How to build a heated greenhouse in Siberia. Winter greenhouse as a profitable own business

Some are convinced that the winter season is a time for rest and accumulation of strength, while others use this period to earn money.

How can cold weather be used effectively? You can think of a winter greenhouse as a variant of your own business. This way of earning is perfect for both a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur, since at the initial stage big investments not required.

The following can be successfully grown in a greenhouse:

  • Any greens: dill, parsley, onion, spinach, cilantro and so on.
  • Almost all types of flowers.
  • Any vegetables that are in demand: cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, carrots and more.

In addition, you can use the winter greenhouse to grow exotic fruits, the demand for which is consistently high at any time of the year, and it significantly exceeds the supply available on the market.

If we talk about growing vegetables, then here it is necessary to take into account not only the demand of the crop, but also the ripening period, as well as the profitability of the venture. For example, carrots, beets and potatoes ripen in about four months, therefore, you will not be able to make a profit in this case. These vegetables can be stored for a long time and therefore are considered a seasonal product, and greenhouses are best used for growing fast growing crops.

The most viable option would be cucumbers and tomatoes. So, to get the maximum profit from the greenhouse, it should be planted with fast-growing vegetables that give a high yield.

Greenhouse construction

When building a warm greenhouse, it is better to use durable and thermally insulating materials. There are three possible options:

  1. Polycarbonate. This material has a lot of significant advantages. First, it transmits the sun's rays. Secondly, the construction of such a structure does not require the construction of a foundation, which significantly reduces construction costs. However, polycarbonate itself is considered quite an expensive material.
  2. Polyethylene. The main and only advantage of this material is its cost. Among the shortcomings are low throughput (vegetables grow slowly) and low strength. A polyethylene structure has to be repaired almost every year.
  3. Glass. Glass structures are very expensive. But there are a lot of advantages here: excellent throughput, long service life and the ability to use the facility all year round.

Equipment and heating

It is important to understand that any crop grown in winter in greenhouse conditions requires careful handling, since it will be much weaker than its seasonal counterpart. Particular attention should be paid to the soil, no matter what you plant in it. The composition of the soil should be balanced and saturated with minerals and fertilizers. It is worth noting that the established concentration should be strictly adhered to, since an excess of nutrients harms plants, they can “burn out”.

The climatic zone that you have chosen for the construction of the structure also requires special attention. If the air temperature is below 5 degrees, then the greenhouse needs to be insulated or even a heating system installed. As heaters you can use:

  • Boilers for coal, fuel oil or wood.
  • Heaters.
  • Gas boilers with heating catalyst vessels.
  • Buleryany.

There is also the option of connecting the greenhouse to a home steam heating system. All of these options have one common drawback - the lack of a uniform distribution of heat, according to the laws of physics, it is collected at the top of the structure, and its lower part is not fully heated.

For the arrangement, not only heating is required, but also additional lighting.

For growing crops in greenhouse conditions, special lamps are produced that emit the spectrum needed for photosynthesis. These lamps are not very expensive, but they are difficult to install. Suitable for lighting and mercury energy-saving, fluorescent and LED lamps.

It is also necessary to prepare beds in the greenhouse at least 20 centimeters high from fertile soil and humus. You will have to install a special irrigation system, although you can water it manually.

You can see the arrangement of such a structure in Siberia in the following video:

Sales organization

Basically, products from the garden and greenhouses are sold On the market. Selling vegetables directly is a great option for a beginner farmer. To do this, you need to open a tent or rent a trading place.

You can sell grown crops to shops and supermarkets. These outlets sell a fairly large amount of vegetables daily. True, in this case, you will have to register your activities, and these are additional costs. But, nevertheless, if you plan to grow large volumes of products, then you should not miss such a profitable sales channel.

Investments and profitability

A winter greenhouse is a fairly promising and profitable business that can provide an entrepreneur with continuous profit. To assess the profitability of such a business idea, a number of factors should be taken into account: construction and glazing material, climatic conditions, crops grown, distribution channels, and so on. On average, the construction and arrangement of the structure requires about 400 thousand rubles.

It is extremely difficult to determine the size of the expected profit from organizing a business, since income depends on a number of conditions.

First of all, they depend on the region in which the greenhouse is located. The climate of some areas allows you to grow up to four crops per year, while others - a maximum of two. The remoteness of the greenhouse industry from the city also plays an important role - transportation costs, available distribution channels and much more directly depend on this factor. If we talk about the expected payback period for invested funds, then the period of two or three years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the project

On the positive side, one can note relatively heavy expenses for construction, a simple solution to organizational issues and a stable demand for grown products. However, there is still the issue of price. The pluses include the payback period of investments, but here everything largely depends on the scale of the economy.

