How to make a business card in Microsoft Word in different ways? Making a beautiful business card in Word The business card size is standard in Word.

I can’t believe I’m writing about this, but some SEO research has shown that this is a question about creating a business card in an office program. MS Word, a considerable number of people are puzzled. At the same time, I did not find any good and intelligible guides on creating a business card in Word. Well, since people are interested in it, why not write it? After all, creating a business card in Word is quite possible. Yes, this is not the file that we will take to the printing house; they simply won’t accept it. But it is quite possible to print such a layout on a home printer. A couple of years ago I worked in a company that typed up documents in MS Word. Since before that I thought that Word was only suitable for writing essays and nothing more, I had to study it intensively. I was amazed at how much you can get out of this office text editor. In this lesson we will learn:

  • make a business card layout in Word
  • prepare and import graphics
  • create simple layout in Word

Page layout in Word for a business card

When working with a business card, I will use MS Word 2007. Despite the popularity of the 2003 package, time is not going back. Everything runs and changes. In the latest versions of the package MS Office Microsoft has revolutionized accessibility and simplicity. The design of the program has become so clear that even the mentally retarded can understand it. Open a new document and tab Page layout. Click on the icon Fields, and select fields by 0.5 inches . Or go to Custom fields, in the same menu, and enter your own dimensions.

Creating a table

Open the tab Insert and click on the icon Table. Create a table 5 by 2 cells.
You already understand that the table is our improvised cutting lines along which we will cut business cards. The standard size of a business card is 5 by 9 cm. Of course, you, as a creator and creator, can outline 20 by 30, but such business cards will definitely not fit in a business card holder. Let's stick to the established format. Click on the marker that is attached to the upper left corner of the table. The table will be highlighted. Now right-click on the table and select me Table properties.
In the tab Line put 5 cm , and in the tab Column 9 cm.
In the tab Table click on the button Options. In the window that appears, remove the padding inside the cells by setting 0 cm
Since these business cards are cut out with the most ordinary scissors, we need to remove the outlines of the table. But you can’t completely remove them either. I suggest painting them a lighter background so that when cutting, they will barely be visible on the edges of the business cards. Select the table by clicking on the corner marker. IN Feather color select a light gray shade, and in Borders, select All borders.
Also select the outline thickness 0.25 pt . Click on again All borders. The table must be highlighted.

Creating text for a business card in MS Word

Now that the basis for the business card has been created, all that remains is to enter the text. Don't get too perverted. Designer delights are not for this type of business card. But if you really want, you can make a business card more complicated. I will talk about this in the following articles about layout in Word. Make some indentations by clicking ENTER. Adjust the markers in the margins, creating indents where you need them. There is no need to click on the space bar a hundred times. The name should be larger, the position smaller. Different colors, I hope there is no need to describe the basics of text formatting.
When typesetting text, you often have to indent, but the usual ENTER, too wide. To make a small indent after a specific line, select it and click on the icon Line spacing.

Copy text

And lastly, select the text and copy it to other table cells Ctrl+C And Ctrl+P
Of course you want to remove the auto link to postal address, which appears automatically. Highlight email and right-click. From the menu select Remove link.
All that remains is to print it on thick paper and carefully cut it out. I hope you found what you were looking for in this article. Next time I will talk about more complex layout options in Word. We will learn how to prepare graphics in Photoshop for importing into MS Word, create a layout using built-in frames and even, let’s face it, create a PDF file suitable for sending to a printing house.

MS Word makes it possible not only to execute and prepare office documents.

Using the templates built into Word and their usual elements on a special panel, you will be able to create various kinds of documents, including cards for yourself or a company.

Microsoft Word contains all the parameters necessary for this, with which you can approach the creation of business cards.
After the listed methods and techniques, you will not even need special programs and agencies for creating business cards.

1. Select a background and texture for a business card in Word

Most of the time when creating postcards, cards or business cards is spent on design.

Typically, textures and other background images, including fonts, etc., take a very long time to select. All these elements must be combined and complement each other as much as possible.

Choosing a color for the background is far from just adding your favorite shade to the background.

How to choose a business card color, general rules and orientation:
- consider the audience for whom business cards are made;
- take into account the fact that the color must correspond to the activity or product;
- consider the meaning of the chosen shade and its perception by a person.

As a rule, a business card is small in size, which means it is best to avoid using many colors and textures with text.
All information is presented in a clear form. Indicate the name of the organization, the name of the representative of the organization, his position, enter the address, contact information and company logo.

