Calendar and thematic planning for February. Calendar-thematic planning for February in the preparatory group for school Calendar-thematic planning for February

Antropova Nadezhda
Calendar and thematic planning for February

Week (from _02/5/2018_ to _02/9/2018_) Subject weeks: "Winter Fun"

Target: organizing all activities according to the theme of the week.

Tasks: monitoring changes in the surrounding world; consolidation of knowledge about the winter season; Promote health through outdoor games.

Day of the week

date Direct educational activities Educational activities in special moments Creation of subject-spatial developmental educational environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents (involvement in NOD)


02/5/2018 Integration of educational regions:

1. Physical culture

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Tasks: practice walking with a change of lead, with high knees; in balance when walking on a gymnastic bench; strengthen the ability to correctly crawl under the cord.

2. Cognitive activity. FEMP

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Target: practice counting objects by touch within 5;

Explain the meaning of the words yesterday, today, tomorrow.

Develop the ability to compare by their spatial location (left, right, left, right).

Reception and examination of children

Target: identifying signs of disease.

Morning gymnastics complex


P/n "Salochka"

target: Introduce the culture of the game.

Articulation gymnastics "Delicious jam"

Walk No. 1:

Cognitive and research.

Snowfall observation

Target: consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall.

Progress of observation

What color is the snowflake?

Who has a fur coat of the same color?

Look, what color is winter-winter?

A snowflake sat on my sleeve and melted. There was and now she is not! What a little star.

Snow, snow is spinning,

The whole street is white!

We gathered in a circle,

They spun like a snowball.

Labor activity

Shoveling snow on the site to a certain place; clearing the path to the porch (collective work).

Goals: to form a responsible attitude towards work;

learn to carry out collective assignments.

Outdoor games

"Father Frost", "The snow is spinning".

Goals: instill the ability to perform characteristic movements; continue to learn how to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Individual work

"Hit the target".

Target: develop accuracy, eye.


Reading literature: reading folklore of the peoples of the world "Fingers"- translation from German

Communication - why you need to brush your teeth, healthy food

Walk No. 2

: watching the sun;

Labor - reading tracks.

P\I "Snow Woman", "Round dance"

1. Artistic and aesthetic activity: drawing - "It's me"

2. Game D\i "Guess the Road", "Patch the rug"

3. game "Words"

Memo for parents:

-"The art of punishing and forgiving"

-"How to communicate with children correctly"

02/6/2018 Integration of educational regions:

1. Visual activity

Subject: “let’s decorate the strip with flags”

Target: consolidate children’s ability to draw rectangular objects, create the simplest rhythm of images. Practice the ability to carefully paint over a drawing using the technique shown. Develop aesthetic feelings; sense of rhythm and composition.

2. Musical

According to manager's plan.


Breathing exercises "Blizzard"

Cognitive and research: viewing crafts and wooden figurines.

Target: acquaintance with the properties of wood, distinctive features, color.

Di "Say it right"- a toy made of wood – what is it like? (wooden) etc.

Walk No. 1: educational and research.

Weather observation

Target: teach to notice changes in nature.

Progress of observation

Oh, you winter beauty!

Whitewashed all the forests

Mountains of snow swept

She invited us to go for a ride.

Winter has come over us

Snow sleeves

And scattered snowflakes

To the fields and forests.

We'll ride down the mountain

And therefore we are very, very

I like winter.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What has changed in nature?

What is the earth covered with?

What lies on the tree branches?

What do trees do in winter?

Labor activity

Clearing snow from feeders and feeding birds.


Outdoor games

"Snow Carousel", "Traps".

Goals: learn to act quickly on a signal from the teacher; develop attention and running speed.

Individual work

“Be the most dexterous!”.

Target: continue to develop agility, endurance.


labor Invite the boys to glue books and pictures with glue, wash their hands after gluing and wipe dry with a towel.

Gaming: D\i "What kind of material" target: strengthening the properties of wood materials.

Walk No. 2

: bird watching

Labor – assistance to the janitor

P\I "across the bridge", "the bear is sleeping"

1. Game room. C\P "Shop" target: getting to know the names of instruments

2. D\I "What's extra"

Invite parents to help repair children's furniture in a group

02/07/2018 Integration of educational regions:

1. Speech development

Subject: reading your favorite poems. Memorizing a poem by A. Barto “I know what I need to come up with”

Target: Find out what program poems children know. Help children remember a new poem.