The disadvantages include the high costs of paying for electricity (the design of a large area needs to be illuminated almost around the clock) and the seasonality of the business. Of course, in winter, the demand for grown products will be consistently high, but in the summer it is quite difficult to sell goods at a good price. In addition, you need to consider that it will be your task to deliver the goods to the buyer, and this implies additional costs.

Regions geographically located beyond the Urals can hardly be considered favorable for growing crops in open ground. A short summer does not give enough time for tomatoes to ripen, bell peppers do not tolerate frost well, and cucumbers die from nighttime temperature changes in June. Agricultural firms produce planting material adapted to harsh climatic conditions, but, unfortunately, the taste of the fruit leaves much to be desired. Nevertheless, it is possible to grow a decent crop of vegetables with high taste characteristics in a greenhouse. Again, given the climate, and in the case of greenhouses, not only summer, but also winter, there are models designed specifically for regions with such conditions.

There are a sufficient number of reliable manufacturers on the market that produce such products and an even greater number of companies that sell them. AT different regions there are various offers, so consider the products of several of the most popular manufacturers with positive reviews. On their features, it will become clear the difference between ordinary greenhouses and Siberian ones and the main points that you need to pay attention to when choosing.

Better than any reviews: demonstration of the reliability of the greenhouse "Sibirskaya-1M"

Siberian Greenhouses LLC (Krasnoyarsk)

This company produces greenhouses with the name "Siberian". Specifications and product details:

  • Reinforced arched frame. It is made from a profile pipe 20*20 mm (square section).
  • Doors and vents are provided at both ends, which are fixed in the “open” and “closed” positions.
  • Metal parts are painted with resistant polyurethane paint.
  • Standard dimensions: height 2 m, width 3 m, length can be 4, 6 or 8 m.


In the conditions of Siberia, greenhouses are used for growing early vegetables, which are covered with polycarbonate, there are practically no options for film. This also applies to greenhouses. The manufacturer advises to install the structure on a concrete foundation, or a base made of wooden beams, which must be treated with an antiseptic.

Siberian greenhouse

So that during the winter the frame of the greenhouse does not lose its original appearance from wind or snow loads, it is made reinforced and made of more durable metal (greater thickness). For shelter, polycarbonate sheets 4 mm thick or 6 mm thick are used. Such products are, of course, more expensive than conventional ones. In this case, it is better to remember the folk wisdom that the miser pays twice, and do not create problems for yourself.

The same manufacturer offers so-called winter greenhouses, specially designed for use in Siberia, making it possible to grow vegetables in winter. The frame withstands snow loads up to 40 kg/m2 and wind speeds up to 22 m/s. It is made from steel pipes coated with a special polymer that protects against corrosion. Greenhouses are covered with a special type of polycarbonate, improved by the company's specialists. Such products in serial production not produced, but made only to order.

CJSC Siberian Metal Center (Baranul)

The company is professionally engaged in the manufacture of metal products. The model range consists of greenhouses: Sibirskaya-1M, Sibirskaya-2M and Sibirskaya-3M. Features and Description:

  • Overall dimensions: width 3, 4.2 and 2 m (respectively for modifications 1M, 2M and 3M), height 2.1, 2.8 and 1.93 m, greenhouse length from 4 m (increased by two-meter inserts, for model 3M extension is not provided, the standard length is 5 m).
  • Arch type frame is made of steel profile galvanized on both sides rectangular section 20*30mm, with metal thickness 1mm.
  • The connection of the nodal elements is carried out with the help of cross connections developed in the company.
  • The greenhouse has two doors and two windows.

The frame of the greenhouse "Sibirskaya-1M", which has no flaws

When buying a kit, you can additionally purchase an automatic ventilation machine, additional vents and partitions with a door. The vast majority of distributors offer to purchase polycarbonate together with the greenhouse, and there is always a choice: different manufacturers, thickness, additional reinforcement, etc.

The manufacturer recommends installation on a foundation made of blocks or concrete, on a base of wooden boards, or directly on the ground. In the latter option, you need to buy T-shaped racks. The kit includes instructions for assembly and installation and a scheme for cutting polycarbonate.

Choosing a place for a greenhouse

The place is chosen sunny, always away from tall trees, fences, buildings, so that not a single precious sunbeam is lost. It should be blown by the wind so that snow does not accumulate on the surface of the greenhouse. Orientation to the cardinal points for a small greenhouse is not so important, but if possible, place it in a north-south direction.

