How to make a blackboard for drawing chalk with your own hands. Easy in the implementation of a business idea for the manufacture of pillar pillar advertising with their own hands

Every year, more and more people seek to join the patriotic action called the "Immortal Regiment". Its essence is that on May 9 on the day of the Great Victory go through the streets of the city with a photo of his relative. Most often for convenience, the photo card is placed in a small frame with a holder called the pillar.

Where to get such a design and is it possible to make a pillar for the "immortal regiment" with their own hands? We will tell you for work and how else the pillar may look.

What it is?

Under the word "pillar" means a light and inexpensive advertising design, designed to draw a person's attention to a particular subject. Quite often we meet them on the thresholds of stores or inside the commercial premises. The easiest option looks like a small picture on a stick. More complex designs can be a frame with an emphasis or small advertising "houses".

Make any pillar with your own hands very simple. For this, you will not need any special knowledge. If you even know how to keep a hammer, a screwdriver or a glue gun in your hands, then there should be no problems.

Of course, if there is no desire, the design can be ordered in any advertising agency. Make it quickly, but, of course, not free. Depending on the size, materials and the level of difficulty, work may ask from 500 to 5,000 rubles.

The easiest way to build a pillar of the "Immortal Regiment" pillar. This is the most simple design, so much forces and means you will not need.


To make a pillar for the "immortal regiment" with their own hands, you need to cook:

  • a piece of plastic, thin plywood and fiberboard, measuring about 30 x 45 cm;
  • wooden rails about a meter or a piece of metal-plastic pipe of a similar size;
  • 2-3 factory fastenings for plastic pipes (you can purchase a penny in a construction store or plumbing department);
  • waterproof glue.

Manufacturing process

And now let's talk about how quickly and easily make a pillar with your own hands.

  • Prepare a solid foundation. With the help of the hacks, you need to cut a rectangle with a size of approximately 300 * 450 mm. In principle, you can stay on another size, but if you decide to make a pillar for the action "Immortal Regiment", then this option is preferable.
  • A photograph of a relative should be scanned, if necessary, eliminate flaws in the Adobe Photoshop program or another graphic editor. You also need to form a photo into a stylized frame, you can download it on the website promotions.
  • Now the image must be printed in A3 format. It is best to do this in a photo sealing on self-adhesive glossy paper. If you do not want to overpay, you can print photos on the usual printer. But if you are planning that the pillar will serve you more than one year - illuminate the picture.
  • The finished image should be scanned. It is best to use waterproof glue for this. Although, if it allows the thickness of the base, the picture can be knitted with small cloves or step by the stapler.
  • Now we will deal with a handle. If you decide to use the usual wooden slaughter for this purpose, then everything is very simple. I turn over the basis of photography down and with the help of small screws or carnations, we attach the rail vertically strictly in the center.
  • If you decide to use a metal-plastic pipe for the holder, then you need to attach clips to start.
  • Take the factory plastic latches and with the help of good glue, secure them on the basis of vertically in the center. Watch that the clips are located strictly one under the other at a distance of 1-20 cm, otherwise you will not be able to fasten the tube in them.
  • When the glue dries, just snap the segment of the metalplastic pipe into the grooves. You will get pretty durable, but collapsible design.

By the way, if you hurt with lamination and the manufacturer of the basis, you can not, you can buy a ready-made frame in the store and simply attach the holder to it.

What else are the pillars

Quite often on store thresholds, we see mobile structures advertising one or another product. And how do you make a pillar of this kind?

First you need to understand what we want to get in the end. Such structures are most often three species:

  • Straight - it has one plane on which information can be located both from one and on both sides.
  • The house - here there are already two planes located one to another on the principle of the shag.
  • A book can consist of any number of planes, installed "accordion".


The easiest way to make your own pillars in the form of a house or book. To do this, it is enough to make the frame of the desired size of wooden or metal plates.

At it, with rivets or screws, a plane made of PVC, thin sheet metal or plywood is attached. It is here later and the image will be pasted.

To build a pillar-house with your own hands, two frame frames are enough. They are connected to each other at the top with several loops. In order for the design to be removed, you need to connect vertical parts at one level using a cable, chain or short strip.

