How to make money in Yandex Direct or what is better? Google Adsense or YAN! Where do you make more money, Yandex or Google? Which is better and more profitable Rya or Direct.

Welcome, dear friends, to my blog about making money online. Every blogger thinks about monetizing their website. Most popular way - contextual advertising Yandex Direct or Google Adsense. This means that search engine robots monitor and scan all web pages on the network, determining keywords the meaning of the content is on them. After this, advertising blocks containing advertisements in text or graphic form are displayed. Naturally, if the webmaster places an advertising code on his website. The correspondence of advertisements to the meaning of the site content will be as accurate as possible if. After reading such an article, the visitor should not leave the page, but click on the advertising link. Each click on an ad block brings webmasters a percentage accrued by Yandex or Google.

Adsense advertising belongs to Google and is one of the most developed and popular contextual advertising systems in the world. Advertisers publish their ads through the AdWords service. This system supports the “link blocks” format, i.e. package of links without ads. However, it is worth considering that this block sometimes simply replaces the site navigation, and this is perceived quite negatively by visitors.

  • the blog must be hosted on paid hosting;
  • within a month, daily blog traffic should be at least 300 people;
  • the site must exist for more than 3 months.

From this we can conclude that advertising on Yandex is convenient for offline blogs with high traffic. It’s quite simple and doesn’t require knowledge, which I previously wrote about in other posts.

Let's look at the main differences between these services:

    Moderation. Google does not have moderation or a traffic threshold. You don’t have to think about the benefits for visitors and the quality of the site; the focus is directly on making money. To place an advertisement in Yandex, you need to go through moderation and fulfill a lot of requirements. The application is submitted once a month.

    Requirements for sites. The conditions put forward by the Yandex system are more stringent than those of Google, especially in terms of restrictions on the installation of advertising units per day. Google gives webmasters the opportunity to earn money starting from the day the site is created. Yandex requires popularity, quality and usefulness. You can add a site if it is created for people (SDL) and also has high traffic. Yandex does not allow placing more than 9 advertisements on a page, Google does not allow more than 3 advertising blocks.

    Design of advertising blocks. In principle, this issue can be debated due to differences in tastes. The truth, as a rule, is somewhere in the middle. The look of text ads is more interesting in Yandex Direct, given the ability to edit them according to style, but Google Adsense has no equal in terms of graphics and multimedia ads. Advertising on Yandex allows you to tailor your context to the design you like, experimenting with the cost of a click and CTR. Adsense advertising contains ready-made templates ads that you can use.

    Consumer Policy for Webmasters. Yandex pays amounts starting from rubles in a variety of convenient ways ( WebMoney// bank transfers, etc.). Google's minimum starts at $10. For Runet users, AdSense is not very profitable, since it is problematic to cash out amounts (via PayPal or a certain bank account), and interest is charged for this.

    Number of advertisers. Direct has several times more advertisers than Adsense. Competition ensures greater earnings, which is why many webmasters strive to join the YAN. The cost per click in Yandex Direct is at a good level and depends on the location of advertising blocks and their subject matter. It is worth considering that Google may block an account due to clicking (unnecessary clicks). Then the money will be returned to the advertisers, and the account will be blocked along with everything that was there. If a similar situation occurs in YAN, it is not the account that is banned, but only a separate platform.

    Support. Work with Yandex Direct is carried out through the COP. The service is high quality, consultations are possible on all issues. For example, Profit Partner responds even at night in just a couple of minutes. Google has support and a forum, but they are of little use.

    Income. The income received from advertising is basically the same, however, Yandex Direct is still a priority. Actually, both networks work normally together, but this requires voluminous posts and a certain design that allows advertising not to take over the volume of most of the blog.

What are the statistics on clicks on advertisements?

The average number of clicks is 1-2 % . Thus, on 1000 pages viewed account for 10-20 presses on advertising windows. Cost per click brings to the webmaster 0,01-2 $ (on the Russian network) and 0,1-10 $ (outside the Russian segment). Sometimes rates exceed $100-200 per click. The cost depends on:

  • number of clicks on advertising in relation to the number of impressions;
  • subject of the article;
  • number of competitors in the topic.

