Consulting services. Consulting is Consulting services in the field of business processes

White salary This is the only legal form of remuneration. Many job seekers, when looking for work, also encounter illegal types of payment: black and gray wages. In order to figure out whether the salary from a given employer is legal, you need to pay attention to the following signs.

Signs of a white salary:

  • The full salary amount is indicated in the documents upon hiring.
  • Bonuses and other incentive allowances are calculated by order.
  • Money is transferred to the card or issued through the cash register. Cash payment must be made according to one of the following documents: cash order, payroll or payroll. Documents must be signed by the manager, chief accountant or authorized person. Opposite the name of a specific employee should be the amount that is issued in person.
  • No additional amounts will be issued in envelopes.
  • The actual amount of income is reflected in the 2-NDFL certificate and in the pay slip.
  • All deductions are made from the entire amount of the employee’s income.

What is official wages?

Many people don't even think about the fact that they are receiving illegal income. They work without registration or receive part of their payment in envelopes, but do not understand that part of their income is hidden. For most employees, it does not matter that the amount of their actual income according to documents is less than their real earnings. Employees pay attention to ensuring that money arrives on time, without delays.

The official salary is calculated either according to the report card or according to the standards met. An employee should not register for a salary less than the minimum wage established by the state.

Salary structure

  • Salary. For the calculation of which, the actual time worked according to the time sheet, or the standards actually fulfilled, are taken into account.
  • Bonus (for length of service, qualifications, length of service, rank or others).
  • Additional payments for work on weekends, for night work, for replacing an absent employee and others.
  • Incentive payments, including bonuses.
  • The regional coefficient established in a specific region.

When an employee is on sick leave, he is paid temporary disability benefits. When on a business trip, business trips. And when you go on vacation, you are paid vacation pay.

Features of employment

When hiring an employee, a hiring order must be issued. An employment contract is another fundamental document that describes the position, working conditions, rest, and the amount of remuneration for the duties performed.

You need to familiarize yourself with the following internal documents of the organization:

  1. Collective agreement.
  2. Regulations on bonuses.
  3. Inner order rules.
  4. Job Descriptions.
  5. Taxes and salaries.

You need to understand the difference between accrued and paid wages. The difference between them is the withheld personal income tax (income tax individuals), union dues, alimony and other deductions under the writ of execution.

Additionally, the employer pays mandatory contributions from all accrued employee income to the following off-budget funds:

  1. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR).
  2. Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF).
  3. Fund social insurance Russian Federation(FSS).

Illegal types of wages

On the territory of the Russian Federation there is only one type of remuneration - official wage according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In common parlance, such earnings are called white wages. No other types of remuneration are legal; there are no legal concepts of black or gray wages.

Black salary

An employment contract is not concluded with the employee, no hiring order is made, and there is no documentation of the person in the organization. Such an employee receives his salary in cash in an envelope.

Obvious disadvantages of illegal sources of income:

  • Lack of legal protection for employees.
  • No tax transfers.
  • Inability to officially go on vacation, sick leave or maternity leave.

The employee does not have any length of service and does not make any contributions to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, the Pension Fund, or the Social Insurance Fund. In case of illness or dismissal, the employer often does not make the required payments. When the time comes to receive your pension, payments will be minimal.

The only advantage of such a source is the higher amount of illegal income. This option is convenient for business areas with a regular circulation of cash, which is subsequently used to pay earnings.

This method is also convenient for real estate organizations. Only a few people register with such companies, and the rest receive only a percentage of sales.

Gray salary

Partially the official salary is called gray. At the same time, employees are registered on the minimum wage. It is from this amount that the employer pays all taxes. Sometimes an employee is assigned to a position with a lower salary. The remainder is paid in an envelope.

This scheme allows the employer to reduce tax costs and allows for an increase in wages. However sick leave, maternity, vacation pay, as a rule, are calculated according to the minimum wage and their size is minimal. There is a high probability that after maternity leave the employer will offer to resign, and if you disagree, he will leave only the white part of the salary.

Another disadvantage of partially illegal earnings is that the employer regulates the amount in the envelope independently and can establish various fines and illegal deductions.

Scheme of illegal salaries disguised as dividends

Another way to pay salaries is through a scheme that includes a minimum salary and dividends. Each employee is given the opportunity to purchase shares of the organization, which he must sell upon dismissal.

