What small business to open in a residential area? Infrastructure on the first floors of new buildings is important for comfortable living. Business ideas in new buildings.

When you have the opportunity to open your own business in a residential area, you need to take into account all the nuances of such a location. Imagine yourself in the buyer’s shoes and evaluate the need for certain products.

Features of doing business in a residential area

Keep in mind that the main flow of buyers in residential areas occurs in the early morning and late evening. Of course, a clothing store will be irrelevant, because for such purposes people go to shopping centers on weekends for shopping. It is necessary to focus on selling essential and daily necessities:

  • products;
  • water for coolers;
  • catering points;
  • repair of clothes, shoes and accessories.

When considering business ideas for a residential area, it is not difficult to guess that the most relevant product is food.

Its reserves are consumed quickly, and with the accelerated rhythm of large cities and the vast distances of the capital, the working population has practically no time left to prepare food. Look for a place on the “caravan routes”, calculate prices wisely, and the result will not be long in coming.

Options for running a business in a residential area

  • Bar, cafeteria, bistro. On the way to work, ready-packed main courses and salads for lunch are in great demand, and in the evenings, many would willingly come to such an establishment to have dinner and just take a break from the working day.
  • . Evening trade in the residential area is brisk and busy. People need food for dinner, bread, matches, cigarettes. And in the morning there is considerable demand for hot pastries and ready-made sandwiches.
  • Household needs store. Business in residential areas is well built on the sale of household chemicals and household materials that are in daily demand (detergents, toilet paper, light bulbs, batteries). If space allows, you can open a universal point by combining food and household goods in one place. This will increase your income potential.
  • . Repairing shoes, umbrellas, bags and clothes brings good profits. You can enter Additional services according to the “1000 little things” principle:
    • photocopier printout;
    • sale of SIM cards and replenishment of telephone balance;
    • sale of stationery, flash cards and CDs.

Initially, this type of business does not provide much profit. Moreover, hypermarkets are currently competing with small retail outlets. A good plus for a small store is the accumulation of its regular customers. If you sell taking into account the wishes and needs of each buyer on the list, and carry out various bonus promotions for them, then an increase in income will not be long in coming.

If you are planning to open a business in a residential area of ​​the city, not far from your place of residence, place the main emphasis on the location of the outlet. Put yourself in the shoes of a potential buyer to assess the needs of the area's population for goods or services.

Even a small trade pavilion with a good location can become a profitable project. However, before starting a business, it is important to consider the nuances of future activities.

Business in a residential area of ​​the city:

what to open near home?

In developing cities, there are entire areas built up with multi-storey residential buildings, in which there is practically no infrastructure. But such a place is a source of potential income. In addition, to launch a retail outlet in a residential area, you do not need large financial investments, especially if you figure out what goods or services are in demand in this area.

To promote a business in a densely populated area of ​​the city, the owner does not need to make any serious efforts - he just needs to sell quality goods at prices no higher than market prices, provide high-level services and hire a charismatic salesperson to whom customers will return again and again.

Try to find time to watch this interesting video:

Features of entrepreneurship in residential neighborhoods

The revenue of a store in a residential area of ​​the city directly depends on getting into the flow when residents either go to work or return home. This feature is important to consider when drawing up a schedule.

Worth knowing. A clothing store (men's, women's, children's) as a business for a residential neighborhood is no longer relevant. The fact is that buyers prefer to dress in large shopping centers, so the attendance of such retail outlets small, and profitability is low.

When doing business, it is better to focus on essential goods, i.e. open or sell:

  • food products with a long shelf life;
  • purified water for drinking and cooking;
  • fast food, baked goods, tea, coffee, pizza, sushi, etc.;
  • repair clothes, shoes, umbrellas, watches, make keys, etc.

Advice. If 1-2 large chain stores are open nearby, and you have found premises closer to residential buildings, feel free to start a grocery store.

Grocery store: features of work

Food products have an expiration date, so they quickly spoil or are used up. The accelerated rhythm of metropolitan cities, even in residential neighborhoods, does not always allow residents to visit large shopping centers - for many it is easier to go to a pavilion near their home for essentials. Choose “passable” paths, maintain the correct assortment and pricing policy, after which profit will not be long in coming.

Let's take a closer look at the specifics of business for a residential area:

  • thoughtful assortment. People don’t go to nearby stores to stock up on groceries for the week. On the contrary, in a big city, close to home, they buy food for tea, ready-made snacks, drinks, and goodies. It is important to consider this nuance before opening a food stall.
  • long working day. The work schedule of the pavilion should be drawn up taking into account the coverage of the main population flows. It is advisable that in a residential area the point could be opened early and closed after 21-00.
  • friendly service. The salesperson personality is capable of selling any product. As you know, people buy from people - a negative salesperson will drive away more buyers than they attract, and vice versa;
  • inexpensive rent. Pay attention to the premises located on the first floors of residential complexes in residential areas. This way you can interest residents of several nearby houses in your product.

Types of business activities in the courtyards of high-rise buildings

Let's take a closer look at what kind of business to open in a residential area big city, where 20-50 thousand people live.

When choosing a type of business and opening a store, the following articles may be useful:

  • How to open a household chemicals store:
  • Seller Appearance Standards:
  • Is it worth buying a franchise?

Trade in clothing and equipment, as a rule, does not bring the expected profit, since the entrepreneur will not be able to compete with large brands. Points selling children's goods will be in demand only if there are no shopping centers nearby. But a grocery or confectionery store with all sorts of goodies will quickly win the hearts of buyers in a residential neighborhood.

In this material:

The sleeping area is an idyll for residents. People are isolated from industrial enterprises, free from extraneous noise and polluted air. Several tens of thousands of people live in one small microdistrict, and this is already a paradise for entrepreneurs. The profit of any business idea can be calculated even on your fingers. If we take an apartment building with a height of 9–12 floors and 4 entrances, then in terms of residents, 192 people live in it (rounding - 1 apartment = 1 resident). The average courtyard consists of 6–8 houses, housing 1,536 people. This is only the minimum for one yard. To make a profit, a retail outlet requires 50–60 customers per day with an average bill of 200 rubles. Gross profit in rough calculations is 300,000 rubles per month. It remains to decide what kind of business to open in a residential area so that the income is even higher.

Specifics of business in residential areas

The calculations given at the beginning are highly rounded, but are based on real statistical data. The attendance of a grocery store in a residential area is indeed close to 50–100 customers per day. Someone regularly buys bread and milk worth 70 rubles, another buyer comes in in the morning to buy cigarettes, a third in the evenings stocks up on everyday products worth 300 rubles, because there is no time to stop by the supermarket.

In addition, 30–40% of the main flow are residents of other areas who work nearby or pass by. In any case, out of a population of 1,500 people living in the yard, 60 customers a day is not just a minimum, but an achievable bar from the first days of work.

