How to sell fruits and vegetables. How to make money selling vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables will never lose popularity. After all, they contain so many vitamins, and not a single dish of the modern consumer is complete without vegetables. Fruits have always been considered a decoration for the holiday table. In winter they are especially valued due to their high vitamin content. There has always been and will always be a high demand for these products. But to start a business in this direction, you need to learn some important points. The main thing is that fruits and vegetables spoil quickly, and also in the sales market, a novice businessman will face a large number of competitors, so you need to be prepared for some difficulties.

Prospects for the development of the vegetable business

The first thing a new entrepreneur in any field faces is competition. Many people can't stand this. There are plenty of competitors in the sale of fruits and vegetables. There are supermarkets, small shops, and vegetable market stalls. But this is not a reason to stop. Supermarkets do not always sell fresh and high-quality vegetables; the market is overflowing with products without certificates. If you seriously decide to get into this business, then a competent business plan will lead you to success.

We need to figure out why people visit supermarkets. Many are not satisfied with the quality of the product, many with the assortment. It is worth noting that what drives people to the supermarket is the lack of an alternative. Many microdistricts of the city are simply deprived of vegetable shops and shops, so customers have no choice but to go to the nearest supermarket and be content with what is offered there.

Experienced entrepreneurs can confidently say that selling fruits and vegetables is quite a profitable business. Even the most ordinary vegetable shop can bring in good income. The main thing is to choose its location wisely and select a range of goods that corresponds to demand.

There are several options for trading fruits and vegetables:

  • Trading stall specializing in the sale of fruits and vegetables;
  • Vegetable shop;
  • Wholesale of vegetables and fruits, delivery to customers.

The type of activity may depend on several factors: the funds available to the beginning businessman, competition in the area, demand for the product offered.

How to choose a type of activity:

  • Wholesale base. Its opening is possible only if there is one or more cargo Vehicle, as well as having the necessary connections and an established client base;
  • Shop or stall. The best option for a beginner. You can open a store if the entrepreneur has his own premises for the store or has the opportunity to rent it;
  • Counter. This is an option for those who do not have large in cash. In this case, it is better to start with several types of fruits or vegetables, and as the business develops and income increases, the range can be expanded.

But don't forget about the rules. Any trade must be permitted by certain authorities, the goods must have all the necessary licenses, and the entrepreneur must always have the entire package of documents. Otherwise, such an enterprise will be closed and the owner will be fined.

Wholesale of fruits and vegetables

Starting a business with wholesale trade is not the most profitable solution. To do this, you need to rent several premises that will serve as warehouses for large quantities of goods:

  • purchase equipment that will allow you to store products that quickly deteriorate;
  • arrange everything Required documents;
  • Ensure timely delivery of orders to customers.

All this requires quite large investments. But besides money, you will also need extensive connections to establish client base. If there are few customers, the goods will deteriorate, and this will cause quite a lot of damage.

If you decide to do wholesale, then it’s better to start with potatoes. This is not only the most popular product, but also a product that can be stored for a long time and not spoil. While exotic fruits and vegetables are rarely stored and require special storage equipment. In addition, potatoes do not require as many permits and certificates as, for example, pineapple.

An entrepreneur who decides to open a grocery store faces three main problems:

  1. Room. It needs to be purchased or rented, and it is necessary to obtain the right to trade in this or that product in this premises;
  2. Have funds, the minimum amount of which should not be less than 500 thousand rubles;
  3. Conclude agreements with wholesalers for the supply of products.

The total area of ​​the premises for a grocery store must be at least 60 square meters. m., where 30 sq. m. is allocated for retail space, and 30 for a warehouse.

The store’s assortment should not be limited to those goods that are available at the nearest vegetable warehouse. The list of suppliers needs to be expanded, select those goods that are not very common in your area and goods for which the demand is highest.

