How to create and strengthen a reputation. Reputation management: why, how and when is reputation needed in business? How to evaluate business reputation

Successful career, successful business, sports cars, a villa in Mallorca, a Swiss bank account, a good girlfriend and happy life starts with reputation. A good reputation opens doors that lead to a prosperous and successful life.

“A good reputation is more important than a clean shirt. A shirt can be washed, but a reputation never.” Alfred Nobel

The man's reputation. Woman's reputation. This is not usually talked about, but it is important. Reputation is a fixed opinion about a person. What is yours like?

IN modern world people often forget about such an important thing as reputation. They engage in unseemly activities, sully their honor, get involved in dubious stories, hang out with all sorts of rabble, and appear in a negative light. And then we want to succeed and demand due respect when it’s too late.

Honor, dignity and reputation influence your life much more than you might think. People with a bad reputation are not hired, business is not done with them, they are not respected and are avoided in every possible way. How to create and maintain your own brand called “reputation”? How to maintain your reputation? How to restore your reputation? It's all about reputation.

1. Don't get into trouble

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to destroy it. You will approach things differently if you think about it. Warren Buffett

In any situation, maintain restraint and reason. Don't get involved in questionable things, don't get drunk, don't get into fights, don't break the law. A cool head and dignity will save you from many problems in the future. Why do you need problems with the authorities and the law? Why would you want to be seen doing something obscene? Develop the habit of always keeping yourself on top, your reputation will only benefit from this.

2. Watch your language

While leaving a certain impression about yourself, you should not forget that tomorrow they can develop into a reputation. Negative thinking, negative statements and gossip will not bring anything good in the long run. If a person carries negativity within himself, this will quickly affect his reputation. Try not to lie. If this is revealed, your reputation will look pathetic.

3. Maintain your virtual reputation

The Internet and social networks are too tightly woven into our lives. Many companies secretly search for profiles of their future employees and draw certain conclusions. Girls and boys are looking for profiles of their new halves. Acquaintances, friends and companions are watching you via the Internet. Clean up your profile. Why do you need photos from drunk parties? No one needs to know that you violated point 1, and behave with dignity in the future. No need for stupid statuses, quotes, videos and other childish nonsense. A page on a social network is your face.

4. Don't hang around with trash

“If you value your own reputation, deal only with men of worthy qualities.” George Washington

The ancient Greek playwright Euripides wrote: “Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are.” Alcoholics, drug addicts, gopniks, girls of easy virtue, lawbreakers. One can endlessly list the people with whom normal society prefers not to associate. Why be noticed in a company where you don't belong? Remember your reputation. Make friends and communicate only with those who are worthy. Stay close to successful people if you want to succeed.

5. Watch your appearance

To have a million dollars you need to look like a million dollars! An unkempt appearance or cheap, tasteless clothes will tear your image to shreds. Only poor people and losers look like this. People who dress well and are stylish always get points for this. They are more attractive to others, they want to be friends and do business with them. Take care of yours appearance or you can forget about the reputation of a successful person.

6. Conduct yourself with dignity

Respect yourself and others if they deserve it. Be friendly, keep your word, be tactful, don’t be late, control your emotions. Maintain your dignity in any situation.

7. Protect your reputation

Always protect your honor, dignity and your reputation. Try to “deal” with those people who are trying to undermine your image and reputation. One good friend of mine said: “To restore your reputation, sometimes it’s enough to punch him in the rap.” Reputation can also be protected in court.

A successful career, a successful business, sports cars, a villa in Mallorca, a Swiss bank account, a good girlfriend and a happy life begin with a reputation. First you work for your reputation, then it works for you.

"Head of a budgetary organization", 2010, N 2

We are already accustomed to the fact that the main thing people think about in our country is creating a positive reputation large companies operating in highly competitive markets. However, reputation is also important for budgetary organizations, especially for those that provide services to the population. How can you create and support business reputation? And most importantly, how not to lose in one moment what has been built up over the years?

