Table sausage. Sausage shop Release period or price validity

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It is known that sausage as a food product, made from minced meat and covered with a shell, was found in Ancient Greece and China and even Babylon. In our country, the first mentions of sausage were in the 12th century.

Boiled sausage appeared in the countries of the USSR in 1936. So, on September 29 of the same year, Commissioner Food Industry Anastas Mikoyan opened a factory for the production of various types of boiled sausages, among which the most popular were “Doctorskaya”, “Lyubitelskaya”, “Chaynaya” and a little later - “Stolovaya”.

Among the many types of boiled sausages, table boiled sausage is slightly higher in calories than others; its calorie content per 100 g of product is 234 kcal. It is rich in fats and proteins, and contains about 63% moisture.

Thanks to such a diverse composition, the sausage contains 15.3% vitamin B1, 29% vitamin PP, as well as vitamin B2 and vitamin E. Table boiled sausage contains useful macro- and microelements, including 78.5% sodium, 22% phosphorus, as well as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulfur and iron.

Beneficial features

Boiled table sausage, like the main part of meat products, has beneficial properties. It is worth noting that this product is useful only if it is prepared in full compliance current GOST. Cooked according to all standards, boiled table sausage turns out juicy and tender with a pleasant salty taste and an amazing aroma of spices.

Based on GOST R 52196-2011 table boiled sausage contains pork, beef, water, dry and low-fat cow's milk, table salt, sugar, garlic, black and allspice. Thanks to the above-mentioned natural products, table sausage is rich in vitamin B1, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, nervous and digestive system person. The presence of vitamin E plays an important role, because it ensures youthful and beautiful skin.

No less beneficial properties table sausage owes its minerals. After all, the presence of calcium and phosphorus are important components of bone tissue, and magnesium and potassium are so necessary for the good functioning of the cardiovascular system. Moreover, the composition includes iron, sodium, a sufficient amount of proteins and amino acids, which ensure the smooth functioning of the human body. The benefit of boiled sausage also lies in the presence of starch, the amount of which should be within 2-5%.


Table boiled sausage is mainly used in cooking. It is consumed not only as an independent dish or for making sandwiches, but also added to pizza, salads, hot dishes and soups. The well-known Solyanka soup turns out especially tasty with this sausage.

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Semi-smoked Odessa sausage
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Stolichnaya raw smoked sausage
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Boiled sausage Stolichnaya
For the production of boiled Stolichnaya sausage, beef is used, which is of the highest grade, lean parts of pork, as well as back fat. Based on the method of preparation and the ingredients used, this sausage is classified as category "A". According to the current state standard, evenly mixed minced meat can include small pieces of bacon up to 8 mm in size, as well as semi-fat pork 8-12 mm.
Cooked amateur sausage
Boiled amateur sausage is the most popular product among Russians. High-quality sausage should be elastic and dense, without voids. If the manufacturer does not add dye (sodium nitrate) to the sausage mince, the color of the finished product will be light pink. Pieces of bacon should be no more than 6 mm, white, without obvious yellowness.
Milk sausages
Back in the 19th century, Austria and Germany were the first to come up with new meat dish- milk sausages. When making this type of food, any meat (beef, pork, poultry) is taken, crushed and boiled, adding milk powder. Some manufacturers replace natural raw materials - meat with products containing vegetable protein or meat substitute. Natural sausages are smooth and elastic, pale pink in color.
Beef sausages
Beef sausages belong to the group of boiled meat products. They are very similar to sausages, and the current opinion that they are a variety of them is erroneous. Beef sausages are a separate product, although they differ in appearance from sausages only in their larger diameter.
Cooked-smoked amateur sausage
Cooked-smoked amateur sausage is a product with high taste value, which has been in great demand among consumers for many years. This sausage is prepared as follows: minced beef is mixed with spices, pork lard, cut into small pieces, is added to it. Then black hot and allspice peppers and garlic are added to the mixture. After this, a special sausage casing is stuffed with a mixture of minced meat. The casing is tied at the ends with twine, pierced to remove excess air, and the sausage is smoked using hot smoke. After the sausage becomes firmer, the cooking process begins. Boil it in water at a temperature of about 75 degrees for an hour. After cooling, the sausage goes through a secondary smoking stage. The finished product is stored in the refrigerator, shelf life is no more than 2 weeks.
Uncooked smoked amateur sausage
It’s hard to imagine any holiday table without meat or fruit cuts. Cold cuts usually consist of several types of sausage, mainly raw smoked amateur sausage. Unlike other types of sausages, this type meat products are smoked raw, excluding heat treatment and subjected to dehydration and fermentation. Of course, it should also be noted that raw smoked amateur sausage used to be a scarce commodity, but in our time it is still considered a delicacy.
Vegetarian sausage
Vegetarian sausage is a valuable nutritious product made only from natural ingredients, while taste and appearance Vegetarian sausage is not much different from the usual sausages. To prepare vegetarian sausages, wheat grains, peas, legumes, and, in rare cases, soybeans are used, as well as vegetable oils, potato or corn starch. In order to give the products the usual color, only natural dyes are used (beetroot juice, fermented rice). Spicy spices, garlic, onions and other types of natural flavors give the product a piquant taste. The taste of sausage depends on the original product.

Sausage was a cult food product in the Soviet Union, but its quality was not always ideal. In most cases, it was not worth the praise that is now being heard on various nostalgic forums.

The quality of Soviet sausages deteriorated back in the 70s, and in the 80s, when the gentle GOST 23670-79 came into force, it completely fell below the baseboard. It would seem that there is nowhere to fall further, but the current market economy has clearly shown that the prospects for further decline still exist - against the background of modern sausages, even dull Soviet boiled water can look invigorating.

