How to deliver goods for sale. Franchise without investment for implementation

The store brings maximum profit to the owner when it has a large assortment goods. But what to do if not all shelves in the store are filled with goods? Entrepreneurs are wondering how to get goods for sale. This is a great way to fill your store with goods for sale and earn decent money with minimal risk.

The only problem that arises is finding good wholesale organizations with which you can cooperate on favorable terms. How to take goods for sale at a profit? You just need to know certain points when searching for wholesalers and when concluding an agreement with them for the supply of goods for sale.

How to find wholesale suppliers?

  • Thematic catalogs. Thanks to this directory, you can find out all the relevant companies in your region. The catalog sections are filled with different trade niches, so you can find the right company very quickly. The company provides brief information about his activities and leaves his contact information. You can buy such a catalog at any newsstand.
  • Internet portals. There are many business portals on the Internet that have directories of companies and their scope of activity. Companies are divided into categories, so an entrepreneur just needs to choose the direction that interests him. Large companies have their own online consultant who can answer questions about how to take a product for sale, how to start collaborating, etc.
  • Media and advertising. Often on TV in regional advertising companies are broadcast that provide goods for sale. If such a company exists in the city, perhaps it advertises its products to entrepreneurs. In newspapers you can also find many wholesale organizations that offer cooperation to small and medium-sized businesses.


You can only take goods for sale from wholesale organization. Once a suitable company is found, you need to make it Commercial offer. After consideration, the company informs the entrepreneur of its decision. If approved by the parties, I enter into a cooperation agreement.

The contract should indicate the purpose of cooperation, the range of goods, and their quality. Be sure to indicate the terms and conditions of product delivery. The cost of the goods can be fixed for the duration of the contract, and the conditions for raising are also taken into account pricing policy organizations. You can specify the conditions under which the contract can be revised by both parties.

The contract must clearly establish the rights and obligations of both parties. The conditions under which the contract can be terminated, the rules of liability for failure to comply with its individual clauses. At the end, indicate the duration of the contract and the conditions for its extension. The agreement comes into force immediately after signature by both parties.

Large wholesale companies have the most profitable terms for entrepreneurs, but they do not like to work with beginners. If the store has just opened, it is very difficult to get approval to take the goods for sale. To begin with, you need to promote your outlet, fill it with goods, thereby showing the company your production volume, and, consequently, sales volume. By demonstrating your worth to suppliers, you can count on receiving a profitable and long-term contract.

You need to find several suppliers to get the best offer. Evaluate the terms of cooperation with all organizations and choose the best option. The products of a wholesale company must meet all quality requirements. Many companies offer favorable conditions when they introduce new brands of products to the market. If this group of products has quality, it means that it has prospects for promoting itself well in the market. Branded goods are in demand, so significant discounts should not be expected.

Question: Can I expect to take goods for sale on the terms of a trade loan?
Answer: Suppliers work on trade credit terms only with large retail outlets. To work according to this principle, you need to have good connections with suppliers or expand your business.

Question: What volumes of goods for sale can be obtained from the supplier?
Answer: It all depends on the turnover of the wholesale organization. At first, in any case, you should not count on large volumes. The longer the cooperation, the better the level of trust will be.

Question: Is it profitable to work with multiple suppliers?
Answer: Profitable. Especially if they offer a different range of products. An entrepreneur works better with several suppliers, as he is confident in the supply of products to his retail outlets.

You can often hear the phrase “goods for sale,” but not everyone understands the exact meaning and under what conditions it is used.

Today, “goods for sale” means a type of trade when The supplier himself remains the owner of the goods, but the seller is responsible for the sale.

For the seller, such a system is more than convenient, for the reason that he does not take risks and pays only for those goods that he managed to sell over a certain period.

As a reward for your work, the seller takes a commission percentage from the sale of each unit.

Regulations for calculating goods for sale

In the person of the seller it may be both an individual entrepreneur and entity(firm). To ensure that both parties are protected, the supplier and the seller enter into a Commission Agreement or Commission Agreement.

In this case, the one who supplies the goods for sale (supplier, owner) will be considered a principal, but the entrepreneur selling the goods will be considered a commission agent.

Agreement First of all, it regulates the amount of remuneration (commission) that the principal will be obliged to pay to the commission agent for each product sold under sale. This amount can be either a certain percentage or a fixed rate.

