How to get a new job. How to behave on the first day at a new job: simple tips

The long search for a suitable workplace and interviews are finally over. It would seem that having acquired the coveted position, you can forget about worries. However, you are constantly worried about how your first day at work will go. This anxiety is understandable, but don't be too afraid. Careful preparation, self-control and psychological advice will help you make a good impression on your new colleagues.

Start preparing in advance

If, based on the results of the interview, you were hired, you should not immediately run away, showered with gratitude, and rush to celebrate your victory with friends and family. Take a deep breath, pull yourself together, and ask your manager some important questions. To make your first day on the job as easy as possible, please check the following information:

  • who you will meet, who will supervise your work and who you can turn to for help and advice;
  • specify the work schedule;
  • be sure to ask if the organization has a dress code;
  • make a list of documents that you need to have with you for registration;
  • find out what software products you will have to work with so that you can study them properly at home;
  • Be sure to write down all the information in a notebook so you don’t forget anything.

It never hurts to additionally browse the official website of the organization you are going to work for. There you can find additional information, as well as consolidate information already received in your memory.

What to do the day before

On new job- this is definitely a lot of stress. To minimize worries, you should carefully prepare the day before. It is best to spend this day for your own pleasure - go to the movies with friends or go outdoors with your family. You should get maximum positive emotions so as not to leave any room for anxiety. Be sure to go to bed early.

In order not to forget anything in a hurry, you need to do the following in the evening:

  • decide on your work wardrobe and prepare all your things so that in the morning all you have to do is get dressed;
  • make a list necessary documents and immediately put them in your bag;
  • draw up a scenario of actions for the morning so as not to get confused;
  • plan how you will get to work, taking into account everything to avoid being late.

Never put off getting ready until the morning. Believe me, you won't have time for this. It’s better to sleep an extra half hour, cook a delicious breakfast and spend time doing your hair or makeup.

Everything new is stressful, and even more so when it comes to work. You will have to get comfortable in an unfamiliar team and quickly understand your responsibilities. Naturally, an unprepared person may become confused or even lose his temper. That is why it is worth taking an extremely responsible approach to such an event as the first day at work. Psychologists will tell you how to behave:

  • Throw aside unnecessary worries. Everyone goes through a difficult process. Tune in to the fact that every day it will become easier for you.
  • Treat your colleagues as politely as possible. At the same time, your face should radiate friendliness. This way you will quickly establish contact with employees and find friends.
  • Be involved. Empathy for failures and joy for the successes of colleagues is an important point in networking. Nevertheless, you should not be intrusive.
  • You should not make your problems and troubles public. In addition, do not demonstrate this to your colleagues under any circumstances.
  • Under no circumstances should you take charge of someone else’s workplace. Even if it’s common practice at a company to use someone’s phone, stapler or printer, you shouldn’t do this on your first day of work.
  • Don't talk too much about yourself or brag about your skills and talents. First of all, you should show interest in the job.
  • Dedicate your first day at work to observations. This applies not only to the work process, but also to the behavior of colleagues. Knowing their character traits, it will be easier for you to adapt to the team.
  • Don't wait for your boss to call you in to make a reprimand. At first, it is better to independently report to management in order to monitor the correctness of the work.
  • Drive away negativity and despondency. Imagine what success you can achieve today, in a week, in a month, in a year. Thoughts are material, and therefore they should be positive and bright.
  • Take advantage of your newbie status and don't try to be great right away. First, try to understand the details of the work more deeply.

The main rule to follow when starting a new business is a positive mood. Come into the office with smiles and wishes for a successful working day. It is very important to do this sincerely. If you are not in the mood, then there is no need for forced grimaces. It is enough to limit yourself to a polite greeting.

What not to do

On the first day at work, many people make mistakes that can interfere with further adaptation to the team. To ensure that getting to know your colleagues goes smoothly, you should never do the following:

  • be late (even if it was not your fault, in the eyes of your colleagues and superiors you will be an unpunctual person);
  • forgetting names (it would seem that this is a trifle, but it can offend, so write it down if you are not confident in your memory);
  • flatter both superiors and employees;
  • brag (it is better to prove your superiority with excellent work);
  • talk about your previous work (your colleagues may listen to you with interest, but your boss may not like it);
  • establish your own rules in the office; take on too many responsibilities both in terms of work and in terms of personal relationships with colleagues;
  • insist on something if you do not understand the issue;
  • advertise friendship or relationship with superiors or high-ranking officials (especially if you received a position through their patronage);
  • immediately impose your friendship or closer relationship.