The pillar book is mounted in the same way. The difference lies only in the fact that the loops are not installed on the top, but on the side of the structure. Thus, you can connect the desired number of frame frames. It turns out an advertising design on the principle of children's accordion book. The information on it can be placed both from one and on both sides.

Many experienced entrepreneurs noted that the pillar is one of the most inexpensive, but at the same time effective types of outdoor advertising. They can play the role of pointers, informational burgundy and decorative elements, attracting a significant number of customers. However, it should be noted that not all novice businessmen are familiar with all the peculiarities of this advertising design. This article is designed to help entrepreneurs to evaluate all the pros and cons of pillars, familiarize themselves with their main species, installation prices and, of course, find out whether such elements of outdoor advertising are effective for their business.

So what is the advertising pillar?

The pillar is a solid construction that keeps on 4 stable metal legs. Special metal or plastic sheets are fixed on these legs, which are the carrier of information about stores, enterprises and firms.

Thus, these sheets necessarily indicate the title of the point, operation mode, contact number. However, if only such dry information was contained on the pillar, they would not be so effective. In addition to basic data, they usually have a list of basic or most popular services, a slogan and a bright advertising image.

Pillars are always placed in the immediate vicinity of the entrance to the room, where the advertised enterprise is located, a store, a firm, or a salon. The mobility of the design makes it easy to hide it overnight, which means you do not have to worry about its safety.

Advantages and shortcomings of pillars

Pillars have a number of indisputable advantages, namely:

  • They are a passive element of advertising, which means that by paying for it once, you will not need to spend a means of maintaining it;
  • Pillars are very inexpensive, especially in comparison with advertising stretch marks and billboards;
  • They are very simple in the installation, therefore, you do not have to additionally pay for installation;
  • Compact design dimensions allow the pillar to be placed almost anywhere;
  • Having selecting the shield of a specific format, you can change advertising announcements. Also, if necessary, you can attach sheets with a description of the new promotion or discount.
  • Material or plastic serves material for these designs, and therefore they are able to maintain their "commodity" appearance of a very long time.

However, despite the solid list of advantages, stolers have a number of flaws, including:

  • The need to make them daily from the room and submit back;
  • The possibility of falling with weak or improper fixation;
  • The need to wash or clean structures, especially in the rain period;
  • The probability of damage to advertising material by vandals is even among the day;
  • The probability of deformation, the occurrence of cracks, cracking of the material or chip paint during fall (in order to avoid such situations, the surface of the pillar is better laminated).

The effectiveness of pillars taking into account the profile of the enterprise

Pillars are an effective tool for promotion for almost any organization, a trading point or firm, especially small outlets, kiosks, stalls, and offices of small companies. They are very effective if they put them on the sidewalk near trading point or office. This design is definitely worth using for advertising.

  • Salons, hairdressers, manicure studios;
  • Gym;
  • Grocery stores, household chemicals, home products, etc.;
  • Jewelry salons;
  • Bars, cafes, restaurants, fast foods;
  • Clothing and shoes stores;
  • Real estate agencies and travel firms;
  • Confectionery and coffee shops;
  • Atelier for sewing and repairing clothes;
  • Pet stores;
  • Lombards;
  • Massage salons;
  • Photo studio.

However, the pillars will not bring significant benefits to large enterprises and enterprises, whose clients should not be lured from the sidewalk, but from the road:

  • Enterprises for auto-business - gas stations, tires, car repair, car wash, etc.;
  • Most educational institutions;
  • Large fitness centers and sports clubs;
  • Large construction stores;
  • Manufacturing enterprises.

In general, it can be noted that the pillar is not the best advertising instrument, if in comparison with your room it seems tiny. So, if, for example, the pillar will be placed near the construction store, which will be placed, it will simply be invisible, which means it is ineffective.

Types of pillars

All pillars can be divided into two main groups. However, it is also necessary to remember that the format of these structures involves the combination of different options, therefore such a classification will be conditional.


