How to create a tropical butterfly farm. How to grow a butterfly at home

We received a question from Tatyana: “How can you grow a butterfly at home? How long does she live in captivity?

Cats, dogs, parrots, reptiles, fish, even spiders and cockroaches... All these pets are no longer uncommon at home. But you want something new, unusual and beautiful! And butterflies will give you just such feelings. Because today you can admire them not only in nature, but also at home.

How to grow a butterfly at home

In fact, caring for a butterfly will not be difficult a lot of work. The main thing that is required from the owner of future beauty is patience. As you know, butterflies go through several stages in their development:

  • eggs;
  • caterpillars;
  • pupae;
  • butterflies.

There are several ways to start breeding butterflies.

Also read: How to prepare standard roses for winter

You should know that moth pupae turn into mature individuals in the ground: for them, it will be necessary to cover the bottom with a layer of soil.

  • Before the pupation process itself, the behavior of the caterpillars changes: they stop eating and begin to behave restlessly.
  • When the caterpillar hangs on a branch, you will notice how it begins to spin a cocoon around itself. When she is completely in the cocoon, you can start counting. Soon you will have real live butterflies!
  • Having emerged from the pupa, the butterfly hangs on a branch for a while to spread its wings. If there are no branches nearby and the butterfly does not spread its wings on them, it will not be able to fly.
  • Feeding an adult butterfly is very simple: they eat honey or sugar (mixed with a little water), fresh fruit and even fruit with foulbrood.

Reproduction in captivity

A couple of days after the “birth” of the butterflies you can mate. But you will need several generations of butterflies to mate, because the males hatch a little earlier than the females (by a few days). Remember that on the fourth day of life, butterflies will no longer be able to reproduce.

For mating itself, you will need a room, at least three meters in height, for the free movement of butterflies, an insectarium. You need to create a high temperature in the room - 28-30 degrees Celsius. Make sure there is sufficient humidity.

In addition to food for the butterflies themselves, the insectarium should also have a food plant (many butterflies do not mate if it is not nearby).

You may also be interested in the article in which we talked about how to make a butterfly feeder. In addition, in this material we described in more detail what butterflies eat and how you can make a nutrient mixture for them.

How long do butterflies live?

At home, butterflies live longer - from one to three weeks. In nature, it’s only a few days.

How to care for butterflies (video)

As you understand, butterflies at home are an excellent solution for those who appreciate beauty. You will only get pleasure and pleasant sensations from butterflies.

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Butterflies have always been exotic representatives, which cannot be said about reptiles, aquarium inhabitants and predatory animals, which are increasingly kept in apartments as pets. Most people like moths for their wing shape, varied colors, beauty, sophistication and lightness. Breeding butterflies at home does not involve any difficulties, since they are not demanding in their care.

In order to contemplate this beauty at home, you just need patience.
To become the owner of such pets, you can do this: rear them yourself, or buy butterflies at a farm or nursery. To witness all the life cycles of such pets, you should give preference to the first option, but if you choose the second method, all these stages will be skipped.

Start of the process

Butterflies are representatives of insects that undergo holometamorphosis, that is, a complete cycle of transformation, so breeding butterflies involves them going through all 4 stages:

  • The first stage is the appearance of the egg;
  • The second stage is the birth of a caterpillar from an egg;
  • The third stage is the formation of the pupa;
  • The fourth stage is the emergence of the butterfly from the pupa.

Before you start breeding butterflies, you need to find the right specimens. The task is quite difficult, since finding caterpillar eggs is not so easy due to their small size, which can easily be half a millimeter. To be able to get the eggs you need, you should follow the butterfly, as it can lay eggs in just 1 or 2 seconds. And, therefore, even by lightly touching a leaf, a butterfly can leave its offspring there. However, finding a ready-made doll is also quite likely.