When focusing on a business in a residential area, you need to take into account not only the high number of potential buyers, but also the specifics of the product. It is characterized by several points:

  1. Type of product - you can talk for a long time about what is more profitable to open in a residential area - a grocery store or a hairdresser. But we can safely say what you shouldn’t do—trade a specific or highly specialized product. For example, a store of doors, plastic windows, a furniture center... All this will not be popular in the courtyard of a house due to the lack of demand for the products, because the point is focused on a certain area. The listed business involves one-time purchases for a long time, so the reference must be made for the entire city. People in a residential area buy everyday goods for which they are too lazy to go to the supermarket.
  2. Rush hour - you need to understand that 85% of the residents of the residential area are the working class, therefore, during the day there is not just a decrease in consumer demand, but it is almost completely absent. The situation is compensated by morning and evening hours, so it makes sense for an entrepreneur to expand the opening hours of the outlet to obtain maximum profit. In the case of a grocery store, 24-hour operation.
  3. The staff is a sleeping area, like one big family. If people don’t know each other personally, they definitely know each other by sight. This is especially true for sellers and regular buyers. If a person doesn’t like the service, then on principle he will go to a neighboring point. That is why sellers need to be selected not only by professional, but also by personal qualities.

Help: sales growth and business success largely depend on salespeople. For example, the conventional Petya prefers to walk the extra 100–200 meters to the store where Aunt Valya works. She is always smiling, friendly and talkative; she will always tell you when a new batch of sold goods will be delivered. Aunt Valya's sales are higher than in the neighboring store with a sullen saleswoman whose name no one knows.

Unofficial statistics represented by sales representatives confirms that with the same assortment and business specifics, of two similar stores, the leader is always the one with professional salespeople with a positive life position.

What kind of business to start in a residential area, ideas

If a residential area is chosen to start a business, then it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the main directions in relation to the target audience. Not only sales, but also services are popular. The features of some of them, tips, risks, as well as positive and negative sides are given below.

Grocery store

A business idea for selling products in a residential area can be considered a win-win if the location is chosen correctly. For example, it makes no sense to open a third, and especially a fourth, food pavilion in the courtyard, because it is no longer possible to offer customers anything new.

The place is selected by type:

  • absence of competitors - one operating point is allowed;
  • coverage of a large territory - it will be successful if several courtyards intersect in the area where the store opens;
  • There is a roadway nearby - an additional flow of buyers in the form of motorists.

The assortment of a grocery store should not be full of products, but should give people what they came for:

  • bakery products;
  • dairy products;
  • meat fish;
  • drinks, including alcoholic;
  • cigarettes;
  • cereals, pasta.

The list can be continued with a dozen more categories typical of a standard store within walking distance. It’s absolutely okay if there are no grapes or French cognac, but bread, milk and sausage should always be available. In addition, you can organize the sale of hot tea, coffee and baked goods if there is a taxi rank nearby.

Household chemicals and household goods store

The products are no less popular than essential goods, but one should still take into account the reduced demand for household chemicals. Nobody buys washing powder and detergent every day. Household goods are especially in seasonal demand.

It is better to locate the retail outlet at the intersection of several districts, closer to the road, so that the coverage of the territory is maximum. If you consider that the nearest supermarket is located 3-4 stops away, then a household chemicals store will turn out to be a profitable business.

Pet supplies

An excellent option for a residential area. Every third family has a cat or dog, not to mention other pets. Animals eat with the same regularity as people, and also require special attention in the form of special toys, accessories and toiletries.

Children visit pet stores to view animals, but you shouldn’t count on selling pets in a residential area. It is recommended to focus specifically on feed and related products.

Trade in construction materials

Renovating an apartment is a long and expensive process, but you shouldn’t count on serious profits from selling building materials in a residential area. Firstly, 80% of people shop in special stores at discounted prices and promotions. Secondly, not enough residents are doing renovations at the same time for the flow of buyers to cover the investment costs.

The only justified option for organizing a hardware store in a residential area is a new building. There, the owner of each apartment actually does renovations and this continues for several years.

Hot products for a building materials store:

  • building mixtures;
  • fasteners;
  • screws, nails;
  • tools;
  • garden tools;
  • facing material.

Having successfully started in a residential area, a building materials store can be brought to the city level.


Everyone gets their hair cut, from small children to women who seem to be growing their hair out, but visit the hairdresser more often than men.

Competition in this area is high, but the demand for services is no less. Almost every multi-storey building has its own hairdressing salon, which is popular and accepts clients by appointment.

The success of the business idea is that people are not willing to wait in line, since one haircut takes from half an hour to 2 hours. This is why most salons are almost always busy.

Help: in addition to basic services, it is recommended to open a manicure, pedicure, and hair styling salon.

Flower pavilion

In the courtyard of a residential area, a flower shop will not be successful. You need to choose a place with a large flow of people:

  • crossroads;
  • supermarket;
  • a busy part of a sidewalk or road;
  • green area (squares, parks).

The flower business is highly competitive, so in addition to location, you need to focus on the lack of similar pavilions nearby.

A fairly profitable business with minimal costs. Attendance at the studio varies on average from 2-3 people per day, but the cost of services ranges from 300 to 1,500 rubles. You can calculate your profit yourself.

Having successfully located a sewing studio, the entrepreneur will have to hire several workers in order to fulfill orders on time. Net profit can reach 150,000 rubles per month.

Shoe repair shop

The business idea is almost similar in nature, implementation and profit sewing studio. A shoemaker always has clients, because it is cheaper to pay 200–300 rubles for shoe repairs than to buy new ones.

A good master is very popular in the area, so it is possible that people from neighboring neighborhoods will bring their shoes for repairs, increasing the entrepreneur’s income several times over.

Tool sharpening

The business involves not only sharpening kitchen tools, such as knives, but also working with garden tools, making keys, and renewing skate blades.

The idea requires minimal investment - purchasing a machine for sharpening and making keys, as well as hiring a worker.

Profit depends on the location of the master’s booth, as well as the demand for the service. In most cases, people work for themselves, so the business pays off and does not require additional costs.

Whatever area is chosen, the entrepreneur needs to carry out serious organizational measures, budget planning and risk assessment. General information They give only an approximate forecast, which may turn out to be erroneous if even one condition changes. For example, the same grocery store will not pay for itself even in 2 years if it is located in an area of ​​new buildings. You must be attentive to detail, analyze the market, competitors and target audience.

Order a business plan

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Desire to start own business from scratch without financial investments, most novice entrepreneurs have. What kind of business can you open with minimal investment?, what small home business business ideas are relevant in 2019 and other answers to similar questions, read this article.

After all, I really want to open my own business, learn how to run it correctly, gather a friendly team and manage financial flows, developing the intended direction. Only the first obstacle that arises on this path ruins the plans.

A person is always clearly aware that the lack of start-up capital (initial investment) is a big problem, which becomes very difficult to solve. Sometimes it is not possible or borrow a decent amount from your friends.

And even all attempts to save up lead to the fact that money is spent on the most necessary things or on accidental troubles. Realizing this, a feeling of deep disappointment sets in, but if you think rationally, then not everything is so gloomy .

Even if you have money, you need to use it wisely, otherwise you can lose all your savings and savings. We wrote about this in the article - “”.

