When is the day of agriculture. How is the Day of Agriculture celebrated in Belarus? When is the day of the processing industry

Happy Agricultural Worker Day,
With the receipt of wonderful wealth,
With hard work applied to work,
Well, with honesty, that every day is held in high esteem!

Be happy, responsible, loved,
Be young, always unique,
May the work always be only a joy
Bringing "good luck" to you and "sweetness"!

Your hard work has not been lost in vain,
The heart pleases with a weighty harvest,
The barns are filled to the brim
Our native land is flourishing!

Agricultural workers,
We sincerely congratulate you,
You create countries of wealth,
Bow to you for this from all of us!

On the day of agricultural workers
We wish you a wagon train
Harvest remarkable,
Your work is very wonderful!

You have very rich fields,
New technology and precise
So that the economy flourishes
So that the work inspires.

You health and success,
And there is more laughter in the work,
The pride of our country, you,
I wish you happiness and kindness!

All those who are attracted by work in the rural economy,
Those who are busy with the processing of rural products,
Congratulations today, we are professional,
Let the holiday be bright, magical, unreal!

We wish you success, great achievements,
Impressive income and all task solutions,
Unprecedented progress, creative approaches,
Striving for success, positive emotions!

On the day of the agricultural worker
Accept congratulations,
I wish that frosts
The harvest has not been beaten.

So that there is work in joy,
Income grew continuously,
And everything in life worked out
No hassle and no hassle!

Agriculture, processing industry,
I congratulate you sincerely and from the bottom of my heart!
Let success be present in the work,
And in life all dreams come true.

Of course, I wish you prosperity,
Prosperity so that it grows.
Good luck so that all efforts end
The stock of well-being was not small.

May agriculture flourish
After all, you always work hard!
Let success follow you,
I wish you fruitful work!

Let your salary only grow up,
After all, you definitely deserve it!
Wish you are always rich
We only lived happily and peacefully!

Agricultural workers day
We celebrate with inspiration!
Let the times be golden
They certainly come.

And comfortable cars
Let them invent for you.
To complete tasks for you
Let them find an easy way!

So that raw materials processing
Has brought profit to all of you!
You are willing to do everything,
Up, let everything go!

Agriculture is so important
That your work is truly invaluable.
Success walks alongside bravely
And let us preserve the health of the century.

We wish you more strength, patience,
Everything is easy to reach the heights.
And let doubts not disturb the soul,
And let him be lucky in everything, of course.

To everyone who is ready to work in the field,
To everyone who loves to work with the land,
Let's say a few words now,
Know that every worker is a hero!

Thank you for the vegetables, fruits,
For grain and separately - for bread,
For our dairy products -
We have starved for a hundred years without you!

We wish you excellent harvests,
Let the weather never play naughty!
At this moment, from the heart, each one personally
Thank you for your work!

Agricultural Worker Day and processing industry in the Russian Federation, annually celebrated on the second Sunday of October, established by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 1999. In 2018, the date falls on October 14th.

Initially, the holiday was established by a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 26, 1966 and was called the "All-Union Day of Agricultural Workers". It was also celebrated on the second Sunday in October. On the third Sunday in October, the Day of Food Industry Workers was celebrated, established by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 30, 1966.

In 1986, these two holidays were united into a single one - "Day of workers in agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex". It was celebrated on the third Sunday in November. In 1988, it was combined with the "Day of the Meliorator" into a single holiday called "Day of workers in agriculture and the processing industry", which. In 1999, the date of the celebration was moved to the second Sunday in October, and the word "workers" was changed to "worker" in the title.

Russia has a significant share of the world's agricultural land - 4.5%. In the country, as in the rest of the world, agricultural production is the largest life-supporting sphere of the national economic complex. Its condition and economic efficiency of functioning have a decisive influence on the level of food supply and the well-being of the people. The agro-industrial complex (AIC) largely determines the state of the entire economy of the country, since it closely interacts with other sectors of the national economy.

The agrarian transformations carried out in the country since the beginning of the 1990s, without preliminary scientific study, reduced mainly to unregulated liberalization of the market, entailed the collapse of the material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex and system technologies for conducting production, their primitivization, threatened the existence of the main, non-renewable means of production - land, without which the functioning of this industry is generally impossible. The production of products of the agro-industrial complex has almost halved, and in the structure-forming industry - agriculture - by 40%, which has limited the country's ability to provide the population with food of its own production.

