Copywriting where to start step by step. The path from beginner to pro: advice for a beginning copywriter

Okay, you've decided to become a copywriter. Congratulations. Do you already know where to start? I didn't know. I would have really needed a guide like this when I started my journey. In this article I will give advice to beginning copywriters: where to go, what to learn, who to be friends with, where to get orders. Go.

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Who is this gentleman who teaches me life?

If this is your first time on my blog, let's get acquainted. My name is Pavel, I am a copywriter and editor. A couple of years ago I started working on content exchanges, writing dull articles for 50 rubles apiece.

Now my texts cost more than 15,000 rubles. I do advertising, write for popular blogs, edit articles for other authors, and run a content marketing agency. I think my experience will be useful to you.

Let's start with the very basics.

I do not know anything. Where to begin?

This section is for those who have decided to become a copywriter from scratch and do not understand what to do at all. So, you have never written to order. Essays don't count in school. Let me give you a brief introduction.

The copywriter writes the text. Without experience, you will not be trusted to do advertising or write for online publications. At first, you will be engaged in SEO copywriting. The gist is this:

  • You are writing the text
  • Be sure to use certain words and phrases in it - they are called keys
  • The text is posted on the website
  • Thanks to the entered words, people can find the site in Google or Yandex

Unclear? Look at the example.

The client owns an online smartphone store. He asks you to describe the seventh iPhone and be sure to use the words “buy”, “order” and “iPhone 7”. The text is placed on the product page. When someone enters “buy iPhone 7” into Google, your text will appear in the results.

Hurray, you were useful and brought potential client to the store.

You will write SEO texts according to technical specifications. Abbreviated as TK. These are the customer’s requirements for the article: what words need to be used, how much text is needed, what is worth mentioning in it, and so on.

This is what a technical assignment for a copywriter looks like

Okay, I'll do this SEO copywriting. Where can I get orders?

In fact, everywhere. Any website needs copywriters. They are searched for on social networks, on forums and message boards. But without experience and a portfolio they won’t give you anything. Therefore, I advise you to go to a special website - the exchange.

It's kind of like a bulletin board. The site owner or manager talks about the task, and copywriters leave requests. If the customer likes you, he will choose you and give you the project to work on.

There are a lot of orders on exchanges, so even a copywriter without experience can overwhelm himself with work. Alas, newcomers there are paid a little better than nothing. I started with 30-50 rubles per text. Many of my colleagues took even less - 10-15 rubles.

Now your main task is to gain some experience and make a portfolio. Think of work as low prices like an internship. There will definitely be income, but a little later.

By the way, we at the agency recently launched a free one. There, in 8 lessons, we tell you how to write texts for which clients are willing to pay well. We teach you to determine the goal and useful action, collect information, think through the structure, and defend the idea to the customer.

Okay, I'll go to the stock exchange. Which one to choose?

What's next? What are my prospects?

Glad you're thinking about the future. There are many prospects, and they are all cool. It is unlikely that you will want to write SEO texts all your life. And they don’t pay very much for them. You can become:

  • Copywriter-advertiser. Write advertisements, slogans, help businesses sell goods and services.
  • Copywriter-textist. Make newsletters, write blogs, create guides.
  • Editor. Steer the entire process - assign tasks to copywriters, designers, illustrators - or do it all yourself.
  • Content marketer. This is a new and very cool direction of internet marketing, tied to high-quality content: text, video, illustrations.
  • The leader. Take other specialists into your team and open a studio.
  • Information businessman. Teach aspiring copywriters and editors, write books, conduct trainings, become a coach.

Regular vacancy for an experienced copywriter

Many good copywriters go to related professions- social media marketing, setup advertising campaigns, SEO. Or they open their own business - they have already learned how to do advertising.

Remind me of the action plan just in case?

Okay, let's take it step by step. How to become a copywriter from scratch:

Step 1. Read the Webwriter's Handbook. Understand what keys are and why they are needed.

Let me remind you: the key is the word and phrase that needs to be mentioned in the text. This is necessary so that search engines return the site according to the client’s queries.

Step 2. Register on the copywriting exchange and place several cheap orders - 20-30 rubles per 1000 characters.

I recommend going to Etxt. It is the most popular and has the most orders.

Step 3. Subscribe to thematic communities on VKontakte or Facebook. Ask questions to more experienced colleagues.

Step 4. In principle, you can already be considered a copywriter. Work for a month or two, improve your rating, collect your work in a portfolio. Increase your prices gradually.

