When are sales in Italy? Summer sale in Italy


Summer sale in Italy: vivid photos and videos, detailed description and reviews of the Summer Sale event in Italy in 2020.

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The summer sale in Italy is one of the largest. It usually starts on the first Saturday in July (however, the number varies depending on the region) and lasts 60 days until the end of August. Discounts start from 15% and go up to 70%, but this largely depends on the brand of clothing and the location of the store. The more expensive and popular the brand, the greater the discount you can get. Also, in stores located away from the main shopping streets, the chance to buy an item at a maximum discount is significantly higher.

Do not forget that in the first days of the sale the discount size is much smaller than at the end, but by that time there may no longer be items of the required size left. The best time to shop at a sale is two weeks after it starts. At this point, the bulk of people will die down, discounts will become more noticeable, and the range of goods will still be quite extensive.

Many people, when they first go to a summer sale, don't know what to buy. First of all, you need to pay attention to leather products, especially bags and shoes. Also in summer, stores usually offer a large selection of accessories and jewelry. Evening dresses, business suits, lingerie, swimsuits and simply summer items made from quality fabrics (especially in boutiques) can be bought at an attractive price. Finally, those who come to Italy to spend big should think about buying fur products.

Where to buy?

Famous Italian outlets during the summer sale add additional discounts to the existing discounts on branded items, so they, as well as small shops, are an ideal option for tourists with an average budget. In large cities, it is worth visiting outlet centers, where sometimes up to 20 stores are collected. For those who come to the country for branded items, boutiques located on the main shopping streets are an ideal option. The cities where the largest sales take place are considered to be

Shopping in Italy in 2017 is a great opportunity to buy exclusive items from the best brands at an attractive price. To do this, you need some information about the specifics of sales and shopping tours in this country.

A trip to a sale in Italy: what, where, when?

Many tourists come to Italy for Sconti - sales that allow you to save between 15-50% on purchases of famous brands. Recently different regions carried them out in due time, but now there is a uniform schedule for the whole of Italy, which is reported in advance by the media. Most often, winter clothing sales in Italy start on January 6-7, and summer sales in most regions in 2017 will begin on July 2 and last about 2 months.

Among Italian cities there are centers of trade recognized by shoppers as best places to make purchases. These include:



Each of them has its own specifics. For example, the further south the city, the cheaper the products, but you can also buy counterfeit goods. In the north, only original items from leading brands are presented. Shopping tours to Italy: what you need to know about the specifics of local trade

When planning your first shopping trip to Italy in 2017, it is important to know what is available here different types stores with certain operating principles. The first category includes boutiques that have the following differences:
1. small store sizes
2. trade in products of one or more fashion houses
3. items from previous seasons are sold at good discounts.

The second type is stores operating directly at factories. Products there are 10-30 percent cheaper than in boutiques.

The third type is warehouses, which have the following distinctive features:
1. large assortment
2. prices are lower than in boutiques
3. models are presented from the current and previous collections
4. Advantage for wholesale buyers.

The fourth type includes stock stores. Their differences:
1. a large number of products from different brands
2. clothes are presented from past seasons
3. low prices and access for everyone

The next type is outlets, that is, large shopping centers with things from different brands. When going on a shopping tour to Italy, you should know that there is its own type of outlet - spacci. Their specificity:
selling goods directly from the factory
We have “prototypes” in stock - samples that were made before the model was put into production, with discounts of up to 50%
on items with minor defects there are big discounts - 30-50%
products from previous seasons are sold at 30-70% cheaper
they also sell leftover fabrics and other materials from production.

In any case, shopping in Italy in 2017 is an excellent opportunity to update your wardrobe, including products from famous brands and designers, for very reasonable money.

Sights, historical places, cozy beaches... It doesn’t matter at all why you are going to Italy. Girls are girls for that: they always have time for shopping. And if the young ladies happened to come to this country during the sales season or, as the Italians themselves say, “Sconti”... Men, save your wallets and cards while there is something to save. Otherwise, at the airport you’ll be trying to persuade the cashier to exchange “this beautiful emerald dress from the new collection” for two tickets to Moscow or even just somewhere in Russia.

Actually, that's all men need to know about sales. Now ladies. We have a million important issues to discuss with you. Where and when are the biggest discounts? What to buy in which city? Take a taxi, rent a car or ride like a young doe on your own two feet? Should I hire a translator? Book shopping tours or choose stores yourself? Should you fight with Italian women for the thing you like or will they definitely take it in quantity? Then maybe you should go with your friends? Or should I persuade my husband to jealously guard the chosen shoes?

