How to create the best flyer designs. Rules and tips

One of the inexpensive and very effective ways to promote goods or services. It performs both advertising and information functions for the consumer. And if there is a need to promote your business in such a simple way, then in this case you can visit the offices of various agencies specializing in advertising printing and look at the samples of advertising leaflets that they provide in order to familiarize yourself with their products.

What should a flyer contain?

Its most important goal is business promotion. However, it is worth noting that the first step here is to think very carefully about what exactly you are going to advertise. It should be said that the most striking examples of advertising leaflets are those that present themselves as individual, and the whole organization. Everything is clear and understandable here. The card indicates a specific person or an entire organization that is involved in the implementation certain type goods or provide certain services.

Samples of advertising leaflets that hired employees distribute on the streets or through mailboxes are a completely different matter. Sometimes you get the impression that companies or private entrepreneurs are ready to sell you almost everything they can. At the same time, there is no specific information indicating that by purchasing the offered product from them, potential client receives any kind of benefit.

First steps on the path to success

Once you have decided on the choice of advertising and printing agency and your subject, you can safely begin to develop templates for advertising leaflets. Here, the organization’s employees will provide qualified advice and will always help:

  • Develop an original design. Success largely depends on it.
  • Compose a text that will subsequently be printed on a leaflet. However, in order for this point to be carried out correctly, it is necessary to determine the target audience of advertising products.
  • Choose the correct format for the future leaflet.
  • Decide on the text font.

Choosing a printing house

Not all agencies provide printing services. For this reason, before submitting flyer templates for test printing, you need to visit the printing house and familiarize yourself with the material from which printed products can be made. It is also necessary to pay attention to the quality and method of printing, the possibility of color reproduction and other technical issues. This is due to the need to eliminate the possibility that test samples of advertising leaflets may differ significantly from the layout. If this does happen, it means that everything will have to be redone. And this, as you understand, will take a lot of time and may require additional financial costs.

Let's sum it up

  • They must be convenient for potential consumer format and contain information about a specific product or service.
  • It should contain a call to cooperate with you. This may be expressed in any specific discounts or contact information that may contribute to this.
  • Nothing extra. Everything should look casual.
  • Advertising products should be designed for a specific circle of consumers who can really benefit from your services or product.
  • The text must contain a certain specific proposal addressed to the potential consumer.
  • Try not to skimp on the design and material from which advertising printing will be made.

A flyer (from the English flyer or flier - advertising leaflet) is an effective, cheap way of fast and mass advertising. By attracting a consumer audience, it helps expand the sales market; allows you to promptly inform about upcoming events, promotions, discounts, product arrivals, etc.
As a rule, flyers look like small leaflets, often color, double-sided, and contain information about planned events; sometimes they provide the right to a benefit or discount. The main purpose of their distribution is to attract the largest number of interested parties in the minimum time. Creating flyers as advertising printed products makes it possible to reduce the cost of promotions, marketing campaigns. Allowing a brief and informative presentation of information, they are in demand among companies various fields market (shops, nightclubs, beauty salons, cinemas, etc.).

where to start when creating a flyer

In order to make an effective flyer, it is important to outline a number of key aspects.

Scheme 1. Preparing to create a flyer

Depending on the marketing functions, distribution features, the nature of the target audience, flyers can be:
image - created most often in color on high-quality thick paper, sometimes subjected to post-printing processing;
informational – during production, priority is given to the most accessible presentation of information.
They may contain various information about prices, product benefits, etc. Often they are a pass to an event, a coupon for a benefit or discount, or exchanged for a specific service or product.
It is important that the flyer corresponds to its content, purpose, place and method of distribution, and the interests of the target audience. This should be reflected in the choice of product format, their color, and design.

How to choose paper size and type

When creating flyers, preference is given to the following formats:
  • A6 (105x148 mm);
  • A5 (148x210 mm);
  • 1/3 A4 (100x210 mm).
The smaller the size of the flyer, the more convenient it is to place it in a pocket, handbag, etc., since this type Printed products are rarely folded. At the same time, the product format should be convenient for applying information.
If it is necessary to present certain information that requires a relatively large printed space and, at the same time, provide a discount (a ticket to attend an event, a business card), it is advisable to create a flyer with a separate tear-off edge (coupon), which the consumer can save after studying the general information.
The choice of paper type and density directly depends on the planned service life of the product. For items of a one-time nature (information about an ongoing promotion, a new service, the arrival of goods), you can use inexpensive medium-weight paper (including thin, offset). To create image printing that has additional functions and oriented towards temporary storage, as well as subsequent use, it is advisable to use higher quality dense materials (for example, coated paper).