Henry Ford warned executives: “If you don’t take care of your company’s reputation, your competitors will.” These words can be attributed to activities not only commercial structures, but also budgetary institutions, because many of them today work in a competitive environment in the fields of education, medicine, and culture. And this competition is growing every year, and with it the role of business reputation.

According to American experts, the share of reputation in the total market value of the company ranges from 15 to 25% (in some cases reaching 75%). In Russia, according to reputation management consultant Alexey Zlovedov, this share is on average 50%.

According to Harvard Business School, over an 11-year period (1993 to 2004), companies around the world that focused on their reputation increased revenue by 682%, profit by 756%, and headcount by 282. %. At the same time, companies that did not pay special attention to reputation issues showed results of 166%, 1% and 36%, respectively. World practice shows that organizations that seriously work on building a reputation become leaders in their field.

Creating a reputation

First, let’s define what an organization’s reputation is and how it differs from its image.

Compared to reputation, image is the image that an organization strives to create in its environment. And if a reputation is formed over years and involves the deepest emotions of people, then the image is a certain external impression of the organization, how it appears here and now.

Note. Business reputation is a set of opinions about the organization of representatives stakeholders who are associated with it (employees, consumers, government officials, media, etc.).

It is obvious that the formation of a reputation is a longer process compared to the creation of an image, and it affects all levels of the organization and all its employees - from the director to the courier.

First of all, the manager should entrust the formation of a reputation program to professionals. Depending on the level of development of the organization, this may be one PR specialist or several specialists united in some structure, for example, in a public relations department. Of course, you can attract specialists from an independent agency and even agree on subscription services. But practice shows that this form of work does not guarantee confidentiality, and some documents may end up not only in the hands of competitors, but also on Internet sites.

1. Clear goal setting: what kind of reputation and for which groups we want to form.

Agree that you cannot become the best at everything. Therefore, it is important to highlight a priority area for the organization and be able to express the desired reputation in a few words. For example: a reliable organization (consumers believe that it strives to fulfill all obligations to them), a prestigious university (it has the largest competitions compared to other universities, graduates quickly get jobs in their specialty).

2. Identify the “bottlenecks” of the organization that prevent the achievement of the desired reputation.

Suppose budgetary institution wants to create a reputation among its clients as an organization where all issues are resolved promptly. In this case, the analysis should be aimed primarily at identifying customer interaction procedures that need to be accelerated. In budget structures, this primarily concerns the timing of consideration of various documents. If consumers are confident that the organization approves all requests without delay, its reputation will be significantly strengthened.

3. Decide how to overcome bottlenecks and eliminate them.

We have a simple management task ahead of us. If your goal is to speed up the procedure for approving documents, it is worth analyzing at what stage and why they get stuck, and how you can motivate (or punish) the employee (or department) where the delay occurs. It is important to draw up an action plan to eliminate bottlenecks and implement it.

4. Create a precedent.

When the ground is prepared and the main problems preventing the creation of the desired reputation have been eliminated, it’s time to think about a bright event and worthy coverage of it among interested groups.

If we return to our example with the reputation of a company that makes quick decisions, then in this case such a precedent can be created. Previously, approval procedures took you a whole month, but with the help of the created “single window” system, you reduced this period to 10 days. And even when the client needed to quickly resolve some complex issue, your employees made every effort, but met the deadline, surprising him beyond words. And then we need to make sure that as many people as possible learn about this event through the media.

We maintain our reputation

Creating a good reputation is only half the battle. It is much more difficult to preserve it. An ill-considered action by management or even an ordinary employee can instantly ruin what specialists have been working on for years. The fly in the ointment can be the rash statements of the company's top (or public) officials. It is especially bad if the behavior or words of a public person diverge from the stated postulates. Unfulfilled promises to clients also cause irreparable damage to reputation, especially if they are accompanied by rude attacks from staff. Attempts to change the rules during the game often turn against the organization. For example, visitors expect certain behavior from your employees and do not realize that priorities have shifted slightly, and in the end they simply cease to understand what is happening.

Incorrect actions in relation to those people who have access to mass audiences and are capable of ruining the company’s reputation (journalists, politicians, etc.) can become especially dangerous. Therefore, you should think seriously before refusing to comment to any reputable media outlet.