In many cities, trading in street stalls is common. These are trade counters that constantly change their location. This kind of trade is good in the warm season. People are willing to buy fresh fruits and vegetables, and the seller is comfortable being on the street. In winter, vegetables and fruits freeze, buyers are not happy with frozen goods, and the seller seriously risks his health.

Some entrepreneurs manage to earn so much money in summer period that in winter they can afford to close a street shop. But such trade is extremely unstable and does not bring constant income.

You can start your own business with this type of trading. Thus, you can get acquainted with the demand, earn some capital, which you can then spend on developing a larger business. It’s better to start with the most unpretentious vegetables: carrots, potatoes, apples. Gradually the range can be expanded.

Many large companies now started with such street shops.

Business plan for opening a store

  • Decor

First of all, you need to register yourself as individual entrepreneur. IN tax office you need to write an application for simplified taxation. In addition, a number of documents are required, namely:

  1. SES permission;
  2. Permission from the State Supervision Authority;
  3. Electrical surveillance permit;
  4. Permission from the state trade inspectorate to carry out trade.

Before opening a store, you need to find out which products are most popular among consumers, what is the demand for vegetables and fruits in a given area or region. It is also necessary to find out whether the future store has competitors, their main direction of trade and pricing policy. Prepare and equip the premises, acquire transport and hire staff.

  • Room

The premises for the sale of fruits and vegetables must correspond to its direction. It should be light, dry, maintain optimal temperature, and be well ventilated. Except trading floor The store should have several more utility rooms:

  1. For sorting vegetables;
  2. For sorting fruits;
  3. Warehouse with all necessary equipment;
  4. Utility room.

It is better to locate your store in a place where more people live, but where fewer shops. It makes no sense to open a grocery store near a supermarket or across the street from a competing store.

  • Supplies

Vegetable bases are usually involved in deliveries. Contracts are concluded with them for the supply of fruits and vegetables. Depending on the content of the contract, the base with at certain intervals delivers products directly to the store, usually once a week. The quantity of deliveries can be agreed upon immediately, or you can specify the quantity of goods required before each delivery. The second option is much more profitable, since each time the sale of certain fruits and vegetables proceeds differently.

Experienced entrepreneurs negotiate with bases that they can return some of the damaged goods to them. This allows you to save a little.

One supply option is to purchase directly from farms. But these must be verified farms with all the necessary certificates and certificates for their products. If these documents are available, the entrepreneur completely relieves himself of responsibility for the quality of the goods.

In both cases, it all depends on the prices and the goods that suppliers offer. It is better to conclude an agreement with them for several years at once. It's profitable. After all, if prices rise, then many contracts indicate that the entrepreneur will purchase goods only at a certain price.

It is better to go to the base yourself to select the goods.

  • Transport

Transport is one of the main points when opening of this business. When dealing with fruits and vegetables, you need to understand that these are products that do not last long. Therefore, you should not buy tons of them. It is better if you transport goods often, but in small quantities. It's a hassle, but your store counter will always have the freshest fruits and vegetables. This fact will certainly attract buyers.

The delivery of goods must be carefully considered. Some products are purchased more often and in larger quantities, for example, carrots, potatoes, apples, and some are purchased less often and in smaller quantities, for example, kiwi. Many products are in seasonal demand, such as tangerines and pineapples. There is a group of fruits and vegetables “for everyone”; such products are bought extremely rarely or are not in demand at all in a certain region.

  • Risk

There is always risk in business, especially for beginners. It is also present in the sale of fruits and vegetables:

  1. Shrinkage of goods;
  2. Shaking products;
  3. Rotting can reach up to 15%;

When transporting canned food, glass jars may break, which leads to damage to the product and your losses.

  • Personnel and equipment

The staff in the store must have:

  1. One implementer;
  2. One worker who could unload goods, sort fruits and vegetables;
  3. Driver; to save money, the entrepreneur himself can work as a driver.

Depending on the growth of the business, the staff must also be replenished.

