Summary of educational activities for introducing older preschoolers to the profession of a veterinarian. lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic

Compiled by: Bulavinova Elena Vasilievna

Voronezh region

Vorobyovsky district

s-z "Vorobievsky"

MKOU "Poselkovaya Secondary School"

Primary classes

Extracurricular event “All work is good!”

3rd grade

Explanatory note.

An extracurricular activity is held in 3rd grade, studying under the “School of Russia” program. The purpose of the event is to introduce students to various professions, develop interest in work activities, creative abilities, initial career guidance, foster diligence, responsibility, develop dexterity, and ingenuity. Students are first given homework: compile a dictionary of professions and draw pictures for them.

Event plan.

1. Reading poetry by students (montage)

2. The teacher's word.

3. Messages from students.

4. Poems about professions.

5. Riddles about professions.

6. Competition for the restoration of sayings and proverbs.

7. Performing ditties.

8. Competition for matching subjects and professions.

9. Competition "Pilot"

10. Competition "Interview"

11. Competition "Detective"

12. Competition "Announcer"

13. Competition "Artist"

14. Competition "Builder"

15. Final word from the teacher.

Extracurricular activity

Matinee about professions in 3rd grade

“All works are good!”

Goal: introducing students to various professions, developing interest in work, creative abilities, fostering hard work, responsibility, developing dexterity and ingenuity.

Equipment: quote posters

“All professions are good, all are honorable, if you master the skill perfectly” (M. Kalinin)

“You need to love what you do, and then work, even the roughest, rises to creativity.” (M. Gorky),

proverbs, student drawings, black box, task cards, computer, projector.

Progress of the matinee.

1 student.

In the world of diverse words,

What shines, burns and burns, -

Gold, steel, diamond, -

There is no more sacred word: “labor”!

2 student.

Everything we drink with a full cup,

In the past, created by labor:

All the contentment of our life,

Everything that makes every home beautiful.

3 student.

The new lamp is a victorious light,

Running engines, trains,

Monoplane flight without a trace, -

Everything is a legacy of labor!

4 student.

The table you're sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, pair of skis,
Plate, fork, spoon, knife,
And every nail
And every house
And every slice of bread -
All this was created by labor,
But it didn’t fall from the sky!
5 student.

For everything that was created for us,
We are grateful to the people
The time will come, the hour will come -
And we will work.
6 student.

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Who should I work with then?

What to do?

Teacher: This question arises when a person becomes an adult. He needs to master some profession in order to be useful to his family and society. Already now many of you dream of being someone. Today our matinee is dedicated to professions.

Everything that surrounds us is created by the labor of people.

Any object, thing, unit, tool, production technology - everything connects us with various professions, of which there are thousands in the world. The word profession meansmain occupation,labor activity of a person who has a lot of special knowledge, skills acquired as a result of special training and work experience. This means that in order to consider oneself as belonging to a particular profession, one must undergo special training, master a lot of theoretical knowledge, and gain experience.

How many professions surround us?

1 student: Early in the morning I wake up in a house thatbuilt not only by builders. People from more than a dozen professions took part in its creation - from an architect to a painter.

2nd student: My sleep is interrupted by an alarm clock - a few more professions. We open our eyes, and the world of things and objects presents itself to us as Business Cards professions: dishes, clothes, books, food - everything in our house was made by people of hundreds of professions.

Student 3: I go outside, and this world expands to enormous proportions. We travel by transport, go to school, use tools in our studies and work.

4th student: In the evening, at my service is the world of other professions that provide the opportunity to touch art: actors, announcers, artists, musicians, composers, photographers.

Student 5: In the modern world, the number of professions is growing and they are all useful, necessary and important for a person. The world is changing, and some professions are disappearing as unnecessary, others are being improved. For example, boots have long been sewn not by hand, but by machine, loaders at the port are armed with cranes, and a baker does not knead the dough with his hands - there is an automatic machine for this.

Teacher: Let’s check your homework, in which you had to create a dictionary of professions.

(Students come out with letters of the alphabet and drawings of professions for this letter, stand in alphabetical order and name the invented professions)


Yes, there are many craftsmen in the world,

Tell poems about them, children.

1st student

A mason builds houses

The dress is the work of a tailor.

But it's a tailor's job

There is nowhere without warm shelter.

2nd student

The mason would be naked

If only skillful hands

Didn't make it in time

An apron, and a jacket, and trousers.

3rd student

Baker to shoemaker on time

He instructs me to sew the boots.

Well, a shoemaker without bread

Will he sew and sharpen a lot?

4th student

So it turns out that way,

Everything we do is necessary.

So let's work

Honest, diligent and friendly.

5th student

Crow, cow, puppy and peacock

He will accept and cure everyone

Animal doctor.

6th student

White sawdust is flying,Flying from under the saw:This is what the carpenter doesWindows and floors.
7th student.

In a store, at a marketAnd finally at the buffetEverywhere, wherever you are,The salesperson greets you.8th student

So that pines, lindens, spruce

They didn’t get sick, they turned green,

To new forests

Rising to the skies

Them to the sound and hubbub of birds

A forester friend is guarding.

9th student.

The turner bent over

A smart machine.

Thin chips

Runs like a stream.

10th student.

The teacher generously teaches us that

What you really need in life:

Patience, reading, counting and writing

And loyalty to one’s native homeland.

11th student

A savior where there is trouble,
He will always come to the rescue.
And there is no reason to doubt:
Rescue is a job for men.

12th student

A scientist looks through a microscope,
Apparently he is conducting experiments.
He doesn't care about boredom -

All in work, all in science.

13th student

If suddenly something bad happens,
Something will catch fire somewhere,
A fireman is urgently needed there.
It will pay off, that's for sure.

14th student

Every day he goes to sea
And he catches fish with nets.
Catches both in winter and summer
- A fisherman's job is in this.

15th student

Chauffeur job

Difficult and complex

But how is she to people

Needed everywhere!...


Now be careful

Don't forget to name your profession!

(Riddles about professions)

Furniture, bread and cucumbers

They sell us...(sellers)

I'm glad to get dressed

Both an artist and a deputy.

I sew deftly with my needle -

It's not for nothing that I...(tailor)

We must fight fire with fire,

We are brave workers

We are partners with water.

Everyone really needs us,

So who are we? - ... (firemen)

He looks like a captain

But the ship is led by the steppe.

He argues with the wave stubbornly,

Only with a golden wave. (combiner)

Stretched canvas, paints, tripod -

Paints a picture from life... (artist)

He protects nature

Drives away poachers

And in winter at the feeders

Forest animals are waiting for you to visit. (forester)

Tell me who is so delicious

Prepares cabbage soup,

Smelly cutlets,

Salads, vinaigrettes,

All breakfasts, lunches? (cook)

She carries out her service in secret,

The cows have known her for a long time,

Always greeted with a moo

And for her hard work

All the milk is given to her. (milkmaid)

Fun job

Envious from the bottom of my heart!

Whistle when you're hunting

Yes, wave your wand! (police officer)

They put dexterous two hands

Heels on shoes.

And heels -

Also the work of these hands. (shoemaker)

We teach children

Love nature

Respect old people. (teacher)

The earth awaits his work,

The dawn will barely light its rays.