Ideally, Soviet sausage was denser, tastier and meatier than today's brands of the same name. True, with a number of reservations: firstly, such sausage was produced only at meat processing plants with good karma; and secondly, much depended both on the specific batch of goods and on the integrity of the sellers. You could buy soaked expired food everywhere. Nowadays, so many chemicals are added to the sausage that it can lie in the refrigerator for weeks, but at that time, of all the antioxidants, only ascorbic acid was available, but they added it drop by drop per herd (50 g per 100 kg of raw materials), and the product quickly deteriorated . There were smart people who stuffed boiled sausage into freezers. After defrosting, such sausage became bitter and watery (nowadays, by the way, this is also practiced).

The most delicious of the mainstream dumplings was “Diabetic” of the highest grade for 2 rubles 90 kopecks. per kilogram. More on good standing there were “Molochnaya”, “Ostankinskaya”, “Otdelnaya”, “Chaynaya” and “Lyubitelskaya” (the last two with fat).

The most popular brand of boiled sausages was “Doctorskaya” of two grades: the highest - for 2 rubles 20 kopecks. and the first - for 1 ruble 98 kopecks. Leningraders never bought it for future use; they usually asked to weigh 200-300 grams, but visitors took it by the stick.

Raw smoked sausage was obtained exclusively from under the counter; it was not available for free sale as a class. The situation was a little better with semi-smoked sausages such as “Poltava” or “Tallinskaya” - they could still be found by traveling around the whole city, but, as a rule, such sausages were also bought from waiters in restaurants and cafes. A Poltavskaya stick from a restaurant cost 8-10 rubles (with a real price of 3 rubles 60 kopecks per kg).

Sausages cost from six to ten rubles per kilo in rural stores of Koopraytorg, but the quality was worse than in urban ones. Due to low demand, such sausages sat on the shelves, and sellers resuscitated them - soaked them in water and vinegar and grated them. sunflower oil. In remote general stores scattered throughout the villages, there was no sausage at all.



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boiled sausage with fat

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boiled sausage with fat

Sausage Canteen

boiled sausage without fat

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boiled sausage without fat

Sausage Amateur

boiled sausage with fat

Ostankino sausage

boiled sausage without fat

Tongue sausage

boiled sausage with fat in the fat casing

What else could you buy in the USSR for one ruble?

  • 1 kopeck: a box of matches, a glass of soda without syrup in the machine, “Pionerskaya Pravda” (such a newspaper), a simple pencil, a piece (sometimes two) of bread in the dining room.
  • 2 kopecks: a call from a pay phone, a set of hooks and loops for clothes (10 pairs), a glass of tea in a cafe, a student notebook of 12 sheets.
  • 3 kopecks: a glass of soda with syrup, a student notebook of 18 sheets, kvass from a barrel (1 glass), a tram ticket, many newspapers, a pulka in a shooting range, a bun (I don’t remember the name, but it’s very tasty).
  • 4 kopecks: trolleybus ticket, 1 kW. electricity.
  • 5 kopecks: cotton candy, a glass of sunflower seeds (small), dill or parsley (a bunch), a ride in the park, a children's book, a bagel with poppy seeds, a pie with jam, a ring donut in sugar (considered expensive), travel to metro and bus.
  • 6 kopecks: salt, 1 kg, kvass from a barrel (0.5 l mug), postcard, semi-finished cutlets (from real meat!) per piece, city bun.
  • 7 kopecks: ice cream in a paper cup with a wooden “spoon” (fruit), a table tennis ball, a haircut.
  • 8 kopecks: Tula gingerbread, ring cake, notebook, pen ampoule, glass of natural birch sap.
  • 9 kopecks: “Fruit” ice cream (waffle cup), a bun, a pie with potatoes or cabbage in a cafe or canteen, a school ruler, a kilo of potatoes.
  • 10 kopecks: a movie ticket for a morning (children’s) show, a bottle of lemonade “Bell”, “Buratino”, etc., a donut with custard, “Smetannik”, a taxi ride 1 km. (until 1973), a liter of gasoline (until 1973), a jar of mint tooth powder, a glass of tomato and apple juice, “Mink” Vaseline in a jar, “Sun” cigarettes (Bulgarian, without filter).
  • 11 kop.: white meat with meat (real, sometimes very tasty) in a cafe or canteen, “Literary Newspaper” (16 pages, very popular and interesting), a tailor’s centimeter, a music notebook, processed cheese, ice cream on a stick (without glaze), cigarettes "Pamir" (without filter).
  • 12 kopecks: baby soap, an empty bottle of soda or vodka, Bulgarian cigarettes “Trakia”, “Pliska” (paper filter).
  • 13 kopecks: creamy ice cream (this is now called “Sandwich”), a cocoa briquette with milk, “Children’s” curd cheese, sprat (anchovy) 1 kg, a sandwich with a cutlet (in the school cafeteria), a concentrated jelly briquette.
  • 14 kopecks: half a portion of pasties (2 pieces), half a glass of sour cream in the canteen, Prima cigarettes (without filter, in 1978, the price went up by 2 kopecks).
  • 15 kopecks: travel on a local minibus, processed cheese “Druzhba” (small), a glass of natural grape juice, cheese (curd) “Children’s” with raisins, a portion of pancakes with sour cream (2 pcs.), cigarettes “Shipka” (Bulgarian without filter).
  • 16 kopecks: a kilo of flour, a triangular bag of milk 0.5 l., gray bread (2nd grade)

custard block, Astra cigarettes (without filter).