As an example You can give the following situation: the supplier gives a box of apples for sale individual entrepreneur in the face of an old woman.

The contract will indicate a fixed amount of 1000 rubles, which the individual entrepreneur will be able to receive after he sells the whole box at the specified time (since the product may deteriorate). The old woman can sell goods both at a set amount from the supplier of 30 rubles per 1 kg, and at her own price list of 40 rubles, which will lead to a more profitable amount in the form of an additional 10 rubles for each kilogram sold.

Are being issued relationship between the commission agent and the committent form TORG-12, it is popularly known as a regular invoice, which records the process of transfer of goods and its volumes. Additionally, an “act of provision of services” is drawn up, which regulates the transfer of funds earned from the sale of goods and payment for the services of the commission agent.

To avoid confusion during the sales process, the commission agent keeps records of the quantity of goods sold, which will serve as a supporting document for receiving remuneration in the future.

If the product is specific and during the allotted period of time the commission agent was unable to sell the product for sale, then the goods are returned its owner, that is, the principal. The transfer is completed using the same TORG-12 form. Only in this case, the sender is an individual entrepreneur, and the recipient will be the owner of the goods (committent).

Benefits of calculation

The main advantage of calculating goods for sale is convenience for both parties. It is beneficial for the consignor to hire as many sellers (commission agents) as possible in order to sell the goods, rather than engage in wholesale sales on their own.

It is beneficial for the commission agent not to purchase goods at his own expense, since there is a risk of not selling it. In this case the commission agent loses nothing.

Moreover, the system for calculating goods for sale is described in detail in Civil Code. Therefore, both parties are legally protected.

Earnings example

Today, goods for sale from the manufacturer are taken over 70% trading points. If previously individual entrepreneurs took risks by purchasing goods in bulk from an intermediary or manufacturer, now you can take the goods for sale and remain calm in case of failure. An example is the sale of costume jewelry.

Representatives of the fair sex rarely pass by bright boutiques with jewelry, especially if it is made by hand. The peak of sales falls during the warm season, the target audience- young ladies. The product does not deteriorate and sells out very quickly, so this is an ideal option for making money.

The principal in this case may be small family contracts who make home decorations. They set the amount they want to receive from each unit sold, and the commission agent sets a percentage or fixed amount as a reward.

Both sides It is beneficial to cooperate for several reasons: the owner can calmly do what he loves - create, and the commission agent can sell, adding his percentage and extracting maximum profit.


Commission r pays for the point or office on his own, through which he will engage in implementation. Therefore, opening such a business often requires a large starting budget.

In case of unsuccessful cooperation, the commission agent loses time and suffers the main loss - he does not recoup the cost of renting the premises.

However, there is another type of sales that does not require premises - selling goods in apartments and offices, but today it is no longer relevant, since there are social networks.

A contract for the sale of goods with payment upon sale implies the issuance of funds at the time of shipment. The sample can be downloaded for free.

In modern times contract for the sale of goods with payment upon sale became widespread.

Tell me, what does “I’ll take the goods for sale” mean?

Many suppliers do even more for product distributors and allow them to pay in installments. The sales pact under discussion involves the release of funds upon sale. On the day of shipment, the supplier provides the buyer with a contract, delivery notes, invoices and other accompanying documents. A sample of the paper in question can be downloaded for free via a direct link.

Many counterparties enter into sales transactions upon the sale of goods. Payment is made in cash and by bank transfer. Such legal relationships are long-term. In this agreement between the two parties, there are many positive properties and almost no negative aspects. It is easier for a manufacturer or supplier to come to an agreement with counterparties, sellers of goods, rather than selling their own products to the end consumer. It is easier for consumers to buy any product nearby than to look for a wholesaler. Therefore, numerous entities benefit from this type of legal relationship.

Mandatory clauses of a contract for the sale of goods with payment upon sale

  • Name, date, place of agreement, identification information;
  • Subject, characteristics, rights, duties, responsibilities;
  • Timing of implementation or sale, cost, payment procedure;
  • Additions, comments, appendices;
  • Final points;
  • Signatures, transcript.

A pay-as-you-sell sales contract is easy to write. Almost any user of the Word editor can handle its execution. The pact is drawn up in at least two copies and signed by authorized representatives. If the trade has any special features, the parties may agree not to enter into such transactions in a certain territory. Typically, each cash-on-delivery arrangement is unique. Civil law allows subjects to enter into documents all rules of behavior not prohibited by law.

