How to open a self-service car wash on a budget. Self-service car wash business plan

Self-service car washes appeared in Russian cities relatively recently. Just ten years ago they could be counted on one hand, but recently the number of such sinks has been growing exponentially. This is due not only to the obvious fact that washing a car in such car washes is cheaper than in automatic or manual ones. One of the incentives for going to such a car wash is the fact that there are practically no places left for washing your own car by hand in large cities, and such a “procedure” in nature causes legitimate indignation among others.

In the late 90s and early 2000s, self-service car washes were unprofitable, since the equipment for them was much more expensive than for manual ones, and labor force was cheap. If 15-20 years ago the payment for washers was 20-25% of revenue, today it is 50% or more. All this creates conditions for an increase in the number of self-service car washes. The use of such car washes is especially popular among people who like to drive dusty cars. For minor stains, many of them prefer the quick and inexpensive option of washing the car themselves.

Although self-service car washes are theoretically “deserted”, nevertheless, at each facility there is a person on duty around the clock who helps customers with their difficulties. But the most “sore” point of such sinks is the maintenance and repair of equipment. Experts are well aware of the problems with equipment in standard hand washes. These problems increase many times over, since the equipment at self-service car washes is operated by amateurs. Sometimes such exploitation borders on barbarism.

If you consider a self-service car wash as a business, then this is definitely a worthwhile venture. Let's look at everything in order.

Car wash registration, OKVED codes, documents

If the car washing business is not something new for you and you are registered as individual entrepreneur or legal entity, then this section is not for you. If you are wondering how to open a self-service car wash from scratch, then you should start with registration. It is best to register as an individual entrepreneur and use the simplified taxation system (STS).

Selecting the simplified tax system option (6% of gross income or 15% of the “income minus expenses” scheme) depends on the business plan drawn up. If confirmed expenses are less than 60% of revenue, then the first option is preferable.

The main activity should be “washing vehicles, polishing and provision of similar services" (OKVED code 45.20.3).

For beginning businessmen, a particular difficulty is the coordination of documents with supervisory authorities (ecology, sanitary and epidemiological service, energy supervision, fire inspection, and so on). The easiest way to resolve this issue is if you order a self-service car wash project from a specialized organization. There are probably several of these in your city, and such organizations provide a fully coordinated project. This is not the cheapest option, but, in practice, the fastest and most reliable.

Selecting a site and constructing a car wash

There is no need to repeat that right choice Self-service car wash locations are half the battle. However, there are limiting factors when choosing a site. There should be minimal infrastructure near the site:

  • running water or other source of clean water;
  • sewerage (except for cases of completely closed systems, which we will discuss below);
  • possibility of connecting to electrical networks.

Connecting to these networks “eats up” the lion’s share of investment in the construction of a car wash.

It is generally accepted that the most suitable places to locate a self-service car wash are the outskirts of residential areas, preferably on roads leading to business and industrial centers. Also attractive are the routes that connect residential areas with the city center. The ability to visually view the car wash from the highway is very important.

Research from Moneymaker Factory

Every year in Russia the number of cars increases by 1.5 million units. In addition to the increase in demand due to the growing number of cars, there is already a huge shortage in the car wash business. The advantage of self-service car wash stations is a quick payback for investors, because they are in demand among the population due to the low price of services and a controlled level of quality.


What is a self-service car wash? This is a service with which the car owner can independently wash and care for his car.

For this purpose, the car wash complex has stationary stations designed for one car space. Each post is equipped with a special panel with connected equipment, on which the user can select a number of paid services, such as:

  1. Washing: hot or cold water, with foam, with osmosis;
  2. Waxing;
  3. Insect treatment;
  4. Drying.

Compared to traditional car wash services, washing a car in a self-service service will cost less and take less time, because... There are practically no queues at such car washes, and the washing procedure itself is fully automated. The car owner himself acts as an operator and can independently control the thoroughness and quality of washing.

In times of crisis, the vast majority of consumers will prefer a self-service car wash over a traditional service. After all, it is much cheaper, besides, there is a real saving of time, and the quality of washing increases many times over, since the owner independently controls the entire process of washing and caring for his car.