In fact there are business ideas without investment or so let's say business ideas from scratch , which will help you not only start making money, but will also allow you to save some money for your more global dream.

Going through various business ideas with minimal investment, try to choose for yourself the one that will become the closest and most favorite thing.

It's important to understand that only a task that brings you pleasure does not cause fatigue, gives rise to a lot of new opportunities and gives a start to successful development.

So, from this article you will learn:

  • What business to open, what to pay attention to at the creation stage and what kind of business you can start with minimal investment;
  • How to open (where to start) your own business from scratch (without money) - necessary qualities + step-by-step guide to opening your own business;
  • List of business ideas from scratch for beginners;
  • Business ideas 2019 at home, small business ideas, etc.

How to open your own business from scratch: 15 ideas for small businesses without investment (with minimal investment)

1. How to choose a business idea: what to pay attention to before opening your own business ⚠

First, you need to understand yourself and determine how clearly you are able to meet the given parameters. Try to write them down on a piece of paper and, with a high degree of frankness, put pluses where the coincidence gives 100% . Based on this, it will become clear which areas will be vulnerable and you will have the opportunity to work in this direction.

1. Psychology

Any start- this is a huge effort associated with the expenditure of time, labor and nerves. Realize whether you are ready to sacrifice established family relationships, financial stability from the income you receive wages, friendly contacts, personal connections for the sake of your own business.

After all, you will have to look not only for an office, personnel, delivery channels, and sales of products, but also to debug everything to automatic actions. In addition, it is important to work on your own resistance to stress. It is she who will allow you to take steps forward, not paying attention to prejudices.

2. Choosing a field of activity

Conduct a preliminary analysis of the area or town in which you plan to start your business. Find out, which direction is poorly developed, and where, on the contrary, there is very high competition. Define, do you have a real desire to work in it, achieve results and expect a profitable period.

An incorrectly selected area for you will lead to the fact that over time interest will fade, management will become mediocre, and the efforts invested will be in vain. In addition, it will be important to learn to understand all the nuances and exercise full control over specialists in order to understand the real state of affairs.

3. Start-up capital

As stated earlier, before how to make (create) your own business, you shouldn’t abandon your plans if you don’t have the required amount of money. Start small. Of course, this will lead to a lot of time, but it will allow you to start a small business without huge loans, high interest rates and urgent repayments.

It is worth understanding that it is very difficult to obtain, besides, a large amount of monthly payment will need to be taken from the profit received, and at the start, any business is not smooth. By the way, in one of the articles in our magazine you can read the article “”.

Moreover, do not attract the money that was postponed for children, for treatment, education, strategic goals. Try to be reasonable even when you are offered a large-scale business that “pays for itself” in 2 months or a franchise (we have already described in separate article). These are virtual profitable projects entail high costs and do not always meet the expectations of businessmen.

4. Purpose

Be honest with yourself about what end result you expect. Maybe this is an opportunity to get rich or a desire to manage people, but most likely an attempt to prove to others your abilities by becoming a successful entrepreneur. If you are driven by a specific goal of these three, then most likely it will lead to a negative result.

Business– this is a set of actions where it is important to invest yourself in the business, uniting goals. You must be initially confident of a successful result. Only a positively minded person is able to correctly perceive the situation, choosing the most optimal solutions.

5. Quality

Determine how willing you are to fight for the quality of your services or products. It is worth understanding that many modern entrepreneurs, in order to quickly return their invested capital, rely on quantity, not wanting to deal with the claims and complaints of the end consumer in the future.

That is why the buyer chooses the service that was provided to him in the best way. In this way, sales channels are developed, long-term partnerships are built and a positive reputation appears. Answer yourself sincerely, what is the quality of the product you are selling?

One of the myths of novice businessmen is that the easiest start will be if you have a significant amount of money. Seems that problems are so easily solved, positive results are achieved and the preparatory period is painless.

Actually it's not true. It is very easy to prepare many documents yourself; you just need to understand them. Moreover, there are various services for this.

💡You can always successfully register an enterprise, develop primary documentation, select premises, test personnel, create minimum conditions activities, it’s just that a little more effort will be expended in the absence of financial resources.

It is possible that to optimize the tax burden it will be easier to register or. How to do this, why offshores are needed, what offshore zones exist we already wrote in our last issue.

How to create and start your own business from scratch in 6 steps

2. How to start your own business from scratch and with virtually no investment of money - 6 simple steps, what is the best way to start a small business 📋

There are main areas of activity that make it possible to start your own business practically without attracting funds. It is enough to formalize your entrepreneurial activity. But even here you can save significantly if you register a company yourself.

Read more about registering your business in the following articles:

Firstly , providing services you can earn a lot of extra money. Your skill to knit, sew, cut, bake, do hair, makeup, manicure, massage, perseverance And affection for children will become the basis for their own development.

Secondly, This intermediary services . Sales skills play a decisive role here. The business is built on the purchase of products at reduced prices and their further sale taking into account profits.

Third sphere can I call yours successful knowledge of information. That is, conducting additional classes, tutoring, preparation for entrance exams and even help in writing term papers, provides additional income.

AND, fourthly, introduction to business partnerships. For example, your unique vision of the situation, awareness of ways to overcome the crisis for the organization, or making new significant proposals for the further development of the company, helping to create the planned business on a partnership basis.

To start your own business, it is important to take the first steps correctly. This path will be easier if you delve into all the moments yourself.

Step #1.

Defining the idea

We look through and choose the direction that interests us. Be sure to determine what you are ultimately willing to provide to the consumer and what makes your offer unique.

Review the presence of nearby competitors and the level of free access to this market. Step #2.

We draw up a business plan

To carry out such work, experience is of course important, so try to find a person in your team who has the necessary skills and gradually, with an increase in the number of orders, comprehend all the nuances.

Modern technologies make it possible to select the highest quality materials, find exact colors and textures at affordable prices. This will save the customer money and create the right reputation for you. A job well done will become the basis for further cooperation.

Business idea No. 5.

Baking cakes This direction is widespread and pays off very profitably. Its difficulty lies in maintaining the required proportions of the recipe, the oven temperature and the cooking time of the dessert.

In addition, confectioners have recently begun to use mastic very actively in their own products. This material allows you to make beautiful cakes, pastries, cookies, and gives flight to your imagination. You can time your product to coincide with a specific day or upcoming event.

Business idea No. 5. Baking cakes

Yes, on discharge of the baby easy to mold booties, rattles, cap or even stork, A on a girl's birthdaybasket of tulips, string of pearls, shape of your favorite car.

You can not only take the proposed options as a basis, but also come up with your own unique masterpieces. Each baked cake ready for delivery to the customer costs be sure to take a photo And post V photo album for the convenience of further discussion of the work.

Pick up 2-3 the most optimal recipe for yourself, determine the correct composition of ingredients through constant testing, and in the future baking will not cause you any difficulties.

Determine the price of your products based on the prices offered by your competitors. Many novice chefs offer to pay only for the work, and the customer provides the products himself.

