How to write a good resume: tips for IT people. System Administrator Resume

Sidorov Ivan Petrovich

Target: Applying for the position of System Administrator in a law firm

Date of Birth: 02.07.1979.

1995 – 1999 Oryol State University
Faculty: Engineering
Specialty: Mechanical engineer (automobiles)

2003 – 2005 Limited International Service Company(Computer Engineering)
Position: System administrator

Job responsibilities:

1) Preventive and diagnostic work to maintain communication equipment, computer equipment and the company's server park (more than 250 Persons.Comp.).
2) Administration of enterprise level servers (Linux; Intel, Win2003EE - 4 servers, FreeBSD, 160 workstations),

3) Support for eight mail servers (2Exim+4 Exchange).
4) Support and creation of a backup system based on VeritasBackupExec Server and server monitoring on SNMP and RRDTools, as well as cryptographic and anti-virus data protection in the network.
5) Implementation and creation of a project in the existing Active Directory to change the structure of access to company resources.6) Organization of ud. access to servers based on Microsoft TS and Citrix PS4 using IPSec and VPN connections.
7) Support for the operation of company facilities, geographically dispersed (offices, branches, warehouses).
8) Analysis and collection of statistical data, preparation of accompanying and reporting documentation. Procurement, assembly and planning of servers for tasks.
9) Support for telephone exchanges, including those using VoIP. Experience in coordinating a team of 6 employees.

2005 – 2007 OJSC Spetsgorstroy(19 specialized construction companies)
Position: Chief system administrator
Job responsibilities:
1) Administration of enterprise level servers (Linux, IBM; Win2003EE, FreeBSD,)
2) preventive and diagnostic work to maintain communication equipment and computer technology (more than 300 Persons.Comp.).
3) Analysis and collection of statistical data, preparation of reporting documentation,
4) contacts with suppliers of computer equipment and communication services.
5) Participation in the creation of ISO9000:2001 quality management systems.
6) Ensuring the stable operation of Internet servers, cryptographic and anti-virus protection of the network, data safety,

7) Organization of project development and LAN modernization in more than eight subsidiaries.
8) Management of a division of 3 employees

2007 – 20010 Svyazplus company.
Position: Deputy Head of IT Department, System Administrator
Job responsibilities:
1) introduction of a system of cryptoprotection of confidential information and development of a security policy for the organization's internal network (more than 150 PCs).
2) Administration of enterprise level servers (Linux, Win2000AS),
3) Preparation and implementation of a telephone exchange project with a capacity of 170 subscribers.
4) Implementation of an internal electronic document management system based on MS Exchange 2000.
5) Support for 60 city lines (including ISDN E1 flow) and more than 150 subscribers.
6) Creation of a system for remote access to the corporate network.
7) Professional skills:


OS: Linux / FreeBSD, Windows 2003 / 2000 / XP (Server & Workstation)
- Hardware platforms: Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, 3COM, IBM, CISCO, Alied Telesyn, Intel.
- Telephony: Mini PBX Samsung / LG / Panasonic.
- Siemens, Alcatel, Krone equipment.
- Network technologies: DNS, TCP/IP, DHCP, NA, FTP, Mail/News, RAS, FastEthernet 100 / 1000 / WiFi,
- security of WiFi and TCP/IP networks, active switching equipment.
- Server applications: MS Exchange, MS SQL, 1C enterprise, MS Terminal server, Arcserve, ipchains / IPFW, Exim + ClamAV + SpamAssasin, Squid, Samba, Citrix
- Knowledge of MS Visio.
- Experience in laying power, computer and telephone networks (II electrical safety group) "from scratch".
- Contacts with suppliers of computer and mounting equipment.
- Preparation of design and technical documentation.

Additional Information:
Registration - Moscow
English (technical).

Desired salary level:
from 60000 rub/month

Today, every modern office is unthinkable without the availability of computer technology. The system administrator is engaged in maintenance of equipment, adjusts its work, installs software. This position is intended for people who have a higher technical education in the field of computer systems and information technologies. Indicate in your resume that you own a huge range of programs (list their names), skills in installing and establishing networks, the ability to quickly analyze problems and find their solution. The work of a system administrator also requires special personal qualities, list such as: perseverance, stress resistance, ability to concentrate and switch quickly, high responsibility, patience.

See also other resume examples:

Download System Administrator Resume Sample:

Shvets Sergey Alekseevich
(Sergey Shvets)

Target: Replacing the post of system administrator.


September 2004 - June 2009 Kharkiv National Institute of Innovative Technologies, Faculty of Computer Systems, specialty - "Systems Engineer", Master's degree (full-time department).

Additional education:

January 2008 - June 2008 Programming courses "Web-programming".


