Coral travel tour operator search for tours online. Search for tours from "coral travel", prices for last minute tours

Since 2006, the travel portal GdeNasNet.Ru has been helping tourists find package tours from leading Russian tour operators. The site presents 86 tour operators and more than 4,000 popular resorts. For the convenience of tourists who prefer a budget holiday, we have provided a separate section with last-minute tours to all popular destinations. All last-minute tours are displayed with specific travel discounts and an indication of the tour operators who offer them. The bank of last-minute tours is updated online. To plan a trip for a longer period or find out about “Early booking from tour operators” promotions, use the “Minimum Price Calendar” section with the ability to select the optimal cost of tours by month and country. Any selected tour can be paid for by credit card without leaving the couch. Just send a request for a tour and our specialists, after checking the relevance, will send you a link to online payment. You receive documents (for visa-free countries) by email before departure.

How to purchase tours and pay online?

The process is very simple. You select a suitable offer in the tour search system, select a convenient office in Moscow and fill out an application with your data. If you are a resident of St. Petersburg or any other locality in Russia, select the “Reservation Center” and submit a request for a tour. A manager will contact you shortly to confirm availability. this proposal and cost, and will also send you an email with a link to online payment for your chosen vacation option. You receive documents in the same way: email shortly before departure.

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Today Coral Travel is one of the largest operators international level, which is among the first in the outbound tourism market. The company is part of OTI Holding, which was created back in 1992 in Antalya. Despite the crisis situation in the country, its dynamic development is noted.

Main activities of the company

The tourism operator, based not only in Russia, but also in countries such as Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, offers its clients only the best resorts. They are given the opportunity to choose not just 3, and not even from 10, but from as many as 27 countries of the world. In addition, work is constantly underway to open new areas of interest target audience, according to observations.

Without hesitation, you can turn to Coral Travel for help in organizing individual and group tours not only to popular countries (,), but also to more exotic places. Some tours are organized on the basis of the company's own charter programs, as well as regular flights to Singapore, Singapore, etc. Whatever vacation the operator Coral Travel organizes, be it family or sports, there is always a professional approach to business, as well as quality control of orders at all stages.

Main goals of further development

The main mission of Coral Travel has always been, and remains to this day, to contribute to the creation of a civilized tourism market in the Russian space. The company does everything possible to ensure that there is always trust and respect between clients, agents and operators. Only with this approach it is possible to make recreation of high quality and at the same time accessible to all categories of the population.

As for the goals, Coral Travel works in the following areas:

  • strengthening product loyalty + conducting effective events to increase brand awareness;
  • improvement of key performance indicators;
  • increasing the quality level of management travel company;
  • implementation innovative technologies from the tourism sector in order to move forward.

The organization pays special attention to quality, and we are talking not only about the product offered, but also about the work of employees of numerous departments. For this purpose, comprehensive quality control is carried out at the stages of formation, promotion and sale of tourism products.

Tour operator Coral Travel is part of a large international structure OTI Holding, founded in 1992. Coral Travel offices operate in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Poland and Turkey.

  • Search for a tour from Coral Travel
  • Last minute prices
  • Application for tour selection

The Turputevka company has been cooperating with the tour operator Coral Travel for a long time.

Do you want to buy a profitable tour from the operator Coral Travel? Feel free to contact us (sales offices).

Our phone 8-495-215-18-50 . Enter promotional code ( 888777 ) and get a discount 3% for any tour from this operator.

Our managers will select the most profitable option your holiday, taking into account all your wishes.

The tour operator offers its clients holidays at the best resorts in 28 countries. Holidays in Egypt, Greece, Spain, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Thailand, Tanzania, Mauritius, India, Cuba, China, UAE, Vietnam, Maldives, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Austria, Andorra , Jordan, Cambodia, Mexico, Singapore and inside Russia - all this is offered today by the leading domestic tour operator Coral Travel.

The company has a team of experienced professionals who are constantly working to open new tourist destinations.

Coral Travel organizes individual and group tours based on its own regular flights and charter programs.

Air transportation programs are carried out from more than 40 cities of the Russian Federation and all airports of the Russian capital, as well as 10 cities in Poland, 7 cities in Ukraine and the largest cities in Turkey.

On Russian market The Coral Travel brand has established itself as a standard of quality and reliability, which imposes a special responsibility on the company’s activities and is a powerful incentive for further improvement and development.

The company employs more than 5 thousand people, and the total number of Coral Travel clients in 2014 exceeded 1 million people.

Coral Travel's main mission is to develop the highest quality and inexpensive tourist destinations available to all categories of citizens.

In its work the company is guided an integrated approach to the quality of the services provided, which means unsurpassed quality in everything that Coral Travel offers today.

Coral Travel's regular partners include more than 40 airlines, more than 5 thousand hotels and about 22 thousand agencies throughout the country.

Over the years of its activity, tour operator Coral Travel has repeatedly become a prize-winner of international and Russian competitions. Among the awards, we can especially note the prizes from the Moscow government and Federal agency on tourism.

Coral Travel has an ISO 9001 quality certificate from BVQI ( international organization by certification).

Coral Travel is one of the largest tour operators in Russia, trusted by millions of Russians. With Coral Travel it's easy to relax!

The travel company Coral Travel offers its clients quality holidays at the lowest price from a tour operator. The main goal tour operator Coral is to provide tourists with affordable holidays reasonable price. The operator offers travelers holidays in 35 countries. The company's offices are located in 40 Russian cities. In addition, the travel operator Coral has its own official website, which makes it easier to search for tours and allows you to choose your own hotel. The company positions itself as a high-quality and reliable operator that has proven itself well in the tourism market.

Tour operator success story

The tourism industry first heard about the Coral operator in 1995, when the company appeared on the Russian tourism market. Constantly developing, the company was able to strengthen its position and win the trust of its customers. IN recent years The company has expanded significantly and opened many new directions. During the year, the Coral operator serves about 700,000 customers. The company's services are used in great demand Therefore, the number of offices increases every year, which also allows us to increase sales volumes.

Every year the company receives high awards for its activities. Among the most significant awards are the following:

  • First place in international competition"Best of the Best"
  • Award for company reliability in the prestigious Guiding Star competition
  • Diploma for contribution to the development of the tourism market from Russian Fund consumer protection
  • Winner of the “Best Tour Operator in Russia” award.

And this is just a small list of awards that were awarded authorized travel agency Coral.

Official website of the tour operator:

Search for a tour online from Coral Travel

Popular destinations from Coral Travel

The travel company Coral works not only for individual tourists. This tour operator also organizes group, sports, corporate, and children's tours. Among the most popular destinations that are in greatest demand are,. The selection of tours from Coral is facilitated by the presence of a website and the high technologies that the company uses in its work. Here you can always find last minute trips at a very attractive price.

Every year the Coral company becomes more and more popular. By collaborating with air carriers and the best hotels in the world, this tour operator provides tourists with excellent travel conditions, making their vacation exciting and unforgettable.

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