Business idea No. 6. Realization (sale) of caviar

This direction also does not have any particular difficulties in its implementation; it is enough to simply organize the supply channel correctly. We know that the final cost of caviar is always very high, so it can be difficult to buy it for the holiday.

The point is that not every seller is able to bring high-quality goods, but we really want the money given to give us the opportunity to enjoy fresh, tasty caviar. So why not create an offer when there is such demand for it, especially since the product itself does not require special storage conditions.

Eg, you can analyze the average purchase price of goods based on prices offered on the Internet, then determine the places where caviar is sold. Think about how you will get there.

Taste the product by tasting each type. By taking a sample, you can agree in advance with sellers on channels for further delivery and discounts on the purchase of a batch. Offer the brought specimens to your family for testing, choosing the best optimal options. Determine for yourself packaging methods and containers that can later be made individual.

Disseminate sales information to acquaintances, relatives, colleagues on the main job. Don’t skimp on delivery, organize it yourself, working for a business first. As you gradually increase the number of orders, think about expanding your business.

IN summer period Dried fish sells very well; it can be purchased at the same time.

Business idea No. 7. Vending business

These are special devices that carry out sales independently. Of course, it would be wrong to say that this direction can be started from scratch; it requires investments, but not as significant as it might seem at first glance.

The whole point is that a machine is purchased that is capable of dispensing products at the moment when the buyer puts money into it. It requires a small area for its placement and one electrical power point.

The ideal way to develop similar business requires registration of the status of an individual entrepreneur and an agreement for the installation of the device. You can service it yourself. It is enough to fill out the consumables, take the proceeds, leaving money for change. It's easy to sell this way coffee, candies, chips, peanut, videos.

Vending business with minimal investment - idea No. 7

You can study all the nuances of the work, analyze your own expenses, and determine your income using the method of calculations, as well as using information located on Internet sites. Learn more about what vending is, what types exist and where to start. this business, we wrote in the previous article.

There are special portals where discussions are held, current situations are sorted out, and advice is given by more experienced people who have organized a vending business.

Talk to them, determine what the difference is between the cost of such devices, what your monthly costs will be and where it is best to place the purchased equipment.

Business idea No. 8. Management of corporate events

Here you need to have organizational skills. It is only from the very beginning that it seems that it is easy for the presenter to communicate with the team without effort and labor. Actually required composure, coherence, self-confidence, skill draw attention to yourself and bring together the people who came to the event.

Your own business from scratch - business idea - organizing holidays and corporate events

Only with time comes experience that makes it possible to quickly navigate the situation, find easy solutions, and change the program in accordance with the wishes of the customer. Variants of scenarios, songs, and ideas are offered in huge quantities on the Internet; you just need to thoroughly think through the concept of the holiday itself, the time of its holding and the interest of each person.

Try organizing a family holiday for a start. 10 people. Determine its direction, properly prepare music, competitions, and attributes for them.

Try to take into account all the details and nuances. If there is a need to stage a fairy tale, think about it costumes, masks, even stage background. Write out the words of each participant in large letters and learn to create an atmosphere. As soon as you understand that there are no difficulties in communicating with the team, actively offer your services to customers.

Place advertisements on websites, in newspapers, magazines, create flyers and try to develop small booklets. You can create your own resource on the Internet, supplementing it not only with a description, but also with photographs taken.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that your repertoire should be diverse . It happens, especially in small towns, that people attending events fall into the same scenario, and this negatively affects the general opinion.

Business idea No. 9. Fast food point

This is a direction that offers products of its own production for sale in points of greatest concentration of people. Such a business is relevant near schools, shopping centers, hospitals, and educational institutions. Its essence is that a menu is created, developed individually for a specific location.

This is how you can sell sandwiches, hot dogs, fried potatoes and even prepackaged salads in small, convenient containers. In addition to this assortment, tea, coffee, and juices are offered. This enterprise must be officially registered, receiving the status of an individual entrepreneur. Next, a premises is found that can meet the conditions for selling the products.

As a rule, if a business is registered as finishing shop, then the territory required is small, and the registration conditions are simplified. In addition, the dishes you sell may be plastic, and this reduces the cost of purchasing consumables, chemicals and fighting.

A fast food point does not require seating, long stays and involves the dispensing of freshly produced products. Shawarma, gyro, and pieces of meat in pita bread are now becoming especially popular. You will need fridge, Desktop, kettle, microwave and small showcase.

Business idea No. 10. Video channel on YouTube (YouTube)

This video hosting is now becoming the most popular on the Internet and allows you not only to view downloaded videos, but also to earn money by creating them. The scheme of operation is very simple.

For example, you create your own video, which is of particular relevance to the consumer, and post it by connecting to the advertising service’s affiliate program Google Adsense. Before viewing, a window pops up asking you to go to the advertiser’s website and each click made on the request is paid to you in cash.

Now you need to complete 6 steps:

  1. Creating a Mailbox on the Gmail service
  2. Register on Youtube
  3. Organize your own channel in your account
  4. We assign an original name that will reflect the direction of future activities
  5. Shooting video using a camera
  6. We post it on the created channel.

To connect to an affiliate program, several conditions must be met:

  • First, confirm authorship and type at least 20 works.
  • Secondly, each of them must have at least 1000 views.
  • And thirdly, collect yourself 1000 subscribers.

Now we look at the number of visits and get the money we earned. You should not forget to constantly replenish the archive, creating ratings for yourself. With minimal calculations, the cost of 1 click on an advertisement gives you 4 cents; if you perform 1000 such movements, you earn 40 dollars.

This is no longer a bad start. Moreover, this direction does not require special investments.

You can read more about the profitability of this type of income in the article - “”.

This activity can be put on stream. Having recruited the appropriate staff, record videos, edit and upload videos on an ongoing basis.

If you constantly upload videos, your income will grow exponentially (provided that you record a training video, i.e. videos that will be constantly relevant and will always be interesting to watch)

Business idea No. 11. Real estate services

Recently, this type of work is increasingly being done without organizing an official status, registering an enterprise, working for oneself. The task is to select from the huge number of advertisements posted on online resources and in newspapers the most optimal options for premises that have a real cost and suitable conditions for the consumer.

Real estate services - your own business from scratch

To get started, you can try your hand at rental housing . If your city has several educational institutions, large organizations, then the need for temporary accommodation will always be. View information, analyze new offers, negotiate with the owner for a convenient viewing time and place advertisements with your services in the same newspapers that you read yourself.

Constantly study sites, adding information about the selected options. You need communication from several operators, a notepad and the Internet. Even if you don’t have a personal car, public transport will help you get to any area of ​​the city.

It is important to be constantly in touch and actively respond to calls from apartment seekers. Further development standard form agreement, which will be convenient for both parties and the cost of services is calculated.

In most cases, the bonus for a realtor's work is 50 % from renting premises. Later, you can consider options for finding buyers when selling or buying apartments.

It is legally determined that an intermediary may be present at the time of the transaction and registration of property rights, but does not affix any signatures. It is worth understanding that information about housing is updated daily, which is why you need to regularly analyze the market, monitor the movement of objects so that the data transmitted to the client is up-to-date.

