When is Agriculture Day celebrated? How is Agriculture Day celebrated in Belarus? When is the holiday: Rural Worker's Day?

Worker's Day Agriculture and processing industry in the Russian Federation, celebrated annually on the second Sunday of October, established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 1999. In 2018, the date falls on October 14.

Initially, the holiday was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on August 26, 1966 and was called “All-Union Day of Agricultural Workers.” It was also celebrated on the second Sunday in October. On the third Sunday in October, "Workers' Day" was celebrated. Food Industry", established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 30, 1966.

In 1986, these two holidays were combined into a single one - “Day of Workers in Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Agro-Industrial Complex”. It was celebrated on the third Sunday in November. In 1988, it was combined with “Reclamation Day” into a single holiday called “Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers,” which. In 1999, the date of the celebration was moved to the second Sunday in October, and the word “workers” was replaced with “worker” in the name.

Russia has a significant share of the planet's agricultural land - 4.5%. In the country, as throughout the world, agricultural production is the largest life-supporting sector of the national economic complex. His condition and economic efficiency functioning have a decisive influence on the level of food supply and well-being of the people. The agro-industrial complex (AIC) largely determines the state of the entire economy of the country, since it closely interacts with other sectors of the national economy.

The agrarian reforms carried out in the country since the early 1990s, without preliminary scientific study, which are reduced mainly to unregulated market liberalization, led to the collapse of the material and technical base of the agro-industrial complex and systemic production technologies, their primitivization, and threatened the existence of the main, non-renewable means of production - land, without which the functioning of this industry is generally impossible. Production of agricultural products decreased by almost half, and in the structure-forming industry - agriculture - by 40%, which limited the country’s ability to provide the population with food of its own production.

Since 1999, economic growth in agriculture began, which continued until 2006. During this time, agricultural production increased by 34.4%. But since 2002, there has been a tendency for the rate of agricultural development to slow down and lag behind the rate of development of the economy as a whole.

The slowdown in economic growth in agriculture, the lack of conditions for alternative employment in rural areas, and the historically low level of development of social and engineering infrastructure have led to an aggravation of social problems in rural areas.

To overcome crisis phenomena and bring the agro-industrial complex to sustainable development, it was adopted in 2006 the federal law"On the development of agriculture". Pursuant to this law, it was adopted in 2007 " Government program development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food" for 2008-2012, and in 2012 the state program for 2013-2020.

Government measures aimed at stimulating agriculture have proven their effectiveness. The industry began to show growth, various forms of agricultural activity began to actively develop: not only large enterprises, but also small peasant farms.

Today, agriculture, and the agro-industrial complex in general, is one of the most dynamic sectors of the Russian economy. Russia has become a leading grain power and occupies a leading position in the world in wheat exports. Positive dynamics in other areas, such as the production of pork and poultry meat, the collection of oilseeds, sugar beets, fruits, and vegetables.

The volume of production of Russian agricultural products in 2017 increased by 2.6% compared to 2016 (and by 20% over the past five years), and exports of agricultural products in 2017 exceeded the level of 2000 by 15 times.

Russian producers fully supply the domestic market with grain, sugar, vegetable oil, chicken meat, fish and borscht vegetables. In 2017, the share of domestic grain in the total volume of resources of the domestic market was 99.3%, beet sugar - 94.6%, vegetable oil- 84.8%, potatoes - 97%, meat and meat products - 90.4%, milk and dairy products 82.4%, table salt 63.6%.

In 2017, Russia broke the historical record for grain harvest set in the USSR in 1978 (when 127.4 million tons were collected) and received a harvest of 134.1 million tons of grain (according to Rosstat). The wheat harvest for the first time in history amounted to 85.8 million tons. Grain exports from Russia in the 2016-2017 agricultural year (from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017) amounted to a record 35.474 million tons, including 27.075 million tons of wheat. The country increased exports of wheat and meslin (a mixture of wheat and rye) in 2017.

Happy Agricultural Worker's Day,
With the receipt of wonderful wealth,
With diligence applied to work,
Well, with honesty, that every day is held in high esteem!

Be happy, responsible, loved,
Be young, always unique,
Let work always be a joy,
Bringing “luck” and “sweetness” to you!