If we compare self-service at a car wash service with a seemingly even cheaper alternative, such as washing in the yard of a house or near a body of water, here, in addition to the awareness that the car owner’s actions cause significant harm environment, there is also a high probability of imposing an administrative fine. The fine will range from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, while washing yourself at a car wash will cost only 100-200 rubles.

Now let’s find out how popular car washes are in Russia - to do this, let’s look at the following statistics.

Need for car wash services

According to the State Traffic Inspectorate, as of the beginning of 2016, 56.6 million cars were registered in Russia, of which 44.2 million were passenger cars and 2.2 million were motor vehicles. The annual growth in the number of vehicles is 1.5 million units (+ 2.7%).

The average car owner washes his car at least 2 times a month. According to the investment company ROSTA, which specializes in the construction of turnkey car washes, a self-service car wash with 6 stations can serve up to 900 cars daily.

This means that, even despite the supply of car wash services in the market, due to the increased number of vehicles, the annual need for car washes will increase by 110 units.

1,500,000 new cars * 2 times/month. * 12 months = 36,000,000 washes per year for new cars

36,000,000 washes / (900 washes/day * 365 days) = 109.6 complexes.

The above calculation is very general, because does not take into account the seasonality of the business. During periods such as March-April, October-November, which are peak periods, the load is maximum - standardly loaded car washes may not be able to cope with the influx of visitors.

In addition, car washes rarely operate at maximum technical load 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The density of car washes also plays an important role - it is not uniform everywhere. Therefore, the annual need for the construction of new car wash complexes to cover growing needs will be 200-300 centers to provide such services.

In addition, to meet the cleaning needs of all available road transport About 5 thousand car wash services are required - today this need is not even half met.

The shortage of car wash services is clearly demonstrated using the example of the city of St. Petersburg in the following graph (Fig. 2):

Advantages of self-service car washes

Given the existing shortage of services, as was demonstrated above, and in times of crisis, only car washes with self-service capabilities will be in primary demand (due to the price of the service (3-4 times lower), quality and speed of receiving the service), so it would be more rational to pay attention to this type of business.

As for the speed of service at car washes, let’s study the following data. They are clearly presented in Table 1.

Based on this, it becomes obvious that during a crisis, the most popular service, capable of covering the growing need for this type of service due to an increase in the number of cars, will be a car wash at a self-service station. The benefits are visualized in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Advantages of self-service car washes.
According to the investment company ROSTA

Key Benefits


From an economic point of view, the construction and maintenance of self-service car washes is more profitable business than owning and operating a traditional car wash. This is due to the fact that savings are observed:

  • On wages, since the number of personnel is being reduced (washers are not needed);
  • During commissioning, since this structure is being built from lightweight prefabricated metal structures, i.e. it is easy to install. Also, for such structures, the requirements for registering land plots as property or long-term lease have been reduced.

Fast payback and low competition

Fast payback the project is supported by high demand for this type services among the population, as well as greater service productivity. In addition, there is still low competition for this type of car wash today, since this type of service began to be popularized in Russia only 5 years ago.

All-season service

Due to the fact that car wash stations are equipped with an anti-icing system, maintenance downtime due to very low air temperatures is close to zero. Such car washes close only when the temperature drops below -30 degrees Celsius. And this is no more than 4-7 days a year. This allows such complexes to be used profitably in all climatic zones of Russia.

Usually the temperature in winter does not drop below -10 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, self-service car washes operate uninterruptedly - this operating mode is ensured by installing a constantly operating snow melting system in the concrete floor in the form of heated antifreeze circulating through the pipes.

Turnkey price

Let's find out what the turnkey price of a self-service car wash includes.

According to the estimates of the co-owner of the Rosta holding company R. Matsarin, the turnkey cost of a standard container-type facility for 6 posts will cost 10 million rubles.

Where did these numbers come from? This can be easily seen using the following calculation formula (Fig. 3).

The advantage of container-type car wash complexes is that all equipment is assembled in a separate technical container. The equipment installed in a technical container ensures uninterrupted operation of up to 8 posts (according to the Italian company MIX).

