What are the features of the profession of a waiter? Qualification characteristics of waiters

Many new bars, restaurants, coffee shops and pubs are regularly opening not only in the capital, but also in the regions. Whether they will be successful depends largely on the skill of the chef, the exquisite menu and how cozy the atmosphere the designers manage to create.

But an equally important component of success is the professionalism of the waiters. After all, their ability to demonstrate impeccable service affects the mood of visitors, as well as the reputation and profitability of the establishment.

Features of the profession

A waiter is a specialist who serves visitors to a catering establishment. In addition, this profession is considered the entry-level position in the restaurant business. As numerous reviews indicate, in our country such work is often considered a way to earn temporary money.

In fact, the position of waiter is often chosen by students who are attracted by the opportunity to combine part-time work with study.

Modern establishments restaurant industry have significant differences in class and purpose. In view of this, the work of service personnel may have different specifics. For example, the requirements for employees of a budget cafe and for the staff of a luxury restaurant will differ.

However, there are professional responsibilities common to all institutions. First of all, for waiters this means friendly and respectful service to each visitor, cleaning and setting the table, and making payments to the client. If a young specialist wants to advance his career, he needs in-depth knowledge and skills. In particular:

  • know the menu thoroughly and appearance each dish, a set of ingredients and cooking technology;
  • be aware of what foods and snacks are on this moment in the kitchen there are no or there is, but only in limited quantities;
  • know the serving features of each dish;
  • freely navigate the wine list, drinks and cocktails;
  • have a good understanding of the intricacies of table setting;
  • be able to surround guests with attention and care, but without excessive intrusiveness;
  • have a neat appearance.

In addition, the waiter must have good health and high physical activity, resistance to stress, and good coordination. The personal qualities of the staff are also of great importance. Help to gain the favor of managers and visitors:

  1. competent speech and communication skills;
  2. politeness and tolerance;
  3. accuracy;
  4. initiative;
  5. good memory;
  6. Foreign language skills.

You should also not lose sight of the fact that a waiter’s earnings largely depend on his professionalism. The level of income is significantly influenced by the distribution of tips. There are establishments where they are divided by the administrator. There is also an incentive system, for example, a percentage of sales of certain drinks or dishes. Taking all this into account, entry-level professionals can expect to be paid $150 or more monthly, while more experienced staff typically earn at least $500.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Working as a waiter is an opportunity to earn money without having any special education. Moreover, depending on the status of the establishment and professionalism, you can receive additional tips. Sometimes they can be several times higher than the basic salary. The positive aspects of the profession include a convenient work schedule, as well as daily communication with a large number of people.

However, it has this type labor and certain shortcomings. First of all, this is serious physical activity. On average, a waiter walks from 10 to 25 km every day. Therefore, the profession has many contraindications, ranging from diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems to diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Also, those who choose such work must be prepared for a high probability of stressful situations. After all, clients are not always cultured and intelligent people.

It is worth noting that due to the active development restaurant business, the demand for qualified personnel is constantly growing.

Waiters today are quite in demand in the labor market. Some consider this type of work to be temporary employment.

However, those who strive for constant development and do not want to remain at the bottom career ladder have every chance of successful career in the restaurant business. If necessary personal qualities and knowledge, they have the opportunity to eventually occupy the position of administrator or restaurant manager.

Target: familiarize yourself with the job descriptions of POP personnel. Acquire skills in writing job descriptions.

Logistics: professional standard Guild of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (2008), job description for a waiter at the Zhar-Pizza cafe.

Theoretical basis: Job descriptions for service personnel are developed by the enterprise administration based on the requirements of this standard, the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions, taking into account the specifics of each enterprise and the requirements of current legislation.

Instruction structure

1. General provisions(see notebook)

3. Job responsibilities. Basic knowledge required to perform job duties.

Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties;

Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to professional responsibilities;

Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities;

Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by the management of the enterprise;

Request and receive information about the procedure for accrual and payment of personal wages;

Within your competence, inform the restaurant director, production manager about all shortcomings identified in the process of activity and make proposals for their elimination.

protect professional honor and dignity,

5. Responsibility

The waiter is responsible:

For non-performance or improper performance without good reasons Internal labor regulations, orders of the director, job responsibilities established by this job description, bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed labor legislation RF. Behind gross violation labor responsibilities Dismissal may be applied as disciplinary action.