Font selection and text placement

You should use the following guidelines when choosing text and fonts:
- You should not use more than two different fonts. It is advisable to write inscriptions in the same style so that people are not distracted;
- "font families" can be used to compare different forms of characters with each other;
- the color of the text (font) should “look” or contrast with the shade or image on the background of the business card;
- the size of the letters must be acceptable, from 10 to 14 fonts.

2. Use Word templates

Each version of Word includes a certain amount, already ready-made templates to create certain elements: business cards, title pages, postcards, advertising brochures, etc.

To go to the built-in templates for creating business cards, go to the "Create" item.

Find the "Recommended" tab and select the desired document type and overall design from the suggested recommendations. Click on it and open it in a new Word window.

Most often, the design of business cards is located entirely on the sheet, about 8 - 10 copies per A4 sheet.

3. Use of ready-made templates and their additional loading

If some templates are missing in Word, or they don’t exist at all, go to the official Microsoft website and download them.

The business cards required for us can be found in a special section on the official website "Cards"

A Microsoft Word user can access these databases online. To do this, enter the program and try to create a document by selecting the "Cards" tab

Of course, to perform this action you will need an Internet connection. Wait a while for existing designs to load into a specific category.

Select the required design from the proposed list and create a document using the corresponding button.

The file is now opened in the required mode. In this mode you can correct and change the business card to your liking

To use a pre-thought-out, that is, completely ready-made design from the Internet, you should download a template, which is usually located in the .doc or .docx extension. You can open this type of file in any version of Word.

Download and then open the required template, make all the necessary amendments to the information that is already on the business card.

After changing all the necessary items, you can proceed to printing the document.

Advice: To ensure that the basic page parameters are not violated during printing, it is best to save business cards in PDF format.

The great advantage of working with standard templates is their versatility and versatility. They can be used on any version of MS Word.

If not all fonts are installed on your PC, then only certain inscriptions may look different.

4. Tables for creating business cards in Word

In order to create a new business card yourself, without a template, you can use regular tables, or create a special element in the “Canvas” mode.
We will look at this method.

Word 10, 13, 16 instructions

Before creating, set the required document markup. To do this specifically, click on the "Layout" tab. Next, select all the required field options. In the next drop-down list, select "Narrow".
The type provided is best for postcards and cards.

Now draw or create a table consisting of two columns and five rows.

The table you create will become the outline for your cards. Extend the created table to cover the entire sheet.

Go to the "Properties" of the table and set the height to 5 cm and width to 9 cm.

We remove indents that were automatically set after creating the table. You need to remove them so that the labels are displayed evenly in each cell.

Go to properties, and then table parameters. For margins you need to set the value to "0 cm". Save your changes.

Now let's create the text of the business cards. But first, align all the characters using a ruler in Word

The text can be set in the business card field at your discretion.
To create a background, right-click on an empty cell. And then open the special “Fills” window and select the best background.

To add a logo or pictures to the business card field, you need to use the “Insert” tab, and then select a picture or shapes.

To repeat (copy) an already created design, select the table and use the copy keys CTRL + C to paste it into the remaining rows using the key combination CTRL + P.

The logo will have to be moved to a separate cell.

Creating Word 2007 Business Cards

To create business cards in Word 2007, you need to go to the “page layout” tab. Select "Margins", and then select "Narrow Margin".

The text editor MS Word allows you not only to view and format office documents.

Using built-in templates or regular elements on the toolbar, you can create unique business cards for yourself or an entire company.

The program contains the necessary set of parameters with which you can creatively approach the task.

After mastering all the techniques and methods, you will no longer have to use special programs or contact professional agencies to create business cards.

All actions presented in the article were performed in MS Word 2016 and 2007. All instructions are universal and are suitable for versions of the editor 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Rules for choosing backgrounds and textures

When creating your own postcards, business cards, cards, the greatest amount of time is spent on design development.

As a rule, textures, background images and additional elements take a long time to select. All of them should be harmoniously combined and complement each other.

Choosing the right background color is not about adding your favorite shade from the palette. When choosing a color, follow the general rules:

  • the meaning of the shade and its psychological perception by a person;
  • the audience for whom business cards are made;
  • the color must be consistent with the product or activity being offered.

Since the business card is small in size, you should not use many different textures, colors and text.

The information must be presented in a concise manner and clearly reflect the name of the organization, the name of the person, the position held, the company logo, address and contact information.

Text placement and font selection

When choosing text for a business card, rely on the following recommendations:

  • Don't use more than two different fonts on one business card. The inscriptions must be in the same style to attract a person’s attention;
  • Use font families to intelligently match different character shapes;
  • The font color should contrast well with the background shade or image;
  • The size of the letters should be readable. You should use a character size of no more than 10–14 typographical points (tp).