In the spring he will comb the fields,

When autumn comes, he will cut his hair. (gardener)

With a heavy bag he walks around the area,

He puts letters in our mailbox... (postman)

Every resident in the house knows -

This house was built by... (builder)

This sorceress has

This artist

Not brushes and paints,

And a comb and scissors. (hairdresser)

He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

What's that funny fellow called? (clown)

Teacher: Well done guys!

People have always respected hard work, passion, and the pursuit of excellence. This is probably why they came up with many proverbs and sayings.

Competition for knowledge of sayings and proverbs - restore the proverbs.

If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on...

A. tractor B. bench

B. stoves D. roof

Don't sit idly by, it won't happen...

A. money B. boredom

B. work D. troubles

He who doesn't work doesn't...

A. swims B. rides

B. drinks D. eats

A small thing is better than a big one...

A. idleness B. inaction

B. wealth D. pleasure

The eyes are afraid, and the hands...

A. knitting B. making

B. work D. wash

Finished the job - go for a walk...

A. boldly B. quickly

B. fun D. joyfully

Time for business, time for fun...

A. minute B. second

B. hour D. year

Teacher: Now let’s sing ditties.

I tell everyone I know,

What I want to beastronomer.

I don't like to sleep at night,

It's better to study the stars.

I love in front of the whole class

Answer in class.

This experience will be useful -

I wantartistbecome!

If, Petya, you then

you willdeputy,

Then your diary can become

Terrible compromising evidence!

Have pity on me, mommy,

Let me skip school!

Well, son, there you aredirector,

You must be there!

I decided there was no point

Boxing -

I willdentist,

Everyone is afraid of him.

Vovka boasts to the guys,

What will he becomelawyer.

And not yet a lawyer,

He hits everyone.

BescoutI want

After all, I am resourceful and brave.

Mom hid the sweets

I scouted out where - and ate it!

I willhaircut master

And I will take revenge on Lariska -

I'll cut my hair like a boy's,

And then I’ll forgive you.

I go to gymnastics

I only eat once a week.

I'll tell you a secret:

I want to becomemodel.

Teacher: A person of any profession needs tools and instruments. Name the professions that need these items.

(Hammer, soldering iron, saw, scissors, ruler, microscope, binoculars, camera, syringe).

Teacher:What do you want to become, children?
Answer us quickly!
- I want to be a driver.
Carry different loads.

I dream of ballet.
There is no better one in the world.

I want to become a great doctor.
I will treat everyone with medicine.
Very tasty, like candy.
I ate it - there are no diseases!

I don't like colors.
I dream of becoming an artist.
Order me a portrait.
I can handle it, no doubt!

You are with me, friends, don’t argue,
I want to become the first in sports.
It's a trifle for me to score a goal,
I play for Spartak!

I want to become a pianist.
A wonderful artist.
Music has been with me since childhood,
I love her with all my heart.

I dream of becoming faster
Children's teacher.
Sing, walk, play with them.
Celebrate birthdays.
In chorus:
All professions are wonderful.
All professions are important.
We know that our hands
The Motherland will need them!

Teacher: Now we’ll see what your hands can do. We will hold competitions.

1 competition "Pilot". Which one of you guys wants to become a pilot? Come out. Your task is to quickly make a paper airplane and fly it as far as possible.

(Students come out and complete the task).

2 competition. "Interview"

Two students are invited: one is a journalist, the other is a person of a given profession. The “journalist” asks questions, and another student answers them, talking about his profession, but does not name it. You need to guess what profession we are talking about.

3 competition. "Detective"

Two participants. One is blindfolded, the other hides an object in the classroom. The “detective” needs to find this item. Students help with the guiding words “hot and cold.”

4 competition. "Speaker"

Several students participate. You need to quickly and correctly read the fairy tale

1 student.

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big.
Grandfather went to pick turnips. He pulls, he pulls, but he can’t pull it out.

Grandfather called grandma. Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip, they pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out!

Goal: To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To instill in children a love for animals and a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about their surroundings in games. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets.



GBOU school No. 1357 Preschool division No. 9

Summary of GCD for familiarization

children of senior preschool age

with the profession of veterinarian.

Goal: To form in children ideas about the work of a doctor for animals (veterinarian). To instill in children a love for animals and a desire to help them. Teach children to display knowledge about their surroundings in games. Show children the importance of veterinary medicine for pets.


Educator: Guys, a guest will come to us today, and who is he, tell me by guessing the riddle:

He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes,

Bandages wounds

African monkey.

And anyone will confirm to us:

Is this the doctor? (Aibolit)

Aibolit enters in a white robe.

Aibolit: Hello, guys. I was passing by and decided to come visit you and see if my help was needed here.

Educator: We all read the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, and who remembers who the doctor treated?

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, animals.

Aibolit: Yes, guys, I love animals very much and that’s why I decided to become not a human doctor, but a doctor for animals.

Educator: Does anyone know the name of the doctor who treats animals?


Aibolit: That's right, my profession is called a veterinarian. Domestic animals cannot, like wild animals, take care of their own health. That's why the veterinarian helps them. If you have a cat or dog at home, you have probably consulted a veterinarian more than once.

Educator: the clinic where animals are treated is called a veterinary hospital.

Aibolit: A veterinarian not only treats sick pets, he gives them various preventive vaccinations, cleans their ears, trims their nails - in general, he monitors whether your pet is well maintained, whether it moves enough, what its appetite is.

Educator: But if your cat or dog is sick, veterinarians, like ordinary doctors, examine your furry friend, give him medicine, and severe cases perform surgical operations.

Aibolit: Guys, do you like animals? Do you want to become a veterinarian?

Children: yes

Aibolit: Now I’ll check how ready you are to work. Let's play the game "What does a veterinarian need?" There are various items on the table; you need to select only those that, in your opinion, may be useful in treating animals.

Well done! Nobody was wrong!

Educator: Children, a veterinarian, or in other words, a veterinarian can cure both a small fish and a huge bear. He needs to know and be able to do a lot. But most importantly, the veterinarian must be very kind and must love animals.

Aibolit: Guys, now you know what my work is. If you remember, I came to you to offer my help in treating sick animals. Bring your pets quickly, I will examine them and give them treatment.

Role-playing game “Animal Hospital”.

At the end of the game, reading the poem:

If your cat

My leg hurts a little

If your dog

The side was damaged in a fight,

Without wasting time,

To heal them

Urgently to the veterinarian

Bring your pets.

He will x-ray his paw,

He will sew up the dog's wound -

And the animals certainly

Everything will heal and pass.

Summing up: What profession did you get acquainted with? What should a veterinarian know and be able to do? What character qualities should you have?

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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20 "Dolphin" of the Yuzhnouralsk urban district


"Profession - Veterinarian"

Completed by: Kucherova Tatyana Iosifovna

Vnukova Marina Ivanovna

teachers of MDOU d/s No. “20”

Currently, much attention is paid to the problem in education vocational guidance the younger generation. This is due to the rapidly developing modern world, its technological progress, the emergence latest technologies in all spheres of human life, and, consequently, the emergence of new professions. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to lay knowledge and foundations about people’s work from the early years of a child’s life.