What are the secrets to successful content and design

In order for an advertising flyer to be read and saved, it needs to be understandable to the consumer.
It is recommended to present information in a concise, accessible form. The main gist of the information presented should be clear after the first few seconds of viewing. There are several rules for preparing the content and design of a successful (working) flyer:
  1. A clear, catchy title. It needs to be concise, contain understandable words (without complex, difficult to pronounce, difficult to remember terminology) and reflect the main essence of the product.
  2. It is advisable to avoid long texts. They are tiring, require careful reading and time, which is not always convenient (for example, when distributed on the street, when a person is passionate about his business). It is recommended to use short, easy-to-understand sentences.
  3. The use of graphics must be thoughtful. Illustrations should complement the text and facilitate its correct understanding. Pictures should be placed in such a way that they do not interfere with reading or tire the eyes.
  4. It is advisable to highlight the main proposals. The consumer needs to immediately see their benefit, this will serve as an incentive to study and use the flyer.
When developing a design, it is important to use general requirements to the creation of printing.

Scheme 2. Features of design development

Except general rules design, it is important to take into account the specifics of the target audience. Products should not only be informationally, but also visually interesting to the consumer. This matters for the choice of colors, graphics, and overall design style.

What determines the choice of printing option?

After the final design is developed and approved, flyers are printed. Application can be done using the offset or digital method, or less often using a risograph. The choice of application method depends on:
  • circulation;
  • printing color;
  • desired production time;
  • the need to make individual changes.
The risograph allows you to perform black and white printing printing for addressless distribution or mailing. It is possible to use colored paper. Recommended for relatively large print runs. The production time for an order ranges from half an hour to several hours (depending on the circulation). The savings are not great.
Offset printing makes it possible to produce flyer runs from 500 pieces to 5-6 thousand copies using a limited or full palette. This manufacturing method is suitable for those who are not pressed for deadlines - large orders can be completed in up to 7 days.
Digital printing allows for customization of products. This application method is convenient for producing flyers from 50 copies to approximately 4 thousand (if the circulation exceeds the cost of printing increases significantly). Digital printing is suitable for those who need finished products “here” and “now”. The imprint has high quality, good color rendition. It is possible to use a palette with any number of colors.
Flyers are printed on one or both sides, depending on the purpose of the product.
Post-printing processing for flyers is applied to a minimum (cutting, creasing).
A beautiful, high-quality flyer is the most convenient handouts during promotions. Its price, due to its smaller format, is lower than the cost of producing a leaflet, and the benefits provided to the consumer (discount, invitation to attend events, etc.) make them more attractive in the eyes of the target audience. This is why the flyer often becomes more effective tool print advertising.

Information is conveyed to people different ways. Some create one-page websites, some hand out business cards, and some choose flyers.

The last option is used more often in real life, but as practice shows, if the leaflet is really interesting, people will become interested in the offer.

How to create a flyer? This doesn’t require a lot of intelligence, but you need to know some subtleties. This promotional material is even used for, but in general, it is more suitable for various events (parties, exhibitions, competitions, sweepstakes). Using the Internet, designing a flyer is easy.

How to create a flyer layout correctly?

The first step is to decide what format of leaflet you need. There are 2 main formats: image and information flyers. In the first case, the emphasis is on design and creativity. In the second type of the main leaflet there is a text component.

In any case, the text of the flyer will have to be written, and when developing it you need to take into account several rules:

  • one thing is described (product, service, etc.);
  • must be determined the target audience, for the correct presentation of information;
  • use ;
  • format the text so that it attracts attention;
  • use interesting fonts;
  • there must be a call to action;
  • It is advisable to tell about some discount or promotion;
  • use .

In general, it is necessary to develop high-quality advertising text. If you doubt your abilities, place an order on , professional copywriters earn money through this exchange.

You can create a flyer online for free

There are many templates online for designing flyers. It is important to select the design to match the topic of your proposal. Consider how the flyer will be distributed, by email or handed out on the streets.

The best option is to create a flyer in Photoshop. On the site you will find a huge number starting materials. They are added here by professionals and are available for free download.

It is advisable to use vector graphics editors, Some knowledge is definitely required here:

Many resources have been developed where you can create promotional materials in a couple of simple steps. To show how they work, we used the best designer.