2. Physical culture

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Tasks: repeating walking with me as a leader; strengthening repetitions in walking on a gymnastic bench, the ability to correctly crawl under the cord.


1. Breathing exercises "Bubble"

2. Cognitive and research. Looking at the illustrations topic: "Crafts in Rus'"

3. Communication. Conversation: duties of attendants, safety of behavior at the table, rules and culture of hygiene.

Walk No. 1

Watching snowflakes

Target: continue to consolidate knowledge about the snowflake and its properties.

Progress of observation

White, patterned

Little star,

You fly into my hand

Sit a minute.

The star spun

There's a little in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm.

O. Rozhdestvenskaya

Labor activity

Clearing paths from snow.

Target: cultivate a positive attitude towards work.

Outdoor games

"Blizzard", "Jump-jump".

Target: learn to run after each other without bumping into objects, between shafts, snowy buildings, to be able to act quickly on a signal from the teacher.

Goals: learn to long jump from a place and from a run; develop jumping power.


reading X. literature "Mistress of the Copper Mountain" target: an excerpt about the craft, about creating a stone flower.

Gaming: D\i “choose a pattern by color”, "Patch the rug"

Labor: Decorate the tablecloth with cut-out flowers puppet theater - staging "Kolobok"- for children ml. groups

Walk No. 2

: watching snowflakes

2. Labor – removing papers from the site

3. P\I “Like snow under a hill”, "Carousel" 1. Musical and artistic. Games on musical instruments.

2. Gaming. Di “recognize an instrument by its sound”

3. Gaming: S\P "House"

Give a children's book as a gift to a library group

02/8/2018 Integration of educational areas


(familiarization with the surrounding world)

Subject: "wonderful doctor"

Target: to give children an idea of ​​the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their caring attitude towards children and people. Note that the result of labor is achieved through attitude to work (business and personal qualities) . Show that the products of the work of a doctor and a nurse reflect their feelings, personal qualities, and interests.


1. Breathing exercises "fluffs"

2. Communication game “Hello, today I wish...” target: cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.

3. Phys. just a minute: gymnastics for the eyes « Sunny bunny» , "Clean ears"

Walk No. 1: educational and research.

Observing the work of a janitor

Goals: continue to get acquainted with the work of a janitor; create a desire to help others; cultivate a sense of respect for the work of adults; promote the development of coherent speech.

Progress of observation

It's snowing quietly, white snow, shaggy. We will clear the snow and ice in the yard with a shovel.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What time of year is it now?

Why do you think so?

Who clears the snow?

What does it do?

Who needs the work of a janitor?

Labor activity

Clearing paths from snow.

Target: show children how to properly hold a shovel and shovel snow into one pile.

Outdoor games

"Father Frost", "To the Christmas tree".

Goals: train in the ability to run freely without bumping into each other; act quickly on a signal from the teacher; increase the emotional mood of children.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target .


Game D\i "Who is this?" target: consolidate knowledge about wintering birds.

Reading liters: "Winter" target: consolidation of the signs of winter, features of the nature of this time of year

Walk No. 2

1. Cognitive - research: sky watching

2. Labor – cleaning paths

3. P\I "Aircraft", "Catch-up" 1. thin creation. invite girls to draw girls, boys to draw boys, to depict their character and mood.

2. gaming C\P "Pharmacy"

3. game “What letter does your name start with?”

4. game “Come up with a word starting with this letter”

Consultations “Should children be taught to read before school?”

02/9/2018 Integration of educational areas

Musical lesson

According to plan musical director.

Subject: Round dance"

Target: teach children to depict a human figure, correctly conveying the ratio of parts in size, their location in relation to the main or largest part. Learn to combine your work with the work of other children. Develop imaginative perception. Continue to develop figurative ideas. Introduce the Dymkovo doll.


breathing exercises "Trumpeter"

gaming P\I "do as I do" target: attention.

Communication. Conversation: « Safe behavior on the ice slide" target: behavioral skills, safe games

Walk No. 1: educational and research

Watching bullfinches

Target: expand knowledge and ideas about appearance and the habits of bullfinches.