Of course, no one is immune from mistakes, but at first it is better to keep yourself under control. If you manage to establish yourself well and become a valuable employee, then over time you will be forgiven for some mistakes.

What you need to do on the first day

The first day at a new job is a serious test. Nevertheless, you need to put aside panic and turn on rational thinking. To make your work easier in the future, on the first day you need to complete the following minimum program:

  • Take the initiative to get to know your colleagues. Remember that you are part of an already established team, and in order to occupy a certain niche in it, you need to make an effort.
  • Get started organizing your workspace right away. In the future, you may simply not have time for this. In addition, this way you can create the impression of an active and hardworking person.
  • Try to delve as deeply as possible into all the features of work in this team and understand its atmosphere. Be observant.
  • Understand the specifics of your work, as well as the features of the mode. Collect and study all documentation that contains information about your rights, responsibilities and other essential conditions.

If you are a department head

Sometimes it is much more difficult for a boss to adapt to a new workplace than for an ordinary employee. If you are the head of a department, then on the first day and in your further work you should be guided by the following rules:

  • Never criticize a subordinate in the presence of his colleagues;
  • keep your personal impression of the person to yourself - you have the right to talk only about his professional qualities;
  • express your thoughts clearly and specifically when giving instructions or making comments;
  • criticism should help improve performance, and not be a means of self-expression;
  • in informal communication with subordinates, be polite and friendly;
  • Be attentive to your employees - always inquire about their well-being, and also congratulate them on the holidays.

Work after vacation

The first day at work after vacation can be real torture. Even inveterate workaholics, by the end of a well-deserved rest, can become depressed from the need to begin their routine duties again. As psychologists assure, this condition is quite normal and passes over time. However, it is better to prepare for the end of your vacation in advance.

Plan your vacation in such a way that the vacation ends 2-3 days before going to work. At this time, it is worth adjusting your sleep schedule - getting used to going to bed early and waking up early again. But you shouldn’t plunge headlong into everyday affairs, because you are still on legal vacation.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to sustain a full workout after rest. That's why try to plan your vacation so that you can start your duties, for example, on Wednesday or Thursday. This way, you will have time to get into the working rhythm before the weekend and won’t have time to get too tired.

To make your first day at work after vacation easy and calm, follow these recommendations:

Signs and superstitions

For many people, the phrase “I’m starting my first day at a new job!” is both desirable and scary. Signs and superstitions are widespread not only in everyday life, but also in offices. Sometimes, wanting to gain the favor of their superiors or a salary increase, employees of reputable companies can resort to the help of psychics, fortune-tellers, and even perform magical rituals.

Of course, it’s not worth brewing miracle potions or making or making a director’s voodoo doll. To ensure your first day at a new job brings you good luck, remember some office signs:

  • Place coins in the corners of your office to attract a salary increase or bonus;
  • to prevent computers from freezing and the printer from chewing paper, communicate with the equipment politely and kindly, thank them for their work (if you are embarrassed in front of your colleagues, then do it mentally);
  • try not to start work on the 13th;
  • on the first day, you should not leave the office until the end of the working day, either for personal or official matters (this will lead to dismissal);
  • do not keep the office door open, otherwise you will receive a lot of instructions;
  • On the very first day, do not order business cards, badges or signs for the door, otherwise there is a risk that you will not last long at this job.

Features of the adaptation process

Working in a new team certainly begins with the adaptation process. Moreover, it is important to understand that this applies not only to beginners. The team must also get used to the emergence of a new link and in every possible way help him integrate into the work process. There are four successive stages that make up adaptation:

  • To start new employee assessed in terms of professional and social skills. Based on the data obtained, an adaptation program can be drawn up. It is worth noting that the easiest way to join new team those employees who have experience in a similar position. Nevertheless, even such a person does not immediately get used to new conditions and daily routine.
  • Orientation involves familiarizing the newcomer with his job responsibilities, as well as the list of requirements that are put forward for both his professional and personal qualities. For this purpose, conversations, special lectures or preparatory courses can be held.
  • Effective adaptation occurs at the moment when the employee begins to join the team. He can express himself both in work and in communication. We can say that during this period the employee puts into practice the acquired knowledge.
  • The functioning stage implies a transition to stable performance job responsibilities, in accordance with the established schedule. Depending on how work is organized at the enterprise, this stage can last from several months to a year and a half.