The technology container looks like this:

Container station with 6 posts:

A modular car wash will cost less because... it is created on the basis of a prefabricated frame structure, so the main share in its price is occupied by the cost of equipment with commissioning services.

The price of a modular car wash includes:

  • Production of permits and project documentation(20-25% of the cost of the object);
  • Cost of building materials + construction work (30-35% of the cost of the object;
  • Equipment (40-45% of the cost of the facility);
  • Supervised installation (5% of the cost of equipment).

As an example, here is an excerpt from one thematic forum (Fig. 5) - all the costs of launching a 6-station car wash complex are laid out here:

According to Aqua Technology company estimates, business profitability is 83%, and the payback period is 2-3 years. Average check- 60 rubles, duration of washing with wax application - up to 10 minutes. Temperature maintenance - up to -30 degrees Celsius.

Among the most economically attractive calculations is the one that was made according to Elematica data. Thus, the cost of arranging one post will be from 120 thousand rubles. When calculating servicing up to 140 cars per day with an average bill of 150 rubles, the payback period for 1 post will be 2 months.

Payback period for self-service car washes

The average profitability of a self-service car wash, according to the Rosta company, is quite high. Here is the data on one of the implemented projects - Fig. 6.

Based on everything stated above, we can conclude that self-service car washes will be in increasing demand every year. And with the constant increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, which can be observed even in a crisis, it is precisely these car washes that will be in increased demand. First of all, due to efficiency and lack of queues.

In order to organize your business, it is important to decide on the location of the car wash - the best place will be a place with busy traffic. You also need to choose the appropriate format (number of posts) and decide on the equipment. As can be seen from the presented price range for equipment, you can start your own business even with minimal investment. The rapid payback of the project will allow profitable and as soon as possible expand.

Opening a car wash - budget and profitable business, not providing large investments and effort. How to open a self-service car wash? The scheme is quite simple, even a beginner in this business can master it.

Start over

You need to find a suitable location, it is important that it is located near the roadway, in busy populated areas, but far from competitors. The best option is considered to be car washes located in residential areas. Once you have found a suitable place, you should purchase or rent it.

You will have to obtain permission to build or install a modular structure. Then you should purchase the equipment and start installing it. A two-post sink can be installed on 200-250 square meters. Four posts will be located in an area twice the size of the previous one. You need to take care of the parking area for cars that are waiting in line.

Print instructions to help customers understand the ins and outs of a self-service car wash.

Marketing move

The opening of a car wash should be announced publicly; advertising will help with this. How much does it cost? The price depends on how you want to advertise your business.

If your budget allows, you can order a banner or print advertisement and announce the opening using radio and TV. It's worth the effort and money. The main thing is to attract the first clients, and then the so-called word of mouth. Spending on advertising the right approach should not exceed 100 thousand rubles.

A more modest option involves the design of an advertising stand with signs. This way, clients will be able to find you faster.

Required equipment

You can open this business only after purchasing equipment. Experienced car wash owners advise paying attention to equipment from German manufacturers, where reasonable price corresponds high quality. This business includes:

  • washing complex,
  • vacuum cleaners,
  • dryers,
  • cleaning equipment.

It is important that the washing equipment is simple and understandable to any driver. Next to it you should post instructions, the so-called guide for drivers.

How it happens

The client buys tokens from the operator or using a bill acceptor. In addition to selling tokens, the operator must answer all customer questions and monitor the work process. The client puts these tokens into the washing machine and uses it allotted time. There, using the control panel, selects desired mode. As a rule, 20–30 minutes are enough to wash your car. The cost of washing a car will cost 100–150 rubles.

This business from scratch has advantages. The client is responsible for the quality of the work done, who does not overpay for the washer’s services, and the owner saves on employee salaries. The opening of self-service car washes in the West will not surprise anyone, but they appeared here relatively recently. Not everyone can use the services of conventional car washes, which is why such a business from scratch has the right to exist and develop. Automatic mode ensures uninterrupted operation.

Such a car wash should operate around the clock, only in this case the business will reach the proper level.