For violation of fire safety rules, labor protection, sanitary and hygienic rules, the bar manager is brought to administrative responsibility in the manner and in cases provided for by the administrative legislation of the Russian Federation,

For culpable harm to the enterprise or participants production process damages in connection with the performance (non-performance) of their official duties shall be borne by financial liability in the manner and within the limits established by the labor and (or) civil legislation of the Russian Federation,

For offenses committed during the period of its activities in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Interaction by position

Waiter (first qualification level)

Greeting guests, offering menus, assisting in choosing dishes and drinks; order acceptance, delivery various dishes and drinks, serving festive evenings, receptions, banquets, foreign guests; security high level sales and service quality; maximum satisfaction of guests' requests
At least six months at entry level qualification
Specific health requirements
Job titles Senior waiter Waiter
Required level of vocational education and training Secondary vocational education Primary vocational education Secondary (complete) general education Professional education



Serving ordered wines and spirits


Serving ordered beer, water and juices


Serving ordered dishes


Ending guest service


Preparing an invoice and accepting payment


Control of table cleaning


Festive party catering


Catering for informal banquets


Catering for receptions and official banquets

10 Top notch guest service

Serving foreign guests


Carrying out vocational training at work



Job responsibilities Basic skills required to perform job duties Basic knowledge required to perform job duties
1. Control and preparation of the hall for service Follow the rules and sequence of preparing the room for service. Control the arrangement of tables in various ways depending on the type of service. Use artificial lighting: table lamps and candles. Master flower arranging techniques. Prepare the workplace. Monitor the use of detergents and disinfectants. Monitor compliance with cleaning rules for various types of furniture. Monitor compliance sanitary requirements to retail and utility premises. Maintain personal hygiene. Comply with fire safety and labor protection requirements. Comply with established standards of dress and neat appearance Structure and layout of the enterprise. Interior and light in the interior of the hall. Color in the interior of the hall. Ventilation and temperature regime in the hall. Equipment and furniture of the hall. Types and methods of maintenance. Special forms of catering. Ways to arrange tables. Rules for preparing the hall for service. Features of preparing the hall for serving festive evenings, banquets, buffets, etc. Techniques for arranging flowers, candles, etc. Workplace preparation rules. Range and characteristics of basic detergents and disinfectants. Rules for cleaning various types of furniture. List of services offered at the enterprise. Sanitary rules and regulations. Fire safety rules. Labor safety instructions. Internal dress standards (uniforms)
2. Control and table setting Master serving techniques. Supervise the setting of tables with tablecloths. Monitor compliance with table setting depending on the type of service. Control the folding of linen napkins. Monitor compliance with serving deadlines. Perform executive serving during the service process. Follow the rules for special serving Special forms of catering. Types and methods of maintenance. Menu, wine and drink list. Assortment and purpose of restaurant linen. Assortment and purpose of restaurant tableware. Assortment and purpose of cutlery. Techniques for folding linen napkins. Serving rules (preliminary, executive, special). Serving technique. Features of serving festive evenings, banquets, buffets, etc.
3. Greeting guests, offering a menu Possess communication skills. Possess professional speech culture. Possess a basic vocabulary of one foreign language for the service sector. Know professional terminology. Use techniques interpersonal communication. Establish and maintain visual contact with the guest. Speak clearly and concisely. Introduce the guest to programs and discounts that are valid on certain days and times. Create comfortable conditions for the guest. Maintain a positive image of the restaurant Fundamentals of the theory of interpersonal communication. Professional speech culture. Basic vocabulary of one foreign language for the service sector. Professional terminology. Menu, wine and drink list. Type of service. Programs and discounts valid on certain days and times. Rules for accepting orders for table reservations
4. Assistance in choosing dishes and drinks, taking orders Establish contact with the guest. Possess the necessary information about wines and other drinks. Have a brief description of the dishes. Advise the guest regarding the choice of food and drinks. Offer special and specialty foods and drinks. Follow the rules for accepting and clarifying orders. Possess communication skills. Possess professional speech culture. Possess a basic vocabulary of one foreign language for the service sector. Follow the rules of etiquette. Use interpersonal communication techniques. Satisfy guests' needs as fully as possible. Ensure a high level of sales Types and methods of maintenance. Psychology of sales. Menu, wine and drink list. The order of recording dishes and drinks in the menu and wine and drink list. Order acceptance rules. Classification of alcoholic beverages. Brief characteristics alcoholic drinks. Assortment of aperitifs and digestifs. Culinary characteristics of dishes. Classic combination of food and drinks. Rules and features of serving food and drinks. Basic vocabulary of one foreign language for the service sector. Professional speech culture. Professional terminology. Fundamentals of the theory of interpersonal communication. Etiquette. Age limits for alcohol consumption
5. Serving ordered wines and spirits Know the methods of serving guests in the hall, office, at home, outdoors. Use professional techniques when servicing. Serve aperitifs and digestifs. Serve wine. Serve alcohol Style, types and methods of service. Assortment and purpose of wine glassware. Rules and features of serving aperitifs and digestifs. Rules and features of serving wines. Rules and features of serving alcohol