System Administrator Assistant

June 2008 - May 2011 Health Center OJSC, Kyiv.
Functional responsibilities:
— maintenance and configuration of the local network;
- server support;
- accounting of technology;
- installation of the necessary software.

System Administrator

May 2011 - January 2013 LLC Bank "People's Deposit" Vinnytsia.
Functional responsibilities:
— PC configuration and administration;
— database administration;
- monitoring the health of the network and network equipment;
- troubleshooting the system;
— support of information security.

Professional skills:

— Experience of administration: OS of the Windows family; 1C: Accounting 7, 8; client-bank; League-law.
— SCS installation skills;
- Knowledge of Exim (ACL rules, mail routing, etc.);
— Experience in configuring Exim, Dovecot, Proftpd, Apache, Nginx, Bind, Spamassassin, PHP;
- Ability to work with a large amount of information;
— Language skills: Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​fluently; English and German - high level(colloquial, technical);
- Knowledge of SQL query language (MySQL, PostgreSQL).

Personal qualities:

Punctuality, responsibility, decency, the ability to teach, perseverance, patience, the ability to focus on details, the desire for professional development, love for the IT field, accuracy, the habit of completing what has been started, doing quality work.

Additional information:

Marital status: Married.
Do you have children.
Driver's license: yes.
Possibility of business trips: yes.

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What does a system administrator resume template look like?

System Administrator Resume Example

The right system administrator resume sample

Pryanishnikov Evgeny

Career objective: System Administrator

Desired income level: 60 thousand rubles

Date of birth: 04/19/1986
Accommodation: Moscow, m. "Sokol"

Ready for business trips. Not ready to move.

Contact Information:

Phone: +7 (9хх) ххх-хх-хх
Email: [email protected]

Key knowledge and skills:

  • Experience in administering 1C: Accounting and 1C: Warehouse;
  • SCS installation and maintenance skills;
  • Knowledge of the SQL query language;
  • Attentiveness, responsibility;
  • Ability to work with a large amount of information.


  • Ensured the stability of the PC, office equipment and IT infrastructure of the company.


05.2009–06.2015 System Administrator

Logos-M LLC (, Moscow

Scope of the company: wholesale commercial equipment

  • Administration of local networks, servers, workstations, automatic telephone exchanges;
  • Maintenance of PC (about 40 pieces) and local network;
  • Instruction and work with requests for malfunctions from users;
  • Monitoring the health of network equipment;
  • Operational support, troubleshooting.


2015 Moscow Business School, Moscow

Passed the course "Organization of the technical support service", diploma of additional professional education

2013 Information technology course Yandex, Moscow - certificate

2009 Institute additional education MIREA, Moscow

Passed training under the program "Ensuring the interoperability of corporate information systems", a certificate of advanced training

2009 Moscow Technological University (MIREA), Moscow

Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems, specialty: "Information Systems and Technologies", diploma of higher education

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English language(technical) – intermediate level (B2).

PC knowledge: advanced user (office packages Microsoft Office XP/2003/2007, 2011, LibreOffice; DB; 1C).

A system administrator (the so-called system administrator) is today an integral attribute of every medium or big company, because the conduct of any kind of business is unthinkable without the use of computer technology. Creating networks, maintaining servers, setting up and repairing computer equipment - all this is subject only to a specialist. However modern market labor is oversaturated with programmers, so getting a decent and highly paid position is not at all easy. To quickly get to the desired position, study samples of successful sysadmin resumes and take them into service.

How to write a successful resume

A resume is the first correspondence acquaintance of an employer with applicants for any position in his company. This document lays, if not the first impression of a specialist, then certainly a solid foundation for the formation of this very impression.

A bad resume can ruin your chances of not only getting a job, but even a personal interview. But in order to create a successful resume, it is not at all necessary to have outstanding initial data (education, work experience, etc.) - it is enough to correctly “submit” what is available.

General rules and their application for employment as a system administrator

The secrets of creating a successful resume can be divided into a group of general (for all professions) and special (for a specific vacancy) recommendations. At the same time, the first group establishes the rules regarding the execution of the document, while the second regulates the content points.

A perfectly designed resume is a sign of such important qualities for an employer as accuracy, education, responsibility, an analytical mindset, the ability to use office programs, and knowledge of the basics of office work.

The general principles for creating a resume are to follow a certain structure of the document and follow the rules for formatting and including information.

Structure of a successful resume

There is currently no mandatory CV form for all applicants to follow. This means that any information can be included in a presentation document, grouped in a way that pleases the author. However, for those who want to make a really successful resume, it is better to use the classic template - it has been developed over many years of practice and allows you to most fully present the applicant's abilities, placing the most important information exactly where it will be noticeable.