Enough large number Representatives of these insects can be located in dry leaves, soil, between boards and other places. To grow a butterfly from a caterpillar at home, you must also take into account the time of year. Because if you find pupae in the natural environment during the end of the autumn period, they should certainly be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days. From such pupae that catch your eye in nature, not only butterflies, but also hymenoptera insects can appear, therefore, you need to be careful and attentive when choosing such specimens.


The main difference between the caterpillar, which will later become a butterfly, is the presence of three pairs of front legs. Caterpillars should not be handled as they may be injured. Therefore, in order to transfer the caterpillar to the place you need, you need to tear off the leaf on which it is located, and then move it with a cotton swab.
To witness the entire transformation of such a pet, you can place it in some transparent container or three-liter jar. However, if you are going to raise domestic butterflies for more professional level, you should purchase an aquarium that will act as an insectarium.

The bottom of the home of future butterflies can be covered with a small amount of napkins, and you also need to provide the caterpillar with the food leaves necessary for nutrition. The best leaves are those on which the caterpillar was found, and they should be changed quite often to avoid drying and rotting. To give the vegetation freshness for a longer period, you need to moisten the napkins using a spray bottle.
To prevent escape, the glass container should be covered with a lid, after making holes in it.

When the caterpillar grows up to its size maximum dimensions, it stops feeding, gets rid of excess fluid with the help of liquid excrement, and can also change its color - such actions indicate readiness for pupation.


The appearance of a butterfly from a caterpillar, as well as breeding butterflies at home in general, is quite a fascinating process. The caterpillar produces something like a sticky web, from which it creates a cocoon for itself. Cocoons can be various types, for example transparent and soft or opaque, hard and elastic. The type of butterfly directly determines the type of its cocoon; for example, moths tend to create their cocoon directly on the ground. On average, pupation lasts only 2 or 3 days. Next, you should consider which species you are growing, since the pupa of different species may hatch at different times.

For example, wintering pupae - they need to be kept in the cold for at least a month, and possibly more. For pupae you need to create a certain temperature regime, namely 26-28°, and humidity from 60 to 90%. This will ensure the normal development of the butterfly and also protect it from drying out. Therefore, keeping the container moisturized is extremely important.

When a butterfly emerges, its first action is to hang upside down, a process that allows it to spread its wings and lasts for several hours. To ensure such conditions, you need to place gnarled branches or a strip in the container toilet paper. If the butterfly does not have the opportunity to hang, its wings will not spread out, and therefore the insect will not be able to fly.

The best treat for domestic butterflies is honey or sugar diluted in water. Such pets are tame and are not afraid of human presence. The main condition is to behave carefully so as not to harm the insect.

Tropical species

Breeding butterflies at home is also possible using tropical species. These species differ from local ones in a wide variety of colors and richness of colors. To grow such representatives, you must first purchase their pupae. Today, purchases can be made via the Internet. The price of butterflies directly depends on their size and type. To purchase tropical species, the wingspan of which reaches 12-15 cm, you will need to shell out about 3 - 10 dollars, but butterfly pupae with wings 8-12 cm will cost 2 dollars. The best place A greenhouse or winter garden will be used for raising domestic butterflies. But it is also quite possible to use an insectarium, you just need to maintain the required temperature and humidity. Butterfly pupae should be placed in it and after a few weeks you can admire the beautiful spectacle.

Having figured out how to grow a butterfly at home, you can not only become the owner of exotic inhabitants, but also get an additional source of profit.

5 parts: Catch the caterpillar Arrange a home for the caterpillar Care for the caterpillar Take care of the butterfly Alternative ways to find caterpillars

Look out the window and you will see beautiful butterflies fluttering past you. Surprisingly, such beauty came from a small garden caterpillar just a couple of centimeters long, which once, perhaps, ate the leaves of your favorite roses. Perhaps when you look at a butterfly, you dreamily think: “oh, if only it were possible...”, and then the idea of ​​growing them yourself comes to your mind!

Part 1 Catch the caterpillar

Part 2 Set up a home for the caterpillar

  1. Pry the caterpillar with a twig.

    It should be a thin branch (ideally from the same plant on which you found the caterpillar) or something else. Be very careful; you need to handle the caterpillar gently, because it can die if it falls even from a small height.

