What kind of business can you open for 300,000? Opening a business with different budgets

Opening or buying a business in Moscow is impossible without building a business plan. A detailed analysis of all the factors influencing the success of a business will maximize profits.

Ready-made business with a profit of 300 thousand rubles per month in Moscow

To buy a business with a profit of 300,000 rubles per month, you need to take into account the initial purchase costs, expenses during the operation of the business, as well as payback periods ready-made business. A business with a profit of 300,000 rubles per month in Moscow can be bought for 3 million rubles and more. The average return on business is one year. However, the development of each business is individual, therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to accurately calculate all the conditions affecting profit.

Buy a business with a profit of 300,000 per month

When buying a business with a net profit of 300,000 rubles per month in Moscow, you are in no way limited in choosing your field of activity. When choosing a niche, you should, first of all, take into account its demand in the market, this will increase profits and quickly pay for the business. Remember that with a professional approach to business, a business with a profit of 300,000 rubles can become a business that brings and big income. The main thing is to develop your business in accordance with consumer requirements and changing market conditions.

If you are planning to start your own business, but your investment opportunities are limited, pay attention to the scope of existing facilities. Investments in business with minimal investment. To which business areas do these projects relate to? As a rule, this is online trading, island-type platforms with current products, etc. In these areas, you can open a business for 300,000 rubles in a minimum period of time and earn income.

Ready-made business up to 300,000 rubles in Moscow

What are the advantages of such offers? One of the main ones is the ability to return the invested funds in a relatively short period of time, on average from several months to six months.

At the same time, by investing up to 300,000 rubles in the business, you will be able to use the developments and assets generated by the owner. There is no need to waste time searching for premises certain type activities, hire staff and solve other problems that arise when you start a project from scratch. You are provided with supplier contacts and a customer base.

Ready-made business with investments up to 300,000 rubles

The Altera Invest catalog contains a wide range of offers related to activities in the most different directions business activities. You can profitably invest in an online store, shopping island for the sale of popular accessories or other object that requires a deposit small investment. With the assistance of experienced brokers, you can profitably buy a business for 300 thousand rubles in Moscow and start your own business.

If you have an investment package in the amount of this amount, you can implement several simple ideas with a current focus. With a minimum starting capital, you should bet on:

  • originality of the idea;
  • the need for a business product for consumers;
  • little competition;
  • own skills and abilities, which will become an additional investment, a unique contribution to the opening and development of a business.

How promising and risky such investments will be can be assessed in advance by comparing the values ​​of payback, profitability, prospects and risk indicators. These relationships can be easily presented in table form for clarity:

Business payback period (months)Business profitability %Survival Prospects %Risk of business failure %
01.12.2015 50 50 50
09.12.2017 70 80 40
06.09.2017 70 90 20
03.06.2017 70-100 95 10
Less than 3from 10097 less than 5

As can be seen from the analysis, the areas and types of entrepreneurship in which high and quick payback investments.

The most promising areas of business to purchase for 100,000 rubles

  1. Providing services to the public: nail design, landscape design, accounting, legal advice and business management, massage.
  2. Vending machines for coffee and toys.
  3. Payment terminals.
  4. Mobile units catering, for example, for the production and sale of popcorn, grilled and shawarma, caramelized apples.
  5. Manufacturing of interior items, jewelry, decor and clothing. For example, candles, lampshades, handmade knitted accessories.

At the initial stage, with such a small amount of capital, it is possible to provide services for free, for advertising purposes and for developing target audience, consumer interest. Then, after 1-2 months, register with the Federal Tax Service. Optimal choice forms of doing business - individual entrepreneurs, at the same time, you should find the optimal taxation regime, simplified and convenient for beginners. If the patent system (PNS) in the region is provided for the activity chosen by the entrepreneur, it is better to opt for it. It is the cheapest and most convenient for beginners. If the patent is not valid, the simplified tax system for income is recommended (6%).

Mid-level business starting capital has good payback rates and often has a better chance of survival than a business without investments or with investments of up to 50-100 thousand rubles.

Let's look at a business idea with an investment of 300,000 rubles.