The main feature of these structures is that they can be written with chalk inscriptions, which greatly simplifies the process of promoting stocks, discounts and special proposals that are often changing. Thus, such shields often use cafes and restaurants, informing passersby on today's special price for the dishes of the day - business lunches, sushi, pizza, etc. Moreover, on similar designs it is convenient to announ a variety of activities, for example, making matches in the bar. The main disadvantage of such pillars is their instability towards weather conditions - Rain and snow. However, this problem can be solved by placing the pillar under the visor visor.

Two-sided pillars arches.

Their main difference from the previous species of pillars is that they are applied ready-made inscriptions and images. As a rule, this is done using a special film that is resistant to burnout and fluid exposure. In other words, installing such a pillar, you can not fear that the colors will lose brightness or will be blurred. Of course, before ordering a similar design, you need to thoroughly consider the text of the inscriptions and select the correct picture. Many entrepreneurs prefer to install pillars with neutral information, which at the right time can be supplemented with relevant inscriptions. New inscriptions are also made on the film, as a rule, self-adhesive.

Pillars can also be divided into many subspecies. They are one-sided, bilateral (most popular option) and even tripartite. The form of the structure can also be varied - you can order a rectangular or arched shield. Most advertising companies are also ready to consider customer wishes and manufacture original pillars models.

Cost of pillars

Determine the value of the pillar is quite difficult, because it depends on many parameters, namely:

  • The number of parties (one-, two- and tripartite);
  • The material from which the pillar is manufactured. Metal structures are significantly more expensive than plastic;
  • Print features. Printing can be colored, black and white. In addition, as already mentioned earlier, inscriptions and images can be applied using the film, which will also influence the price;
  • Pricing policy in a specific agency. If the manufacture of pillars is not a profile activity of the company, this service may cost more.

In general, the value of the pillar may vary from 3 to 10 thousand rubles. Some companies spend special shares and significantly reduce the price of these advertising structures.

How to make advertising on pillars more efficiently?

If you want your pillar to bring business as much benefit as possible, pay attention to the following points:

  • Location. The design should be well noticeable with pedestrian tract, but it should not interfere with people. Also, the pillar should not be very close to the signboard - so he loses its effectiveness.
  • Color design. The brighter and more contrast, the more attention attracted the shield.
  • Font size. Remember, the text should be noticeable from afar. Passers-by will not stop specifically to read the information printed in small font. That is why it is necessary to approach the selection of inscriptions with a maximum responsibility - leave only the brightest and licking suggestions.
  • The presence of a corporate logo. If you have your own sign, make it as noticeable as possible.
  • Actual information. Place information (write or stick), which will attract customers. Notify passersby on topical promotions, special discounts and suggestions.

How to order an advertising pillar?

It is quite difficult to make such a shield yourself, so most entrepreneurs ordered them from advertising companies that specialize in outdoor advertising. You will also have to work with the agency designer who will take care that the pillar will answer all the requirements. A similar service is not too expensive, but guarantees the visual attractiveness of your advertising design.

July 10, 2018

Daily residents of cities meet on their way outdoor advertising in the form of pillars. Other names of such a design - clamshell, Streetine or Shalash. This is a fairly effective kind of outdoor advertising, which is located near the advertised location. On the surface there are information about prices, promotions, services or the name of the institution.

The folk name "Shalash" is associated with the design features. These are two planes connecting in the top. Instead of buying a pillar, it is easy to make it yourself. The manufacture of such clamshells does not make much difficult to work and does not take much time. With minimal financial costs, you can create effective outdoor advertising, which will be used outside or indoors.

Mobile design can be made of light plastic pipes. Plastic Street Light, not subject to corrosion, as well as convenient in transportation. It is more profitable to make it precisely from plastic, as the use of aluminum or steel will be noticeably more expensive.

If the item is used in the open sky, it is better to make it from the metal so that the winds of the wind do not pushing it. Metal and fading is more reliably protected, since the plastic burns under the rays of ultraviolet. The material is selected depending on the installation site.

Materials for the production of pillar

In the presence of free time and a small desire, the advertising clamshell is easy to make independently. For the product of standard sizes, it will be necessary:

  • approximately 10 meters of pipe (plastic, steel or aluminum profile for pillars);
  • countries or tees;
  • hoven for metal or Bulgarian;
  • hinges for the compound of half;
  • cable.