Nowadays, almost every home has animals; for many people, they are, first of all, a family member, without which it is difficult to imagine their life. Consequently, care should be as thorough as for any family member.


IN preschool age Of particular importance for the full development of a child’s personality is the introduction to the world of adults and the objects created by their labor. Familiarization with professions ensures the child’s entry into modern world, familiarization with its values ​​ensures the satisfaction and development of cognitive interests. That's why the idea of ​​creating this project arose. An in-depth study of professions contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, and the development of evidence-based speech.

Objective of the project

Introduction to the profession of a veterinarian.


Educational :

Give an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the profession of a veterinarian during an excursion to a veterinary clinic;

Arouse children's interest in this profession;

Introduce students to various specializations in veterinary medicine;


Expand the knowledge of students about the rules of handling pets;

Develop communication skills;

Develop creative initiative and independence of students;

Develop public speaking skills.


Contribute to the formation of emotional responsiveness and love for animals;

Project participants

Kucherova T.I., Vnukova M.I. - teacher, children.

Target group: children preparatory group and their parents.

Project type


Project duration

3 months

Planned time for project implementation (by stages)

The first stage – preparatory (knowledge accumulation) – 1 month

Second stage – main (joint activities of children and project participants) – 1 month

Third stage – final (result) – 1 month

Expected results


Names and knows domestic and wild animals, knows what benefits they bring to humans;

Distinguishes and names the professions of a doctor and a veterinarian, talks about the content of their work;

With the help of an adult, repeats patterns of treating animals; can name individual instruments used in treating an animal.


Showing parents' interest in the work of teachers with children on this project.

Inclusion of visual material in the process of collecting information.

Scenario joint activities for solving problems (main steps for project implementation)

First stage.



Conducting a conversation to find out knowledge about the profession - veterinarian.

Selection of information, illustrations, fiction.

Selection of didactic games.

Replenishment of attributes for role-playing games.

Selection information material for the parent's corner.

Development of notes for conversations and excursions.

Organization of a developmental environment in a group.

Second phase.

Project implementation. Forms and methods of project implementation.


Situation modeling methods

Verbal methods (conversations)

Visual methods (showing methods of action)

Indirect methods (encouragement to independent activity)

Practical methods(making attributes, participating in role-playing games.)

Game methods(use of all types of games: active, didactic, plot-role-playing, situational)

Integration with educational areas (FSES DO):

Educational area

"Cognitive Development"

Conversations “Who is a veterinarian?”"Introduction to the profession of Veterinarian"

Examination of paintings and illustrations of a veterinary clinic.

Educational area

"Socially communicative


Virtual excursion “To the University of Troitsk”

Educational area

« Speech development»

Learning sayings and proverbs about animals.

Reading poems about the profession - veterinarian.

Guessing riddles.

Reading fiction:

Rudyard Klipling “Fairy tales and stories about animals”, Boris Zhitkov “Stories about animals”, Vitaly Bianko “Forest newspaper”, Olga Petrovskaya “For guys and animals”

Educational area

“Artistic and aesthetic development”

Drawing “Veterinary Clinic”

Theatricalization of the fairy tale for children “The Good Doctor Aibolit”

Educational field "Physical development"

P/i “Help animals find their home”, “Owl and birds”, “Hunter and animals”

Play activity

S/R game “Veterinary Clinic”

Situation games. "The bunny is sick"

"The doctor has come to see us"

Didactic game “Who lives where?”“Guess what kind of animal”, “Whose shadow”,“What animals are hidden in the picture?”

Finger game “Playful kitten”

Working with parents

Individual conversation with parents about assistance in implementing the project

Involving parents in collecting information about the doctor - veterinarian, materials.

Subject-spatial-developmental environment

S/R and “Veterinary Clinic”

Didactic manual “Professions”

Third stage. Project presentation (forms of presentation)

Presentation “Veterinary professions”

Description of the product obtained as a result of the project

Desktop didactic manual “Professions”

Showing younger children the fairy tale “Good Doctor Aibolit”

Additional information needed to complete the project (sources)

Conversations with preschoolers about professions T.V. Potapova 2005

Professions. What are they? T.A. Shorygina 2007

Development and correction of speech in children 6-7 years old. E.V. Kuznetsova, I.A. Tikhonova 2004

We study, we speak, we play G.N. Sergeenko 2006

Speech development in children aged 6-7 years. O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina 2007

Rudyard Klipling “Fairy tales and stories about animals”, Boris Zhitkov “Stories about animals”, Vitaly Bianko “Forest newspaper”, Olga Petrovskaya “For guys and animals”

Games and play exercises for the development of rhea G.S. Shvaiko 2007

Role-playing games by N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Pozdnyakova 2008

Outdoor games E.A. Sochevanova 2008

Material and technical resources necessary to complete the project

Selection of printed materials, video materials.

Selection of photographic materials.

Thanks to the project “Profession – Veterinarian”:

Enrichment and expansion of vocabulary; Development of dialogical speech; Improving and expanding gaming skills; To cultivate kindness, responsiveness, a sensitive and caring attitude towards animals. Obtaining and expanding knowledge about the work of a veterinarian. Arouse interest in the professionveterinarian.

The range of children's knowledge about the work of a veterinarian has expanded significantly;

The interest of preschoolers in the world of pets has increased,

Children's interest in the world of professions in general has increased;

Knowledge about the importance of the veterinarian profession has significantly improved, and the sense of respect for animals has increased;

The competence of teachers and parents in matters of vocational guidance for children has increased.


The work carried out to familiarize children with the profession of veterinarian gave a positive result. Children actively show cognitive interest in representatives of the veterinary profession, which contributes to the development of moral qualities children.

Materials for the main stage:

Riddles about pets with answers.

We washed our hands

We sat down at the table.

And he is unwashed

I came for lunch.

And with him it's useless

Any conversation:

He will wash his paws

But after lunch! (Cat)

Eyes -

Green cherries,

In the paws -

Chiseled sabers. (Cat)

What kind of beast

Plays with me:

Doesn't moo, doesn't laugh, doesn't bark,

Attacks the balls

Hides its claws in its paws! (Kitty)

Black quietly

Dozing on the floor.

Gray quietly

Hidden in the corner.

Black quietly

The paw moved

Gray is agile

The tail wagged. (Cat and mouse)

How rich is mink?

On the left is the cheese and on the right is the crust.

Straight - grains of rice,

Sausage, sunflowers

And dried tangerine

In a word - a whole store!..

Well, who is the mistress of everything?

Try and guess for yourself. (Mouse)

The living castle grumbled

He lay down across the door. (Dog)

White tail, black nose

He took our slippers away

In the corner under the bed -

And he doesn't want to give it away. (Puppy)

Walks around the yard all day

The king wears his crown askew,

The spurs ring loudly,

He shouts menacingly to his subjects:

Kill the worm

Otherwise I’ll crush your sides!.. (Rooster)

We built it in the country

The house is small, dog-friendly.

Our puppy barks: “Hurray!

I have..." (kennel)

Our good friend

He will give us feathers for our pillow,

Will give eggs for pancakes,

Easter cakes and pies. (Chicken)

yellow dandelion

Walking through the yard

yellow dandelion

He pecks at the grains. (Chick)

When it floats it's beautiful

When it hisses, it is dangerous. (Goose)

Waddles around

Floats like an iron.