These conditions are specified in the employment contract. A smaller part of the salary is processed and paid on time. The employee periodically receives most of the income in the form of dividends, which in fact make up the majority of his earnings.

Taxes are transferred only from the minimum wage. The frequency of dividends is not monthly, but quarterly. In this scheme, dividends are a good cover for illegal income. To identify this scheme, all employment contracts, protocols and documents shareholders' meetings, employee shares and the amount of payments.

What does the employer risk?

Often, the employer is calm and confident that employees will not complain, since they will not be able to prove anything without official documents. However, illegal schemes are detected quite easily. For this purpose it is carried out unscheduled inspection and simply compares the number of employees in workplaces and in staffing table.

Employee complaints to inspection bodies and witness testimony can help identify this scheme. Illegal payment of labor and tax evasion threatens the employer with heavy fines and even criminal liability.

Advantages and disadvantages of official earnings for an employee

  • The main advantage is the social security of the employee. If there is a violation of labor obligations, you can file a complaint with the regulatory authorities.
  • Registration of employees and payment of white wages is a sign of a stable organization.
  • Taxes are charged on all earnings. In the future, the amount of pension payments will be calculated from these taxes transferred to the Pension Fund.
  • Temporary disability benefits and vacation pay are calculated based on total earnings.
  • When you go on parental leave, it will be easier to return to your position while maintaining your salary, since the registration is official.
    You can confirm your income with a certificate; this is sometimes necessary to obtain a mortgage or loan.
  • The salary is fixed; the employer does not have the right to reduce it at will.
  • If an employee is dismissed, the employer must pay all due payments.
  • You can return part of your personal income tax from the budget using tax deductions. This is beneficial if you buy an apartment or house with a mortgage.

The disadvantages are not so obvious, but they still exist.

  • Official income is usually less than illegal income. Because the employer reduces part of its expenses by cutting salaries.
  • Most vacancies in private business are offered with illegal earnings, so it is more difficult to find a job with an official salary.
  • Alimony and debts under writs of execution are withheld from official earnings; illegal income is easier to hide. In this regard, when registering an employee, the full amount will be deducted from the salary.

Advantages and disadvantages of a white salary for an employer

  • The obvious disadvantage is the cost of taxes.
  • Complex accounting reporting.
  • Inability to fire an unsuitable employee, since according to the Labor Code this is difficult to do.

There are much fewer advantages for the employer:

  • No liability for illegal wages and tax evasion.
  • Good reputation and stability of the organization.
  • Transparency accounting.

How to check whether an employee’s payment is official?

If an employee has doubts about whether he has official income, this can be checked as follows. You need to register in your personal account on the website of the Federal Tax Service and download the 2-NDFL certificate there. Organizations are required to submit these certificates annually by name. Having received a similar one in accounting, you can compare income by month.

Despite the obvious advantages of the white salary, most employers and employees settle on the gray version. When making such a choice, you need to weigh all the risks, since employees often lose more than they gain. It must be borne in mind that if the salary is illegal, the employer may delay its payment for an indefinite period, pay it not in full, or not pay it at all.

Hello everyone, dear friends! The word CONSULTING often comes across on the Internet. So what is consulting? We type it into the translator and see that it’s just a consultation. This is help from consultants who give companies specific advice and recommendations.

Today there are significant changes in modern technology, in the sales market, as well as in customer needs. Therefore, companies are forced to regularly rebuild their tactics and strategy, trying to maintain competitiveness in the market. In this difficult situation, companies have to resort to the help of consulting specialists. Let's figure out what consulting is. modern world and why it represents a profitable business.

Today, with the help of consulting, a number of problems can be solved. So what is consulting? in simple words?

Consulting is an intellectual activity aimed at providing consultations for managers various enterprises. Among them are legal, financial, technological and expert activities. The main goal of consulting is to analyze the state and operational procedures of the enterprise's resources.

People who work in business consulting may specialize in one particular area or offer their services to companies in a number of different industry areas.

In the past, most small business owners never thought they could afford to hire a consultant. Today the Internet has completely changed. Many businesses need small business consulting.

Consulting companies have extensive knowledge and access to tools to help any entrepreneur create or improve an existing small business. Consulting agencies can work with companies and provide advice to help professionals learn everything they need to do before starting a company. Perhaps you have specific questions that need to be resolved. A consulting professional can answer these questions.