The first day at work brings a lot of worries and new impressions. Behind a short time You need to have time not only to understand the work, but also to get to know the employees and win their sympathy. The main thing is not to panic if difficulties arise and to perceive criticism objectively. It is worth noting that the first day of work for a new employee is a turning point, but far from a decisive moment. Even if everything went smoothly, you still have a long adjustment period ahead of you.

It is worth noting that in Western practice it lasts about six months. During this time, you need not only to demonstrate your knowledge and skills, but also to adapt to the new team. At domestic enterprises, a newcomer is given no more than two weeks (in rare cases, a month), and therefore needs to prepare for the first working day in advance. Try to learn as much as possible about the organization, and also read the recommendations of leading psychologists. To give yourself additional confidence, follow folk signs.

Newcomers usually feel uncomfortable in a new company. A well-organized introductory course can help you adapt faster. However, the employee himself should take the initiative. Experts remind: self-confidence and friendly interest are the best helpers on the first day of work.

“Being nervous before starting a new job is a normal state for any employee,” assures the consulting psychologist, psychotherapist, and director of the “Svecha” psychological assistance service.

If the stress on the eve of the first day of work stresses you out a lot and brings unpleasant symptoms (sweaty hands, palpitations, inability to concentrate, etc.), do a small but effective exercise that will take 15-20 minutes. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a new workplace. Imagine it in detail - the desktop, the view from the window, the color of the office walls, etc. Imagine that you are already working and everything is working out great. It is best to do the exercise in the evening, for example, before bed, for several days before starting a new job. You will feel the level of excitement gradually decrease.”

Director recruitment agency"Selectum" Olga Voyk I am sure: “In companies that treat responsibly human resources, if a beginner faces stress, it will be minimal and short-lived. The departure of a new employee is stressful for both the company and the employee. But stress is not terrible unless it reaches extreme levels. After all, stress is the engine of progress, without it there would be no change. Negative high level stress is one that the individual’s nervous system cannot withstand. To reduce the negative impact of stress during the period when a newcomer joins the team, there are a number of activities that are usually carried out by the personnel service and managers experienced in managing people. Regular working meetings between the HR manager and the newcomer and the HR manager with the newcomer’s supervisor will help track problems that prevent the new employee from being more effective and complicate the process of integration into the team.”

A newcomer needs to dress in accordance with the position he occupies, advises Olga Voyk: “If a new manager comes wearing old shoes and has a Chinese plastic watch on his hand, this will, at a minimum, surprise his subordinates. The same reaction can be caused by an ordinary employee who appears in a haute couture outfit. Concerns will arise - will such an expensively “packaged” person be responsible for his duties in an ordinary position?

The ideal option for the first day of work is a formal business suit.” “You shouldn’t despair if it seems like everything is going wrong at your new job,” says Olga Voik. - It takes an average of three months for a person to physically adapt to a company, and to fully psychological adaptation may take up to six months. If during this period something does not work out, you cannot establish relationships with colleagues, try to understand the reasons: is it a “failure of the day” or a systemic problem due to the fact that the company’s values ​​are not close to you. At the same time, remember: all people, changing something in their lives, must adapt to new conditions, and for EVERYONE a new job is stressful. It is important to be able to manage stress and be positive. And if it becomes very difficult, remember that you can “relieve” stress: play sports, swim, go to the sauna, meet close friends, go out into nature. And success in all your endeavors will not keep you waiting!”

The newcomer’s task is to organically integrate into the team and take his place in it without conflicts. The best tactic is to adhere to the “golden mean” in behavior and communication with colleagues, advises Alexandra Imasheva: “Don’t be overzealous in your work, but don’t neglect your responsibilities either. Be sociable and open as much as possible. Don't be afraid to ask for help, but don't be intrusive or pester your colleagues with unnecessary conversations. In the first days, the team will carefully observe you and draw conclusions - take this calmly. Attentiveness and observation will not harm you. Try to immediately delve into the unspoken hierarchy of relationships within the team, understand the customs and character traits of your colleagues. Remember their names - people like to be called by their first name or middle name (depending on age and position).