Date: 2016-08-31

Contract for the sale of goods with payment upon sale

Transfer of goods for sale

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We hand over our goods for sale. You must first enter information about commission agents in the Counterparties directory. For such counterparties, check the Buyers box and draw up an agreement with the type of agreement " With a commission agent"The shipment of goods is processed in exactly the same way as the sale of goods.

The fact of sale of our goods by a commission agent is documented in the document “Report of the commission agent on goods sold” (menu Documents – Sale). The document can be drawn up on the basis of the Sales of goods and services document.

  1. In the journal "Counterparty Documents" we highlight required document Sales of goods and services.
  2. Menu Action - Based on - Commission agent's sales report. The document is filled out on the basis of the sales document; be sure to fill out the window for the method of settlement with the commission agent. If not all the goods are sold by the commission agent, then in the quantity column we put the quantity of goods sold and OK.
  3. Registration of payment from the commission agent. Based on the commission agent's report on sales, we draw up a document for receipt of funds.

    How to take goods for sale

    To do this: select the document "Commission Agent's Sales Report" menu - Action - Based on and select Incoming cash order (if payment is in cash) or Incoming payment order, and then bank statement (if payment is by bank transfer).

Product returns

To return a product from a supplier, you must:

  1. Menu Documents - Procurement— Receipt of goods and services, select the required receipt document.
  2. Menu Action – Based on – Return of goods to the supplier.
  3. A window will appear on the screen filled in based on the receipt document. If necessary, enter the quantity of the item being returned.

To process a product return from the buyer you must:

  1. Menu Documents – Sales – Sales of goods and services, select the desired sale.
  2. Menu Action – Based on – Return of goods from the buyer.
  3. A window will appear on the screen, filled in based on the implementation document. If necessary, enter the quantity of the item being returned.


Deleting objects (hereinafter, by objects we mean directory elements, groups, documents) occurs in 2 stages. At the first stage, the object is marked for deletion. To do this, you need to select the object and press the "Delete" key on the keyboard and confirm the request to mark it for deletion. The object will be marked for deletion and a deletion sign – a blue cross – will appear on its icon.

To unmark for deletion, you must select an object marked for deletion, press the "Delete" button and confirm the request to unmark for deletion. The object will remain in the database until it is physically removed from the database. Only a user who has full rights can physically delete objects from the database. A window will appear on the screen, at the top of which all objects marked for deletion are listed. Click on the button " Control" and the program checks whether we can delete the marked objects. Then click on the button " Delete".

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Accounting reflection of transactions for the purchase and sale of goods in retail when accounting for goods in purchase prices is carried out in the following sequence:

  • receipt of products from the supplier, mutual settlements according to the agreement;
  • displaying purchase prices in the accounting records of the enterprise, posting products to retail warehouse or moving it from the main one.
  • sale of goods to a buyer purchasing it for personal use; mutual settlements with the customer, confirmation of payment;
  • determining the financial results of the transaction, monitoring the results of the sale.

Under retail trade th is understood to be the view trading activities, which is associated with the purchase and subsequent sale of products to end consumers.

Note from the author! The main purpose of assets sold in retail trade is personal consumption. Sales of goods purchased for further resale are accounted for in wholesale trade.

In retail trade, the transaction is carried out on the basis of a purchase and sale agreement expressed orally. Payment is made in cash using cash registers in accordance with legislative changes in Federal law 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003 or bank cards under an acquiring agreement if payment terminals are available in the store.

Rules of conduct accounting retail enterprises allow the accounting of goods in both purchase and sales prices. The mechanism for accounting for goods in retail trade in purchase prices is identical to wholesale trade. The purchase of goods is displayed on the account. 41, an additional subaccount 41.2 is opened to account for retail goods.

Something to keep in mind! The procedure for recording products in the warehouse must be recorded in accounting policy companies.

To sum it up entrepreneurial activity for retail trade, the financial result is determined, recorded in the company’s accounting records. 90. Document-basis for monitoring - report on retail sales, generated from cash register receipts at the end of a shift.

Basic transactions for retail trade when accounting for goods in purchase prices:

  1. Purchasing goods from a supplier
  2. Sales of goods to retail customers
  3. Calculation financial result deals

    Dt90 Kt99 - profit

    Dt99 Kt90 - loss

Case Study

Society with limited liability"Sad" sells drip irrigation systems and related products retail and wholesale through the store. A batch of containers was purchased for sale with a total cost of 15 thousand.