Diving in the pond

And again - on foot.

The paws are wide,

Flattened nose...

What kind of bird is this?

Answer the question! (Duck)

Walked around the yard with importance

A crocodile with a sharp beak,

I shook my head all day,

He muttered something loudly.

Only this was true

Not a crocodile

And turkeys are the best friend...

Guess who? ... (Turkey)

On the lawn with grass

I walk and slurp.

At the fence with a hole

I stand there and snort.

By the river with sedge

I lie there and smack my lips.

Tail with a squiggle -

I rejoice and oink! (Pig)

The barrel walks, the tail is crocheted,

Digs the ground with a snout.

And next to it are barrels:

Boys and girls.

And also with piglets,

And crochet ponytails. (Pig with piglets)

Is this a bump?

No, not a bump.

Is this a barrel?

No, not a barrel.

Maybe a pumpkin with a tail

Came to visit us

Snuck under the porch

And pretty grunted? (Piglet)

With beard

came into the world

And never once

Didn't shave. (Goat)

An animal came through the door

So hungry:

Ate a broom and a broom,

Ate the rug on the floor

Curtains on the window

And a picture on the wall

A certificate was licked off the table

And again it went to the garden. (Goat)

Early morning...

The horns go away

Mooing quietly,

To the water meadows:

Pinch the grass

And slowly graze -

Delicious, steamy

Stock up on milk. (Cow)

I once saw

I saw guys

Like a grandfather and grandson

They were running somewhere.

We were in a hurry somewhere

They were running somewhere -

And the bearded grandfather,

And the grandson is bearded!

(Even a child can easily guess

Why were they running... and) (Goat and kid)

There was a moo coming from the field,

There was a ringing sound on my neck,

Suddenly something was rushing towards him!

It opened its bite and growled!

And Mychalo raised his wave,


And it went to Brekhalo.

And it wagged tight

And it ran away... (Cow and dog)

We grazed near the pines all day

Two girlfriends ME and MU,

MEOW warmed his side in the sun,

BE bothered him all day.

KRYA swam nearby in the river,

He sang crowing songs.

GAV was lying on the porch,

ONG under a bush of nozzles.

Now, my friend, remind me.

Call them by name

Those who on this hot afternoon

It caught our eye. (Goat, cow, cat, duck, rooster, dog and pig)

Plows the land

Tractor without wheels.

For him fuel -

Oats. (Horse)

I'm shorter than a dog

And taller than a horse.

Think about it, rider,

And remember me. (Saddle)

In this house

They sleep on straw

Eating while standing

The hay is dry.

And if you are very angry,

They can kick with their hoofs. (Stable)

The sun is shining. Birds are whistling.

Here and there streams gurgle...

And hooves rush across the meadow

And they knock, knock, knock.

Who's so playful?

So he rushes as hard as he can

And, splashing his wavy mane,

Has your tail fluttered in the wind? (Foal)

Who is this:

Pilaf under a fur coat? (Ram)

We rushed to the river

Get some water to drink

In a curly fur coat

Four hooves...

Horns tilted

The legs were broken,

Let's have a drink and run

They hurried to see mom. (Lamb)

Conversation “Introduction to professions. Vet"

Target :

Strengthen children's knowledge aboutprofessionsAnd labor actions different peopleprofessions;

Introduce new profession- vet;

Evoke an emotional response in children, pride in different people professions;

Help expand your vocabulary.

During the event we read “Who to be?”, then he came to visit

Aibolit, played with children usingpoetry :

“Hello, guys - little animals!

Come to me for treatment

And the cow and the she-wolf,

And bugs and a worm,

Both the bunny and the puppy;

Squirrel, clumsy bear,

Bird, cat and monkey.

Who is in pain?

Why does it hurt and how long has it been hurting?

(Children shake their heads negatively, Aibolit examines the children) .

He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone,

Good Doctor Aibolit.

It’s not for nothing, it’s not for nothing

My name is veterinarian!

I deftly adjusted my shoulder

To the cheerful grasshopper,

I cured tummies

To the unfortunate hippos.

Now I'll look through my glasses

On the tips of the tongues.

You are healthy?

Children: We are healthy!

Aibolit : Well then, don’t be lazy,

Don't yawn, pull yourself up

Get ready to warm up!

- To always be healthy,

Not only do you have to do sports,

Also eat right.

I'm pleased with the inspection

None of the animals are sick!

You don't need a veterinarian

Live a fun and friendly life!

- Who does Aibolit treat?

- What is another name for Aibolit?(vet)

- What is he doingvet?

- Why is he called the good doctor?

- Yes, guys, we all have animals at home. What animals live with you? And if trouble happens to our four-legged friend, he gets sick, you and I know who to turn to - toveterinarian And he will tell us what to do and what to do. Guys, did you notice how our Aibolit was dressed?

- Who else have you seen in such clothes?

Acquaintancechildren with tools they usevet.

I want youintroduce the tools that any doctor uses, no matter who he treats, people or animals.

(Takes out a tool, shows it, names it and says what it’s for) .

Bottom lineclasses:

Educator : - So, guys, who is treating us?

- Who treats animals? Let's repeat the name of thisprofessions in chorus.

Doctor : - Come on, guys, tell me,

Help me figure it out,

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer in unison.

For colds and sore throats

We are being saved...

Children : Vitamins!

Doctor : Vitamins are life.

Everyone needs to be friends with them,

Consume vitamins

And increase your health!

Didactic game"Who lives where?"

Goal: To develop children’s skills to correlate images of animals with their habitat.

Didactic material: 24 cards with images of animals (taken from lotto) and two playing fields with images of a forest and a village.

Progress of the game: Arrange the cards according to the habitats of animals, domestic ones in the village, and wild ones in the forest.

Didactic game “Guess what kind of animal”

Goal: Developing the ability to describe animals and recognize them by description.

Didactic material: Cards with images of animals.

Progress of the game: The teacher distributes cards with images of animals to the children. Children do not show their cards to anyone. The teacher invites one child to describe the animal depicted in his picture, or to make a riddle about it. Other children must guess what kind of animal it is.

Didactic game “Whose shadow”

Goal: Development of logic, thinking and visual memory.

Didactic material: Cards with images of various animals, as well as their shadows.

Progress of the game: Invite the child to find where whose shadow is and connect the necessary pictures with lines.

Didactic game “What animals are hidden in the picture?”

Goal: Development of attention, thinking, imagination.

Didactic material: Cards depicting the outline of various animals.

Progress of the game: Invite the child to find and name the animals drawn in the picture.

Summary of the role-playing game “Veterinary Clinic”


Educational - to arouse children’s interest in the profession of veterinarian,

teach how to correctly name the veterinarian's equipment, which

used when working with sick animals, to develop the ability

use medical instruments during the game; form

gaming skills, enter into role-playing interactions with each other;

Developmental - develop the ability to correspond to a specific role,

develop dialogical speech, develop the ability to listen to the interlocutor,

the ability to sympathize with patients; develop a creative approach to play,

the ability to use substitute objects;

Educational - to cultivate a sensitive, attentive, caring attitude

to animals, kindness, responsiveness, culture of communication, friendly


Expected result: children learn the profession of a veterinarian,

his work with sick animals, they will also learn to conduct a dialogue in

assigned role, will learn to correctly state the problem, select

the necessary attributes for a specific disease.