Business idea No. 12.

Equipment repair

This direction requires only the acquisition of the necessary tools and experience. Modern equipment tends to break down regularly, which is why repair shops are constantly overloaded. When accepting your order, they set a repair time of 2 weeks, and in most cases even a month.

Therefore, your services will become in demand, especially if you can prove the quality of your own work. You can also carry out repairs at home, identifying a small room for this. The main thing is to set deadlines correctly, without forcing people to constantly seek your attention. The ability to “resurrect” liquid crystal TV screen or microwave oven , “give a second life”, refrigerator, iron teapot

, is paid very decently, and there will be no limit to gratitude for quality work done. Business idea No. 13.

Organizing dates

Perhaps it will be a romantic event with beautiful candles, classical music and roses, or an extreme visit that includes a parachute jump. Your task is not just to listen to wishes, but also to offer the best option, complementing it with your own ideas. Browse websites, take notes, study videos, try to add creativity.

Take photographs of the event you are creating and place these shots in your portfolio. Describe each of the invented directions for yourself, confirming it with phone numbers, current addresses and discount cards.

Calculate the cost of your services taking into account the proposed event. It is worth understanding that in this case the customer pays not only for your work, but also for the services of the main contractor.

Business idea No. 14.

Food delivery

This type of business will be most suitable for those who know how to offer their services and cook delicious food. Here you need not only to find your future customers, but also to maintain constant contact with them.

The task is to create a small menu, make it more homey, and purchase a minimum set of products. Every day, delivering ready-made lunches, you collect applications for the next day, and then, by the deadline, you again begin delivering them to the specified addresses. Business idea No. 15.

Cargo transportation

This is a direction from the service sector. Having a truck at your disposal, you can place an ad and arrive at a convenient time for the customer to complete the agreed amount of work. By the way, if you do not have a car for transporting goods, you can use the services of leasing companies to purchase a car on lease. About and what are the features of a leasing transaction for individuals and legal entities

, we already told in one of the previous issues.

Try to find movers to help you who are ready to work on your terms. The payment system here is simple. Calculation is carried out either per floor or per number of hours worked. TOP 15 business options at home. Current, new, popular business

home ideas

4. Business ideas at home - 15 most popular types of home business 💰 🏠

Home-based businesses attract people of all ages. Isn't this the ideal job? You make your own work schedule and choose something you like. There are quite a lot of business ideas at home that require minimal investment. We present here the most popular ideas

small (home) business to choose those that are right for you. Growing vegetables, fruits, flowers in greenhouses

There are two ways to organize such a business: produce greenhouses TV screen grow your own vegetables, fruits or flowers. Any of the options is considered successful. Those who have a summer cottage enjoy cultivating their own land.

Food grown without the use of harmful chemicals, people will happy shopping all year round, and it is impossible to imagine any holiday without flowers, because they are the decoration of any family celebration.

It is important to take care of the market for your products in advance and establish contacts with farmers markets, grocery stores and flower shops.

Home business #2. Production of jams, pickles and marinades

Open your own sales production preserves, marmalade, confiture, pickled cucumbers, tomatoes or sauerkraut Maybe anyone familiar with cooking .

If you have a dacha, then investment in production at the initial stage will be minimal. You can make products in the kitchen from your own grown raw materials: berries, vegetables And fruit.

In a couple of years, as you expand your home-based business, you will be making a good profit from your culinary skills. The profitability of making jam in the cold season is 30% , and in summer the figure decreases.

Important! At first, you can sell home-canned products to your friends.

Home business - soap production self made at home for aspiring entrepreneurs

Home business #3. Soap making is a business that is suitable for beginner entrepreneurs

If you choose a business for yourself that requires not only strict calculations, but also creativity, then an interesting niche is this.

It is better to rent a room with an area of ​​40 m2 outside the city: this way you can save money. It can be divided using an internal partition. One part will be used as a place for making soap, and the second as a warehouse.

Having registered your business with the tax authorities, you can start working. You will need the following materials: soap base, carrier oils, ethers, dyes, fillers, fragrances; and special equipment will be required forms, scales And containers.

The technological process does not present any difficulties:

  • grind and melt the base;
  • add base oils;
  • add dyes to the mixture;
  • add abrasives and aromatic additives;
  • grease the molds and pour the soap;
  • extract finished products.

Packaging can be made with your own design, just like custom labels. All that remains is to sell the products you need in everyday life and calculate the profit. You can easily find buyers; in stores that sell handmade goods, they will gladly accept in-demand products for sale.

Important! High-quality fragrant soap with original appearance will allow you to quickly find regular customers.

Home business #4. Making original jewelry from polymer clay

Today there is a lot of costume jewelry and decorations on the market that can be bought in almost any store. And girls really want to emphasize their individuality. You can help them do this using affordable polymer clay.

A person who makes jewelry from this material can realize various ideas: the occupation is very interesting and profitable. Children and teenagers will quickly become fans of the exclusive brand.

Home business #5. Fishing

For those who live in rural areas, there are favorable conditions for fishing.

There are 2 ways to make money from this:

  • grow and sell live fish;
  • smoke or salt fish and sell homemade products.

This kind of fishing can become a profitable business if you approach it wisely. To breed fish, you need to rent a pond and purchase fry.

Other factors need to be taken into account, as live fish can spoil quickly . To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to establish a sales market.

Home business #6. Ostrich breeding

An ostrich farm is considered a profitable business: profitability exceeds 100% . Today in the Russian Federation there are already about 300 farms, from which owners obtain live poultry, meat and eggs.

In addition, excursions are organized to the farms, which also brings in a decent income.

Home business #7. Making unusual paintings

It is not at all necessary to study at a university to become an artist in order to draw pictures. If you have dreamed of learning this all your life, then go for it. Professional artists and designers can be hired.

To make modular paintings to order, you will need computer, Printer And Consumables. They look great in a modern interior and are ideal for realizing space-themed fantasies.

Real works of art are created by the skilled hands of craftswomen engaged in bead embroidery. Shopping allows you to save money canvases, beads And schemes wholesale.

Oil painting– this is a job for real artists. An entrepreneur can learn to paint on canvas himself, but then he will need to take lessons.

Home business #8. Photo studio at home

If a businessman is engaged in photography himself, then he just needs to invite an assistant to work, and he can open his own business. Photo services to the public - This is a popular service. No celebration is complete without a photo as a keepsake.

Initially, you will need to rent a small room and high-quality equipment, which can be purchased through an online store to make the purchase cheaper. One family holiday can bring from 10.000 RUR.

If your beloved baby turns 1 year old, parents will want to capture this significant event. For newlyweds, a wedding means entering a new life, which is why they are so happy and want to preserve an extraordinary feeling, and, of course, high-quality photographs in the album can give them such memories.

Additionally, photo studios offer restoration, photo design, and photocopying services.

Home business #9. Selling boiled corn

Attractive view seasonal business is considered to be the sale of boiled corn. Many citizens do not mind having a snack on the street, especially when it comes to tasty and healthy food.

Investments in the business are minimal, but the income is excellent: boiled corn is 3 times the cost of raw materials.