The equipment must be of high quality and always in good working order:

  1. Showcases for the sales area;
  2. Racks and counters for displaying goods;
  3. Baskets;
  4. Refrigerated chambers for storing “capricious” goods;
  5. Showcase with refrigerator for frozen products;
  6. Scales.

For a store to be competitive, its assortment should not be worse than in other stores. Good store has in its assortment from 35 to 65 items of different products.

What should be:

  1. Fresh vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, eggplants, etc.;
  2. Fresh fruits: oranges, apples, bananas, kiwi, etc.;
  3. Dried fruits: prunes, dried apricots, etc.;
  4. Frozen vegetables and fruits;
  5. Exotic fruits: mango, avocado, pineapple, etc.;
  6. Canned vegetables and fruits;
  7. Juices;
  8. Water.

Much depends on how advantageously the product is located. Buyers are attracted by the beautiful design of the display case, fresh and beautiful fruits and vegetables, and bright colors in the front rows.

  • Benefit

Of course, trading fruits and vegetables is a profitable business. The demand for them never falls. The only negative is seasonality. In summer, the demand for fruits and vegetables decreases. This is due to the fact that many have their own dachas, where in the summer they are content with homemade vitamins. This must be foreseen and for this period you need to protect yourself from significant losses. It is best to reduce the number of products supplied and, if possible, reduce the price.

  • Expenses

The daily revenue of a street shop can range from 6 thousand rubles to 21 thousand rubles. Which is about 55 thousand rubles per month. From this money you can immediately deduct 7%, which will go to the seller’s salary. The average markup on a product is 50% of its wholesale cost. It makes no sense to charge more, since prices in the city are approximately the same, buyers will immediately notice the difference. Damaged goods are approximately 15% of all available goods, which is also counted towards expenses. A retail space needs to be rented, which costs another 1.5 thousand rubles. And one more type of expense that cannot be avoided is taxes, about 2.5 thousand rubles.

Based on these calculations, we can conclude that to open a vegetable shop, an entrepreneur must have at least 100 thousand rubles.


Renting the premises will cost 13 - 15 thousand rubles, depending on the area. Repairs are the most expensive part, from 500 to 700 thousand rubles. Purchase and installation necessary equipment- 250 thousand rubles. The product will cost 150 - 200 thousand rubles. The markup in this case depends on the product and can range from 40 to 250%. Such a business will pay off after just 6 months of operation.

Not all fruits and vegetables keep well in the refrigerator. For example, bananas in the refrigerator quickly become covered with black spots, and cucumbers become damp. Therefore, it is better to store these products at room temperature in separate containers. When stored this way, they can last for several days without losing their shape.

All other fruits and vegetables tolerate refrigeration well. But at the same time you need to comply temperature regime, which should not go beyond +8 to +13 degrees.

Greens should not be stored in the refrigerator. open form. It needs to be wrapped in cotton fabric and then wrap in foil or polyethylene. In this form, greens can be stored for quite a long time.

Potatoes and watermelon do not require refrigeration. These products take up a lot of space and do well in a cool, dark room.

The berries do not last long, depending on their tenderness. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. Can stay in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Stronger cherries, for example, will last about three days.

You can’t put onions and potatoes next to each other, as this will lead to rapid spoilage.

  • Tomato;
  • Cucumber;
  • Onion garlic;
  • Orange;
  • Tangerines;
  • Lemons.

As you can see, starting a business selling fruits and vegetables is not so difficult. A store with such a direction will never be left without customers. Of course, this business has its downsides, but with a wisely drawn up business plan, none of this matters. In this business, you need to study the market, demand, and prices well. It is important to consider the specifics of the product. Fruits and vegetables spoil quickly, which means that in order to avoid serious losses, you need to purchase goods in minimal quantities. It’s better to go to the base one more time than to throw away kilograms of goods.