What is consulting activity

A consulting company is created by experts to help small businesses start and improve their company. These experts offer advice and help businesses solve current problems and plan for smooth operations in the future. Many consulting companies use the same basic format during consultations of any size business.

This format looks like this:

  • learn about business;
  • highlight problems and improvements;
  • conduct a thorough analysis;
  • create a plan to resolve issues;
  • implement the plan;
  • track progress against the plan.

This format may seem universal, but at the same time, consultations with small companies will provide a personal and unique approach.

Small business consulting includes:

  1. Assistance in developing a business plan.
  2. Development of strategies for the market.

Consulting services

Many consulting companies work until the small business is fully established.

These services include:

  1. Assistance in creating loan plans, where the company will help you find a bank to get a loan.
  2. Creating a marketing plan.
  3. Creating a business plan.
  4. Market research.

Consulting companies can also help in setting up small businesses.

Such services include:

  • cash flow analysis;
  • helping to improve staffing issues;
  • planning for future growth.

Some consulting companies even go further by helping you create a website, hosting your website, and helping with your marketing blog.


Any consulting company is equipped to help with a business at any stage of development. Consultants can focus on one specific type of problem to provide a specific solution once the problem has been identified. They are masters of business administration and also have experience in all areas of business, from sales to finance, as well as experience with every level of business.

Consultants will look for ways to improve a company's operating model and will help it use company performance and earnings information more effectively to identify potential areas for future growth. They will look at all aspects of the company, including its leaders.

Consultants must be armed with the knowledge to help small businesses adapt to a changing market. Small companies can change in the market faster than large firms. Consultants can help a small company benefit from this change and create a better small business.

The role of a consultant in business

In most cases, a consultant can improve the path to starting a business. Even when it comes to simply freeing up time, a consultant can help. Plus, you might be surprised at how many things you can highlight for improvement, especially from a practical standpoint when it comes to marketing. This is especially useful if you don't have the resources. It's good to have a consultant who challenges what you do. If you look at the business with new eyes, you can help on specific projects and alleviate problems.

To be a successful consultant you need to have knowledge in many different areas, including:

  • computer science;
  • marketing;
  • sales;
  • finance;
  • human resources.

Conducting a risk management assessment - this can be done yourself or with the help of an organization with extensive outside experience. Generally, someone outside the business is more beneficial, as it is difficult to be subjective in own business. Bringing in outside help can be good option from a marketing point of view.

Choosing a competent consultant

Often a consultant can be found using the experience of other companies. Just ask around, as the same consulting specialist may be mentioned several times and become the choice for you. Conferences are good place to see consultants in action.

A small business consultant who understands marketing can help even an established online business. First of all, these are targeted long-tail key phrases designed to help established businesses develop an online presence. Today people are looking for longer phrases.

The business owner who did everything himself is not able to do it. Even if he has the time, he probably doesn't have the knowledge and will need help from a consultant. Another key thing in small business consulting is building a list. Every small business owner should be able to quickly access and contact their list of clients for a variety of reasons. Today this is done using an answering machine. However, most business owners do not know how to install and use it correctly.

Any adjustments are intended to have a positive impact on how the company operates. Restructuring will preserve and improve the company's assets while reducing and eliminating liabilities. So what is consulting in simple words? Job consulting will ultimately lead to identifying a company's strengths and weaknesses. A consulting firm can help improve your business and take it to the next level.

Difficulties in any organization can begin at a time of stagnation or, conversely, with intensive growth, development of new markets, or expansion of activities. At such moments, the company needs a “doctor” who remains outside the organization and does not pursue personal interests, who can impartially evaluate its activities, highlight problematic issues and offer optimal options for solving them.

Consulting services - what are they?

As a rule, any type of consulting begins with a deep analysis of the current state, delving into the essence of problems and studying the views of managers and company employees on their solution. The key to success is the awareness that all parties to the business process (managers, ordinary employees, business owners, local authorities, creditors and debtors) have their own interests, which often do not coincide.

Consulting services include carrying out assessment actions, correcting organizational structure in order to bring the company out of the crisis, searching for new partners or sources of financing. Many enterprises use consulting services not only when difficulties arise, but also when they need to accelerate the pace of development, optimize costs, and change the activities of personnel. They are relevant for those who do not know. Also, such services are used by image politicians who order independent assessment, and the results are published in the media.