There can be no trifles in the business of reputation management. But the values ​​that play a significant role in its maintenance deserve special attention.

Company history. You are very lucky if your organization interesting story, rooted in past centuries. These are the stories that the oldest theaters, museums, higher education institutions can boast of. educational institutions. They have something to tell the public about themselves, and this story can be exploited for a long time (in a positive sense), inventing new, modern forms. For example, how can you introduce modern youth to a museum if you can’t lure them there? Create a virtual museum with interactive features and an online tour.

But even if there was nothing unusual in history at first glance, you need to find at least a few interesting facts and on their basis, write history anew, filling it with bright events and achievements. And then make this story public, draw attention to it with the help of interesting publications in the media. A reputation that is not based on anything is not convincing. A rich history shows that the organization has earned its reputation: it worked hard, quickly rebuilt in response to changing conditions, experienced ups and downs, and showed resistance to negative influences, that is, its success is natural.

Reputation of top officials. Nothing can be done, but the reputation of the top officials is projected onto the reputation of the entire organization. This rule is true even for a huge multi-thousand company (remember the examples of Anatoly Chubais or Evgeny Chichvarkin), not to mention a small office whose director is its “face”. Therefore, while caring about the reputation of his company, a manager must first of all take care of his own reputation. An organization will not develop a reputation for reliability if its leader is constantly late for meetings with clients, “forgets” about agreements, and makes scandalous statements in the press. So the manager should begin the process of building a reputation not with the staff, but with himself.

Meeting expectations. What matters most to customers is what it makes sense to focus on. If the main thing for a strategic client is reliability, then all efforts should be directed towards this. If service is more important, then every effort should be made to ensure that customers say: “They have the best service.” If quality: “They care so much about the quality of services that they are ready to return money to anyone who is not satisfied with it.” That is, it is important to accurately determine the leading need of a strategic client and concentrate all efforts on its implementation.

Compliance of cases with stated policies. When consciously forming and maintaining a reputation, one cannot do without creating an information policy - a special document that clearly states the description of the reputation that should be formed among various target audiences. In addition, the document indicates the mechanisms that work to form such a reputation. For example, the organization claims that it is reliable, and in support of this it publishes an annual review, which shows that during the year there was not a single refusal to review documents. Such an organization is trusted more, because its words do not differ from its deeds.

Concentration of effort. It is much more profitable to concentrate efforts on one thing, and then it will inevitably “take off”, and simply maintain everything else at a positive level.

So, When managing the reputation of an organization, it is important to remember this rule: what is different is remembered. In our case, it is different from all other companies and organizations. Market players with a strong reputation are always “the best.” They say about them: they have the newest developments, they work with the most the best specialists, they have the best laboratory... This is what we should strive for!

The tone of mentions is analyzed. For this purpose, the tools of the media mentions analytics system are used and social networks, For example, . All mentions of the client’s brand and competitors are studied for at least last year, the amount of positive, negative, and neutral messages is assessed. An understanding is formed of what level the customer is at relative to competitors.

Using the system, behavior is studied target audience on the Internet. A user profile is collected based on statements and profile data on different social networks.

Let's look at the manufacturer's case baby food. His audience is young mothers. In this case, social networks contain profiles of all young mothers based on open information and analysis of what the user writes in statements. Those who left messages that they were young mothers were included in the list. In addition, authoritative sites for the selected audience are analyzed. From there you can also get a list of young mothers. After this, the distribution of interests is built. After this, it becomes clear what the audience’s hobbies are, opinion leaders and the most authoritative resources are identified.

A list of sites that are visited by the target audience and used by competitors to generate traffic is compiled. 5-10 competitors are analyzed. External sources are examined separately. In addition to the sites themselves, it is taken into account what message the competitors are conveying on these sites. This could be video, infographics, content. The most successful formats of interaction with the audience on these platforms are recorded.

Search results for branded queries are analyzed. This is necessary to study the tone of brand mentions.