It is important to store fruits and vegetables correctly. Improper storage or proximity also quickly leads to damage. All these points must be taken into account.

Beginners are not recommended to start with large purchases. It’s worth starting with several types of fruits and vegetables, and as your business develops you can expand the range. You should not buy exotic fruits and vegetables; such goods are in demand during the holidays, but on ordinary days there is a demand for the usual potatoes and carrots.


Decide which backyard vegetables are most in demand in your region. Analyze how labor-intensive it is to grow them. Research the selling price of similar products. From this analysis it is easy to guess how much money can be earned for the harvest. This is a kind of your business plan, but it must also reflect possible risks. For example, the risk of bad weather, invasion of harmful insects, diseases affecting the crop of one or another vegetable garden. To reduce these risks, it makes sense to grow at least 3-4 types of vegetables so that you can protect yourself from financial losses.

Grow early vegetables for sale. A bunch of carrots in May will bring twice as much as a kilogram sold in September. This is the golden rule of everyone who sells vegetables from their garden. For early harvests, provide a heated greenhouse. The costs of its construction will pay off in the first year, and it will be profitable for at least five years. If it is not possible to build such a greenhouse, limit yourself to a greenhouse. In it you can grow early greens, carrots and radishes for sale in bunches, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

Analyze whether there are many cafes and restaurants in the nearby city. The vast majority of them feel the need for rare salads - lolo rosso and lolo bianco, radicchio, arugula - and restaurateurs can purchase many other types with enviable regularity. The agricultural technology for cultivating these vegetable crops is not very different from the agricultural technology for conventional salads, and the cost of a kilogram can rise to 600-700 rubles.

Make an asparagus plot. It is an expensive dessert vegetable, sold in bunches weighing about 250 g, and bears fruit for 2-3 months (in the central region from March to May). You can earn up to 30-40 thousand rubles per season from asparagus, and an “adult” plantation requires minimal care - fertilizing, watering and early spring hilling.

Take care of your sales points in advance. Whatever vegetables you choose to grow and subsequently sell, the profitability of the business will largely depend on the “correctness” of the trading location. In most cases, it is most profitable to sell vegetable products to private owners at collective farm markets, where preferential places are provided for them. But there are exceptions. For example, if you are ready to supply fresh herbs year-round, register, for example, as an entrepreneur without education legal entity and you will be able to sell the goods through stores.

I would like to present to you my case study of a remote business in the wholesale supply of fruits and vegetables. We are talking about other people's vegetables and fruits, as you understand. And we will act as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. Everything that will be discussed below has been tested by me personally in practice.

To make it easier, I will describe the entire scheme of our business for the sale (resale in our case) of vegetables and fruits using potatoes as an example. There is a fairly stable demand for potatoes in Russia; they are a mass product and quite inexpensive.

Intermediary agency business wholesale sales Growing vegetables and fruits is much simpler than a classic business on the same products, which requires tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of personal investments. Therefore, in order to earn an average of a hundred thousand rubles in this business, it is enough to know general information and a scheme of work in this area.

To make it as clear and clear as possible, I’ll tell you using the example of potatoes, the product I chose. You can see how much the population of our country alone consumes this product annually: in 2017, 29.6 million tons of potatoes were harvested in farms of all categories and this amount is growing from year to year.

So, let's begin.

Types and varieties of potatoes

All potatoes are divided into 2 types:

  1. Seminal.
  2. Food.

By variety - 3-5 main varieties are usually grown in each region. So you don't have to study a large number of information.

Search for a supplier

Each supplier is interested in selling their harvest as quickly as possible. Therefore, they are very willing to cooperate.

Owner contacts Farms can be found on the websites of Min. Agriculture in almost any area in which you live. Or we are looking for all organizations upon request - peasant farms (peasant farms) and organizations with similar meaning in the name.

Search for vegetable suppliers in Yandex

It’s worth calling in the morning and if you don’t get the owner of the company, then ask him immediately mobile phone, which they will gladly give you.