Another rule: do not speak disparagingly about your previous place of work or former colleagues. In general, try not to radiate negativity: do not get into arguments and harshly defend your opinion or defiantly demonstrate your competence (even if you are truly more competent). Do not criticize colleagues, either in their presence or behind their eyes. It’s better not to overdo it with positivity. Many, wanting to show their friendly attitude, strive on the very first day to organize a small feast “to get to know each other” - bring cake and sweets for tea. However, this should not be done, especially if it is not known whether the company accepts tea gatherings. If you see that such a custom exists, you can bring a treat, say, on the day of your first paycheck. If you start to be burdened with extra work, you should set boundaries in a friendly but firm manner. Under no circumstances try to increase your price with excessive zeal and try to please people with your reliability. Remember that people of the same gender in a monogender team are perceived as competitors. Therefore, manifestations of rivalry are possible. A woman is usually easily accepted in a male group. They show attention to her and behave gallantly. But often they do not treat her as a serious specialist - she will have to struggle to gain her position. A man in a women's team is usually taken seriously from a professional point of view from the first days. But he will become the object of close attention from the point of view of the personal life of his colleagues; they will “try him on” in terms of personal relationships. It must be taken into account that when interacting with other people, men prioritize the exchange of information, and women - feelings and relationships, therefore, when communicating in a male team, special attention should be paid to the content of statements, and in a female group - to the manner of communication and relationships .

And another recommendation: be patient. Even if during the adaptation period not everything went smoothly from the very beginning, the situation will most likely improve, you just need to wait. It may take several weeks or months to feel completely like you belong.”

Elena Grigorieva

But they didn’t mention the fear that almost all people experience when entering a new place of work. It is unlikely that it has any scientific name, but this fact does not prevent a beginner from worrying and being afraid until his knees tremble, turning over in his mind possible options developments of events and presenting chilling pictures: either the team does not accept him and builds all sorts of intrigues, then the boss turns out to be a tyrant, giving out stupid orders. It's no surprise that the first day at a new job, as well as the anticipation of it, is a serious test for any of us. How to overcome it with the least emotional loss is discussed by the author of “Cleo”.

Maybe it’s me who is especially impressionable, or maybe this happens to almost everyone, but the first day at a new job is always difficult for me, and the anticipation is completely exhausting. It usually begins within a couple of days, bringing a lot of unanswered questions and activating a rather rich imagination. The latter does not spare me at all: I imagine how my colleagues arrogantly laugh at any of my awkward actions, do not want to help with anything, and at lunch they pretend that I do not exist at all. Need I say that already the day before going to work I almost hate her? The fear of the unknown kills absolutely all the positive emotions that I experienced recently, and all I feel is a lump in my throat. I am afraid of misunderstanding the first task, I am afraid of becoming the subject of ridicule and jokes in an already established team, I am afraid, in the end, that this team will not accept me into their “family” and I will be crying bitterly, eating lunch alone in a toilet stall, as they show in American youth comedies. Of course, the latter is nothing more than irony, and such fear is more likely to be experienced by schoolchildren than by adults, but we are no strangers to the experience of forced communication with new colleagues. Even the most confident person gets worried when he finds himself in an unfamiliar environment.

Even the most confident person gets worried when he finds himself in an unfamiliar environment.

Since I have changed jobs more than once, I have gone crazy with fear on the eve of my first working day more than once. And at some point I decided that this was impossible: it was stupid to be afraid in advance of what might not happen. Such “empty” emotions only become a source of stress and certainly do not help us work productively and win people over. If you also lose your appetite at the thought that tomorrow you will go to new office with new colleagues and boss, then try to pull yourself together with the help of the tips below. For me they really work.

Separate the wheat from the chaff

When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you’re afraid of something you don’t know, it’s even more uncomfortable. Based on this, I decided that from now on I would always determine whether my fears had any basis. This really helps to free yourself from far-fetched fears, which are no less exhausting than real ones. To understand whether there is a real threat, I write down all my fears on a piece of paper and critically evaluate what of these can actually happen and what is a figment of my rich imagination. When there are half as many “enemies,” the fight becomes much easier.

When you are afraid of something, you feel uncomfortable. When you’re afraid of something you don’t know, it’s even more uncomfortable.

Win mentally

So, we understand what situations we really should be wary of. But we also know that there is no guarantee that events will develop exactly according to this negative scenario; perhaps everything will work out in the best way. What does “best” mean to you? Imagine coming to work and seeing that this is a real dream. Colleagues are friendly, the boss is understanding and tactful, yours workplace- comfortable and modern. What more could you ask for? Set yourself up in a positive mood today, mentally conquer all your fears, so that tomorrow you can come to work in a good mood and not expect a trick from everywhere.