There are commercial and non-commercial requests. An article optimized for the query “Which camera to buy” will contain commercial advertising units from photographic equipment sellers. The request “How to properly cook buckwheat porridge” will most likely be deprived of the attention of advertisers, and random cheap ads will appear on the page.

Contextual advertising Yandex Direct or Google Adsense is profitable as a way to earn money. It can also be used when idle banner spaces or demonstrating their availability to potential advertisers. By analyzing the profitability of topics, webmasters create properly optimized sites. In the process of work, they bring the maximum CTR and the most expensive clicks. I wrote about how to choose the right advertising company in a post, read the article and draw conclusions for yourself. Subscribe to the update to receive new blog releases in your email.

I would be grateful for pressing the buttons and reposting this material. See you in the next articles. I wish you all success and great prosperity.

Friends, today I want to tell you about my little experience in monetizing a website using contextual advertising from Yandex and Google. In the article you will find a description of earnings in the YAN and Adsense affiliate programs, as well as a comparison of the cost of clicks in these systems, based on personal experience.

Yandex advertising network andGoogleAdsense.

Yandex Advertising Network (YAN) and Google Adsense – that’s what they’re called affiliate programs Internet search giants that allow webmasters to earn money on their sites. I think many readers have heard about these systems, or maybe they are already working successfully in them. For those who have not previously encountered contextual advertising, a few words below.

Search engines receive their main income from contextual advertising. Everyone has seen the following ads on the search results pages in Yandex and Google:

When competition among sites for a particular search query is high, sometimes it makes sense to simply buy interested visitors. Search engines sell visitors through contextual advertising. In the search results, a person is shown an ad that is relevant to his search query. If a person is interested in it and clicks on an advertising link, the advertiser pays the search engine a certain amount of money.

This works similarly for websites. Let's take a look at the site:

A contextual advertisement from Yandex is inserted above the article, upon clicking on which the advertiser pays the search engine a certain amount of money. How search engine can motivate me to place their advertisement? Of course, a share of income. For both YAN and Adwords, this share is about 50%. Those. search engines take one half of the advertiser’s amount for a visitor’s transition from my site to his site, and give me the other half of the amount. As a result, everyone is happy: the advertiser received the target visitor, the search engine and I received money. It would seem: work and be happy, but the devil, as always, is in the details.

YAN or Adsense? Which system should you choose?

There are a lot of details and subtleties when working with contextual advertising. First of all, the question arises: which system to work with? This question leads to the so-called “holivar”. He is from the field: “Which is better: Windows or Linux?” Many webmasters work with both systems at once, which the latter, although they don’t really like, tolerate. But the question is which one brings more income, always excites the minds of beginners. I will tell you about the features that should be considered when choosing.

  1. YAN has an attendance bar for admission to the system - 500 people per day within a month. Adsense accepts sites practically from scratch.
  2. Currently for work YAN requires conclusion of an agreement, which will include all your real data, and which will need to be sent to their office by mail (not electronic) or brought in person. This quest took place not long ago. Overall everything is good, but it takes a lot of time. With Adsense you can only get by scans of documents.
  3. Currently YAN will take from your earnings 13% personal income tax and pay them to the state for you (namely for you, not for yourself). For some this is a plus, for others it is a minus, and others do not have the right to engage in parallel activities due to their profession. This should be taken into account. Adsense offers webmasters on one's own resolve tax issues. At least for now.
  4. I’ve read a lot of stories about Adsense, when the webmaster’s account is blocked with the remaining funds and you can’t find the truth. I didn’t come across anything like this about YAN.
  5. The minimum amount for withdrawal from YAN is 3000 rubles, and for Adsense - 100$ , which until recently was almost equivalent, but is now significantly different.
  6. Both Adsense and YAN allow you to withdraw earned funds to Yandex.Money. With Adsense, to select a withdrawal method, you first need to accumulate at least 10$ .
  7. Block settings contextual advertising at YAN more flexible, but Adsense in some cases hides information that this is advertising, which has a positive effect on conversions.
  8. Adsense has a better click and conversion statistics system.