How to take goods for sale as an individual entrepreneur?

rubles (excluding VAT), fare delivery of goods amounted to 300 rubles. Accounting is carried out in purchase prices, transportation and procurement costs are included in the cost of production. The goods were put up for sale at 210 rubles per piece (100 pieces per batch). During the operating day, the store sold 30 units worth 6,300 rubles.

Accounting entries for the purchase of goods:

  1. Dt41.1 Kt60 - 15,000 rub. - the container has arrived at the main warehouse.
  2. Dt41.1 Kt60 - 300 rubles - delivery is included in the original price of the product.
  3. Dt41.1 Kt41.2 - 10,000 rubles - part of the goods was moved for retail sale.
  4. Dt60 Kt51 - 15,300 rub. - full payment has been made to the supplier.

At the end of the working day, after closing the cash register shift, based on the retail sales report, the accountant of Sad LLC made the following accounting entries:

  1. Dt62R Kt90.01 - 6,300 rubles - display of revenue received per day from the sale of containers.
  2. Dt90.02 Kt41 - 4,590 rubles - the cost of products sold is written off.

    Note! Formation of the initial price = (batch cost + TKR) / number of pieces in the batch = (15,000 + 300) / 100 = 153 rubles per unit.

  3. Dt50 Kt62R - 6,300 rubles - all goods were paid for in cash.

To calculate the financial result, an analysis of the account is carried out. 90 and determination of the balance on the debit or credit of the account:

Since the store’s revenue exceeded the costs of purchasing containers, the limited liability company “Sad” made a profit from the sale of these products.

Display of financial result on account 99:

  • Dt90 Kt99 - 1,710 rubles - profit.

Features when returning from customers

In retail trade, the buyer may return previously purchased products in the following cases:

  1. Failure to provide complete information about the properties of the product at the time of sale.
  2. Defect detected.

    Something to keep in mind! Returns due to defects are possible even in the absence of a cash receipt or sales receipt.

  3. Return of non-food quality goods that are not suitable for the buyer for one reason or another (providing a cash receipt is required).

In the accounting of the selling organization, settlements with customers for the return of products are taken into account on account 76, data on previously received revenue and written-off costs are reversed.

Victor Stepanov, 2018-04-11

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Give the goods for sale

Reading time: 3 minutes

If you have a manufacturing small home business, then your product needs to be sold. Home business That’s why it’s homely, because there’s no need to rent any point in your city and trade from it. You will learn more about selling goods and releasing them for sale from this article.

First sales – advertising of home production

First of all, products can be sold from home; for this you need to go through a number of other procedures for advertising your business.

Cooperation with the manufacturer

The second step is to create a business card to expand client base. Also, your branded product requires packaging. Advertising packaging, which can cost pennies, along with business card will give your business status and automatically launch word of mouth.

All this must be done when you make products at home. But there is another way to make money on your product - to give the product for sale.

What kind of home business can entail the delivery of goods for sale?

Manufacturing of furnaces - goods are sold to iron markets.

A greenhouse as a business - goods are sold to markets, shops, canteens, etc.

Making dumplings - dumplings are sold to shops and canteens

Restoration of old furniture - sale in furniture stores

Rabbit breeding as a business - sale in stores and meat markets

Poultry farming – sale of eggs and meat

Growing flowers in a greenhouse - delivering goods to flower pavilions

Canning – sale in shops and canteens

Mini bakery as a business – sale in stores and canteens

Mushroom growing business – selling mushrooms in stores

Engage in fishing - selling fish in shops and markets

Strawberry growing business - selling strawberries in stores and markets

Potato growing business - delivering potatoes to shops, markets and canteens

Knitting business - returns in souvenir shops and departments of things for children

Home smokehouse - sale in stores, markets

Production of bath brooms – sale to bath complexes

How to release goods for sale

After you create your packaging (if required), you need to take your product to one of the above locations and negotiate with the owner. Usually the goods are taken for sale without any problems, the main thing is that the owner of the outlet can put his percentage on your product (20-30%) in order to have his own profit.

If there is a lot of goods, you can enter into an agreement to release the goods for sale. You can download such an agreement on the Internet or contact a lawyer with a similar question. It is better to conclude an agreement once and for a long time, so that no disagreements arise in the future.