Assembling the frame according to the instructions usually does not cause difficulties (all parts are numbered, the sequence of actions is described in stages), but sometimes it is not possible to cut polycarbonate sheets correctly. For example, the greenhouse "Sibirskaya-3M" does not have complex parts, so there are no problems, the design of models 1M and 2M is more complex. To accurately cut out the details, the assembled elements are laid on a flat surface, a polycarbonate sheet is placed on top (with the protective film side up), outlined and cut out. You can also do the opposite: lay out the sheet, and lay out the details on it.

Cutting sheets of polycarbonate for the greenhouse "Sibirskaya-1M"

Cutting sheets of polycarbonate for the greenhouse "Sibirskaya-2M"

Operation features

Cellular polycarbonate is washed with an ordinary sponge or rag, warm water and any household detergent. Do not use abrasives, brushes, products with chlorine and ammonia. You may have to sometimes tint the frame with any paint for metal. No other maintenance for such a greenhouse is required.


A greenhouse designer and gardener will need a greenhouse for growing seedlings of flowering annuals. In an unheated room, you can grow petunia, marigolds, salvia, nasturtium, pansies, as well as quite exotic plants. For a summer resident-vegetarian, a greenhouse is a lifesaver that makes it possible to grow any vegetable crops, be it cucumbers or tomatoes, while getting early harvests from large and tasty fruits, even in harsh climatic conditions.

Good afternoon. My name is Alexander Garmashov, I'm from the city of Stavropol. Five years ago, I was interested in the issue of profitability of the greenhouse industry. Despite the existing competition, all greenhouse owners had a stable and solid income. And for four years now I have been growing potted flowers in my greenhouse and one of the most valuable products in stores - greens.

Today, my greenhouse business is the largest in the city. Contracts have been concluded with more than a hundred stores and individual entrepreneurs.

The existing greenhouse occupies more than three hundred square meters, equipped with a ventilation, irrigation, ventilation, watering and screening system. There is a well and boilers for space heating. Optimum temperature and lighting are maintained all year round.

Attendants - three workers who take care of the plants, plant, collect and guard the greenhouse.

The financial side of the issue is as follows:

  • initial costs - from 500,000 rubles;
  • labor costs - from 70,000 rubles per month;
  • other expenses (light, seedlings, fuel, and so on) - from 40,000 rubles per month;
  • monthly income - from 400 thousand rubles per month.

Does the greenhouse bring income as a business?

Building a greenhouse and growing greens, vegetables and flowers is a profitable business.

Its advantages:

  • low construction costs and simple solution of organizational issues;
  • high payback. As a rule, it is realistic to cover the costs already a year after the start of work;
  • constant demand for products. If you grow vegetables and herbs, you can be sure of a stable demand for goods. The only issue is the price;
  • grown products are always available for personal consumption (if we are talking about vegetables and herbs). You are growing yourself, so you are sure of the quality.

But there are also disadvantages of the greenhouse business idea:

  • high costs for paying for electricity, because a large greenhouse needs to be illuminated almost around the clock;
  • the presence of a seasonal business factor. In winter, the demand for goods is much higher. In summer, finding a good market for a good price is usually much more difficult;
  • you have to decide on your own the issue of delivering the goods to the buyer, and this is an additional cost.

What should a greenhouse business plan for growing vegetables look like?

To achieve success and quickly recoup your costs, do the following work:

1. Decide what exactly will grow in your greenhouse. There are enough options - it can be onions, parsley, indoor flowers, herbs and other plants.

One of the best ways to make money is to grow vegetables, such as carrots, kohlrabi, broccoli, potatoes, leeks, cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, garlic, peppers, and so on.

2. Decide on a growing system. A good option is hydroponics. The peculiarity of this system is the complete automation of the process, minimal costs and high efficiency.

Each plant grows in its own container of water, which receives additional fertilizers and nutrients.

The disadvantage of the system is that vegetables acquire an unnatural "watery" taste.

If you plan to develop long-term cooperation with representatives outlets, then it is better to refuse this method.

You can get delicious vegetables when grown on the ground or through special mobile beds.

By the way, the last option is the most preferable. With this method, vegetables acquire a truly "natural" taste and are no different from those grown in the country under the open sun.

3. Find a site for a greenhouse. At the initial stage, the greenhouse needs an area of ​​​​about 130-150 square meters. But look for a place with the prospect of further expansion.