Most consulting agencies involve independent work and providing a ready-made solution or developing a management concept together with the client. The algorithm for providing consulting begins with diagnosing the company, studying problem areas, and finding out the reasons. After this, solutions are prepared to overcome the difficulties. The project ends with an analysis of the effectiveness of the solution and calculation of economic indicators.

Types of consulting services

Consulting services are classified in two ways - depending on the subject of consulting (general, production and financial) and the method (training, process and expert). In practice, there is a more generalized classification.


Administrative consulting includes putting paperwork in order, assistance with registering a company, organizing office work, introducing labor discipline, office management.

Financial management

This type based on decision financial tasks– changing management strategy, searching for investment sources, minimizing costs, analysis, optimization of cash flows. This type also includes providing assistance on tax issues, income growth, accounting, and cash asset management.

HR management

HR management is personnel management. This type of consulting includes the selection of suitable personnel, education, training, development corporate values organization and creating a program that will motivate employees to do their job well.

Market analysis

This segment includes the study of supply and demand in the selected niche, the level of competition, modification of the proposed product and market research. The result of the activity is pricing policy, product modernization, etc. The goal of this type of consulting is to increase sales by optimizing the functioning of the company at all levels: sales, logistics, pricing, advertising campaign, after-sales service. Some companies use this procedure to find new markets for their products or expand their range.


This type includes the solution of economic, engineering, management issues, is responsible for the development of technical and technological map. Production consulting is based on the analysis of products and production methods, planning processes for further volumes, accelerating the production cycle and industrial engineering.

Specialized consulting

This category includes services that were not listed above. These include management of communications, environmental structure, logistics and public sector consulting.

Consulting agency - what is it?

Constant and important changes in the consumer market, technological development, fluctuations in demand among customers force any company (regardless of its field of activity) to constantly review its development strategy and mechanisms for achieving goals. In order to “keep up with the times,” there are not always enough internal resources for rapid development and timely response to changes. In such cases, it is customary to attract highly qualified specialists from another organization.

A consulting agency is a company that provides advice to managers, sellers, manufacturers, buyers on a wide range of issues of economics, accounting, finance, personnel management, foreign economic activity etc.

Such agencies can provide a wide range of services or be highly specialized and help with registration. Consulting organizations charge a certain fee for their work (depending on the range of services, pricing policy company, region). Not every manager will agree to spend monetary assets on consulting fees. But, as practice shows, the activity of a specialist “outside the organization” makes it possible to reconsider the overall strategy and find new, more effective tools solving the problem. As a result, the profit of such a company increases, and consulting services pay for themselves in full. The consulting organization knows and can quickly build development paths for its client.

In what cases is it necessary to contact a consulting agency:

  1. if the organization is planning a system restructuring aimed at expanding or radically changing its range of activities in order to move to more profitable areas;
  2. to assert their positions, increase competitiveness, create an image in the domestic or foreign market;
  3. if the company’s activities are unprofitable and the management does not know what measures to take to operate effectively and improve the situation due to lack of experience.

How to choose a consulting agency?

If in advanced and developed countries both large corporations and small firms resort to the services of a consulting agency, in our country managers are only just beginning to understand the effectiveness and relevance.

How to choose a consulting agency that will do quality work? Primary requirements:

  • the agency must have the necessary skills, experience and a proven model for solving problems;
  • work should not depend on the traditions and unspoken rules of the company, the policies of managers;
  • all decisions and conclusions must be objective and free;
  • the consulting agency must be third-party to the company being analyzed;
  • such a company should start from own experience work, accumulate and analyze data, and also have a learning effect for their clients.

On Russian market There are a variety of consulting agencies operating – both small highly specialized ones and large ones with a wide range of services. The main players are the four largest agencies that provide consulting and audit services (they are also called the “Big Four”):

  • Deloitte;
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers;
  • KPMG;
  • Ernst & Young.

Agreement for the provision of consulting services - sample

After agreeing on cooperation with a consulting agency, it is necessary to draw up an agreement that specifies all the conditions, obligations of the parties and force majeure circumstances. As a rule, standard contracts are used.

Advice: A contract is required for all consulting services and must be in writing. When drafting it, you must clearly indicate the subject, rights and obligations of the parties and the list of services. It is also advisable to specify in what sections and to what extent consulting services should be provided.