There is no need to go through any registration, and the designer’s interface is convenient and simple:

The side menu contains text fields that can be deleted or added. Above the created layout there are several more buttons for adding pictures, changing the font, and so on. In a couple of minutes we sketched out the simple text of the leaflet.

Now you need to scroll the page and click the “Next Step” button:

The payment page for printing flyers opens, but this does not interest us. We simply right-click on the image and save the image. Now we can use it to distribute online or print flyers to hand out on the street.

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A flyer can be inexpensive and effective way reach out to people when you're trying to find a lost kitten, advertise guitar lessons, or invite people to your Friday concert. To make your flyer more effective, you first need people to paid attention to him. Then it is necessary that he motivated them to action. This article will help you achieve what you want!


Part 1

Select the necessary components

    Decide whether you want to make your flyer by hand or on a computer. You can create a flyer on your computer using Photoshop or Microsoft Publisher. You can also make it first using a pen, pencil, marker, and so on, and only then reproduce it on a photocopier in a specialized store.

    If possible, make a colorful flyer. You can use color in inscriptions, pictures, or print on colored paper. The color will attract people's attention. Printing black on colored paper can also be efficient and cost-effective.

    Decide on the flyer size. The size of the flyer depends on its purpose and the technical capabilities of the printer. The easiest way is to make a flyer in a specific size that fits the printer (21.59 by 27.94 cm). Your flyer can fit the size of the sheet, or you can divide it in half or even into 4 parts if you want small flyers (for example, if you need them for distribution). You can make flyers of any size, and if you have a wide-format printer, you can significantly increase their size.

    Determine the possibility and location of flyer distribution. Do you plan to hang them on bulletin boards and telephone poles? Or do you want to hand out flyers at an event or in a busy part of town? If necessary, you can even send them by mail. When displaying flyers outdoors, you should use thicker paper and waterproof paint.

    Part 2

    Writing headlines
    1. Write a title. Make it easy to understand and use large, bold font. The title should consist of just a few words placed on one line, centered. The headline can be longer, but it will be less likely to attract anyone's attention.

      Highlight LARGE in font! The title font should be larger than the rest of the text. People should be able to quickly read it from a distance of 3 meters. The title should be placed evenly across the width of the page. If it doesn’t turn out very nicely, then try placing it in the center of the sheet.

      Use capital letters and curly fonts. Look at the headlines on the front pages of newspapers; this is exactly the trick that printed publications have been adopted for service a long time ago. Choose a font that is not too pretentious, since the main goal is still to convey information. You can apply your design talent to other parts of the flyer if it complements the content.

      Write a very simple text. You need to attract attention to the flyer and convey information in a matter of seconds. Complex text will not succeed. A more detailed description can be written in the main text of the flyer, but not in the title.

      • Don’t force people to think about the meaning of the text of the message - it should touch a person on an emotional level. Come up with a catchy and funny title.
      • What headlines grab your attention? If you count yourself among the majority of people, then “puppies and ice cream” will obviously attract your attention. And it's not because everyone loves puppies and ice cream; It's just that bright red always attracts attention. (However, obviously many people love puppies and ice cream, and the element of surprise and humor enhances the effectiveness.)

    Part 3

    Add appeal to your flyer
    1. Add subheadings. The subtitle should contain no more than two or three lines. Because the title is short, the subtitle fleshes out the title, providing the reader with more detailed information. Read examples of newspaper subheadings or press releases.

      Add more details. While the purpose of the headline is to attract attention, the subsequent text of your flyer will convey all the necessary information to the reader. Information should include 5 points: Who, What, When, Where and Why. These are the questions that people are sure to have when reading your flyer. Put yourself in the reader's shoes. What exactly would you like to know?

      • Be clear and specific. Keep your text short but to the point.
    2. Include recommendations in your flyer. Endorsements can be included in the flyer content. A good recommendation will not only provide you with a detailed description, but will also legitimize your flyer in the eyes of third parties. If the reader can relate to your point of view, they will be more likely to follow the flyer's appeal.

      Place accents. For underlining keywords you should use a larger or more elaborate font, italics, and so on. However, do not apply everything at once, but make one or two accents. Too much a large number of different formats can look, at best, childish, or even completely crazy.

      Give your flyer structure. Add key points to the text. Subparagraphs in the text will add structure and visual appeal to the flyer. This will make the flyer look more professional, which is very important for its overall appearance.