Home business #9. Knitted items for sale

Home business idea - selling handmade knitted items

If a woman knows how to knit or crochet, then she can sell ready-made items if she wants.

Machine knitting - This is an excellent opportunity to quickly produce stylish and warm items of clothing. Thanks to the variety of designs, all products will be unique. Who doesn't want to dress differently from everyone else? Clients can be people of any age. If desired, knitting needles can be made to order. It is better to buy a good knitting machine with advanced functionality.

A computer model opens up endless possibilities for creativity for the knitter. Various patterns will help decorate any author's work.

Knitting will bring financial profit if the entrepreneur there is a clearly defined goal and a desire to earn money.

Home business #10. Cottage cheese production

Fermented milk products must be consumed. Cottage cheese is a product that is easily digestible. It contains amino acids, calcium and phosphorus necessary for the body. To produce cottage cheese, you will need an equipped room and trained personnel.

The product is intended for sale to the public. In addition to regular cottage cheese, you can set up production cheesecakes, cakes, creams, pastes and cottage cheese with fillings. It is important to find reputable milk suppliers and establish contacts with stores to sell products.

Home business #11. Return of plastic bottles

Today, plastic successfully competes with glass as a material for packaging. But while people hand over glass bottles, plastic bottles are mostly simply thrown away or burned.

Discarded container- This is garbage of inorganic origin that does not decompose over time. And when plastic is burned, harmful substances are released that can cause cancer in humans.

If you organize the collection of plastic bottles and return the containers to a collection point, you can give used products a second life. The necessary things are made again from recycled material: buckets, basins, boxes, plastic bottles(food containers cannot be made from recycled materials).

Home business #12. Production of food for small pets

People who have animals must take care of their little brothers. A high-quality diet can increase the life expectancy of rodents, aquarium fish and birds. This business is considered cost-effective , the main thing is that the feed complies with GOST. All ingredients used for nutritional formulas are available.

Cereals with added dried fruits form the basis of nutrition for rodents and birds; and for fish - algae, fishmeal, proteins, fat, proteins, starch, plankton, insects.

Important! You can get truly high-quality and healthy food if you consult with a veterinarian: he will tell you what the correct ratio of individual components should be.

Home business #13. Milk production and sale

Highly profitable production requires capital investment. Consumers are willing to buy this popular product; demand for high-quality milk has increased.

Depending on what assortment the enterprise will have, equipment is purchased. This is the most significant expense item.

Home business #14. Production of semi-finished meat products

To one of the most profitable directions in the food production sector. Semi-finished meat products are very popular among consumers, so this profitable business .

To make dumplings at home, you will need to purchase special equipment. Before purchasing it, you will have to do it yourself. You will need to find a meat supplier and consumers who want to enjoy delicious dumplings.

If a businessman keeps livestock himself, then for business it is a huge plus : You don’t have to worry about how high-quality raw materials were used.

Home business #15. Seasonal sale before the New Year

If you want to make good money New Year, then it is not difficult to implement. The first business option includes the sale of New Year's costumes and clothes. As a rule, at this time matinees are held in kindergartens, and parents will like the idea of ​​​​buying their son or daughter a new thing.

Sweaters embroidered with New Year's patterns, - a wonderful holiday gift for relatives. If an entrepreneur puts on a Santa Claus costume, his products will be readily bought up.

The second option is to organize a seasonal sale - this is selling Christmas trees: many parents are convinced that without a Christmas tree the child will not feel the holiday. The best option There will be opening of several retail outlets in different areas of the city.

ATTENTION! To trade live Christmas trees, you need a permit to sell forest beauties.

Another interesting idea that can be adopted is this is the opening of a gift shop. Such a project allows you to make a good profit not only before the New Year, but also on other holidays.

Renting New Year's dresses- a wonderful business. Corporate parties are organized where ladies should shine. However, not everyone can afford to buy a new dress. If you rent a product, it will cost many times less.

And one more post-New Year's idea - destruction of Christmas trees. As you know, if you decorate a live spruce or Christmas tree at home, the pine aroma will create a truly festive atmosphere. In addition, inhaling it is good for health.

Usually the forest beauty stands in an apartment or house until the Old New Year is celebrated, and then you have to part with the tree. A resourceful entrepreneur can help parents remove their Christmas tree. And wood can be used to heat a stove in winter.

What business to open in a small town? Read more about business ideas in the village ( small town, village)

5. What kind of business can you open with minimal investment in a small town - 6 business ideas for a small town 🏞 💸

Just because you live in a small town doesn't mean you can't do business there. You need to wisely choose a business for yourself that will allow you to earn good money.

The following business ideas for a small town can help you choose something to your liking.

1. Private kindergarten

The problem of finding a kindergarten for a young family often arises in small towns, where the choice preschool educational institution small. All you need to do is create favorable conditions for the child and offer parents an acceptable price tag. You can start with a small amount of starting capital.

Properly selected personnel will soon allow the business project to fully recoup. You may not even have to spend money on advertising. Satisfied parents will bring you their relatives and friends who also have small children.

ATTENTION! Work in a private kindergarten should be people who love children and know how to treat them.

2. Solution for home problems

Agency offering services eliminating everyday problems, is a win-win idea. The company helps the population cope with those tasks that need to be solved in a timely manner. Anyone who needs help with household chores will need your company.

Agency employees will perform a wide variety of functions: prepare dishes to order, wash and iron, assemble or disassemble furniture, change burnt out light bulbs, etc.

At the first stage, you need to register an individual entrepreneur, buy necessary tools, select personnel.

There is no need to rent a room. Advertising may be required. Tell everyone you know about your services to find your first clients.

3. Bakery

Small manufacturing enterprise baking fresh bread and baked goods is a profitable business. Fresh baked goods are always in great demand. It should be noted that this cannot be done without investment.

It will take about 1.5 million rubles A long-term project will be able to fully pay off only after a year. Here you need to be patient and not bet on immediate gains.

IMPORTANT! Consistently high-quality products will be sold out and attract new consumers.

4. An organization that repairs things or makes keys

This business does not require expert knowledge from its owner. Main– purchase modern high-precision equipment. So, you can set up a home workshop for yourself.

It is better for the owner to contact a repair service to fix the iron than to buy a new one. The same can be said about umbrellas and kitchen appliances.

5. Online store for the production of handmade goods

Creative people with skills in various types of needlework have a huge scope for activity. By choosing this type of business, you can earn a lot of money and do what you love.

In a small town there may be a problem : There will not be enough customers willing to buy finished products. However, today there is an optimal solution for this. Create an online store and accept orders from all over the world.

Exclusive items from the so-called Hand-made category are incredibly popular: after all, each of them is truly unique. Orders can be sent to other cities and countries by mail.

Creating a website takes little time. If you wish, you can quickly create the necessary Internet resource; knowledge in the field of programming and SEO in this area provides huge advantages.

A businessman can create an online store on his own, and if he himself manages to promote the resource in search engines and ensure a constant flow of visitors to the site, then we can safely say that the money invested in the project will soon be returned.