Mobile planetarium

There are stationary planetariums only in large Russian cities. Small towns, villages and villages have never seen such luxury. The market offers mobile planetariums with an inflatable dome, which can be easily transported from one locality to another, going around schools, squares and parks.

Cost: a planetarium that is fully equipped and ready to work with visitors will cost a little over 200,000 with a dome diameter of 5 meters and 300,000 with a diameter of 10 meters. In the second case, it is better to purchase not a ready-made kit, but only a dome, getting to it necessary equipment as needed, since the dome itself of this size alone costs 220,000 rubles.

Business payback: the entrance ticket costs 100 rubles, the capacity of the ball with a dome of 5 meters is 15 people. You can recruit two groups per hour, earning 3,000 rubles. Part of the costs will go to electricity, renting the territory (although this is not necessary for schools), and paying for the cashier’s work (if you have a shift). Profit will directly depend on the number of sessions that you can organize. In any case, it will be at least 50,000 rubles per month. This means that you will reach full payback in six months.

Business on glass and mirrors

The cost of one mirror, large, of a non-standard shape in a beautiful frame, can reach several thousand rubles or even more. You can make a business out of this if you want to work with your own hands.

You can buy a sheet mirror from wholesalers at a price of 200 rubles. per square, glass - from 140 rubles. per square. You can offer the service of making mirrors to customer sizes, as well as cutting glass for glazing doors, cabinets, and shelves. For this purpose, it is better to expand the range to a variety of glasses - textured, colored, frosted, etc. Even simple cutting to size increases the cost of mirrors and glass by 150%. If we talk about figured cutting, then the business will be even more profitable, although labor-intensive.

You will learn where you can profitably invest 300,000-400,000 rubles, what business ideas will bring a guaranteed return on investment, how to invest so that the money does not disappear

Greetings to the readers of our business magazine! The founder of the online magazine “HeatherBober” Alexander Berezhnov is with you again.

The topic of the next publication is financial investments. This article will be interesting and useful to everyone who has a certain amount of money and wants to invest their money in a profitable business.

So, let's go!

If you are not satisfied with your fixed salary, working as a hired force and your current standard of living, it’s time for you to change your relationship with finance in the most dramatic way. Money can be made to make money: moreover, there is every chance of turning this process into a source of constant passive income.

You can increase your level of well-being through smart investing. Exists large number effective financial instruments that will help you spin your money and get a solid profit.

An amount of 300-400 thousand rubles is ideal for launching a successful investment project. In this article we will tell you where to invest money to make money, but first we’ll talk about the principles of smart investing.

Investor's golden rules

The larger the amount, the more opportunities the investor has, but at the same time, the danger of losing money as a result of ill-considered monetary transactions increases. To prevent this from happening, experts in the field of profitable investments have developed rules for safe investments.

These rules will help you not to lose money during financial transactions and minimize risks.

Rule 1. Diversify your investments.

Such a complex word means a simple truth - never invest all your money (especially if the amount is impressive) in one company (PAMM account, project). Divide your investment portfolio into several parts - preferably equal ones - and distribute them in different directions.

Why is splitting contributions so important? The reason is simple - not all investment niches are 100% reliable. Some companies you invest in may go bankrupt.

If you put money into one account, your capital after the bankruptcy of your partner will be zero. If there were several accounts, the loss of one of them will not be a disaster for the total amount of deposits.

Rule 2. Invest only free money.

What does it mean? This means that you can only put into circulation those assets that do not affect your family’s standard of living.

Sometimes money is not physically available until a certain period has expired. In some financial transactions, according to the terms of the transaction, it is impossible to receive even the body of the deposit until the funds “turn around”. For this reason, in addition to investment money, you must have safety nets.

Rule 3. Control risks.

It would seem that the rule is obvious and does not need detailed elaboration, but according to statistics, novice investors ignore this principle most often.

Beginners often make decisions based on emotions and incorrect conclusions. They see only the final figures of possible profits and completely forget about existing risks. Repeated miscalculation, checking partners, caution and lack of haste in financial matters - these are the factors that will help you save and increase money.

We advise inexperienced investors to start with conservative investments made in accordance with all the rules of competent handling of finances. Remember that even talented businessmen often lose their deposits, let alone neophytes in the world of investment.

Rule 4. Withdraw the deposit body as soon as possible.

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