Types of activities: Conversation with children about the work of a veterinarian,

asking riddles about animals, finger games, outdoor games,

reading poems about animals.

Equipment: animals - soft toys, knitted toys, bathrobes, hats,

pencil and prescription forms, phonendoscope, thermometer, bandage, cotton wool, tweezers,

sponge, scissors, syringe, ointments, tablets, powders, etc.

Progress of the game:

1. Motivation to play.

The teacher reads an excerpt from K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit.”

- Where did Aibolit treat animals? (under the tree)

- Who did Doctor Aibolit treat?

- What do we call doctors who treat animals? Here is something new for

children the concept of "veterinarian".

- Where do you think animals are treated now? (children: in the hospital) Given

a new concept of “veterinary hospital or clinic”.

- Do you want to play such a game?

- What should we do to start playing?

- What do we need for this game, do you think? (children's answers)

2. Distribution of roles and definition of game actions.

Q: - What profession roles do you think we will need in the game? (doctor-

veterinarian, nurse, orderly, visitors with patients).

- What duties does a veterinarian perform?

Children: he treats animals, monitors their health.

Q: Who will fill this role? Okay, go get your workspace ready.

- What other profession will we need for the game?

Children: Nurse.

Q: - What are the responsibilities of a nurse?

Children: She helps the veterinarian, writes prescriptions, gives vitamins,

gives injections.

Q: Who will take on this responsible role? Fine. Go get ready.

Q: Who else will you need?

Children: Nurse.

Q: What does a nurse do at a veterinary hospital?

Children: she washes the office, wipes the dust, changes dirty equipment to


Q: Who will be the nurse? Fine.

Q: What is the role of visitors to a veterinary hospital?

Children: Visitors come with sick patients to be treated by a doctor -

veterinarian or veterinarian to know about the health of patients (animals - cat, dog,

bunny, bear...)

Q: So, the rest of us will be visitors, and you will choose the patients

yourself. Agreed? Go choose who you will treat.

Before we start, let's play the game “The Little White Bunny Is Sitting.” Let's play.

3. Reception of patients and examination of animals by a doctor.

- Hello, can I come to you? The first visitor comes in with a cat


- Hello. Come on in. What happened to you? What are you complaining about?

- My cat hasn’t eaten anything for the second day, she just sleeps? What with her? Help

Please. - Fine. Place the cat on the table. Now we will examine it.

The veterinarian looks at the mouth, puts in a thermometer, and gives an injection.

- Your cat is fine, she just has a tummy ache, but soon

It will pass because we gave the injection.

- Thank you. Goodbye.

- Goodbye.

Then the second visitor, the third, etc. Between visits

finger game

“This squirrel finger is a red-haired girl,

This bunny finger is a bouncing bunny,

This little fox is a cunning sister,

This little bear loves to roar loudly,

This finger is like a top, it turns out to be a fist

Let’s unclench our fist quickly and let all the animals go into the forest.

4. Guys, let's remember poems about animals. Children recite poems

A. Barto: “Bunny”, “Bear”, “Horse”.

Well done!

5. Result of the game.

Did you enjoy playing Veterinary Clinic? What roles do you

did you do it in the game?

Which role was the most interesting?

Who found it difficult to cope with the role?

What was the difficulty?

Thanks everyone for playing. Well done

Conversation “Who is a veterinarian?”

If you are unwell, then your mother calls a doctor at home or you go to the clinic to see a doctor, to whom you together tell about the symptoms of the disease. In the fairy tale about Doctor Aibolit, the animals themselves talked about their illnesses. But in fact, a sick animal cannot speak, and a special doctor comes to his aid - vet. You can also call a veterinarian to your home to look at a cat or dog, to a farm to see a sick cow, to a circus to see a sick elephant, to a zoo to see a wounded tiger. The veterinarian has to carefully look to see if the animal’s eyes are cheerful and if its fur is shiny. He finds out from the owners whether the animal eats well and moves well. Veterinarians help sick animals just like doctors help people. They give medicine, wash wounds, give injections, even perform surgical operations. In addition, you can take a sick animal to a veterinary clinic, where a veterinarian will provide assistance.

A veterinarian needs to really love animals. A good veterinarian knows and can do a lot!

- Guys, do you remember K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”?

- Who did this doctor help? Let's remember these animals.

- Do you have any pet?

-Have you and your parents ever had to go to the veterinarian to get help for your pet? Tell me about it.

- Would you like to become a veterinarian? Explain your answer.

(Pictorial series: Illustrations depicting pets and a veterinarian.)

Poem by A. Barto “ Veterinarian»

Here's what I thought:

It would be nice to become a doctor

But not for children, but for cats!

The children are in pain - we will cry,

Let's burst into tears in the heat of the moment,

Mom will call the doctor.

And to the stray cat

What if it’s suddenly unbearable?

Who calls doctors to him?

He is a stray - he is no one's!

Hospital games.

Game-situation. “The Bunny Is Sick” No. 1

The teacher-doctor acts out a dialogue with a bunny-patient (toy).

Doctor. The hospital opens. I am a doctor. Who came to my appointment?

Bunny patient (complainingly). I am doctor.

At the doctor's office, sit down, patient. Tell me exactly where your pain is concentrated?

Patient. I have a cough and my ears hurt.

Doctor. Let me listen to you. Breathe deeply. (Listen to the patient with a tube.) You are coughing a lot. Show your ears. My ears are inflamed. Now we need to measure the temperature. Take a thermometer. High temperature. You need to take medicine. This. (gives a bottle.) Pour into a spoon and drink every day. Did you understand?

Patient. Yes. I will take the medicine as you ordered. Thank you Doctor. Goodbye.

Hospital games.

Game-situation “The doctor came to us” No. 2

The teacher points to the toys sitting on the sofa - a bunny, a bear, a doll, a hedgehog - and says:<(Какая очередь в больнице! Зверята, вы все заболели? Но доктор уехал к больным, а больше врачей нет. Что делать? Нам срочно нужен доктор. Кто будет лечить больных? Лена, ты будешь доктором? Полечишь больных зверюшек? Надевай халат. Теперь ты доктор. Зови больных в кабинета.

“doctor” listens to patients, looks at their throats, gives medicine.

Educator. Doctor, we have an office in the hospital where they warm your ears and nose. I'm a nurse, I give injections. Your patients will come to me.

Patients are being received. The nurse helps the doctor: writes out a prescription, warms the ears and nose with devices, and gives injections.

The teacher says:<(Я должна уйти домой, моя работа закончилась. Кто будет медсестрой? Оля, иди работать за меня. Приводите к Оле кукол лечиться. Она делает уколы хорошо, совсем не больно.

Game continues.

Role-playing game "Veterinary Hospital".

Children determine a place for a veterinary clinic and prepare an office. The veterinarian comes out into the corridor from the office.

Veterinarian: Hello. Please go first.

He sits down at the table and starts recording.

Veterinarian: What happened to you?

Visitor: The cat is sick. He doesn’t want to eat or drink, doesn’t run, lies down, moans, and is sad.

