpt an astronaut in a spacesuit.

We highlight the transparent mask on the helmet in blue.

And our picture is ready!

All that remains is to choose a frame without glass for this masterpiece, and it will not go unnoticed!

Plasticine application for Cosmonautics Day

For Cosmonautics Day, you can make a fun application using plasticine printing technique. The main characters are funny aliens!

Andryushina Lyuba

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 125"

Tver city



kindergarten teacher

Andryushina Lyubov Igorevna

Educational area: “Artistic and aesthetic activities in kindergarten”.

View: Modeling(plasticineography).

Integration of educational regions: "Artistic and aesthetic activity", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization", "Health".

Target: increasing interest and expanding children's knowledge about outer space.


Artistic and aesthetic activities (Modeling) :

Continue to introduce children to the technique of plasticineography;

To develop the ability to use a variety of techniques (patching, pulling, smoothing, processing the surface of the form with finger movements.

Cultivate the desire to act in a coordinated manner, agree on who will do what part of the work, how individual images will be combined into the overall picture, and the ability to bring the job started to completion.

Develop collective creativity, imagination, sense of composition.


Expand and clarify children's knowledge about space.

Develop perception of color, shape, properties of objects and materials.


Expanding children's understanding of the diversity of the world around them. Encouraging children's attempts to share various impressions with the teacher and peers, improve their speech, and the ability to answer questions posed.

Reading fiction literature:

To develop aesthetic and emotional feelings when perceiving artistic words, to improve artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems.


Foster a sense of pride in your country and respect for heroes space, the desire to be like them.


Develop the need for physical activity.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations, books about space.

Reading fiction literature: N. Nosov. "Dunno on the Moon". T. Rick "Sky, stars and titmouse Sonya".

Riddles about space.

Didactic games: "Find the missing rocket", "Say the word", « Space» .

Materials and equipment:

For the teacher: board for demonstrating execution techniques, blank” Space” on A 3.

For children: plasticine, napkins, oilcloth.

The course of direct educational activities:

1. Organizational stage.

Educator. - Hello, guys.


Do you like to solve riddles? (Yes) Then listen:

She spread her scarlet tail,

Flew off into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary (rocket) Okay, that's right.

2. Main stage.

Guys, today is an unusual day for us.

Educator. – Please tell me what holiday our country celebrates today?

Tell me, what is it called?

(Aviation Day and astronautics) .

This is a big holiday in honor of the pilots, astronauts, designers who create rockets, spaceships, artificial earth satellites. On this day, for the first time, a Soviet person flew to space.

And I suggest that today you go with me for a while to space, and see everything they see astronauts and find out, what is there behind the clouds of our beloved planet.

But to do this, you need to sit in a chair, close your eyes tightly and say loudly, let’s go! Three, four!

In the vast expanses space Our Earth rotates. She is one of the planets in the solar system. The solar system is a collection of planets and their satellites revolving around a star - the Sun.

There are only nine planets, they are all different. In deep space permafrost, on the border of the solar system, planets are moving - small bodies of ice, dust and rocks. And between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter there is a large cluster of asteroids - rocky blocks. Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

It is a huge stone ball, most of the surface of which is covered with water. The earth is surrounded by layers of air called the atmosphere. Our planet is in constant movement: It rotates around its axis and around the Sun. Stars appear to us from afar as glowing lights because they are very far away. In fact, every star is a giant ball of gas, like the sun, that emits heat and light, they are large and have their own titles: Vega, Sirius, Polaris.

A constellation is a pattern of stars creating a shape. The first person to conquer space, was Soviet astronaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

The flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes. Ship "East" made one revolution around the Earth.

IN space rocket

With title "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

V. Stepanov.

What's most interesting is that the first discoverers were 2 dogs: Belka and Strelka they flew to space and landed safely back on Earth. Only then did Yu. A. Gagarin fly.

Some studies require a person to be in a room for a long time. space. Were invented space houses - orbital stations. Satellites launched by man space, send pictures of our planet and pictures to Earth outer space.

Updating basic knowledge.

Guys, did you like it? space?