Brand new suit

Prepare your clothes for the first day of work in advance. Firstly, those around you will clearly not be delighted with a new colleague who comes to the office in a wrinkled skirt and washed blouse. Secondly, you yourself will feel more confident, knowing that you are dressed like a brand. Great importance It also depends on what kind of clothes you choose. Of course, if the company has a dress code, then everything is quite simple: comply with it, and there will be no problems. But if there are no clear rules, you should be careful: no miniskirts, children's T-shirts and low-waisted jeans. Think about it: you yourself would be wary of a new girl who showed up for work wearing what she most likely wore to the club yesterday.

Smile, but don't bother

Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is involved.

Now let's talk about the first working day. Your behavior is no less important than your appearance. You know that a smile is disarming, and excessive helpfulness is alarming, so be friendly with new colleagues, but do not go too far: you should not deliberately try to please someone and go out of your way so that the new boss notices you today. Perhaps he will notice, thinking: “Who did I hire?”, but this is not at all what you need. Therefore, do not take on everything at once (no one expects you to grab stars from the sky on your first day of work), do not brag about your successes and knowledge, but rather absorb new information like a sponge. Show that you are interested in this work and really want to understand what is involved.

So, your job search is over, you have found a good place and have already passed the interview. Tomorrow first working day at a new job. Are you worried? This is understandable, because the first day at work is always exciting: a new team, new rules and responsibilities. And, despite the fact that make a good first impression, you must try to remain calm and confident, this is not at all easy to do.

Not knowing how to behave in a new job on the first day is partly the cause of stress. This article will provide universal rules of conduct for an employee on his first day at work, which will help you quickly and easily get up to speed and make your first working day as successful as possible. So, first day of work...


It's no secret that success in business is often influenced by our mood. Therefore, before your first working day, you need to create for yourself positive mood charge. It is better to spend the last non-working day stress-free, devoting it to relaxation and favorite activities.

To look fresh and rested in the morning, it’s better to go to bed early (for those who have difficulty falling asleep quickly, the article will help - “ How to fall asleep quickly"), without forgetting to prepare your clothes and think about your appearance(Women should think about makeup and pack their purse in advance).

Also, call the secretary the day before and check the best time to arrive. On your first day at a new job, you need to show that you punctual person(of course, this applies to all days, but especially the first working day).

Arrive on time and in a good mood

Someone advises you to come to work on the first day about thirty minutes before the start, so that you have time to get comfortable, get to know the team and maybe talk to the manager. In my opinion, showing up too early on your first day of work signals anxiety. Moreover, there will be no one to communicate with, because, as a rule, most employees come to the office on time. It’s optimal to arrive 5-10 minutes in advance; this time is enough to look around, but you can meet and chat with colleagues throughout the day.

Important in first day at a new job appear in high spirits, cheerful and radiant self confidence. The importance of the first impression is great! On your way to work, prepare yourself to be interested in the new day and make new interesting acquaintances. Your belief in success gives unconscious signals to others and extends to everyone around you. This will help you convince management and the team that you are ready to cooperate.

The begining of the work day

In order not to get confused and immediately find your way in an unknown situation, it is better to first go to the secretary. He will tell you where your workplace is and explain the main organizational issues. Next, in order to outline the range of priority tasks and find out your direct responsibilities, you should visit your superiors. Show interest in the new job and don't be shy to ask questions.

Usually for a newcomer, the first working day begins with paperwork: you write a job application, sign employment contract and agreement financial liability, familiarize yourself with the internal rules and job description. Do not forget to clarify in advance the list of documents that should be taken to work for official registration.

Meeting the team and making contacts

Meeting and communicating with colleagues is one of the most important moments on the first day at a new job. After all, how your relationship will develop in the future will depend on how you behave.

Usually the new employee is introduced to the team by the manager, but if the introduction does not take place, you will have to get to know your colleagues on your own. Don't wait for them to start making contact on their own. In general, communication with the team should not be neglected. When future colleagues appear, you should not isolate yourself and try to be unnoticed. Greet them politely, kindly (with a smile) and calmly (find out what should a handshake be like?) and introduce yourself. Be sincere and open, this way you will easily win others over.

If you don’t understand something, ask questions, don’t be afraid. This does not indicate your stupidity, but rather shows your interest and desire to understand. However, do this delicately and do not annoy an employee who is busy with important work.

Try to find out as much as possible about the traditions of the team and the corporate culture (for example, how employees address each other, is it customary to celebrate birthdays and other holidays), clarify the nuances of the dress code, find out how it is customary to eat at the company (do colleagues dine together , is there a dining room or a shared kitchen). By the way, if it is customary at your company to have lunch together, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity; communicating with colleagues in an informal setting will help you quickly integrate into the team.