Negotiations with suppliers

It’s better, of course, to arrange a meeting by phone and discuss everything in person, but most often the fields are located somewhere in the region and without a personal car it will be a little problematic to get there.

If you don’t have a car, but have the opportunity to ask someone, spend a day and meet the owners personally, it’s better not to waste this opportunity. This will be your advantage. If this is not possible, then you can discuss everything over the phone.

Negotiations may take 10-15 minutes, and this is normal - business owners are accustomed to such calls and usually react positively. The task is to find out such important parameters , How:

  • variety;
  • caliber(size);
  • expected harvest quantity;
  • farm workload;
  • package;
  • presence of scales;
  • what is the most convenient way to get there, who will meet you;
  • Payment is cash/non-cash, do they work under a contract?

After this, be sure to ask for photographs of the product. The client always asks for photos, downloading others from the Internet - I don’t recommend it, because... the client is most often not the first year in this business and upon arrival can easily understand that he was deceived, which will cause negativity.

Pricing (our markup on goods)

After discussing all the potato parameters, it is worth warning the owner about the size of your markup.

In potatoes it ranges from 50 kopecks to 2 rubles on average (as of 2018).

It’s better to sell at least 20 tons – that’s one truck. That is, earnings will be from 10 to 40,000 rubles. from one truck. I do not recommend trading with a smaller volume.

You can sign an agency agreement with the owner, but most often a verbal agreement is enough. You take your money either in cash after the transaction, or the owner transfers it to a debit card.

Sales channels, advertising

I don’t see the point in describing a lot here, since finding a client with competitive prices and acceptable product quality is not difficult.

Platforms such as AgroServer and Avito work best. Again, you need to publish good photos and a full description of the benefits of the product and working with you. It is very important!

Let's talk about how much you can earn by reselling vegetables.

Now about the main thing. Personally, I earned 80-120 thousand rubles in a seasonal month (season September - December) that year. Remotely.

People who have the opportunity to attend transactions and carry out large orders through their company as intermediaries earn up to 10 million rubles. per season. And most often they then acquire their own storage facilities and sell from there.

But we are discussing remote earnings, so you should count on an amount from 50,000 to 200,000 rubles per month. I and the guys I know who work according to this scheme have this kind of income. Of course, there is no ceiling on earnings as such. Everything, as always, depends on you.

Pros and cons of a vegetable resale business


  • Earnings on average 100,000 rubles. per month.
  • Remote work.
  • You do not bear any responsibility.
  • There are a lot of clients (if you post well-written advertisements).


  • The owner can quit. In my search for good suppliers, I was abandoned more than once. Here, as they say, natural selection occurs by sifting.
  • It is advisable to be on the phone from 7:00 to 22:00. Buyers call at any time and you should strive to answer all calls.
  • Telephone costs. Well, if desired, on Avito and Agroserver (but not much). To earn 80-100 tr. I invested no more than 2 thousand rubles../month.
  • The transaction cycle varies from 1 day to 2-3 weeks. Depends on the buyer.

Summer has come, the berry picking season is in full swing and will soon end, so it’s too late to go to Europe this year - sign up in advance for the 2016 season. But this does not mean that it’s too late to make money on strawberries and other berries (as well as vegetables and fruits )!

Selling fruits and berries from a car - business is simpler than steamed turnips

Do you remember in the nineties, during the warm season, GAZ or ZIL trucks from the regions came to some Moscow and Moscow suburban yards and sold potatoes, cabbage, and tomatoes at good prices? It would seem that the topic has died since networks and serious business appeared, it is unprofitable to drive one car, and practically no one does this anymore; they transport vegetables and fruits from the regions only to markets. But no, everything new is well forgotten old!

Editorial staff have seen these kinds of berry sellers on the Moscow Ring Road more than once. Our correspondent Alexander went to investigate.