Opening cost

Equipment will take up the bulk of the costs, of which:

  1. a washing complex costs from 400 to 1 million rubles;
  2. special vacuum cleaners up to 500 thousand rubles;
  3. you will have to pay about 400 thousand rubles for a dryer;
  4. wastewater treatment plants cost from 300 thousand to 1 million rubles.

Monthly expenses include:

  • rent,
  • electricity,
  • water supply,
  • service,
  • taxes,
  • salaries for security guards and an accountant, if any.

If the area of ​​the plot is small, you can refuse the machines. It makes sense to install a video surveillance system.

Possible profit

One washing post can handle from 10 to 20 washes per day. The cost of one car wash reaches 40 rubles, services cost 200–300 rubles. A foreign-made six-post car wash will cost 2-3 million rubles. It can give real profits in the amount of 400–720 thousand rubles monthly. An absolute benefit will be the purchase of a six-stop washer, which will cost 5 million.

The option of opening a car wash from scratch does not involve large investments. Many people are interested in how much such a business will pay off. Examples of many entrepreneurs show that full payback does not exceed 3 years. Maximum vehicle throughput will ensure almost 100% profitability, and the payback will be reduced several times.


In order for the business to bear fruit, some nuances should be taken into account. The seasonality factor also affects this earning option. The fact is that self-service car washes are used during a certain period, namely from spring to winter.

In cold seasons, the demand for such services decreases.

In almost any busy area, a car wash will be in demand. It is difficult, sometimes impossible, to install equipment yourself; to do it quickly and efficiently, it is worth using the services of special contractors.

Sometimes suppliers are willing to install the equipment themselves, of course, for an additional fee. The sink will have a finished look if you equip a small staff room consisting of one or two people. You can open a mini-cafe on the territory of the car wash, although not everyone can afford this additional source of income. While opening a self-service car wash is considered a new business, don’t miss your chance.

The opinion that we have two troubles in our country, and one of them causes the other, persists to this day. The result of this situation is the relevance of car washes. After all, broken roads not only spoil the condition of cars, but also actively pollute them.

Despite enough high level competition, opening a car wash today is profitable, given proper organization business processes, you can quickly recoup the investment and receive a stable profit.

How to open a self-service car wash from scratch: business plan

According to experienced players in the car wash business, despite the large number of car washes, this niche cannot be called oversaturated. If you choose a favorable location, you can get a regular flow of customers. The problem lies in the human factor: the personnel who wash cars becomes the main expense item for a businessman. Wages washers affects the cost of services provided, but due to large quantity competitors are not always able to raise prices. It turns out that staff is a waste of money that could be spent on business development. Many entrepreneurs have solved this problem by opening a self-service car wash.

A business plan for opening a car wash should include the following sections:

  1. choosing a concept and building a development strategy;
  2. choice of location;
  3. collection of permits;
  4. construction organization;
  5. ordering equipment;
  6. hiring employees to monitor the work process;
  7. financial calculations;
  8. marketing plan.

At first glance, it seems that opening a self-service car wash is not difficult. But difficulties may arise already at the start. For normal functioning you will need a huge amount permitting documents, and finding a suitable place is not at all easy.

Personnel and marketing policy

Even though washers are not needed, one person who will monitor the smooth operation of the car wash is still necessary. As a rule, this is shift work. If you are going to open a self-service car wash that will operate around the clock, you need to hire three people who can work in shifts. The main responsibility of the administrator is simply to monitor the process and help clients when choosing a program. One week is enough for each employee to complete training and internship, since no special skills or specific qualifications are required.

Advertising is an important aspect of opening a self-service car wash. The most effective method is outdoor advertising. Take care of pointers that will lead potential client to the car wash. If budget allows, the opening can be announced on radio and local television.

It is more economical, but no less effective, to leave business cards at service stations and gas stations.

Self-service car wash project

A standard car wash consists of a box, a high-pressure apparatus and people who wash vehicles. Opening a self-service car wash is a complex technological process that requires complex construction, but also equipment for precise, uninterrupted operation.

The minimum basic set of equipment for a car wash includes:

  • control unit;
  • pump set;
  • highway;
  • dispensers;
  • console;
  • pistols.