  • 17 kopecks: battery (flat), empty Champagne bottle 0.8, postcard with envelope, plastic electric. Fork.
  • 18 kopecks: white loaf “Stolichny”, ice cream “Lakomka”.
  • 19 kopecks: ice cream sundae in a waffle cup (the most popular!)
  • 20 kopecks: 1st grade white bread, black bread, round “Ukrainian”, liter of milk from a barrel (powdered), school breakfast (such as a cutlet with a side dish), most badges.
  • 22 kopecks: ice cream “Eskimo”, “Leningradskoe” (chocolate, on a stick), cakes (eclair, basket... with cream), a mug of beer from a barrel or a tent on the street.
  • 23 kopecks: processed cheese “Druzhba”, 100 g.
  • 24 kopecks: a bottle of table vinegar 9%, 0.5 liters, 1 liter of milk from a barrel, a mug of beer in an eatery, a glass of sour cream in a cafe or canteen.
  • 25 kopecks: a butter loaf, 25-50 kopecks, a ticket to a cinema for a daytime or evening show.
  • 28 kopecks: ice cream “Chestnut”, “Bar”, bottle of milk 0.5l.
  • 30 kopecks: 0.5 l of kefir, German soap, school lunch (full), lottery ticket (cash and clothing), the vast majority of domestically produced filter cigarettes.
  • 31 kopecks: light bulb.
  • 33 kopecks: canned sprat in tomato.
  • 35 kopecks: a mug of beer in a “decent” pub, a plastic comb, a student’s pen, Bulgarian filter cigarettes “TU-134”, “Stewardess”, “Vega”, “Phoenix”, “Inter”, “Opal”.

  • 36 kop.: three-liter can of kvass.
  • 40 kopecks: a pack of Java cigarettes in soft packaging, a set of sewing needles, a men's haircut (model), a large school ruler, a general notebook (98 sheets), a school compass (good).
  • 44 kop.: ceramic el. High protection plug.
  • 46 kop.: liter bottle of milk.
  • 47 kopecks: mayonnaise in a jar, notebook (small).
  • 50 kopecks: set lunch in the factory canteen, a pack of Soviet-made chewing gum, a lottery ticket (DOSAAF), Soyuz-Apollo, BT (Bulgarian) cigarettes, plasticine (set of 12 colors), photograph a child in kindergarten (one photo b/w), pack of photo paper 10x15, 20 sheets.
  • 51 kopecks: sketchbook (thick).
  • 52 kop.: bottle of cream 0.5 l.
  • 60 kopecks: “Java” cigarettes with a filter in hard packaging, children’s filmstrips

lunch in the student (institute) canteen.

  • 65 kopecks: stainless steel scissors.
  • 70 kopecks: cigarettes with the Cosmos filter (the coolest!), herring (small) 1 kg.
  • 80 kopecks: notepad (notebook), cast iron frying pan, “Siberian” dumplings (a pack of 0.5 kg. real and very tasty!).
  • 90 kopecks: beef on the bone, chocolate “Alenka”, “Chaika”, hand towel (terry), herring (medium) 1 kg., liver sausage 1 kg., men’s socks (quite thick), granulated sugar, first grade ( one kilo), a dozen eggs.
  • 94 kopecks: premium granulated sugar (kilo).
  • 95 kopecks: a bottle of fruit and berry wine.
  • 98 kopecks: blood sausage with buckwheat (kilo).
  • 99 kopecks: domino game.
  • 1 rub.: lunch in an average canteen (for example: soup, cutlet with mashed potatoes, a glass of sour cream, compote, cheesecake), household scales, a bed at a private owner at a resort (per day), a children’s board game (I don’t remember the name), an enamel bowl, Sea buckthorn cosmetic cream, lipstick.

  • Among canned goods, sardines were popular - can 0.60 - 0.72, canned cucumbers and tomatoes - 0.40 - 0.50.
  • A student's breakfast most often consisted of a cup of tea, bread and butter, squash caviar for 0.42 or canned food "Tourist's Breakfast" for 0.33.
  • For the traditional Olivier salad you need to take boiled sausage 2.20 - 2.60, a jar of mayonnaise - 0.33, a dozen eggs 0.90 - 1.20, a jar of peas - 0.39.
  • A jar of red caviar (140 g) cost 3.50 – 4.20, black (112 g) – 5.50 – 6.00.
  • As for drinks, we give preference to wines: dry Moldavian 2.10 – 2.70, Georgian 3.00 – 4.00, Bulgarian 1.70 – 2.30. Fortified fruit and berry 1.10 – 1.80, grape – 2.30, vintage 2.88 – 4.24. We will spend from 4.40 to 13.60 on “Three Stars” cognac, 3.50 – 5.00 on vodka 0.5 liters, 3.50 – 5.00 on beer – 0.37 half a liter. The price included the price of a container of 0.12, which could be immediately returned or exchanged with an additional payment for a drink.
  • Potatoes 0.12 – 0.15, cabbage 0.08 – 0.10, beets 0.09, onions 0.10-0.12, watermelon 0.05-0.10, apples – 0.20 – 0.50. But in trading network Unfortunately, everything was of very low quality. Agricultural products could also be purchased at the collective farm market. The prices were set by the farms, so the cost was 2-3 times higher.
  • A loaf of premium white bread cost 24 kopecks. For regular white bread they asked for 13 kopecks, rye bread was priced a little more expensive, as was black bread - 16 kopecks.
  • Pork cost the Soviet people two rubles per kilogram. Beef is a little cheaper. The price of a kilogram of chicken could reach two rubles and thirty kopecks. But the tenderloin already cost about four rubles.