When searching, consider the possibility of supplying electricity, breaking through a well or supplying water. Great importance has the quality of the soil. The average cost of rental costs is from 30 thousand rubles, but you can find cheaper ones.

4. Recruit staff. With all the desire to cope with such a business on their own will not work - hardworking assistants are needed. It is advisable to take two or three people who will look after vegetables, plant, harvest and perform other work.

The financial part of the question will look like this:

  • payment for renting land for a greenhouse - from 30,000 rubles per month;
  • purchase and arrangement of a greenhouse - from 400,000 rubles;
  • payment for electricity - from 15,000 rubles per month;
  • expenses for deductions and taxes - from 15,000 rubles per month.

Total costs - from 500-600 thousand rubles.

How to install a greenhouse?

If you are building a small greenhouse, then you can build it yourself. In the case of the construction of a capital structure, then find specialists. The greenhouse business idea is a promising direction.

But for its implementation, it is important to build a high-quality greenhouse, taking into account all the rules and regulations.

It is important not only to build a structure, but also to organize irrigation, bring in soil, supply electricity, install a boiler, and so on. It is better to look for a company that is ready to do everything on a turnkey basis, up to resolving issues with the power supply organization.

The cost of construction and arrangement - from 400,000 rubles.

Home business make money on your greenhouse

Is the business of growing greens in a greenhouse profitable?

Growing greenery (dill, parsley, onion) is one of the most promising areas (I can safely say this from my own experience). The business pays off very quickly.

All that is needed for growth is good soil, some water, heat and sun. At the same time, more than three kilograms of onions can be harvested from one square meter per season.

Taking into account that the average annual price is about 50 rubles for a small bunch weighing 150 grams, then one "square" of land can bring 1000 rubles. Greens can be grown in two tiers, which increases the overall yield.

What kind of greenhouse to build for business?

You can choose one of three options:

  • build a polycarbonate greenhouse. The peculiarity of the material is the ability to completely transmit the rays of the sun and lightness. For the construction of such a greenhouse, it is not necessary to install a foundation, which significantly reduces the cost of the construction process. On the other hand, polycarbonate itself is a very expensive material;
  • polyethylene greenhouses have a low cost (this is the main and almost the only advantage). Of the minuses - insufficient light transmission (vegetables grow much more slowly) and low strength. In practice, greenhouse repairs have to be done almost every year;
  • glass structures are expensive. But there are more advantages - they transmit light well, have a long service life and allow you to operate the greenhouse all year round.

Table number 1. Dynamics of agricultural production in Russia

What is special about growing chrysanthemums in a greenhouse?

Very popular flowers today are chrysanthemums. Their peculiarity is that they are absolutely not capricious and whimsical.

But if you have been visited by the business ideas of a greenhouse for growing these flowers, then consider a few important requirements:

  • chrysanthemums require high-quality soil and special attention to the choice of cuttings;
  • daylight hours should be at least 14-15 hours;
  • pay special attention to the temperature regime, top dressing and watering;
  • perform disease prevention.

Table number 2. Prices for greenhouse products in Russia

As a rule, for planting such flowers, you can do with simple garden soil with a small addition of sandy soil or humus. During planting, it is not worth deepening the roots too much - this will complicate the “work” of the plant.

As for the light, in the summer there will be enough sunlight, and in other periods the greenhouse should be illuminated by artificial sources. The optimal temperature regime is about 17-18 degrees Celsius.

At the time of the appearance of the buds, it is desirable to reduce the temperature to a level of 10 degrees Celsius.

The first feeding should be carried out already 11-12 days after planting. During growth, nitrogen-based fertilizers are the best option.

When their buds begin to form, it is advisable to use special phosphorus-potassium additives (they should be applied directly under the root). Pay special attention to the dosage - it is important not to overdo it here.

When buying chrysanthemums for planting, keep in mind that at the end of spring the cost for them will be maximum - up to 17-19 rubles, but by the end of May and the beginning of June it decreases by two or three rubles. A little later, cuttings can be bought at all for free - for 6-8 rubles.

To study the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under the franchising program is presented

Greenhouse business. How beneficial is it?

If you have hands on your shoulders and a craving for construction, then you can earn money on the manufacture and installation of greenhouses. The simplest technology is the assembly of structures using polycarbonate.

As a rule, a frame is first made, to which the sheets are fastened. The latter are fixed with each other with a sealed tape. The frame is formed using a galvanized iron profile (sold in any store).