beverages. Serve mixed drinks. Maintain temperature conditions for serving wines and spirits. Use restaurant accessories. Follow the rules of protocol and etiquette drinks. Rules and features of serving mixed drinks (cocktails, punches, etc.). Temperature for serving wines and spirits. Restaurant accessories. Service Features individual categories guests (teenagers, families with children, disabled people, elderly people). Protocol and etiquette
6. Serving ordered beer, water and juices Know the methods of serving guests in the hall, office, at home, outdoors. Use professional techniques when servicing. Serve beer. Serve mineral and fruit waters. Serve soft drinks and juices. Maintain the temperature conditions for serving beer, water and juices. Use restaurant accessories. Use technical devices for pouring beer. Follow the rules of protocol and etiquette Style, types and methods of service. Assortment and purpose of glassware for beer and water. Rules and features of serving beer. Rules and features of serving mineral and fruit waters. Rules and features of serving soft drinks and juices. Technical devices for dispensing beer from a barrel. Restaurant accessories. Peculiarities of servicing certain categories of guests (teenagers, families with children, disabled elderly people). Psyutokol and etiquette.
Know the rules and features of offering digestifs. Serve digestifs. Know the rules and features of offering cheese. Serve the cheese plate. Follow the rules for cutting cheese. Serve cigars. Serve tea, coffee, chocolate. Follow the rules of protocol and etiquette. Maintain a positive image of the restaurant. Satisfy guests' needs as fully as possible
8. Completing guest service Know the rules and features of offering digestifs. Serve digestifs. Know the rules and features of offering cheese. Serve the cheese plate. Follow the rules for cutting cheese. Serve cigars. Serve tea, coffee, chocolate. Follow the rules of protocol and etiquette. Maintain a positive image of the restaurant. Satisfy guests' needs as fully as possible Style, types and methods of service. Rules and features of serving tea, coffee, chocolate. Rules and features of offering digestifs. The main distinguishing features of different digestive drinks. The assortment of the “cheese cart” and the taste differences between cheeses. Features of serving cheese. Cigar serving rules. Rules for combining chocolate, cigars, coffee and alcoholic beverages. Peculiarities of servicing certain categories of guests (teenagers, families with children, disabled people, elderly people). Protocol and etiquette
9. Preparation of invoice and acceptance of payment Fill out invoices correctly. Follow the rules for working with credit and discount cards. Follow the rules of conduct in case of guest refusal to pay. Compile and submit a register. Possess professional speech culture. Possess a basic vocabulary of one foreign language for the service sector Rules for preparing an invoice. Programs and discounts valid on certain days and times. Methods of accepting payment (cash, credit and discount cards). Kinds cash registers. Cash transactions. Rules of conduct in case of guest refusal to pay.
Rules for compiling and submitting the register. The procedure for saying goodbye to a guest. Professional speech culture. Basic vocabulary of one foreign language for the service sector. 10. Control of table cleaning Monitor compliance with the rules for cleaning tables and replacing used plates, cutlery and tablecloths. Monitor compliance with deadlines, methods and sequence of table cleaning. Control the technique of transferring used dishes and cutlery (without a tray, on a tray). Monitor the use of special carts
Assortment of table linen, dishes and cutlery. Rules for cleaning and replacing used plates, cutlery and tablecloths. Table cleaning techniques. Types of trays and rules for carrying used dishes and cutlery on a tray. Types and functionality of trolleys 11. Catering for holiday parties Know the methods of serving guests in the hall, office, at home, outdoors. Apply professional techniques when serving holiday parties. Serve wines and spirits. Serve dishes and products. Create a festive atmosphere for guests
Features of servicing holiday evenings (New Year, March 8, etc.). Holiday menu. Additional services and festive evening program. Peculiarities of serving wines and spirits when serving festive evenings. Features of serving dishes and products when serving festive evenings 12. Serving informal banquets Types of informal banquets and buffets. Features of serving buffets. Features of servicing banquets in the office, at home, outdoors. Peculiarities of servicing individual guests: newlyweds, anniversaries and other guests. Banquet menu. Additional services and banquet program. Features of serving food and drinks when serving banquets and buffets. Etiquette
15. Serving foreign guests Use professional service techniques. Know the specifics of serving foreign guests (group, individual). Be familiar with the nutritional habits of foreign guests. Serve food and drinks. Possess a basic vocabulary of one foreign language for the service sector. Follow the rules of protocol and etiquette Peculiarities of servicing foreign guests (group, individual). Peculiarities of nutrition for foreign guests of individual countries. Menu, wine and drink list. Rules and features of serving food and drinks. Basic vocabulary of one foreign language for the service sector. Protocol and etiquette
16. On-the-job training Master on-the-job training methods. Provide on-the-job training. Transfer knowledge and work experience. Use professional terminology. Provide training for newly hired employees. Help newly hired employees adapt to work. Possess learner-centered communication techniques Personnel training methodology. Methods and means of personnel training. Training methods for newly hired employees. Personnel training program. Rules of interpersonal communication. Professional terminology
17. Self-development Rationally organize the current working day. Perform maintenance work accurately and accurately. Continuously improve competence. Be responsible and restrained. Speak clearly and concisely. Train memory and observation skills. Attend professional training. Master telephone etiquette Labor Code RF. Principles of organizing the work of a waiter. Psychology of sales. The theory of interpersonal communication. Modern types of services and forms of service in the restaurant industry. Professional literature. Russian language and culture of speech. Conversational foreign language (one) for the service sector. Fundamentals of psychology and conflictology. Telephone etiquette