Step 5. Learn theory: read books, watch webinars, attend conferences. Don't forget about practice - take on work that seems difficult to you. Learn to do something new.

Rewriting comes from English (rewriting), which literally means rewriting something. As a rule, the customer provides the source text. You need to make it unique for search engines, rewritten in other words while maintaining the same semantic load. The volume can remain the same, increase or decrease in accordance with the technical specifications.

There are several techniques for changing the source text. Just replacing some words with synonyms or changing the order of words in a sentence is not enough. This should be a completely different text. You can change the grammatical structure of sentences, transform direct speech into indirect speech and vice versa, and omit phrases that lack meaning. At the same time, the text should be easy to read.

Over time, you can begin a more complex format - SEO copywriting. This is the process of writing texts with so-called keywords or queries to be found by search engines. This is necessary to promote resources. A web copywriter will have to become familiar with the basic principles of writing SEO texts and learn to determine the density keywords and “nausea”, master HTML formatting.

There are many types of SEO texts: selling, informational, advertising and informational... Therefore, you need to constantly learn, master new skills and writing techniques. These texts should be equally attractive to both search engine robots and people reading the articles.

How to become a copywriter - an algorithm of actions.

A beginning copywriter needs:

  • learn the basic rules of writing texts (on your own or with the help of courses, free newsletters);
  • register on several exchanges - this is necessary to search for orders, find the most optimal interface with which you will be comfortable working;
  • open an electronic wallet to withdraw money using WebMoney - a system for payments on the Internet;
  • create a high-quality portfolio (examples of completed work), ideally, these are articles already posted online with attribution.

The rest will depend on the punctuality, efficiency and learning ability of the novice author. It is not at all necessary to immediately fulfill serious orders. You can start working by writing posts, comments on blogs and forums. On the Internet you can find many exchanges for copywriters and freelancers. On some, you can register as a performer only after completing a test task, but there are many resources with free access. It is with the help of specialized exchanges that most authors find their customers. As a rule, the resource administration guarantees payment for work performed. It is best to fulfill orders on well-known topics, but you can write articles yourself and put them up for sale.

A real author is not just a person who once read recommendations on how to become a good copywriter and decided to make money on the Internet. Top authors definitely enjoy the creative process itself. They strive to do work outside the box, with soul, thereby attracting the attention of potential website visitors.


Copywriters write articles that website owners need. News for portals, information articles for online magazines, and advertising texts for companies, and product reviews for online stores, and film releases for Varezniks, and much, much more.

A copywriter writes not just texts, but interesting, useful, exciting articles. After all, a good article should keep the reader on the site, and sometimes even encourage him to take some action (like, purchase, subscribe, register).

Many literary masterpieces are sometimes written over a cup of coffee in a relaxed atmosphere. But the income of a successful copywriter is comparable to the salary of a sought-after specialist at some company.

All a copywriter needs is a computer and Internet access. You can work from anywhere on the globe and at any convenient rhythm.

However, despite its apparent simplicity, not everyone can become a copywriter.

Copywriting is work and responsibility. You must organize yourself, complete all orders on time, overcoming fatigue. Have you finally decided that writing texts is not loading bricks, and are you ready to learn a new profession?

Then I will tell you that only a fairly competent and erudite person can become a good copywriter. You need to express your thoughts beautifully. It is necessary to highlight the main and secondary ideas in the text.

The rules of spelling and punctuation can be repeated as you go, but it will be more difficult to deal with incorrect phrase construction and word usage errors. But if you wish, you can develop a flair for a correctly constructed phrase.

Are you ready to learn, admit mistakes and explore new areas of life? Then you can become a successful copywriter. And this is a very interesting profession!

How to become a copywriter: where to start

You can start with some copywriting exchange with free access for beginners (,,). Here you can gain experience and gain basic knowledge along the way.

Then you can go to conquer freelance exchanges (,) and knock on the doors of closed exchanges (,). Earnings there are much higher.

You can promote yourself and find several regular customers who are willing to pay good money for good lyrics. You can also become a full-time specialist in some company. On the other hand, it is not far from a copywriter to become an optimizer or owner of a network of sites. As you can see, there is a lot of room for development on the Internet for a professional copywriter.

How to become a good copywriter?

Commandments of a pro

Write on topics that are interesting and understandable to you

Write with pleasure. Only then will the article be read in one breath. A forced article will never spark interest in readers or make them want to buy a product.