A classic resume consists of the following elements:

  • the title of the document (you can immediately indicate the full name of the applicant) - “Resume” (or “Resume of Petr Sergeevich Maslov”);
  • the target orientation of the document - "The purpose of the resume is to apply for the position of a system administrator";
  • general information about the applicant: full name, age, place of residence, contact information;
  • information about the educational level - a list of completed vocational schools;
  • a block of information on the previous labor activity applicant;
  • a list of professional skills available to the applicant for a vacant position;
  • a list of positive character traits of the applicant that are relevant in the light of employment;
  • additional information - a list of those skills and knowledge that are not directly related to the functions of the position being sought: knowledge of a foreign language, possession of a driver's license, hobbies, hobbies, etc.;
  • references from previous employers or an indication that they will be provided upon request.

Photo in CV - advantages and disadvantages

The photo of the applicant is an optional element of the resume. Analyzing the feasibility of attaching a photo to a presentation document, it should be understood that its role depends directly on the specifics of the desired position:

  • for those professions that involve communication with clients, contractors, government agencies, it is highly desirable to attach a photo to a resume;
  • if the functionality of the position includes only internal work (sysadmins can be safely attributed to these), the appearance of the applicant of great importance does not have, then the photo can not be applied.

Regardless of which group the desired position belongs to, the photo attached to the resume can play both a positive and a negative role. In order not to spoil the first impression of yourself, the applicant for the position of a system administrator, when selecting a photograph, should adhere to the following rules:

  • it is important to choose the highest quality image, and even better - to entrust its execution to a professional;
  • do not put a group photo or an individual photo cut out of it in the resume;
  • the face must be depicted in a full-face photograph;
  • the image and atmosphere should be carefully considered - for a system administrator, it is quite acceptable to deviate from the official style in clothes and hair (casual style is well suited), photos can be taken both in a working environment and in a studio;
  • you should not attach photos intended for documents to your resume: a constrained pose and lack of a smile are not at all what can attract the attention of a potential employer. In the photo, it is better to take a free pose, decorate your face with a slight smile - this will characterize you as an open, sociable person.

Rules for designing a self-presentation and including information in it

The ability to write business documents is not the most important skill for a system administrator. But, firstly, working in a large company, you will have to face this, and secondly, the ability to draw up a document characterizes a person as a person. The style, accuracy and conciseness of a resume is a sign of a responsible and competent employee for an experienced employer.

The basic rules for writing a successful resume are as follows:

  • the most important thing is the absence of errors and typos, correctly placed punctuation marks. Even people who are confident in their literacy are advised to re-read the text several times before sending it, check it with a specialized program (it is better to carry out checks with a break of several hours or even put the document aside overnight, then the errors will become even more obvious);
  • observance of the official business style, the absence of colloquial and colloquial expressions in the text, its oversaturation with professional vocabulary;
  • monotonous and neat formatting - maintaining a single type of headings, indents, intervals, fonts;
  • include only the most important and up-to-date information- the resume should be short, otherwise the potential employer will not even read it to the end.

One of the optional elements of a resume is a cover letter. It may be required when sending a presentation to a foreign company or its domestic "daughter". The purpose of the accompanying document is an explanation of the circumstances of obtaining information about the vacancy, a brief listing of your own advantages, clarification of contact information.

Example cover letter system administrator: professional skills are indicated, a desire to work in the target company is expressed

The subtleties of filling the content of a resume of a system administrator

A system administrator is a creator, adjuster and maintainer of a computer network in a company. Its functions are usually as follows:

  • purchase, diagnostics, modernization, installation of computer equipment;
  • installation and maintenance of the software;
  • creation and maintenance of a local network;
  • maintenance of servers;
  • creation and filling of the company's website;
  • ensuring information security;
  • employee counseling.

As can be seen from the functionality of the position, the fundamental selection criterion for the employer will be work experience, and education is also important (today, it is for programmers that advanced training in various highly specialized courses is relevant).

Among the personal qualities listed by the applicant, the employer will look for only a few priority ones - indicating the ability to cope with large volumes of work and the ability to be responsible for the entrusted area of ​​work.

The sysadmin resume focuses on professional experience and skills

How to present educational information to a potential employer

To date, almost every vacancy for a system administrator contains qualification requirements condition of higher profile education. The profile is the whole range of mathematical and computer specialties - for example, programming and communications, maintenance of computers and mathematics. In addition, for a programmer, the facts of retraining in those narrow areas that correspond to the direction of the company's activity (courses to support the operation of a particular type of software, web programming courses, 1C) are extremely important.

All finished educational establishments, the courses taken in the resume should be grouped in chronological order, indicating for each:

  • the name of the institution where the training took place;
  • acquired specialty (status, role, etc.);
  • year of graduation or period of study.

How to describe work experience on a resume

In summary, it is enough to describe official duties for two or three previous positions

The section on the previous (or current) work activity of the applicant is the most important, and therefore the central, climax of the resume. Special rules and principles apply to this section and it has its own structure.