Bartender (first qualification level)

Direction of activity of employees by profession Meeting with guests; receiving and fulfilling orders; service of alcoholic and other drinks, cigars; preparing and serving mixed drinks; settlement with the guest; ensuring a high level of sales and quality of service; livening up the atmosphere in the bar; keeping records and reporting in the bar
Requirements for practical work experience At least six months at entry level qualification
Requirements for the need for certification Subject to voluntary certification
Specific health requirements Availability of personal medical record
Job titles Senior bartender Bartender
Required level of vocational education and training Secondary vocational education Primary vocational education Secondary (complete) education Vocational training

List of job responsibilities

1 Control and preparation of the bar for service
2 Reception and storage of bar products
3 Control of preparation of dishes, alcoholic and other drinks, bar accessories
4 Welcoming guests and taking orders
5 Serving alcoholic and other drinks
6 Cigar service
7 Preparation and serving of mixed drinks
8 Payment and farewell to the guest
9 Livening up the atmosphere in the bar
10 Dealing with complaints and wishes of guests
11 Drawing up a bar map certain type service
12 Providing on-the-job training
13 Bar cleaning control
14 Keeping records and reporting
15 Self-development

Today, the profession of a waiter is rightfully considered one of the most in demand. Having opened any newspaper or Internet site with vacancies, you will probably be able to see job offers. This is not surprising, because the income of a waiter in a fashionable restaurant can reach 1400-1500 dollars a month. However, the path to the elite is not as simple as it may seem to the average person.

Responsibilities of a waiter

Service staff must perfectly know the rules of etiquette, who to serve first: a lady or a gentleman, a child or an elderly person. Table setting is organized in a matter of minutes; each device must be in the required sequence.

The responsibilities of a waiter do not end with setting the table and serving dishes: he must be friendly and create a cozy atmosphere in the establishment. The client receives almost all information about dishes and drinks from the service staff. The waiter must know the peculiarities of serving signature and national dishes. A restaurant's wine list is an integral part of any elite establishment. What wine goes well with seafood, poultry, what type of drink complements the taste better - this is only a small part of what a specialist should know.