The design itself seems quite simple, but setting everything up technological processes– an important aspect on which the work of the company will depend. Since there are no workers, all the work falls on the shoulders of technologists.

The car wash complex is designed to determine the program, control functions and pay for the service provided. The case is made of durable metal with backlit buttons that can function in high humidity. A coin acceptor is built into the device (can work with special plastic cards). The panel is equipped with an internal heating system for operation in cold weather. The main functions performed by the car wash complex:

  • water + foam;
  • hot water (temperature +40ºС, pressure – 140 Bar);
  • cold water (pressure – 140 Bar);
  • wax;
  • osmosis;
  • stop.

In order to open a full-fledged self-service car wash, it is necessary to equip a staff room in it. This will be a small room for one administrator per shift, in which he can change clothes and store his things.

Also, if desired, you can install tire inflation systems, interior vacuum cleaners and more.

If there is enough investment, you can equip a small cafe on the territory, but this is as an additional source of income, and this does not apply to opening a self-service car wash.

How much does it cost to open a self-service car wash?

Opening a self-service car wash is a fairly expensive project. But with proper organization of all business processes, you can reach the break-even point in a short time.

How much does it cost to open a self-service car wash with 6 bays? An entrepreneur needs to count on an investment of 7-8 million rubles. Let's consider approximate calculations for the Russian market:

  • development and execution of project documentation - 500,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and installation – 3,500,000 rubles;
  • construction of a building – 2,500,000 rubles;
  • installation of signs, start-up costs for marketing - 300,000 rubles.

Construction can begin when the entrepreneur has:

  • land plot (leased or own);
  • a ready-made project that has been agreed upon with government agencies;
  • permission to conduct construction work.

How much does it cost to operate a car wash per month?

  • utility and tax payments – 35 thousand rubles;
  • rental payments – 40 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (technologist) – 40 thousand rubles;
  • services of an accountant and cleaner – 25 thousand rubles.

To calculate profit, you need to know how much the service costs. Average prices in Russia are 300 rubles. Approximate calculations:

  • number of boxes – 6;
  • cost of the service – 300 rubles;
  • revenue per day – 36,000 rubles;
  • variable costs for one wash – 30 rubles;
  • income – 32,400 rubles;
  • monthly income – 972,000 rubles.
  • The monthly profit will be 832,000 rubles (972,000 – 35,000 – 40,000 – 40,000 – 25,000).

    As can be seen from the calculations, it is possible to recoup this project and reach the break-even point in the 9th month of work. Taking into account additional costs, on average, a car wash can pay for itself after a year of operation.

    Advice: If starting capital not enough to open a self-service car wash, you can create detailed business plan and look for investors. This project is quite promising and may be of interest to those who are looking for profitable investment options.

    How does a self-service car wash work?

    Self-service car washes rely on the laws of physics about kinetic energy, according to which energy increases in proportion to the square of speed. At a car wash, the speed of water flows when it hits a car decreases, and the resulting this process energy is directed to active components that are associated with water at the molecular level. As a result, the surface is cleaned as much as possible from dust and dirt of varying degrees.

    After selecting a program and pressing start, the time begins to count down and will not stop until the entire procedure is completed. At any time, if desired, the client can change the program by adding tokens or money to increase the time of using the car wash.

    The first program involves mixing hot water (temperature from 40 to 60ºС) and powder, then applying it to the surface of the car under high pressure. This method makes it possible to get rid of even complex contaminants, while it is safe for the paintwork.

    The second program ensures that foam and remaining dirt are washed away with cold water. The third program uses hot wax, which is applied to the entire surface and provides not only an excellent appearance to the car, but also a reliable protective layer. The latter program dries the car, resulting in no drips or stains.

    How to open a self-service car wash: a budget option

    There are more simplified options for self-service car washes, which allow you to open one 1.5-2 times cheaper.

    Budget options are modular, compact designs. They are often used by owners of service stations and gas stations as an additional installation to expand their business.