6. Opening of courses (foreign languages, dance, yoga, martial arts)

Parents want to see their child fully developed. They are ready to give it away vocals, choreography And karate simultaneously. When there is an opportunity to place your beloved child in a small group, why not take advantage of it?

If you know English well, you can take up tutoring . Use Skype in your work to conduct classes with your student.

Sign an agreement with a client and work without leaving home. Online you can teach people useful and practical things ( online courses, languages, practical guidance, etc.), for which there will always be demand.

TOP 5 manufacturing business ideas

6. What kind of business to start in the field of production - 5 business ideas for production 🏭

Entrepreneurial activities related to the organization of small production are considered both complex and promising. Anyone who wants to try their hand at the manufacturing business will be able to find their own niche.

1. Business idea: production of furniture

To implement this idea you will need special equipment:

  • band saw – these machines cut wood and metal;
  • drying - will be needed if you plan to produce wood products;
  • woodworking – this includes milling machines and a machine for aging wood;
  • glass processing – for sandblasting;
  • metalworking – for cutting, polishing, drilling or welding;
  • sewing - for sewing parts for furniture;
  • additional tools - drills, screwdrivers, screwdrivers and others.

Where to start making furniture and what to pay attention to?

As for the organizational and legal level, registration of an LLC is required. In this case, the number potential clients will include large institutions: government and legal.

You can specialize in manufacturing kitchen, corps, office And other furniture.

  1. You need to offer your services to the public and furniture stores. Additional services should include assembly and installation.
  2. In your city, analyze the furniture market, taking into account the shortcomings in the work of competitors. If you eliminate the shortcomings of someone else’s business, you can bring your own company to a leading position.
  3. It is necessary to draw up a production plan. You need to rent or buy 2 premises: an office and a production workshop. The office should be located in a location convenient for potential clients. The workshop can be located anywhere. Often an office is combined with a store where products are sold and a workshop in one place.
  4. It will be necessary to equip a workshop. There are many options here. Machines are selected depending on financial capabilities and the materials from which the furniture will be made. The necessary equipment includes milling machines, panel saws, lathes and jigsaws.
  5. Recruiting staff is an important task for an entrepreneur. Should be hired.

IMPORTANT! Make the correct calculations, otherwise the enterprise may turn out to be unprofitable.

2. Production of building materials - polystyrene foam

Such small production with a rational approach cannot fail to generate consistently high income . Current business involves creating your own production line, establishing cooperation with construction companies to supply the product at a low price. The material is widely used to strengthen the facades of buildings.

To create a production line you need foaming area, aging bunkers, plot, where foam plastic is cut, additional equipment.

ATTENTION! The line capacity reaches up to 40 cubic meters. meters per shift.

3. Business idea - recycling used tires

Are you looking for a respectable business to invest your money in? Recycle tires to get crumb rubber TV screen fuel oil. The first product is a special fraction that is used in road work, for covering various sites, and in construction.

Fuel oil is used for heating, in agriculture, housing and public utilities.

Equipment is purchased taking into account what the final product will be. You can rent a small room.

4. Business idea - production of souvenirs

Gifts for colleagues and business partners– this is a current niche. If you just hand people stationery, that’s exactly how they will be perceived.

At the same time, a notebook with the name of a company or a pen with the name of an organization engraved on it acquires a special value for its owners. These items remind of memorable events in a person’s life, so he often uses them for a long time.

On average, you need 5 thousand dollars to start, such investments pay off after a year, provided that the entrepreneur manages to find regular customers quickly. T-shirts, mugs, and file folders can be used as souvenirs.

To reduce the cost of renting premises, you can use your garage for production. We wrote in detail about, as well as what ideas for production in the garage are currently relevant at the moment, in the last issue.

5. Business idea - mini-factory for hardware production

If a businessman needs, first of all, a constant workload of new orders, then the production of fasteners contributes to this in the best possible way.

These products are always required on a construction site. No repair will be complete without these products. You need to purchase equipment and consumables. Buyers can be searched among professional companies, and among construction stores.

Products do not spoil for a long time if they are stored properly in a warehouse.

What business should a novice entrepreneur start, what business is relevant now - 5 trending business ideas

7. What business is relevant now - 5 examples of relevant business in 2019 💻 💡

Any aspiring businessman (entrepreneur) at the initial stage asks the question of what business is currently relevant in Russia. Let's look at some of them.

Example No. 1. Business on cryptocurrency


A crisis, as we know, is a time of opportunity, one of which is opening your own business. If you need commercial space for this, then it’s time to take a closer look at non-residential premises on the ground floors, since rent here is cheaper than in shopping or business centers. The portal site decided to find out from experts how to avoid mistakes when choosing premises for small businesses on the territory of a residential complex.

What is not prohibited is permitted

Let's start with the fact that not all types of activities are possible on commercial space in residential buildings. One of the most important documents regulating restrictions on doing business in residential complexes is the version of the corresponding SNiP - (SP 54.13330.2011. Code of rules. Residential multi-apartment buildings. Updated version of SNiP 01/31/2003). Without plunging into legal subtleties, we can say that any activity that will cause inconvenience to residents is prohibited on the territory of the residential complex. You will not be able to sell chemicals, motor oils, rubber, carpets and fish in the residential complex, but a grocery store will not receive permission to operate around the clock, only until 11 p.m. Laundries and dry cleaners can only be opened as collection points. There is no place in residential buildings and factories, discos, X-ray rooms, clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories, emergency rooms, funeral homes, etc. Catering establishments with a capacity of up to 50 people and an area of ​​no more than 250 square meters. meters, with appropriate ventilation and fire safety, by the way, you can open it. But such establishments will also only be able to operate until 11 p.m.

The times when the market was growing with unsaturated consumer demand are, as we know, long gone. Accordingly, in order not to go down the drain, you need a clear business plan and marketing research. “Over time, the rating of demand for businesses in residential complexes may change,” says Maria Litinetskaya, managing partner of Metrium Group. - For example, in the first few years after the completion of a new building, while active settlement is underway, curtain salons and stores with building materials are in demand. Over time, when the main part repair work completed, such a business loses profitability in a particular residential complex. It’s being replaced by cafes, development centers, children’s stores, etc.”

Alexander Zubets, General Director of New Vatutinki LLC, agrees with Maria Litinetskaya: “At the stage of moving into a house, I advise opening a building materials store. Repair is not a simple matter, in which you constantly need to buy something in addition. Also, grocery stores and consumer services should be opened first in new buildings. In the second - hairdressers, beauty salons, travel companies.”

Director of the commercial real estate department at RRG Yuri Taranenko advises focusing on the following figures: per 5,000 residents, 3 to 6 food stores, 5-6 beauty salons/hairdressers, 2-3 medical organizations (including dentistry), 2-3 educational organizations, 1-2 children's goods stores, bank branch, one pharmacy.

Commercial premises from 5 sq.m. meters!

It is worth considering that a tenant of street retail premises built into residential complexes must often correlate the concept of their business not only with Russian legislation, but also with the owner of the premises, that is, the developer. Some large developers even say that under no circumstances will they sell non-residential premises in their residential complexes in order to be able to control the availability of infrastructure in their properties.