Veterinarian: What's his name?

Visitor: His name is Murzik.

Veterinarian: Carefully place Murzik on the examination table. Come on, Murzik is a poor fellow, now I’ll examine you and decide what we should do with you. How long has he been like this?

The veterinarian examines the cat.

Visitor: He jumped from a tree yesterday and hasn’t run since then.

Veterinarian: Oh, that's it.

Veterinarian: Murzik’s leg probably hurts, is it broken? We need to look at his leg. This can be done with a special device. No, everything is fine, it's not broken.

I’ll now prescribe you a special ointment for pain.

Visitor: Thank you, doctor.

Veterinarian: You're welcome. Hold it, everything is written down here. I'm expecting you and Murzik in four days. You will definitely get better.

Visitor: Goodbye.

Veterinarian: Goodbye.

Summary of the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”

“The good doctor Aibolit came to visit us”

Preliminary work:

Reading Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Aibolit” and discussion with children.

Progress of the lesson:

Q: Today we have an unusual activity. Now I’ll put medallions around your neck, and you’ll turn from kids into little animals. One guest will come to us, I’ll now see if he comes (the teacher is changing clothes in another room or behind a screen). Guess who came to us?

Kind, kind in a white coat, guessed it? He will heal everyone, he will heal everyone. Good doctor...

Children's answers:

D: Aibolit.

Did you guess it? That's right, here it is!

Aibolit: Hello children, I finally got to you. It was difficult to walk: both wind and snow were on the way. Where are our guys, the sick animals? And here they are (I put on hats with pictures of animals: bunnies, bears)

(Aibolit addresses the child with the image of a bunny)

- A: Little bunny, what hurts you? (Leans over to the bunny and listens to him with a pipe)

- A: That’s it, did the bunny catch a cold? Come on, bunny, how could you catch a cold like that?

(Child talks)

Bunny: The owner abandoned the bunny

A bunny was left in the rain

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

A: It's not good to throw your toys. Go to bed, little bunny, we’ll put you on a thermometer, and the guys will bring you healthy foods that will help you get better and not get sick. (Place the child on the sofa, use the “vegetables and fruits” set on a tray)

Game “Useful - not useful”

A: Well done guys, you helped the bunny recover.

A: What’s wrong with you, my dear?

(Child reads)

Teddy bear: We dropped the bear on the floor,

They tore off the bear's paw

I still won't leave him,

Because he's good.

A: Paw? We'll bandage it now. I see you have a lot of instruments in the hospital. Tell me, what is needed to cure the bear? (bandage) Now let's bandage the bear's paw and he will recover.

(The second teacher brings a letter)

A: Oh guys, this is a letter from Africa. (Opens, reads)

A: Yeah, Aibolit, from whom? From the hippos, they grabbed their tummies, the poor hippos' tummies hurt. Guys, we urgently need to go to Africa to cure the poor animals. How can you get to Africa?

Children's answers: on a ship, on a plane.

A: Let's go on a ship, I will be your captain, and you and I will stand one after another and go (the ship's helm is in our hands)

A: After a long journey on the ship, we need to warm up.

    Art. feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, head turns left and right, looking where the path is.

    Art. feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, circular movements in the shoulders (put on a backpack)

    Art. legs apart, bending towards the right – towards the left leg (tying the laces)

    Etc. feet together - together (found the way)

(Place hippo toys on the mat)

A: So we found hippos!

(Discussion: why do hippos get sick in their tummies?)

A: Let's cheer them up and invite them to play

(Game "Carousel")

A: The hippopotamus became cheerful, but he became hot, let's blow on him.

(Breathing exercises)

A: We say goodbye to hippos. We had fun with them, but it's time for us to go back to the group. We board the ship and return back to the group.

(After the trip...)

A: Guys, why do hippos have stomach ache?

Children's answers: They didn't wash their hands well, didn't wash fruits and vegetables before eating...

A: Do you know how to wash your hands and why?

(Children's answers)

A: What great fellows you are. We cured the hippos and taught them how to wash their hands properly. So as not to get sick. I have to go, other animals are waiting.

(Changes clothes)

Q: Who was your guest? Where did you go? For what?

(Children's answers)

Q: Aibolit left you a gift.

Excursion to the veterinary clinic.

The children got acquainted with the clinic, with the tools and equipment used for research and treatment of animals, and were able to observe the work of specialists.

The guide (a veterinarian) told and showed us how a pet patient is examined, what the veterinarian does to avoid being bitten or scratched, and showed us the cabin where the animal is vaccinated.

Sections: Working with preschoolers


  1. Introducing children to various professions.
  2. Formation of first labor skills in preschoolers.
  3. Methodological support for initial career guidance.


  • Contribute to expanding ideas about different types of work;
  • Create conditions for knowledge of ideas about labor actions performed by adults, about the results, about the equipment, tools necessary for work;
  • Arouse curiosity and interest in adult activities;
  • Contribute to the formation of a positive attitude and respect for the work of adults.


  1. Method development. recommendations for introducing children to the work of adults (pre-school age).
  2. Creating lesson notes to familiarize children with professions.
  3. Studying calendars in order to study information about professional holidays.
  4. Making a collage calendar of professions.


Excursions, conversations. Holidays. Classes, story-based role-playing games. Various types of work activities. Reading fiction, designing, collecting.


Conversations with children, stories about professions, walks and excursions for educational purposes, assistance in creating collections and albums “Who should I be?”

Long-term plan

Month Professions The content of the work
September Mechanical engineer Lesson “How cars are made”, Construction of a “Truck”.
October Sailor Lesson “Only the brave conquer the seas.” Plot. roll game “Sailors”. Excursion to school, conversations with teachers
November Vet


Conversation about the profession of a veterinarian; reading K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”. Plot roll. game “Traffic”
December Baker Conversation about the baker's profession; lesson “Amazing cookies”.
January Artist Entertainment “City of Masters”, conversation about the artist’s profession, acquaintance with the artist’s work... (optional), excursion to the museum and resource center
February Military Conversation with children about people of courageous professions; lesson “Defenders of the Fatherland”
March Seamstress Excursion to the seamstress's office, Did. game “Who needs what for work?”, reading S. Marshak’s “Who to be?”, drawing lesson “Elegant Dress Shop”.
April Astronaut Plot Roll. Game “Flight to the Moon”, entertainment “Cosmodrome”.
May International Museum Day Excursion to the museum resource center, conversation about the profession of museum workers, organization of a mini-museum “Time Forward” (different types of clocks).
June Environment Day Conversation about the profession of ecologist, work at the kindergarten site, planting trees together with parents.
July Postman Plot roll. game “Mail”, activity “Postman”
August Builder Designing with building materials, playing with sand, a lesson on construction professions (optional)

Lesson “Mail”

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Target: Develop self-awareness, self-understanding, relieve psycho-emotional stress.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher offers to play the game “Time Machine”.

Want to know where we'll be now? (Yes).
Then look at the time machine and think: where are we? What is the name of the month we find ourselves in? (June).
Name the year we are in? (1821).

You saw something you've never seen before. We were surprised! We got scared! We were delighted! We admired it! (children perform facial exercises).

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Goal: Switch attention from the game to the activity, develop curiosity.