    Also becoming popular are combined designs that combine the work of a tunnel or automatic portal and self-service car washes. There is an increased demand for such designs in the domestic market. This popularity is due to seasonality - in the summer, motorists can wash their cars themselves, and in the winter use the services of car washes.

    A budget car wash can be installed with your own hands as an open area with a canopy. Partitions and walls are made of more economical materials, the equipment used is economy class. Built-in water circulation protection makes it possible to minimize the cost of laying a foundation.

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    Opening a self-service car wash is a profitable business, quite new for the domestic market. Like any other type of business, this area is not without risks. In order to open a car wash, you need a plot of land with communications, a project agreed upon with a number of government agencies, development strategy and start-up capital. By connecting all the tools correctly, you can build stable business, which will pay for itself after a year of operation.

    It is always difficult to start, especially if the matter is unfamiliar. In this area, you must first decide on the opportunities, since the business is profitable, but requires a lot of start-up capital. Ask yourself whether you can contribute from 5 to 13 million rubles to open a self-service car wash or find investors to receive such an amount. If there are such opportunities, then get down to business - study the sales market and its geography.

    Open a self-service car wash beneficial not only in megacities and regional centers, but also in settlements of 200-500 thousand inhabitants. Today, such a business is not yet very common in Russian cities, but it is understandable and convenient, because every Russian motorist wants to have a clean, well-maintained car, but not spend too much money. Many people wash their cars themselves, but the conditions for this are not created like in Europe. Car owners use hoses, buckets, and nearby bodies of water, but everyone reports mediocre results and physical inconvenience.

    Like any business, a car wash business needs to start by finding a location for a future point and studying demand.

    The peculiarity of opening a self-service car wash is that you have to immediately decide whether to rent land or acquire ownership. Since you will have to invest a lot of money in underground communications, construction work, asphalting and landscaping, it is better not to rely on the landlord and buy a plot or lease the land with a subsequent purchase. The size of the plot can vary from 100 to 650 sq. m. meters, it all depends on the number of posts and additional buildings.

    Investment volume

    The amount of initial investment greatly depends on the number of positions at the car wash., types of washing units, as well as infrastructure. For example, if you decide to open a self-service car wash near a car wash with tunnel functionality, a parking lot, shopping center etc. there will be no need to develop the territory; asphalt paving will be limited only to the nearest area. This significantly reduces several cost items.

    The quantity and quality of washing operations makes adjustments to both the initial investment and the cost of services. For example, a system of 2 units with minimal functions (soapy water + cold water for rinsing) will cost 750,000 rubles, and a more complex one with several operations, including wax application and osmosis, will cost 3,500,000 rubles.

    In addition, it is recommended to have funds to pay the first month of work for the staff and for contributions to the tax service in case there are still few clients at first. It is best to work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To do this, you will need to hire three service operators and set a work schedule every other day. With a salary of 20,000 rubles, your wage fund should be 60,000 rubles per month.

    Separate monthly expense item- utility bills and security. This will cost at least 30,000 rubles. Installing an alarm will cost 20,000 rubles. The amount of taxes will be about 20,000 rubles. Thus, to open a self-service car wash from scratch, you will need 12,930,000 rubles. If you plan to acquire land ownership, this figure will increase.

    Step by step instructions

    Having assessed your capabilities and made sure that you are capable of opening a self-service car wash, choose a location for your future enterprise. After this, begin to draw up documents and legalize your business in a certain territory. Once all permits have been received and a design has been created, construction can begin.

    Communication system

    The construction work will be extensive as the communication system underground is essential. The car wash operates according to a water circulation scheme in underground pipelines. Since hot water circulates in the pipes, the effect of a “warm floor” is created (it needs to be equipped in a special way), then the sink can work even in cold weather. Construction and installation work are carried out in this order:

    • Digging a pit.
    • Laying the communication system.
    • Arrangement of a “warm floor”.
    • Concreting.
    • Laying asphalt.
    • Installation of metal structures.
    • Installation of treatment facilities.
    • Arrangement of the adjacent territory.

    The cost of such work will depend on the number of stations at the self-service car wash and the area it occupies. After construction work and erection of metal structures, you can begin purchasing the necessary technical devices.