Economic growth in agriculture began in 1999 and continued until 2006. During this time, the volume of agricultural production increased by 34.4%. But since 2002, there has been a tendency towards a decrease in the rate of development of agriculture, their lag behind the rate of development of the economy as a whole.

The slowdown in economic growth in agriculture, the lack of conditions for alternative employment in the countryside, the historically low level of development of the social and engineering infrastructure led to the aggravation of social problems in the countryside.

To overcome the crisis and bring the agro-industrial complex to sustainable development, the Federal Law "On the Development of Agriculture" was adopted in 2006. In pursuance of this law, the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Markets of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Foods for 2008-2012 was adopted in 2007, and in 2012 the state program for 2013-2020.

Government measures to stimulate agriculture have proven to be effective. The industry began to show growth, various forms of agricultural activity began to actively develop: not only large enterprises, but also small peasant farms.

Today agriculture, the agro-industrial complex as a whole, is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Russian economy. Russia has become a leading grain power and holds a leading position in the world in the export of wheat. Positive dynamics in other areas, such as the production of pork and poultry meat, the collection of oilseeds, sugar beets, fruits and vegetables.

The volume of production of Russian agricultural products in 2017 increased by 2.6% compared to 2016 (and by 20% over the past five years), and the export of agricultural products in 2017 exceeded the 2000 level by 15 times.

Russian producers fully provide the domestic market with grain, sugar, vegetable oil, chicken meat, fish and vegetables of the borsch set. In 2017, the share of domestic grain in the total volume of resources on the domestic market was 99.3%, beet sugar - 94.6%, vegetable oil - 84.8%, potatoes - 97%, meat and meat products - 90.4%, milk and dairy products 82.4%, edible salt 63.6%.

Russia in 2017 broke the historical record for grain harvest set in the USSR in 1978 (when 127.4 million tons were harvested), and received a crop of 134.1 million tons of grain (according to Rosstat). The wheat harvest for the first time in history amounted to 85.8 million tons. Grain exports from Russia in the 2016-2017 agricultural year (from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) amounted to a record 35.474 million tons, including 27.075 million tons of wheat. The country increased its exports of wheat and meslin (a mixture of wheat and rye) in 2017

Date in 2019: October 13th, Sunday.

Every day we go to the supermarket for milk, meat or bread. And we rarely think about how many people have invested in such familiar, such affordable products. There is a great opportunity to congratulate all agricultural workers on their professional day, which is celebrated in Russia annually in October.

When is celebrated Second Sunday in October
Established In 1999, by Presidential Decree
Traditions Celebration events, concerts. Presentation of prizes, titles, awards, prizes. Organization of harvest festivals.

The naive notion that food comes to our table from the refrigerator is inherent only in very young children growing up in large cities. It is far from being a secret for adults that a daily crust of bread and a glass of milk are available to humans, thanks to the tireless work of agricultural workers. We will congratulate these workers, who are not tired of the weekend, on their professional day in October, on the Day of Agricultural Workers.

Who is celebrating the holiday?

The crafts associated with the cultivation and production of food products, the first that a person learned. After all, people are not able to live without food. The cultivation of cultivated plants and the raising of domestic animals joined the usual hunting and fishing.

Over time, subsistence farming began to be supplanted by new methods of management. But trade and industry, construction and service industries have failed to overshadow the importance of rural labor.

In Russia, the agricultural industry had to go through a difficult path. Agrarians are familiar with the results of numerous land reforms. The peasants survived both collectivization and NEP. Residents of the villages were deprived of rights for a long time and worked simply for workdays. The transition to a market economy, to new forms of ownership did not undermine agriculture.

Despite all the vicissitudes, changes in politics and economics, the day of an agricultural worker always began at dawn. After all, a ripe crop and hungry cattle are not able to wait until officials decide how to get rid of pressing problems in the countryside and improve the lives of people working on the land.

Under the influence of ill-conceived reorganizations, many collective farms fell apart. Fertile land is overgrown with weeds, and the number of livestock has decreased by an order of magnitude.

Only thanks to new reforms and investments, agriculture has received a new round of development. Huge funds are being invested in the development of the industry, and this has yielded tangible results.

By the end of 2013, the volume of manufactured products reached the pre-perestroika level. In addition, the quality has improved significantly, and the losses from storage and transportation are minimized.

Due to dynamic growth, agriculture took a leading position in 2015 in terms of increasing output. And the import of products has been reduced by almost three times over the past 3-4 years. The export of agricultural products, on the other hand, has increased sixfold over the decade.