Do you want to know what our lesson will be devoted to? (Yes). Then try to solve the riddles.

3. Riddles.

Target: Develop thinking, learn to highlight the main thing, improve reading skills.

Children stand near reading tables. The teacher asks riddles, the children guess. If they cannot guess, read the answer from the table. If you guessed right. “write” the answer using a pointer on the table.

What is the name of the agency that transmits messages? (Mail).
What is the name of the employee who brings or delivers messages? (Postman).
What is the name of a small piece of colored paper that has a layer of glue on the back side? Can it be attached to any piece of mail? (Mark).
What is an open letter with an illustration called? (Postcard).
Mail, postman, stamp, postcard - can you guess what we're going to talk about today? (About mail).

4. Letter.

Target: Develop memory and intonation expressiveness of speech.

Children are sitting on the carpet.“Did you know that there was a time when people could not read and write? The letters were “alive.” The postman-messenger memorized the message and set off. Do you want to become a messenger? (Yes).

Children memorize a poem. S. Marshak “Mail” using a mnemonic table. Then they tell this letter to the teacher.

Physical education minute.

Target: Develop attention switching, general motor skills, and learn to enjoy the successes of others.

Two lines are marked on the floor at a distance of about 1 m from each other, between these lines there is a river, along the edges there is a shore.

Postmen in different countries had to overcome different obstacles along the way. What should postmen be like? (Brave, courageous, strong, honest, hardy, attentive).

Do you want to be attentive? (Yes).

All players stand on the banks. At the command of the “River” leader, they jump into the “river”. On the command “Shore” they jump onto the “shore”. To confuse the players, the leader gives commands quickly and randomly: “Bank, river, river, bank...” Those who executed the command incorrectly leave the game. Everyone congratulates the most attentive “postman” on his victory.

"If I were…"

Target: develop imagination, empathy, and intensify the use of complex sentences.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher throws the ball to everyone in turn with the question:

If you were a carrier pigeon, then...
If you were a postal robber, then...
If you were a postman in the North, then...
If you were a postman in Africa, then...
If you were a postman on a train, then...
If you were a letter in a bottle...
If you were a quill pen used to write letters, then...

Summary of the lesson.

Target: summarize the lesson and convey positive emotions.

What did we talk about today? (About mail).
When did mail appear? (A very long time ago, in the past).
Is there mail now? (Yes).
What will mail be like in the future? Come up with (Children's versions).

Drawing lesson “Elegant dress shop”

Goal: Learn to draw elegant clothes: dresses, blouses, skirts. Introduce the concept of “dressing tastefully, fashionably, beautifully.” To consolidate an idea of ​​the profession of an artist - fashion designer, designer.

Material: An exhibition of festive children's clothing, a doll with a set of outfits, illustrations from children's books (Malvina, Alisa); sheets of white paper (30-40 cm), felt-tip pens, colored crayons, markers.

Progress of the lesson

An exhibition of children's and doll's fancy clothes is being organized.

Educator: Look at the clothes.

What is she like? (Dressy).
How is it different from everyday? (Fabric, color, decoration).
What is this dress decorated with? (Bows, lace).
Is it comfortable to work in the garden in such a dress? Clean the floor? (No, it is long, white lace, satin bows).
Where can you go in such a dress? (For a matinee in kindergarten, to the theater, for a birthday, to a museum).

Let's dress up the dolls in festive clothes. But first, listen to me. Before the tailor sews an outfit, an artist will design and draw it. Such artists are called “fashion designers”, “designers”. They come up with new outfits - styles of clothes, making them comfortable and elegant. The profession of a fashion designer requires imagination, invention, and a developed sense of beauty. Do you want to become a fashion designer at least temporarily? (Children's answers). Then let's first come up with and then draw different outfits: suits, dresses, blouses. And then we will have a “Fancy Dress Shop”.

Children draw. At the end of the work, all the drawings are placed on cardboard (store display), and the outfits are examined.


  1. What's the most fashionable outfit? What is it decorated with?
  2. What dress would you wear to the theater?
  3. Which dress would you choose for your doll?

Tips for the teacher: organize the “Doll’s Birthday” game well, choose illustrations (fairy-tale characters in elegant dresses). You can organize an excursion to the nearest studio or clothing store.

Lesson “Cosmodrome”

Goal: to expand the understanding of space, the cosmodrome and the astronaut profession; develop orientation in space and on a sheet of paper; develop artistic and creative thinking; develop skills of mutual assistance and assistance .

Progress of the lesson

Fairy Star: Hello guys, I'm Fairy Star. They called me that because as a child I really liked looking at the stars and really wanted to fly to them. I grew up and decided to build the most mysterious object in our city - a cosmodrome. You probably don’t know what it is, because this information is classified!

Children: We know! This is the place where spaceships depart and arrive.

Fairy Star: Then you probably know which planets in our solar system they go to! ( Children name planets). The planets are very far from Earth. To get to them, you need a high-speed spaceship. Today I am leaving on a distant interplanetary expedition.

Educator: Can we go with you too?

Fairy Star: Okay, but you must take a special course at the Flight Training Center. Each astronaut learns to determine the ship's path using a special star map. (Shows map). Each cell on it is one Gulliver kilometer, but these multi-colored circles are planets. The ship can move up, down, left and right.

1. Determine the ship's path.

Children answer the questions:

On what planet (by color) will our ship be there if it moves three spaces to the right?
- How many cells and where does he need to move to get to the Green Planet?
- Will he reach the Blue Planet if he moves six Gulliver kilometers up?

Fairy Star: All stars are very similar to each other. And yet differences can be found (shows three stars with different numbers of rays). Look at these stars and tell me how they are different (children's answers).

2. Find your star.

The teacher places large stars at different ends of the room and distributes small stars to the children. At the signal, each child must run up to the star that matches his star.

Fairy Star: Tell me, is it possible to go into space without special clothing? What is it called? Why is it needed? Then put on your spacesuits and go into the pressure chamber ( children take turns entering the hoop, quickly raising and lowering it).

So, let's go! We have an emergency - the power supply has gone out. Several crew members injured their hands while repairing it and are unable to eat on their own. How many of you are ready to help feed them jam more carefully? Our food comes in small packages. Who knows why it's in tubes? (children's answers).

3. Feed your neighbor jam.

Several pairs of children are trying to feed each other.

Fairy Star: We are approaching Mars! What happened to the planet? Why is there nothing living here - just stones? Look, traces! Let's follow them and find the Martians - the inhabitants of the planet Mars! (the children follow each other closely and approach the stone. The fairy sits on it, and it turns out to be a Martian).

Martian: Ay! Ay! Ay! Do not kill me!
Fairy Star: We don't intend to harm you. We are guests on your planet. But what happened? Why is there no one?
Martian: Guys, a terrible disaster happened on our planet. We did not take care of nature and destroyed all animals, birds and plants.
Fairy Star: Is there really nothing that can be done?
Martian: We have some magic plasticine left, as well as twigs, beads and leaves. If you make new animals and birds from this material, you will save our planet.
Fairy Star: But remember that unusual living beings lived on Mars, try to make just like that.

4. Unusual Martian animals.

Children are doing modeling. The Martian takes the crafts and thanks the children for their help.

The journey continues...