Installation of the structure is carried out directly on the selected site (you can do without a foundation). Upon completion of construction, it remains only to install windows and doors. The total cost of building a structure is about 8-10 thousand rubles.

The procedure takes about two days. The cost of work for the customer is from 20 thousand rubles.


Decide what you want to grow, understand the features of a new direction and become the best in your field. Write (order) a quality business plan and put it into practice.

All roads are open. Moreover, now you know how good the greenhouse business is and where to start your business.

Winter greenhouse - real, practical, efficient, useful. This type of construction allows you to grow flowers, berries, vegetables, greens all year round, which enriches the table with environmentally friendly, healthy products. But in order to realize the idea, you need to carefully think over the project, choose materials, decide how to keep warm, heat the greenhouse in winter, than illuminate the plants for their full development and growth.

In the article we will analyze the features of year-round buildings, we will give detailed instructions how to make a winter greenhouse with your own hands, we will show you how to properly organize lighting and heating.

Design features of the winter greenhouse

There are several options for winter greenhouses, in order to make the best decision on choosing a design for your own site, you need to study the features of the structures.


Winter greenhouses differ in functionality:

  • structures for growing traditional garden crops;
  • greenhouses for exotic fruits and plants;
  • facilities for growing flowers, mushrooms, etc.

Each agricultural crop requires its own microclimate, the degree of illumination of the space, therefore, before making a winter greenhouse, it is necessary to decide what exactly will be grown in it.

Winter greenhouse with partially blank walls


From many years of practice and feedback from gardeners, it is obvious that the most common types of winter greenhouses are:

  • arched - oval and asymmetric;
  • rectangular under a single-gable, arched roof;
  • combined buildings - rectangular / arched on a high plinth.

Adjoining winter greenhouse - economical, practical for setting up a winter garden and growing greenery

It can be:

  • stand-alone structures;
  • rooms adjacent to the main building: a house, a garage, a bathhouse, the wall structure receives additional heat from a common wall, which saves on heating.
  • constructions-thermoses deepened into the ground.

A photo example of how to make a do-it-yourself winter greenhouse made of polycarbonate, deepened by a third of the frame

If you are building a winter thermos greenhouse with your own hands, then you need to know that its deepening depends on the climatic conditions of the region:

  • For areas with a temperate climate, the building can be deepened by 1/3 or to the level of soil freezing, only from 1 or 2-3 sides, an earth embankment can be made, and part of the structure can be sheathed with translucent material.
  • For areas with a difficult climate, especially for Siberia, it is better to deepen the winter greenhouse by 2 levels of soil freezing, make a shed roof of translucent material to ensure sunlight enters the building.

The level of soil freezing, the table is useful in the construction of an underground winter greenhouse


The frame of a winter greenhouse is traditionally made of wood or metal. One or more walls of the building can be deaf, built of timber, logs, tree trunks, brick, stone. Often in winter greenhouses, the lower part is made deaf by 1/3-1/2 along the height of the structure, the upper part is completed from translucent materials.

The most common type of winter greenhouses are buildings on a high plinth. It is recommended to raise the foundation by 100-500 mm above ground level, which helps to significantly retain heat inside the building during the cold season.

For sheathing winter buildings, a durable film, glass, polycarbonate with a thickness of 4-12 mm, and sometimes 32 mm, is used, which is preferable to other covering materials. It is stronger than glass and film coatings, withstands significant physical and mechanical loads, transmits light well, and is not afraid of significant temperature deltas. Winter film greenhouses are impractical, wear out quickly, and it is difficult to heat them.

Good to know: The film is often used to insulate winter greenhouses. It is pulled indoors with a second layer, the resulting air gap helps to retain heat.

Watch a video that will tell you how to arrange a thermos frame for a winter greenhouse.

How to make a winter greenhouse with your own hands - the main stages of construction

Seasonal buildings for growing crops in closed ground are recommended to be deployed along the length from east to west, winter greenhouses - from north to south with a skate, if it is a shed or asymmetric structure, then the slope is to the south.


Winter greenhouses are built on the foundation. A tape type base is preferable. If the relief of the site is uneven, then a columnar or pile foundation with a grillage is arranged. The foundation must be well waterproofed, make thermal insulation:

  • slabs of expanded polystyrene, polystyrene;
  • ppu spraying.

If it is decided to convert a seasonal building into a winter one, then it can be bricked around the perimeter, wooden, plastic shields can be arranged, and the resulting layer can be filled with insulation.