How to inspire yourself to do great things? Motivate yourself before starting your workday. You don't have a boss who can reprimand you or deprive you of bonuses. But before your eyes there are examples of successful copywriters at the top of exchanges. Take an interest in their successes.

Think about the money you have. Think about positive reviews customers for whom it is actually not so easy to find an intelligent copywriter.

Try to fully cover the topic

Collect information from different sources, summarize, supplement the accumulated material with your own knowledge and experience.

Your articles must be unique not only in technical terms (roughly speaking, not copied from other sites), they must be unique in the information aspect.

Website owners want to receive an article that does not convey the meaning of other people’s articles in the top search results, but carries something fundamentally new for readers. A The best way write a great article - collect as much useful information as possible and present it beautifully.

Double-check controversial facts

You are responsible for those you teach... Whether you write about curing a sore throat, making fondue, or the population of New York, remember that someone will follow your advice, someone will use published material, someone will simply will sincerely believe you.

The consequences of spreading false information, especially medical information, can be very serious. Therefore, you should always evaluate the reliability of sources and learn to distinguish genuine information from false information.

Write correctly

Learn the rules of the Russian language. Carefully check and proofread the written text. Test yourself using the services,, Yandex.Speller.

Improve your vocabulary

Rich vocabulary will help you correctly express thoughts, retell information, and note the nuances of the topic under consideration. And there is only one piece of advice: read books, expand your horizons.

Understand the basic concepts and terms from the field of copywriting

When copywriters and optimizers communicate, they use their own vocabulary and even slang.

  1. Copywriting- author's article.
  2. Rewriting, rewriting– presentation of someone else’s article in your own words.
  3. SEO copywriting– an article tailored to keywords.
  4. TK- This technical task to the performer.
  5. 1k (kilo)— 1000 characters of text without spaces.
  6. Keywords– phrases, search queries that need to be mentioned in the text.
  7. Keyword Density– frequency of mention of specified phrases.
  8. Synonymize– automatic replacement of words with synonyms.
  9. Water- an abundance of unnecessary phrases, abstract reasoning, introductory constructions for connecting words.
  10. The target audience- a group of people united common features, to which the article, trade proposal is intended.

Become a professional in one area

The statement “strong in all areas” causes mistrust. But if you have one or two topics where you feel like a fish in water, your articles will be worth their weight in gold.

It should be a topic in which you are an expert or knowledgeable person. If you can write a series of articles on a topic based on personal experience and knowledge, without looking at additional sources, then you are a very valuable personnel.

Choose your ideal topic based on your interests, hobbies, knowledge and experience. And there may well be several such specialized topics.

Be concise

Try not to let your thoughts wander. Present information as briefly and clearly as necessary for understanding.

And one more nuance: your text must fit within the specified volume. The customer asks to present a topic in 2,000 characters? Do you think that to cover the topic you need at least 10 kilos? The customer is always right. Please present the information concisely, to the point and without fluff.

Come up with catchy headlines

If you put up for sale an article called “Tours to Spain,” what will webmasters think of you? They will only note your complete lack of imagination.

And if you didn’t have enough creativity for the headline, then what awaits readers in the article? And if you add “Your pass to a golden fairy tale” to the standard title in the “Travel to Bali” order, I think the customer will be satisfied.

Always write structured text

Formatted text is easier and more enjoyable to read. Highlight subheadings and lists. Divide large sentences into small ones.

Break your text into short paragraphs. A paragraph should express one complete thought. The first sentence of a paragraph is the beginning of a micro-topic, a generalizing or introductory thought. A paragraph can even consist of one sentence.

Remember that text dosed in small portions is easier to perceive on a computer screen.

Simplify the text

Ruthlessly cross out introductory constructions (“so to speak,” “due to the fact that”), get rid of tautology. Use as few participial phrases and complex sentences as possible. If possible, break complex sentences with a lot of punctuation into several simple ones.

Pay attention to the euphony of speech

Do not overload the text with hissing and whistling sounds. (They often accumulate in the text due to the abundance of participial phrases). Make sure that there are not too many consecutive consonants in the line (“do not overload the text with sibilants”).

Charge your readers with positivity

Avoid negativity wherever possible. Information about opening a summer cafe or grocery store can be presented in such a way that a newcomer will have a strong feeling of powerlessness in the face of business sharks. Or you can ignite in him a passionate desire to act and an unshakable confidence in success. Do you think that after reading which article, a visitor will want to scroll through the pages of the site?

Write visually and figuratively

Comparisons, epithets, metaphors, idioms will turn boring text into a tasty article.