Surely, you will want to establish relationships with all employees of the enterprise, but it is unlikely that you will succeed. It is better to focus your immediate attention on the circle of people working in your division or department. It is the relationship with them that will be decisive (most likely, management will want to know their opinion about you) in your adaptation to a new place of work and soon promotion.

It is useful to establish contact with those who have come to this job relatively recently and, like you, are also considered or were recently considered to be newcomers. Such people are more willing to share their knowledge and will be able to tell what difficulties they encountered in the first days at a new job.

“Undercurrents” exist in almost any work team, take at least the peculiar “coalitions” that do not always get along with each other. It is possible that in first work day They will try to persuade you to take one side or another. In such a situation, try to maintain neutrality: it is better to remain silent and do not support evaluative and judgmental conversations; criticism of colleagues and their activities, especially on the first day at a new job, is inappropriate.

For successful adaptation to a new place of work Confidence and calm are important. The very appearance of a new person causes some anxiety in the team, as it can disrupt the usual flow of work. And if the new employee also expresses anxiety and uncertainty, this certainly does not contribute to the establishment of good relationships. In addition, insecure behavior indicates a person as an incompetent worker. You don't want people to think about you like that, do you?

Just don't confuse confidence with assertiveness. Confidence is not feverish, but rather calm. Rather than fussing around, trying to demonstrate your combat readiness, it is better to pause and think about your next move. Confidence involves a dignified (not arrogant) posture and an even tone of voice. Speech should not be fast, as this is associated with dependence, but it should not be drawn out and slow, this already indicates a disregard for other people, their time and desire to speak.

Of course, this does not mean that people’s character is judged only by these signs. However, incorrect use of speech can do a disservice, and competent speech, on the contrary, will be a good addition to the overall favorable impression, which is so important to make on new colleagues on the first day of work.

Also, do not forget that excessive sociability, including on the first day at a new job, can interfere with you and your colleagues performing work duties, and in this case they are unlikely to be satisfied with you.

Let's get started

In order to earn the favor and trust of both colleagues and management, it is not enough to just be a good person and be able to establish contacts. You also need to prove your professionalism and show your efficiency. This is exactly what you will be paid for.

Try to immediately find out as many of the intricacies of your responsibilities as possible. Write down the most important points(in order to remember a large amount of information the first time you need to have a phenomenal memory), clarify and ask again. It is better to find out everything in the first working days, because in the first days at a new job, your ignorance is normal.

While working hard, remember that from the very first day no one expects miracles from you, so don’t overexert yourself, let things take their course, who needs stress.

You should also understand that excessive initiative can irritate your new colleagues. And proposals for innovations made by you on your first day at work can only make you laugh behind your back. To completely adapt to a new workplace, may take several months. Don't try to fit them into one working day.

IN first day at work some unscrupulous colleagues, relying on your ignorance, will try to put their own responsibilities on your shoulders. Therefore, it is better to immediately read the job description and clearly define your tasks. Many newcomers, just to please others, are ready to perform any duties. Such diligence will actually not do any good, but, on the contrary, will cement the opinion of you as trouble-free and incapable of defend your rights person. In addition, by doing several things at once, you risk not getting your work done, and this will already speak of you as a bad specialist. Here you should objectively assess your capabilities. You should not make promises if you cannot fulfill the request. But you shouldn’t say after every colleague’s request for help that it’s not your responsibility while poking job description. Don't go to extremes, use moderation.

If they received it with hostility

There are often cases when the team perceives a new employee negatively in advance. Someone may believe that he got the job through connections, someone may see in him a threat to their career growth, the reasons may be different. In any case, a newcomer may experience psychological pressure (mobbing) from the whole team or its individual representatives and severe internal discomfort. In such a situation, you should not succumb to provocation and do not aggravate the already tense situation. Don't be alienated, after all, passion for the job and good attitude to colleagues and play their role.

Do not panic

If the first working day did not go as you would like, if you think that you did not show yourself in full glory, then do not worry. You will be able to make a good impression in the future. Try to relax and be yourself. Perhaps today is just not your day and everything is not as scary as it seems. Remember that the road will be mastered by those who walk.