    • You should not take the caterpillar with your hands for several reasons: firstly, it will then be difficult to place it in its house, because it clings tightly to the surface of the hand. Secondly, the caterpillar will crawl along your hand and you may accidentally hit it. Third, your hands may be dirty and the bacteria can infect the caterpillar, and some caterpillars can be poisonous (see Warnings).
    • Place the twig with the caterpillar in the container. It is important not to throw away the twig, since the twig will be the site for pupation.

  2. Return to the tree or bush where you found the caterpillar.

    Cut a small branch with leaves from it. Most likely, this particular plant serves as food for the caterpillar. Before you try to feed a caterpillar, you need to know what it eats. Some species of caterpillars (such as the Monarch butterfly caterpillar) prefer only one type of plant (euphorbia). Other caterpillars may feed on different plants. But keep in mind, the caterpillars will starve themselves to death before they start eating the unfamiliar food.

    • If you are not sure about the choice of plant, look up information on the Internet, and then find leaves from the plant that the caterpillar was sitting on, because the caterpillar itself chose this plant.

  3. Place the leaves in a container.

    Before you put the caterpillar in there, check for spiders and insects in the container because they can kill the caterpillar. Change the leaves in the container every day because the caterpillar will not feed on dry, old leaves. To keep the leaves fresh for a long time, place them in flower tubes with water (these are sold in flower shops and are cheap). There is no need to put dishes, a jar or a vase with leaves there for the caterpillar, because the caterpillar may fall there and drown.

    • If a caterpillar is sitting on the leaves you want to replace, do not try to remove it because caterpillars are tightly attached to the surface, which can cause you to tear off its legs. Instead, simply place a few more leaves in the container. After some time, the caterpillar will move to a new portion of leaves, and in the meantime you can remove the old ones.

  4. Keep the container outside.

    Place it in an enclosed area where there is no heat or cold, where it cannot be reached by pets or your loved ones, who may accidentally throw out or break the container. If you live in a dry climate, you can sometimes spray the container with a spray bottle because caterpillars like moist climates. But don't overdo it, or mold may start to grow in the container.

    • If you want to increase the humidity in a container, cover the top of the container plastic bag. Thus, moisture will not evaporate, but will accumulate. It's special useful advice for growing Monarch butterflies and Viceroy butterflies.

Part 3 Care for the caterpillar

  1. Check every day to see how your caterpillar is doing.

    Regularly clean the container from excrement and mold. Resist the urge to hold the caterpillar, especially if it is inactive and has changed color, because this may indicate the beginning of a transformation. Feed the caterpillar fresh food and monitor its changes. Soon the caterpillar will pupate and turn into a cocoon and then into a butterfly.

    • Don't touch the doll. She does not need water or food during pupation, she only needs a moist environment, which you can create from time to time.
    • Caterpillars eat “a lot.” You can line the container with paper towels or newspaper to make it easy to clean up after the caterpillar. It is very important to clean up after it in a timely manner, because the remaining excrement will begin to rot, which can cause the caterpillar to get sick and die.

  2. Watch the caterpillar's behavior.

    If you start to notice that the caterpillar has changed color or seems lethargic, it is most likely about to moult and form a chrysalis. During this period, the caterpillar is especially vulnerable, so do not touch it or try to pull it out. Soon you will notice that the caterpillar will begin to curl.

    • Perhaps the caterpillar was simply sick. If you have multiple caterpillars and one of them dies, remove it from the container as soon as possible to avoid infecting healthy caterpillars.

  3. The doll should hang in the open air.

    Make sure the chrysalis hangs in an area of ​​the container that has plenty of space, as it will need room to spread its wings when it emerges from the cocoon without touching the floor or walls of the container. Butterflies need plenty of space to spread their wings, and the container must be dry for them to fly. If the butterfly cannot spread its wings, it may fall to the ground and not survive.