As a result, the contractor (agency) undertakes to provide a list of services according to the agreed task, and the customer pays for them. If in the process of work he will also involve third parties, this should also be indicated in the contract. It is also necessary to specify the parameters according to which the quality of the services provided will be assessed. It is advisable to attach a technical specification, concept or program of consulting services to the contract.


Over the 20 years of the existence of this term, marketing scientists and lawyers have not come to a consensus on its correct definition. This is because the area of ​​activity involved is so multifaceted that each expert describes it differently. General definition consulting – what is it: consulting services, including for business, provided for financial compensation.

What is consulting

Among the variety of designations, it is still possible to highlight the main feature of this type of service. Consulting is the provision of assistance in the form of paid consultations and advice to business owners or managers when problems arise, controversial situations. The services of consulting agencies are resorted to when there is stagnation, a stop in development, or to search for new ideas for the development of a company.

The responsibilities of a consulting company vary depending on the area of ​​specialization. Some of them are involved in certain market areas (construction, manufacturing, energy), others are narrowly aimed at studying specific processes in the organization (accounting, personnel management, business optimization, procurement). There are one-stop companies for solving small business management problems.

Goals and objectives

The head or managers of companies that need such a service set certain goals and objectives. The scope of activity depends on this. Eg, auditing company is aimed at full the financial analysis activities of the company, economic situation. Regardless of the area of ​​activity, contact the consulting center for the purpose of:

  • find a way out of a difficult situation during financial instability;
  • find a way to cut costs;
  • obtain methods for assessing and increasing the efficiency of commercial processes;
  • diversify your approach to doing business;
  • build a development strategy and increase profits;
  • conduct an external audit;
  • resolve internal disputes;
  • create a budget for new campaigns;
  • draw up a business plan;
  • find a way around bankruptcy or reorganization;
  • agency forecasting life cycle companies;
  • promotion of a new brand;
  • Union brands, etc.

Consulting areas

To work in a certain field, most specialists require specialized knowledge. Consulting is involved in various areas economic activity. A common way to obtain educated personnel is to search among graduates of economics, law universities, business schools, accounting and auditing courses. There are main areas of consulting:

  • information Technology;
  • finance, audit;
  • marketing;
  • personnel management, enterprise management;
  • logistics, inventory management;
  • study of the competitive environment;
  • facilitating strategic planning.

What does a consulting company do?

Regardless of specialization, all consulting agencies collect, analyze, provide information about the company’s activities in the area under study, conduct a whole range of advisory conversations based on the data obtained, and carry out design and forecasting. The type of activity, depending on the task, determines the form of consulting, which can be expressed:

  • training;
  • design;
  • expert consulting.

Educational consulting

Includes activities related to training management and administrative staff in business technologies, implementation of complex business processes, organization of company activities, and participation in research. Training consulting can be carried out with a group of managers, one manager or business owner, as a course for heads of departments or branches, to improve the skills of employees of a particular department.


To collect data, analyze, forecast, create a project, and anticipate its development path in a company, project consulting is needed. His tasks are varied and depend on the company’s field of activity. For example, if these are complex developments in information technology, they require measures to find programmers and programming tools. It is needed when searching for solutions during changes in the product market associated with an increase in demand for a group of goods or its decrease.

Expert Consulting

They resort to it when disputes arise, when it is necessary to solve a problem, resolve a conflict with the help of outside opinions. Or when it is necessary to gain valuable knowledge in the area of ​​business in which a certain organization is engaged. The need for expert activity arises at different stages of activity: during planning, reorganization, development, etc.

Stages of providing consulting services

Regardless of the task, the sequence of consulting work comes down to four main stages:

  1. Identification, formulation of the problem. Invited experts find a problem that needs to be solved. Based on this, certain strategic and tactical goals are set. Next, they build a chain of sequential execution of operational tasks.
  2. Consideration of the problem, assessment of the situation. Setting tasks determines the method of work and approaches to solving the problem. The condition is analyzed, solutions are proposed, approximate deadlines are estimated, efficiency and costs are calculated.
  3. Developing a problem solving plan. Based on the assigned tasks, they develop a plan of specific actions and the expected result to which they should lead.
  4. Choice of strategy, implementation of the developed plan. They start from the planned plan when constructing a list of operational actions. These may include: studying markets, products, scheduling materials receipts, or writing instructions.