Your hard work is not in vain,
The heart is gladdened by a significant harvest,
The barns are filled to the brim,
Our native land is thriving!

Agricultural workers
We sincerely congratulate you,
You are creating countries of wealth,
Kudos to you for this from all of us!

On the day of agricultural workers
We wish you a convoy
Remarkable harvest
Your work is very wonderful!

The fields are very rich for you,
New technology and precise,
So that the economy prospers,
So that the work inspires.

Health and success to you,
And there is more laughter at work,
The pride of our country, you,
Happiness and kindness to you!

All those who are attracted by work in the agricultural sector,
Those who are engaged in processing rural products,
Today we congratulate you on your professional holiday,
Let the holiday be bright, magical, unreal!

We wish you success, great achievements,
Impressive income and solutions to all problems,
Unprecedented progress, creative approaches,
Striving for success, positive emotions!

On Agricultural Worker's Day
Accept congratulations,
I wish it would be frosty
The harvest was not destroyed.

So that work is a joy,
Income grew continuously
And everything in life worked out
No problems and no hassle!

Agriculture, processing industry,
I congratulate you sincerely and from the bottom of my heart!
Let success be present at work,
And in life, all dreams come true.

Of course, I wish you prosperity,
Wealth to increase.
Good luck so that all efforts end,
The stock of well-being was not small.

Let agriculture flourish
After all, you always work hard!
Let success follow you,
I wish you fruitful work!

Let your salary only grow upward,
After all, you definitely deserve this!
I wish you to always be rich
They just lived happily and peacefully!

Agricultural Workers Day
We will celebrate with inspiration!
Let the times be golden
They will definitely come.

And comfortable cars
Let them invent it for you.
To complete your tasks
Let them find an easy way!

So that raw materials are processed
Brought profit to all of you!
You will do everything willingly,
Let things go up!

Agriculture is so important
That your work is truly invaluable.
Success walks nearby, let it bravely
Let us keep our age healthy.

We wish you more strength, patience,
Everything is easy to achieve heights.
And don’t let doubts disturb your soul,
And may you be lucky in everything, of course.

To everyone who is ready to work in the field,
For everyone who likes to work with the earth,
Let's say a few words now,
Know that every employee is a hero!

Thank you for the vegetables, fruits,
For grain and separately for bread,
For our dairy products -
We would starve for a hundred years without you!

We wish you excellent harvests,
Let the weather never be naughty!
At this moment, from the heart, each personally
Thank you for your work!

Agricultural Workers' Day in Belarus is celebrated by specialists who work in this industry, as well as at food industry enterprises involved in processing and storing products.

The holiday is also considered by students and teachers of specialized departments of universities and secondary specialized institutions.

When is Belarus Agriculture Day celebrated in 2019?

When is the holiday celebrated? The date of celebration falls on the third Sunday of November. In 2019, Agricultural Workers' Day in Belarus will be celebrated on November 17.

The timing of the celebration was not chosen by chance: it falls at the end of the harvest.

How is Agricultural Worker's Day celebrated in Belarus?

The program of events for this holiday is quite diverse. On this day, those who work in this industry are congratulated by the President of the country, the best specialists awarded with certificates and prizes.

Fairs are held where plant and livestock breeders present their products. Concerts are organized and holiday celebrations take place.

History of the holiday Day of Agriculture of Belarus

Let's talk about the history and traditions of the holiday. Agriculture is one of the most ancient human activities. Everything once began with work on the land, with planting the first grains. Currently, agriculture is a significant sector of the country's economy.

In 1995, the Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Belarus was established (its establishment was later confirmed by the 1998 decree “On public holidays, holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus").

In terms of production volumes of the main types of agricultural products, Belarus is one of the leaders among the countries of the post-Soviet space.

23% of the population of Belarus lives in rural areas, 9.7% of the population is employed in the agricultural sector. Currently, Belarusian agriculture provides 7.5% of the country's GDP and 17.1% of investments in fixed assets.

This industry satisfies more than 80% of the food needs of the local population, a large number of products are also supplied abroad.