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1. General technology for the production of boiled sausages

1. Reception of raw materials. Contains 2 operations technological process: By quantity (weight): In accordance with the invoice with a tolerance of 0.01%, the use of scales to measure mass and quality control of raw materials: by quality and by assortment in accordance with the product recipe. Meat is used in pairs or at the stage of technological maturity (on 6-7 days). It must be of good quality, from healthy animals and recognized by the veterinary and sanitary service as suitable for food purposes.

Preparation of raw materials. Preparation of raw materials includes defrosting (when using frozen meat).

Separation of carcasses into cuts. Dismemberment of a half carcass into a certain number of parts in compliance with the anatomical boundaries established technological instructions. If all the meat is used in sausage production, the half carcass is divided into three parts: front, middle and back. If the cutting is combined, then the beef half-carcasses are divided into eight parts: tenderloin (lumbar muscle), neck, shoulder, brisket, box (dorsal costal part), sirloin, rump and hind leg. Before cutting, the carcasses are dry cleaned to remove all contaminants. Cattle and pig carcasses are sawed or cut along the spine, departing from the line of the upper spinous processes, so as not to damage the spinal cord. Small livestock carcasses are not cut up. The cutting is carried out with electric or pneumatic saws. If there is no saw, they are cut with cleavers.

Deboning of cuts. Separation of muscle, fat and connective tissue (pulp) from bones. For convenience, it is not whole carcasses or half-carcasses that are boned, but their individual parts - cuts. Separating meat from bones was considered a very labor-intensive and dangerous operation; it was carried out manually (cutting meat with a knife). Nowadays, when deboning raw materials for boiled sausages, special installations are used: foreign (crushing and centrifuging) and domestic (pressing under high pressure. The thoroughness of separating meat from bones depends on their further use. If the bones are intended for melting fat or producing gelatin, they should not be used leave the meat deboning on tables with a lid made of of stainless steel, or marble chips with a removable wooden or polymer lining.

Meat vein. The operation of isolating tendons, large films, connective tissue, cartilage, fat, blood vessels and small bones from boneless meat. It is made by hand using a special set of knives with a wide and long blade. The muscle tissue of any part of the carcass is cut along the line of muscle connection and divided in the lobar direction into parts weighing no more than 1 kg.

Trimmed pork is sorted depending on the amount of fat it contains into three types: lean - containing no more than 10% fat, semi-fat - containing 30 - 50% fat and fatty - containing more than 50%.

Beef is sorted into two or three grades. The highest grade includes pieces of pure muscle tissue, devoid of visible remains of other tissues and formations. Meat containing no more than 6% of thin connective formations is classified as the first grade, and meat containing up to 20% is classified as the second.

Beef and lamb fat, not removed from the meat during trimming, having a high melting point, remains in finished product in a solid state, which deteriorates the quality of the sausage.

Grinding meat into pieces. The nature and degree of grinding of raw meat is associated with the salting method. The meat is cut into pieces, crushed on a grinder coarsely through a grid with holes with a diameter of 12-25 mm (meal) or finely with holes with a diameter of 2-3 mm (minced meat).

Salting meat and maturing meat.

Secondary grinding of meat on a grinder. To give boiled sausages greater tenderness and uniformity, the ripened meat is ground a second time using grinders and cutters. If the meat has been salted and matured in the form of meal or in pieces, then it is first passed through a grinder with a hole diameter in the grid of 2 - 3 mm, and then fed into the cutter. Meat, which was passed through such a mesh during initial grinding before salting and ripening, is fed directly into the cutter.

When salting, meat acquires a salty taste, stickiness (stickiness), resistance to microorganisms, its water-holding capacity increases during heat treatment, and flavor is formed. Salting of meat for boiled sausages is carried out using the dry method or brine.

In the first option, 2.0-2.5 kg of salt and 7.5 g of sodium nitrite are added per 100 kg of meat in the form of a solution of 2.5% concentration. The components are mixed in a mixer until the curing substances are evenly distributed for 3-5 minutes. Salted meat is kept at a temperature of 3-4°C in pieces measuring 400-600 g for 48 hours, and in the form of meal and finely ground for 24 hours.

To intensify production, salting meat can be replaced by salting minced meat with brine, which accelerates the penetration of salt into the meat tissue and at the same time binds the water introduced with the brine. The process is accelerated by approximately 8 times, i.e. from two days to 6 o'clock. With this preparation of raw materials, the minced meat is thoroughly mixed with brine in a mixer for 2-3 minutes, until it is completely distributed throughout the entire mass and absorbed by the meat. The temperature of the meat after mixing with brine should be above 8-10 ° C. The salted meat is kept in a cooling chamber at a temperature of 2-4 ° C for 6 hours. If there is a forced delay, the meat can be salted for up to 24 hours.

Procedure for preparing brine. To 100 liters of water add 2.6 kg of salt and 7.5 g of nitrite. The brine is stirred until the salt is completely dissolved. Nitrite is prepared in the laboratory and added to the brine in liquid form. Before use, the brine is filtered or allowed to settle, carefully draining it without raising the sediment (in the amount of 10 liters per 100 kg of meat). To prepare a solution of a different concentration, it is necessary to perform recalculations when dosing. After aging, the meat is directly stored in containers with a capacity of up to 20 kg made of food-grade aluminum, stainless steel or polymer materials. Normally ripened meat acquires stickiness, tenderness and a specific smell, and its moisture-holding capacity increases. All this ensures the juiciness of the sausage and its high yield. After aging, the meat is directly fed into the cutter without secondary grinding on a grinder. When preparing minced meat, it is necessary to take into account the amount of water added in the form of brine. Salting meat can also be done in a cutter; in this case, the minced meat is kept for 6 hours after cutting.