    Equipment purchase

    This expense item is quite impressive. Such equipment is not produced in Russia, but is imported from Europe. There are official dealers in our country, and you should contact them with this question. It doesn’t make sense to purchase it yourself, and then transport it and clear customs - it’s too expensive and troublesome. There is also no need to skimp on the brand of car wash equipment. This business card your enterprise, it will give an additional advantage over competitors, raise your image and allow you to set decent prices.

    A 6-seater sink with a functionality of 4-5 operations costs about 9,500,000 rubles. If the capital is insignificant, then at first a sink for 2 places will be enough, it will be a third cheaper. You can save on the complexity of the units and the number of functions they contain. For the first time, a car wash complex with several basic functions is suitable:

    • Hot water with powder (+40 +60° C).
    • Hot water (+40° C).
    • Cold water.
    • Hot wax.
    • Osmosis.

    The process of washing a car looks like this: wash with hot water and foam, rinse with hot, then cold water, apply wax, let the water osmosis, which allows the surface of the car to dry quickly without streaks. For a self-service car wash you will need:

    • Control unit with payment devices.
    • Pump set.
    • Highway.
    • Console.
    • Pistols.
    • Dispensers.

    It is necessary to install treatment facilities. Their purchase will cost approximately 1 million rubles. Devices ranging in price from 90 to 400 thousand rubles are produced, so everyone decides for themselves what price level to choose in this category of equipment.

    Find the right place is one of the most important issues for future profitability. If there are few customers, the business will become unprofitable. The most advantageous places:

    • In parking lots.
    • Along a busy road.
    • In shopping center parking lots.
    • In the center of multi-apartment residential complexes.
    • Near car services.

    Such places are rarely free, but the infrastructure of cities does not stand still, new facilities are constantly being built, so it is possible to find a place with a large flow of motorists. It is advisable to choose business and shopping areas of the city, and it is better to set up a self-service car wash from scratch at the exit, rather than at the entrance of them. Many owners of such facilities install car washes immediately after a traffic light: the driver stands at the traffic light and looks at the surroundings, so he notices the car wash. If the object is not located on the road itself, but a little further away, bright banners or signs should be placed after the traffic lights within a radius of 1-1.5 km from the car wash.


    When opening a car wash, you need to register your company. This will require about 20,000 rubles. The most common organizational and legal forms for self-service car washes are LLC and individual entrepreneur. It is advisable to register an LLC if there are two or more investors. If the owner is alone, it will be easier and more profitable to register individual entrepreneurship. In this case, a code (OKPD 2) 45.20 is assigned. There are also advantages to opening an LLC - in the event of bankruptcy, the LLC will only have to sacrifice authorized capital, and the individual entrepreneur will be forced to part with personal property. An LLC is formed when it is planned to open several car washes and attract investment capital. After registering with the tax authority, you need to prepare a number of permits and other documents:

    • Permission from the local executive committee.
    • Project and settlement documents from construction company(project cost is about 2,000 per 1 sq. m).
    • Land plan.
    • Architectural and planning assignment.
    • Permission from the fire inspectorate.
    • Coordination with environmentalists.
    • Certificate from the SES.
    • Coordination of the project with the architecture department.
    • Administration decree on opening a car wash.
    • Coordination with the labor protection service.

    With an organized approach, it will take about 1-1.5 months to complete documentation and permits. Taxes can be paid using a simplified taxation system. If the list of documents causes difficulties with personal participation, you can use the services of a legal or consulting company, although this is another expense item.

    Opening checklist

    Is it profitable to open

    Of course, opening a self-service car wash around the clock is profitable if you choose the right location and ensure a constant flow of customers. Washing one car takes approximately 20-30 minutes. In an hour, 12 cars will be able to visit the car wash from 6 stations, provided that it is fully loaded. Theoretically, this turns out to be 288 cars per day. Of course, it is impossible to achieve such a workload. Fewer cars are washed at night and in the morning. However, there is no less than 100 cars per day, provided there is a well-promoted location. One car wash costs on average 250 rubles. You can later enable additional services, which will increase the cost to 500 rubles. With minimal demand and cost it will work.

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