In order for the client to leave the restaurant not only well-fed, but also in high spirits, the service staff must create the appropriate conditions for this.

Surely, at least once you were served by a rude waiter who did not care about your wishes. Perhaps this happened at the end of a work shift or the person was irritated by something. In any case, every restaurant employee must give a sincere smile and carry on a conversation if the client wishes.

From this point of view, the profession of a waiter can hardly be called simple. And if you consider that the average worker walks about 10-25 km a day with an average tray weight of 10 kg, it is not so easy to find a real professional.

In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the profession of a waiter is more likely a part-time job option than permanent job. This is why there is such a high staff turnover in the restaurant business. Usually in service personnel busy with students and young university graduates.

For the vast majority of waiters, current employment is temporary part-time work. Not many people strive to further develop in the restaurant business. Those who decide to build a career occupy the position of administrator or restaurant manager.

Do not miss:

Waiter training

Before getting a job, each specialist undergoes an internship, where he receives basic knowledge and skills of the craft. As a rule, each trainee is assigned an experienced employee who will temporarily probationary period helps serve clients, explains all the subtleties and nuances. In Western countries average age the waiter is 30-35 years old, ours is 18-25 years old.

A neat appearance, efficiency, and respectful attitude towards the client - these are the main features of a competent waiter.

Pros and cons of the waiter profession


  • work takes place in warm rooms in winter, in warmer days - on a summer site;
  • tip size, which depends on the professionalism of the waiter and the status of the establishment;
  • availability of vacancies, high demand in the labor market;
  • often convenient work schedule.


  • working with people involves stressful situations;
  • serious physical activity;
  • As we know, the customer is always right. The waiter can often listen both for himself and for the cook.

A waiter at the initial qualification level is required to:

1. Preparing the hall for service:

· Observe the rules, sequence and time of preparation of the hall for service

· Use various ways table arrangements

· Prepare the workplace

· Use detergents and disinfectants

· Take away different kinds furniture

2. Preparation and storage of table linen, dishes and cutlery:

3. Table setting:

· Cover tables with tablecloths

· Perform pre-serving

· Follow the rules of serving (preliminary, executive, special)

· Fold linen napkins

· Observe serving times and methods

· Proficient in serving techniques

· Set the table quickly and accurately

4. Greeting and seating guests at the table:

· Possess basic vocabulary, basic grammar, vocabulary and phonetics of the Russian language

· Introduce the guest to programs and discounts valid on certain days and times

· Establish and maintain visual contact with the guest

· Know professional terminology

5. Order acceptance:

· Have the necessary information about the dishes and drinks sold in the hall

· Follow the rules for accepting orders

· Specify the order

·Maintain visual contact with the guest

· Possess communication skills

· Possess basic vocabulary, basic grammar, vocabulary and phonetics

· Possess professional speech culture and use correct transcription (pronunciation) of foreign names

6. Order fulfillment:

· Know how to serve guests in the hall

· Follow the sequence of order fulfillment

· Transfer orders to production, bar and wineries

· Receive completed orders from production, bar and wine cellar

· Master the technique of serving food and drinks on special carts

· Serve tobacco products

· Serve spices and seasonings

· Serve rinses

· Replace ashtrays

· Proficient in ice making techniques

· Follow the operating instructions for the ice making equipment.

· Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace

7. Serving ordered dishes and drinks:

8. Preparation and service of express tables:

· Know the principles of preparing and serving express tables

· Follow the rules for preparing express rooms and express tables for service

·Create hot and cold food and drink sections

· Maintain adequate supplies of food and drinks

· Follow the rules for serving express tables

· Use technical devices

· Follow the rules of etiquette

9. Preparation and assistance in servicing banquets:

· Know the techniques for serving informal banquets

· Know the peculiarities of preparing the hall and setting tables when serving banquets and buffets