Italy&Russia: whose sales are more interesting?

It’s not hard to guess that sales in Italy are a hundred times larger and more profitable. Why?

Everything is very clear, because here:

  • Cheaper.

You can save a measly 15% on clothes even within the Garden Ring. But buying a stylish item at a 50-80% discount is only possible in Europe. Some, of course, manage to purchase an “exclusive from Versace” in Vykhino, but you and I are smart girls, we understand everything, right?

  • Better quality.

It is logical to assume that you cannot buy clothes from the latest collections at summer sales. Prices are reduced during the SALE period for a reason: items from previous seasons and models that turned out to be unpopular are sold off. But the quality of products at Italian sales is not satisfactory. There are no models from the latest shows here, but all the sundress cardigans are brand new, made of good materials. These are not “second-hand brands” from the harsh realities of Russia, but real Prada, Miu Miu, Gucci and Jimmy Choo.

  • And the service is better.

Not a single store here will allow consultants to make sarcastic remarks about a potential buyer. Although if they take a risk, we will remain blissfully unaware, because... few inhabitants of the post-Soviet space understand Italian at the proper level. Non è vero?

What? Sales! Where? In Italy! When?

The best shopping in Italy happens twice a year:

in winter

And in the summer

And summer ones begin on the first Saturday of August and last until August 30-September 30 (dates may vary slightly for each city).

These dates are important for those who want to stock up on products from luxury brands. If the main goal is simply to replenish your wardrobe with inexpensive and high-quality things, then you can go shopping at any time. Italian outlets, patches and stocks provide discounts all year round. But keep in mind even outlets add another 30-40% to their regular discounts during seasonal sales.

Which city should you choose for shopping?

During sales, discounts will be everywhere, so first you can explore the stores in the city where you are spending your holiday.

Is inexpensive clothing from Italy your main goal? Then remember the rule: “The fewer tourists, the lower the price”. Based on this, choose a city. Available options: , Turin. People traditionally go to Marche for shoes, and to Bologna for furs. If brands are definitely not the main thing for you, then you can look at markets and all sorts of small shops. The prices there are lower, the clothes are “noname”, but there are interesting models, and the quality is quite acceptable.

In Rome, prices will be 2-4 times higher, but the brands there are more famous.

In Italy you can shop profitably in any city. Especially if you do it during sales and wisely.

Albina (39 years old, Voronezh):

“I heard a lot of reviews from a colleague who regularly travels to Italy for shopping, and decided to try it myself. Well, on my own, with a friend, of course.

Let's go to San Marino. It was a shock: a leather bag can be bought for 20 EUR, and a jacket for 100 EUR!!! This is if not branded. Branded items are more expensive, but our prices cannot be compared! I bought everything for myself, for my family and for gifts. I bought Baldinini shoes for my husband for 140 EUR, and a bag for myself for about the same. I bought clothes for my daughter: from 15 EUR. When my husband saw me off, he mentally said goodbye to the family budget, and when he found out how much I spent on 3 bags of shopping, he said that next time he would go with me - he wanted a good sheepskin coat.”

What to buy at Italian sales?

Prices are reduced on everything: leather goods, shoes, bags, jewelry, accessories, outerwear, sportswear, children's clothing. Therefore, make a list of the things you need something like this:

  • basic T-shirt, under a jacket (black or beige);
  • autumn boots, under a dress, with heels (black or brown);
  • dress for my daughter's party (necessarily pink!), etc.

But planning expenses down to the penny is pointless. What if, in an unremarkable outlet, at the seventh hour of excavation, the dress of your dreams jumps out at you? Naturally, it’s impossible not to buy it, so leave some “free” money in your wallet.

Arkady (45 years old, St. Petersburg):

“In the summer, my wife and I went to Rome, completed a cultural program, and on the last day my wife took me shopping. She liked some pink blouse and retired with it in the fitting room. He looks out and says everything is fine: the fabric is natural, the model fits, just a smaller size. I obediently translate. The consultant looked at the blouse for a long time, then said: “Yes, I’ll bring it now,” and went somewhere to the utility room.

We waited for her for about 40 minutes. I was already starting to get furious: it was the last day in Italy, and we, damn it, were sitting in the store and waiting for God knows what. But my wife is almost in tears: she likes the blouse, it’s cheap, and no one will have one like it. In general, women know how to induce panic.