Types of consulting

The concept of consulting differs depending on the type of service. Many of them touch on financial specifics, specialize in conducting audits before tax audits, eliminating reporting errors, and improving the company’s profitability indicators. Other areas are related to legal advice, searching for methods of avoiding administrative and economic penalties. The range of consulting services is very wide and is discussed in more detail below.


This is a package of services aimed at finding financial solutions for business optimization. The purpose of this type is to reduce costs, increase business profitability, forecast the market situation, economic analysis enterprises. It is also needed to find additional financing for the company or profitable projects for investment. At the same time, they conduct a detailed analysis of all areas of the company’s activities, identifying strengths and weak sides, trends of development or decline at all stages. Then they look for ways to implement more effective economic instruments.


Classic management consulting covers all aspects of the life of the enterprise under study. According to management theory, there are three areas of management tasks - strategic, marketing and personnel:

  • Strategic management consulting involves planning, organizing a company’s actions, its behavior, and direction in development. This area is needed to assist in drawing up a business plan when creating a new company, reorganizing an existing one, or merging a group of companies. For managers, strategy is of great importance, because without understanding the sequence of actions and tasks, there will be no full implementation or development.
  • Marketing management – ​​carries out planning, implementation advertising campaigns. Based on the standard marketing mix, the functions of marketing consulting will be actions to improve the product, ways and methods of its promotion, stimulating its sales through places, price. Marketing Strategies combine both types of consulting and require an integrated approach to solving problems.
  • HR consulting can engage in finding effective ways of interaction between management and staff. Searching for new effective ways to motivate enterprise employees, control to achieve the highest performance indicators with a subsequent increase in the volume of completed tasks and profits.

Investment consulting

Includes a set of actions to analyze projects and search for ways for effective investment. It can be based on studying the market for ready-made solutions or operating companies in need of investment for development, analysis of startups, business ideas, forecasting, and calculation of their expected profit. Consulting preparation is needed by investors who want to protect their capital from possible risks of loss or reduction. Businessmen want to invest in new projects whose profitability has been calculated.


The consulting approach in accounting is a solution to business audit problems. The most well-known companies– the so-called “Big Four”: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, Ernst&Young, KPMG. All audit agencies are guided by their behavior. In addition, these companies are so popular and successful that every successful businessman wants to get them as his partners.

An audit is a check of the financial indicators and financial statements of an enterprise for compliance with legal norms and laws and their reliability. As a rule, the help of auditors is sought in the event of an expected tax audit or to calculate the profitability of a company, return on investment, seek to reduce costs and increase profitability.

Business consulting

At some point, business managers notice that their business is not bringing the desired results or has stopped developing. If you contact the consulting center in time with a request to find and fix the problem, you will be able to prevent bankruptcy or simply increase the efficiency of business activities. Business consultations cover all aspects of doing business: from finding employees to making plans. Exploring possible ways to improve integrated management leads to an improvement in the overall health of the company.

You can engage in consulting in the following areas:

  • psychology in business and its impact on processes;
  • work with personnel;
  • analysis of the situation;
  • prompt decision making;
  • event forecasting;
  • negotiations with partners and clients;
  • choice effective recommendations and tools for work.

One of the subtypes of business consulting is investment consulting. It is necessary to find current investment solutions. At the stage of searching for projects, consultation with highly qualified investment specialists is important. Innovative consulting helps eliminate problems associated with physical and moral obsolescence of equipment and technologies. Includes a complex for searching and implementing know-how in technological production and new approaches in business.

Legal services

Legal advice is necessary when a company plans to participate in litigation or is forced to hold partners or clients accountable. An expert’s opinion is useful during the preparation of documentation ( standard contracts, statutes, design legal entity and etc.). A lawyer can analyze the current state of registration of employees and processes, make forecasts and warn against possible errors and violations of the law.

IT consulting

Information technology is a rapidly developing field, so it is difficult for a manager to keep track of changes, developments and innovations. Consulting services in the IT field are needed to keep track of all trends and updates. Thanks to them, we can recommend what changes to make in this aspect of the company’s life. People turn to the services if they are looking for ways to promote themselves on the Internet, want to create a website, internal programs and services, ahead of their competitors.