    • If necessary, move the twig or the object where the pupa is hanging to a more suitable place. Again, do everything very carefully. Move slowly and smoothly. You don't want the chrysalis to fall, because then the butterfly will die.
    • If the pupa falls off, attach a piece of paper to the tip of the pupa with hot glue, then wait until it cools and hardens. After this, attach a piece of paper to cardboard or something else and place it in a container.

  4. Be patient.

    It takes time for a butterfly or moth to emerge from a pupa, and this time depends on the type of butterfly. If you are very interested, you can try to take a good look at the caterpillar, its colors and some marks, and then search the Internet or books for information about this species. Some butterflies, such as Monarch butterflies, emerge from their cocoons in 9-14 days. Some other butterflies can remain in the pupal stage all winter, emerging from the cocoon only in the spring.

    • The only thing you need to do during this period is to create optimal humidity for the pupa and maintain it. The pupa does not need water or food, it only needs a suitable environment.
    • You may see the chrysalis change color. Then it becomes clear that the moment you have been waiting for is about to come. This can happen in an instant, so don't go anywhere if you don't want to miss the butterfly's appearance. Once the butterfly appears, it will hang on the cocoon for about several hours, spreading its wings and finally forming.
    • If the cocoon darkens, it may have died. Try bending it gently; if it doesn't return to its original state, it's most likely dead.

Part 4 Take care of the butterfly

Part 5 Alternative ways to find caterpillars

  • Caterpillars do not need to be watered. They get the necessary fluid from fresh, juicy leaves.
  • If you are looking for a Monarch butterfly caterpillar, you will find it on a milkweed plant. Cut the stem because the caterpillar feeds on the stem, and then put the stem with the caterpillar in a container. This is usually a guarantee that you will not damage the track during transport.
  • Try to find different caterpillars and raise them into amazing butterflies. Try looking for caterpillars that look like bird droppings. They are the size of an antenna, and when they grow and pupate, they turn into beautiful dark blue butterflies.
  • Look for caterpillars in a variety of places, not just your yard. Look for them in the park, in the forest. Plus, this can be a great reason to go on a picnic with your family.
  • Butterflies and moths are cold-blooded animals. This means that their temperature depends on the temperature environment. In addition, they feed on nectar.
  • The caterpillar may die, but don't be too upset. Raising caterpillars and butterflies requires a little practice and skill, mainly in choosing food and creating a habitat that is favorable to them. Find more information about the species of butterflies you are trying to raise to understand what is best for them. Remove dead caterpillars from the container in a timely manner so that the infection that could cause the death of the caterpillar does not infect others.
  • Every 1-3 days, remove the caterpillar and replace old leaves with new ones. Then rinse them, leaving a few drops - this is a source of water for the caterpillars. If you notice that the caterpillar is eating more than usual, it means it is not getting enough nutrients, try giving it other leaves.
  • Moths can live as long as they want in captivity because they do not need to migrate to feed. Despite this, it is still better to give them freedom, because their life is already very short.


  • Be careful with caterpillars, some of them can be poisonous. Poison is their defense mechanism, so you should not touch them with your hands. If the poison gets into the eyes, it can damage the mucous membrane.
  • If you decide to purchase caterpillars, keep in mind that in many countries legal approval is required.
  • Do not collect rare, endangered species of caterpillars and butterflies that are endangered and protected by law.
  • Beware of the brightly spotted spiny caterpillars because they can be very poisonous. Once you have some experience in raising butterflies, you can try to carefully transfer such a caterpillar to your container, because they usually grow into large, beautiful butterflies.
  • Try to collect caterpillars in your region, not outside the city. You should not buy caterpillars from a supplier who breeds butterflies. Keep in mind that butterflies that are not native to your area may harm native butterfly species and may even displace them. Therefore, some states have laws against the cultivation of foreign species of animals.
  • Many species of butterflies feed exclusively on nettles, so be careful when collecting these caterpillars!