Rendering goods for sale is a great way to make money on your product. This type sales is one of the most effective methods sales of goods. You can also create a website for your business and post all the necessary information on it. The packaging must have Domain name site.

The opportunity to start a business, especially without investments, also under famous brand- a dream for any potential entrepreneur. And in connection with times of crisis, there are more and more such “dreamers”. In principle, such people can be understood: they are convinced that their business will allow them to feel in “ economic security"and be free, both in money and in time.

However, these statements are a common misconception. An entrepreneur is a person who takes a certain risk, from which many people working “for their uncle” are insured. This danger lies in the fact that a businessman may receive his profit at the end of a certain period, or may be left with nothing. While a simple employee working for someone else will in any case receive a reward for his work. Moreover, a working day for the owner own business starts early in the morning and ends closer to night, in contrast to the usual schedule of office plankton “from 9 to 6”.

But if you are not afraid of the everyday life of entrepreneurs, and you are eager to try yourself in their role, then you should pay attention to a franchise business.

This scheme is convenient for beginners, as it allows you to reduce risks at the initial stage of work.

To open a franchise, you need to buy it. It would seem logical, because the company, having provided the franchisee with a brand, a business scheme honed over the years and a unique product, cannot engage in altruism and waits mutually beneficial cooperation with a partner.

But what if a potential entrepreneur does not have initial capital? Look for him. Because there are no franchises without investments at all. At least, such cooperation schemes are not created successful companies. And working only with proven brands will allow you to build a truly profitable business.

As the representative of the franchisor company correctly noted "Granite Doors" Petr Strukov: “If a person does not invest his own money in a business, then there will be much less motivation to work for the benefit of the company, so with our partners we work only “for the money.” Now there are many young and energetic start-ups on the market who want to try their hand at business. Whether they succeed or not is the question. But it is unlikely that the percentage of successful projects will be high, and the closure of retail outlets can damage the reputation of the entire company as a whole. Therefore, we respect ourselves and our partners, and do not undermine the foundations of business.”

However, there are ways that allow you to minimize the amount of money needed to open a franchise business.

Such franchisor offers include:

  • Trade credit
  • Special promotions for an easy business start
  • Dealership

​​​​​​​Goods for sale

That is, the franchisee must pay for repairs and rent of the premises, as well as purchase retail store equipment, after which the franchisor provides him with a deferred payment for the purchase of goods for a certain period established by the contract. Moreover, each company has different not only terms and conditions, but also the wording of such “indulgences” for partners.

For example, the company ALBA" provides new partners with goods on commission, due to which the costs of opening a new store under the guise of a popular shoe brand are reduced from 7 million rubles to 2.5, which means that a new entrepreneur will only need funds for renting and decorating the premises for the store.

The company provides payment in installments for up to 180 days, and the Polish clothing brand buys unsold balances from its franchisees, thereby saving the working capital of the outlet. A well-known chain of stores also promises trade credit for its partners. And representatives of the brand of leather goods “ LABBRA" make it possible to take advantage of an interest-free product limit for opening a retail outlet for a period of 60 days.

Food manufacturers also provide deferred payment for products. True, such conditions are available only to well-established partners. For example, trademark ice cream company ships goods with a delay of two weeks, and new partners, when ordering equipment for a retail outlet, can only pay 50% of the cost; the rest of the amount can be paid to the franchisor upon receipt of material assets.

But in order to enjoy all the joys of a trade loan, you need to find cash for opening retail outlets. Meanwhile, there are companies that have foreseen this fact and offer novice entrepreneurs to try their capabilities by opening a business using a “lite” version of the franchise.

Easy start

There are franchise offers that allow you to start a business under a brand large company at a special price.

Such promotions are typical for both large manufacturing enterprises and ordinary Internet services.

For example, a company "ECOPAN", a manufacturer of houses made from SIP panels, offers to start a business in its region for only 250 thousand rubles. This format will allow you to receive orders for the construction of houses, send them to manufacturers and earn quite a decent income from a percentage of orders. The main requirement: the ability to work with the customer. In the future, the company’s partner can develop his business to full-fledged production of houses from SIP panels.

There are similar offers in clothing retail: for example, a manufacturer of designer clothing "BRUSNIKA" proposes to start your business by opening a “corner” - a small exhibition stand in an existing clothing store. The required area is from 25 sq.m., and investments are minimal: from 300 thousand rubles.