At this stage of market development, every self-respecting company has its own Internet page, business card website, catalog or online store. Nowadays, Internet marketing is coming to the fore among other tools. This is a full-fledged method of promoting sales and creating a positive image of a company that keeps up with the times. SMM (Social Media Marketing) – interaction with potential clients through social networks – is gaining enormous momentum. As an element of branding, all of these techniques are extremely important for positioning.

Tax consulting

Chief accountant and financial director joint efforts physically cannot take into account all the sensitive points in the tax code, especially if a large company has millions in turnover. To optimize the tax payment process, search for inconsistencies with legislation, violations and errors, outsourcing resources such as an agency specializing in tax consulting are involved. The cost of providing quality consultants’ services is paid off by preserving resources by avoiding possible fines under the tax system.


Preserving the planet and the health of nature is a pressing international issue that concerns society. International organizations control this process through standards and international acts, such as ISO 9001, CE certificates, etc. Checking production technology and products for compliance with global environmental standards is an important part of enterprise analysis. Violation of some norms may result in penalties – sanctions and fines.


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In such situations, the process of changing working methods is usually very long and painful.

What causes this:

  • Sometimes, there is a poor understanding of managerial and economic fundamentals.

Sometimes there is a conscious rejection of the introduction of new things.

— Low level of the simplest economic culture.

The introduction of recognized methods of doing business in Russia is a matter of a long process, with a very slow return on it, as our leaders want. However, consulting is still in demand among us. Representatives of foreign companies jointly with Russia occupy the first positions. It's clear why. The desire to quickly and efficiently apply progressive techniques in Russian conditions is the main reason.

A positive aspect of the development of this area in Russia should be recognized as the formation and expansion of the scientific base, the holding of seminars, and the appearance of many research articles devoted to this topic. Also, the presence of many organizations that have money, have achieved outstanding performance, are able to develop further, and are oriented towards long-term existence.

The creations of our specialists are not inferior to foreign works. For example, the topic of “reengineering” is widely discussed in the West and is very popular.

Difficulties of various companies can be caused by internal or external reasons. Raw material prices, exchange rates, and legal complications have a serious impact. The situation is aggravated by internal tension in the team, changes in management and partners. These problems can be solved by turning to the services of professional consultants. Consulting is also necessary if it is necessary to minimize costs and increase production growth.

Giving new approaches to business is the way consulting companies work. The willingness to resolve any individual problem by developing an exclusive plan is also the work of consultants. Formation of an image policy is one of the aspects of consulting, conducting an audit with posting indicators in the public domain.

Consulting is divided into groups:

Subject-specific (subject) is used directly in working with clients and is divided into general ones related to finance and production

Methodological- used by consultants - expert, process, training.

Combining the two above methods, we get a hybrid one. IN different countries We most use a certain type of such services, which depends on the economy, market and private details.

In modern interpretation it looks something like this:

  • General management.
  • Administration.
  • Personnel management.
  • Marketing.
  • Production part.
  • Technology in the field of information.
  • Specialized.

The consultant is not responsible for resolving the problem, he only mentors those responsible for it. The purpose of consulting research is to indicate ways to improve intra-organizational processes. There are internal, external and international consulting for localization. It can be military, HR - human reserves, also within the framework of training, Technology - IT, related to environmental issues and management.

In Russia, the types of such services are becoming increasingly important every year. An increase in professionalism among consultants is predicted. Many ordinary citizens have a very vague idea of ​​what consulting is and how simple tips can help optimize production or increase staff motivation. Although, in fact, this is the most interesting and creative work. It is very diverse and provides many ways to find key nodes.

To understand the counseling process and provide clarity:

How the process works:

  1. Reflection. Action - poses topics for elaboration and reflection.
  2. Specialist. Action - monitors the process and provides feedback.
  3. Detection. Action - selects materials and encourages discussion.
  4. Finding parallel solutions. Action - finds alternatives, stimulates potential. Evaluates the results of introducing alternatives.
  5. Helps in finding solutions. Action - takes part.
  6. Teacher-instructor. Action teaches. Offers training programs.
  7. Technical expert. Action - Offers information to reach a solution.
  8. Propaganda. Action - indicates directions for exiting the situation and convinces them of their correctness

With the help of this article, we tried to clearly and simply explain what consulting is? To reveal the main aspects of this concept, interesting story the emergence and development of this phenomenon in the global and Russian economy, to help navigate the complex modern world.

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