Strip foundation from bottles - economically and simply


The frame of the winter greenhouse must be reinforced:

  • In arched metal structures - double arcs, additional transverse parts, it is also possible to initially make a base from more durable profile pipes, material 40 * 20-40 mm, 60 * 20-40 mm is suitable, the wall thickness of the profile is 2-3 mm, the choice is determined the amount of snowfall in the region;
  • For wooden winter greenhouses, it is recommended to use a beam of 100-150 * 100-150 mm, vertical supports should be located 1.5-2 m apart, the rafter system is made of a board of 40 * 100-150 mm, as recommended by the regulatory rules for outbuildings.

Double ribs reinforce the frame and help organize the inner layer of thermal insulation


Having decided on the type, shape, functionality, materials, you can begin to design a winter greenhouse. It’s easier to take a ready-made serial project and remake it under your own conditions. An independent drawing is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Draw a site plan, determine the location of the winter greenhouse, taking into account the wind rose and the location on the cardinal points.
  • Set the dimensions of the winter building, ergonomically, if the width is 2.8-3 m, the height without a roof is 1.9-2.2 m, it is better to make the length a multiple of the dimensions of the carbonate sheet: 2.3, 4.6.8, 12 m and etc. It is not rational to make large winter greenhouses, as this will entail huge costs for lighting and heating.
  • Develop a scheme of engineering communications: light, watering, heating.
  • Draw in detail the key elements: foundation - type, depth, dimensions, frame - vertical racks, lower and upper strapping, reinforcement cross-section, truss system. It is important to think over the fastening of parts and how the roof will join the frame.

Heated winter greenhouse, projects of a furnace heating system with pipes into which hot water is supplied

Good to know: In winter greenhouses, it is advisable to arrange a vestibule; an additional room in front of the entrance to the room will protect the plants from frost and drafts.

Look at practical tips with comments on how to make an insulated winter greenhouse with your own hands, the video tells in detail what you should pay attention to during construction and heating.

How to make a winter greenhouse with your own hands - video and step-by-step instructions with photos

Ground buildings are most in demand among gardeners, so we will further consider how a do-it-yourself winter greenhouse is built from polycarbonate on a wooden frame.

We mark the site, dig a trench along the perimeter, 500 mm wide, 800 mm deep. We fill the bottom with crushed stone and sandstone, 200 mm each, ram, level. We mount the reinforcing frame of the strip foundation: 2 horizontal reinforcing belts, 2 rods each, corrugated reinforcement 8-12 mm, distance 200 mm. We fasten with vertical rods, fix the intersections with a knitting wire. At the corners, we bend the reinforcement to the perpendicular side with an inclination of 200-500 mm. We install the formwork, it should rise above ground level by 200-500 mm, the distance between the panels is 300 mm, we check the geometry, strengthen it with a coupler, slopes. We pour concrete, bayonet. When the solution has set, we insert the corners on the anchors to fix the vertical bars of the frame, leave for a month.

How to make a foundation for a winter greenhouse

We remove the formwork, glue the vertical walls of the base with 2 layers of roofing material. We wrap the foam plastic plates hermetically with polyethylene, heat-insulate the perimeter of the foundation, and fasten the insulation to the mushroom dowel. From above we lay 2 more layers of roofing material, we do backfilling of the soil. We lay horizontal waterproofing.

Advice: If necessary, we complete the plinth of brick, stone, timber to the desired height.

We insert vertical racks into the concreted corners, fasten them with bolts, make the upper and lower trim along the perimeter. For the strength of the rack, we fix it with transverse or diagonal elements, we fasten it to galvanized, reinforced corners. From the end we make an entrance opening, 800-900 mm wide, to which we attach a door leaf frame made of a 50 * 50 mm beam to the hinges.

The scheme of how to make doors and windows

We make roof trusses on the ground, the quantity is determined by the length of the winter structure: 2 end and every meter. How to make a farm, see the photo below.

simple wooden trusses

We raise the trusses to the frame, fasten the structure to the skid, check the geometry, tighten it with a skate.

How to make a wooden truss system

We sheathe the frame with polycarbonate sheets, it is better to overlap the joints by 100 mm, fasten them with thermal washers, after 200-400 mm. The ends are closed with a sealed perforated tape. For connection, you can use a docking profile, but this will increase the cost of a winter greenhouse.

Watch the story of how a do-it-yourself polycarbonate winter greenhouse is made; the video tells how to insulate the structure, conduct heating, water supply, lighting, and make shelving.