Franchises of Internet services and mobile applications also different reasonable prices, and the opening of this business does not imply investing in renting office space.

For example, representatives of the Internet service “ CleanWell They call their business “home-based” and promise a monthly income of at least 100 thousand rubles, with an initial investment of 106 thousand rubles.

And for those who want to open their own business on more tangible things with minimal investment, it’s worth trying yourself in the role of regional dealers.


Any manufacturer wishing to enter the federal level is looking for representatives in each region who would take on the responsibilities for selling the product in the territory entrusted to them.

But the producers really necessary goods those in demand most often turn to large wholesale companies, and they are not interested in small players.

But still, there are franchisor companies that offer potential partners to try out a business niche through a dealership scheme. For example, a well-known manufacturer of office furniture works "Felix". The company offers potential partners two development schemes: franchise and dealership. Moreover, the last category does not imply the opening of a Felix brand store. , but simply gives you the opportunity to sell furniture from the manufacturing company in your store. Franchisees have more opportunities: the entire range of factory products, after-sales service and a sign with a well-known brand. Therefore, according to the franchisor’s representative, many Felix dealers subsequently become their franchisees.

The company operates in approximately the same way "Karelian Monument". To become a partner manufacturing enterprise for the production of monuments and products from granite, you need to rent a room and purchase exhibition samples, and the volume of required investment does not exceed 150 thousand rubles. The task of the franchisee is to ensure a stable flow of orders for the production of the enterprise. The franchisor also periodically provides bonuses to well-established partners and provides some product samples for free.

So, the main thing is to treat your business responsibly, and then your partner will help you with all his might, since the prosperity of the franchisor company depends on the well-being of your enterprise.

If you have a desire to do own business, then you need to immediately translate your idea into reality. You don’t need to listen to or believe anyone when they say that business is cruel and does not tolerate mistakes. In fact, it is not so scary... If, of course, you know its rules and apply them in practice.

Today there are many opportunities and ideas for starting your own business. In what area? For example, in trade. The simplest option: take the goods for sale, find a buyer and, after selling, make a profit and your percentage of the proceeds. Of course, for this to be a profitable deal, you must first arrange everything Required documents and permissions. After all, you will have to pay penalties in the event of an inspection (unsuccessful for you) by the relevant authorities from your own pocket, which is very unpleasant.

After completing the documents, do not rush to agree to take the goods for sale and consider offers from several partners. Perhaps, if you wait, a more profitable offer of cooperation will come. And finally, think about it rough plan further actions. Namely: what audience of buyers are you counting on, how much revenue do you need to receive daily to make a profit, where will you sell your product.

Let's look at a few ideas with specific examples.

Trade household goods will always be in demand. Agree, powders, soap, toothpaste, toilet paper and other household items are always necessary and usually consumers quickly run out. Here's an idea! Start selling this type of product.

We sell cosmetics and jewelry

Well, what beauty can resist the charming and competent seller and his product, if the tray displays cosmetics and jewelry? By the way, costume jewelry taken for sale is more advantageous direction in trade, which tends to deteriorate from the sun, and from excess moisture, and is afraid of falls. Nothing can spoil the jewelry (unless, of course, it is left in the pouring rain for several days). And it’s mostly young fashionistas who buy it in very large quantities. Therefore, rest assured that your goods for sale will quickly sell out. Especially in the spring-summer season.

Pitfalls What you need to be prepared for

Finding a product supplier and agreeing on mutually beneficial terms is not difficult. There are a lot of such proposals. And they all agree to provide the goods for sale for a certain period of time, and also make a return if the goods are found to be expired or defective.

When a supplier is selected, you should think about where to sell all this stuff. In fact, there are only three options (for all products). The first is opening a retail outlet. To do this, you need to decide on a place, then rent it and also obtain all the necessary permits.

If you don’t want to spend money on renting premises or a sales tent, you can resell your goods to a third party for sale. Simply put: become an intermediary between the supplier and the seller. In this case, of course, you will lose part of the profit.

The third option depends directly on your ability to sell and communicate with a potential buyer. You do not need to rent a retail outlet, you do not need to look for a seller. You will be the seller yourself. All that is needed from you is to go to organizations, apartments and look for a potential buyer. Let us note right away that the third trading option is not entirely successful; in most cases it leads to a loss.

It is up to you to decide whether or not to engage in trading in goods taken for sale. But remember that success depends only on you and your desire to have your own business.

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