What you will need

  • Container (something like an aquarium or a large plastic plant container with a net on top)
  • Flowering plants (those that the caterpillar will feed on)
  • About 5 cm of soil (if the caterpillar will pupate underground)
  • Layer of newspapers or paper towels

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It is unlikely that anyone can resist the incredible beauty of butterflies. The graceful shapes and unsurpassed colors of the iridescent wings are simply amazing. Nowadays, these insects can be found in all countries of the world. Today, science knows more than 200 thousand species of butterflies. Among them there are tiny ones only a few millimeters long, and giants with a wingspan of up to 30 centimeters.

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that these beautiful creatures have long been not only an object of research, but also a promising and highly profitable business. Now breeding winged flowers is a beauty that brings profit.

Who buys butterflies?

The main consumers of these wonderful insects are various holiday agencies.

The pigeons, which were previously released during wedding celebrations, have been replaced by the so-called “live tropical butterfly salute.” The cost of one such butterfly fluctuates around 1500-2000 rubles, but no one will order one butterfly, otherwise what kind of fireworks will you get?

When ordering, the moths are slightly cooled (so they don't have the urge to fly) and placed in a beautiful and colorful holiday box decorated with ribbons and holiday paper. After the box with the “surprise” is delivered to the special event, it is heated at the right moment and the butterflies are released, eager to fly. Such a fascinating spectacle will not leave anyone indifferent, and the guests will certainly enjoy it.

Butterflies are actively used by holiday agencies in big cities, where this business flourishes, but not every agency can boast of such an unusual and colorful service. As for the provincials, small towns, then in most cases there is no gift from butterflies.

Also, only a few people know that to grow butterflies at home, you don’t need to create a whole laboratory with various flasks and glass boxes. To do this, you just need to read the following recommendations, and you will be able to breed these beautiful creatures right at home, and also build a good business from it.

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Breeding moths at home

The first thing that will most likely come to your mind is to find the largest and fattest caterpillar in the area, put it in a three-liter jar and wait to see what comes out of it. But the downside is that from this breeding you will only get a type of butterfly that will not please you with its special and bright colors, because this is the way of breeding butterflies as a common hobby, and we need a good and profitable business.

Therefore, you are more likely to be interested in tropical species of butterflies. They are simply wonderful appearance and quite large in size. It is clear that you won’t be able to find them in the nearest forest, and therefore you can purchase them either from entrepreneurs who practice butterfly breeding, or order them online. Prices for pupae of tropical species are approximately 50-300 rubles per piece. Delivery is carried out by courier (directly to your home) or by mail.

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Your task is to provide insects with conditions that are as close as possible to the places where they live. Therefore, be patient, gather your willpower, and you can start breeding, and then good business with a stable income.

At home, caterpillars, cocoons and moths are kept in special aquariums - insectariums. It is worth considering that for different types butterflies require different sizes of this aquarium. It is even interesting that large species of butterflies can die if the “living space” is too small for them; this is also worth paying attention to. In insectariums, high temperatures and high humidity must be maintained, as if in a tropical forest. To do this, you can use heaters and humidifiers, which are easy to find in any pet store.

The feeding problem is a little more difficult to solve. You will need to fork out money for a greenhouse, because you need to feed the insects with special tropical plants, and you will have to grow them yourself. Keep in mind that you will need a lot of so-called food, because caterpillars are real gluttons. But when it comes to feeding butterflies, things are simpler; they are fed with natural honey, sweet fruits and sugar.

The largest known butterfly, Attacus aitas, has a wingspan of 30 cm, which is why it is often confused with a bird. Of course, it is not necessary to take this particular type to start your business. Breeding butterflies at home as a business can be started with small, but beautiful and colorful individuals.

Demand for butterflies

This type of insect is most popular among agencies involved in organizing various types of events - weddings, anniversaries, children's parties. Among the consumers of this service there are also ordinary citizens who are ready to pay a lot of money for a living gift. After all, the price for one butterfly can reach up to two thousand rubles, but rarely does anyone order only one.