Trading from a car on the MKAD in Moscow

Alexander, correspondent IQ Review :

“The guys set up a business of selling from a car at the junction near the Mega Belaya Dacha shopping center.” Strawberries are sold by citizens of southern appearance in cars with license plates from the Vladimir region. Strawberries are sold already packaged in glasses and baskets - without a steelyard. Most likely, there are about 400 grams. The asking price is 100 rubles. Considering local prices, it's not very expensive, but not too cheap either. In the Moscow region, strawberries on the market can be bought from 150 to 300 rubles per kilogram. In general, it depends on the appetite of passing drivers and the huge flow of traffic.

We conducted a mini-survey of drivers and passengers asking whether they were interested in spontaneous purchase strawberries on the track?


“They are standing on the road, this berry has absorbed all the smoke from the exhaust pipes during the day. I won’t buy one for myself or my husband.”

“I won’t take from blacks. It is unknown what she is like. It’s better to buy from the Russians at the market.”


“I would buy it, but I don’t eat it unwashed, there’s nowhere to wash it, and there’s no point in taking a glass home, it’s cheaper in a tent near the house. It seems to me that the positive thing is that it’s completely fresh, they probably bring it from the state farm every day, the Zhiguli won’t fit much, everything sells out within a day.”

Business plan - how much you can earn from it

In this business, everything is very simple and primitive: no taxes are paid, the “rent” of the place is free. The legal situation is curious: the traffic police are not involved in illegal trade from cars. The police can only “catch” the guys during a joint organized raid. Maybe they pay extra to stay in one “fat” place, but theoretically this is not necessary.

So among the expenses we have the purchase of goods and gasoline.

Purchasing berries in bulk in Moscow is possible at vegetable warehouses, via the Internet on specialized websites (Agroserver, Agrobazar) or at the Lenin State Farm. You can also go to the nearest southern regions, to villages, and buy from farmers there.

Wholesale strawberry prices this summer from 80 to 130 rubles per kilogram .

They sell a kilo for about 250 rubles.

Thus, if we sell 100 kilograms per day, we get revenue of 25 thousand rubles. Of these, expenses—purchase, packaging and gasoline—up to 15 thousand. With good trading, making tens of net profits per day is realistic. Over the course of the season, the Zhiguli purchased from them will at least pay for itself.

If you live in Moscow and want to try to make money by trading berries, you don’t even have to invest anything, you just need a big bag and patience.

In June, berry picking begins at the Lenin State Farm. You can come there and sign up for the collection. They pay in kind - 10% of the collected berries (this is not Finland). You can also just buy a berry and try to sell it at retail from your car. Sales department phone number 8-495-728-34-13.

The editors remind you that such trading from a car is illegal, and is not responsible for the actions of impressionable readers. In a good way, to sell vegetables, fruits or berries from a car you must have documents: at a minimum, phytosanitary certificates for goods (issued by the supplier), a medical book, you must be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC and pay taxes, not even to mention the fact that the laws of the Russian Federation do not allow you to just become anywhere and trade - non-stationary trade is regulated chamber of commerce of the municipality.”

Selling vegetables and fruits is a business characterized by constant demand for goods and high profitability. Even during a crisis, people find money for food, trying not to skimp on vitamins. In addition, open similar business much easier than opening a whole .

When opening even a small point selling vegetables and fruits, you will need documentation:

  • conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiological inspection service (up to 5,000 rubles) on the premises;
  • contract for maintenance of store equipment.

Assortment and seasonality

First, decide whether you will open a fruit and vegetable store or just a small one, maybe even a tent. The range of goods will depend on this. The main thing is to offer customers the most popular products.