Be honest and sincere

Lies and exaggerations are always felt. Don't overdo it with praise. They only cause doubts, rejection and mistrust in the reader.

Think about your target audience

Without understanding who will read your article, you will not be able to reach the reader. And this is true not only for advertising texts, but also for informational articles. You cannot prepare a speech for everyone.

How to prepare an article that will be received with a bang the target audience? Try to “fit” your entire audience into one person. Create a character, a collective portrait that will personify your readers. Determine his gender, age (based on average age audience), hobbies, preferences, place of work/study.

How to become a better copywriter?

Valuable qualities of a copywriter


Complete tasks on time, follow all points of the technical specifications. Don't let people down. Do not resell or publish sold articles, even if the customer has not posted them online for six months. Your reputation is on the line. And them too. After all, the customer may be bound by deadlines and obligations to management.


You will have to force yourself to work. As you remember, you don’t have a boss, so you don’t need to rush to the office. And if you dream of stable income, then you will have to write every day and a lot.

Copywriting is a job, you should look elsewhere for freebies. Get ready to sit diligently at the computer, not be distracted by extraneous matters and websites, and patiently bring each article to perfection.


Copywriting requires creative approach to writing and designing texts. Dry information sheets will not make you a popular author.
Use quotes, rhetorical questions, humor, irony, catchphrases, comparisons and allegories in your work. Just agree in advance on the acceptable range of artistic media with the client.

How to become a successful copywriter?

What is the key to success?

Develop communication skills

Customers should receive satisfaction from communicating with you. Courtesy, politeness, a positive attitude and compliance will certainly bring success. Be prepared to put yourself in the customer's position and admit mistakes.

If the client is in a friendly mood, maintain a friendly atmosphere. If the customer wants to limit himself to professional communication, then do not get personal.

Act quickly

Don’t get stuck at the stage of studying courses and books on copywriting. Take your order right away. Practice is the best teacher.

Don't wait until you have a decent portfolio. Take action now. The customer will give the work to the one who shows the sample most similar to what he wants to see.

Noticed interesting order at a decent price? Send the customer a short article on the same topic as an example. For security reasons, do not reveal the main idea of ​​the future article. Let it be something similar, but not exactly the same.

The customer wants to receive an article about 5 best places for walking around Paris, and you send him an article about the 3 best places to walk around London. If he likes your style, he will immediately appoint you as a performer.

By the way, why three? This is a portfolio - keep it short. Focus on quality, not quantity. The goal is to show that you can do the job.

And note, such a portfolio only took you 20-30 minutes and was addressed to a specific customer, taking into account all his requirements. And let the rest of the freelancers continue to aimlessly send employers examples that are not suitable for the majority of customers.

Be active

Don't limit yourself to one exchange. Look for your customer on forums and thematic communities. But don't send spam. Go where customers are purposefully looking for performers.

Have you still not found a customer dear to your heart and wallet? Create your blog.
On many exchanges you cannot send your own email to customers, but you can send a link to the site as an example.

So the stock exchange can be compared to a hostel, where you are forced to live according to someone else’s laws. And you don't like all the rules, right? But a personal website is your own home, where you are free to arrange everything as you please. You can publish your contact information, express any thoughts, write on any topic.

Master the genre of master classes

Master classes with step-by-step unique photographs, screenshots or videos are now more valuable than ever. Culinary recipes and hand-made items in this style are selling out with a bang.

For example, you prepare a salad or cover a pillow with ribbon flowers, photograph each step and describe in detail all your actions. Such material costs much more than an ordinary article, and the demand for them does not fall.

Communicate in thematic communities

Visit forums and communities for optimizers, webmasters, and copywriters. Answer any questions. Help people solve their problems. Write valuable comments (supplement the information provided) under the copywriters’ articles. If you manage to contribute your “2 cents”, you will be noticed. Be visible.

How to become an SEO copywriter?

Optimized articles are more expensive than informational ones. The task of an SEO copywriter is to attract visitors from search engines, so you should understand the principles of website ranking.

Here's a list of basic terms you need to understand:

  • Search results, ranking, internal and external optimization, keywords, query frequency
  • Title, meta tags, link anchors
  • Keyword occurrences: precise, diluted, morphological
  • Text nausea, overspam

It also doesn't hurt to understand the basics of HTML and master the HTML editor.

How to become an expensive copywriter?

Let's consider this situation: you write competent and interesting articles created in accordance with all the laws of SEO and advertising, but the payment for your work and talent, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired. What to do?