Tropical butterflies are gradually replacing the wedding doves released into the air to celebrate the occasion.

Sales Features

Preparing butterflies for an event requires some experience. To do this, they are cooled a little, thereby depriving them of the desire to fly. After cooling, the insects are placed in a beautiful package or envelope and delivered to the client. After opening the package, the butterflies fly up, resembling colorful fireworks.

The more butterflies ordered by the client, the less the cost of one individual will be. For example, buying two or three butterflies will cost an average of 3 to 5 thousand rubles, while when ordering more than 50 insects, their total price will be about 30,000-35,000 rubles. Everything will depend on the type of tropical insect.

All you need to develop a butterfly farming business is patience and a desire to make money.

Where to start

In order for butterfly breeding as a business to generate income and develop fruitfully, it is necessary to build a clear plan for the implementation ideas to life.

What should you pay special attention to?

Purchase of raw materials

The life cycle of butterflies includes four stages: egg, caterpillar, pupa and insect. But before turning into a pupa, the caterpillar needs a large number of plant leaves. Therefore, breeding butterflies, taking into account their full cycle, is a rather difficult task, requiring a lot of money and time.

The best option would be to purchase ready-made dolls through specialized enterprises. The price of one doll ranges from 3 to 15 dollars. The purchase of raw materials should be made at least every two to three weeks, in quantities of a hundred or more. Everything will depend on the season and the flow of orders.

The need for frequent purchases is due to the fact that even with the most proper care, tropical butterflies do not live long. It is also necessary to take into account possible defects in the form of dead pupae or hatched butterflies with defects. Before making a purchase, you should study the characteristics of each type of butterfly.

Breeding conditions

To raise butterflies, you do not need to create special laboratories or purchase production space. All that is required is to purchase aquariums and create optimal living conditions for insects for their development.

Depending on the biological species of lepidoptera, containers will be required different sizes. The air should have more than 70% humidity, temperature – 28-30°C.

Tropical plants are grown in the aquarium, which have a beneficial effect on the process of transformation of pupae into insects. To maintain the climate, you will need to purchase humidifiers and a split system.

Pupae require special care. They are stored in a special chamber at a temperature of no more than +22°C. Their maturity should be checked daily, which manifests itself as darkening of the pupa and its acquisition of softness. The pupae, ready for transformation, are hung on a thread by their tail, attached to the wall of the aquarium and sprayed several times a day. At birth, butterflies may not be able to emerge from the cocoon, so you should monitor them and, if necessary, gently help.

What to feed

These lepidopterans feed on nectar from plants and fruits. For example, cut oranges, bananas or natural honey diluted with water are suitable as food: add 1 drop of honey to 10 drops of water. You won't have to spend a lot on food.


Moths are very fragile, so it is not advisable to touch them. The pattern on the wings can easily be erased by the touch of human skin. All equipment is placed in such a way that butterflies do not get into a narrow space and start beating their wings.

What species to breed

The following types of butterflies are considered unpretentious and accessible for breeding:

  • cabbage butterfly;
  • swallowtail;
  • corner cover;
  • hives;
  • various tropical species.

Marketing approaches

There are several ways to make a profit from butterfly breeding:

  • Creation of a special park where exotic insects will be displayed as exhibits. The entrance fee should not be too high, which will attract more visitors.
  • Sale of live butterflies. The most profitable option in business. You can use your own apartment to raise insects. The price for one butterfly can vary from 500 to 2,000 rubles. The main thing is to organize advertising correctly so that as many people as possible learn about the service.
  • Creation of paintings. It is not always possible to sell all the raised butterflies. In order not to lose your investment, you can start making three-dimensional paintings with butterflies. Such a product can be sold at a cost of 1,000 to 10,000 rubles, depending on the type of butterfly and the size of the painting.
  • Wholesale. Finished butterflies can be sold to resellers, who will themselves find ways of retail sales. Unused butterflies can be dried and sold to collectors.