Greenhouse lighting in winter

Depending on the crop, the total illumination of the winter greenhouse, together with natural sunlight, should be 14-18 hours. Artificial light should completely duplicate the spectrum of sunlight, so you should choose different types lamps:

  • incandescent;
  • luminescent;
  • ultraviolet;
  • mercury;
  • LED;
  • sodium.

The minimum allowable light level in a winter greenhouse is 7 kLk, but 12 kLk is recommended. The calculation of lighting intensity depends on the crop.

Illumination is necessary for the full development of plants.

To illuminate 1 plant, it is permissible to use a 30 W lamp, hanging it at a height of 300 mm from the first sheet. To illuminate a group of plants, it is better to use 50W lamps, a distance of 600 mm or 100W lamps, if necessary, organize a large area of ​​illumination. Lamps of 250 W and more powerful are placed no closer than 1000-2000 mm from plants - this is optimal for winter greenhouses.

The video below provides an overview, the story will help you choose lighting for the winter greenhouse.

Do-it-yourself winter greenhouse - types of heating

Today, there are several ways to heat a greenhouse in winter:

  • sunny;
  • biological - a biolayer is laid under fertile soil, for example, horse manure, decomposing under the influence of air, the material produces heat and carbon dioxide;
  • electrical - heaters, convectors, cable heating, water systems, infrared lamps, heat pumps;
  • air - professional heating system, installed on load-bearing structural elements or on the foundation;
  • gas - various devices powered by gas cylinders;
  • oven - you can use different energy sources: coal, firewood, buleryan, etc.

Watch the video instruction on how to organize water heating of the greenhouse in winter with your own hands.

See how to make polycarbonate greenhouse heating in winter, the video shows rational stove heating.

Cable heating is installed before the fertile layer of soil is introduced into the winter greenhouse. The site is cleared, sprinkled with a layer of sandstone 50 mm, a reinforcing mesh is laid on top, a cable is installed on it with a snake. From above, the heating system is covered with sand, a layer of 50 mm, with a grid, connected to the power supply, then beds can be organized.

How to organize cable heating

The video below shows how to organize the combined heating of a winter greenhouse, cable and electric.

The inhabitants of Siberia also want to enjoy fresh vegetables and fruits all year round, and besides, harvesting your own crops is much more pleasant than buying everything in stores or on the market. Modern Siberian greenhouses give every farmer a chance to grow almost all types of vegetables, fruits and flowers.

The harsh Siberian climate is not a reason to abandon the cultivation of vegetables and herbs in their summer cottages. Greenhouses with polycarbonate coating are used in various regions of Siberia, in the south they even grow grapes in greenhouse structures.

On an industrial scale, Siberian greenhouses are used less frequently than for summer cottages and farmlands. Therefore, the size of greenhouses for growing plants is relatively small.

Polycarbonate, which is used to cover Siberian greenhouses, is durable and has positive characteristics.

Experienced summer residents can assemble the structure on their own from improvised materials - galvanized profiles or metal-plastic pipes, but you need to buy a polycarbonate coating. To preserve heat, it is better to purchase material 6 mm thick.

It is possible to carry out heating and an irrigation system, in such a greenhouse it will be possible to grow vegetables and fruits all year round or to cultivate flowers.

Many different models can be used for the northern climate, but experienced gardeners can identify several greenhouses that have won love and trust. "Sibirskaya-1" protects well from the wind and withstands a frame load of 200 kg. The Siberian Titan design also has a good characteristic, which, with an arc step of 50 cm and a profile of 4x2 cm, is quite stable and does not need a foundation and special reinforcement.

Trench greenhouse "Siberia": reviews of summer residents

The trench-type greenhouse "Siberia" received quite positive feedback from many farmers who were faced with the need to grow vegetables or plant seedlings during the cold season. The peculiarity of the greenhouse in its shape is that two slopes of a sharp roof practically reach the ground, leaving no more than 50 cm on the lower side walls. The main part of the greenhouse goes into a dug trench 2 meters deep, up to 5 meters wide, of any length.

It turns out that the beds are in a mini-cellar, along the edges of which there is a frame and a transparent roof hangs from above.

With slight frosts down to -6-8, the temperature inside the greenhouse remains positive, and decreases rather slowly.

The reinforced construction of the greenhouse is covered both with polycarbonate and with a dense film - it all depends on the wishes of the farmer. Some owners use the greenhouse only for growing the first greens for the table and growing seedlings. In this case, a polyethylene film for covering will be sufficient. Summer residents note that in case of strong winds, one of the walls of the greenhouse can be insulated with foam or a second layer of film.