There is only one answer: develop self-confidence and ambition. Only fear and low self-esteem make a good author write cheaply.

How to become a highly paid copywriter?

Recognize yourself as a BRAND

Everything, from the first letter in your nickname to the last line in your blog, should position you as a brand, as an exclusive, as a renowned Master. That's right: Masters with a capital M. Create the image of a PRO.

Appreciate your work

Remember that there is always someone who writes texts of the same quality as yours, but sells them at a higher price.

I'll tell you more. On closed exchanges with strict selection there are top authors whose texts could be well edited by some unknown and cheap but talented author.

The only question is that the top copywriter ardently wanted to find a profitable job, but the humble guy just couldn’t bring himself to change the situation.

Today, almost every person who knows how to use a computer and keyboard dreams of becoming a freelance copywriter. If you can also boast of a “sense of language” and literacy, then you have every chance of becoming a sought-after author.

So, you are a beginner copywriter - where to start, how to become a professional and start earning money? The eTXT content exchange is the best start for beginners, so we will tell you how to become a copywriter and find customers.

How to become a copywriter and where to start?

Step 1. Registration You do not need to pass any rigorous exams to register on the eTXT Content Exchange. The main thing is to know what copywriting is, and we will teach you how to start working!

Fill out all fields of the registration form and select the desired status for further work - performer. In the additional fields, select what types of work you want to do (copywriting, rewriting, translations, SEO copywriting) and for what price. If you don’t even know yet who a copywriter is and how to get started, leave these fields blank. You can always change their value in your account settings.

After filling out the form, click “Register” and wait for a registration confirmation email: in a few seconds it should arrive at the mailbox you specified when filling out the form.

Step 2: Setting up your profile Your profile is your face on the Exchange. The more detailed and high-quality your profile is filled out, the more professional you look. Good copywriter must first of all be able to competently describe and “sell” oneself. Profile editing and settings are available in personal account user when clicking on the name:

Fill in all fields to the maximum. In the “Additional information” field, please indicate your strengths: skills, training, experience, why the customer should entrust the work to you.


If you have texts that can be shown to customers as an example of your work, place them in your portfolio. You can add both the texts themselves and links to the resources where they are published. Demonstrate best works, and not everything in a row: the customer must make sure that you are a professional. A portfolio is the most important information in a profile, but if it doesn’t exist, how to become a copywriter and where to start? If you have no experience at all, don’t despair: you can write a paper to improve your qualifications (by type of work). This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you can add a qualifying article to your portfolio and receive “stars of excellence” for it.

You can also register on the affiliate project and place the text there, and from your portfolio provide a link to a colorfully designed article. Don’t be lazy to fill out your portfolio, since it’s easy to become a copywriter on the Internet today, but it’s quite difficult to show your skills “on your fingers” , customers need “evidence.” The “Portfolio” tab is available in your personal account in the “My Profile” section. You can read more about the rules for filling out a portfolio in the section. Step 3. Working with orders After filling out your profile, proceed to selecting your first orders. If you are lost and still don’t know how to become a copywriter - step by step instructions on training you can read again in our. How to choose an order? If, when registering or editing your profile, you did not indicate the minimum prices for your services, all orders of the system will be available for you to view. In your personal account, open the “View all orders” section - you will see the exchange’s order feed. You can find those orders with which you will be most interested in working in the search by selecting the necessary parameters. Beginner copywriters whose rating is less than 300 units must pass a literacy test in order to gain access to more expensive orders (from 15 rubles/ 1000 characters for rewriting and from 25 rubles/1000 characters for copywriting).
How to apply? Did you like the topic of the order, did the task understand, and did you like the working conditions? Excellent! Click the “Submit Application” button and wait for the customer to accept it and choose you as the contractor. If your candidacy is approved, you will receive a system message and the order status will change to “In progress.” Order statuses and applications are displayed in your personal account at the top:
Working on an order Once you accept your order, please read all the terms and conditions carefully. You must complete the work in accordance with the customer's requirements - only then will he accept the work and pay you money. All requirements are indicated in the order card: minimum number of characters, deadline for submitting work, percentage of uniqueness, etc. Do not forget that your article must be competent and of high quality by default. They will help you check yourself. When the work is ready, send it for verification: upload via the order form finished work or attach a file with text. If the customer has accepted the order, you will receive a system notification and the article will move to the “Completed” status. Payment will be credited to your account approximately 3-4 hours after the work is accepted. Good luck to all newcomers on the project! Join us if you are not with us yet.