Cutting and preparing sausage mince. Minced meat is a mixture of components, pre-prepared in quantities corresponding to the recipe for a given type and grade of sausages. The binding component of minced meat, which ensures the homogeneity and solidity of the structure of the finished product, is the meat part. Mixing the components of each type of sausage is carried out in a cutter or in a mixer. The duration of grinding on a cutter depends on the type of raw material, bowl capacity, number of knives, speed of rotation of knives and cutter bowl and is 4-11 minutes. The amount of water added during mixing is determined by the established indicators for the finished product, as well as the water-binding capacity of the meat. Water should be added to the minced meat in the form of snow or ice (flaky). This ensures a low temperature, improves the conditions for the formation of viscous minced meat and increases its moisture-holding capacity.

The amount of water also includes the part that was added to the raw material during salting with brine. After 3-5 minutes of processing, a protein-fat emulsion or sodium caseinate, lean pork, sodium ascorbate or ascorbic acid is introduced and the raw materials are processed for another 3-5 minutes. Amount of ice and water% to the mass of cut meat in the production of “Ham-chopped” sausage: 20-25%.

Raw materials containing a large amount of connective tissue require longer processing. At the same time, if the cutting speed of the cutter is high, less time is required to chop the meat. On average, the process takes from 6 to 10 minutes, and the temperature of the finished minced meat should not exceed 12-15 oC. The component must be frozen. Regardless of how the components were mixed, this stage has the following goals:

Get a mixture that is homogeneous in composition;

Mix the raw material with water and ensure its high water-holding capacity;

Evenly distribute the pieces of bacon or meat in a homogeneous structure.

When producing boiled sausages of grade 1 and 2, minced meat, a protein stabilizer is added: 5-10% to the mass of minced meat.

Filling the shells with minced meat. The process of forming sausage products includes: preparation of the sausage casing, injection of minced meat into the casing, knitting and cross-hatching of sausage loaves. The stage involves filling natural and artificial casings with ready-made minced meat. The diameter of the casing depends on the type of sausage and is determined based on its characteristics.

Injection. Stuffing (i.e. filling the sausage casing with minced meat) is carried out under a pressure of 0.8 -1.1 MPa in special machines - syringes. The casings of boiled sausages are filled with minced meat less tightly, otherwise during cooking, due to the volumetric expansion of the minced meat, the casing may rupture. Active operations during injection include filling the syringe. The minced meat in the loaf should be dense without air gaps or bubbles. Excessive packing density can lead to rupture of the shell during heat treatment due to expansion of the contents. If an air syringe is used, the vacuum depth is adjusted in the cylinder within the range of 0.4 - 0.1 MPa. If you have special equipment and a marked shell, the ends of the loaves can be secured with metal clips.

Knitting is carried out in accordance with the quality characteristics of the product. In this case, the contents of one edge are pressed inside the shell with twine, which is tied at its end. A loop is made for hanging the loaf on sticks. Depending on the type of casing and type of sausage, the loaf is shaped into a ball. cylinder, ring or half ring. To distinguish sausages by name, product marks are made on the loaves using transverse ties with twine by hand. At the second end of the loaf, a double loop is tightened. The minimum length of the loaves must be at least 15 cm, the free ends of the shell and twine should not be more than 2 cm, and at the market mark - no more than 7 cm. Along with tying the loaves, the same workers perform cross-hatching, i.e. pierce the shell where air has accumulated underneath it. For tying, use twine No. 8-10 for sausages in wide casings and No. 12-15 or twisted cord and linen thread for other sausages.

Hatching. It is produced after knitting the loaves to remove air that got into the minced meat during its processing. The shells are manually pierced in several places (hatched) at the ends and along the loaf with a special metal crosshatch with 4 or 5 thin needles.

Hanging and settling sausages. After cross-hatching, the loaves are hung on sticks at a distance of 20-22 mm, then the sticks are hung on frames in accordance with the load on this type of equipment in several tiers without the loaves touching each other. The sausages are allowed to settle for 2-4 hours at a temperature not exceeding 8-12°C.

Roasting. The stage is carried out in special frying and cooking chambers or universal ones with control of parameters of temperature, time and even the content of the operations being carried out. The treatment is carried out at a high temperature of 90-110 oC for 60-180 minutes with smoke generated by burning firewood or sawdust.

Temperature and time conditions are determined by the diameter of the shell. With its maximum dimensions - the upper one, with a small diameter - the lower one. At the end of frying, the temperature inside the loaf should be between 40-45°C. As this stage is completed, the shell is fried, compacted, becomes transparent and acquires a light brown color. The minced meat is saturated with flue gases and acquires a stable color and aroma. To ensure uniform frying of the sausage in the chamber, loaves of the same length and diameter are hemmed at intervals of at least 10 cm. At the end of frying, the temperature in the center of the loaf should not exceed 40°C.

When producing boiled sausages using smoking preparations, frying is excluded.

After frying, the sausages are not cooked. The gap between frying and cooking should not exceed 30 minutes.