      Use different fonts that attract attention. The text in the flyer content does not have to be the same font as the title. Your flyer needs to stand out in some way, so a smart solution is to use something different from the rest of the crowd of flyers. Your computer should already have a wide variety of fonts installed, but if you don't find one that suits you, you should try downloading additional ones. Many sites offer free downloads of unusual and unique fonts.

      Add your contact information. Add contact information, preferably at the bottom of the flyer, so that more important information remains at the top. Add your name and all necessary contact information; phone number and address Email are the most common contact details.

      • You can also make a "tear-off" version of the contact information. Create a condensed version of the text, rotate it 90 degrees and copy it several times at the bottom of the flyer. Make a partial cut between these copies so people can tear off the contact information sheet.
      • Do not post personal information. For example, you should not include your last name or home address.

    Part 4

    Using images
    1. Add a picture or drawing. The picture most often has the same meaning as the text itself. The human brain often perceives the picture, and only then the content of the flyer. You can take advantage of this! Give people something they will remember because visual messages are sometimes more important than text messages. An image is an effective element, whether it is a logo, a photo of a lost dog, or just a picture.

      Find the image. You don't have to create a new picture. You can use one of your personal photos or use a picture from the Internet. Some computer programs, such as Microsoft Office, offer a wide selection of pictures.

      Use an image editing program to increase the contrast of the picture. This will help make the picture more visible from afar. If you cannot use a graphics editor, you should use the free Picasa application ( from Google, which will help you in this matter.

      • If possible, use one image per flyer. But if necessary, you can use two images next to each other, but no more than that, because your flyer will become overloaded with pictures and you will not be able to attract people's attention.
    2. Give a description below the picture. If you have already attracted the attention of a person, then he will definitely come closer and read the flyer. The description will help convey in more detail the information that the picture displays.

      Frame the image. The frame will help to “highlight” the picture in the flyer, which will prevent it from blending in with the rest of the content. Create a frame or light shadow around the picture. For added emphasis, you can even add stars or an arrow pointing to the picture.

    Part 5

    Circulation and distribution

      Make sure your flyer will perform its intended purpose. Before releasing a large edition, 1 copy should be printed and hung on the door. Step back 3 meters and look at the flyer. Is there anything that stuck with you? Looking at the sample, you should immediately understand that we are talking about a lost dog.

    1. Make copies. Once you've completed creating your flyer, it's time to print out the required number of copies.

      • If your printer can't handle that many copies or it's going to rain (home printer inks aren't suitable for rainy weather), find a company or store nearby that can help you print good quality flyers.
      • Black and white printing is cheaper than color printing, but it will not be as efficient. If you still decide to choose a black and white version, then you should proceed as follows: leave the space for the title empty and after printing, write it in with a colored marker. Even if you use a marker, the flyer will look great.

Despite such stringent requirements, the layout of leaflets or flyers is a fairly simple matter, because sheet products are much easier to design and print, especially compared to books or magazines. We at the “Print” printing house generally believe that almost anyone can master the design of leaflets if they have the desire to do so. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to spend time getting a serious specialized education.

How to make a leaflet, flyer

It often happens that when making leaflets on their own, entrepreneurs forget to indicate the address or telephone number - as a result, such advertising campaign not enough, but the money has already been spent. To avoid being in such a situation, use the flyer designer developed by the printing house "Print". Here you can create a flyer online for free and send it to production immediately. In this article we will describe in as much detail as possible how our leaflet editor works and how it differs from dozens of others that you can find on the Internet.

Creating a flyer layout

Where did this confidence come from? Over the years, we have worked with a wide variety of clients and their needs - from experienced ones who know exactly what they need, to beginners who have never encountered printing services before. Thanks to their questions and comments, we managed to take into account all the subtleties when developing our designer. Make its interface understandable even for those who are visiting our site for the first time. Thanks to this, you will easily understand what is required of you.

Online flyer maker: how it works

With the help of this designer you can make a leaflet on your computer yourself, or entrust this task to your secretary, PR person or accountant. And of course, you don’t have to hire a whole designer to do a minute’s work.

Work in the designer begins with the need to select a suitable flyer layout design.

Please note that there are about fifty design options in our catalog, each of which can still be modified in accordance with your own requests, if such a need arises.