As a result, when the saleswoman returned, my wife happily grabbed her jacket and didn’t even try it on, I paid, and we left. Only at home, in St. Petersburg, they discovered that the model “one size smaller” fits the same as the previous one. We took a closer look and found out that the size tag had simply been altered. The problem, of course, was solved: the wife took the blouse to the tailor and they adjusted the outfit to her figure. But our trust in Italian stores somehow diminished after that.”

5 rules of shock shopping!

  • Those who spend less on hotels spend more on clothes! If you are going to constantly shuttle between boutiques, cafes and the nearest beach, then why do you need five meals a day in a hotel, a room with air conditioning, three sofas and a sea view?

  • You can, of course, take a taxi or rent a car, but this is not as profitable as it might seem. Firstly, additional costs, secondly, constant traffic jams and detours, and in the case of renting, also concern for someone else’s transport. You can go shopping on foot, the buses have not yet been canceled either.

  • Do you want to dress up in a minimal amount of time, without queuing, hustle and bustle? You probably want to go to the darkest places right away, right? Then find yourself a personal shopper or stylist in Italy in advance. His services, of course, are not free, but shopping will be fast and 100% successful.

  • Keep your receipts and apply for Tax Free (this is a refund on a card or in cash of 22% of the purchase price). You can apply for the service in stores marked “Global Blue Tax Free Shopping”. The minimum amount for a Tax Free order is 155 EUR (purchases made in one store during the day can be summed up).
  • If you are going to a sale to buy shoes or clothing from a specific company, first make sure that it is participating in this action. For example, the popular Louis Vuitton stubbornly ignores all these seasonal discount events. Discounts on fur products also happen infrequently.

Eva (27 years old, Moscow):

“In January 2019, right after the holidays, my husband took me to Italy for sales. More precisely, he was traveling to Milan on some work business, and he called me, knowing that I love shopping. Milan is always trendy models from the latest collections, all brands, the most famous designers and amazing choice. I don’t remember how much I spent there, the first 5000 EUR was gone literally in one day: a new fur coat and a dress from Dior were worth it. Here in Moscow there are no such models yet, so I’m very pleased, my girlfriends still don’t believe that I managed to buy two such successful things in one day. But I explain to them: “This is Milan, it’s always like that there.”

Julia (41 years old, Krasnodar):

“I really, really wanted to go to Milan, but after reading the reviews, I was afraid to go there for shopping. Everyone said that the prices were crazy, there was no benefit, only new expensive models and all that. But I still really, really wanted to go there. My husband decided: in the winter he bought tickets and said, “Let’s go, at least we’ll see the city.” The city turned out to be amazing, but that’s not about that now. It turns out that you can also skimp there normally if you want. We went to the outlets. Yes, it’s not easy to choose the sizes, yes, there are a lot of people, yes, in order to have all the sizes, you have to guess and come to the delivery. But real (!) branded (!) items at prices starting from 20 EUR! They immediately bought my husband a cool leather jacket from (for a second!) Roberto Cavalli for 100 EUR, I bought jeans from Calvin Klein for 25 EUR and a crazy coat from Armani for 150 EUR! They brought my daughter a huge soft toy of Mickey Mouse (my daughter is 20 years old, but it was her childhood dream), bought for 25EUR! In general, now I tell everyone about Milan, but no one believes me when I talk about prices there.”

Now you can make up your own “”, ignoring the paid “advice” of the tour operator. And you won’t have to travel around the country in a panic in search of that perfect dress and ankle boots to go with it, because you already know where to look for unique outfits.

So ladies, go for it! Make a shopping list and go! The right sizes for you, huge discounts, successful shades of gray. And woe to those Italians who dare to stand in your way! We put out fires at our leisure, stop our horses, and why don’t we fight for the blouse we like?

Tina Krainichenko

When we hear about Italy, not only gorgeous landscapes and world-famous attractions come to mind, but also great sales in Italy. During sales, you can buy clothes and shoes, as well as interior items from the most best designers from all over the world.

The main thing that distinguishes Italian sales from Russian sales is lower prices for all goods and huge selection exclusive items.

As a rule, fashionistas from all over the world come to Italy for sales twice a year. In this article you will find information about which sales are best to attend, when summer sales begin in Italian stores, and when winter sales begin.