Much attention is paid to the development of agriculture: large farms (former state farms and collective farms) receive financial support from the state.

Attention is also paid to the training of specialists, which is carried out by several universities (Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University, Belarusian Agricultural Academy, Grodno Agrarian University, etc.) and specialized secondary educational institutions.

On the same day, the professional holiday of agricultural workers is celebrated in Ukraine.

The Day of Agricultural and Processing Industry Workers is a professional holiday of people involved in the development of the country's economy. However, not many people know about it, although without these people there would be no bread and food on our table.

Agriculture is the life of every person

Celebration of a real person

We would not have the variety of products and things that surround us every day. When is such an important day for the life of the country celebrated? There is no clearly established date for the celebration - it is floating. The Agriculture Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of October. In 2019 this falls on Sunday 13 October. By this day, usually all agricultural work is completed, the harvest is harvested and the results of the marketing year are summed up. The holiday is not an official public holiday.

You can endlessly look at fire, water, and ripening grain

Workers of many professions consider this day a holiday of their profession. These are workers who, in any weather from dawn to dusk, are on the field during the harvest, raising farms or private farms, managing agricultural processes - livestock specialists, agronomists, veterinarians, processing raw materials into food products at food organizations and processing plants. Of course, these are the residents rural areas who are “grown” to the earth cannot imagine their life without it. They work on their plots and vegetable gardens without days off or holidays. They physically work on the land, put their soul and heart into the new harvest, and are guided by centuries-old traditions. The work of everyone involved in this sector of the economy is aimed at the benefit of the state. So treat your workers!

Agriculture is one of the most ancient ways of obtaining food by man, who at some point came from simply collecting the gifts of nature to the fact that the crops he needed could be successfully cultivated independently. The same goes for providing yourself with meat and milk - instead of hunting, the results of which are always unpredictable, it is more convenient and reliable to engage in animal husbandry. People working in agriculture still feed and will continue to feed not only themselves, but also everyone else employed in other sectors of the economy. Agricultural Worker's Day in 2019: what date is the holiday of farmers and other agricultural workers celebrated?

What date is Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker Day in 2019?

The full name of the holiday, which was established in May 1999, is Agricultural and Processing Industry Worker's Day. According to the decree of then-President Boris Yeltsin, this holiday dates back to the second Sunday of October - a day off, which falls at the time when the suffering and harvesting in the fields have just ended. In 2019 this holiday is October 13.

As the name implies, not only workers involved in agriculture, be it crop production or livestock farming, are related to the holiday. This is also a holiday for workers of enterprises involved in the processing industry, primarily the food industry, as well as the light industry.

Russia has always been famous for its agriculture. A little over a hundred years ago, before the 1917 revolution, Russian empire was largely an agricultural state that fed the whole of Europe with bread. The Bolsheviks' experiments with organizing agriculture led to the fact that in Soviet times our country already purchased grain abroad. Fortunately, in modern Russia, having moved away from Soviet excesses, agriculture has begun to regain its former positions, and our country, through the efforts of agricultural workers, has again become a major exporter of grain, the first in the world in exporting wheat. Grain exports replenish the country's budget by billions of dollars annually.

In 2016, Russian agricultural enterprises produced products worth 5.6 trillion rubles or 90 billion US dollars.

Modern agriculture no longer requires that 90 percent of the country's inhabitants be employed in it, as it was before. Currently, there are exactly ten times more people working in this industry. less people– about 9 percent of the population. This turns out to be quite enough for the country to provide itself with bread, milk and meat. Russians, perhaps, have long forgotten what a shortage of food in stores is.

The largest agricultural regions of Russia: Krasnodar region, Rostov and Belgorod regions.

All of these are predictably southern regions, with a warm and mild climate, but the list of regions with developed agriculture includes dozens of other subjects Russian Federation. No matter how harsh the climate may be in the Urals or Siberia, even there agricultural workers, who celebrate their holiday in early October, successfully cope with the cultivation of grain crops and potatoes, vegetables and sunflowers. Milk and meat, eggs and honey - all this is supplied to our tables by local farmers and large agricultural complexes. With great gratitude to the work of all these people, we congratulate them on their professional holiday on October 13, 2019!

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