We recommend starting to create flyers or leaflets with customization technical parameters . This is necessary in order to create an online flyer layout that is suitable for solving your specific problems. After all, adjusting the finished layout to the printing house’s requirements will be much more difficult. Don't be alarmed - this is a matter of a few seconds.

How to draw a leaflet: choosing a format

As we said, before you begin the creative process, you should understand the technical details. First, let's choose the size of our future product. Leaflets can be different formats. In our work we use generally accepted international standard ISO 216, based on which all leaflets are divided into the following:

How to make a flyer based on someone else's design

We already mentioned that you can use any of several dozen design options to make a flyer online for yourself. Formally you have two ways:

But if you suddenly decide to do otherwise, the capabilities of our designer should be more than enough to finalize the visual of your future leaflet.

Select a template

We did not distribute the templates by industry and activity, as we did with business cards. Therefore, the catalog presents absolutely all options at once. You will notice that most of the templates are quite versatile and fit well with almost any theme. This means that you need to choose a flyer layout online based on your own ideas about beauty. Although we can give you some advice.

Rules for good design

  • Before you design flyers online, think about how you will distribute them. If you hand them out to passers-by, any colors can be used (but remember that red, green and yellow are the most eye-catching shades). If you plan to post leaflets on walls, cabinets or other surfaces, try to use contrasting combinations. This way the flyer will stand out against the general background and attract additional attention.
  • Be sure to check the acceptable leaflet sizes, if you plan to place them on official advertising platforms (for example, notice boards in elevators or entrances). Otherwise, you may not get the size right and throw the entire circulation down the drain. Consider not only the length of the sides, but also their ratio (the same format can be placed both horizontally and vertically).
  • Don't forget to indicate the color of the print- the final price of each product depends on this.

Our program can make a leaflet and calculate the cost of the finished circulation in a few minutes, but it will take much more time to remake and reprint it. After we have agreed on all the conditions, we can finally begin such an exciting activity as developing a leaflet.

How to make an advertising flyer in our editor

The online leaflet editor presented on our website contains a large number of templates, each of which you can use absolutely free of charge.

You can also entrust the creation of flyers to this editor

There are so many templates that we have dedicated a special subsection for them.. To create a flyer online you need very little free time and at least a minimal idea of ​​what it should look like ready product. By following the designer, you will not miss a single detail and as a result you will receive high-quality products, even if you are not very well versed in typographic intricacies. A few mouse clicks and you can send the finished layout to print! The very design of a flyer can bring real pleasure for a true creator. But first things first.

Creating flyers starts with choosing a design. Based on many years of experience of our clients, we have provided many layout options. From several dozen you can choose the one that suits you.

  • Go to the catalog and choose the flyer design that you like the most.
  • Enter all the necessary information into the layout.
  • Format your text: choose a font size, type, and color.
  • Edit the position of the text so that it does not extend beyond the print margins.
  • Check your spelling to avoid annoying typos.
  • If necessary, repeat the algorithm with the reverse side of the future product. For example, place a detailed map on it with explanations of how to get there.
  • Click "done". You can now place your print order ().

Don't rush to make your final choice. Since you can create a flyer online for free on the “Print” printing house website, why not take advantage of this opportunity and make several options at once before sending a request for printing? Take your time. Use multiple templates at once, finalize all the details and conduct a small focus group among your friends, colleagues or relatives - let them say which of the presented ones they like best.

To make a flyer online you need to select the thickness and type of paper and the number of copies. Click the button "Make an order", after which your application will be processed by specialists of the Printing House and very soon - literally within a few days you will receive finished products. Regardless of the flyer design you choose, the price will be zero. This statement is true for all the layouts that you can find in our extensive catalog.

We are offering to you go to our constructor right now and make sure that creating a flyer online and for free or drawing flyers with your own hands is very simple. A little training and you will be able to conduct master classes on the topic “How to make a beautiful flyer.” We hope that you will like our flyer making program. And you will use it more than once during your work.

Free online leaflet designer from the printing house “Print”: high-quality and profitable

As you already understand, on the website of the printing house “Print” you can create flyers online for free and for any occasion. The program for creating online leaflets operates around the clock - this means that you can do this business at any time convenient for you - even on weekends, even on holidays. holidays. The editor allows you to create a flyer layout and immediately send it to print, or save it and return to editing at another time.

This is especially convenient if the need to create leaflets arises with unpredictable frequency (one month you need one leaflet, another - ten, the third - nothing at all). Even if the leaflet is needed very urgently - there is no reason to panic.

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