This article wouldn't exist. Because the topic is hackneyed and I already wrote an article - “”. If you haven’t read it yet and came to my site for the first time, then it’s better to start with it. Because this article will be difficult if you don’t read that one.

The reason for writing this article was this request from Anna. By the way, you can also ask your question about the profession or suggest a topic for an article. This can be done in my VK group or comments on the site.

Anna, thank you!

I won't beat around the bush. How do articles in the top do it? Now there you can find texts “test with a glass of water” or an article with a referral link to one of the exchanges. Some statements in such materials are hilariously funny.

What I'm talking about:

Let's rephrase. Copywriting should be understood as writing advertising. Absolutely any advertising:

  • We wrote the text of an advertisement on Avito (article,) to give away a kitten - this is copywriting;
  • We made an SEO article that shows what this site has helpful information– copywriting;
  • Created text for advertising leaflet+ prototype (marking the place for pictures and graphics) - worked as a copywriter;
  • We built a sales funnel: text and prototype of the landing page, marketing kit, copywriting;

We wrote a selling text with SEO optimization for the main page of the site, collected a USP for the company, and brought out New Product to the market, helped an unknown SPA salon stand out in its niche - this is also a job for a copywriter.

Now that the magnitude of the task has become more clear, we can begin to answer the question: how to become a copywriter?

Becoming a copywriter or “work” is the basis of everything

Copywriting is a mini-business. Because it’s impossible without investments. You will have to invest a huge amount of money.

For reference. An hour of your life has a price. YOU install it! But sometimes you stupidly sell for 150 - 200 rubles per hour. This is what a salesperson or loader and engineer earn in the province.

What I'm talking about. You don’t know how to make websites or draw designs. But there are guys who can do it. They have the right to demand as much money as their personal time and skill is worth. But all this needs to be supported by the results of your work. Because otherwise you won’t be able to find a customer.

There are no brilliant copywriters who weren't newbies

The more serious the tasks and more complex the projects, the more you need to know and be able to do. To create a turnkey landing page you need: a copywriter, designer, layout designer and advertising specialist. Therefore, this pie is for everyone, not just for you.

HOW to achieve your goal - to become a copywriter. Learn to solve problems that clients will set for you

1. Get a regular job where you will receive maximum money for a minimum of time or have the opportunity to do your own thing (at least 50% of the working day).

This is necessary for training. First you need to learn how to transfer your thoughts onto a blank sheet of paper. Some people, most of them, have problems with this. Because they didn't write anything since university bench. The maximum is a monthly report.

Therefore, I advise you to register on some “copywriting” exchange or on a freelance site and write a couple of texts (). This is necessary to learn how to make words from letters, and from words to form sentences that will be combined into a meaningful text.

A typical day at the content exchange

What happens if you immediately make copywriting your main income? There will be a person - a stock exchange machine (a slave of the stock exchange) who does not develop. Because any loss of a client means hungry children and bread as the first and second. And you will have to lose customers when you start raising prices.

2.Exploring the simplest service to date– writing articles for those interested in content marketing. Your clients will be: webmasters and resellers (from 10 to 50 rubles per 1000 characters), SEO optimizers (from 50 to 250 rubles per 1000 characters), marketers and content managers of companies (depending on their budget, your skills and the ability to sell your services).

How to become a copywriter - your own website, blog, social networks, books, webinars, etc.

I wrote the article “” a long time ago. As a result, I came to the conclusion that a website was needed. This is a virtual office on the Internet. It is not necessary to order a website from Artemy Lebedev. Because it's expensive. You can make a simple but functional website on WordPress, and when you have money, order a professional resource from the studio.

A website is definitely needed. But create it when you already know all the intricacies of SEO, so as not to mess things up. You can also drive traffic to the site from advertising, which will provide an additional source of orders.

Where can a copywriter look for clients? I have two large articles: “”, “”. This is without exchanges and freelance sites.

It is better to attach a blog to the site. Even if you publish your cases and several articles a month there, it will serve you well.

Creating a group on a social network is a necessity. Announcements of articles in in social networks useful for SEO. In addition, this way you will quickly boost your website and become part of the copywriting crowd. True, very soon there will be no time left for a party.

Copywriting is work, not life with a laptop on the beach

Webinars is one way to sell your expertise, which is what many trainers do. But it’s better, in my opinion, to make video content and engage in content marketing on your website.

Writing a book- another way to show yourself. But there is no need to create a book that will not contain new information. When you have practical experience, your own techniques and successes, then you can think about the book.

Random articles