In Italy, there are certain times when sales in stores start. Thus, sales in Italy take place in summer and winter.

Is it known exactly in advance when seasonal sales begin?

Summer sales in Italy, according to a long-standing tradition, start in early July. Their duration is usually 60 days from the start date, but it happens that sales come to an end earlier than expected. This is due to the fact that the items that were intended for the current sale have already all been sold.

On sale in Italy you can buy a quality item at a huge discount

During the winter, sales begin on the first Saturday in January each year. It turns out that winter sales in Italy begin when the Christmas holidays end, and Christian Christmas is celebrated just on the start dates of Italian sales, which is why they are sometimes called “Christmas sales.” The planned duration of the sale is the same as in the summer. But its completion also depends on the speed of sales.

It is worth noting that the winter sale begins strictly on the same day in all cities of the country, unlike the summer sale.

Typically, sales dates in Italy are precisely determined and covered in the media in advance. Regular stores are prohibited from starting sales earlier or deviating from the specified schedule.

Outlet sales

But sales in Italian outlets may not necessarily begin when in regular stores, for example, winter sales sometimes begin in December. Here you can choose products with a discount on already reduced prices.
You will learn all the details about sales in Italy from the video:

Best days for shopping

You shouldn't go to a sale in its first days. As a rule, these days there is a very large influx of buyers.

Therefore, in the turmoil, most likely, you will not be able to appreciate and discern all the wealth of choice that leading trendsetters will provide you with.

In order to take everything from sales, you need to know that most often stores do not put out all the goods on the first day, they distribute the assortment for the entire duration of the sale in order to update it every week.

Where to go shopping during sales

Once you know when sales start in Italy, you need to find out where they are held.

The sales season in Italy covers all the largest cities in the country, all three parts of the country: center, south and north.

In the center are sales in Rome and Rimini, in the south are Sicily, Naples, Sardinia and, the northern part of sales is represented by Milan, Bologna, Turin, Venice and Florence. And everywhere seasonal sales in Italy begin at the same time, and when exactly is announced in advance in the media.

If you came to an Italian sale for original branded items from the most popular clothing or shoe designers, then you better go to the north of the country. The most popular city among shopping lovers is Milan. This is, in a way, a trendsetter and center of fashion.

Milan is a true paradise for shopping lovers

If you come to Italy for budget shopping, then go to the south of the country. There you will find high-quality copies of brands made by Italian factories.

Store opening hours

As for the opening hours of stores in Italy, they are open from 9 am to 20 pm with a three-hour break from 12-30 to 15-30. In large shopping centers, boutiques are closed on Sunday and Monday morning.

How much money do you need, and are shopping tours profitable?

You can go shopping in Italy on your own. Can you use the services travel agency and book a shopping tour to Italy for sales, the price of such a tour will depend on the location of the sale and the duration of your stay there.
For example, a tour to Rimini for 8 days will cost you from four hundred euros per person. Tours to Milan and Rome will cost more - from eight hundred euros per person for 3 days.

As for prices at sales in Italy, at this time in fashion boutiques you can buy items from the current collection with a 30-70% discount.

The outlets feature models from past collections, which already have discounts from 30 to 70%. During the sales period they are also added seasonal discounts up to 60%.

Of course, in any store during the summer and winter sales both in Milan and in any other city there are discounts. But the size of the discounts and the variety of assortment depend on the location of the store. For example, if a store is located on a tourist shopping route, then the store will have a narrower assortment and fewer discounts.

Discounts are lower in places popular among shopping enthusiasts

Therefore, shopping will be more successful if you go on it yourself, without the help of a travel agent.
In addition, you can use the services of professional shoppers who are fluent in sales, know all the outlets in the city, and also have an excellent sense of style. This expensive pleasure guarantees you successful purchases 100%

What is TAX FREE

If you are a citizen of a country that is not part of the European Union, then you are entitled to a VAT refund if you make a purchase whose price is higher than 155 euros.

In order to avoid red tape when processing this refund, it is better to make purchases in those stores that are part of the Euro Free network.

On the windows of such stores there is a special sticker that informs the buyer that he belongs to this chain.

Some stores refund VAT upon purchase

Items for which you have purchased Tax Free will become much cheaper for you. The tax on clothing in Italy is 12%, and on jewelry and fur products in general 35%.

But it is worth noting that jewelry and fur products in Italy are very rarely included in seasonal sales.