Lesson “Caramel Shop”

Target: Reinforce the rules of behavior in the store, give knowledge about the profession of a seller and cashier. Develop logical thinking and quantitative skills.

Progress of the lesson

Caramel: Hello guys, my sweeties! I, Fairy Caramel, am glad to welcome you to my supermarket. Do you know what the word “supermarket” means? It consists of two parts: “super”, which means very large and the best, and “market” - a store. Please pass. My store first had only a confectionery department, which sold the best sweets in the world, and now it has a dairy, bakery, vegetable and meat department. What products do you think are sold in each of them? (Children's answers).

Let's check your answers. Let's go first to the dairy department. There's a tasting going on here today. Buyers are invited to taste the products of the new dairy factory.

Game “Find out the taste”.

Caramel blindfolds the children and gives them sour cream, milk, and cottage cheese to try. The one who guessed correctly receives a guilder.

Caramel: I want only the best sellers to work in my store, and therefore I organize a competition for applicants for the position of seller. Do you want to take part? Then complete the first task. Early this morning, groceries were delivered to the store. Help me sort them into sections.

Game “Arrange the products into sections.”

Caramel shows the goods, and the children name the department in which they should be placed.

Game “Decorate a shop window”.

Several children, at Caramelka’s signal, begin to quickly carry the food, carry it and beautifully arrange it in the display case, and receive a guilder.

Game “Find out by touch”.

Caramel: In my store, all vegetables are stored in special bags. A good seller should, by putting his hand into the bag, quickly determine what kind of vegetable or fruit is in it (children complete the task).

Game “Find out what is heavier?”

Imagine that the store's scales have disappeared. Try to determine which zucchini is heavier without them. (children complete the task).

Game “Select products for cabbage soup.”

This competition is for girls - future housewives. From the vegetables displayed on the display case, you must choose those that are needed for preparing cabbage soup. The one who quickly and correctly completes the task will receive a guilder.

Game “Funny Counting”.

Game “Set the price of the product.”

Caramel: The future seller must be able to determine the price of goods entering the store. Read the inscription on the price tag and set the cost of the product. (Children complete the task). Well done guys, you are good sellers, and if you want, I will be happy to hire you. I heard that in the evening you are going to have dinner at a cafe. I give you coupons that give you the right to a discount. All the best! Check out my store often!

Elena Odnoburtseva
Summary of a lesson on speech development for children of senior preschool age “Introduction to the profession of a veterinarian”

Program content:

1. Introduce children to a new profession - veterinarian.

2. Fix the names of animals and their young.

3. Continue to cultivate interest, love and respect for animals.

Equipment: toys – animals, a letter from Aibolit, illustrations of domestic and wild animals, white coats, manuals for the game “Hospital”, a shelf with improvised food for animals, sports equipment.

Vocabulary work: enrichment – ​​veterinarian, veterinary hospital; activation - names of the cubs.

Preliminary work: reading of the work by K. Chukovsky “Aibolit”, E. Charushin “About Animals”, N. Nekrasov “Grandfather Mazai and Hares”, V. Bianchi “Tails”, “Bathing Bear Cubs”, M. Prishvin “Hedgehog”, etc., design albums about domestic and wild animals, drawing animals, making crafts - animals, making appliqués, making attributes for the game "Hospital", exhibition "My favorite toy - animal", photo exhibition "My four-legged friend", role-playing games "Hospital", “Pharmacy”, design of the “Pets” layout, questioning of children and parents, conversations with children “My favorite animal”, “How I take care of my four-legged friend”.

Organizing time

I call the children over and show them a toy crow with a letter in its beak.

Guys, look who we have here?

(Children's answers).

And a letter in the beak. Who is it from?

(Children's answers).

It is from Dr. Aibolit. Who is Aibolit?

(Children's answers).

I'm reading the letter. Oh, guys, it's not finished, apparently the doctor was in a hurry. What did he want to tell us about? We will probably learn about this from the riddles that are in the same envelope.

Progress of the lesson

I'm reading a few riddles.

Children guess.

Guys, who are these riddles about?

(Children's answers).

What are the names of animals that live next to humans?

(Children's answers).

What are other names for forest animals?

(Children's answers).

How are domestic animals different from wild animals?

(Children's answers).

I clarify the children's answers.

Do you know that animals, like humans, have families?

Now we are going to play the game “Assemble an animal’s family.”

I’m playing the game “Gather an Animal’s Family.”

Children are divided into 2 teams - one collects families of wild animals, the other - families of domestic animals. Then I propose to check the correctness of the task with each other and name the family members: for example, horse, horse, foal, sheep, ram, lamb, etc.

If there is a difficulty, I invite the children to help each other, I encourage them, and clarify the children’s answers.

I read: Good Doctor Aibolit, he is sitting under a tree... until the words: he will heal everyone - good Doctor Aibolit will heal.

So who does Doctor Aibolit treat?

(Children's answers).

Do you know the name of a doctor who treats animals?

(Children's answers).

That's right, he's called a veterinarian. And the hospital where sick animals are brought or brought is called a veterinary hospital. In it, as in a hospital for people, animals are treated for various diseases - colds, injuries, and vaccinated.

Doctor Aibolit treats both domestic and wild animals. What is the name of his profession?

(Children's answers).

What is the name of his hospital?

(Children's answers).

Guys, what kind of trouble do you think can happen to pets, since they are looked after by humans?

(Children's answers).

When you and I take any animal into our home, we must take care of it and be responsible for its life.

How should we take care of it?

(Children's answers).

It is very painful to look at animals that are beaten, they do not keep their bodies clean, at an animal that is thrown out into the street because it is tired or old or sick. These animals roam the streets, eat whatever they can find, and get sick with various diseases that can also affect humans. Therefore, you guys better not approach such animals, don’t pick them up, don’t stroke them, so as not to get infected. Such animals are collected by the veterinary service and, if possible, provided with assistance.

(Meowing is heard behind the door.)

What are those sounds outside the door? You hear?

(Children's answers).

Let's see who it is there.

A kitten (toy) is sitting near the door with a bandaged paw, the bandage is dirty.

Poor kitten, what happened to him? He needs help. What to do?

(Children's answers).

I bring the children to the fact that they need to bandage his paw at the hospital.

What will the name of the hospital where animals are treated be called?

(Children's answers).

What is the name of a doctor who treats animals?

(Children's answers).

I think that the doctor - veterinarian Aibolit would be very pleased with you that you remembered so well.

Let's organize a veterinary hospital as a group.

Children unfold the game.

Plan for a role-playing game:

Rooms: veterinarian, treatment room, x-ray room, sports ground, cafeteria “Minutka”.

Management techniques: assistance in assigning roles (if necessary, questions (What will the veterinarian do? What tools will he use? What equipment will he use, advice on developing actions, fantasies, encouragement.

Publications on the topic:

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Notes on speech development using the “Travel on the Map” technology for children of senior preschool age 5–6 years old Synopsis “Travel across Africa” Purpose: Using the “Travel on the Map” technology and Voskobovich’s educational game guide “Carpet.

Summary of a lesson on introducing senior preschool children to the profession of a firefighter. Program content: Introduce children to the items needed when extinguishing a fire, the rules for their use, and firefighter’s combat clothing.

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