Denis Shubenok: “Such a detailed preliminary analysis allows you to build a content strategy, focusing not on a hypothesis, but on the exact knowledge that there is a target audience on the selected sites. Thus, by spending more time on analytics, we will be able to spend less budget on content distribution in the future. We will know exactly and target precisely those directions that are the most effective.”

Drawing up a content plan

Development of a content plan begins with preparing topics. Topics are compiled based on large quantity data. For example, based on feedback from the audience, based on in-depth interviews, based on focus groups, based on statements. Trends, seasonality, and important areas of the client’s business are taken into account. The content plan prioritizes. When drawing up a content plan, it is important to consider the following fact:

Denis Shubenok: “When analyzing the positive and negative on the Internet, we begin to understand that about 70-80% of the negativity about a given product or brand is concentrated around 5-10 topics. Users don’t write negative comments about 100 different topics.”

As a rule, there are leading topics. Users write both negative and positive things about them. It's important to highlight these trends to understand where to start. Key content should be written in response to established trends. This will cover most user questions and will be distributed most effectively.

In the case of the baby food factory there were only four main themes.

In the example, three leading topics are clearly visible. We need to start with them. Bloggers are getting involved, and a content marketing campaign is being launched on the topic of creating baby food in Russia. The keynote is that there are no problems with the production of baby food in Russia. This is a far-fetched myth, and it is most likely created by competitors. There are common world standards.

Thus, with the help of various content, it is conveyed to the audience that Russian production delivered even better than in Europe. In this way, all negative topics from the client are worked out. That is, for every comment there is no unfounded answer in the spirit of “our food is good.” There is a systematic saturation of information and creation of a database of content. It includes articles from reputable resources.

Positivity is also practiced to enhance the positive attitude of the target audience. You can use comparative materials that highlight the advantages of the brand relative to competitors. The task is to spread as much positivity as possible to the most trendy things.

Denis Shubenok: “It is very important to develop neutral content. There can be quite a lot of it. Often it is related to promotions, charity, or people simply ask about choosing a product. This may simply be a statement of fact. We must try to transform neutral statements into positive ones by opening up the conversation, asking questions, and holding actions.”

Promotions work well. For example, ask not just to write hashtags, but to tell a detailed story about why you use this product. So that users read the content not in a neutral way, but in a positive way.

Communications with the audience are analyzed separately. This includes analysis of social networks, external resources where the agency or client makes placements. Audience involvement in discussions is assessed. It is determined what type and topic of content most involve the target audience in the dialogue. The most effective formats and topics are recorded, and a content plan is drawn up based on them.

Distribution mechanisms, production and delivery

Distribution mechanisms are built on the basis of all the information that has been collected previously. There are three types of content delivery: brand platforms, viral effect, paid traffic.

At this stage, a plan is drawn up for what and how to post, KPIs for each channel and budget are predicted.

After this, the actual production and delivery of content begins. The results are analyzed. Are determined by the most effective ways, the cycle repeats.

In the case under discussion: in July 2016, the formation of an information background around the brand began. Before this, quite a lot of negative messages appeared every day.

Gradually the number of negative statements decreased. This made it possible, with a slight increase in the number of publications, to significantly reduce the negative trend that the client had for the last few years. Negativity has decreased by more than four times in six months.

The material was prepared by Denis Shubenok, executive director of Ashmanov and Partners.



noun, and., used compare often

Morphology: (no) what? reputation, what? reputation, (see) what? reputation, how? reputation, about what? about reputation

1. Reputation is called the created general opinion about the merits and demerits of someone or something.

Good, bad, bad reputation. | Build yourself a strong reputation. | Enjoy a reputation as a good storyteller. | To have, to deserve, to gain a stable reputation. | The bank has a solid reputation.

2. Reputation is a favorable opinion formed about someone or something in society.

Earn a reputation for yourself. | Value your reputation. | Damage someone's reputation. | Has anyone lived up to their reputation? | Save the company's reputation. | Put it on the line, lose it, ruin your reputation.