Using standard Word templates

Each version of Word has quite a few large number ready-made templates for creating business cards, invitations, postcards, title pages, advertising brochures and other elements.

Let's take a closer look at how to make a business card in Word using built-in templates. Open your word processor and click on the File tab. Then select "Create".

As a rule, business card designs are located throughout the entire sheet (8-10 copies each). This allows you to quickly edit all cards and save paper during printing.

Download and use ready-made templates

You can download additional Word templates that are not included in the main set of the word processor on the official Microsoft website.

Templates suitable for business cards are located in the “Cards” section.

To download ready-made business card templates, you can also use the databases of ready-made designs on the vertex42 and avery websites.

Also, users of licensed versions of MS Word can instantly access the online template database.

To do this, go to the program and at the document creation stage, select the “Cards” tab (picture below):

An Internet connection is required to perform this action. Wait a few seconds for the required designs in the selected category to load.

Now select the desired design from the list, click on it and click on the “Create” button.

To use already ready-made design from the Internet, download the template you are interested in. The downloaded file must be in .doc or .docx format and open in any version of Word.

Open the document containing the template and make any necessary changes to the information contained on the business card:

  1. company name;
  2. address;
  3. your full name;
  4. position held;
  5. contact phone number;
  6. email address;
  7. enterprise address;
  8. work schedule.

After editing, the document page is ready for printing.

Advice: When printing a document, some page parameters may be violated (margin boundaries, hyphens, headers and footers, etc.).

To ensure that printed business cards are completely identical to the electronic version, save the final Word document in PDF format (File ⇒ Save As ⇒ PDF Document).

The main advantage of working with templates is their versatility. They are suitable for absolutely all versions of MS Word.

Depending on the fonts installed on your computer, only some inscriptions may look different.

Using tables to create business cards

If you want to create your own business card from scratch in Word, you can use tables or create elements in Canvas mode.

Let's take a closer look at how to work with the first method in all versions of MS Word.

Instructions for Word 2010, 2013, 2016

First you need to set the appropriate document markup. To do this, click on the “Layout” tab. Select margin options. In the drop-down list, click on the “Narrow” item.

This type is best suited for creating business cards and postcards.

Now create a table (2 columns and 5 rows). To do this, on the main toolbar, go to the Insert tab and click on the Table icon.

Set the required dimension:

The created table will be the basis and outline for our business cards.

Stretch it across the entire page to look like this:

In the properties of the plate (Row and Column tabs), set the width (9 cm) and height (5 cm).

Now you need to remove the indents that are set automatically when creating the table. Their removal is necessary so that the inscriptions are uniform in each cell.

Go to the table properties. Select "Options". For all fields, set the value to “0 cm”. Save your changes.

To make the margins easier to trim after printing, make them a little lighter. To do this, go to table design mode.

In the Table Styles box, select a lighter shade for the outline.

Now let's move on to creating the text of business cards.

First of all, you need to align the characters using a ruler.

For text, you can use any tools that are available in Word (different fonts, styles, spacing between characters, etc.).

To create a background, right-click on an empty space in the cell. Open the fill creation window and select the background color you like:

To add a logo, picture, or other element to your business card, use the Insert tab and then select Shapes or Pictures.

To copy the created design to other cells, select the contents of a table row using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C and paste it into other rows using the Ctrl + P keys.

Logos must be transferred separately for each cell. To fill the entire table at once, select all of its columns and create a single fill.

Instructions for Word 2007

To mark up the required page to accommodate 8–10 business cards in the 2007 version of Word, click on the “Page Layout” tab. Select the "Fields" icon.

In the drop-down list, click on “Narrow Margin”.

Now create a table so that there are 2 columns and 5 rows on one sheet.

Go to the Insert tab and create a table as shown in the image below:

Do the alignment. To do this, go to the table properties:

Remove padding inside table cells, as shown earlier in Figure 14.

To change the color of the borders of our table, you need to select the “Working with Tables” tab. Next, click on the “Borders” icon and set the size to 0.25 pt.

In the Pen Color window, you can change the tint of the margins.

The basis for business cards is ready. Now you can start designing the layout.

Type the required text inside the first cell and align it using a ruler (Figure 16). Select a color for the business card background (Figure 17).

Copy the created design to the remaining cells of the plate.

If you indicated the site on your business card and a hyperlink was created, be sure to delete it (select the line and press the right mouse button):

Designing business cards in Canvas mode

In Word, you can create a canvas to work with additional shapes.