Cooking. Hot water and steam are used for cooking. In the first case, sausage loaves are immersed in water heated to a temperature of 85-95°C and then cooked while maintaining it within 75-85°C. The duration of cooking depends on the diameter of the shell and on average is: - for casings from 30 to 50 minutes; - circles and artificial shells with a diameter of 50-65 mm from 40 to 80 minutes; - blues, adapters and bubbles - from 1.5 to 3 hours;

The temperature in the center of the loaf at the end of cooking should be 70-72 oC. Steam cooking is carried out in steam chambers, where hot, spicy steam is supplied through a coil. The ambient temperature in the chamber is 80-85 °C, relative humidity is 90-100% and the movement speed is 0.1-0.2 m/s.

The duration of steam cooking is 30-100 minutes until the temperature in the center of the loaf reaches 70 - 72°C. Sausages cannot be overcooked, as this causes the casing to rupture and the minced meat becomes dry and crumbly.

Cooling. The cooked sausage is cooled under a water shower for 10 minutes, and then in an air-conditioned room or in a regular refrigerated room. Cooling occurs at an air temperature of 8°C until the temperature in the center of the loaf reaches no higher than 15°C.

Quality control. All sausages must comply with the standard for their preparation. Loaves of boiled sausages must be clean, dry, without damage to the casing or minced meat. The consistency of the sausages is elastic, the minced meat is evenly mixed and may have evenly distributed pieces of bacon or meat. The color of the minced meat is pink, the color is uniform. Lard or fat should be white with a pink tint and unmelted.

Boiled sausages have a spicy or smoked smell, the taste is pleasant and moderately salty, without any foreign flavors. The following sausages are not allowed to be sold:

Having a damp or contaminated surface, mucus and mold on the shell;

With loose, falling apart minced meat, undercooked with a burst shell;

With broken loaves, the ends of which are not cut off and not wrapped in paper;

With the presence of voids >5 mm in size, as well as gray spots on the section;

With minced meat over the shell more than 3 cm long or slips;

With the presence of yellowed bacon in the minced meat (in 1st grade sausages - no more than 10%, in 2nd grade sausages - no more than 15%).

Storage and delivery to the consumer. Chilled cooked sausages are stored in accordance with sanitary rules in a refrigerated room in a suspended state at a temperature of 0 to 8 ° C and a relative air humidity of 75-80%. The shelf life of premium quality sausages is no more than 72 hours, and the rest - no more than 48 hours.

Sausage products are packaged in clean, dry, odor-free boxes made of wood, coated metal or polymer material. For sale, they must be released at a temperature not lower than 0 and not higher than 15 ° C in the thickness of the loaf. The weight of the product in return containers should not exceed 50 kg. Products of the same name are packaged in each unit of container. The batch is completed with a quality certificate and includes a label with the name of the product, its weight and production date.

In the production of cooked sausages the following may be used:

Monosodium glutamate 100-200 g and sodium ascorbate 50 g per 100 kg of raw materials;

Dry crystalline glucose instead of sugar in the same amount;

Dry garlic instead of fresh, in half the amount, salted garlic instead of fresh, in double the amount;

8 liters of pasteurized whole cow milk instead of one kg of dry milk;

1 kg chicken melange instead of 24 chicken eggs, dry egg powder 2.4 kg instead of 1 kg chicken melange; food light blood serum instead of melange in a 1:1 ratio;

Food phosphates in the production of boiled sausages of grades 1 and 2 0.5 - 0.3% by weight of raw materials;

Food light plasma (serum) of animal blood up to 10% in the production of boiled sausages of 1st and 2nd grade;

Food-grade light plasma (serum) of animal blood in an amount of 10% instead of meat (3% beef or 2% pork) in the production of boiled sausages of grades 1 and 2, respectively reducing the amount of water added to the minced meat;

Corned beef of the corresponding type of meat - up to 20% in the production of boiled sausages of the 2nd grade and sterilized meat - up to 20% chopped and unsalted in the production of snack food and garlic boiled sausage of the 2nd grade;

It is allowed to replace food starch or wheat flour specified in recipes with meat in the same amount - beef in boiled sausages: individual 1st grade, tea 2nd grade, snack 2nd grade, 2nd grade garlic, 1st grade pork in ham-chopped sausages and 1st grade pork;

Starch and flour are added to the minced meat in dry form or with water during cutting.

boiled sausage minced meat

2 . Private technologyproduction of a given type of product

Recipe for boiled sausage “Ham-chopped”

Note: The recipe for boiled sausages also includes 2 - 2.5 kg of table salt per 100 kg of minced meat and 0.0075 kg of sodium nitrate (in solution)

Characteristics of boiled sausage “Ham-chopped”.

Sectional view of minced meat

The minced meat is evenly mixed and contains pieces of lean pork 16-25 mm in size.

Shape, size and knitting of the loaf

Loaves with a clean, dry surface. Straight or curved with a size from 10 to 50 cm. Sinyugi, passages are tied every 5 cm, artificial casings with three dressings at the upper end of the loaf


Sinyugi, passages, artificial shells

Yield, % by weight of unsalted raw materials

Features of the production of cooked sausage “Ham-chopped”:

The raw material for the production of this type of sausage is beef for minced meat;

The minced meat pattern on the cut is created by pieces of lean pork measuring from 16 to 25 mm;

Curved loaves (sinyuga), twisted, 10-50 cm long, shells with two dressings on top and one on the bottom;

Cooked sausage “Ham-chopped” belongs to quality class A sausages;

Salting of raw materials is carried out in pieces for 24 hours, which has a positive effect on the organoleptic characteristics of the finished product;

The entire mass of beef is ground on a grinder with a grid opening size of 2...3 mm;

Sodium nitrite is added when preparing minced meat;

The minced meat is prepared in a cutter in mixing mode;

Sequence of making minced meat:

1) beef with pieces measuring 2...3 mm;

2) pork (pieces) size 16-25 mm

2) sodium nitrite;

3) spices (spice mixture No. 2), garlic; granulated sugar

A vacuum hydraulic syringe is used to fill the shells.