In 2016, for the first time in the past half century, Russia ranks first in the export of wheat in the world, displacing the Americans from the pedestal.

Whom will we congratulate on the Day of the Agricultural Worker in 2019? The industry employs 10% of the country's population. So millions of citizens consider the holiday their professional.

These are, first of all, ordinary workers of farms and fields - workers who from dawn to dawn, without days off and holidays, plow and sow, mow and thresh, water and fertilize. Their caring hands look after living creatures, pick berries, harvest crops in the fields.

These are management personnel and specialists who ensure the uninterrupted operation of agricultural farms. These are reindeer herders, and beekeepers, and workers involved in storage, transportation, processing of agricultural products.

history of the holiday

The agricultural sector plays a fundamental strategic role not only in the development of the country's economy, but also in the well-being of the population. Therefore, the work of almost a third of the working-age population could not remain unnoticed by the state. On the basis of a Presidential Decree signed in 1999, there appears rural holiday... The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers has become a professional celebration for all farmers and livestock breeders.

On their holiday, the workers of the land and the rural intelligentsia accept congratulations and arrange festivities on a grand scale. Indeed, in many regions, by the second Sunday of October, harvesting has come to an end, and there is an opportunity to celebrate the harvest festival.

Every worker knows in advance what date is the Day of the Agricultural Worker in 2019. The celebrations will invariably be held on the second Sunday in October, and the date falls on the 13th.

About the profession

The vastness of Russia stretches for hundreds of thousands of kilometers, covering various climatic zones. This has left its mark on the regional development of agriculture.

World opinion about the harsh Russian winters has given rise to myths associated with the difficulties of creating an efficient industry. Left an imprint on the spread of tales and the failure of the 90s.

Of course, even today many problems of the industry have not been resolved. The issues of obsolete technology and equipment are especially acute. But, despite the difficulties of rural work, the prestige of professions is gradually returning to its positions.

Who is working in agriculture today? First of all, these are workers in the crop sector. In the southern regions, thermophilic grapes and even tea are grown. Large areas of fertile black soil are given over to the cultivation of wheat and other grain crops. The chief, of course, in the field has always been the agronomist, and he subordinates both field workers and machine operators.

Livestock and poultry farming is developed everywhere, regardless of the region and climatic conditions. The industry employs cattle breeders, poultry breeders, pig breeders and milking machine operators.

Russia is also rich in exclusive agricultural products. Natural berries and herbs, mushrooms are just one of the directions. For the cultivation of raspberries and currants, the country is in first place in the world ranking. Beekeeping also occupies a leading position.

The country is also known as an exporter of rare caviar and fish. The supply of reindeer meat is also gaining popularity, which establish farms in Western Siberia.

Russian delicacies are also pleasing:

  • Murmansk scallops or Baltic sea urchins;
  • milk of elk, yak, deer.
  • rare fish: Black Sea anchovy or Arkhangelsk toothfish;
  • mushrooms black truffle;
  • exquisite meat of Tuvan yak or Yakut horse meat.

And in all these areas, their own specific specialists are involved, who know the intricacies of work and love their work.

Congratulations to agricultural workers

All agronomists and plowmen, livestock breeders and beekeepers, machine operators and milkmaids on this holiday heartily congratulate and bow low to the belt. Let your hands do not know fatigue and there will be days for good rest. May the harvests delight with their abundance, and the weather with stability.

Your work is noble,

You feed people tirelessly.

For the owner of farms and arable lands

Please accept my words of gratitude.

Thank you for the bread, for the vegetables and porridge.

Thanks to all your hard work.

For getting up from the dawn,

Find harmony with the ground.

We will not tire of thanking you

And give words of delight.

Larisa, 24 August 2016.

The holiday "Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers" is celebrated in Russia every year on the second Sunday of October. In 2019, "Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers" is celebrated on October 13th.

razdnik Day of workers in agriculture and processing industry was established by the Decree of the President Russian Federation dated May 31, 1999

On the Day of workers in agriculture and processing industry, not only workers in agriculture and processing industry are honored, but also all those who, from dawn to dawn, without days off and holidays, work on the land, grow bread and vegetables, supply milk and meat to our tables. and other food products.

Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry is a holiday of workers of fields and farms, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, farms, agricultural scientists, rural intelligentsia, food and processing industry workers.