Production of the base

Sturdy base is needed for the sustainability and durability of advertising. The procedure for performing work is as follows:

  1. Definition of dimensions of the future product. Standard are the dimensions of 140 by 60 centimeters. But if you wish, you can adjust the size in the direction of increasing or decreasing: it all depends on the tasks of advertising. Large sign will see more potential customers.
  2. The design consists of two identical frames. So that they look more spectacular, the corners are better rounded. The plastic is perfectly bent when heated, and the metal pipe can be bent with a pipe bending machine. If there is no such machine, there are corners or tees.
  3. The compound is based on the top with two loops similar to the door loop.
  4. The sustainability of the base is ensured using slats or cable, which connect two frames just below the middle.

Showing a little fantasy, you can make not only the pillar of non-standard sizes, but also the rack of another design. For example, streetlines in the form of a book are specially popular. On multiple pages of such a book, you can see information about the Cafe menu, store promotions, beauty salon services or other information.

There are also so-called T-shaped pillars. These are information stands of various shapes that are installed on a rectangular base. Such products are distinguished by special stability, but their manufacture will cost more, since it is necessary to use welding to connect elements. In addition, this type is inconvenient during transportation.

In addition to standard solutions, there are quite exotic options. For example, Streetine in the form of a rotating pyramid. More information is placed on her face, such an unusual design attracts the attention of potential customers from afar.

Production of the information field

You can attract a potential buyer only with bright sign and interesting offers. For the production of advertising fields can be used the most different materials. For example, it is often near the city cafes you can find pillars with a wooden advertising field, which information is applied using the usual chalk.

Excellent characteristics have products from metal or plastic. On the surface of the image and inscriptions are applied in different ways. Basically use two technologies: printing film and full color printing.

The printed film is used in cases when to the consumer you need to convey text information. In the literal sense, letters are cut out of the film and glued on the surface of the advertising field. This technology allows no more than 2-3 colors. You can spend the sticking of letters yourself, and the sheets themselves are quite inexpensive.

Full-color printing allows you to apply more than three colors on an advertising media as well as complex images. This method of application is more expensive, therefore, both technologies are usually used immediately.

There is nothing complicated in the independent production of streets (you can even make the production of promotional clamshells as the main type of business). But if you put such production to the conveyor, you will have to spend money, because the cutting plotter will need, a film cutter, a print printer, pipe bender and other expensive equipment. Non-standard advertising is quite expensive, which will provide a good income to the novice entrepreneur.

. It would seem, thanks to such a simplicity, the manufacture of a pillageraditally be elementary. However, if you take a look at the process of creating an ideal pillar professionally, there will be a lot of important points and details, which cannot be left without attention. The holderkak method of advertising is most often used on the street, and therefore the materials that are necessary for the manufacture of pillars are obliged to be durable and unpretentious, resistant to All sorts of exposure to weather. In addition to accounting for the features of a particular material, the specialists of the company "Lumen" necessarily take into account appearance Designs, its attractiveness and ease of information perception. In short, the stages of the development of the project, the manufacture and installation of the pillar - painstaking work requiring from the masters of understanding and experience.

Stangdra design

Consider the structural features of the pillar Read more. The pillar consists of a frame and advertising field.

Rama is the basis of the pillar. Sometimes during the production, Lumen employees use plastic frames or wood frames at the request of the Customer, once the practice was noted that truly durable and durable frames are made only from metal. Production of metal frames are possible thanks to specially equipped modern pipe bending and welding machines. Some sophisticated specialized equipment Provide Time for the manufacture of pillar base Stability, accuracy and correctness of geometry. Also incredibly important in the process of manufacturers holders is the frame painting procedure, because the well-colored frame will be able to resist corrosion for a long time, poor weather conditions and other destroying factors, and will stylishly framing the advertising field.

The advertising field is a place where information is placed. The field on the frame for the pillar is attached. As for the basis, many materials apply to the manufacture of pillar fields. Thus, the specialists of the company "Lumen" in the process of creating an advertising field are used galvanized metal, thin plastic, cellular polycarbonate, organity, PVC plastic. You can read more details with the characteristics of these materials you can.