Reliable Siberian polycarbonate greenhouses

The model of the greenhouse structure "Siberian Autointelligence" was developed in 2015 by Siberian Greenhouses LLC. The frame is made of galvanized metal, which is not afraid of moisture and temperature changes. Strong profile pipes with a cross section of 2x2 cm form a strong frame, which is not afraid of strong wind and snow settling on the roof of the structure.

The peculiarity of the greenhouse is the automatic opening of the vents for ventilation, thanks to which a comfortable temperature for plants is maintained inside the greenhouse.

Depending on the air temperature inside the greenhouse (determined by the sensor), the ventilation system will work. If ventilation is necessary, a piston will work, which will force the window to open. It does not require electricity or any other type of power to operate.

Main characteristics:

  • The greenhouse has an arched shape. Frame arcs are located at a distance of 1 m from each other, which gives the greenhouse a special strength.
  • Popular width 3 meters, height 2 meters, width from 2 to 10 meters.
  • The coating is cellular polycarbonate, which is often used for such structures.

The manufacturer completed the greenhouse with polycarbonate sheets, fixing materials and the frame itself. Profiles for the frame are universal - during assembly, you do not need to worry about the fact that the structural element can be installed in another place.

It is advisable to carry out the assembly of the greenhouse with an assistant. For installation, you need an ordinary screwdriver to connect the frame parts. If you do not want to independently assemble the greenhouse, you can use the services of a specialist.

To strengthen the structure, you can build a foundation - pour a layer of concrete or lay out a brick.

Greenhouse Siberian Lux and Premium: similar and distinctive features

There is only one manufacturer of greenhouses - Siberian Greenhouses LLC, which produces really high-quality and durable goods. A professional in its field, the company every year improves its technologies and constantly improves the quality of its greenhouses.

Among the goods produced, the best greenhouses can be distinguished - Siberia Lux, Premium and Ferma. Each of them has a sufficiently strong frame made of galvanized steel and a high-quality coating of 4 mm thick cellular polycarbonate.

Greenhouse polycarbonate reliably protects plants from harmful UV rays, wind and other precipitation, especially snow cover in winter.

Differences of Siberian greenhouses in the frame profile. For Siberia Lux, a galvanized profile with a section of 20x20 mm is used, for Premium - 40x20 mm. They also differ in the installation step of galvanized arcs. The smaller the distance, the greater the load the frame can withstand. So, the distance at the greenhouse "Lux" is 57 cm, "Premium" 67 cm. Standard Siberian greenhouses have a meter distance between the crossbeams.

Greenhouses also differ in price, "Premium" and "Standard" are much cheaper than "Lux", but this does not mean that they are of poor quality. "Lux" is able to withstand a large load of snow and not bend under its pressure.

Siberian greenhouse with polycarbonate coating

Often, farmers leave their homesteads for the winter in the city and do not have the opportunity to constantly monitor their greenhouses. With heavy loads of snow or strong gusts of wind, deformation of the greenhouse frame or complete damage to the polycarbonate is possible. In order for the structure to withstand any load, it is necessary to strengthen the frame and install it on a special foundation.

The optimal choice is the small greenhouse "Sibiryachka", which is not afraid of Siberian frosts and snows.

The reinforced construction of the greenhouse reliably protects the crop from any adversity. Galvanized arcs of the greenhouse have special jumpers and supports that make it more durable and reliable.

Due to additional elements, the weight of the structure increases, so it is advisable to install it on a concrete foundation. The complete set of the greenhouse includes 2 end doors and vents, which are placed above the entrance. If necessary, you can purchase an additional partition door to the greenhouse if you plan to grow several crops that are incompatible with each other.

The manufacturer Dach Home has released a reinforced galvanized greenhouse "Sibirka", 3 m wide and 2 m high. Such a construction area involves the equipment of 3 rows for growing plants. Galvanized pipes 25x25 mm are located at a distance of 100 cm from each other and can withstand a load of up to 340 kg per 1 sq. m.

Assembling the greenhouse will not take much time and effort - each model is accompanied by instructions with a detailed description of the progress of work.

T eplitsa "Siberian autointelligence" assembly (video)

In snowy Siberia, growing vegetables and other crops is profitable, having reinforced "Siberian greenhouses" on your site, which perfectly protect plants from cold, wind and precipitation. Durable structures can withstand the load of a layer of snow up to 25 cm, weight up to 340 kg / sq.m., which is especially beneficial for regions with frequent precipitation.

Examples of the greenhouse "Siberian" (photo)

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