The basics for filling the section with information are as follows:

  • you should not stretch this element too much, even if the applicant has extensive work experience. If there are more than five places of work, it is not worth listing all of them, it is enough to mention only the relevant ones;
  • Job descriptions should begin with last place works, moving towards the first - that is, in the opposite chronological order;
  • for fundamental positions from a past working life, a list of the functions performed should be given;
  • do not forget about labor successes - among them should be listed the official incentives received from the previous leadership (diplomas, titles, placement on the honor roll, etc.), high labor rates, rationalization proposals made and implemented.

Examples of a successful description in a summary of labor successes and achievements:

  • “For many years of conscientious work, he was placed on the Board of Honor of the enterprise and was awarded a special award”;
  • “Successfully for many years supported the work of computer equipment in the bank (servers, network, ATMs, 110 jobs)”;
  • “created from scratch the local network of the company, successfully transferred the organization to 1C 8.0 (complex)”, etc.

Lack of work experience is not a reason to despair for a job seeker for a system administrator position. Your resume should then focus on:

  • a high level of education (and, for example, a high GPA);
  • successful completion of an internship at an enterprise of a similar orientation (here it is good to list important tasks performed independently, studied areas);
  • willingness to start a career as an assistant or trainee, to pass a probationary period;
  • such personal qualities as hard work, responsibility, purposefulness, the ability to quickly assimilate large amounts of information, love for one's work.

How to describe professional skills

The section on professional skills is one of the most important in the resume.

The professional skills of a system administrator are a wide range of areas that include whole groups of knowledge and skills. The most requested of them:

  • support for the work of small and medium-sized networks of an organization, partner firms, separate divisions, etc.;
  • setting up network equipment, maintenance of work and services based on FreeBSD/Linux;
  • installation and maintenance of Windows, deployment and configuration of services and protocols;
  • installation, maintenance of MS SQL and MySQL;
  • maintenance, change of configurations 1C 7.7 and 8.0;
  • programming in VisualBasic, writing cmd, shell, php scripts;
  • maintenance of specialized software (“Client Bank”, etc.), graphic, office;
  • development of documents, planning based on the designated development vectors;
  • creating jobs and networks from scratch, setting up WiFi networks, the introduction of IP-telephony, support for the operation of automatic telephone exchanges;
  • planning and implementing cost reduction measures, negotiating with suppliers to obtain more favorable conditions cooperation.
  • installation, configuration, maintenance of MS ISA Server, testing of administration tools, experience with popular Linux distributions;
  • conducting consultations and training courses for employees;
  • purchase of parts, identification of problematic points, repair, improvement, updating of equipment;
  • encryption, backup, information recovery, network storage deployment;
  • design, layout, filling sites;
  • providing anti-virus security, protection against spam, spam robots;
  • adjustment of workflow automation systems;
  • setup, maintenance of the access control system and video surveillance;
  • remote administration, maintenance of encryption and information protection systems;
  • creation of a local corporate network, setting up office equipment.

What personal qualities to give preference to when writing a sysadmin resume

It is not recommended to include too many positive character traits in a resume for any position, but this section should not be ignored either. It is enough to list three to five really existing and relevant qualities within the profession from among those given in the following list:

  • diligence;
  • Analytical mind;
  • responsibility;
  • punctuality;
  • ability to cope with a large amount of work;
  • skill to work in team;
  • attentiveness;
  • the habit of finishing what has been started;
  • decency;
  • love for the profession.

What Not to Mention in a System Administrator CV

Programmers are specialists who are famous for their special attitude to life and work, which often prevents them from fulfilling their duties on time. That is why in his resume, a potential system administrator should avoid direct or indirect "hints" to such qualities of character as laziness, lack of punctuality, sluggishness, inaccuracy. The document should not contain information about the imposed by the previous employer disciplinary action complaints from employees, customers, etc.

Otherwise, applicants for the position in question need to follow a few general rules:

  • a minimum of personal and accurate information (it is quite acceptable not to indicate the last name, patronymic, exact date of birth, address of residence);
  • the lack of details about the complex relationship with the former superiors;
  • minimum requirements for a potential place of work (it is permissible to indicate only desired level wages);
  • lack of information about political and religious views.

A system administrator is a specialist in demand in the labor market. But getting a highly paid, prestigious position in this segment is not at all easy. A well-written, well-thought-out resume can lead to success even without the applicant having outstanding initial data, such as a high level of education, long experience.

I have a higher legal education, work experience in court, bank, at an enterprise. Despite the fact that my main specialization is criminal law and procedure, all my professional activity related to business law, ranging from personnel issues to lending problems. For a long time I have been writing reviews of foreign and domestic media on business topics.

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