3 . Selection of production line equipment

We select equipment for the following types of machines: scales, minced meat mixer, grinder, cutter, syringe, universal heat chamber, ice maker, upsetting chamber, curing chamber, storage chamber finished products.

The selection of scales is carried out in accordance with the following requirements:

Scales must provide weighing of half-carcasses of animals weighing: 200-250 kg - maximum weight, 10-20 kg - minimum weight;

Scales must provide accuracy when measuring maximum and minimum loads within ± 0.1...0.25%;

The design of the scales must ensure weighing of half-carcasses as they move from the receiving platform;

The material of the scale must allow contact with food products.

We select the top in accordance with the following requirements:

The top must grind different kinds raw materials to sizes of 16-25 mm in the shortest possible time;

Must efficiently grind raw materials using cutting methods (contain at least 4 cutting pairs);

Grinding should occur without high energy costs and with high machine productivity;

The temperature of the minced meat coming out should not exceed 12 C;

The material of the grinder must allow contact with food products;

The grinder must be designed to allow sanitization of all areas in contact with food.

We select a cutter according to the following requirements:

The cutter must perform operations of fine grinding and mixing of raw materials;

Ensure grinding of soft, hard or frozen raw materials;

The cutter's productivity must be at least 800 kg/h and the bowl volume must be about 200 kg;

The cutter must be designed to allow sanitization of all food contact areas.

The material of the cutter must allow contact with food products;

The cutter must be designed to allow sanitization of all food contact areas;

The selection of a syringe is made according to the following requirements:

This syringe must be vacuum to ensure the best quality characteristics of this type of sausage;

The syringe must provide the pressure in the system necessary for filling the shells of at least 78.5·104 - 108·104 Pa;

The syringe should be simple and reliable to use;

The syringe must have replaceable nozzles for switching to work with shells of other diameters;

The syringe must fill casings to a certain length of up to 50 cm for boiled sausages;

We select a chamber for heat treatment of sausages according to the following requirements:

Productivity must ensure continuity of the production process;

Ensuring processing in technological mode roasting and cooking (adjusting the set temperature, humidity, process duration);

Tightness of the installation to prevent smoke from entering the production area;

The material of the chamber must allow contact with food products.

The choice of ice maker is based on the following requirements:

The ice maker must be simple and reliable in operation;

The capacity of the ice maker must provide the required amount of flake ice (snow) for the continuity of the production process;

The ice maker must produce flake ice with a temperature of at least 0 - 4°C;

Equipment repair costs should be minimal;

The ice maker must be equipped with a container for collecting flake ice (snow);

The refrigerant should be water or air or P22;

The design must allow complete and rapid hygienic maintenance and disassembly.

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On a weekday lunch, the Badaevsky brewery, as usual, showed devastation and a dusty coating, raising doubts about the advisability of open verandas, including the one that grew up on the asphalt area in front of the entrance to "" from Novikov Group. Although there were a couple of guests sitting under the black awnings, I went inside, where through the open windows and doors I could see a familiar industrial interior with cement walls, red brickwork, elongated open kitchen, a dessert counter, splashes of greenery, an abstract painting and a glass partition behind which cheerful workers in white coats enthusiastically twirled homemade sausages. There were a lot of tables in the two halls, stumps with cleavers too, and guests at only three or four tables. Among the advantages, I would like to note the corrected hood that works without interruption.

The menu at Tsekh remains the same large, complex and chaotic. It is a little European, a little Soviet, sometimes Russian, sometimes Asian and sometimes Oriental. The sausage theme was present, but not the main one. The selection of sausages and sausages was limited to two small sections, plus inclusions in some dishes. Prices are correct, understandable and do not go too far.

The food has become better, of higher quality and more distinct in its flavor profile.

The Caesar salad with chicken was unprepossessing in appearance, but good in taste. The leaves are fresh and crispy. The Caesar style sauce accompanies the grilled chicken, cooked to order, very appropriately. Thin parmesan shavings fit the theme and played a supporting role, not the main one.

The “signature sausage hodgepodge” was heated to boiling water, and therefore had to be cooled on the edge of the table. When the steam subsided and I could finally lift the spoon to my mouth, I discovered a good thick soup in it, which combined sweetness, spice and acidity. It was not a classic solyanka, but something like goulash, but on general impression this had no effect, especially since the menu warned about the “speciality” of the dish.

To evaluate the sausage component, for which, in fact, the restaurant received a palm branch, I took the “Assorted branded sausages,” which included seven types of products plus a pile of sauerkraut. The appearance of the dish was simple and not at all restaurant-quality, but the taste was okay. Each sausage was distinguished by its juiciness, texture and unique set of spices. Of course, it’s a bit much for one person, but just right for a group.

“Fried cabbage” turned out to be not so much fried as stewed, almost like bigus, only without meat. The dish was tasty, juicy, sweetish and moderately peppery.

The “butcher’s steak” was alarming with its black hue, but pleased everyone else. The meat was soft and juicy, the sauce was sweet, peppery and restrained in its spicy ambitions, the zucchini strips and tomato halves were simple but tasty. Everything is on topic, everything is to the point.

Among the desserts, the “Cherry Pie” was completely unimpressive, as it looked more like a piece of store-bought cake. Although the cherries were found as whole berries, they did not have a distinct taste and rather resembled jam from a jar. With each bite, the triangle separated into layers that had to be chewed individually.