3. If anyone soaked, tarnished my reputation, then this means that this person committed some unseemly act that changed other people’s opinion of him for the worse.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



  • Reputation of the doll, Solntseva Natalya Mikhailovna. The theme of the book is literary dolls, their traditional perception and modern interpretations. Dolls are artifacts and sources of inspiration, reluctant imitators and self-sufficient androids, key...
  • Reputation of a doll, Solntseva N.. The theme of the book is literary dolls, their traditional perception and modern interpretations. Dolls are artifacts and sources of inspiration, reluctant imitators and self-sufficient androids, key…

Reputation is a thought that develops about a person during his life and activities. What kind of reputation can there be? Reputation can be bad or good. And only the person himself can decide what kind of reputation he personally needs.

Is it important to take care of her? Definitely yes! Each person is surrounded by a group of people, which has its own rules and laws. And in order to achieve the desired thoughts of the people of this group, you need to play by the rules and laws that are established here. For example, public people:

  1. politicians
  2. stars
  3. doctors
  4. teachers

These people are constantly surrounded by ordinary people. It is important for them to be the best, honest, fair and reasonable in the eyes of these people. And they will do everything to ensure that their reputation is impeccable. Otherwise, they will lose the trust of citizens and a good reputation, which is very difficult to earn again.

It must be remembered that reputation, including the image and reputation of a company, is like a clean sheet in which nothing can be crossed out, forwarded or corrected. Every step, every action, having appeared, will not disappear anywhere. People who do not live entirely honestly and fairly, associated with the criminal world, have their own reputation. The group of these people has its own laws and rules: its own language, its own customs, and the like. In order to earn a reputation among people as a “criminal authority” you need to work hard in this area. But at the same time, such a person will have a bad reputation among law-abiding citizens. And vice versa.

There are no and cannot be people with an impeccably perfect and pure reputation. Everyone follows their own path and achieves success using their own methods, using their own techniques and means. Everyone has their own reputation, which depends only on themselves.

What kind of reputation is there?

Reputation can be different: a person can be a wonderful doctor from God, but in life he can be a terrible person and father. What kind of business reputation is there? Such a person may have a reputation as a wonderful doctor, whom people recognize, thank and pray for his health. And at the same time, among his family and friends, he will have a reputation as a terrible person and an insignificant father who is not at all involved in family affairs or raising children, constantly living only by work. The situation may be exactly the opposite. A person can live as a family, be a wonderful father and husband, and at the same time work like a nonentity. The reputation of such a person will be completely opposite: a person who is not capable of anything at work, and a wonderful family man who has no one to replace.

Everything in life is very complicated and ambiguous. Every person lives, makes mistakes, is corrected... and every step affects the external opinion of him. The question remains open. How to be perfect? How to live and please everyone? How to have a good and excellent reputation in various fields your life? Each of us must have thought about this question at least once.

The answer to this question lies in the person himself, in his soul, in his dreams and thoughts. What is important to me in this life? If you devote yourself completely to work, study day and night, work every minute, take care of your appearance, in a word, live by work. Sooner or later, such a person will certainly gain a reputation as a professional and irreplaceable worker in their field of activity. Such people will only need to maintain this thought about themselves throughout their lives and work hard. These people are careerists. For them, reputation in work is their whole life. And so with each person individually.

We need to live, realizing that we are constantly in sight. That the world lives only because we live. Society exists only because there are people. Sometimes society and the people in it are cruel and unfair, mean and dishonest. Weaker people have to fight harder for their reputation. But nothing is impossible. You need to be confident and brave. You need to understand the value of your life, your face and name. “Gnawing” your name on the body of society with your teeth and only then will you achieve success.

It is important to remember that you will not and will not be good to everyone. Opinions about a person may vary. Opinions about the same person may differ. For one, you can be good, wonderful and perfect. Another will consider you mediocre and insignificant. At the same time, without knowing what kind of person he really is.

Reputation is what a person does or says. This is what other people hear. If a person of society wants to get himself the required reputation— you need to speak and declare about yourself the information that you need. Your reputation depends on what people hear about you. Decide for yourself what you want to be known about you. What kind of reputation do you need? And work on it every day and every second. Don’t forget to remind society about you and your existence. Provide information about yourself that will be useful in life, but do not forget to answer for it.

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