To create it, click on Insert ⇒ Illustrations ⇒ Shapes ⇒ Create Canvas (for Word 2010, 2013, 2016) or Insert ⇒ Shapes ⇒ New Canvas (for Word 2007).

Add a rectangle to the canvas and remove the shape fill:

You can enter text inside the rectangle, add other shapes, logos or pictures (similar to how business cards were created in the table).

Place your pointer over the area of ​​the shape indicated in the image below and copy the resulting design.

After printing sheets of business cards, they should be cut. To do this as carefully as possible, do not use scissors.

It’s better to take stationery scissors or a guillotine for cutting. Also, please note that the standard size of business cards (horizontal position) is 9x5 cm.

Thematic video:

Exchange of business cards is the most convenient way to distribute contact information at business meetings, negotiations, promotional events, exhibitions, conferences, as well as during personal informal communication. This small cardboard or plastic card usually contains information about the owner and organization, as well as the addresses and telephone numbers necessary to contact him. When professionally creating business card layouts, powerful graphic editors are used, such as CorelDraw, and specialized printing equipment is used for printing and cutting them. In cases where it is not possible to produce cards in this way, it is quite possible to create their own design and use ordinary office equipment. Unlike editing programs text documents, not everyone knows how to work in complex graphic editors. Therefore, in this article we will answer a question that interests many: how to make a business card in Word quickly and easily.

The most common card format is 9x5 cm, and the dimensions of a standard A4 sheet are 29.7x21 cm. Therefore, it is easy to calculate that 2 columns of 5 business cards can be placed on one page.

As a result, we have created the following business cards page:

We print it on thick paper, carefully cut along the lines and get ready-made cards.

Another way to prepare a business card layout in Word is to use templates, which can be found by selecting the “File”, “New” menu items and writing the word “Business Cards” in the “Search for templates on the Internet” line. In this case, an almost finished page of cards is created, in which you just need to enter your own data in one of the cells, and in the rest they will change automatically.

In conclusion, it should be said that Microsoft Word is not intended for creating the printed products in question, although its capabilities for visually formatting information are very great. In addition, cards printed and cut out yourself often differ significantly in quality from those made professionally, not for the better, which negatively affects the image of their owner. Therefore, making business cards with your own hands is only worth it in exceptional situations.

Hello friends! A short preamble. A business card is a useful thing because it is convenient. All the information that we want to leave about ourselves is on a small piece of paper or other alternative material, right down to wood and metal. Business card is a component of branding, and since everyone wants to have an original face, the development process (selection of ideas) can take a long time. Even if you order the development of a business card from professionals for thousands of rubles and a half, they are not psychics - they need to clearly set the task. Regular Word can be an excellent tool for creating a business card template, if we do not use Photoshop. I want to show you a few simple steps.

First you need to prepare a picture that will be used as a logo. You can search for images on the Internet or in Word itself. I've already talked about this. For example, my fictional company is engaged in the construction of country houses, and I found a funny picture on this topic.

Create a new document or open a prepared one, click on the word “INSERT” → Drawing on the panel (my actions in Office 2010).

We select the image intended for our business card and insert it into the document.

Here we can change the size of the picture by dragging its corner. This can be done later. It’s better to immediately choose to wrap the image “behind the text”, then we can do everything we need with it.

Next came something interesting and exciting – the “color” tab. You can play with shades, contrast, brightness, and make the background transparent. If you want to remove the background, you need to select “set transparent” and click on the background field with a pencil. Word offers many possibilities, and it depends on the taste and preferences of the person. I didn’t think too much, because my task is to show how this is done in principle.

All that remains is to enter the information, and then bring the business card to its finished form - for printing. Font type, size, location – choose whatever your heart desires. A dedicated link may appear if we specify the site address. You just need to delete it by highlighting it and pressing the right mouse button. It is advisable to do this closer to the end. Word can also underline an unfamiliar word. You can remove this line by using a spell check (skip or add an underlined word).

Now the business card is almost ready. All that remains is to take a screenshot and crop it in a graphics editor. I like . You can also add a general background color if you haven’t done this in Word. There are a lot of functions in the editor.

This is such a poisonous business card I got. There are different standards (both European and American), but we accept business cards measuring 9*5 cm. The main thing is that the business card fits into the business card holder. If you perform cropping in FastStone, when you change the size (there is such a function), you can see centimeters, and not just pixels.

It doesn’t matter in what order the actions will be performed (picture - text or vice versa).

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