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Almost all employment agreements have a probationary period clause. Its duration is different countries is different. Many European employers believe that a new employee can truly get up to speed and fully meet the company's requirements for his business qualities, only after six months. Therefore, for example, in Germany, as a rule, a six-month probationary period is established. In Russia, which, unlike solid Germany, “is in a hurry to live and is in a hurry to feel,” employers find a period of one to three months quite sufficient. They believe that during this time both sides will be able to evaluate each other and understand who is worth what.

When changing jobs or getting a job for the first time, a newcomer should not consider this clause of the contract as a unilateral condition. Of course, all months probationary period management will carefully monitor the new employee to understand how suitable he is for the position and how well he fits into the team. But during this period, the employee himself must have time to decide whether he is satisfied with the new job, whether everything corresponds to the initial information about it and whether management is fulfilling the promises that they so generously gave out at the interview. Not worth losing precious time, if it turns out that the new endeavor does not live up to your hopes. The sooner you leave this company, the better it will be for both parties.

Of course, this should be done only in cases where we are talking about fundamental disagreements, and not about initial difficulties. But there will definitely be initial difficulties, and they will begin from the very first and most difficult day. Of course, it all depends on what company you work for. But in any case, this day cannot be called a full-fledged working day. In many large foreign companies with a highly developed corporate culture, it is customary to greet a new employee with flowers. In Japanese concerns, a newcomer may even be taken to lunch in a restaurant on his first day of work, as if immediately accepting him into a large working family, the image of which lies at the heart of Japanese corporate culture. Russian employers are still far from such delights. But still, the first working day is usually not really a working day. In the terminology of racing drivers, this is like a “warm-up lap.” Usually this day is devoted to getting to know other employees, colleagues, departments, and the company’s infrastructure - its various divisions. The newcomer is shown office equipment, the specifics of internal means of communication (Internet, internal IT network, telephone network, etc.), and is told about software, explain who should be contacted for certain questions.

Everyone understands that any person on the first day of work is very nervous and worried, and experiences real stress. And yet we must try, despite all the difficulties, to remain calm. It is clear that this will not be easy at all. But since the main task is to make a good impression, you have to work hard. Naturally, no one expects you to start working as a full member of the workforce from the very first minute. But you must show that you are able to quickly get up to speed without turning everything upside down, without immediately breaking all the office equipment, without confusing the head of the department with the courier, etc. Listed below are the main points that you should pay attention to in first day at work.

1. Calm down!
Try not to worry too much. The situation in itself is already quite stressful, since on the very first day you immediately need to “grab” and new organization labor, and new labor processes, and the specifics of the company, and its features, and new faces, names... It’s better to simply force yourself to concentrate on all these details through an effort of will.

2. Don't be smart!
On the first day, you should not reveal any of your talents. It is more important to show interest in work, attentiveness, observation, desire and ability to learn. To avoid being branded as a know-it-all that no one likes ahead of time, don’t say phrases like: “Why are you doing it this way? It’s customary to do things differently... I know this very well, I understand this... Another method is much better than your method.” Do not make any proposals, even sensible ones, at the initial stage. Try to avoid hasty conclusions: you still have to figure out how bad what seemed bad on the first day, and in general, whether your “rationalization” proposal is appropriate. Maybe the company only recently abandoned it, and for it it is yesterday, or maybe this is a sore point, because it is the very person with whom you are currently talking that is blocking the adoption of a new decision. Avoid being straightforward. If you communicate in this manner from day one, you will not make friends. Instead of giving smart advice, ask about production processes. Ask other colleagues to explain certain problems and explain something that is not entirely clear to you. Of course, everyone wants to immediately declare themselves as a professional. But don't rush to give smart advice on the first day. It’s better to often ask questions that begin with the word “how.”

3. Observe!
Carefully observe how employees work. Pay attention to their internal and production relationships, how they communicate with each other, with the boss, with you. You will understand something on the first day if you focus your attention on those factors that determine corporate culture. These are precisely the values ​​that the company professes. How friendly colleagues are towards each other, how well disposed they are towards the new employee, what is their relationship with the boss - are they obsequious in their interactions with him or are they completely democratic? At the very beginning, it is very important to try to understand the unofficial rules of the game in the company. Of course, not on the first day, but in the very near future you will have to determine who is the informal leader, who you should turn to for help in unusual situations, who you can get support from, and who you cannot trust under any circumstances.