What do you remember most?

What are the people who fly called? space on spaceships? (astronauts)

What was the name of the first in the world astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin)

What was the name of the ship that took him into the sky? ( "East")

You guys are great, you listened so carefully.

Game "Balance Check".

We will test your endurance and vestibular apparatus, i.e. your ability to maintain balance. You must stand up, spread your straight arms to the sides, raise one leg, bend it at the knee and stand like that for a count from 1 to 10. Get ready, let's start! We count 1-10.

Educator. – Visit space- this is a big event that gives a lot of impressions, and impressions help creativity very well. Therefore, I invite you to sit down at the tables now, and together with me, create our amazing space.

(children move to the work area)

Educator. - Guys, let's see what's on our table. (cardboard, plasticine). From all this you can make a whole outer space.

Now I will tell you how to make planets and comets like this out of plasticine.

Algorithm for performing the work.

Selecting the main object (astronaut, rocket).

To make our rocket out of plasticine we will need 3 colors: a piece of red, yellow, and blue.

To make stars and comets like this, you first need to warm up our plasticine with your hands, and then attach it to the place where the star will be and simply pull the ends to the sides with your finger. These are the rays we get. The tail of a comet is also performed.

Educator. – Is everything clear? Well, then let's get to work.

(independent activities of children)

Physical education minute.

To space fly, you need to know a lot.

Be healthy, don’t be lazy, study well at school.

And we will do exercises every day - we are not lazy!

Turn left, turn right and go back again,

Squat, jump and run, run, run.

And then walk more and more quietly, and then sit down again.

At the end the work is hung on the board, it turns out outer space.

Educator. - Guys, let's look at our space what a wonderful job you did. And you did all this with your own hands.

Educator. – Did you like it in space?

Educator. - Guys, I think our astronauts I would really like your work, space it turned out just like the real thing. Well, it’s time for you and me to go to Earth, because here on earth many more interesting things await us.

List of used literature

1. Komarova T. S. Visual activities in kindergarten. – Moscow, 2016.

Parents must do their best to develop their child’s creative potential. And all sorts of activities are suitable for this, among which work with plasticine stands out. This is an inexpensive and accessible material that can be used as a visual aid. You can make any thematic craft from plasticine and tell your child new instructive information. In addition, modeling from plasticine develops motor skills in children's hands.

This lesson is a continuation of the theme dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. In one of the previous lessons we sculpted a space rocket. Naturally, it is necessary to add a brave astronaut to it. After studying the detailed instructions we provided, you can easily repeat all the steps and create your own version of an astronaut from plasticine.

1. To work, you need plasticine. You can’t do without additional tools, for example, a modeling board, stacks and a wet wipe. A stack is a special plastic tool for cutting and processing plasticine and blanks made from it.

2. Make two blue parts for the astronaut’s spacesuit: a ball and a square block. Insert half a match into the neck area for a stronger grip.

3. Connect both parts of the suit.

4. To sculpt glass in a spacesuit, make a white cake and a thin yellow sausage.

5. Place the glass on the front of the helmet. The glass can be made absolutely anything, for example, a little blue and more convex. We decided to go with this option.

6. To sculpt the arms and legs, first make several blue and white balls of the same size.

7. Attach the balls one by one to the craft, pressing down and turning them into flat cakes.

8. You will also need yellow elements as additional details.

9. Place yellow cakes on the ends of the arms and legs, as well as in the ear area.

10. Now all that remains is to attach the brave astronaut to the rocket using a special hose. Make it from strong thread or plasticine. And see the process of creating a rocket from plasticine in one of the previous lessons.

The final look of the craft.

Now we know how to mold an astronaut from plasticine and our brave astronaut goes into outer space. The child will be delighted with such an interesting modeling activity, and parents, in turn, can tell a lot of interesting information about the exploits of real heroes, about the first person to conquer space, about the benefits of the greatest achievements of scientists in the field of astronautics. If you liked today’s craft and you want to start sculpting something else, then you can try other plasticine crafts on the theme “Space”. We are sure that you will enjoy bringing your plasticine fantasies to life!

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