I made approximately these conclusions while working with these contextual advertising systems.

And now the most interesting thing - numbers.

I used YAN and Adsense on different sites of the same topic. Below is the average cost per click for 2014 by month:

What conclusions can be drawn from these numbers?

  1. Taking into account the current dollar exchange rate, working with Adsense has become twice as profitable as working with YAN.
  2. Most likely, such a difference in the cost of a click will be eliminated due to competition for advertisers between systems. Given that Yandex pays less, Google will be forced to reduce prices or lose customers. This is my personal opinion and is not necessarily true.

Conclusions: skim off Adsense before it's too late. ;-)

P.S.: If you are on the other side of the barricades and, on the contrary, order advertising in Yandex.Direct or Adwords, then you probably know that this is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. To prevent money from going down the drain, you need to properly set up your advertising campaign, including retargeting. You can read more about what retargeting is and how best to set it up on the ADNOUS website, which is dedicated to this technology.

This article examines the effectiveness of two advertising articles, Yandex Direct and Google Adsense. I tried to consider the issue as broadly as possible, so to speak, from various aspects of efficiency, since I myself was faced with a choice and, as always, did not find a particularly intelligible and clear picture. Either the texts copy each other, or there is a bias towards any of the advertising systems.

Because Google is one of the world's largest advertising networks, and Yandex Direct is the most advanced advertising network for the Russian segment of the advertising market.

If for some reason you are not interested in continuing to read the rationale below, then in the first lines I will immediately say the answer to the main question of the article:

Google Adsense is better than Yandex Direct

Now in more detail about everything about this.

Comparison is learned by numbers

I took general statistics from some sites known to me, of approximately the same level. So, the input data:

  • Statistics for one month in 2009;
  • Websites on the same topic education, studies, students;
  • Websites, 400-500 unique visitors per day;
  • Banner sizes have been summarized into general statistics in order to avoid demagoguery;

To be convincing, I suggest you look at the same thing, but on graphs, for variety and visual perception.

Statistics clicks by Yandex Direct and Google Adsense banners in comparison (Period: one month)

The result, I think, is obvious that Google Adsense is more effective than Yandex Direct.

Let's analyze why Google Adsense is more effective

  • The main reason and success is that Google Adsense ads are more relevant to the content of the site than those of Yandex Direct. It's quite rare to find relevant ads in Direct.
  • A very important detail, noticed not only by me, but by many WEB masters, is that Yandex does not yet have normal analytics tools and clear recommendations on where and what to put. For example, a competitor has clear descriptions and constant webinars on how to effectively advertise. I wasted my time and read these seminars, which are freely available on Google. In the first month, my site earned as much as it could not in the previous six months.
  • Quite a good thing that Google Adsense has, but Yandex lacks it channels. They essentially allow you to make your ads relevant. Unfortunately, it is worth noting that the vast majority of WEB masters neglect this powerful tool. For reference: clear use of channels significantly increases click-through rate ads and cost per click.
  • Google forces and teaches in every possible way to create attractive ads, which cannot be said about a competitor.
  • The design of advertisements also plays a big role. We are all used to reading from top to bottom, not from bottom to top, right? So, when there is a Yandex Direct ad, the advertising inscription of the banner system comes from the beginning and people immediately understand that the bottom text is nothing more than advertising text, therefore, visually skipping the next few lines of text. Of course, this reduces the likelihood of clicking on advertisement. In Google Adsense, the advertising label is placed after the ad, where the user can find out that this is advertising text after clicking. Of course, those who have been sitting for a long time can already see the advertising tags of both banner systems a mile away, but for beginners this aspect plays a decisive role.
  • An undeniable advantage in Google Adsense is one more feature. The advertiser can buy all the advertising space in the ad, thereby achieving an amazing click-through rate, especially in the “Hallboard” format.

Yandex Direct features

Of course, not everything is running smoothly at Yandex Direct. There are also positive moments. An expensive click is an undeniable plus for this system. If you can or know how to increase the click-through rate on Yandex Direct, then the profit will be quite significant.