With their selfless and conscientious work, workers in agriculture and the processing industry provide the population of Russia with high-quality food.

Stabilization and increase in the production of basic types of food based on the introduction of resource-saving technologies, expanding the range of products is the key to the successful development of agriculture in Russia.

Agriculture is one of the backbone sectors of the economy of any country. Regardless of the soil and climatic conditions, even the most developed industrial countries are investing very large sums of money in the development of domestic agriculture. The land available in the Russian Federation is a huge productive force given by nature. "Labor is the father of wealth, and the land is its mother" - this postulate of the economic doctrine of the Physiocrats was included in political economy. In agriculture, land and plants, like a huge chemical-biological machine, work using the energy of the Sun.

The crisis in agriculture and the decline in its production immediately inflicts a heavy blow on the entire economy, since it leads to the loss of a huge amount of free natural resources, but these losses have to be paid for when importing food.

Most of the territory of Russia lies in the zone of risky farming. In large areas, yields fluctuate greatly depending on the weather conditions... You have to spend every effort to achieve good harvest performance.

Agriculture is a strategically important industry for our country. A lot of tasks have accumulated here that have not been solved for decades. Today in agriculture there are a number of systemic problems that hinder the further development of the industry. High production costs and an outdated technological base made the products of the domestic agriculture and fisheries, food and processing industries limitedly competitive in relation to food products, with which the world market is saturated today.

To solve the existing problems in the near future, it is necessary to implement a whole range of measures. Was accepted the federal law"On the development of agriculture", which provides for the adoption and implementation of state program development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food.

The state program for the development of agriculture is a document that defines the goals and main directions of the development of agriculture and the regulation of these markets for a medium-term five-year period, financial support and mechanisms for the implementation of the developed measures.

Agro-industrial complex and its significance

The Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers is a wonderful occasion to talk about the agro-industrial complex.

Agricultural products all over the world are not just a commodity, they are a strategic commodity, one of the foundations of the normal existence and progress of society. Therefore, support for agro-industrial production is the most important task of the state's economic policy.

The agro-industrial complex is the most important component of the Russian economy, where products vital for society are produced, and a huge economic potential is concentrated. It employs almost 30% of those working in the sphere of material production, employs a fifth of production assets, and creates about a third of the gross national income. The development of the agro-industrial complex decisively determines the state of the entire national economic potential, the level of food security of the state and the socio-economic situation in society.

The most important link in the agro-industrial complex is agriculture. It occupies a special place not only in the agro-industrial complex, but in all national economy... The population's demand for consumer goods is almost 75% covered by agriculture. At the same time, food costs account for about half of the budget of an average Russian family.

The state of agricultural production determines the food security of the state.

Agricultural production is associated with biological and natural processes, is directly dependent on climatic factors, involvement in the production of man, land, plants, animals, diverse in its composition and purpose of fixed and circulating capital and is a very complex form of economic activity.

At the same time, regardless of nationality, level of development, forms of ownership, methods of its organization, agriculture has its own specific features inherent only in it, significantly distinguishing it from all other sectors of the national economic complex. These features are most significantly manifested in a market economy with free competition and insufficient government regulation of the ongoing processes. As a result, in most countries of the world not only the need for state regulation of agriculture is recognized, but specific legislative acts have been adopted, on the basis of which effective directions and programs have been developed that ensure the sustainable development of not only agricultural sectors, but also all spheres of activity and living conditions. rural population.

We sincerely congratulate the farmers on their holiday, on the Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers!

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Agriculture Day 2016: what date, congratulations, history of the holiday. The Day of the Worker of Agriculture and Processing Industry has been celebrated in our country since 1999, and this holiday falls on the second Sunday in October. This year, all agricultural workers will celebrate their professional holiday on October 9th.

Agriculture Day 2016: what date, congratulations, history of the holiday. It is safe to say that this is one of the largest professional holidays, to which every third inhabitant of our country has a relationship. On October 9, you need to congratulate all those who work in the field, on the farm, on plantations of vegetables and fruits, as well as those who, from dawn to dawn, devote themselves to work related to land or animal husbandry. Regarding gifts for this category of people, we can say the following: these hard workers will be delighted with any thing or souvenir donated from the heart. It can be some kind of household utensils, souvenirs, tea sets, or something that can be useful on the farm.

Agriculture Day 2016: what date, congratulations, history of the holiday. All workers involved in agriculture must be valued and respected. Russia is an agrarian country in which one of the hardest jobs is rural.

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