· Prepare the hall for banquets

· Arrange tables and use tablecloths

· Serve tables

· Use restaurant accessories and tools

· Follow the rules for carrying orders on a tray

· Master the technique of feeding products on special carts

· Create comfortable conditions for the guest

· Maintain cleanliness and order on the table

· Follow the rules of protocol and etiquette

10. Serving guests in the coffee room.

· Master the techniques of serving guests in the coffee room

· Follow the rules for serving tea and coffee tables

· Serve baked goods

· Serve pastries and desserts

· Master the technology of making tea and coffee

· Serve tea and coffee

· Observe the temperature regime for serving tea, coffee, desserts, bakery and confectionery

· Follow the operating instructions for specialized equipment

· Follow the rules of protocol and etiquette

11. Preparation of on-site maintenance activities:

· Prepare technical devices, restaurant accessories and tools for off-site (catering) events

· Receive and prepare table linen, dishes and cutlery for outdoor (catering) events

· Follow the methods of storing and transporting technical devices, table linen and utensils

· Follow the rules for accounting for table linen, dishes and cutlery

12. Cleaning and replacing used dishes, cutlery and tablecloths:

· Follow the rules for cleaning and replacing used plates, cutlery and tablecloths

· Observe the timing, techniques and sequence of table cleaning

· Master the technique of carrying used dishes and cutlery (on a tray, without a tray)

Use special carts to carry dishes and cutlery

13. Maintaining a positive image of the enterprise:

· Observe the rules of interpersonal communication

· Use guest-oriented communication techniques

· Create a pleasant impression on any guest

· Monitor the degree of alcohol intoxication of the guest

· Possess professional speech culture and use correct transcription (pronunciation) of foreign names

· Adhere to in-house problem solving methods

· Follow the rules of protocol and etiquette

14. Preparing the hall for closing:

· Tidy up the work area

· Follow the rules for preparing the hall for closing

· Follow the rules for returning table linen, dishes and cutlery

· Follow the inventory rules for table linen, dishes and cutlery

· Monitor the cleanliness of restaurant dishes and cutlery

15. Self-development:

· Organize your workplace rationally

· Work in a team

· Study and use visual communication techniques between staff

· Do the job accurately

· Improve your qualifications

· Master the technique of moving in confined spaces

· Develop professional gait and movement

· Avoid bad habits

· Be friendly, considerate and honest

· Have clear and concise speech

· Develop good memory and observation skills

· Maintain subordination

16. Requirements for practical experience:

· Not presented

17. Specific health requirements:

· Availability of a personal medical record

18. Job titles:

· Waiter

· Assistant waiter

19. Required level of vocational education and training:

· Primary vocational education

Secondary (complete) general education

· Basic general education

· Professional education

Characteristics of the work of a waiter of the first qualification level

IN job responsibilities A waiter at the first qualification level includes:

1. Control and preparation of the hall for service.

2. Control and table setting:

· Compliance with special serving rules

H. Greeting guests, offering menus:

· Maintaining a positive image of the restaurant

4. Assistance in choosing dishes and drinks, taking orders:

5. Serving custom wines and spirits:

6. Serving ordered beer, water and juices:

7. Serving ordered dishes:

8. Completing guest service:

9. Preparation of invoice and acceptance of payment:

10. Control of table cleaning:

· Control of the use of special carts

11. Catering for holiday parties:

Waiters create the atmosphere of the establishment: the mood of visitors and the impression of the restaurant depend on their professionalism, hospitality and ability to find an approach. Therefore, the qualification characteristics of waiters must meet a number of conditions. The waiters themselves must also have certain qualities: have good memory, hearing, vision, physical endurance, and find a common language with different people.

Any waiter should know about the taste characteristics of all items on the menu, the technology of their preparation, and understand alcohol: this will help advise the guest on a suitable dish or drink.
It is mandatory for a waiter to be able to set the table, serve dishes correctly, and clear the table; know the name and purpose of glasses, glasses and other glassware, plates, cutlery.

How are qualification characteristics distributed?

The qualification characteristics are influenced by the rank: the higher it is, the higher professional level. Advanced training is possible on the job, as well as in specialized courses.

Types of ranks established for waiters:

An important advantage of waiters of the 4th and 5th categories in Minsk is knowledge of a foreign language and the ability to serve tourists.
The work of a waiter of any level involves not only various methods of service, but also interaction with people. To be a professional, a waiter must not only be able to serve visitors, but also create an atmosphere of comfort and hospitality in the establishment.

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