After your order entered the processing to our employees, a team of professionals is taken for business. To begin with, it turns out the place where the pillar is planned, desired dimensions and construction type. Further, designers make up the design layout and coordinate the ready-made result with you. After your approval is obtained, the layout goes to work, and the teams of the pillar design are made according to it.

Application of the image on the pillar advertising field occurs most often due to printing on a special film with a glue layer. The film on which the seal is carried out, must be plastic and durable, and also high-quality adhesive layer. The printing process itself is carried out by water-resistant ink on widescreen digital printers.

After the film is printed, the film is pasted on the advertising field. This stage occurs with the help of rolling technology, and requires experience and skill from performers. In order for the advertising image to be additionally protected, we offer booking.

The process of assembling the pillar is the installation of the finished attached advertising field on the frame. To secure the details of the design, not rust, the most durable screws are used.

After the design is ready, the issues of its delivery to the customer are solved. Employees of Lumen carefully pack ready pildings in order to avoid scratches and other defects that may appear during transportation.

Every year, more and more people seek to join the patriotic action called the "Immortal Regiment". Its essence is that on May 9 on the day of the Great Victory go through the streets of the city with a photo of his relative. Most often for convenience, the photo card is placed in a small frame with a holder called the pillar.

Where to get such a design and is it possible to make a pillar for the "immortal regiment" with their own hands? We will tell you for work and how else the pillar may look.

What it is?

Under the word "pillar" means a light and inexpensive advertising design, designed to draw a person's attention to a particular subject. Quite often we meet them on the thresholds of stores or inside the commercial premises. The easiest option looks like a small picture on a stick. More complex designs can be a frame with an emphasis or small advertising "houses".

Make any pillar with your own hands very simple. For this, you will not need any special knowledge. If you even know how to keep a hammer, a screwdriver or a glue gun in your hands, then there should be no problems.

Of course, if there is no desire, the design can be ordered in any advertising agency. Make it quickly, but, of course, not free. Depending on the size, materials and the level of difficulty, work may ask from 500 to 5,000 rubles.

The easiest way to build a pillar of the "Immortal Regiment" pillar. This is the most simple design, so much forces and means you will not need.


To make a pillar for the "immortal regiment" with their own hands, you need to cook:

  • a piece of plastic, thin plywood and fiberboard, measuring about 30 x 45 cm;
  • wooden rails about a meter or a piece of metal-plastic pipe of a similar size;
  • 2-3 factory fastenings for plastic pipes (you can purchase a penny in a construction store or plumbing department);
  • waterproof glue.

Manufacturing process

And now let's talk about how quickly and easily make a pillar with your own hands.

  • Prepare a solid foundation. With the help of the hacks, you need to cut a rectangle with a size of approximately 300 * 450 mm. In principle, you can stay on another size, but if you decide to make a pillar for the action "Immortal Regiment", then this option is preferable.
  • A photograph of a relative should be scanned, if necessary, eliminate flaws in the Adobe Photoshop program or another graphic editor. You also need to form a photo into a stylized frame, you can download it on the website promotions.
  • Now the image must be printed in A3 format. It is best to do this in a photo sealing on self-adhesive glossy paper. If you do not want to overpay, you can print photos on the usual printer. But if you are planning that the pillar will serve you more than one year - illuminate the picture.
  • The finished image should be scanned. It is best to use waterproof glue for this. Although, if it allows the thickness of the base, the picture can be knitted with small cloves or step by the stapler.
  • Now we will deal with a handle. If you decide to use the usual wooden slaughter for this purpose, then everything is very simple. I turn over the basis of photography down and with the help of small screws or carnations, we attach the rail vertically strictly in the center.
  • If you decide to use a metal-plastic pipe for the holder, then you need to attach clips to start.
  • Take the factory plastic latches and with the help of good glue, secure them on the basis of vertically in the center. Watch that the clips are located strictly one under the other at a distance of 1-20 cm, otherwise you will not be able to fasten the tube in them.
  • When the glue dries, just snap the segment of the metalplastic pipe into the grooves. You will get pretty durable, but collapsible design.

By the way, if you hurt with lamination and the manufacturer of the basis, you can not, you can buy a ready-made frame in the store and simply attach the holder to it.

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