If space or equipment allows, a vegetable business should have the maximum a wide range of. In addition, the assortment depends on whether you will sell imported vegetables and fruits, as well as on seasonality:

  1. Winter. The demand for imported products is not too great, but fruits, especially tangerines, will generate revenue;
  2. Spring. These are mostly greenhouse products or imported ones: fruits - banana, kiwi, mango, coconuts; vegetables - cabbage, beets, onions, potatoes, carrots. In spring, the cost increases by an average of 60%;
  3. Summer. Time is very large assortment goods (especially the second half of summer). You can sell almost all vegetables, a lot of fruits (strawberries, apples, pears, melons, watermelons, plums, etc.);
  4. Autumn. This is the time of ripening for all vegetables, some fruits such as grapes and oranges.

Learn a little information about different products and varieties so that you can advise customers, as well as know storage rules, harvest times, during which you can purchase goods at a low cost.

Retail premises and equipment

Necessary premises

Experts report that selling fruit as a business is more profitable if you have several small retail outlets (up to 5 pieces). You can supplement them with a wholesale warehouse. Although there will still be less hassle with opening a store.

Choose a location in places where there is a constant flow of people, but it does not have to be a bazaar. Room area – up to 60 sq.m., of which about 20 sq.m. m. allocate for storage (temperature in summer - up to 8 ° C, in winter - not lower than 0 ° C), utility room. At first, you can use a regular, cool garage. If you are not yet sure whether you will be able to conduct this business, opt for a tent (20 sq.m. is enough)

To open a stall with vegetables and fruits, you will need a vehicle to deliver the products.


One of the advantages of this business is an inexpensive trade tent.

Perhaps the most expensive purchase will be a car, without which it is impossible to run a fruit and vegetables business. At the initial stage, the same gazelle can be a point of sale at the bazaar, and after saving money, buy a tent, and then a store. Perhaps you will even open a subsidiary, for example.


When implementing a vegetable business plan, pay special attention to personnel selection:

  • 2 sellers ( wage+ percentage of sales);
  • food sorting worker;
  • loader;
  • driver for transportation;
  • visiting accountant.


We recommend purchasing from 2-3 suppliers. At good sales you will have to purchase goods for at least 10,000 rubles. in a day. Select the product carefully, it should always be fresh. Look for suppliers in the nearest villages: the goods will be fresh at a much lower cost than in wholesalers (markets, bases), but be sure to ask for documents to check the products.

Still, you will have to deal with wholesalers - buy exotic fruits and vegetables from them. Don't forget to draw up a sales contract.

Long-term cooperation with suppliers is the key to a successful business. This indicates acceptable quality and prices, and also eliminates the delay of goods.

Risks and benefits

The risks include:

  • rotting of goods can reach 15%, but do not rush to throw everything away, you can still try to sell some products at a discount;
  • drying of goods;
  • dishonest sellers who can cheat not only you, but also buyers;
  • inconsistency with everyone sanitary standards, both goods and premises, sellers, cars, the slightest violation will entail a fine.

The fruit business is an excellent direction in the field of healthy nutrition, which has more and more adherents every year.


Include financial calculations in your business plan.

Small a store:

  • revenue per day – 6,500 – 20,500 rubles;
  • monthly revenue – about 52,000 rubles;
  • salesperson's salary – 7% of revenue;
  • markup on goods – 50%;
  • write-off of damaged goods – 15%;
  • rent of a retail space – 1,500 rubles;
  • taxes – 2,500 rub.

The starting investment is about 100,000 rubles.

Costs for a small store:

  • rent – ​​13,000 rubles;
  • repairs - about 700,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​250,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods – 160,000 rubles;
  • markup – 40 – 250% depending on the type of product.

Business payback is 6 months.

Video: How to properly store fruits and vegetables

Business ideas for profitable stores

The fresh meat business is always on top. Meat is an essential product; besides, there are a lot of people who like to savor fresh meat. Profitability – 30%.

In our country there are many lovers of gardening and vegetable gardens. Every year they become more and more picky, so provide them with a wide selection of seeds.

is a retail outlet with minimal investment and great potential. A small range of products can provide a stable income.

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