The service on the second visit was polite, attentive in some ways, and forgetful in others. Some people were given bread as a compliment and with a smile, but others, including me, were not even offered it for money. Not a word about the menu and concept, nothing about the award, no one even wanted to say anything about their own sausage production, but this is one of the most important “tricks” of the entire enterprise.

The result is this:

"" has changed for the better. The kitchen worked more confidently, the flavor combinations became clearer. I will not discuss prizes and branches, I will only say that there is not a trace left of the “factory canteen” level there. It’s just a pity that the staff in the hall is not yet up to the level of the kitchen, but I hope this is a fixable matter.

Wide semicircular windows in black frames and a large sign invite guests to come in, and the sausages that hang in the glass refrigerators at the entrance invite them to try “homemade” products. It’s difficult to resist, and there’s no point. It's spacious inside. The rectangular room is divided into three zones. The main dining room is sandwiched between the open kitchen and windows. It's big and long. The interior is loft. The ceilings are high. The walls are brick, cement, with refrigerator inserts for deli meats, of which not very many have been exhibited yet. Light wood alternates with black metal inserts, and this combination can be seen in the furniture.

The tables are different, there are many of them, and they are arranged in the Novikov style, that is, right next to each other, so that visitors do not relax and enjoy the feeling of “herrings in a barrel.” Another irritant is a poor hood, which does not cope with its duties and constantly releases cooking smells and barely floating smoke into the room. The lack of a sane wardrobe is also not at all pleasing, especially on the eve of winter. Despite the fact that there are two hangers at the entrance, guests ignore them, preferring to make their way to their tables through food and decorations in coats, jackets and fur coats. Speaking of decorations. The first thing that catches your eye when you find yourself inside is the composition - “Butcher's Joy”, which consists of a tree stump and a cleaver. Other noticeable details are the image of a bull and the name of the establishment, painted in black on the far wall of the second smaller room.

The menu at the Sausage Shop is large, complex and chaotic. Visually, the sausage orientation is obvious, but in essence it plays a secondary role, because, despite the four dedicated sections, there are not so many dishes with sausage and sausages: 3 types of grilled sausages, 4 appetizers and 5 boiled sausages. In the center of the large sheet there is also a “Sausage Shop” section with a commendably extensive selection of delicacies, but it has nothing to do with the meal, because it offers take-away goods. Prices are moderate, and there's a reason for that - the food.

It is simple, modest, sometimes unprepossessing, stingy with spices and somewhat reminiscent of Soviet factory canteens.

“Olivier with homemade sausage” - greetings from Aunt Sveta, a second-class cook. Cut into cubes, the vegetables are undercooked and therefore loudly crunchy. The sauce is mayonnaise, but liquid, like soup. Aunt Sveta did not spare the cucumbers, she added two types - pickled and fresh, but there were so many of them that they got into every bite, got in the way and distracted. The six thin circles of fried boiled sausage that Aunt Sveta threw on top of the salad looked somehow out of place, as if they had been transferred from another dish. They also invoked indecent memories of the work of the group “Combination” and their hit “Three Pieces of Sausage.”

“Buckwheat with fried sausage” is a typical table presentation and the same table taste. The buckwheat was overcooked, a lot of onions were put in, it was extremely difficult to determine the type of sausage. The waiter, a sweet, diligent girl, assured that there were three types of sausage in the dish, but since I found only one, I had to ask her to find out more precisely. It turned out that there was only one type, boiled, although, to be honest, I did not believe that there was exactly boiled sausage, the pieces were very dense and very gray.

The Butcher's Steak and Zucchini arrived with tomatoes and a sweetish gravy that was not mentioned on the menu. The zucchini was fried to black spots, the tomatoes were unreasonably sour. The steak looked appetizing - crispy, bright and daring. It was medium done, just as I wanted, although no one asked me about it. They decided it themselves, they did it themselves. The meat was a little tough, but there was a sense of marbling in it.

Having ordered “Boiled Vienna sausages”, I received plump, elastic, dry “Danish sausages” without juice or spices. The “Chorizo ​​Fresco, pork” sausages on the grill looked perky, they had more juiciness than sausages, but at the same time there was no spiciness or pepper at all. The side dish in the form of “Zucchini and chili peppers” was not surprising. Regular fried zucchini and a few flakes of red chili.

There were also three sauces in the order: “Homemade ketchup”, “Sweet mustard” sauce and “Beetroot horseradish”. Red, yellow and white sauce floated to me on a wooden board. Suspecting that the white sauce was not beetroot horseradish at all, I asked the girl. She assured me that it was horseradish and beetroot. I nodded and tried. Sour cream. I had to ask for a replacement. While I was waiting, I tried the other two sauces. It turned out that they had too much bite swelled into them, causing them to fiddle with the tongue and kick the receptors with harshness and angularity. By the way, the sauces in Tsekh were priced similar to snacks in other Moscow establishments, from 170 to 200 rubles for a small cup.

From the group of desserts that filled the long table at the far end of the kitchen, Strawberry Pie came out with dignity, lightness, sweetness, creamy airiness, strawberry brightness and juiciness of the dough.

Service at Tsekh was fast and plagued with errors. I’ve already talked about beetroot horseradish, about buckwheat too, all that remains is to add a story about how in the kitchen one of the members of the culinary team diligently tried and stirred all the dishes being prepared with the same ladle, without even trying to rinse or replace it.

The result is this:

Although it is a former factory, it still looks like a factory that now has its own canteen, where you can have a snack for reasonable money, and at the same time stock up on sausages and sausages of average quality.

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