The low CTR percentage can also be explained. In Direct, CTR is calculated based on impressions ad blocks, and in Adsense it is calculated based on the number of ads shown. So, perhaps the CTR% in Yandex in relation to the number of blocks may be much higher than its current figure.

Yandex has a limit for WEB sites to enter the advertising network, this is 300 unique visitors per day. This means a limited number of advertising platforms, but they immediately have a lot of traffic and target audience. Of course, there are facts that I host some sites with a much smaller audience, but these are rare cases and mainly concern only very interesting projects, of which there are currently a fairly small number. But to some, this limitation may seem daunting. I also agree with this statement, since it does not support young WEB masters. After all, even young WEB masters should have some kind of financial incentive to develop their, so to speak, startups.

  • Do not cheat clicks, both in Direct and in Adsense for this there is a clear ban. You cannot restore your account for such a violation.
  • Don’t shove advertising blocks into all sorts of holes; you won’t get any effect, much less profit. One or two banners per page maximum. Both in Yandex Direct and Google Adsense, the most expensive clicks are only on the first banners, while the remaining clicks are very, very cheap. It is much more profitable to focus the client’s attention on an expensive banner than to bombard it with advertising.


Of course, I cannot advise you what to do and what to choose, this is your personal prerogative, I just provided you with statistical data and outlined my thoughts for analytics, then, as they say, you can continue to weigh the pros and cons and come to some kind of decision .

Good luck and more clicks on your WEB sites.

What is more profitable to place on a website: Yandex.Direct or Google AdSense? This question is asked by all webmasters who plan to monetize their website traffic with contextual advertising. But no one can answer it definitely - this can only be done for a specific site, alternately placing one or another advertising blocks on it and tracking statistics. It is precisely this experiment that I want to write about today.

But, before moving on to the results of my mini experiment, I want to make an announcement. The author of the blog Vlad interviewed me. This is my first interview, so don't judge too harshly. Well, now to our sheep.

So, there is one site that has been operating for a long time and was accepted last Tuesday. AdSense, by the way, needs to be removed before adding to YAN - this will significantly increase the chances of your site being accepted there. The site’s traffic barely reaches the minimum required by the Direct rules, but the topic is apparently why it was accepted (average daily by week):

Before this in AdSense:

When adding the site to YAN, I placed ad blocks in approximately the same way as AdSense was placed before, but the CTR was strikingly different. I started thinking about what was the matter and realized: in YAN, CTR is calculated for each ad. That is, you placed two blocks of 5 ads, when you opened the page you already had 10 impressions (discussion on the server). And in AdSense, with the same opening, there is one impression. On my site there were two blocks of four ads and one block with one ad. That is, in order to compare CTR, you need to divide the impressions in YAN by 9 and recalculate the CTR. Then we get the following picture (old impressions, CTR recalculated):

(data slightly different from the screenshot - more recent statistics)

And yesterday, having not yet figured out CTR, I decided to somehow increase it, and replaced the ad block above the content with a vertical one, with a large font and 5 ads. CTR immediately went up, but a few hours later I received this email:

How do they do this?! Do they monitor the CTR and if it starts to rise sharply, do they look at the site manually?? In general, we had to reduce the font and limit the number of ads in a block to 4. Naturally, after these actions, the CTR decreased again. Okay, I think that's enough theory, let's calculate what happened:


  • Income for seven days: $14.61 or 453 rubles.
  • Average CTR: 4.06%
  • Average cost per click: $0.20 or 6.2 rubles.


  • Income for less than eight days: 459 rub.
  • Average CTR: 8.98%
  • Average cost per click: 3.44 rubles.

What happens? That both systems are at the moment, are equally beneficial for this site. The AdSense ads on my site have twice the CTR, but the cost per click is twice as high.

Now I plan to combine two contextual advertising systems on the site: since the cost of a click in AdSense is higher, I will place its block in the most clickable place - in front of the content. The remaining two places will have advertisements from. This method will allow you to increase the cost per click in both systems - after all, only the most expensive ads will be shown (fewer ads from each system per page view = more competition for impressions = higher cost per click). I ask readers to vote on whether to publish the next report on this small experiment on the blog (the vote is not visible in the RSS, you need to go to the website).

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