Documents, and this is a Tax Free Check with a customs mark, as well as a check and your passport, can be presented at the airport at a special point, and you can immediately receive cash.

Anyone who has never been to a sale in Italy, after listening to a person who came from there, will undoubtedly want to attend this event, because the reviews are always only positive.

Both the prices and the quality of things from Italian sales are just a fairy tale. Many connoisseurs quality clothes and shoes, they believe that it is better if the item is not from the latest collection, but made of high-quality material, and this is an original branded item.

Connoisseurs of quality clothing and shoes go shopping to Italy

In addition to the quality of the product, the quality of service in Italy is also top level. Here consultants will never allow themselves to offend or simply respond rudely.

Here you will always be greeted with a smile and will not be left unattended, and the necessary assistance will be provided without any intrusiveness.

Without a doubt, purchases brought from Italy will give you a boost of positive energy until the next sale.

Italy, summer, sea and seasonal discounts in boutiques and shops in the country. The vast majority of fashionistas plan their trips to Italy for the second half of summer, when traditional sales begin. During this period, you can buy exclusive models of clothing, shoes and bags at 50-70% cheaper than the original price.

Sale dates

What do you need to know to plan your Italian shopping trip? First of all, the dates of sales in various regions and cities of the country. Trade policy built in such a way that potential buyers have the opportunity to visit the maximum number of shopping centers and boutiques.

Even in winter, experts plan their travel schedule around the country based on data from the specialized Saldi calendar. According to him, you can have time to purchase a fashionable model from a famous couturier at a more than affordable price.

Sales schedule in cities and regions of Italy in the summer of 2016

What do you need to know when planning your travel schedule? There are a large number of competitors who want to be the first to choose their favorite item. Therefore, on the first day of summer sales in Italy, store owners invite police officers to maintain order. There are also unspoken rules to consider.

  • First day greatest number buyers. But the queue is strictly observed - in order to be among the first to enter the territory of a boutique or store, you need to defend the “night shift”.
  • In the store there is no queue at all. Usually all the fitting rooms are already occupied - so it is recommended to immediately go pay for the goods.
  • Don't confuse seasonal sales with promotions at outlet stores. The latter are huge warehouses in which items from 5-6 years of collections are stored. Often, discounts in these establishments are not tied to traditional seasonal ones.

If the desire to update your wardrobe has overpowered the delights of a relaxing holiday, you can safely book a ticket to Italy. But for shopping to be not only productive, but also relatively calm, you should follow the recommendations.

Where is the best place to buy

If you analyze the geography of summer sales, you can identify 3 main areas where they occur. Depending on personal preferences, they choose certain boutiques and stores, having previously learned about their assortment.

If you plan to visit several cities in the regions, it is recommended to pre-book not only the flight, but also tickets for traveling within the country. At this time, many airlines (especially LowCost) significantly reduce the cost of flights within Italy. So, you can get from Rome to Naples for only 20-30 Euros.

Every city has certain places where shopping will be most productive. Although they are included in the mandatory program of every tourist, sellers are ready to satisfy everyone’s needs. Many years of experience and clear planning allow us to avoid supply disruptions and maintain a huge range.

  • Rome - via Condotti and adjacent streets. Don't miss the famous Piazza di Spagna.
  • Milan is a shopping “triangle” of streets Andrea, Montenapoleone, Gesu and Della Spiga.
  • Venice - Merceria, and the streets closest to it.
  • Naples - Via Calabritto and Via dei Mille. Particularly popular are the shops in Piazza Amadeo and Piazza dei Martiri.

These are traditional places for mass shopping during seasonal sales. But real experts stick to less popular routes.

Shopping on your own or with an expert

At this stage, the question arises: should you shop on your own or use the services of a specialist? Shopper (that’s what this one is called) new profession) will not only create the optimal route, but will also act as a stylist. The main thing is to find out whether it is advisable with financial point vision. The services of such a specialist are not cheap - starting from 300 euros per day. If the shopping budget is 3000-4000 euros, this is an acceptable expense.

With the help of a shopper, you can not only save significant time, but also purchase goods with an additional discount. Often, professionals have personal connections with the owners and employees of boutiques, which makes it possible to purchase the item they like at a really low cost.

But you need to be extremely careful when choosing a specific shopper. It is best to do this on the recommendation of friends, taking into account the specialist’s many years of experience. They always take an advance payment, and in case of incompetence it will be difficult to return it.

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