The owner of Ecooffice Group of Companies Andrey Kovalev notes that developers strive to be guided by market principles when designing commercial premises in residential projects. There is a well-developed toolkit for researching the target audience, competitive environment, etc., on the basis of which the developer makes a decision on the advisability of including certain functions in the project in certain volumes. However, the expert immediately makes a reservation: “this is an ideal, but in reality there are cases of serious discrepancies between the plan and the results - both due to errors made in the analysis and due to changes in the economic situation. In particular, many new Moscow microdistricts are experiencing serious difficulties with the occupancy of such commercial premises. The reason often lies in the formal approach to studying the needs of both the residents themselves and the tenants of each specific profile (shops with everyday goods need premises with some characteristics, medical centers - with others, cafes and restaurants - with others, etc.)" . According to Andrey Kovalev, it is not uncommon for a project to include some abstract “workplaces” rather than areas with specific functions, calculated based on the composition and needs of future residents.

However, the crisis and the growing vacancy rate are forcing both residential real estate developers and owners of shopping and business centers to be more loyal and flexible. The head of commercial real estate at Morton Group of Companies, Yulia Koroleva, notes that Morton Group of Companies tries to take into account all wishes and technical requirements future tenants at the construction design stage, and can also offer various formats of commercial premises, for example, with an area of ​​5 sq. meters.

In fact, meeting the tenant halfway is beneficial for the developer himself. “The trade and service infrastructure in residential complexes is a fairly strong tool with which a developer can, firstly, create additional effective tool for home sales; secondly, to improve the image of the project in terms of the comfort and convenience of its future residents; thirdly, to form an additional cash flow“,” summarizes Polina Zhilkina, director of the strategic consulting department at CBRE.

Tell me who your neighbor is and I'll tell you what will happen to your business

The future tenant has the right to know about the developer's plans, even if he doesn't like them. Is it possible that, having launched a grocery store, a small business owner will find a competitor in a residential complex 100 meters away in six months?

Another rule that should not be neglected is that the infrastructure of a residential complex located next to a large shopping and entertainment center can and should be more modest than in a similar project, where it takes more than 10-15 minutes to get to the nearest large shopping center, says Polina Zhilkina.

But there are other pitfalls that Alexander Zubets talks about. Of course, location plays an important role for a grocery store. “It would be ideal if it would be on the “first line,” that is, as close as possible to the main flows of people,” says the expert. - In this case, it is worth contacting the developer and asking for a development plan for the territory of the complex. After all, it is absolutely not a fact that if today a store is located on a main road, then in two years, when the microdistrict may be completely built up, this same road will not turn out to be a secondary road and not so accessible.” Maria Litinetskaya also advises monitoring the surrounding area: “When choosing premises for commercial use, you should pay attention to nearby objects. For example, it would be appropriate to organize some kind of educational club next to the kindergarten. A pharmacy will be conveniently located near the clinic. If it’s a car wash, then you should open it at the entrance to a residential complex or next to the parking lot.”

Another important point What you should pay attention to when choosing a room is whether the residential complex is fenced or not. A fenced area is a very serious limiting factor for potential tenants of commercial space, Polina Zhilkina is sure. To a lesser extent, this applies to “targeted” visits (beauty salons, medical clinics, fitness clubs), but for shops, cafes and small service enterprises, a fenced area can significantly worsen attendance indicators and, accordingly, revenue.

However, developers can, on the one hand, take into account the wishes of future new residents to live in an area closed from outsiders, and on the other hand, ensure that tenants of commercial space in their residential complexes attract “external” demand. “If the territory of the residential complex is fenced, there are two entrances - from the yard and from the outside, from the road and the street,” says Yulia Koroleva. “At the same time, we always take into account that the loading and unloading areas of stores and other necessary technical premises are located on the territory of the complex without harm to residents.”

Oksana Moiseeva, head of the commercial real estate department of the NDV-Real Estate company, notes that reducing traffic due to the fencing of the territory is not an obstacle to organizing the company’s representative office, showroom, medical and children’s institutions. Moreover, isolation can become an additional bonus, joker. “The fencing of the territory will not greatly affect the profitability of the business of beauty salons, hairdressers, and children's studios,” says Oksana Moiseeva. “And in the premium segments of these areas, a fenced area will even be a plus.”

But in general, the closed nature of the territory, as a rule, reduces rental rates for commercial space on the first floors of a residential complex by several percent compared to similar proposals in “open areas.” Rental rates depend on the location, area and format of the residential complex. “For a residential area, rates are at the level of 10 - 15 thousand rubles per sq. m. meter per year, for premises in the center they range from 30 to 65 thousand rubles per sq. m. meter per year,” says Lena Serenko, General Director of MIEL-Commercial Real Estate. The expert, by the way, speaks very categorically about opening a business on the territory of residential complexes: “It is better for a beginning entrepreneur without work experience not to open a business in premises in a residential complex, but to look for objects in an established retail zone where there is a synergistic effect.”

Competitors don't come here

A counterargument to Lena Serenko’s words is expressed by Alexander Zubets, noting that in the conditions of a residential complex, an entrepreneur can become the only one who offers a service in demand by residents, for which they would otherwise have to travel a certain distance, including by car or public transport. In particular, he says that due to the technical difficulties of placing cafes and restaurants on the ground floors of residential buildings (installing ventilation, organizing a kitchen, storing food), by opening a cafe on the ground floor, you can be out of competition for a long time. But, as they say, everyone chooses for themselves - a food court or a separately located cafe with no competitors at gunshot distance.

In any case, as Elizaveta Gudz, Deputy General Director for Analytics and Consulting at NDV-Real Estate, clarifies, when choosing premises you need to pay attention to the features of your business, target audience, understand whether a load or a large showcase is needed, whether the room allows for optimal planning, arrangement of equipment, furniture, etc. Moreover, obviously, there will be plenty to choose from in 2016.

In 2016, we will see an increase in vacant space, - Alexander Zubets is sure. - The economic crisis is not conducive to opening a new business. It is likely that some entrepreneurs will be forced to curtail their business and terminate their leases. Together with the emergence of new vacant space from developers, all this will increase competition among landlords. As a result, rates may be adjusted downward.” Lena Serenko also agrees with the expert: “The level of vacant space will definitely increase, which is associated with a decline in trade due to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population.” The expert notes that rental rates continue to decline, but not as noticeably as in 2015. On average, the discount is no more than 10-15%.

Elizaveta Gudz expects that in 2016 the trends of the previous year will continue: changes in consumer behavior, migration of tenants to more convenient locations that were previously “unaffordable”, renegotiation of contracts on more attractive terms - that is, the market will continue to look for an equilibrium state.

Given such forecasts, the most optimistic is the very cautious statement of Yuri Taranenko: “The level of vacancies in the segment will most likely remain high in 2016. Although in general its development will continue due to the opening of new catering enterprises and grocery stores different formats: coffee shops, shops selling alcohol, food products; pharmacies and so on."

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