As you can see, breeding butterflies at home is a waste-free business with almost zero competition.

Marine aquariums, reptiles and even predatory animals have already become commonplace in the homes of city residents, but live butterflies have always been and remain exotic! Butterflies are the most beautiful creatures that excite people's imagination with their lightness and beauty. The graceful various shapes and incredible colors of the iridescent wings are amazing.

The easiest way is to find caterpillars. Just look for large and beautiful caterpillars, because small ones will suddenly turn into moths :) I will give just some photos of the caterpillars from which butterflies will appear, which are widespread in our area.

caterpillar and butterfly

caterpillar and butterfly

caterpillar and butterfly

caterpillar and butterfly

For a more detailed determination of which butterfly will emerge from the caterpillar, you can download it for free.

Caterpillars must be treated with special care, as they are easily injured (). Therefore, in order to transfer a caterpillar to a nursery, tear off the leaf on which it is sitting or use a cotton swab for replanting.

To observe the transformation from a caterpillar into a butterfly, it is enough to acquire a transparent container; any food container or a three-liter bottle will do for this, but if you also want to photograph the transformation process or professionally breed butterflies, then it is better to make an aquarium that will be used as insectaria.

You can put a few napkins at the bottom of the container and put enough food leaves on top so that the caterpillars can eat plenty.

For different caterpillars, of course, the food is different, so it is advisable to use the vegetation on which you found the caterpillar.

It is very important to constantly change the vegetation to prevent it from drying out and rotting. And so that the vegetation does not dry out so quickly, you can periodically moisten the napkins from a spray bottle.

To prevent the caterpillars from scattering, close the jar with a lid with holes or gauze, securing it with an elastic band.

Having reached their maximum size, the caterpillars prepare for pupation. They stop feeding, usually excrete liquid excrement - shed excess water, and sometimes change color.

The pupation process is very interesting. In general, it is approximately the same - the caterpillar secretes something like a sticky web and weaves a cocoon. Cocoons are very diverse: sometimes soft and transparent, like cotton wool, and sometimes very durable, hard and opaque. The shape and structure of the cocoon directly depends on the type of butterfly. And some caterpillars even pupate in the ground, such as moths.

Usually the caterpillar does not pupate for long - 2-3 days. Now you need to know what to do next with the doll. Some species will hatch within a week, while some need to be kept in the cold for about a month or longer - overwintering pupae. Therefore, do not forget to periodically moisten the container.

When a butterfly emerges from the pupa, it needs to hang (upside down) so that its wings can spread. To do this, vertically gnarled branches are placed next to the pupae or strips of toilet paper are hung so that the butterfly can climb on them. If the butterfly does not hang its wings down, then they will not straighten and it will not be able to fly. The drying process takes several hours, after which the butterfly is able to fly.

At home, butterflies readily feast on honey or sugar, slightly diluted with water. Overripe fruits will also not go unnoticed.

House-raised butterflies are tame than their wild counterparts. They can calmly sit on your hands and will not be afraid of your approach. The main thing is not to accidentally crush them.

In addition to the usual butterflies that can be found in our regions, there are butterflies that differ from ours in brighter colors and larger sizes.

To do this, you will need to start your journey by purchasing dolls. Nowadays you can purchase tropical butterfly pupae online. Just type “” in a search engine and you will be presented with several online stores that will send you dolls by mail.

For example:
Pupae of large tropical butterflies with a wingspan of 12-15 cm. – 3 – 10$

Pupae of small tropical butterflies with a wingspan of 8-12 cm - $2

The ideal option is to breed butterflies in a greenhouse or conservatory, but you can also use an insectarium, while ensuring stable temperature and humidity using a controller (which can be found in a reptile pet store).

If you want it to fit into the design of your apartment,

We hang the pupae in the insectarium and wait a couple of weeks for a miracle to appear.

In addition, current fashion dictates its own rules, and now butterflies are a beauty that brings profit.

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