4.Dress code

The well-known proverb “one is greeted by his clothes, but seen off by his mind” does not lose its relevance. Nothing irritates a team more than a black crow flying in. Whatever style of clothing appeals to you in life, at work you should adhere to accepted conventions. It is very unpleasant to feel dressed differently than the situation requires. This rule is well illustrated by a historical anecdote about one man who desperately strived to reach the upper echelons of society. The local nobility did not want to accept an unequal, but he tried by hook or by crook to earn their favor. And then one day he finally received a long-awaited invitation to a dinner party. Ordering a chic tuxedo was not cheap. The guest showed up for the holiday on time, but everyone was already assembled and sitting at the table. Imagine his surprise when he saw that the participants in the social event were... practically in negligee. The nobles began to unanimously apologize to him, explaining that this time they had decided to just have fun and spend the evening stripped naked. So that no one would feel awkward, he was asked to go into the next room, take off his clothes and join the society, also naked. The terribly embarrassed guest took a long time to muster up the courage to appear naked in front of such a respected society. Not right away, but he decided... One can only imagine the feelings that gripped him when, embarrassed by his nakedness, he crossed the threshold and found everyone present sitting at the table, but already in tuxedos and with a prim look. This was the “non-aristocratic” joke played by the local aristocracy, making it clear to the upstart about his inappropriateness in high society.
Needless to say, the business world has its own rules according to which employees of different companies should dress. What is possible, for example, in creative organizations, completely unacceptable in the banking industry, etc. Look how your colleagues are dressed? Who does what, or in accordance with some law? If you are not entirely sure of the correctness of your assessment, you can delicately ask the company employee who seems most attractive to you whether there really is any rule or a certain standard regarding clothing.

5. Be punctual!
The exact working hours are specified in the employment contract. But from the very first days you begin to notice that this point does not apply to all employees of the company. Someone you think comes to work late and leaves whenever he pleases. Don't rush to jump to conclusions regarding free mode. What is forgiven, and perhaps even permitted, to old employees will not be forgiven to a newcomer. Don’t be late, especially on the first day, when coming to work or returning from lunch, otherwise you can very quickly lose the sympathy of your colleagues and boss.

6. Seek support!
Try to establish relationships with colleagues from the first day: their help and friendly attitude are very necessary at the first stage. Usually, the company’s management initially assigns a mentor to the new employee, who helps him adapt faster. But if you find yourself without an official teacher, then you are faced with the task of finding such an employee yourself. Almost every company has experienced colleagues who are ready to look after young or inexperienced colleagues. Try to establish normal relationships as quickly as possible with those team members who occupy key positions in the organization.

7. Avoid misunderstandings!
Take a close look at colleagues who are open, friendly and sympathetic to you. But be careful: you can only trust completely when you get to know the person well. Very often, already in the first days, at the instigation of some “well-wishers,” distorted information about the newcomer begins to spread throughout the enterprise. And by that time he had already chatted too much about himself. What should you do if someone is spreading lies about you? Of course, it is possible to ignore all the gossip in order to save the strength and energy needed for work. For one-time similar “promotions”, this is the best solution. However, if the gossip about you does not stop and is of a nature that threatens your successful career at the company, it is better to talk directly to this person in the correct form and find out the reasons for his actions. As a rule, the distributor of rumors does not expect an open showdown. If conversation doesn’t help, then seek help from people who deserve your trust, the labor council, the personnel service, maybe even the boss himself. You must defend yourself. Show that you will not tolerate when your personal dignity is insulted. You will gain self-respect if you immediately and clearly define the boundaries of what is permitted in your address.

8. Feedback
Naturally, it is better to start communicating with your boss not from conflict situations. After some time, depending on the length of your probationary period, you should ask your boss how he evaluates your work. Ask him directly what shortcomings he sees in your work, how satisfied he is with you, and what he thinks you could do even better. Don't be afraid of such questions. They indicate your high social competence. The manager will understand that you are ready for criticism and are interested in your further professional development at the company. If you find yourself being asked to improve your performance, don't panic. There is still time to improve the situation.

Don't be a perfectionist!
During the probationary period and even immediately after its end, no one expects brilliant success from you at work. Simply because it is impossible. It's natural that you make mistakes. This happens because you do not yet fully understand everything, you do not fully understand production processes enterprises. Therefore, do not endlessly make excuses about the shortcomings that arise. Better show understanding and show your desire to correct them and do a better job next time. Even if on the first day you managed to simultaneously disable the copier, fax machine and computer, and forced the unfortunate printer to print a thousand pages without interruption, make it clear that you normally accept fair criticism addressed to you. After all, mistakes are just stepping stones to success!

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