Progress of observation

I'll come closer to her -

And I can’t believe my eyes.

A flock of scarlet bullfinches

Stuck around the tree!

The teacher asks the children questions.

Describe what a bullfinch looks like.

Where do bullfinches live in the fall?

What does a bullfinch eat?

What sounds does it make?

With the onset of the first frosts, bullfinches fly to our site. The male bullfinch has a bluish-gray back, black tail and wings, and a bright red breast. The female has a dark gray breast. In autumn, bullfinches gather in flocks, fly through forests and parks, pecking at rowan, hawthorn and rose hip berries. The bullfinch screams "Rum-Rum".

Labor activity

Sweeping paths with a broom.

Target: teach to carry out work assignments.

Outdoor games

"Migration of Birds", "Hares and the Wolf".

Target: practice climbing, jumping from stairs, running.

Individual work

Development of movements.

Target: promote the development of motor skills (running, jumping, throwing snowballs at the target).


reading Hood. liters: folklore "geese"

target: identifying characters.

theatrical activity game dramatization: "Teremok"

Target: emotionally convey the mood of the characters.

Walk No. 2

Cognitive - research: watching the wind

Labor - sweeping paths

P\I "Wolf and Hares", "who is faster". 1. Game room. offer board games of children's choice.

2. Communicative conversation about winter.

3. Labor invite boys to sharpen pencils and girls to fold napkins.

Parents help in clearing snow on the site.

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Planning educational work in the second younger group No. 9 from February 27 to March 3.

Topic of the week: "Maslenitsa week"

Goal: to introduce children to the national holiday - Maslenitsa.

Objectives: to introduce children to the national holiday and its customs; to cultivate in children love and respect for folk traditions, the desire to continue these traditions

Final event: Musical entertainment “Dear Maslenitsa!” . Goal: to introduce the rules and teach how to play Russian folk games. Date: March 3 (street)

Date 02/27/2017 Day of week: Monday

Planning educational work in the second junior group No. 9 from February 6 to 10.

Topic of the week: "Big and Little Stars"

Goal: to form a conscious, caring attitude towards the Planet as the source of human life.

Objectives: to cultivate a positive attitude towards the surrounding world, living and non-living nature; give an idea of ​​earth and sky; to form a caring attitude towards our planet - Earth.

Complex of morning exercises. outdoor switchgear

Final event: Exhibition of drawings for parents "Heavenly Stars" . Goal: To develop creative imagination and fantasy in children; attracting families to educational process. Date: February 10.

Date 6.02. 2017 Day of week: Monday

Planning educational work in the second junior group No. 9 from February 13 to 17.

Topic of the week: "Decade of the native language"

Goal: to form primary ideas about the native language.

Objectives: to give children the idea that many nationalities live in Russia and each people has their own native language; introduce the main nationalities living in Tatarstan (Russians, Tatars); cultivate interest and respect for the native language.

Complex of morning exercises. outdoor switchgear

Final event: Dramatization of the river. n. fairy tales "The Fox and the Hare" . Goal: to teach children to follow the development of the plot and the actions of the characters. Date: February 17th.

Date 02/13/2017 Day of week: Monday

Planning of educational work in the second junior group No. 9 from February 20 to 22.

Topic of the week: "My dad is the best"

Goal: to introduce children to the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Objectives: to form primary ideas about the Russian Army, about men as protectors of all weak people; to cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, to evoke a sense of pride.

Complex of morning exercises. outdoor switchgear

Final event: Exhibition of joint works with parents from Lego construction kit “Military Equipment”. Goal: to activate the joint creativity of children and parents, to bring joy to children. Date: from 20 to 28 February.

Date 02/20/2017 Day of week: Monday

Planning of educational work in the second junior group No. 9 from February 30 to February 3.

Topic of the week: "Winter Transformations"

Goal: to give children an idea of ​​the life of animals and birds in winter.

Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge of how forest animals spend the winter; introduce children to the characteristics of some animals that change their coats in different times year; to form in children an idea of ​​the life of birds in winter; cultivate a desire to help animals and birds.

Complex of morning exercises. outdoor switchgear

Final event: “Feed the birds in winter” campaign. Goal: to cultivate a desire to help animals and birds. Date: February 3.

Date 01/30/2017 Day of week: Monday

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